What do pimples mean on different parts of the face? What do pimples on the face mean? The meaning of acne on the face, which organs to check

Skin imperfections reflect discord in the body and soul and are a signal of problems in the body. This is what they said in Ancient China, and traditional Chinese medicine still helps to decipher which organs are responsible for acne on the face and neck. Western doctors more often talk about the connection between the appearance of acne and diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and immune disorders. If acne does not occur randomly, then why does it appear in certain areas of the face? A map of facial zones responsible for certain organs will help answer this question.

The face is the “mirror” of the body and spirit

Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, states that certain organs in the body are associated with different areas of the face. They simultaneously carry information about the physical and energetic state of the human body systems. These ideas are so complex that any map of acne on the face is only a simplified reflection of the coherent TCM belief system.

One should take into account the “difficulties of translation”, namely the incomplete correspondence of the ancient Chinese ideas about the liver, gall bladder, lungs and heart with the modern anatomical classification of organs.

Areas of the face responsible for organs, acne in these areas will help the specialist more accurately identify the problem organ. But is there really a close relationship between internal diseases and appearance? Why does organ damage affect the formation of an inflammatory process in the skin?

The face speaks about our organs (video)

Acne areas on the face

The oldest medical direction - TCM - helps to decipher what signals the body sends to us through the skin. Modern cosmetologists and cosmetologists are able to “read” information from an acne map. Enough examples and evidence have accumulated about the connection between the location of acne on the face and disruption of the functioning of a certain organ.

Acne areas on the face and organs (figure and table):

Acne on the faceCauses of acne on the face by zoneWhat to do to get rid of acne
Chin, jaw, neck1. Diseases of the endocrine system.
2. Gynecological problems.
3. Digestive disorders.
4. Intoxication.
Visit an endocrinologist;
eat more foods with substances that regulate hormone metabolism (mint tea, omega-3 fatty acids).
1. Problems with the gallbladder.
2. Poor lymph circulation.
3. Hypovitaminosis.
Increase consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits;
avoid fatty foods;
cleanse the face with herbal decoctions to remove sweat and makeup;
make vitamin face masks.
Around the lips1. Excess of fried and spicy foods in the diet.
2. Approaching menstruation in women.
3. Harmful ingredients in toothpaste and lipstick.
4. Constipation.
Eat more foods rich in fiber;
reduce the amount of seasonings and fried foods in your diet;
consume light foods, do not burden the gastrointestinal tract at night;
change lipstick and toothpaste
Pimples on right cheek1. Difficulty in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
2. Food allergies.
3. Colds.
4. Lung diseases.
5. Excessive consumption of sweets.
6. Contamination of the pillowcase and the surface of the mobile phone.
Follow your diet;
avoid foods with allergens;
reduce consumption of sweets;
wipe your mobile phone with alcohol;
change bed linen more often;
cleanse your face thoroughly.
Rash on left cheek1. Problems in the functioning of the stomach and liver.
2. Overeating.
3. Stress
Forehead, bridge of nose and nose1. Excessive consumption of sweets.
2. Dirty hair and hats.
3. Toxins in shampoo and hairspray.
4. Routine violations, stress, depression.
5. Smoking, excessive drinking.
Take enterosorbents to remove toxins;
eat less meat;
reduce the amount of spicy, salty, sweet foods in the diet;
wash hair thoroughly, wash hats;
buy hypoallergenic shampoo and hair conditioner;
consume foods with vitamins A, E, C, group B.
Pimples on foreheadIf acne appears on the forehead, which organ is affected:
1. Intestinal problems.
2. Liver dysfunction.
3. Weak heart.
Wings of the noseInflammatory process in the bronchi.
Between the eyebrowsPathological process in the liver.

Comprehensive acne treatment

Pathogenic microbes and toxins in the human intestine gradually inhibit the functioning of the digestive system and the entire body. Metabolism deteriorates, immunity decreases, and therefore the protective functions of the skin suffer. This natural barrier can no longer cope with pathogenic microflora. In addition, the hormonal balance is disrupted, which affects the activity of the sebaceous glands. All this taken together increases the likelihood of acne formation.

And cosmetologists recommend taking into account the “acne map”, but not losing sight of the need for daily procedures. Antibacterial lotions and gels with anti-inflammatory properties receive the most positive reviews.

Treatment with bactericidal drugs and retinoids helps reduce the number of inflamed acne elements. The composition of complex therapy is also supplemented by hormonal agents that reduce the sensitivity of the skin to changes in steroid levels.

Enriching the diet with vitamin products and antioxidants normalizes the microflora of the skin, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of acne.

It should be emphasized that the symptoms of acne most depend on the hormonal balance in the body. Therefore, acne usually appears during adolescence and persists until the age of 18–25. After puberty, the activity of the sebaceous glands dies down, and acne becomes smaller. Although late acne often appears on the chin, mouth and jaw area after 25 years due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, chronic inflammatory process and hormonal imbalance.

In contact with

Pimples appear on the face for a reason. The cause of your rash can be either a careless attitude to the cleanliness of your skin or the presence of health problems.

What do pimples on the face mean?

Acne can occur for two main reasons:
  1. Improper hygiene care
  2. Problems in the body
In the first case, the person does not sufficiently pursue hygienic goals:
  • Doesn't cleanse your face enough
  • does not ensure that the skin breathes
  • does not wash off decorative cosmetics from the face
  • uses cheap cosmetics
  • does not moisturize the skin
Negligent attitude towards the cleanliness of your facial skin leads to the fact that it suffers: the pores become clogged with dirt, become inflamed and fester. In the second case, even if a person carefully monitors the cleanliness of his skin and applies only the right and high-quality cosmetics to it, acne can appear only because the body is experiencing disruptions. These could be hormonal imbalances, diseases of internal organs, or improper metabolism. A pimple map is a way to navigate and differentiate the parts of your face where pimples appear. It is believed that a pimple that appears in a certain place does it for a reason. Each area of ​​the face is closely connected with one of the internal organs or systems of the body. This way you can easily determine the cause of acne if you take care of your face. Based on the acne map, it is not difficult to find out which system of your body is suffering.

Map of acne on the face by zone

Specialists were able to divide the face into zones and, depending on the appearance of acne on the face, “draw” a map. Pay attention to your pimples, follow the pattern of their appearance and calculate the area where they appear most often. Find your “suffering” area of ​​the face on the map and then you will be able to determine which system of your body is failing. All areas of the face where acne appears can be divided into nine zones. If pimples appear too often in a certain area, you may have a serious illness and such rashes are trying to warn you about it in all sorts of ways.

Location of acne on the face and diseases

As already mentioned, there are nine main zones where “signaling” pimples most often appear. They appear:
  • forehead (in the center and on both sides)
  • eyebrows (above, below or to the side)
  • cheeks and eyes (in the eye area and throughout the cheek area)
  • nose (at the tip, side of the nose, on the bridge of the nose)
  • nasolabial fold (entirely around the mouth)
  • side of the face (these are temples on both sides, ears, corners of the eyes)
  • mouth (around lips)
  • chin (on the side of the face and at the tip of the chin)
  • ears (side of face)
It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness and beauty of your face first of all, because this is precisely the part to which people around you pay their utmost attention. The way you are perceived determines the attitude towards you and, in principle, your future. Eliminate rashes on the face by healing the body and curing diseases of the internal organs, focusing on the acne map.

If acne is on the forehead, which organ hurts?

Many people have noticed that from time to time their forehead suffers from acne. This is one of the most “popular” places for rashes. It is worth noting that any pimples that appear on the forehead and in the lateral area of ​​both brow ridges indicate that a person is experiencing disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Probably everyone has heard about the presence of the so-called T-zone in a person. This zone is known for the fact that it is where the maximum amount of sebaceous glands, as well as sweat glands, is concentrated. It is because of the active work of these glands that this area of ​​the face is regularly covered with an unsightly oily sheen. If you often experience acne on these areas of your face, you may have problems with:
  • stomach does not function properly
  • the pancreas does not work well
  • gallbladder doesn't work well
  • you have dysbiosis
  • you have gallstone disease
If a rash is present in the hair growth area, this is a signal of impaired functioning of the gallbladder or intestines. If you are tired of having them constantly present on your forehead, perhaps you should completely adjust your system and eating habits. Most often, rashes occur because a person eats unhealthy foods: fast food, fast food, an abundance of sweets and chocolate, mayonnaise and fatty foods, soda. Focus on completely different and healthy foods: fruits and vegetables, grains and cereals, milk, dairy products, whole grain bread. A frequent rash on your forehead may also indicate that the medications you are taking are harming you. You may be overusing antibiotics and vitamins, as well as hormones.

What do pimples on the bridge of the nose mean?

Every pimple on your face that appears due to malfunctions of the body. This is the release of toxins that the body is not able to eliminate naturally (through the intestines). The area between the eyebrows is also prone to frequent breakouts. This rash can be explained very simply - the liver is not working well. What factors influence this? Firstly, this may be due to excessive alcohol consumption, the appearance of acne is also affected by excessive consumption of fatty foods, and in some cases due to the consumption of dairy products (in this case, they must be completely excluded from the diet, like protein foods) . Passion for sports and a healthy diet will help improve liver function. You should also monitor your sleep and rest patterns. Try to sleep at least eight hours a day.

Pimples on the forehead and cheeks, what are they associated with?

If acne often appears not only on the forehead, but also on the cheeks, this may tell you that you have problems with the respiratory system. It is for this reason that frequent rashes on the cheeks appear in heavy smokers and, in some cases, in severe allergy sufferers. To get rid of acne that appears on your cheeks, you can try giving up cigarettes and taking anti-allergy medications. If you don't smoke or have never suffered from allergies, your rash may appear because your body frequently overheats. In this case, you will need to drink more water and chilled food. You should also reduce your consumption of sweets (to eliminate the possibility of banal diathesis) and increase your time in the fresh air: walk, jog and exercise outside every day. In this case, you should also adjust your diet: reduce the amount of fermented milk products consumed (they create an acidic environment), as well as proteins, sweets, alcoholic beverages and coffee. Eat healthy:
  • increase the amount of vegetables in your diet
  • eat a variety of fruits
  • drink more water
  • increase the amount of cereals and cereals

Pimples on the chin, what do they mean?

Unfortunately, very often acne appears on the chin. If you observe that they arise in this area constantly, most likely you suffer from impaired functioning of the endocrine and digestive systems. You can improve the functioning of these systems by regulating your diet:
  • You should eat plenty of fiber
  • Make sure that your body does not receive a huge dose of toxins
  • Drink plenty of herbal teas (they remove toxins and tidy up the digestive system)
If you do not observe these problems, then it may very well be that such rashes appear as a result of a malfunction of the female reproductive gland. This happens if the amount of male sex hormone predominates in a woman’s body. You can get rid of persistent acne on the chin, which almost never disappear, through a full examination by a gynecologist. You should undergo many blood tests, based on the results of which a specialist will determine your problem. Another cause of acne on the chin is frequent hypothermia. You may have a weak immune defense reaction, as well as the presence of various infections. A dermatologist and cosmetologist will help you get rid of annoying acne after treatment.

The meaning of acne on the nose and in the nasal area

The nose is the only part of the face that cannot give a definite answer about the cause of acne. In most cases, acne on the nose appears because this area is characterized by a large number of overly enlarged pores. This area also has increased fat content. In addition, this part of the body is constantly open. This factor negatively affects the healthy condition of the skin. The skin is constantly exposed to frequent pollution from the environment; the nose can be touched with dirty hands. The pores on the nose very often become clogged with dirt, which results in blackheads, inflammatory processes in the pores and purulent pimples themselves. Another cause of rashes on the nose is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Such dissonances and hormone surges most often occur to a person during the period of maturation, that is, in adolescence. The last cause of nose rashes is heart disease. Often, such rashes indicate that a person has problems with blood pressure and an imbalance of vitamin B in the body. To get rid of acne, you should also normalize your cholesterol level in the body, improve your diet (fill it with healthy foods). The simplest reason for the appearance of rashes on the nose may be a careless attitude towards the cleanliness of your skin. You should regularly remove dirt and cosmetics from your face, do not sleep with makeup on and wash your face with cleansing gels, foams, scrubs and use only high-quality cosmetics.

What do pimples on the cheeks mean?

If you do not have problems with the respiratory system or allergic reactions, then acne on the cheeks may occur for the following reasons:
  • bronchial diseases (inflammation, colds)
  • colds in the body (viruses and infections)
  • reaction to sugar and chocolate (avoid sweets)
Observations of people who experience frequent rashes on their cheeks also indicate that depressed people are prone to them.

Pimples on the side of the face, what are they talking about?

Pay attention to the pimples that appear on the side of your face:
  • Pimples that appear on the side of the eyes can “scream” to you that a person is experiencing dehydration
  • Pimples that appear in the ear area indicate the presence of health problems related to the kidneys (the diet should be adjusted)
  • If pimples cover your temples, then this tells you about problems with the gallbladder.

Many of us believe that acne is just a cosmetic defect, but this opinion is wrong. Everything in our body is interconnected, and the appearance of acne on the face in certain areas is a reason to pay attention to your health. After all, every part of our body is a kind of mirror, reflecting the work of internal organs.

Acne map on face

Our face can be divided into zones that reflect the work of a specific organ. And the appearance of rashes in one place or another indicates the presence of problems with the internal system of the body. The main areas of acne on the face and diseases of the organs associated with them:

  • Cheeks – respiratory organs;
  • Cheekbones – intestines;
  • Nose – pancreas;
  • Lower eyelids – kidneys and organs of the reproductive system;
  • Lips are organs of the digestive system;
  • Whiskey – kidneys, genitourinary system;
  • Chin – organs of the reproductive system;
  • The central part of the forehead is the digestive organs;
  • The area above the eyebrows is the digestive tract and heart.

But in order to determine the disease of a specific organ and understand what acne on the face means, it is necessary to examine each area of ​​the face more carefully.

The appearance of a rash on the cheeks

To find out the cause of acne in this area, it is necessary to consider the rashes according to their localization zones:

  • If the rash most often forms on the lower part of the cheeks or cheekbones, then you should pay attention to the condition of the intestines. Large painful pimples in this area are a clear sign of dysbiosis. Perhaps your body is signaling that the favorable intestinal flora has been disrupted, and it is unable to cope with toxins and harmful substances alone. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate analyzes.
  • If acne often occurs in the central region of the cheeks, then you should pay attention to the functioning of the lungs. Perhaps they have developed an inflammatory process that requires treatment. But don’t panic in advance, because pimples in this area can occur after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to air conditioning.
  • If acne appears on the cheeks, this is a sign of improper skin care, as well as the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Quite often, a rash is a sign of demodicosis. And if acne on the cheeks is accompanied by symptoms such as the appearance of red spots, itching, increased oiliness of the skin, and the spread of the rash to other parts of the body, then you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

What do pimples on forehead mean?

Most often, a rash in this area indicates hormonal disorders. And if it periodically occurs in this area, then you should get tested for the amount of testosterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, acne on the forehead can indicate problems with the following organs:

  • Top part. The area is responsible for the functioning of the large intestine.
  • Bottom part. Small intestine area.
  • Line along the hair. Pimples that appear in these areas indicate problems in the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • central part. A rash in this area is a clear symptom of a disorder in the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Area above the eyebrows. Inflammation can occur due to problems with the bladder or heart.

Quite often, an unbalanced diet, as well as the abuse of heavy foods, is the main cause of rashes in this area. Therefore, you should change your diet and exclude flour, fatty and sweet foods from it. If after this the rash does not go away, then you need to check the condition of the internal organs. In addition, the forehead area is very sensitive to certain medications. So, if you are taking any medication, especially a hormonal one, then you should not worry too much about rashes in this area.

The meaning of pimples on the nose

Acne rarely appears in this area, but comedones, or, as they are also called, blackheads, are localized here quite often. The reason for such a massive rash is that the maximum number of sebaceous ducts is concentrated in the area of ​​the nose. And with insufficient care and attention to the condition of the skin, or disturbances in the hormonal system, the outlets become blocked, which leads to the appearance of acne.

But rashes in this area may indicate the presence of such pathologies:

  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • inflammation of the bronchus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • stomach diseases.

In most cases, you can get rid of acne on the nose with careful care and the use of special cosmetics. But if the problem cannot be solved by these methods, then the functioning of the internal organs should be checked.

What do pimples on the chin mean?

This area is considered to be the “mirror” of the reproductive system, because in most cases, acne on the chin appears due to malfunctions of the pelvic organs. In girls and women, a rash means disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries and appendages. For men, rashes are a symptom of the development of prostatitis. If acne on the chin appears quite often, you should consult a urologist or gynecologist. It is also recommended to undergo examination by an endocrinologist, because a rash in this area may indicate a malfunction of the hormonal system.

Other causes of chin rashes:

  • excessive coffee consumption;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • stress and psychological tension;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.

The meaning of rashes on the temples

Acne on this area of ​​the face is quite rare. Therefore, if rashes occur in this area, you should be wary, because they can signal serious problems in the functioning of the gallbladder. And if the rash bothers you quite often, then you should be examined by an endocrinologist.

Moreover, acne in the temple area can signal the following disorders:

  • colon disorder;
  • failure in the circulation of lymphatic fluid;
  • lack of vitamins.

Sometimes a rash on the temples can appear due to hormonal imbalance caused by changes in the body during adolescence or after childbirth in women, as well as while taking certain medications.

Rash on the bridge of the nose

This area reflects the condition of the liver and bile ducts. If rashes often appear in this area, then an ultrasound of the internal organs should be done. The cause of liver dysfunction in most cases is excessive alcohol consumption and intake of fatty and heavy foods. Such products disrupt the functioning of the organ, after which it does not filter the blood well enough, and harmful substances are not removed from the body naturally, but exit through the surface of the skin. A rash may appear on the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows due to a stressful situation and nervous tension.

To get rid of acne in this area, you need to take a number of measures:

  • exclude alcohol;
  • give up fatty and fried foods;
  • check liver function;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Rashes around the eyes

This area is a “mirror” of the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Therefore, a rash, as well as any other skin defects in this area: swelling, swelling, redness, indicate diseases of these organs. Acne can also appear due to the following reasons:

  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • allergic reaction.

To treat a rash in this area, you cannot use conventional cosmetics, because they greatly dry out the delicate skin around the eyes. Therefore, in order to get rid of rashes, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of this phenomenon.

Rash in the nasolabial triangle

The main causes of acne in this area:

  • Disorders of the digestive tract. In this case, the rash is accompanied by symptoms such as constipation, flatulence and stomach colic.
  • Stress and nervous tension.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

Another cause of a rash in the nasolabial triangle may be a disruption of the heart, as well as problems with the circulatory system. Therefore, it would be useful to consult with a cardiologist if the rash in this area bothers you quite often.

But rashes near the lips do not always indicate serious illness. Small pimples with a white head may appear after depilation of this area. Thus, an allergic reaction to cosmetics or mechanical irritation occurs.

You can determine the cause of acne by its location. But to confirm the diagnosis, you will need to conduct an examination and consult a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate internal organs, relying only on the appearance of rashes in certain areas. After all, in this way you can cause irreparable harm to your health.

  • Causes of acne
  • Acne map on face
  • Preventive measures to combat acne
  • Tools Overview

Causes of acne

Not so long ago, recurrent acne on the face received the status of a disease called “acne”, or “acne disease”. The attitude towards them has also become more serious, not just as a local cosmetic defect.

A pimple is an inflammatory element. The process of inflammation is associated with the sebaceous gland. When the outflow of sebum is disrupted for some reason, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged and propionbacteria begin to multiply in them.

These microorganisms constantly live in human skin, but when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged, an ideal environment for their reproduction is formed, since the bacteria that cause acne are anaerobes, that is, they do not require oxygen from the air to synthesize energy.

To date, several factors have been studied that provoke disruption of the outflow of sebum and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Floury, sweet and fatty foods are often the causes of acne © iStock

Poor nutrition

Flour, sweet, and fatty foods are blamed for the appearance of acne - however, these three can be blamed for almost any health problem. Indeed, if you remove these foods from your diet, your skin will become noticeably clearer.

Prevention of rashes includes a healthy, balanced diet and the presence of essential vitamins in the diet. In particular, vitamins A, C, group B. To compensate for the deficiency of useful substances, you can take them in tablets or capsules.

Illiterate care

Oily skin is especially prone to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. That is why she needs products designed specifically for her. Cosmetics for other skin types will not be suitable - they are not able to remove excess fat, if we are talking about cleansing and moisturizing correctly (to normalize sebum production).

The ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged with excess sebum, which mixes with dead epidermal cells, particles of makeup, and everyday dirt. In this regard, when caring for oily skin, special emphasis should be placed on cleansing.

Obviously, touching your face with dirty hands or using unwashed brushes for cosmetics means provoking acne.

Hormonal imbalance

It is he who explains the occurrence of acne in adolescence, when powerful hormonal changes occur. Acne is traditionally associated with an excess of male sex hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone), which are also abundant in the female body.

To combat acne, products based on zinc, salicylic acid, and clay are produced. © iStock

And if estrogens (female sex hormones) suppress the production of sebum, then androgens (male hormones), on the contrary, stimulate it. In addition, the point is not so much in the excess of androgens, but in the sensitivity of the sebaceous gland receptors to them. Therefore, with the same hormone levels, one person will have acne and another will not.

Acne in a woman after 20-30 years is a reason to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.


These are mainly problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If there are problems with digestion (including as a result of poor nutrition), the balance of microflora is disrupted. This also affects the condition of the skin.

Digestive disorders lead to an excess of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, from where they enter the bloodstream and can negatively affect the condition of the skin, contributing to the occurrence of inflammation.

Emotional condition

For a person with problem skin, stress is a powerful risk factor. The pimple pops up at the most crucial moment, because this moment is associated with emotions and excitement.

“It is known that the stress hormone cortisol provokes increased production of sebum and, as a result, clogged pores,” explains Vichy brand expert Elena Eliseeva.

For the same reason, the connection between deterioration in skin quality and lack of sleep becomes clear. Lack of sleep is also stress for the body.

Stress and lack of sleep often trigger rashes. Avoid both. © iStock

Climatic factor

Subcutaneous mite

Demodex (subcutaneous mite) is a rather controversial cause of acne. It lives in the skin of 80% of people, but begins to cause trouble, including acne, only against the background of additional health problems or allergies to its waste products.

Acne map on face

Most often, the localization of the rash indicates that it is in this area that the sebaceous gland receptors are very sensitive to the effects of hormones. It is believed that the location of the rash can determine the nature of the problems in the body. In fact, dermatologists do not support this theory, but for general information we will still write about it.

“Favorite” places for acne to appear are the forehead, nose, and chin. © iStock

  1. 1

    Part of the so-called T-zone. There are many sweat and sebaceous glands located here, so the skin is often characterized by increased oiliness. It is believed that they are talking about diseases of the large and small intestines.

  2. 2

    In adolescence, it predominates in boys. If acne appears in this area in women, it makes sense to check the hormonal system and intestines.

  3. 3

    The nose is also a part where there are many sebaceous and sweat glands.

  4. 4


    Here, acne no longer appears in adolescence, but after 30. They are usually associated with hormonal disorders and gynecological problems.

Determining the severity of the disease

“Specialists divide the forms of acne according to the severity of the manifestation,” explains Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva. “Namely, what type of inflammatory elements are there and how many of them are on the face.”

The more rashes and inflammations, the more severe the disease. If we are not talking about single pimples, you should consult a dermatologist.

Many people in their lives face such a problem as the appearance of acne on their face. It concerns people of any gender and age. It happens that it is mistakenly associated with an incorrect cosmetological approach or external factors. But Chinese medicine has long confirmed acne connection with disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

What is a “pimple map” on the face?

In order to be able to independently determine which organs are associated with the appearance of acne, experts have developed a special map of acne on the face. It is a diagram reflecting the division of the face into special zones, for the state of each of which a separate internal organ is responsible.

Some experts identify about 7-8 zones on the map, while others insist on a more thorough examination of each area of ​​the face, dividing a specific zone into several more components.

Let's figure out which area of ​​the face is responsible for what.

In the figure, the face is schematically divided into acne zones and the name of the organs that caused the problem.


The forehead is one of the most vulnerable places for problem skin; it is part of the so-called “T-zone”, where the largest number of sebaceous glands are located. If not properly cared for, it is the forehead that collects all the pimples and blackheads. However, there are other causes of inflammation in this area.

There are at least three different areas on the forehead that are responsible for organs, although some experts identify more. The appearance of acne in the area located closer to the hairline indicates bladder problems. Additional signs include increased appearance of moles, pigmentation, psoriatic plaques, hair loss and irritation in this area of ​​the skin.

Also responsible for the bladder is the area located from the epiglottis of the neck to the chin. If you find a problem, you need to do an ultrasound of the bladder, providing a description to a specialist.

Inflammation in the central part of the forehead indicates disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. You may frequently eat sugary foods, foods containing supplements, medications, or vitamins. The body, unable to process large amounts of toxins and fats, expels them through the skin, which causes oily sheen and acne.

It is recommended to use enterosorbents, i.e. drugs to eliminate toxins. By absorbing harmful substances, they leave vitamins and minerals in the body. Enterosorbents do not have a specific taste or smell, they are completely eliminated from the body, the duration of use and dose depend on the age and weight of the person. The most common of these drugs is activated carbon.

This problem also requires a special diet (reducing the consumption of sweet, salty, fried, spicy), it is better to give preference to products containing vitamins A, E, C or take special vitamins for acne.

The area near the eyebrow growth line is responsible for the functioning of the heart., therefore, if you find inflammation in this particular part, you should contact a cardiologist, since the causes can be varied.


The temporal zone is associated with the work of the gallbladder: often its defects impede the outflow of bile, which in turn worsens the condition of the skin. In this case, drug treatment, a special diet that excludes foods that impede the flow of bile (fatty broths, sour berries and fruits, seasonings and sauces, sweets, eggs), and exercises are prescribed.

Additional symptoms in this case may be: weight loss, yellowing of the skin, decreased vision in the dark, dry mucous membranes and skin, bleeding, brittle bones, change in urine color. If, along with a gallbladder defect, vitamin deficiency is detected, which is often its consequence, a complex of vitamins is prescribed.

Vitamins can be taken not only to improve health, but also against acne! About what vitamins should be used for facial skin -.


Pimples located on the wings of the nose indicate bronchial diseases, in the center (mainly at the tip) - o heart problems. Possible disruptions in the circulatory system, arrhythmia. Recommended:

  1. Consume more vitamin B;
  2. Turn to physical exercise more often;
  3. Visit a cardiologist.

If inflammation is localized on the bridge of the nose, it makes sense to examine the stomach and pancreas, which, firstly, is responsible for the release of digestive enzymes into the duodenum, and secondly, performs the function of internal secretion.

Consequently, if there are problems with the pancreas, both the digestive process and the endocrine system can be disrupted. It makes sense to visit a therapist who will conduct an examination and prescribe tests, then, if necessary, an endocrinologist.

The main diseases of the stomach include:

  • Gastritis
  • Non-ulcer dyspepsia
  • Erosion of the stomach

The main symptoms of the disease: heartburn, pain in the epigastric region. A gastroenterologist is involved in identifying organ disease and treating it. Any of the diseases presented requires both drug treatment and a regular diet, as it interferes with the normal process of digestion and metabolism.


Scientists associate lesions of the skin of the lower cheeks with lung diseases. The right cheek is associated with the functioning of the right lung, the left – accordingly, the left. Insufficient saturation of the body with oxygen disrupts the functioning of many processes, as a result of which the skin also suffers.

If acne appears on the upper cheeks - look for a problem in the digestive system. It may be hiding in the small intestine. There are also two symmetrical points responsible for the condition of the mammary glands; they are located approximately in the center of each cheek, closer to the cheekbones. The damage to this acne area is an important signal to see a doctor.

If acne affects the area located on the gum line, the cause may be hidden there. Pay attention to whether your gums or teeth are causing pain.


The causes of permanent inflammation on the chin are varied: they can be caused by hormonal imbalance, pelvic organ disease, stress, lack of sleep, abuse of tobacco, alcohol and coffee.

Let's take a closer look at hormonal imbalances. Their main causes include: gynecological diseases, genetic features, stress, the menstrual period (in women), and lipid metabolism disorders.

In any of these cases, there is an increased release of steroid hormones that facilitate the passage of complex biochemical reactions. Due to their increase, the number of sebaceous gland cells increases, the ducts of the hair follicle become clogged with fat, and acne occurs. It is worth noting that stress, which puts stress on the adrenal glands, also causes an increase in the amount of male hormones.

For complete treatment of acne, you need to consult a specialist and undergo step-by-step hormone tests. Try eating more foods that can regulate hormone metabolism:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Tea with mint;
  • Lean fish.

Under the chin

Most likely, acne that appears under the lower jaw indicates problems with the digestive system or ovarian diseases(for women).

Among ovarian diseases, the most common are those caused by improper hormone production. They do not always have pronounced symptoms, but the consequences can be dangerous for the female body, so it is important to consult a specialist in time.

The cause may be Adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The cause of the appearance is often a cold infectious disease, as well as pathogens such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, gonococci, chlamydia.

The most common additional symptoms are:

  • Painful urination;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Discharges of various types;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

If any of the symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Pimples near lips

Most likely, the appearance of inflammation near the lips indicates previous stress, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal instability.

In women, it may indicate increased testosterone levels, especially if oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs are used. As a rule, acne in this case becomes large, painful, and permanent. Try to stop using them or replace them with others after consulting your gynecologist.

If no problems with hormonal levels are found, apply a diet: you need to eliminate fried foods, seasonings, and consume more foods rich in fiber. It is not recommended to consume any food at night! It loads the gastrointestinal tract, causing disruptions in the digestive system, which affects the condition of the skin.

It would be a good idea to change your toothpaste and hygienic lipstick. . Often inflammation means an allergic reaction.

Pimples around the eyes and ears

The main cause of problems in the eye and ear area is problems with the kidneys and urinary system. They are accompanied by swelling, circles and bruises. Another reason is dehydration. Remember, an adult should consume at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day; failure to comply with this recommendation causes disruption of the functioning of internal organs, problems with skin, hair, nails, the person becomes distracted, attention and concentration decrease.

This video discusses the main causes of acne depending on the area where it is located. The specialist dwells in detail on each reason, explaining the progression of the problem. Recommendations are given to help effectively cope with inflammation. According to the dermatologist, It is the digestive process that you should pay the most attention to.

Indeed, having understood the causes of acne, namely, diseases of the internal organs, we can identify the most common:

  1. Disturbances in the digestive system (whether it be diseases of the stomach, duodenum or intestinal blockage).
  2. In second place are hormonal imbalances, mainly accompanied by an increase in the amount of steroid hormones.
  3. Diseases of other organs (adrenal glands, lungs, heart, etc.).

After watching this video, you can determine your acne stage. Experts give a designation for each cause, recommendations for treating a certain stage of the disease, and warn people who are faced with a similar disease against common mistakes in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

So, the acne map allows each person to independently find out the cause of the rash and the source of the problem. By turning to a specific specialist, the patient shortens the path to recovery. The main thing is to determine the cause and begin competent treatment, while at the same time adhering to the general recommendations of doctors. The path to recovery can be short and even pleasant!
