If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, when is ovulation. Basal temperature control. Maintaining a temperature chart

To identify violations in reproductive system women, competent pregnancy planning, the right choice method of contraception, you should have a clear understanding of the menstrual cycle, the main element of which is ovulation.

Therefore, in this article we will try to reveal the main questions that most often concern women: What is ovulation? How to determine the right moment to conceive a baby? How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

What it is

Ovulation- translated from Latin means “egg” - physiological process V female body when a mature egg, ready for fertilization by sperm, is released from the ovarian follicle into abdominal cavity. In women, this process occurs periodically (every 21-35 days). It begins at puberty and lasts until menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy and postpartum period. For conception, this process is very important, because if ovulation does not occur, fertilization will not occur.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle- the period starting from the 1st day of menstruation and ending on the 1st day of the next one. Its average duration is 28-29 days, the maximum duration is 23-35 days. If less or more, then this indicates a failure in hormonal system women.

The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases. At normal cycle the first phase is 7-21 days. During this period, the female body prepares for possible conception- matures in the ovary dominant follicle, from which an egg will later emerge, ready for fertilization. After the release of their follicle, the egg enters the abdominal cavity, where it is captured in the ampulla of the fallopian tube and begins to move very slowly along it. If sperm meets on its way, fertilization will occur. The second phase begins from the moment of ovulation, which, regardless of the duration menstrual cycle, lasts 14 days (plus/minus 2 days). During the 2nd phase, the corpus luteum matures in the ovary at the site of release of the egg, which, in the event of pregnancy, will ensure its safety at first. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum will collapse, the egg will die, hormone levels will drop and menstruation will begin. That's it - one menstrual cycle ended and the next one immediately began.

Why know the symptoms and signs of ovulation

  • It will help you find out the favorable day to conceive a child.
  • Will help prevent unplanned pregnancy. But this is only possible if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle.
  • They will help in planning the gender of the unborn child. There is an opinion that sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation will lead to the birth of a male child, and 1-2 days before it - a female child. It is believed that sperm carrying male chromosomes are faster, but less hardy, therefore, if a couple wants a boy, then on the day of ovulation these sperm are able to get to the egg faster. Sperm that carry female chromosomes, on the contrary, are slow, but have high viability. If sexual intercourse occurred 1-2 days before the release of the egg, then the sperm with male chromosomes will all die, and the sperm with female chromosomes will swim to fulfill their purpose.

How to determine and find out the day of ovulation


Often, women can determine the day of ovulation without tests and analyzes - they just need to listen to their own feelings. This may be short-term aching pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side; swelling of the mammary glands; increased flatulence; mood changes (irritability, tearfulness); acute sexual desire.

The changes taking place in the body can not only be felt, but also seen. During ovulation, vaginal discharge changes its consistency - it becomes viscous, slightly foamy, similar to egg white, and its quantity increases noticeably. During gynecological examination the doctor will see changes in the cervix - it becomes looser, softer, changes its position and opens slightly.

Determining ovulation by basal temperature

If in the morning every day, without getting out of bed, you measure the temperature in the rectum for 5 minutes with the same mercury thermometer, noting the readings and constructing a graph from them, you can notice that the flat line of the readings will sharply decrease, and then the next day it will rise sharply - this decline is the day the egg is released from the follicle. The method is 70% reliable.

Calendar method

As you know, menstruation occurs after ovulation in 14 days (plus/minus 2 days). Thus, when regular cycle at 28 days, the release of the egg from the follicle will occur on days 13-14. We suggest determining the day of ovulation using the online calculator on the website.

The female body - a complex system, which is characterized by various processes. One of these is ovulation, during which the chance of getting pregnant increases significantly. If a couple wants to have a child, they should learn to determine this period and plan intimacy for it. How not to miss the right time for conception and is it possible to recognize the signs?

What is ovulation

This is the name of the stage of the menstrual cycle, which occurs approximately on the 14th day and lasts only 24-48 hours. What is the day of ovulation? Ovulation - what is it? This is the time during which the egg leaves the ovary and moves through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Conception occurs if a sperm is encountered on its way, an embryo begins to form, if not, similar processes of preparation for pregnancy are launched again and again.

The described process does not always begin in the middle of the cycle - there are deviations that are considered the norm. The frequency and duration of the phases depends on the activity of pituitary and ovarian hormones. In a healthy woman, the established process stops after pregnancy or deterioration of menstrual function. Favorable moments for conception are before the release of the egg from the ovary or immediately after.

When does ovulation occur?

Most women do not notice when ovulation occurs, because the process is not accompanied by obvious signs. It is believed that with a 28-day menstrual cycle, the egg matures on the 14th day, but for many it leaves the ovary a little earlier or later, depending on many factors. Life cycle eggs - no more than 24 hours. If she is not fertilized during this time, she quickly dies.

How does ovulation occur?

At the first stage of the menstrual cycle, the follicle matures, inside which the egg is located. While the latter is inside, pregnancy is excluded. The period of development of the egg can vary from 8 to 30 days, on average - about 14 days. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the follicle bursts and releases the female sex cell. The process of ovulation takes a moment; the release of an egg can occur at any time of the day. All subsequent processes are called the ovulatory period.

What happens after

Once in the abdominal cavity, the egg lives no more than 24 hours. If a few days before its release or during its progress there was full sexual intercourse, there is a high chance of conception. When the egg remains unfertilized, the level of sex hormones in the body decreases, resulting in the destruction of the uterine mucosa. After ovulation ovulatory cycle lasts 36-48 hours. Then, after 2 weeks, menstruation begins, and by this time a new egg begins to mature in the ovaries.

Signs of ovulation

What are fertile days? This is the name for the few days before the release of the egg and the day of release when a woman can become pregnant. Favorable time you can find out, calculate or guess about its occurrence based on certain signs. Symptoms of ovulation are subjective and manifest differently for each woman. Some of them:

  1. Increased sexual desire during fertile days. So nature made sure that the human race was not interrupted.
  2. Sudden mood swings, tearful state, changes in taste preferences associated with hormonal imbalance.
  3. Promotion basal temperature. To notice changes, you need to keep a chart and track your temperature daily. A few days before the described process and some time after it, an increase of several tenths of a degree becomes noticeable.
  4. Soreness of the mammary glands. The sign appears due to the activity of hormones that prepare the body for a potential pregnancy, but is not an accurate indicator (in addition, it appears immediately before the onset of menstruation).
  5. Crystallization of saliva. The symptom is detected with a special microscope. If you look into it, you can see that before ovulation, saliva resembles frost on glass.

Pain during ovulation

During the release of the egg, women may feel slight discomfort and experience slight soreness in the lower abdomen. Some people learn about a favorable time by nagging, aching pain on the side where the egg comes out. The discomfort can last from a few minutes to 2 days. Change hormonal levels leads to breast swelling and increased flatulence. Note - if your stomach hurts severely during ovulation, the subjective symptom is not necessarily related to the advancement of the egg.

Discharge before ovulation

Each phase of the cycle has its own consistency of cervical fluid. When there is no possibility of fertilization, it may be absent or sticky and thick. What kind of discharge occurs during ovulation? They become more noticeable, viscous, like egg white. Sometimes possible bleeding. During the examination, the gynecologist notes changes in the cervix - it opens more, becomes looser.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

The symptoms described above are subjective - their presence often indicates the fact of the release of the egg. For those who are not planning a pregnancy, this method is not suitable. Since different women There is a huge difference in the onset of the described process; it is difficult to guess the exact timing. How to calculate ovulation for conception? There are proven methods: using tests, keeping a basal temperature chart, ultrasound, blood tests.

Ovulation test

If you don’t trust your feelings, then how to check ovulation? Use tests. With a constant cycle, they should be used daily one to two weeks before the expected date. Before testing, it is advisable to refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours and from excessive fluid intake. If possible, it is advisable to use the method at a certain time of day. The simplest type of tests is paper. To get results, you need to collect urine in a clean container, put the test in there, and wait 5-10 minutes. If the test shows 2 bright, pronounced stripes, the girl is ready to conceive.

Body temperature during ovulation

Simple, free and effective method to detect ovulation and determine its duration. To get the correct picture, you need to take basal temperature measurements every day for several months. In the first half of the cycle, the indicators remain at the level of 36.2-36.5 degrees, in the middle there is sudden jump. Body temperature during ovulation is 36.8-37 degrees, decreasing after the release of the egg. Using these indicators, it is very easy to calculate the onset of a favorable moment.

Ultrasound for ovulation

You can't always feel the onset favorable period– during the process, a woman can look great, be in feeling good. If you can’t find out the egg release date yourself, you should do ultrasonography. Ultrasound to determine ovulation - reliable method, used in pregnancy planning. The examination will help to observe the enlargement of the follicle, the movement of a mature egg, the growth of the endometrium in the uterus, and identify the period suitable for conception.

How to stimulate ovulation at home

It’s good that when the egg matures, the body prepares itself monthly for the possibility of conception, and menstruation occurs regularly. Unfortunately, some people don't ovulate. long time, and it has to be stimulated. Methods:

  1. Induction with medicinal hormones. After the examinations, the doctor prescribes medications, draws up a calendar (schedule) for taking them, and taking tests. As a rule, Clostilbegit is prescribed to stimulate the maturation of the egg and the appearance of the ovulation period. When the follicle matures, it is prescribed simultaneous administration Rotten.
  2. Stimulation traditional methods. Decoctions of boron uterus, rose petals, red brush, and sage are recommended. Besides, ethnoscience suggests drinking aloe and quince juices, and eating mumiyo.

Video: how to determine ovulation

ON A NOTE! They can even provoke premature physical exercise. For example, if a woman lifts heavy objects or intensifies her workouts in the gym.


You can recognize the process of leaving the follicle by characteristic features . In some women, the symptoms are mild, while in others they cause significant discomfort. The asymptomatic ovulatory period occurs only in rare cases.

The main signs of the ovulatory period:

If these symptoms appear, this means that a process of release has occurred in the woman’s body. The assumptions can be confirmed, which necessarily increases during the ovulatory period.

REFERENCE! Symptoms depend on general condition woman's health. If the body is weakened or constantly exposed to negative factors, That

Every month hormonal changes, occurring in the body of a healthy woman of childbearing age, force the mature egg to leave and enter the cavity of the fallopian tubes, where it awaits fertilization. At this moment the probability of conception is highest. This must be remembered both by women planning and women using contraception. calendar method.

Ovulation will help determine the “pupil effect”: when examined in a gynecological chair on the day of ovulation, the doctor may detect an accumulation of clear mucus on the cervix in the area cervical canal, similar to a human pupil.

Menstrual cycle

In order to calculate on what day it will happen, you need to start from the duration of the menstrual cycle. It begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts until the next menstruation. Cycle length may vary. Some women with menstrual irregularities cannot even determine exactly how many days their cycle is. In this case, it will be difficult to correctly calculate the day of expected ovulation. The average cycle is 28 days. It can be longer or shorter. The normal range is 24 to 35 days.


During the menstrual cycle, hormones are produced that stimulate egg maturation. When it reaches full maturity, it leaves the ovary and moves into fallopian tubes. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, 10-16 days before the next menstruation. That is, if your cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur between the 13th and 19th day of the menstrual cycle.

There are two types of tests to determine ovulation. Some of them detect an increase in luteinizing hormone in the urine, others record ovulation by fern-like crystallization of saliva.

The egg is viable for 24 hours after release. If fertilization does not occur, then she dies. In addition to theory, there are also practical symptoms, characterizing the onset of ovulation. Many women experience engorgement and pain in the mammary glands. May be noted bloody issues. Vaginal discharge change their structure, becoming more viscous and transparent. These days, a woman’s sexual desire usually increases - this is how nature gives a signal for procreation.

Abdominal pain may also be present. These sensations can be quite painful if a woman has it in the pelvis. The whole complex of these symptoms is called ovulatory syndrome. The basal temperature chart will also help you determine it. The method involves daily temperature measurement immediately after waking up before any physical activity. Temperature can be measured rectally or orally. On the day of ovulation, the temperature usually rises by 0.25-0.5°C.

The mysterious process of birth interests every woman, because it happens inside her, causing many different sensations - delighting and at the same time alarming, but ultimately making her the happiest mother. Woman making plans future life, weighs the possibilities, listens to his desires. Therefore, she is interested in everything related to the birth of a child. Family planning – reasonable approach to using your life.

A woman’s chance of becoming a mother begins precisely from the moment of ovulation. Conception and ovulation are inseparable concepts. Therefore, I would like to know on what day ovulation occurs, what it is, how to detect and recognize it. Once you have determined your ovulation day, make regular attempts to conceive. But what to do next is quite clear - prepare to become a mother.

To begin with, ovulation must be defined as a certain stage of the menstrual cycle (ovarian). But this explanation will not give a complete picture of ovulation. Let's take a closer look.

Features of the menstrual cycle

At some point, a mature female cell (egg) emerges from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity - this is ovulation. Ovum is translated from Latin as “egg”. From this moment on, the mature egg has the opportunity to be fertilized. It also happens that a couple of times a year the egg is not at all ready for fertilization. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

At the moment of ovulation, a gap forms in the follicle. As the egg exits through this rupture, it begins to travel down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. It is during this movement that the egg can become fertilized. If this does not happen, then she will die within 24 hours (according to various sources - within 12-48 hours). The time of her “life” refers to the period of ovulation.

When does it come?

The onset of ovulation can be determined in several ways.

First: calendar. During a woman's childbearing years, ovulation occurs periodically every 22-35 days. The ovulation rhythm (or phases of ovulation), individual for each organism, changes after an abortion - for 3 months, after childbirth - for a year, and also after 40 years - in preparation for menopause. When pregnancy occurs, as well as after the menstrual cycle fades, ovulation stops altogether. That is, the physiological process of ovulation in the female body is observed from the moment of puberty until the development of menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy.

Its onset can be calculated by the calendar dates of menstruation.

Note! Basically, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle if this cycle is 28 days. Deviations from this schedule still occur, but are the norm. The longer the cycle, the later ovulation: with a 30-day cycle – on day 15-16. The reliability of this method is 30% because modern women They often experience irregularities in their menstrual cycle.

Second: tactile. Allows you to determine upcoming ovulation based on fairly subjective signs. However, it is generally accepted that during and before ovulation, the discharge from the cervix is ​​less viscous. Based on this sign, a woman who is attentive to herself can determine the readiness of her body for conception.

The so-called “fern phenomenon” helps to navigate - crystallization of cervical mucus in the form of a “fern leaf” ( laboratory test). The figures of the same sheet also give rise to women’s tears, saliva, nasal mucus. The nature of crystallization is interconnected with the level of estrogen in the female body, as well as with the ratio of progesterone and estrogen. The "fern leaf" crystallizes in the absence of ovulation.

Third: by basal temperature. This method was previously used primarily, since for quite a long time it was considered the most reliable. The fact is that body temperature (rectal - in the rectum) on the day of ovulation is the lowest, but rises sharply the next day. To detect such a jump, it is necessary to carry out monitoring - measure the temperature daily throughout the entire period. monthly cycle, or better yet, two cycles. This is done in the morning, without getting out of bed, then a graph is drawn up that will display the race. Reliability – 90%.

Fourth: modern. The use of new medical developments allows you to quickly and accurately determine the ability of your eggs to fertilize. One of them is an indicator test that is sensitive to the levels of hormones in your body. An increase in hormone levels is a signal of the beginning of the ovulation process. The test is applicable to both urine analysis and saliva analysis. The most accurate is a blood test for hormones in the laboratory.

If all of the above methods do not detect the onset of ovulation, then, most likely, the maturation of the egg is delayed.

Note! Ovulation may not occur. This is called anovulation.

Even the healthiest woman’s egg does not allow itself to mature in every cycle. 2-3 cycles a year with anovulation are quite normal. But with age, the number of such cycles increases. Menopause or pregnancy also lead to anovulation.

In addition, the reasons for the lack of ovulation may be suffered by a woman stress, inflammation of the genitals, hormonal imbalances, taking certain medications ( hormonal drugs), dysfunction thyroid gland, adrenal cortex or tumors of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, leading to dysfunction of the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovarian system. As a result, anovulation develops, which absolutely leads to female infertility. If you suspect this circumstance, all your aspirations should be directed to a doctor, and your thoughts should be that there is always a chance!

After discovering the reason for the lack of ovulation, specialists resort to the procedure of stimulating it with the help of special medications.

It should be noted that apart from such artificial stimulation, no other method can help. And the answer to this question can only be given by Mother Nature, who keeps this process secret. A woman’s task is to control her condition, study her cycle and improve her health.

And one day you will recognize your readiness to conceive, even if you don’t understand what day ovulation occurs.

The very first and a clear sign During ovulation there were always short-term pains in the lower abdomen. Gynecologists explain this pain by stretching the walls of the ovary, as well as by the fact that the burst follicle releases fluid. The role of this fluid is that it provokes contraction fallopian tubes and uterus, which is accompanied by pain.

And then the onset of ovulation will be indicated by intense vaginal discharge, changes in rectal (basalt) temperature (according to the schedule you created), as well as an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. In addition, an ultrasound will show you the dynamics of the rupture of follicles and the release of an egg capable of fertilization into “free floating.”

The color of the discharge is usually pinkish or slightly reddish, but should not be intensely red, since there should not be a lot of blood. Uterine bleeding rather life-threatening.

1st day menstrual cycle - the beginning of the follicular ( menstrual phase). Several follicles grow in the ovaries.

C 7 day and until the middle of the cycle - the ovulatory phase. The main, dominant follicle is determined - the Graafian vesicle, in which the egg matures.

14th day(with a 28-day cycle) – ovulation. The Graafian vesicle bursts, releasing the egg, ready for fertilization. In the following days, the egg travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus. Its “life” time is 24-48 hours, although the facts even speak of 5 days.

15th day– beginning of the phase corpus luteum. The period after the day of ovulation until the start of the next menstruation. A burst follicle gathers its walls like a closing tulip. Luteal pigment and fats color them yellow. Now this follicle (Graafian vesicle) acquires a new name - the corpus luteum.

Important and interesting facts

I. The maximum probability of conception (33%) occurs directly on the day of your ovulation. The day before your ovulation day it is 31%, 2 days – 27%. These numbers indicate very high chances. But 5 days before ovulation or the day after it, the chance is negligible.

II. A competent study of the menstrual cycle and an accurate determination of the day of ovulation allows not only conception, but also the choice of the desired gender of the child.

III. If you want to get pregnant, it is not necessary to have sex on the day of ovulation. This is ineffective, since your egg, with its ability to “live” for a maximum of 48 hours, has time for conception only during the day of your ovulation, and the next day the probability becomes minimal. But your partner’s sperm “live” longer – at least a week. Therefore, they can be “invited” into the fallopian tubes during this week before your big day.

IV. Ovulation for the ovaries is a huge responsible job. If once one of the ovaries has completed it, then the next time this mission is entrusted to the other ovary, since the first one needs a good “rest”. The nagging nature of the pain in the ovarian area will make it possible to determine which of them is “serving its watch.”

V is the most important. Do not be mistaken in calculating the timing (determining the day of ovulation): what is important is not when the next menstrual cycle begins, but when the previous one ended. Make calculations based on these considerations.

On what day does ovulation occur is important to know in order to choose the best time for natural conception, artificial insemination for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Unlike animals, man is not so fertile as to achieve conception at every opportunity. The advantage of deciding belongs rather to nature (or to God, whoever wants to think). Healthy woman Having only 3 chances a month to get pregnant, she can take advantage of only one. However, you need to know that with age the chances decrease. But any difficulty can be overcome. If you arm yourself with knowledge, feel every cell of your body and prepare yourself, you will competently and carefully approach achieving your goal. Then nature will give you a gift - you will become a mother.


For more information on calculating the day of ovulation, see below:
