Why does an unmarried girl dream about menstruation? Why do Vangas dream about menstruation? Why do you dream about menstruation?


Dreams are amazing and mysterious phenomena that have not yet been given a scientific explanation. Some people consider them to be a kind of window through which the sleeper enters another world and lives part of his life in it. Others are sure that this is just a game of the subconscious that reproduces the events of past days. Many people are afraid of visions in which menstruation appears. This is explained by the fact that in reality blood is associated with pain and various unpleasant events. But maybe everything is different in a dream? Let's learn about this from reliable sources.

Each interpreter has his own opinion:

Amedea's dream book, as well as some other interpreters, believes that menstruation portends serious health problems, which will require huge financial costs. Try not to do rash things that could lead to trouble.

What does the abundance of critical days indicate?

Heavy bleeding may indicate serious problems related to blood loss. It could be an accident or surgery. However, if it was not the dreamer himself who had his period, but another person, it means that in the near future the sleeper will receive a worthy reward for his actions.

According to Smurova’s dream book, scanty periods foreshadow the solution to familiar everyday issues, some of which you have put off “for later.” Nostradamus is sure that this plot points to problems that you have invented, because of which you can ruin your life.

Felomena's dream book considers bleeding with clots as a sudden deterioration in health, due to which you will have to remain in bed. This image may also indicate serious financial difficulties.

Painless periods indicate the arrival of close relatives

If a pregnant woman dreams about menstruation

For women in this position, a dream in which they dreamed of menstruation is considered a favorable symbol. This indicates an easy birth and the birth of a healthy baby, endowed with a lot of talents. Some dream books warn that too much bleeding promises premature birth, but the baby is not in danger.

If you dream that your period has begun, but in reality this moment has not yet arrived, it means that you can no longer wait for the “red days of the calendar”. Apparently, you simply did not notice the first signs of pregnancy, while the little baby is already alive and actively developing.

If your hands are stained with menstrual blood, then this may indicate a generational curse that has been destroying the life of the dreamer and his loved ones for a long time. Remember, evil fate will haunt your family until you ask God for forgiveness for the sins of your ancestors.

Menstrual blood on clothing, body, or floor

Dreams in which household items, clothing or body parts were stained by menstruation are rarely described by interpreters in a positive way:

  • modern - you will need help;
  • universal - you will find yourself in an awkward situation;
  • English - the thing you were hoping for will suddenly “slow down”, which will cause you a lot of inconvenience;
  • Grishina - a secret that you considered shameful will become public;
  • eastern - if another person’s clothes are stained with blood, it means that an absurd accident will quarrel between you and your best friend;
  • if your periods were so heavy that they flowed down your legs, then you need to be more careful, since a rash act can lead to dire consequences;
  • menstruation on bed linen indicates that they want to trick you;
  • if drops of menstrual blood are on the furniture, it means that an unpleasant situation will take you by surprise. Try to pull yourself together and prepare for any realities in life;
  • a floor smeared with blood is a sign that in a difficult situation there will be no one to help you. Therefore, you will have to solve the problem yourself;
  • if your period ends up on personal hygiene items, then this indicates that you are stubbornly trying to get involved in something that doesn’t concern you at all.

For a pregnant woman, menstrual blood promises the birth of a strong baby

Menstrual blood seen in the toilet symbolizes a happy future - without problems and unhappiness.

Some intimate details

Amedee's dream book states that if in a dream an unfamiliar girl started getting her period, it means that in reality you will learn some intimate detail from the life of your friend. Perhaps this is exactly what will become the reason for breaking off the relationship.

Black menstrual blood, oddly enough, is a positive sign. It promises recovery for sick people, and improved well-being for healthy people.

For a child, menstruation portends dreary days, a quarrel with loved ones. If a girl notices bloody stains on her clothes, it means that teachers and classmates will treat her more coldly.

Menstruation during sex is a symbol of dissatisfaction with a partner. Perhaps you just need to discuss with your chosen one the points that do not suit you. This will not only help solve the problem, but will also allow you to become even closer.

Waking up in a pool of blood means that you are too stressed and need to rest. An amazing event in life is reported by a vision in which blood clots were discovered on a gynecological examination chair.

You dream of an unpleasant smell of menstrual flow if you have complexes that interfere with your personal life. Try to understand yourself. And remember that by getting rid of accumulated fears, you will make your life much better.

Video: why do you dream about menstruation - expert opinion

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that dreams about menstruation most often signal health problems for you or your loved ones. Therefore, you should not ignore them. It is better to undergo timely diagnosis, which will help identify the disease and eradicate it at an early stage. I wish you good health and pleasant dreams!

The article on the topic: “dream book heavy periods, lots of blood” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Critical days are a purely feminine attack, so it is believed that only representatives of the fair sex can see such a dream. However, oddly enough, men can also see such a plot from time to time. Why do you dream about heavy periods? You should remember all the details of what you saw, and the interpreters will answer what life is about to bring to you.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

It is very good, according to this interpreter, to see heavy bleeding in a dream for those who are preparing to become a mother. Such a dream promises the birth of a healthy baby, who, moreover, will turn out to be very talented.

And for a girl who recently got married, such a plot promises an early pregnancy.

Does an unmarried girl dream of severe bleeding? Her health will deteriorate. And if a sick person saw such a dream, he will soon recover.

Unpleasant consequences

Do you see a dream in which your period began? Remember what consequences they entailed.

  • Got your clothes dirty? Empty talk awaits you.
  • Did it come through the gasket? Get ready for minor misunderstandings.
  • Got your feet dirty? There is a high risk of finding yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
  • Did the guy have this dream? Excessive curiosity.

Why does a woman dream of heavy periods, which, moreover, began earlier than expected? As the Eastern Dream Book says, in reality the sleeping person is exhausted by nervous experiences. Maybe she is afraid of an unplanned pregnancy, or, on the contrary, she cannot become a mother.

Why a woman dreams of heavy periods is also explained by the Modern Dream Book. If they start suddenly, keep an eye on the time - there is a high probability of being late for a meeting that you have been planning for a long time.

Meaning for men

It has already been said that a man can have such a strange dream. Now we should remember who exactly such a misfortune happened to. If during sleep a representative of the stronger sex dreams of his own blood on his underwear, in reality he is too curious and even gets involved in matters that have nothing to do with him. You should reconsider your line of behavior, the dream book advises, otherwise there is a high chance of getting into an unpleasant situation.

Was there blood from menstruation on women's panties? In reality, the sleeper will not have the most pleasant moments with the person who owned the linen. According to Pastor Loff, such a dream says that feelings for this woman are no longer what they were before, and will soon disappear completely.

Is the sleeping man a married man, and he saw blood on his wife’s underwear? It may also happen that this family will soon face a difficult divorce process. If you don't want to be alone, you should understand what's wrong in the relationship and try to fix it. Maybe it will be possible to save the marriage?

Unpleasant moments

In your dream, was the bleeding so profuse that it ended up on your legs? In reality, you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation, warns Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book. As a result of this incident, you will not only find yourself very offended, but also in a very humiliating position.

Why might you dream of menstruation so strong that it stains not only your clothes, but also your bed? According to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream indicates that ill-wishers are spreading dirty rumors behind your back. Be on your guard and do not allow your good name to be tarnished.

Do you dream that due to excessive bleeding you do not have time to change absorbent products? As the Spring Dream Book says, you are so immersed in the bustle of everyday life that you have forgotten about something truly important. Try giving yourself more time.

What can menstrual blood mean in a dream?

A person spends a significant part of his time in sleep, but everyone has their own attitude towards them. Some people don’t attach much importance to them, but for the most part, naturally suspicious women believe that important warnings and decisions come in dreams. Some young ladies happen to see blood from menstruation in their dreams.

general information

Menstruation in a dream is assessed ambiguously by dream books. If a girl or woman dreams of menstrual blood, she should try to remember all the details of the dream. Its shades matter, as well as a person’s personal experiences.

It is believed that menstruation in a dream portends a girl or woman an imminent illness. But this opinion is ambiguous. Other dream books interpret bleeding in a dream somewhat differently: danger threatens “blood” relatives.

Different sleep scenarios

Not only the type of menstrual blood matters, but also the situation in which it appears. Menstrual blood may be released sparingly or, conversely, too abundantly. Many young ladies dream that the “critical days” have come suddenly, and they have neither a pad nor a tampon at hand.

Menstruation can be dreamed of during pregnancy. Many women experience such dreams even during menopause. The most unpleasant are visions in which menstrual blood flows down the legs, as well as when a woman stains clothes or furniture with blood. If a young lady dreams that she cannot change the gasket, this often indicates suspiciousness. Such a person is very anxious, he has a lot of psychological and emotional pressures.

Dream book dream book discord

Many people today do not believe either dream books or omens. This is explained simply: in the old days the mortality rate was very high. In the villages where many dream interpretations were “born,” young girls and women died very often. For this reason, many dreams, especially those related to “unclean” blood, promised trouble to a person.

In approximately the same way, menstrual blood in a dream is interpreted by the Eastern dream book. If the person who sees menstrual blood in a dream is a man, then a major scandal awaits him in the near future. If you happen to see menstruation in a dream during the day, then you should not pay attention to it. Such a vision is considered empty.

Modern dream books give different answers to the question of why you dream of blood and menstruation. If a woman sees her discharge, then she needs to pay attention to her own well-being. If a pregnant woman dreams of menstruation, then this vision is considered favorable. The dream can foretell a successful outcome of childbirth and the birth of healthy offspring.

Today dreams are deciphered according to the following dream books:

The esoteric dream book provides fairly truthful information.

What is Miller talking about?

Miller's dream book offers two interpretations of the dream. If a young lady who recently got married sees menstrual blood, this means that pregnancy will soon occur. When an unmarried lady dreams that she has her period, the dream is of a warning nature. A woman should pay close attention to her health. Perhaps in the near future, incompletely cured or hidden pathological processes will make themselves felt.

Particular attention should be paid to intimate health. If a patient sees a lot of blood in a dream, this means that in reality she will have an operation and a long recovery period.

What is Sigmund Freud talking about?

It is generally accepted that every dream “according to Freud” means certain problems with libido. It is not always so. Seeing bleeding in a dream, according to this dream book, can mean the emergence of problems. Perhaps the person who has such a dream suffers from “chronic” tardiness. Problems in reality can arise precisely because of the inability to properly manage your time.

What is Danilova talking about?

According to Danilova, seeing blood from menstruation in a dream means loss. A dream that has come may be a warning. A person may soon lose something important. This can be not only work or a relationship with a loved one, but also something spiritual. Perhaps a person who happened to see menstrual blood in a dream is faced with making a very difficult decision.

When trying to decipher what a dream means, you should pay attention to the day of the menstrual cycle.

If you dream of bleeding like a woman a day or two before your actual menstruation, you should not attach much importance to the vision. The lady simply knows that “critical days” are about to begin, and the body preparing for this suggests the corresponding “picture”.

What is Longo talking about?

Why do you dream about menstruation? The white magician Yu. Longo gives a negative interpretation of this vision. If a young lady dreams that she has started her period, this may mean some kind of obstacle that can be related to both work and personal life.

An obstacle can arise unexpectedly, cause the girl a lot of emotional unrest and even become fatal. Longo believes that a woman will not be able to overcome him. In addition, we can talk about the spiritual alienation of spouses or people in a relationship. A crack in a relationship may arise against the backdrop of some event.

What does the esoteric dream book say?

A girl may dream that she is about to have her “critical days.” If menstruation cannot come, in reality this means that a person is waiting in vain for help from close relatives. The solution to the problem ultimately falls entirely on the shoulders of the dreamer and it is not a fact that he will cope with it.

If menstruation occurs without blood, this means that the problem is not as serious as it seems to the dreamer.

When spotting appears unexpectedly, it threatens the development of a serious illness. In addition, it can warn of imminent and inevitable loss. When a woman sees menstrual blood flowing down her legs, we may be talking about an uncontrollable situation.

What is Vanga talking about?

Why do people dream about menstruation, according to Vanga? A Bulgarian fortune teller connects menstrual bleeding with news from relatives.

In some cases, this dream means “blood feud” or a serious conflict with relatives.

If a person notices a menstrual stain on his clothing, feels ashamed of it and tries to get rid of it or hide it, this is a serious warning. A person should not blindly trust even the closest people. There is a possibility that at a critical moment they may let the dreamer down.

Other meanings

An ancient Persian dream book states: menstrual blood, which has long been considered “shameful” and “dirty,” means that in reality a person is burdened by some kind of secret. It can be either personal or belong to someone else.

Sometimes in a dream, “critical days” can be experienced by an overly curious person who in reality minds her own business. This dream is a warning. A “natural defect” will contribute to getting into a very unpleasant situation. There is another meaning of such a dream. In reality, a woman who has dreamed of her own menstruation may be busy doing something other than her own, which takes up a lot of her energy and strength.

If the dreamer notices that he has stained someone else's furniture with secretions, this means exposure or shame in reality. A person’s conscience may be unclean, which will soon be revealed. This can happen suddenly, and the dreamer will be unable to defend himself or justify himself.

Is it worth believing?

A vision is not always a warning. Priests of various faiths generally believe that most visions are “from the evil one” and should not be believed. But sometimes people have prophetic dreams. Russians traditionally consider Christmastide to be the most favorable time for such dreams. You should expect them from 6 to 7, from 13 to 14 and from 18 to 19 January. Dreams from Thursday to Friday do not always come true.

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Menstruation in a dream - for better or worse

Why do you dream about menstruation? The interpretation of menstruation in the dream book is contradictory. Some sources predict relief from past troubles and the beginning of something new. Others talk about having serious health problems. What can a dream with menstruation warn about? The big difference lies in who dreamed of menstruation - a child, a woman or a man. If a woman dreams about it, this is a completely normal phenomenon, but for a man or a child, it is something unpredictable and out of the ordinary.

General interpretation of dreams about menstruation

Menstruation is associated with something intimate, personal, special. Blood symbolizes vital energy, family connection. If you dreamed of heavy bleeding and severe blood loss, you need to prepare yourself for big troubles. This may be related to health, status, position in society or personal life. If a dream about menstruation does not cause concern, you need to wait for changes, abandonment of the old, new promising acquaintances and proposals. Menstruation in the dream book does not take into account all the nuances that are present during sleep. And the interpretation largely depends on them.

Good sleep with the presence of menstruation

Without getting out of bed, you need to clearly remember all the details of the dream. Assess your feelings in dreams and in reality. If there is no feeling of anxiety or fear inside, it means that you dreamed of menstruation for good. Then remember the environment of the dream. Who was there, where did it all happen? By these symbols you can determine in which area changes are coming.

Menstruation in the dream book is regarded as a warning about health problems. In some cases, the interpretation of a dream is completely opposite. A woman may dream about menstruation on the eve of menstruation. You just need to be prepared for this, buy pads and tampons. Postpone relaxing on the river in the sauna, if this was planned. A dream about menstruation indicates the absence of pregnancy. Very often, a delay in menstruation makes women nervous about an unwanted pregnancy. If you dream of blood, there is either no pregnancy, or it will fail. If you dream about menstruation in passing, the woman’s health is in perfect order. Everything is going as usual. If a pregnant woman had a dream about her period on the eve of giving birth, the dream notifies her that it is time to pack her things for the maternity hospital.

Menstruation can be a sign of a new interesting acquaintance, a whirlwind romance, or passion. If a woman is lonely, a dream with menstrual blood foreshadows a long-awaited meeting with a man. The event will change your whole life. It is possible that he will become your soulmate. If you dreamed of menstruation in bed with your loved one, then it’s time to reveal your secret sexual desires. The time has come to put them into practice.

Dreaming of menstruation in the workplace speaks of changes in this area. They will offer you a promotion, a transition to a new position, new working conditions. What you expected and hoped would happen. If you dreamed of menstruation in a work environment, you can wait for a new employee who will become a friend or girlfriend. Heavy periods in a dream foreshadow a change in management. This event will have a positive impact on your future fate.

Unfavorable sleep with menstruation

If after a dream where there is blood, menstruation, anxiety, apprehension, disgust appears inside and you simply feel uneasy, you need to prepare for changes for the worse.

Blood and menstruation mean a problem with the genitals, loss of strength, lack of vital energy. A dream where menstruation is present can warn of hidden diseases. It is necessary to pay attention to your health, if necessary, visit specialists and undergo examination. If you dream of heavy bleeding during pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage. Contrary to the fact that some dream books foretell a happy birth and a healthy child.

If you dreamed of heavy, painful periods, you are about to part with your loved one. If a man sees menstruation on a woman in a dream, he will accuse her of treason. The situation foreshadows disappointment, betrayal, regret.

A dream with menstrual blood warns of intrigue, an awkward situation, gossip, shame. Something will be revealed that had to be carefully hidden. Disappointment at work, denial of promotion. A situation will arise that will change your life, and from which it will take a long time to get out.

If you have a dream about menstruation, a woman needs to be prepared for the fact that changes are coming. And whether they will be good or bad, you need to look at the environment and sensations.


  • You are experiencing sudden abdominal pain.
  • And I’m already quite tired of long, chaotic and painful periods.
  • You do not have enough endometrium to become pregnant.
  • Discharge that is brown, green or yellow.
  • And for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case.
  • In addition, constant weakness and ailments have already become a firm part of your life.

An effective remedy for the treatment of endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, unstable menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases exists. Follow the link and find out what the chief gynecologist of Russia recommends to you

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Why do you dream about blood during your period?

A dream is a reflection of a person’s inner world. Hidden desires and experiences find themselves in him. Often people do not attach importance to their premonitions and do not trust their own intuition. During the day, everyone is busy with work, chores with children and housework. Thousands of different things haunt a person and do not give him the opportunity to discern the secrets of the universe.

At night a saving dream comes. It allows you to relax and gain new strength for future life. During sleep, various images appear from the depths of the subconscious. Bizarrely intertwined, they can paint the most incredible pictures. Do not be afraid of dreams, because they only reflect the work of the subconscious. Often they also contain a rational grain that can be explained.

All phenomena, simple and complex, are found in human dreams. Almost everyone can remember a dream in which blood is present. Although it looks scary, it does not always portend trouble or bad events. It has long been believed that seeing blood in a dream does not mean anything terrible. Almost all dream books agree that such an image warns of a meeting with a relative or of receiving news from him.

Menstrual blood in a dream has a special interpretation. It is worth paying more attention to such a dream and trying to remember the smallest details. To do this, it is enough not to jump out of bed immediately after waking up. Mentally you need to remember the entire dream, experience it from beginning to end, and then you can find out exactly why you dream about menstrual blood.

Blood menstruation - Miller's dream book

Probably the dream book will please the pregnant woman the most. The menstrual blood she saw in a dream guarantees the birth of a healthy child. In addition, Miller promises that the baby will have a variety of talents and abilities. For a girl who recently got married, such a dream indicates an imminent pregnancy.

If a woman who is not married dreams about the blood of her period, she needs to check her health. Many problems may not manifest themselves immediately, but accumulate over years. It is worth paying attention to women's health. For a sick person, the image of menstrual blood promises long-term treatment and the possibility of surgery.

Freud's Dream Book - Why do you dream about menstruation?

Seeing menstrual blood in a dream means that a person will not be able to arrive on time to where he is going. He will certainly be late, be it an important event or an ordinary meeting. However, you can try to correct this prediction. You just need to have some extra time and leave the house in advance.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Here, dreaming of menstrual blood speaks of an obstacle that no one expects. Most likely, you won't be able to cope with it. An unpleasant event will prevent the girl from meeting her loved one and alienate them from each other.

Menstruation in a dream - esoteric dream book

Sometimes a woman dreams that her menstruation should begin, but does not begin. Such a dream indicates that there is no help from relatives. There is a specific problem that they could help solve. However, the expectations will be empty.

The unexpected onset of menstruation warns of a serious illness or loss. The more blood, the more serious the problem. If you dream that menstrual blood flows down your legs, this indicates that the situation is uncontrollable.

Blood of menstruation in a dream - Danilova’s dream book

If you dreamed about the blood of your period, it means that there is a possibility of losing something important in life. It is not always possible to understand what exactly it is. Only with the passage of time does it become clear what had to be lost. This could be a separation from a loved one, a separation from relatives. At a subconscious level, the body warns of loss.

When interpreting a woman’s dream, you need to focus on the real menstrual cycle. If you dream about the blood of your period before the onset of your period, you should not attach any importance to it.

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Dream Interpretation - Menstruation

Perhaps some past and “lived” situation will arise that absolutely has no place in the present. All this will emerge as if “in parallel” (and you are having your period)... I didn’t understand who was in the blood - probably grandma. The situation will require immediate resolution, you will somehow stop it and try to sort it out a little...

Dream Interpretation - Analyzes. Toilet. Period

You are thinking in a dream about close relationships, and the answer that you were looking for is extremely simple - you yourself do not really need these close relationships (in your dream you have force majeure circumstances on the female side), but if you choose a man for yourself and date seriously and for a long time, then you will have to try for him, no matter what (sorry, to put it bluntly; in a dream you are asked to take a urine test for Yulia’s husband, but you don’t have what you need at all). And this circumstance simply stresses you out - why try to squeeze something out of yourself for someone without a strong desire (push in your sleep and a lump pops out of you), but without this there is no way to build a real relationship, everyone meets like that if they want to be married (the image of married Yulia in a dream). And this is life, nothing can be done, and you certainly can’t do without a bottle of champagne, which is what you do in the dream (trying to reconcile yourself with YULIA - trying on her ROLE of a married woman and acting worldly wisely). A wonderful dream for you! Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Gave birth to a 4 month old boy

The birth of a child in a dream can mean the realization of what you want. Pregnancy is the planning of something, and birth is the execution. A man can represent your life path at the moment. The dream may also mean that you are giving away some part of yourself, trying to get settled in life. It may also be that you will complete everything necessary in this job, and it is possible that you can change it. Take care of yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream about menstruation?

Such a Dream suggests that a male person can disrupt the Dreamer’s plans for self-determination and make her dependent on Himself and her own desires, since He is already on her personal and inviolable territory. That is, you need to be more careful in relationships with a man if you have your own Goals in life and plans that are separate from Him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Unpleasant dreams do not always foreshadow bad events. Why does a woman dream about menstruation? Most often this is a sign of good luck and pleasant events. However, when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to carefully study the most insignificant aspects of the visions - the location, nature of the bleeding, etc.

Menstruation in a dream Miller's dream book, deciphering different visions

You can decipher the dream using Miller's dream book. Blood is not a terrible sign, but other details of the vision are also important - the amount of discharge and its location, the emotions experienced. Miller's dream book deciphers menstruation in a dream, taking into account a number of features:

  • a pregnant woman has a dream;
  • pads or tampons covered in blood;
  • the expected periods did not come;
  • furniture or clothes are stained with blood;
  • scanty or copious discharge;
  • blood flows down the legs;
  • my period started suddenly.

If a pregnant woman sees blood in a dream, this guarantees the birth of a healthy baby. At the same time, he will be endowed with different abilities and talents. A recently married girl dreams of blood to indicate an imminent pregnancy. Abundant discharge indicates an upcoming sacrifice in reality, but it will not be in vain.

If a single, free woman had a dream about menstrual flow, this indicates her health problems. Symptoms may not appear immediately and accumulate over years, so it is better to immediately check the body completely. For a sick woman, menstrual blood portends long-term treatment and possible surgery.

Why do I dream about my periods, features of visions

The monthly period when pads are required is familiar to every girl and lady. Basically, blood in visions does not warn of bad events. However, when decoding, accompanying circumstances are also taken into account. For example, discharge of different colors is a harbinger of diseases of the genitourinary system.

If a woman smells blood in a dream, it means that the lady has complexes that interfere with her personal life. Why do I dream about my periods? Dream interpretation:

  1. The sudden onset of heavy discharge warns of a possible intangible loss or loss (faith, relationships, feelings).
  2. Blood flowing down the legs indicates rash and incorrect actions. If you think carefully, troubles can be avoided.
  3. In a dream, your period comes at the wrong time - this is a sign that in a difficult situation you will have to rely only on yourself and friends, there will be no help from your family.
  4. Clothing or furniture stained with blood warns of exposure in reality, some kind of shame. However, such a dream can be a warning about imminent large expenses. However, they will be meaningless.
  5. A woman who is looking for a job in a dream about menstruation speaks of an imminent lucrative business offer.
  6. The appearance of disgust at the sight of your own menstrual blood - this dream warns of gossip.

Why does a woman dream about menstruation? Just seeing them promises a quick meeting with family and friends. How pleasant it will be depends on the overall impression of the vision. If blood flows unexpectedly, in a crowded place, public embarrassment is possible in reality. Painful periods indicate sexual dissatisfaction.

If a girl in a dream cannot stop heavy menstrual flow, this indicates new awakening feelings that she is afraid of or tries to avoid. However, such a romance will be short-lived.

Why do you dream about menstruation on a pad, deciphering visions

Menstrual discharge can stain not only things, but also hygiene products in a dream. In this case, it is important how filled or soaked they are. Why do you dream of having your period on a pad? If they are completely saturated, this is a warning that the woman is meddling in someone else’s life.

When the pads are slightly stained with blood, it speaks of a woman’s curiosity, her habit of “poking her nose” where she shouldn’t. Another meaning is that someone is very interested in the personal life of a given lady or girl. They need to talk less about themselves. To see a lot of sanitary pads in a dream, but clean ones, means problems at work, a scolding from your superiors.

Why does a woman dream about menstruation? A hygiene item stained with blood indicates the lady’s desire to learn more about the intimate life of loved ones. This may not be a manifestation of simple curiosity, but a desire to help restore the destruction of the relationship.

The dream of a young 11-12 year old girl about blood on a pad speaks of rapid growing up and rapid puberty. However, there is also a negative connotation. Such a dream foreshadows a loss of trust on the part of parents.

If a woman dreams of heavy periods and she changes pads one after another, this is a warning that something important will be missed in real life. The reason for this will be business fuss.

What does menstruation mean in a dream during menopause?

If a very old lady had a dream about menstruation, this indicates her good health or relief from some illness. However, a younger woman during menopause can also see discharge.

If a woman who has not had menstrual blood for a long time saw menstruation in a dream during menopause, this means strong changes in real life. Moreover, they will affect the personal side or financial well-being.

An alarming warning is when a woman not only sees that discharge has begun again, but also experiences severe pain. This is a harbinger of the development of serious diseases. It is advisable for a woman to undergo a full examination as soon as possible. This way the disease can be detected and treated at an early stage.

Why do you dream about periods during pregnancy, features of interpretations

During the period of bearing a child, many women have dreams. They are usually bright and easy to remember. Why do you dream about periods during pregnancy? If they started suddenly, this promises the woman good health. The birth should go well, and the child will be completely healthy. At the same time, this may indicate getting rid of the old and unnecessary, a new life or changes for the better.

However, if the birth of a child is undesirable for a woman, then menstruation in a dream is a sign that she wants to terminate the pregnancy. On the contrary, the discharge seen in a dream about a desired baby symbolizes maternal fear for the baby and concern for his health.

In all dream books these interpretations coincide. There is another interesting point. Menstruation may dream of an unexpected obstacle to a romantic date. At the same time, the obstacle will be joyful - the birth of a child.

Why do Vanga dream about menstrual flow?

Why do Vanga dream about menstruation? According to her interpretation, seeing menstrual flow in a dream means that a wrong step was taken in life, which you will later regret. The second interpretation of the dream is fear for the fate of one’s own children. In the case where blood is stained on clothes, a woman can expect betrayal from a loved one.

According to Vanga’s interpretation, the copious discharge with which the lady stained her clothes, furniture, and surrounding things is a warning about the appearance of dirty gossip. They will be dissolved by ill-wishers of women, whose goal will be to discredit their good name.

When a lady unsuccessfully tries to stop the gushing menstrual blood, this indicates a strong longing for a loved one who has died. Unexpected discharge indicates interference in some quarrel that will occur between loved ones. For a woman, such an act will have serious consequences.

A dream in which hands are stained with menstrual blood is a warning about a long-standing curse that has been imposed on the entire family. This threatens to destroy not only the dreamer’s life, but also the fate of those close to her. Rock will haunt everyone until the woman begs God's forgiveness for the sins of her ancestors.

Interpretations of why a woman dreams of menstruation in a dream most often coincide in all dream books. Differences may be caused by additional factors accompanying the vision - places, abundance or absence of blood, its appearance, smell, etc. For a complete interpretation, you need to take into account all the nuances and then derive the “arithmetic mean” of the dream. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Find out from the online dream book for free what Menstruation / Menstruation means in dreams by reading below, in the interpretation of the interpretive authors, what it means to see Menstruation / Menstruation in a dream.

Why do you dream about Menstruation / Menstruation: interpretation of sleep according to 100 dream books

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Menstruation/Menstruation and what does it mean:

If a woman has a delay in her period in a dream, she will soon meet a very rich lover or short-term but passionate love.

For a young woman, a dream in which she sees that she is having her period hints that she should take care of her own health. Perhaps it’s time to deal with those sores that do not make themselves felt constantly, but have been accumulating for years.

If a pregnant woman dreams of menstruation, she will give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby.

Seeing clothes stained with menstrual blood in a dream means serious problems.

Islamic dream book

Menstruation - If a woman sees her menstruation, but she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means that she will commit some kind of offense, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Why do you dream about menstruation/menstruation and what does it mean for the dreamer?

A woman dreamed of menstruation - to the illness of a relative; for a man to see that his woman is having her period - to her illness associated with internal bleeding.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Menstruation / Menstruation in the ancient understanding

If a woman sees her period, and she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means that she will commit some serious offense in reality.

English dream book

Why see Menstruation:

The onset of menstruation symbolizes a young woman's ability to bear a child. Having a bloody period can mean relief if you were worried you might be pregnant, or frustration if you want to get pregnant. It can also reflect awkwardness in sexual matters.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Menstruation / Menstruation

Although menstruation is a natural process of the body, on a psychological level we perceive it as something negative.

If you dreamed about a child’s period, you yourself know that in reality you will commit some kind of offense, the consequences of which will be significantly negative. You should especially beware if at the time of sleep you are not having your period in reality.

If in a dream you suddenly get your period when you don’t have one, you subconsciously feel your own vulnerability and need the support of loved ones.

If the dream of menstruation on a pad is not connected with your inner state in reality, you will soon realize that something tangible, but insignificant, has left your life.

Romantic dream book

Menstruation / Menstruation - what do you dream about?

Menstruation - If a single woman dreams of short-term menstruation, she will meet a person who will become her lover. But this connection will be fleeting and will not justify all the hopes placed on it.

Did a woman in menopause have a dream about menstruation? In your dream, were you scared when your period started? It is likely that in reality you will experience difficulties in the intimate sphere, since your views on sexual life will radically diverge from the views of your partner.

If you took the onset of your period absolutely calmly, rejoice, the dream foreshadows a stable and harmonious life with your loved one without major quarrels and disagreements.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Menstruation / Menstruation?

This is a symbol that you should pay attention to your reproductive health. The interpretation of a dream about menstruation depends on exactly what events took place in it.

For a pregnant woman, menstruation is an excellent sign, foreshadowing a quick and trouble-free birth. And if you see menstruation flowing down your legs, you should undergo a full examination and work on improving your health. Your reproductive health is likely at risk due to chronic stress.

If you see that your period began suddenly, putting you in an awkward position, then in reality another awkward situation awaits you.

If a young girl dreams about menstruation, the dream indicates that you may have health problems. You need to be examined by a doctor and take tests. Another interpretation of the dream image is that the dream means that very soon you will be visited by distant relatives who will come to visit you. Having a period for a girl in a dream can also mean being late for some important meeting or trip; be prepared for this and hurry up in advance.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about menstruation

For a young woman to see her period in a dream means that she may have health problems in the near future, and she needs to undergo a medical examination as quickly as possible, while the problems are not too big.

If a pregnant woman dreams about her period, then such a dream can mean that the birth will take place quickly and without complications, and the baby will be healthy and strong.

If in a dream you saw clothes stained with blood, then in the near future get ready to encounter troubles; it is quite possible that you will find yourself in an awkward situation, and you will not be able to get out of it without moral losses.

If a woman dreamed that she had her period, but in reality she did not, it means that big troubles await her, for which she herself is to blame. If you dreamed that you stained someone else’s bed or furniture with blood, then in reality you will really need help, but asking for it would be beneath your dignity. In this case, you will either have to come to terms with the large losses that trouble threatens, or hurt your pride and ask for help, which, by the way, will not be denied to you.

Dreams on the 4th are warning; they can tell you about upcoming troubles that will happen soon. The dream you had on the 4th reflects your resistance with your negative qualities. The symbols and plot of dreams speak about everything that your subconscious is trying to get rid of or refuse. And what may upset or disappoint you in the near future.

Periods / Menstruation as interpreted by experts
