Nutrition for a healthy body. How to look younger than your age: Eastern methods of healing the body

Nowadays it is extremely fashionable to talk about the most effective and correct ways to improve the health of the entire human body. And this is quite understandable, today everyone wants to be healthy and look as natural as possible.

Unfortunately, life in today’s modern world is simply replete with a huge variety of factors that have an extremely negative impact on the health of every person. Moreover, the main of these factors are poor ecology, the very questionable quality of most modern food products, and drinking water heavily contaminated with waste or toxins.

This also includes insufficient quality and not always timely medical care, and of course stressful situations overtaking a modern person literally every day and a lot of bad habits. This is probably why today it is so important to regularly pay attention to the urgently needed improvement of the whole body using a variety of techniques and folk remedies.

Several basic principles for improving the health of the human body

Initially, I would like to say that the human body (as intended by nature) is an incredibly complex interdependent integral system of a biological type, based on close connections and interaction of literally all its organs or their systems. Consequently, every person who wants to improve their health needs to comprehensively use several methods for the overall health of the whole body, which in turn improves a person’s physical health, his quality of life, and even increases life expectancy.

  • Firstly, it is important to regularly carry out high-quality cleaning of the most vital important organs humans or their entire systems. We are talking, first of all, about cleansing the intestines - the place where most of the main digestive processes occur. And also about cleansing the liver or kidneys, since these organs are responsible for cleaning our blood, they are the ones who are able to remove soluble (both in water and in numerous fats) toxins from the body. And, of course, about purges vascular system human, which is necessary to improve the blood and lymph flow systems. We must also not forget about cleaning the joints to maintain normal functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Secondly, regularly use moderate, but not excessive physical activity, which is incredibly useful for healing the entire body. For example, it is usually quite enough to perform a small set of simple exercises every day, in the form morning exercises which should last for 50 or fifteen minutes. In addition, it is recommended to jog at least once or twice a week; instead, you can ride a bike, roller skate or skate, or maybe just swim.
  • Thirdly, it is incredibly important to constantly lead a normal, fairly active lifestyle. At the same time, we must not forget about completely healthy, full-fledged sleep, during which the entire human body is able to recover. But as for the correct healthy eating, then it should always be balanced, complex, and contain as many correct natural products as possible. Of course, it is necessary to try to adhere to the correct ratio of so-called vegetarian and less healthy animal foods, when there should be approximately 85% plant foods and 15% food of animal origin

When talking about human nutrition to improve the health of the body, it is recommended to always give preference to: oily fish, and not the same meat, some cereal dishes, rather than potatoes, vegetables and raw sweet fruits, pastries and cakes.

In addition, for the overall holistic health of the body, doctors recommend consuming as much fresh herbs and regular nuts as possible; it is recommended to exclude numerous flour products, sweets, tea, strong coffee, and any alcoholic beverages from the diet.

It is incredibly important to be able to get rid of the unusually harmful and even dangerous to health habit of constant overeating, because you should eat about five or even six times a day (fractionally) and in very small portions. In this case, the last meal must be taken no later than four hours before going to bed.

Every day, to improve your orgasm, you should try to consume the maximum amount of liquid, including fresh natural juices. But as a full-fledged therapy for moderate slagging of the body, it is recommended to take proper sunbathing every day for at least twenty minutes. It is equally important to regularly conduct hiking and stay as much time as possible in nature (meaning fresh air), and preferably in areas with a large number of green spaces or simply on the banks of natural reservoirs.

Basic methods and techniques for improving the health of the human body

Of course, today people have invented many wonderful opportunities that can allow a person to maintain their health for as long as possible. At the same time, the main thing is to be able to make a truly correct choice, because to use, literally, each of these methods usually requires a strictly individual approach.

Let’s say that some of the methods of improving the body’s health may be completely contraindicated for patients with oncological problems, and other methods may not be suitable for allergy sufferers or experienced hypertensive patients. However, today there are also a lot of unique universal techniques that allow you to improve general state physical and physiological health, which can be very beneficial for almost everyone.

So, for example, a fairly effective and popular method of healing the body can be considered, and in particular, regular dousing with cool or even quite cold water. There is also a softer (gentler) version of this hardening - a contrast shower, and perhaps even just walking around the house barefoot.

In addition, you should pay special attention to full-fledged winter swimming or swimming in the icy water of open natural reservoirs in winter. This method is undoubtedly considered one of the best for complete hardening, for increasing the body’s immune defense, one of the most powerful methods in natural physiotherapy, which has already been able to help many people completely recover from many quite serious ailments.

But the next way that allows us to perfectly heal our body is to regularly take certain healing herbal baths. For example, to obtain the desired, and sometimes urgently needed, healing effect, natural sea salt is added to the prepared bath water, various decoctions medicinal herbs or even the most useful essential oils.

By the way, doctors also include turpentine and hydrogen sulfide baths here, which usually promote speedy recovery capillaries of our epidermis. In addition, such baths perfectly stabilize the functioning of the entire cardiovascular, nervous and even endocrine systems. But during the positive effects of so-called hyperthermal baths, some expansion of the smallest vessels usually occurs, as a result of which this leads to the normalization of blood circulation in any tissue. Baths of this kind eliminate blood stagnation, as well as lymph stagnation, while the cells, of course, begin to be nourished much better.

And of course, other methods of healing the human body should also include properly performed breathing exercises, periodic therapeutic fasting, as well as hot Russian baths or more modern ones Finnish saunas. In addition, these types of products have recently become incredibly popular among people. unconventional methods healing like:

  • Phototherapy technique.
  • Apitherapy.
  • The same technique of acupuncture (or Chinese acupuncture) or moxibustion.
  • Homeopathy methods.
  • Of course, even Ayurveda.

It should be noted that today there is a lot of real evidence that some healers who practice certain alternative treatment methods can often help people who have been trying for years to get rid of certain unpleasant ailments.

How to heal your body yourself at home?

I would like to say that today, in order to improve their own health, people do not necessarily have to constantly use highly expensive professional techniques or procedures using certain medications. It is generally accepted that time-tested folk remedies can be no less effective for the full recovery of the entire body.

At the same time, the main advantages of such folk methods, undoubtedly, are maximum ease of use, and of course, completely safe natural origin. Note that components that are actually very different in nature can be used for such independent home improvement.

Most often, healing the body, carried out at home, is aimed at primary cleansing and even rejuvenation of the body, for which you can use a wide variety of methods or means. For example, one of the simplest, but at the same time most effective ways to improve your health is to regularly consume a properly prepared fortified mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

And to prepare such a mixture, you need to prepare about 200 ml of purified water, to which you will have to add one full tablespoon of May honey and the same amount of vinegar, fresh juice lemon, cherry juice, cranberries or lingonberries. The mixture prepared in this way can speed up metabolism, as well as promote the best elimination of numerous toxins; such a mixture also helps to cleanse the liver as quickly as possible.

Proper healing of the whole body - or what is most important to pay attention to

Quite often some folk methods healing the body may involve the use of beneficial (or even medicinal) properties of a wide variety of pharmaceutical plants or medicinal herbs. For example, in order to improve the health of the body, you can easily prepare a certain herbal infusion that significantly increases immune defense.

To prepare this recipe, you should prepare approximately 100 grams of dried herbs such as:

  • Flowers .
  • Color .
  • Grass.
  • And also dried birch buds.

These ingredients are mixed and placed in a tightly closed container or other vessel. Then one dessert spoon of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water, after which it is placed on boiling water for about fifteen minutes. water bath.

Next, the already prepared and cooled infusion is taken only fresh, three times a day, until the originally prepared collection is finished. It is important to say that this type of health improvement course should be conducted no more than once a year. At the same time, one cannot help but understand that the full recovery of the body can truly play a huge role for general health person.

And all because good health can allow a person to enjoy a truly happy, full life for as long as possible, and also look young, healthy and quite attractive. At the same time, the basis of regularly carried out healing procedures should be the systematic, properly carried out cleansing of various organs or entire systems, adequate physical exercise, a fully active (healthy) lifestyle without bad habits, a rational balanced diet and, of course, adherence to an adequate daily routine.

Good afternoon, dear homebodies. Today we will talk about healing the body, which is so simple and accessible to each of us. 12 steps to improving your body in our material! All people dream of being healthy and living a long, fulfilling life.

There is nothing wrong with this - it is a natural desire. But as long as this desire remains just a dream, there is no benefit from it.

In order to be healthy and live a long time, it is not enough to simply wish it - you need to act.

If you are ready to act, but still don’t know where to start healing your body, then this article is for you.

The 12 steps below will help you become significantly healthier and live longer. Read and take action.

Make the decision to start right now, and you will never regret it in your life.

1. Stop smoking

It has long been written on cigarette packs that smoking significantly shortens a person’s life. But, unfortunately, these inscriptions could stop few people.

In fact, smoking is a common cause of respiratory diseases, and breathing is our life.

Breathing stops - life ends. think about it. It’s worth being patient once, breaking yourself and giving up this bad habit, so that you can then enjoy clean air for many years. While you are alive it is not too late.

It is possible to quit smoking, regardless of your experience, but the main thing is to want it, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

2. Green tea

All that leads us to early aging and exhaustion of the body are toxins, wastes and other harmful substances that are deposited in our body every day.

Some of them are waste products of our body, which, as a result, when accumulated in large quantities, can begin destructive activities.

Green tea contains important substances for our body - which cleanse the body and free it from the action of free radicals. Therefore, it is very beneficial to drink natural green tea every day.

3. Treat your teeth in a timely manner and monitor their hygiene

Healthy teeth and oral cavity are the key to normal digestion and maintaining the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract for many years.

Make dental treatment a priority and you will not have to have serious problems with them.

4. Fasting day

to your body mandatory it is necessary to give the opportunity for restoration and renewal. Fasting days are ideal for this - they can be practiced no more than once a week.

This will help you improve your digestive system and prevent excess weight and blockage of blood vessels.

Start practicing healing your body from fasting days and after the first one you will notice how your well-being improves.

5. All types of cabbage

Cabbage, in all its manifestations, can not only cleanse the intestines. Once in the body, the antioxidants contained in it begin to carry out their work in all cells.

Therefore, cabbage is beneficial for the whole body. Also, it promotes cell regeneration, due to which your skin will remain young and elastic for a long time if you consume cabbage once daily.

6. Cardio exercise

Everyone knows that in order to stay healthy for many years, you need to monitor the condition of your of cardio-vascular system. The single most effective way to maintain a healthy heart for years to come is through exercise.

If you practice healing your body just 3-4 times a week with intense cardio exercise, your heart muscles will remain in good shape even in old age.

In addition, cardio exercises are an excellent prevention of vascular diseases, stroke and obesity.

Therefore, by running or jumping rope, you can comprehensively improve your body and prolong your life.

7. More sleep

Healthy and long sleep always has a positive effect on your well-being and health. Without proper sleep, you will not be able to fully recover, which means your body will gradually break down.

Therefore, healing the body will require taking care of long and sound sleep.

In some cases, the cause of our insomnia is our lifestyle and poor habits. Analyze your life and you will understand what is preventing you from getting enough sleep regularly.

8. Healthy body with rice?

In order to be energetic and healthy for many years, you need to eat rice more often!

It is this cereal crop that contains carbohydrates in abundance, which are completely absorbed to the maximum extent possible. short terms, without being deposited in the form of adipose tissue on internal organs, and without clogging blood vessels.

9. Red wine

In large quantities, alcohol is very harmful to your health, and it also leads to premature aging. If you drink a little, but often, this is also not normal and will not bring you any benefit.

The fact is that alcohol greatly thickens the blood, and as a result, blood clots form in many small capillaries, and as a result, some tissues and organs are left without oxygen supply for some time.

But, if you drink red wine in small quantities, you can slow down the aging process and cleanse the body of toxins, and the body will become healthier after such cleansing of the blood vessels.

Red wine must be consumed diluted - 50 grams, 100 grams of mineral water.

10. Frequent and small meals

The body adapts to the rhythm of life we ​​choose, and therefore energy metabolism takes on a speed depending on the duration of the intervals between meals.

Therefore, in order to stay fit and feel good for many years, it is better to reduce the intervals between meals to 2-3 hours. This will help you maintain a healthy digestive system and also prevent you from gaining excess weight.

11. Emotional and mental balance

To maintain health, it is necessary to avoid stress and strong emotional stress. Cortisol. which is intensely released under stress, destroys nerve cells, and also, accumulating, leads to early aging.

Therefore, it is important to take care of psycho-emotional balance and develop your own effective methods of dealing with stress, because without stress and depression, the healing of the body will happen as if by itself!

12. More walks in the fresh air

When we are indoors, our body works in an “economy” mode - all processes proceed much more slowly than when we are in the fresh air. The fact is that insufficient oxygen concentration in the air leads to a number of health problems.

First of all, immunity decreases and slows down. Heartbeat and brain function worsen.

In addition, cell regeneration processes slow down, and this is the first step towards premature aging.

Previously, the average human life expectancy was several decades longer, and all because all major activities were associated with the need to be outdoors.

Today, the situation has changed dramatically - a city dweller spends almost his entire life indoors, and this has a very detrimental effect on the endocrine system and health in general.

We talked about healing the body in 12 steps, try to complete at least half in the coming weeks, your well-being will improve significantly.

Life in the modern world is replete with many factors that negatively affect human health. The main ones are poor ecology, questionable quality of food, contaminated drinking water, poor quality medical care, as well as stressful situations and bad habits. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to regular healing of the body using various methods and means.

Basic principles of healing the body

The human body is a complex, integral biological system based on the connection and interaction of all organs. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively carry out general health improvement of the body to improve physical health, quality of life, and increase its duration. Here are the main principles that must be adhered to:

  • Regularly clean the most important organs and systems: primarily the intestines, where the main processes of digestion occur; liver and kidneys, since these organs are responsible for purifying the blood and removing water- and fat-soluble toxins; vascular system to improve blood and lymph flow; joints to maintain normal musculoskeletal system;
  • Use moderate but regular physical activity to improve the health of the body. It is enough to do a simple set of morning exercises every day for 5-10 minutes, jog, ride a bike or swim 1-2 times a week. It is also important to maintain an active lifestyle;
  • Do not forget about healthy, full sleep, during which the entire body is restored.

As for nutrition, it should be comprehensive and contain as many natural products as possible. It is necessary to adhere to the ratio of vegetarian and animal foods in the diet of approximately 85% to 15%. Moreover, it is recommended to give preference to: fish rather than meat; cereal dishes; vegetables and fruits.

Also, for the overall health of the body, you should eat a lot of greens, nuts, exclude flour products, sweets, tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks. It is important to get rid of the habit of overeating; you should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Last appointment food should be no later than four hours before bedtime. It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible, including natural juices.

As therapy, it is recommended to take sunbathing for 15 minutes every day, take regular walks and spend a lot of time in the fresh air, preferably in green areas or on the shores of water bodies.

Ways and methods of healing the body

Today there are many opportunities that allow a person to maintain health for as long as possible. The main thing is to make the right choice, since using each of them requires an individual approach. For example, some methods of healing the body are contraindicated for cancer patients, while others are contraindicated for allergy sufferers or hypertensive patients.

However, there are universal methods for improving physical health that are useful for almost everyone.

An effective and popular method of healing the body is hardening, in particular, dousing with cold water or a softer option - a contrast shower, as well as walking barefoot. Special mention should be made about winter swimming or swimming in ice water. This method is considered one of the best for hardening, increasing immunity, the strongest in physiotherapy, which has helped many people recover from serious diseases.

The next way to heal the body is to take healing baths. To obtain the desired effect, sea salt, herbal decoctions or essential oils are added to the water. This also includes turpentine baths, which help restore the capillaries of the epidermis and stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. During exposure to hyperthermal baths, small vessels dilate, as a result, blood circulation in tissues is normalized, stagnation of blood and lymph is eliminated, and cells begin to be better nourished.

Other methods of healing the body include breathing exercises, therapeutic fasting, Russian baths and Finnish saunas.

Also, recently the following unconventional methods have become increasingly popular:

  • Aromatherapy;
  • Phototherapy;
  • Apitherapy;
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) and moxibustion;
  • Homeopathy;
  • Yoga and Ayurveda.

There is a lot of evidence of how healers, practitioners alternative methods treatments were able to help people who had been trying for years to get rid of certain ailments.

Healing the body at home

Today, it is not at all necessary to use expensive procedures or drugs to improve your health. Proven folk remedies are no less effective for healing the body. Their main advantages are ease of use, as well as natural origin. Moreover, a variety of components can be used.

Basically, healing the body at home is aimed at cleansing and rejuvenating it, for which a variety of methods and means are used. For example, one simple but effective way is to consume a fortified mixture on an empty stomach. To prepare it, you need to take 200 ml of water, one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of vinegar, lemon juice, cherries, cranberries or lingonberries. This mixture speeds up metabolism, promotes better elimination of toxins, and cleanses the liver.

Often traditional methods healing the body involves using the beneficial properties of various plants and herbs. You can prepare an infusion that boosts immunity: take 100 grams of dried herbs - chamomile, immortelle, yarrow and birch buds. Mix everything and place in a container or vessel. Pour boiling water over a dessert spoon of the mixture and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take the fresh infusion three times a day until the collection is complete. This course should be conducted no more than once a year.

Improving the health of the body plays an important role for a person, since good health allows you to enjoy a full life for as long as possible, look young and attractive. And the basis of constant health improvement should be systematic cleansing of organs and systems, regular exercise, an active lifestyle, balanced nutrition and adherence to a daily routine.

The most working method healing the body

Until the age of fifty, I, probably like most people, did not pay attention to my health and did not attach much importance to physical exercise. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue. When I woke up in the morning, I could not get out of bed.

After a slight cooling, I was paralyzed by lumbar-cruciate sciatica. I spent two months in the hospital. Cardiogram showed angina pectoris, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and other heart defects. Hypertension began to progress rapidly.

An ultrasound revealed an adenoma prostate gland. I left the hospital and wondered how to move on with my life. I had a desire to understand the complex structure of the human body. Having studied many medical literature, I have developed my own method of healing the body, which I constantly update with new knowledge and my own experience. I am 86 years old and have a bunch of diseases that I not only prevent from progressing, but also weaken their harmful effects. The radiculitis was cured completely, mainly with therapeutic exercises.

Waking up in the morning at 7 o’clock, I measure my blood pressure with an automatic tonometer and record the readings in my diary. I determine what dose of tablet to take. I do not allow the pressure to rise above 130/80, since even with a slight increase in pressure the heart suffers from overload. It wears out faster. And the normal functioning of all organs depends on the work of the heart. And with very high blood pressure, not only the heart suffers, but also the blood vessels.

I have not taken any pills to treat hypertension for more than two years. Through my many experiments I have developed a method of reducing pressure by stretching the spine. In addition, I reduce pressure with melt water; after first rotating it in a mug clockwise for 5-7 minutes. I assume that stretching the spine has a positive effect on all organs, since the compression of the nerve fibers passing between the vertebrae from the brain to all organs is reduced. After stretching the spine, I cleanse the blood and lymph.

To do this, I take a spoonful of unrefined sunflower oil into my mouth and shake it under my tongue for 21 minutes, then spit it out and rinse my mouth well. Under the tongue there are large blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Oil absorbs (absorbs) waste, toxins, salts, mucus and all harmful substances from the blood and lymph that harm our health and shorten life.

I borrowed this method of cleaning from Tibetan traditional medicine, changing it slightly. To cleanse the intestines, I drink a mug (350 ml) of flint water with the addition of a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey. I drink water in small sips, holding it in my mouth. At the same time, the blood thins, and the heart and brain receive good food(honey, vitamins and microelements).

After sleep, you need to activate the work of the so-called “peripheral hearts” (skeletal muscles), which drive venous blood to the heart and suck arterial blood from the heart, thereby facilitating the work of the heart muscle. To do this, I perform physical exercises to improve blood circulation in all organs and, first of all, to provide the brain with enough oxygen. I do all the exercises 49 times. In Tibetan folk medicine, the number 7 is considered magical: 7×7=49.

Physical exercises performed while lying on your back.

1. For hands. I bend my fingers, squeeze them into a fist, swing my hands, turn them around. Leaning on my elbows, I describe with my hands as much as possible big circles one way and the other. Then I swing my arms towards and away from myself.

2. For legs. I move my fingers, move my feet towards and away from myself, rotate them in one direction and then in the other direction. And finally, I turn my feet left and right.

3. To activate capillary blood circulation, I raise my legs and arms vertically up and vibrate them for two minutes. And then I stretch my legs forward, and put my hands behind the back of my head, crossing my fingers. I also vibrate my whole body for two minutes.

4. I massage the abdomen in a circular motion clockwise (in the direction of food movement) with palms placed on top of each other. This eliminates prolapse of the stomach and kidneys, improves digestion and the functioning of the stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys, as congestion in them is eliminated. 5. I inhale with my stomach, sticking it out as much as possible. Without holding my breath, I repeat short breaths through my mouth through tightly compressed lips in a count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. This exercise massages the internal organs.

Exercises performed while sitting

1. I massage the soles of my feet and occipital part neck with a roller massager. Biologically active points of all organs are located in these zones, so their work is activated.

2. I press the palms of my hands tightly to my ears and, without lifting them off, moderately tap my fingers on the back of my head. So I cured headache, which haunted me from a young age. Then I massage my ears, moving my palms up and down, which increases blood circulation in the brain.

Exercises performed while standing

I rise on my toes, lifting myself off the floor by 1 cm and, clenching my teeth, sharply lower myself to the floor. This eliminates blood stagnation at the coronary valves and the formation of blood clots, and prevents the development of a heart attack. This concludes the morning warm-up.


The basic rule of my diet is to eat only when you are hungry and to eat as little as possible. I eat slowly and thoroughly chew food that is moderately warm. After eating I don’t drink tea, as the digestive juices will dilute and the food will be difficult to digest. I try to diversify my food. I pay special attention to products containing potassium and magnesium, which are so necessary for the heart and brain. This is oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, potato. In the morning vegetable salads with sour cream or sunflower oil. I add a boiled egg to the salad and periodically wheat sprouts, which have valuable medicinal properties. I drink a spoonful in the morning olive oil, and in the evening also a spoonful of flaxseed. There will never be constipation from linseed oil. These oils must be unrefined, since refined ones do not have healing properties.

I do other health practices every day.

1. Massage of the whole body and head.

2. Before breakfast, gymnastics of 21 exercises; to my illnesses.

3. Breathing exercises Strelnikova. This is how I got rid of shortness of breath.

4. In the evening I take a bath with warm magnetic water for 20 minutes. This helps to expand the ureters, remove sand and small stones from the kidneys, heal sore joints, sweat releases harmful substances from the body, and clears the skin of sweat deposits. The nervous system calms down, facilitating quick fall asleep and restful sleep.

5. I warm up the liver with a heating pad for 35 minutes. The great scientist A.S. Zalmanov argued: “Whoever wants to live longer and not get sick should warm up their liver.”

6. Twice a day I lie with my legs raised up for 14 minutes. This promotes churn venous blood from the legs, prevents the formation of varicose veins, relieves cardiac and renal edema.

7. I try to be outdoors every day in the form of a walk with a bag in my hands. I don't use public transport.

8. I don’t allow myself to lift heavy weights, as I did before. With a weakened body, this leads to prolapse of the stomach. Then the valve located between the stomach and duodenum is tightly

does not close. Strongly alkaline bile enters the stomach from duodenum and neutralizes the acids contained in it; Digestion of food is disrupted. In the intestines, food rots and poisons the entire body.

9. Our blood becomes strongly alkalized and thickens from meat and especially dairy products, as well as from drinking water. In them high content calcium ions (alkaline element). Therefore, to thin the blood, I acidify it with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) during meals, one gram per day. And melt water obtained by freezing and thawing loses up to 70% of calcium. One gram of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) per day was received by Academician A.A. Mikulin (aircraft engine designer), who developed his health system when he became seriously ill at the age of 50. He lived an active life until he was 96 years old.

10. I am convinced that dehydration of the body contributes to the emergence of various diseases. The brain is especially affected. Therefore, I drink at least 1.5 liters of melt water per day, including all liquids.

11. To improve the air quality in the bedroom, I have an enamel pan with flint water.

12. When clothing rubs against the body, positive electrical charges appear on it, which have a depressing effect on the body. To remove them from my body, I “ground myself” several times a day, i.e. I hold onto the metal part of the water tap for 2-3 minutes.

13. My 3-year-old smart cat calms the nervous system well and hides my loneliness. She uses the toilet the same way as me, and sometimes asks to give her a seat. One morning I watched her “stretch to attention,” i.e. stretches the spine. I thought that this was the instinct of self-preservation, and I began to do it myself. I noticed that my blood pressure decreased. For more than two years now I have not taken any pills for my blood pressure, which reached 190/110 mm Hg. column, but only stretching the spine with simultaneous impulse volitional breathing. It is known that nerve fibers from the brain to all organs pass between the vertebrae. They are compressed by the vertebrae due to our vertical position of the body, and even from carrying heavy loads. This means, in my opinion, stretching the spine not only reduces blood pressure for 12 hours or more, but also promotes the health of all organs,

14. According to medical research, weak magnetic fields have a positive effect on the brain. To do this, I put a ring of 7 turns of insulated wire with soldered ends on my head. According to the law of electromagnetic induction, a electricity due to the influence of the Earth's magnetic field on it. This small current creates its own small magnetic field, which directly affects the brain.

a) blood pressure decreases to 10 units.

b) the process of falling asleep and sleep improves.

c) memory improves slightly

d) tinnitus disappears.

15. In the morning after waking up, lying in bed, half asleep, listening to my breathing and heartbeat, I say 3 times: “Every day, with God’s help, my health is strengthening, I feel strong and vigorous.”

16. When performing physical exercises, I disconnect from* all thoughts, and direct all my attention to the therapeutic effect of these exercises. It's not that easy, but it's necessary. It is known that the dependence of the positive physiological effect on the mood of one’s thinking when performing physical exercises is scientifically substantiated.

17. I always try to be calm and friendly with people.

18. I find joy in life without smoking and alcohol.

19. To improve the overall health of the body, I massage the symmetrical points under the knees “Tzu-san-pi”. To find it, you need to sit and place the palm of the same hand on your kneecap (middle kneecap in the middle of the palm). Below the tip of the little finger, at the level of the end of the middle finger, this point will be. They can be heated with salt heated in a bag for 21 minutes. I also massage the “he-gu” points between the thumb and forefinger.

20. I treat all my illnesses with tinctures and herbal infusions. It turns out. I don't take pills. I also use seafood and beekeeping products for treatment.

In the month of May I underwent a medical examination. The test results are satisfactory.

Be healthy!


in physics education on the topic:

"Review of healing methods."

Prepared by:

1st year student


T-12 groups

Dumanova Yu.O.

Ulyanovsk 2006

1. Natural healing methods

1.1 Cleansing

1.2. Water and air procedures

1.3. General tips for strengthening your immune system

1.4 Food

1.5. Natural antibiotics

2. Therapies that promote wellness

2.1. Reflexology

2.2. Phytotherapy

2.3. Colon hydrotherapy

2.4. Hirudotherapy

2.5. Diet therapy

2.6. Rebirthing

2.7. Massage

3. List of references used

1. Natural healing methods

“Nature heals, but the doctor only helps” is the main idea of ​​the natural principle of healing. But in order for nature to heal, it is necessary to create all the conditions: to allow the immune system to fight the disease, to cleanse itself by sharply increasing the temperature and burning pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Sometimes it's hard to decide not to shoot down high temperature, but we must remember that body temperature up to 38.4-38.5 is considered “working”, that is, healing. The stronger the natural immunity, the faster the temperature rises, the more pronounced the signs of the disease. You must trust your own body, and, as Dr. Zalmanov writes, “respect the wisdom of the body, respect its natural protection.”

Now let's talk about the most common, accessible and effective methods healing using natural remedies and methods. All of the following methods are easy to use and have been successfully tested:

1. cleansing

2. water and air procedures

3. general tips for strengthening the immune system

4. food

5. natural antibiotics

1.1 Cleansing

In many books devoted to natural healing and treatment with natural remedies, you will find urgent advice to cleanse the body with an enema, detoxify, etc. From my own opinion, I know how difficult it is to decide on this procedure yourself or subject a tiny baby to it. My advice is not to be tormented by doubts and postpone detoxification until better times. It will be enough if you listen to your child and stop feeding him heavy foods rich in proteins, fats and hard-to-digest carbohydrates. Watch, for example, a sick baby - he doesn’t want to eat anything, because his body is more sensitive to itself than the body of an adult, accustomed to trusting pills and a false feeling of hunger. Let him eat what he wants - fruits, fruit and vegetable juices, dairy products, drink more and rest.

If you are sick, it is better to drink warm milk and lemon juice with water, sweetened with sugar or honey, on the first day, thereby cleansing your body, but without subjecting it to dehydration. Whether healthy or sick, you need to start the day with lemon juice on an empty stomach, see recipe below, which absorbs and removes harmful substances from the stomach and intestines. All this stimulates the correct rhythmic functioning of the intestines and, as a rule, morning stool, which is very beneficial for the excretory system as a whole.

Special advice to pregnant and nursing mothers - drink fruit or vegetable juices in the morning (homemade, of course, and not diluted from concentrates), this will help improve your morning well-being, give you energy, stimulate your appetite, provide an influx of vitamins, and regulate your intestines.

Of course, it is very good to use honey, not sugar, as a sweetener, but first check to see if you or your baby has an allergy. If you still have an allergy, try adding jam or marmalade.

With regular daily use of juices, you can completely do without an enema and will help yourself during acute condition. At the same time, you must know for sure that your consumption of certain fruits and vegetables, in particular lemon or carrots, does not cause you to be allergic.

If you are not allergic to honey, take advantage of this unique gift of nature, about which so much has been written that you only need to add the following - honey is wonderful because it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and has a good effect on the skin and hair.

Drink green tea more often. Try not to eat heavy, high-calorie foods in the evening, but do not overuse salads for “weight loss” - the stomach, having received greens and vegetables as dinner, will not be able to digest them due to lack of energy for burning and will simply put them in the “long box” which will cause gas formation and rotting of food. Don't overload your stomach and intestines, and you won't have to go through a difficult and painful cleanse. For those who want to lose weight, I recommend dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits, baked apples, and a small amount of walnuts. You can make nut milk - pour a little boiling water over the walnuts, add milk, and the drink is ready.

1.2 Recipes

Lemon juice. Squeeze a lemon by hand or in a centrifuge, mix the juice in a 1:1 ratio with water and add honey (in case of an allergy to honey - sugar or jam) and drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Keep in mind that the juice squeezed out in a centrifuge must be used within 2 hours.

Carrot juice. Take 5 or more carrots, extract the juice using a juicer, dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio, add 0.5 teaspoon of sour cream or butter.

Nut milk (the easiest recipe). Pour hot milk over the walnuts and let it brew. Separate the “nut brew” for further use (1-2 times).

Water and air procedures.

The most controversial, radical, but also one of the most effective techniques recovery is the use of various water procedures to harden the body. The most active followers of Russian traditional healer Porfiria Ivanov practices dousing in the snow, swimming in an ice hole and other very effective methods, but I will focus on simpler, easily applicable methods that have practically no contraindications. Once again I would like to remind you that all natural methods of healing, and water procedures in particular, require consistency (today, tomorrow and always, even if you feel bad and are not in the “mood”), gradualness (don’t try to immediately get into the hole, start starting small), flexibility (if you don’t like one thing, try another, don’t give up on the whole system at once) and patience - results will not come immediately.

Pouring cold water is extremely effective procedure. The purpose of the procedure is very simple - training the body under conditions of adaptive stress, that is, a state where stress does not destroy, but only accustoms it to rapid changes in temperature and habitat. Pouring cold water (water from a tap, in summer - water from a well) is also very effective as a prevention of colds after bathing, when after being in water at 36-37 degrees, the blood vessels are dilated, and the child is most susceptible to colds. Remember the Russian bathhouse, swimming in an ice hole - it has the same goals: to narrow the blood vessels, to train them for rapid narrowing in a cold environment in order to reduce heat loss. Contrast procedures are very useful - a contrast shower with alternating hot and cold water ending with cold water. Advice: do not use a contrast shower every day, leave it for the moment of a borderline state between health and illness, since this is a rather powerful procedure. For small children, you can alternate between hot and cold water from the tap.

It is better to douse yourself with water from a container (for kids, a ladle or jug ​​is enough; for older children, a basin or bucket is suitable). For babies with neurological disorders, increased intracranial pressure and other birth injuries, consultation with a pediatrician is absolutely necessary. Babies with an open fontanel can be doused immediately after bathing, holding them face down in your arms, starting to pour below the back of the head so that a strong stream of water does not fall on the fontanel. Start by gently saying: baby, pour/dive/water/rain, etc., in the future the child will know what will follow your words. Older children can be doused while standing in such a way that the flow of water evenly falls on the head and entire body. Many children enjoy pouring themselves out of jugs and ladles, so don’t stop them from playing these useful games. Regarding whether to pour over your head or not, rely on your own opinion and intuition, but remember that babies with increased intracranial pressure, birth injuries and neurological abnormalities Under no circumstances should you pour it over your head. In our family, it is customary to douse your head - this perfectly trains the blood vessels of the head and especially helps with the onset of a cold.

Many parents bathe their babies, on the advice of pediatricians, in warm water of 36-37 degrees. Try to accustom your child to bathing in cooler water; it has been noticed that children perceive a hot, “steamed” bath much worse. Reduce the temperature to 35-34 degrees, and let it gradually cool down during the bathing process. There is no need to prepare cold water for dousing - just pour it from the tap, but if you are still afraid, do it a little in advance, and it will take on a higher temperature. Do not try to turn really cold water into cool water - the training for blood vessels will be weak, and you will not achieve the desired result. On the other hand, it is not at all necessary to start with swimming in the snow and dousing yourself in the cold - you will still have time to go the whole way if you want.

After dousing, let the water flow down the body; do not rush to wrap up the baby or wrap yourself up - the blood vessels have already narrowed under the influence of water, and it is impossible to catch a cold. After a few seconds, you will feel a rush of blood to the skin and a feeling of warmth, then wipe the skin dry and dress yourself or dress your child.

Use the summer with its rich opportunities for living in nature to improve your health. Walk barefoot, walk on water, shower yourself with your bare feet on the ground, not on city asphalt. Don’t be afraid to swim with your kids in cold, clean running water, douse yourself with cold water from a well, take a bath in the open air, continue hardening even when the July heat subsides. However, remember the following - do not expose an already frozen child to cold water or air; first you need to warm him up thoroughly.

If your baby is categorically against dousing with cold water (the criterion may be that after dousing the child cries for a long time and cannot calm down even at the mother’s breast), change tactics - let him walk with his feet on a thin layer of cold water at the bottom of the bath or basin, gradually increasing amount of water. Hardening can be turned into an exciting game - running “in the rain”, “through puddles”, etc. For very young children, the cold spot method is suitable - turn on cold water or pour it into the bathtub to create a cold spot in one part of the container, and place the child in this spot, and then plunge him into warm water again. Remember that all contrast procedures of this kind end with a cold, not a warm component.

Using a contrast shower is one of the highly effective therapeutic procedures, also ideal for regular training of the body. The fact is that addiction is inevitable, and it is necessary to change the type of hardening in order to achieve an increase in natural immunity. Start with a warm shower, alternating it with a cold one, increasing and decreasing the temperature of the contrasting parts of the shower accordingly. Alternate the water 7-9 times, finish the procedure with cold water, let the water flow over the body, dry yourself and get dressed. If you are getting sick or are already sick, it is better to lie down, cover yourself with a warm blanket, drink diaphoretic tea and sweat thoroughly.

Water treatments help reduce and more easily tolerate high temperatures. You can wipe yourself with water and vinegar (for 1 liter of water - a tablespoon of vinegar, regular or apple, not essence!). Those who practice water procedures can take a bath 1-2 degrees below body temperature.

And a couple of final tips - don’t despair if something prevented you from starting or continuing hardening. Start over, begin to gradually reach the level achieved earlier, start small, even if you have to limit yourself to this small at first, but in no case give up what you have already conquered.

1.3 General tips for strengthening the immune system

Here I would like to talk about such important things for improving health as increasing the adaptability of the body, or, in other words, its ability to adapt to various living conditions, including the rather harsh changes that have been taking place recently.

First, let's talk about the notorious colds. As soon as a child or an adult becomes slightly hypothermic, the result is obvious - a cold with all, in the literal sense of the word, the ensuing consequences. As a result of hypothermia, immunity drops, and bacteria and viruses begin their attack on the weakened body. It is necessary to train adaptation to cooling from early childhood. It has long been known that overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia: in the case of the latter, the body burns extra calories to get heat; in case of overheating, it releases heat through the skin into the environment in the form of sweat, which causes severe hypothermia and, as a result, a cold. Therefore, you should not wrap your babies up for fear that they will freeze and catch a cold. It’s better to touch your baby’s chest or back from time to time, and if they are warm, then everything is fine. The nose or hands are not an indicator, since the thermoregulation system of a newborn baby is still very imperfect and can often be confusing. Make sure that the child does not sweat under any circumstances. If you carry your baby in a kangaroo or other device on you, dress him lighter - he will receive heat from your body. Try to spend the entire time the baby is awake without diapers. Let your baby's body breathe without the help of "breathable diapers" (another advertising gimmick), let him lie lightly dressed while room temperature, because he is constantly moving - moving his legs, arms, trying to roll from side to side. Don't worry in vain that he will freeze - you will run out of energy within 5 minutes after you try to repeat all the movements after him. If you do not accustom your child to a too comfortable regime, he will not imagine a different life, and his body will get used to clearly regulating heat transfer in any conditions. Listen to your own children when they assure you that they are not cold, while you are struggling to put on another sweater or warm pants - they intuitively sense the capabilities of their own thermoregulation, while you blindly follow general recommendations. Another tip - do not dress your children warmer than you dress yourself - their system may not yet be completely perfect, but it is able to cope with mild hypothermia, provided that you correct the situation in time, while overheating can have longer-term consequences. Do not do a disservice to your baby’s emerging self-regulation system by teaching it to idleness and thermal comfort. My friends claim that actively moving children need to be dressed much lighter than adults, and they are right - while mothers are standing by the sandbox, children manage to overcome marathon distances. Older kids are able to tell for themselves whether they are cold or not.

However, be prudent - do not turn your life and the lives of your children into a complete ordeal of cold, hunger and extreme conditions. Here, as in everything, moderation is important - do not force your child to walk naked when the heating is turned off in April, but also do not prevent him from running barefoot if you yourself do not wear warm socks. Don’t try to raise “walruses” if you yourself shy away from cold water like hell. Rely on your own strength, wisdom and intuition - determine for yourself at what thermal regime you feel in good physical shape, and follow your own feelings regarding the child.

An equally important factor in the body’s reactivity is its ability to promptly and correctly respond to foreign bacteria and viruses. A child, as we know, is born sterile and with his first breath takes in myriads of microorganisms from the environment. While the baby receives mother's milk, he takes advantage of the achievements of the mother's immune system, which is often quite sufficient to resist the attack of viruses and bacteria. At this time, the child’s full-fledged immune system is actively developing, its greatest growth occurs at the age of up to 3 years. It is important to remember that a little person is already born with the rudiments of an immune system, subsequently receives antibodies with mother’s milk and forms immunity himself under the influence of the environment. It is no coincidence that infants in the family suffer from colds and acute viral diseases much less often than older children. Thus, the baby is not nearly as helpless as it might seem at first glance. After all, his still far from perfect immune system copes with almost all microbes and bacteria that are found in the maternity hospital, and then at home, on the street, when communicating with his mother and relatives. And here a delicate and delicate question arises - is it worth trying to provide a newborn with practical sterility and complete purity, for which official pediatric medicine so tirelessly fights? Let me give you a controversial example - in large family there is no time to sterilize all nipples, spoons and bottles and iron baby underwear on both sides, and children in such a family are much less susceptible to colds and intestinal diseases. Having a working husband and mother, I sterilized bottles and nipples only once - immediately after purchase, and no longer bothered myself with fears for the poor baby. In our family, diapers and baby underwear were not ironed on both sides with a hot iron, since a modern washing machine allows washing at a temperature of 90 degrees or even higher. I did not wipe my breasts with sterile wipes, did not boil toys that had fallen on the floor, and did not wash the room where I was with the baby with soap and bleach. Subsequently, our daughter crawled freely on the floor and pulled into her mouth everything that she managed to find under our not too vigilant supervision; in the summer she played on the garden path, ate from the garden bed and from the branches what grew there, and for all 2.5 years of her In our entire life, we have not experienced a single stomach upset due to the carelessness of our parents in ensuring complete and unconditional sterility. If we reasonably summarize all of the above, it turns out that healthy, I emphasize, we are talking about practically healthy child, not that useful at all full protection from the environment. The body must learn to cope with simple infections on its own, otherwise it will not be able to respond with an adequate response to serious danger. All this, of course, does not mean that you need to stop washing vegetables and fruits, cleaning the apartment, washing your hands before eating, etc. You need to maintain a sense of proportion and allow the baby, as he grows, to emerge victorious in encounters with germs. Remember that the bacteria and microorganisms that live in your home are perceived by the child as “their own”, that is, non-dangerous, and are unlikely to cause a severe reaction in him, so you should not worry so much about the “unsterile” floor or pacifier. Be moderately vigilant, but also moderately prudent.

1.4 Power

It is not my task to consider everything possible types nutrition, leading to the improvement of the body, since this impossible task could be devoted to a whole life. The goal in this case will be the most general recommendations, acceptable to all people with a wide variety of views, attitudes, tastes and religions.

Therefore, I will limit myself to a few tips.

Advice one .

Listen to your body and “ask” it what it wants. In order to hear the answer, you need to be in a state where you can hear this answer, that is, when you experience a slight, I emphasize, a slight feeling of hunger. Eat when you are hungry, do not force yourself, much less your child, to eat; such eating does more harm than good.

Tip two.

Eat as much “live” food as possible - unrefined foods, more greens, fruits, vegetables rich in vitamin C and other vitamins, honey, lactic acid products necessary to provide the body with easily digestible proteins and to create normal intestinal flora. Limit your consumption of white bread and refined flour products, and opt for bran and whole flour products. Do not get carried away with spicy, salty, fried foods. Reduce the cooking time for vegetables, stew, bake, boil in a pressure cooker, so that the products lose vitamins as little as possible during cooking.

Tip three.

Do not get carried away with synthetic types of food, including drinks (all kinds of soft and carbonated drinks, juices from concentrates), give preference to natural drinks - juices, vegetable and fruit decoctions, green tea, sour-milk drinks. Do not overuse stimulants such as coffee and black tea, especially if you feel their effects on the nervous and digestive systems. Drink clean water, but remember that boiled water is dead water and should not be drunk.

Tip four.

Do not become a vegetarian under the influence of fashion, do not try to convert your loved ones or children to vegetarianism, but limit your meat consumption from time to time depending on your own well-being. If you are sick, do not overload your stomach and excretory system meat dishes and offal. Light fasting will soon help you feel better, your appetite and zest for life will return. Do not cook food for yourself and your child using meat broths, give advice number five.

Remember what Hippocrates said: “Your food must be your medicine, and your medicine must be your food.” In other words, you have the health that you create every day by what you eat. Listen to yourself during illness and you will understand what you need. Do not overload your body with food, because it is only one source of energy, but far from the only one.

1.5 Natural antibiotics

We are used to barely grasping modern medicinal drugs, take antibiotics for any reason, thereby often shooting sparrows from cannons. There is only one way out - to begin a slow recovery process. However, it should be remembered that hardening, although it strengthens the immune system, cannot completely eliminate diseases. If you or your child gets sick, you will need more effective measures, and here you should turn to natural, natural potent medicines. They will help during an acute condition, but remember that these drugs cannot be taken thoughtlessly every day - addiction will occur, and the therapeutic effect will be reduced, or even completely null. On the other hand, none of these remedies is a panacea for all ills and can only help with a skillful and consistent combination of the entire gamut of non-drug methods of treatment and recovery. Here are some readily available, inexpensive and potent natural biostimulants.

Onions, garlic, radish.

I won’t talk much about the known properties of these vegetables, but I will advise the following: if there is a sick person in the house, place onions cut in half at the bedside of healthy people. For a runny nose, the following recipe will help: pour boiling water over finely chopped onions and garlic, let it brew, dilute the infusion with water so that it does not burn the nasal mucosa, and pour unrefined vegetable oil into it (for small children, you can sterilize the oil in a water bath), add 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed aloe or Kalanchoe juice (if available), and the nasal drops are ready. Very young children can be given garlic and onion pulp heated in a water bath to breathe.

After a year, you can prepare onion juice with honey or sugar and give it to drink when you cough. Licorice root and black radish juice are exceptionally good for coughs.


This drug is sold in pharmacies, beekeeping stores, and life shops. You can use a propolis solution in water or alcohol (not suitable for treating small children or for use on mucous membranes). For colds, propolis is taken orally (adults - 15-20 drops, children - 5-10 drops per glass of water or juice), the course of administration is no more than 10 days. If you dilute the drops in water, you get a gargle for the throat and mouth.

It is not recommended to give a child propolis before 10 months, so if the baby gets sick, the nursing mother drinks the medicine. Later, you can give propolis tincture as a prophylaxis during a flu epidemic (at the rate of 1 drop for every year of life, diluted in water or milk).

Propolis tincture in alcohol (1 part tincture + 2 parts vegetable oil) can be used as a compress for otitis media. A strong dilution of the tincture will help both as drops in the ear and as a turd for severe inflammation.


In principle, mumiyo is just as applicable in the above cases as propolis. Mumiyo is a good stimulator of regenerative (restorative) processes; mumiyo can be consumed both in the form of a solution and in dry form. It should be remembered that mumiyo is a strong biostimulant, and the course of administration should not exceed 7-10 days.


Viburnum is a powerful natural antibiotic. It can be added to tea (infused with berries or in the form of juice), you can make jam and use it for prevention during a flu pandemic. As with the above-mentioned remedies, you need to keep in mind that viburnum should not be taken as an everyday health remedy.


Use tincture of chlorophyllipt in alcohol or water. Alcohol tincture is diluted in the same way as propolis tincture and drunk for colds, intestinal disorders (dysbacteriosis, staphylococcus), used externally for cracked nipples, congestion in the chest, in the treatment of wounds, tincture in water can also be used on mucous membranes .

2. Therapies that promote wellness

2.1 Reflexology

Reflexology is the opening of energy channels using ebonite sticks or fingers.

2.2 Herbal medicine

Since ancient times, humanity has used medicinal plants for treatment. The effectiveness of medicinal herbs for various diseases has been tested traditional healers for centuries and millennia. Currently, the popularity of herbal medicine is due to many reasons. Medications of plant origin are gentler than synthetic ones. Medicinal herbs have fewer side effects than chemicals, they rarely cause allergic reactions. Medicinal herbs, especially their infusions, also have an advantage over synthetic means, that they retain the original complex of medicinal principles, hence their complex normalizing effect on a living organism.

A competently compiled collection of herbs allows you to immediately cover the entire range of the patient’s diseases, taking into account his individual characteristics. If necessary, skillfully prepared infusions can be taken for years without harm to the patient, which is especially important for chronic diseases. Sick, long time Those on a strict diet and at the same time taking herbs do not suffer from vitamin deficiencies, since herbs contain a complex of natural vitamins in a combination that is optimal for the body.

Infusions of lek. plants restore normal intestinal microflora, eliminate dysbiosis, promote the removal of toxins from the body, normalize metabolism and cholesterol levels in the blood, inhibit the development of atherosclerosis and related complications. They have a diuretic effect and, unlike chemical diuretics, do not cause depletion of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys and loss of potassium.

Medicinal plants - effective remedy treatment and prevention of various diseases thanks to its the widest spectrum medicinal properties.

2.3 Colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a method of cleaning and healing the large intestine.

This method of cleansing and healing the large intestine has been known for more than 100 years. Currently, colon hydrotherapy has received a new impetus for development and widespread use.

In the process of long-term poor lifestyle and nutrition, many people's intestines have lost their natural ability to cleanse themselves. Slags, films and fecal stones interfere with normal peristalsis. Constipation occurs and preconditions are created for various diseases. We have to use increasingly strong laxatives, which have a destructive effect on the intestinal walls. The human immune system, which is 60-80% connected to the intestines, also begins to suffer. This in turn creates conditions for the emergence and spread of cancer cells.

To get rid of these problems, you need:

1. cleanse the intestines and restore its functions

2. regulate nutrition

3. regulate your daily routine and physical activity.

How does colon hydrotherapy work?

Colonic gently and effectively removes accumulated fecal stones, films and putrefactive substances from the intestinal walls. This cleansing process normalizes the function

intestines, normalizes microflora, improves immunity, eliminates symptoms that are directly or indirectly related to intestinal dysfunction.

Colon hydrotherapy is especially indicated for the following conditions:

Constipation or tendency to be constipated

Weakening of the immune system



Allergies; bronchial asthma

Chronic pain in the spine.

Colonics complements many methods well and effectively helps cleanse the large intestine.

2.4 Hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches

Medicinal leeches are an ancient treatment method that has regained popularity. The medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is successfully used instead of modern medicines and is in many ways superior to them, because does not cause unwanted side effects.

The effect of a leech on the human body is multifaceted - the leech is sucked at acupuncture points, thereby exerting a reflex effect on organs and organ systems. Sucking 5-15 ml of blood, the leech secretes about 400 biologically from its salivary glands into the human bloodstream. active substances, mainly hirudin, which has the following effects:

Thins the blood

Expands capillaries, improves blood supply to organs

Dissolves adhesions, dissolves blood clots

Cures chronic inflammation

Reduces pain

Lowers blood pressure

Stimulates immune system

Treats infertility

Visibly improves facial skin

Rejuvenates the body

Corrects the biofield.

Leeches can treat diseases such as:


Cholecystitis, pancreatitis

Prostatitis, chronic inflammation of the ovaries

Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis



Glaucoma, cataract

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat

Hair loss.

There are few contraindications - hemophilia, persistent hypotension, pregnancy.

2.6 Diet therapy, weight loss

Efficient and complete digestion of food is the basis of health and proper metabolism. For each person there is an OPTIMAL SET OF PRODUCTS, determined by genetic and physiological characteristics. By individually approaching the choice of diet based on special laboratory tests (detection of food antibodies in the patient’s blood), it is possible to solve many problems that, at first glance, have nothing to do with nutrition. Eating as part of your individual diet, taking into account the rules for combining foods while observing the drinking and eating regimen, often allows you to restore metabolism, return to optimal weight, normalize blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improve immunity, reduce allergies, and correct a lot of things other without drugs.

Improvement using cleansing diets.

With any disease, we need to strengthen the body, the immune system, and release internal oxygen to fight the disease or microorganisms. As a result of poor nutrition, the body spends enormous amounts of money on neutralizing and oxidizing toxins that have arisen in the digestive system.

Hippocrates said: “Let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food.”

From traditional medicine it is known that honey therapy is possible, you can treat yourself with apples, kvass, cereals, teas, vegetable and fruit juices. Our great-grandmothers knew about this and used this knowledge.

And today this treatment is possible - the product must be gentle, not strain the digestive system, easily digestible, there must be enough of it. Your neighbor's diet will not help you, but a specially selected diet for your own body. Only the product that is properly digested and absorbed treats.

2.6 Rebirthing

Rebirthing is breathing therapy.

It turned out that this method helps to cure diseases that are incurable, from the point of view of modern medicine, to relieve severe mental stress, to increase psychophysical potential, and perhaps most importantly, to help a person find the meaning of his life in himself, or as they say in Eastern traditions - find liberation. REBEFING began to penetrate deeper and deeper into modern psychotherapy and resulted in an independent branch - trans-personal psychology.

Rebirthing has helped millions of sufferers find peace and health, get rid of incurable diseases, and resolve problems that have not been resolved for years.

Leonard Orr, who gave this technique to the world, is undoubtedly a brave man. You will be convinced of this very quickly if you take part in rebirthing. Everything you know about yourself will suddenly turn out to be a very small amount of everything that you are. The edges of everything that you always hide from yourself with special care will begin to come out.

It could be fear, anger, dissatisfaction with something or someone. All this begins to come out of you through your own experiences. This often happens in the very first lesson. It happens that people leave immediately. They say it's not interesting and they don't need it at all.

Nobody likes to feel defeated. It seems that it is much better to pretend that nothing happened. But if a person does not give up, he experiences amazing, strong emotions, as well as pain. It feels like your body doesn't belong to you, and if you continue, you'll realize that you've never been at peace with your body.

So, what is rebirthing for? It is an effective means of dealing with all kinds of stress, and the strongest and most significant stress is our own birth. It is at this moment that what is called fate is invested. A person comes into this world to learn. And it is at this moment, when he was born, that he begins to absorb information, like a sponge absorbs water, he has no judgments of “bad” or “good.”

For comparison, let's remember what happened before. Take, for example, Rus', when a woman was about to give birth, a wiser, more experienced woman helped her. They were called midwives. The woman in labor did everything herself, the midwife mostly gave her only advice and calmed her down. When a child was born, he was shown to relatives, and everyone rejoiced at the appearance of a new person. Then, the child was placed on his mother’s stomach, he was warmed by the mother’s warmth, he felt good and calm, he was expected, he was needed.

In modern conditions, every adult has already gone through this. The child in the mother’s womb is, as it were, in a state of weightlessness: an aquatic environment, he is warm, cozy and well. He receives as much food as he needs. This is an ideal environment for existence. And so he comes into this world. The first thing a child encounters is cold.

The difference in temperature between the birth and mother's body is very noticeable for the newborn. A child, accustomed to a certain temperature, feels this arctic cold very clearly, and this remains with us for the rest of our lives. The consequences are our colds. That's why many people don't like autumn and winter. And it very often happens that in the first classes those taking part in rebirthing experience a very strong cold and it is impossible to warm up in any way until the cold goes away on its own, and then the person notices that he stops catching a cold and easily tolerates it. low temperatures and even loves frosts. Often after childbirth, a block is also formed, which later results in leg disease - varicose veins. It happens very simply. It was believed that the child needed to open the lungs; for this purpose, an adult - the doctor took the child by the legs and patted him on the butt. As we have already said, the child was in an ideal environment; he was not yet ready for such harsh physical contact. The compression of the vessels later causes disease.

A born person is hurt in the first minutes of his life. He undergoes surgery - cutting the umbilical cord. This is done too early: the baby and the placenta are still a single whole. And it’s worth waiting a few hours: firstly, the child himself needs placental blood, it turns out that this is a valuable substance and it (placental blood) is carefully collected. It is used to produce cosmetics and other substances. If you wait until the baby draws in placental blood, then removing the umbilical cord is a completely painless process. And a person during his life is not as afraid of pain as most modern people. And, probably, the worst thing is that a newly born child is taken away from its mother. He is left alone, he feels the fuss around him, something is being done to him. But most importantly, he feels useless. This child is not important for people, they are just doing their job: one more, one less. The child feels useless and lonely. And we go through this all our lives - we try to prove our “need”. Mother is the closest creature in the world, no one knows where. It’s no secret that nothing can replace the feelings of a mother and the child feels it: strangers, alienation, and it is during these hours that he most needs the presence of his mother, but she is not around. There was such a rule. And now many people will accuse their children of heartlessness, and they do not realize that this is the reason.

Only in the 90s of the last century began to be recommended not to swaddle children tightly. Until this time, the child was wrapped in diapers so tightly, arguing that the child would have slender legs or that he was scaring himself with his arms, that he would rest better this way. IN fiction describes one of the most cruel tortures: a person is tightly wrapped in a tarpaulin and left for several hours - this is what they did with especially dangerous criminals, so you can probably guess: the benefit that was provided to the child subsequently results in illness ( vegetative-vascular dystonia- i.e. circulatory disorders). At this time, a lot still happens to us, but it lies somewhere in the depths of our memory.

A person’s vulnerability lies only in the fact that he does not remember the first years of his life. Personality formation occurs in the first five years. And then comes grinding, i.e. repeating what we have learned. And since we cannot remember this (what we have learned), reality most often causes suffering: these are our falls and failures.

Rebirthing allows you to dive into the depths of the subconscious and free yourself from difficult emotions. It’s hard to believe, but with practice we come to understand that every person is the architect of his own happiness. We begin to know ourselves, and come to understand that everything has its own reason. Example: a person does not like hot food, if you ask him “why”, the usual answer is “I don’t know and that’s all.” He does not know. It has been noticed that during rebirthing a person experiences a physical sensation of a tongue burn and after some time eats hot food freely. Other people had more vivid memories. Someone was given milk that was too hot and remembered how their tongue was burned, and it was imprinted in their memory that hot is bad and there are many such examples.

It seems to us that if we don’t remember something, then it didn’t happen, but this is clearly not the case. Our consciousness is, as it were, divided into many parts and we consciously suppress some stressful situations because we are afraid of pain, but the pain has not gone away. If we don’t notice it, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist and that it interferes with enjoying life.

Example: a person under anesthesia (they had an operation), he slept, and in his understanding there was no pain, but the pain did not go away - it will remain. A person does not notice it, but it is there and has not gone away. It bothers the whole body. During classes, a person experiences pain that he has not felt before, and having survived it, he notices that the scars disappear and his health improves significantly.

Rebirthing is not only suitable for sick people; it is practically applicable to everyone. For expectant mothers - if a mother had a difficult time giving birth to a daughter, then when she grows up and gives birth herself, it will be even harder for her. To prevent this from happening, the expectant mother needs to free herself from the stress of birth and it has already been proven that often carrying a child and giving birth with proper preparation of the mother is a very pleasant process for both the mother herself and the father of the newborn child. In general, this technique is necessary for any person, regardless of his social status: it helps athletes improve performance, businessmen find optimal solutions, schoolchildren, students, housewives will undoubtedly benefit greatly from this technique.

An instructor is only needed at the beginning, because it is very difficult to cope with the unknown that befalls you in the process of training, and then you can use the technique throughout your life and move yourself in any direction. Leonard Orr, the founder of this technique, says that any disease can be cured, including such diseases as old age.

In rebirthing Special attention focuses on the following aspects:

a) release of breath, release of energy;

b) elaboration of 5 Great Problems:

Birth Trauma

Parental disapproval syndrome

Specific negative ideas (“Life is bad”, “The world is cruel, the law of the jungle reigns”, etc.),

Unconscious desire for death,

Past Lives

A rebirthing session is carried out for 1.5 - 2.5 hours, lying on your back with your eyes closed in comfortable clothes, under the guidance of an EXPERIENCED instructor.

Pre-briefing is provided

2.7 Massage

General classic (muscle) massage

The whole body is massaged - from head to toe.

Action: relaxes the muscles of the body, removes muscle spasms, relieves fatigue, increases tone.

Using honey and a hot towel. Relieves fatigue, cleanses the skin, normalizes blood pressure.

Can be general or local. Works deeper layers of muscles.

Using special creams that cleanse and tighten the skin. Improves muscle tone. Reduces body volume.

Along the meridians of the human body, influencing individual points.

Removes toxins from the intercellular space, removes swelling, restores water balance in the body, improves memory, etc.

On the floor, in clothes. It is a combination of pressing, stretching and twisting - that is, complex system effects on the body.

It relieves pain, opens energy channels, and gives lightness throughout the body.

Su-jok therapy - massage of the feet, hands, arms, legs, body and head. Balances the functioning of the whole body, corrects the aura, the duration of the procedure is at least 2 hours. Replaces a day of rest.

Sujok therapy, reflexology, full body massage, procedure duration is at least 4.5 hours. Replaces 2 days of rest. Restores the body. No more than once a week.

Back massage + Spinal correction (chiropractor).

It's soft and effective form body work using pulsations with a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute (the rhythm of the heart of a human embryo). These pulsations are created by rocking the entire body of the massage therapist and pass through the entire body of the patient and make it possible to achieve a state similar to the pulsation of the fetus in the womb. This allows you to “remember” the programs for the healthy functioning of the body at the cellular level.

Blood circulation gradually improves, the nervous system comes into balance. The person feels light and well rested. Replaces 3 hours of sleep.

The result is deep relaxation, calming the nervous system, “dissolving” blocks and muscle tension, attunement of internal organs and endocrine system, strengthening the immune system, connecting to the healing process of the body's internal resources.

There are no age or clinical restrictions for palsing (except for the first eight months of pregnancy).

Champi head massage

Champi is translated from Sanskrit as imbibing with Prana. Prana is vital energy, the force through which life exists on Earth. The massage is aimed at aligning the flow of energy through the internal channels of the body, cleansing them and directing them to those places where it is now needed. During assage, an indirect effect occurs, stimulating the most important glands of our body. Their very name says how important they are. In yoga they are called "glands of fate." So what are these glands?

The first is the pineal gland, which is responsible for our mood, positive thinking. With age, it begins to decrease and a person becomes more pessimistic.

The second is the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the functioning of the brain, for intuition, for our ability to perceive the world, another reality, dreams.

Third - medulla, allowing our prana, located at the base of the spine, to freely rise up to the brain, additionally nourish it and expand the boundaries of perception. It is believed that the average person’s brain operates at 10% of the potential inherent in us by the Creator.

The fourth is the thyroid gland, corresponding to the 5th chakra energy body, responsible for the work of all lower chakras, for the youth of our body, for the work of all endocrine glands.

60% yoga poses and breathing exercises are aimed at influencing precisely these glands.

Massage of the shoulder girdle, arms, neck and head is carried out sequentially. Massage movements are strictly regulated and are performed only along energy lines and points of the body. Only high quality oils and aroma oils, which are selected individually. The duration of the massage session is about 1 hour.

The impact of Champi massage is multifaceted - it balances and stabilizes the entire human energy system. During this massage the patient relaxes. Massage stimulates the brain, additionally nourishes it with oxygen, regulates blood pressure, relaxes, strengthens the immune system, eliminates insomnia, mental imbalance, and increases the body's ability to resist stress. This massage gives especially good results for headaches of various origins, as well as for the treatment of anxiety and depression syndromes. This massage reduces muscle tension, pain and stiffness in the spine and shoulder girdle, and helps in the treatment of inflammation paranasal sinuses nose, improves hearing

An individual combination of oils is selected for each patient. During the massage, the patient's body is methodically covered from all sides with warm oil. Massage movements are strictly regulated - they are performed along clearly defined energy lines and so-called marma points. Massage helps remove toxins from the body, puts the body's energy in order, and gives a feeling of calm relaxation. This massage has allowed many patients to lose excess weight. Eliminates fatigue. Strengthens muscles. Improves joint flexibility. Improves sleep.

Walking on coals

A kind of reflexology, because There are about 300 biologically active points on the sole. As a result, the functioning of all internal organs improves.

When walking quickly, contact with coals is very short, so there is no need to worry about getting burned. And if it happens, it is very mild and only in those points that are associated with problem organs. The next day there will be no trace left.

Additionally, this is an excellent psychotherapy aimed at increasing self-esteem and developing the will.


Fasting is one of the oldest methods of treatment.

Fasting renews, revitalizes, and cleanses millions of cells in our body. It improves immunity, strengthens the nervous system and allows you to get rid of excess weight (weight loss on average 0.9 -1 kg per day). Fasting also prevents premature aging. It is a wonderful relaxation for the soul and body


1. R. Ravich. Ambulance natural means.

2. A.M. Timofeeva. Conversations with a pediatric doctor.

3. L.A.Nikitina, Zh.S.Sokolova, L.A.Bludova. Parents of the 21st century.
