Su Jok Dr. Universal method of treatment. Fundamentals of su-jok therapy

Su Jok - a universal method of treatment

The Su-Jok therapy method was created by South Korean professor Pak Je-woo in 1986. This healing system is deeply rooted in ancient Traditional Oriental medicine. Deeply rethinking the experience of traditional medicine and modern achievements science, Professor Pak Jae-woo made a huge step in the development of reflexology.

His healing system is effective, simple and has won worldwide recognition.

History and ideology of the method

Modern medicine, having quite effective means for providing first aid, a prerequisite for the effectiveness of its implementation requires the presence of special medicines and tools, as well as complex skills in performing first aid techniques. At the same time, some of the recommendations for providing medical care for a number of diseases do not imply any intervention, and the victim must endure often unbearable pain and simply wait for a qualified examination. medical worker. But why endure pain? Wouldn't it be better to get rid of it and calmly wait for the doctor? Su Jok is a universal method of treating mild diseases without medication, without harming the entire body. The method of providing first aid in emergency conditions. A method that is specific to each given disease. A method that does not require significant material costs and special medical knowledge, complex skills and tools. A method that every person at any age can master and use in their daily life for the benefit of their health and the health of their loved ones.

Everyone knows acupuncture, which has a history of four thousand years, and its varieties - acupressure, exposure to biologically active points with heat, electricity, etc. These treatment methods are the prerogative of medical specialists and require lengthy preparation. In the hands of an amateur, attempts to treat them can not only be beneficial, but also cause irreparable harm. After many years of careful research and clinical experience, Korean Professor Park Jae Woo, Academician of the IAS (Berlin), President of the Korean Institute of Su-Jok, President of the International Association of Su-Jok Physicians (London, 1991) introduced a new acupuncture system, affecting only the hand and foot. Hands and feet are most often subject to mechanical and other types of irritation during walking or any work, which ensures the maintenance of health in the body. We owe it to them that we do not get sick all the time. We begin to rub the brushes first of all on severe frost. Warm feet are the basis of a comfortable state in cold weather. When a disease occurs in some place of the body, points or zones appear in the correspondence systems of the hand and foot hypersensitivity, when exposed to which, an impulse arises that goes to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease, which indicates to the body a pathology, and the body takes measures to get rid of it.

The essence of the treatment is to find the most painful points in one of the correspondence systems, in the zone of correspondence to the diseased organ or place, and act on them using one of the methods available to everyone: mechanical massage, magnetic field, biological power of living seeds, heating, color. This alone leads to recovery in the initial stages of diseases, helps to prevent severe consequences in life-threatening conditions, prevents the development of exacerbations of chronic

Diseases. Giving practical advice on treatment, it is deliberately said only about the impact on the hands, since it is easier and more convenient to influence the hands when providing self-help and mutual assistance. Acupressure points on the feet are also very effective in healing. If desired, everyone can find matching points on the feet, guided by the drawings of the hands, while taking into account that the hands and feet have a fundamentally the same structure.

Video on the history of the Su Jok method

Basic Compliance Systems

The main systems are called correspondence systems in which the entire body is projected onto the hand or foot. In this case, the thumb corresponds to the head, the palm and sole correspond to the body, the III and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the legs, and the II and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the hands.

Basic brush matching system

When searching for matching points, the brush is placed palm forward. The index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand correspond to right hand. The middle finger of the right hand and the ring finger of the left hand correspond to right leg. The ring finger of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand correspond to the left foot. The little finger of the right hand and the index finger of the left hand correspond to the left hand. The elevation of the palm at the base of the thumb corresponds to the chest, and the palm as a whole corresponds to the abdomen.

Primary Foot Compliance System

Correspondence Chart of the Organs on the FeetThe foot correspondence system is based on the same principles as the basic correspondence system of the hand. The foot is similar in structure to the hand, the hand is similar to the body. Since the foot is subjected to considerable natural stimulation during movement, the correspondence system located in it is especially effective.

The presented figure clearly displays the points of projections of the organs of the human body on the sole and palm. To stimulate these correspondence points at home, you can use both special tools and seeds, small pebbles, beads, massagers, or perform simple point stimulation with your finger.

Mini "insect" matching system on the hands and feet

Minisystems of Correspondence of Fingers and ToesEach finger and toe is similar to the human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges, and the body without limbs has three parts - the head, chest and abdomen. These parts are clearly demarcated from each other both on the body and on the finger. This is the so-called "insect" correspondence system.

Minisystems of Correspondence at the Tips of the Fingers and Feet Considering the bone base of the fingers as a spine, it is possible to stimulate the correspondences of the affected vertebrae from different angles. This is one of the great advantages of this system. On each of the fingers of the hands and feet, the healing system of the "insect" is represented, in which the last phalanx corresponds to the head, the middle to the chest, the first to abdominal cavity. The correspondence of the joints of the arms and legs is in the position of bending at the border of the Yin-Yang of the fingers.

Video on the Su Jok correspondence system

Medical points of Su Jok

In order to find a healing point of correspondence to a diseased organ or a diseased part of the body, you need to know how the body is projected onto the hand or foot. Then, by evenly pressing in the intended area with a match, a non-sharply sharpened pencil or a special diagnostic stick, you can determine the exact location of the treatment point of correspondence.

The healing point is always sharply painful!

With a probe (or any object with a rounded end with a diameter of about 2 mm), press in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease corresponding to the degree of tolerable pain. The points where the pain will sharply increase with the same pressure force will be the points of correspondence, the points of treatment of this disease. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and effectiveness. It can be used by both health workers and trained people for self-medication.

The intended points should be pressed with equal force and, what is very important, not too hard from the very beginning. The healing point manifests itself in that at the moment of pressure on it, a motor reaction appears (involuntary movement due to sharp pain). Pinpointing the exact point is only half the battle. For achievement therapeutic effect you need to be able to properly stimulate it. This can be done in different ways.

Video search matching points Su Jok

Methods of influencing correspondence points

Mechanical massage

Press the most painful of the points found to a tolerable pain and massage it with a vibrating movement for 1-2 minutes. Thus, it is possible to act with only one point or with several, or massage the entire correspondence zone with a massage roller or a massage ring. For a mechanical effect on the correspondence points, many improvised means can be used: small pebbles, balls of metal or other material, grains of cereals, etc. These objects are glued with a sticky patch on the correspondence points and periodically massaged - for example, every hour for 1-2 minutes.

After finding the point, you need to press it hard enough with a diagnostic stick (you can use any non-sharp object instead - a match, a pen, or even your own nail). After the pain under the diagnostic wand has passed, you can continue to massage the point with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, pressing the wand a little harder. It is necessary to massage the treatment point completely once until the residual pain disappears and a feeling of warmth appears in it. In the case of chronic diseases, a single exposure to the points is not enough. Correctly found points should be massaged with force for 3-5 minutes every 3-4 hours daily, until the condition improves. Repeated massage of the correspondence zones leads to an improvement in the condition, in some cases this happens very quickly.

warming up

Heat, as an expanding energy, has a stimulating effect, therefore, in a number of diseases associated with a lack of energy or an excess of cold, warming up the points of correspondence gives good effect. Warming is carried out with special wormwood sticks (moxas), which are installed on the skin directly without additional devices or with the help of special stands. Moxa is set on fire and smolders, warming up the point of correspondence. Warming up points or areas of correspondence on the hand and foot can also be carried out simply with a warm object of the appropriate configuration and size.

Moxotherapy is very effective for colds, flu.

With the initial manifestations of a cold (flu), carry out 1-2-3-4 warming up of active points on the hands or feet with an interval of 12 or 24 hours. If it took more than one warm-up to eliminate the symptoms, then the disease without treatment would be more difficult, the more warm-ups you had before the cure. Moxibustion will also have an effect if you are late with treatment and start it in the midst of an illness. If you do not have moxa, then you can use any available method to warm up the active points or the entire palm, including the palmar surface of the thumb. This can be done by placing the palms over a heat source or, for example, pour into a glass jar hot water- cover it with your palms or feet and warm them for 10-15 minutes.

In the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, moxibustion can be used as an auxiliary method of treatment. peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic diseases intestines, chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, sluggish dermatitis, etc.), chronic respiratory diseases.

All weakened and elderly people are shown moxibustion as an auxiliary method of treating a disease or a means of increasing the general tone of the body, increasing its vitality. In these cases, treatment is carried out in sessions of 5-10 procedures.

Almost all people, and especially those over 40 years old, with feelings of malaise, weakness, weakness, fatigue, dissatisfaction with their well-being, can conduct moxotherapy sessions for themselves. The number of procedures is chosen by the patient himself, depending on his well-being.

It is undesirable to use this technique for the treatment hypertension and hyperthyroidism.

Wormwood cigars are also used to warm correspondence points and energy points. Warming up points is carried out remotely, until you feel persistent heat in the heated area.

Treatment with magnets

Various magnets are widely used to stimulate correspondence zones: ring, round, magnetic arrows, you can use magnets from road chess. Magnets are attached to the adhesive using adhesive tape. treatment points brushes and feet. The magnet is placed at the most painful point. A magnetic star combines two directions of influence on the correspondence point - mechanical and magnetic fields.

Treatment with natural stimulants-seeds

Everyone knows the power of germinating seeds, when a gentle-looking bore breaks through dense soil. This potential energy of theirs is used in Su Jok therapy. Seeds are glued with a sticky patch on the matching zone pathological process. The action of the seed on the points of correspondence is also carried out in two directions - mechanical and bioenergetic influence. Seeds are the most commonly used surface applicators natural origin. As living biological structures, seeds have a large supply of vital energy necessary for the development of a new plant. When the seeds are fixed on the correspondence points, they awaken, and their biological fields interact with the “correspondence balls” of diseased organs and body parts, restoring their energy potential.

Seeds that are intact and able to germinate are selected for treatment. Usually seeds of radishes, beets, buckwheat, peas, beans, peppers, flax, apples, grapes, pomegranates, viburnum, pumpkins, etc. are used. Seeds are attached to a piece of adhesive plaster, and then fixed on a hand or foot. When choosing seeds, their shape should be taken into account. For diseases of the internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a similar shape. For example, heart diseases can be treated with viburnum seeds, kidney diseases with bean seeds, lung diseases with buckwheat seeds, grape seeds are used for pancreatitis, etc. The time of application of seeds varies from several hours to days. They can be additionally pressed (with a frequency of one or two times an hour for 3-5 minutes). If it is necessary to continue treatment, after a day the seeds are replaced with new ones, and the procedure is repeated.

color treatment

Many diseases, especially diseases that have external manifestations, can be treated with color. If the disease is manifested only by redness, there is still no swelling and pain, it should be treated with black. If the disease is manifested by swelling, itching, weak dull transient pains, it should be treated with green. If the disease manifests itself significant, but not constant pain, the appearance of erosion, it must be treated with red. If the disease is manifested by severe constant pain, ulcers appear, the affected area acquires a grayish-black tint, it must be treated with yellow. To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points or areas of correspondence with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color, or stick colored paper with a colored surface to the skin.

You can get acquainted with other methods of influence and treatment of Su-Jok therapy from the books on Su-Jok by Pak Jae-Wu and his followers.

Video about methods and means of Su Jok therapy


Preventive hand and foot massage

Index or thumb carefully examine the surfaces of the hands and feet from both sides. At the same time, you will find painful zones, various seals, spasmodic areas of the muscles. These are signals about the beginning disorder in your body. Such zones should be massaged well with your fingers until a feeling of warmth appears in them, the pain and hardening disappear.

If you know which of your organs is sick or weakened, then especially carefully massage the zones of its correspondence.

Remember that massage of the fingertips and nail plates of the hands and feet is very useful. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of minisystems of correspondence. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a persistent sensation of warmth. This has a healing effect on the entire body.

A person should not endure pain - take it off yourself, which will help speed up recovery, mobilize the body's forces to fight the disease, but if necessary, contact a doctor so that he can expertly assess your condition.

Examples therapeutic effect Su Jok methods

Video on examples of the therapeutic effects of Su Jok therapy

Su Jok
According to the matching system, used by su jok therapists, the nail phalanx of the thumb is the reflection of the head on the hand, and the neck is projected onto its lower phalanx. Parts of a person's face can easily be found on the pad of the thumb: in the place where the pattern on the skin converges, there is a nose, on the sides above it are the eyes, and under the nose is the mouth.
From the second phalanx of the finger (neck), the nasopharynx, part of the lungs, thyroid and parathyroid gland.
according to the matching system, on the tenor of the palm (elevation above the thumb), there is an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest with the lungs, heart, trachea and skeletal system. On the remaining surface of the inner side of the hand are the organs of the abdominal cavity. If we conditionally divide this part of the palm into 3 horizontal sections, then the upper one will contain the liver, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, pancreas and spleen. The small and large intestines are projected onto the central part of the palm. Lower level the inner side of the hand is occupied by the zone of correspondence to the organs of the small pelvis (in women - the uterus and appendages, in men - the prostate gland).
The index finger and little finger are responsible for the condition of the hands, and the middle and ring fingers are responsible for the health of the legs. The kidneys and the entire spine, from the cervical region to the coccyx, are located on the back of the hand.

In the same way, all organs and parts of the human body are projected onto the foot. On the right and left limbs there are identical systems of correspondence to the whole body.
In addition to the standard correspondence system, su jok therapy uses the insect system. According to her, the upper phalanges of each finger are responsible for the head, the middle ones for the chest, and the main (lower) ones for the abdominal cavity. This system is very beneficial for the treatment various diseases of the spine, since on the finger the spine is located in a straight line and is accessible from all sides.
Not only organs, but also the human energy system are projected into the correspondence system. In Eastern philosophy, there is a concept of 5 U-Sin energies, each of which is symbolized by its own color. Wind energy associated with in green, it affects the activity of the liver and biliary tract. For heat energy characteristic is the red color, all microcirculation processes in the body are associated with it, as well as the work of the heart and small intestine. Humidity Energy associated with yellow. It is responsible for normal water metabolism and the activity of the spleen, stomach and pancreas. The energy of dryness associated with brown and white. It controls the lungs, large intestine and all the mucous membranes of the human body. cold energy symbolizes black. It controls the functioning of the kidneys Bladder, reproductive and skeletal systems. If any pathology occurs in the human body, then its cause must be sought at the energy level. Su Jok therapists use to treat their patients various colors. Color therapy in combination with massage and other methods gives excellent results in the treatment of many diseases. Any person, having studied the basic principles of su jok therapy, can provide himself with quick and effective self-help without resorting to specialists. Any pathology finds its reflection in the correspondence system in the form of the appearance of painful points. To search for these points in su jok therapy, a special diagnostic wand is used. With the help of a wand, you can also massage the points by pressing on them with different strengths. At home, the diagnosis and massage of painful points can be carried out using a blunt pencil, a match, a key, or any other object that does not have sharp ends. Experts use special massage rings and rollers as su jok tools. You can also make a high-quality massage of the points with the help of the fingers of your free hand. Massaging movements include stroking, pressing with different strengths and rubbing.
Su jok therapy is widely used medicinal properties seeds, plants, stones and heat. A very effective method of influencing painful points is seed therapy. Seeds are used according to the principle of the influence of the color and properties of the plant.
For example, red viburnum seeds resemble a heart in shape, and in color they correspond to heat energy, so they are used to treat cardiac pathologies, superimposed on the projection zone of the heart. And the grains of hot pepper can be used as a warming agent, placing them in places corresponding to those where it is customary to put mustard plasters. Black beans resemble kidneys in shape, and its color symbolizes the energy of cold, which is also responsible for the functioning of these organs. By applying one grain of beans to the brush in the zone corresponding to the kidneys, one can achieve a significant relief of the course of the disease. It is not enough just to apply the seeds from above, they must be fixed for several hours on the correspondence zones with the help of an adhesive plaster and periodically massage the painful points with them throughout the whole time. Experts advise using the seeds of all available plants in the treatment. People who seek to provide themselves with effective self-help at home need to stock up on grains of lentils, mung bean, millet, buckwheat, apple, lemon and grape seeds, beans different colors etc. Instead of seeds, you can use mineral, precious and semi-precious stones of various colors and sizes. To influence painful points, it is useful to apply heat, which relieves spasms and relieves pain. Sources of such heat can be a small wormwood cigar or micromoxas, which are specially used to warm painful areas.

How to use su jok therapy in practice and provide self-help? Consider a few simple examples of the treatment of the most common diseases. Colds We get rid of a runny nose by stimulating the points of correspondence to the nose, which are located on the palmar and plantar surfaces in the center of the nail phalanges of the pads thumbs. To influence the painful point, you can use color therapy by activating wind energy. To do this, you need to draw a small green circle on the nose correspondence point or attach a green seed to it and massage it. Massage of the correspondence points of the larynx (the center of the thumb pad) and tonsils (below the projection of the corners of the mouth) will help get rid of a sore throat. Cough can be cured by stimulating the correspondence points of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. It is necessary to find the most painful places in the correspondence zones and massage them with a diagnostic stick or finger for 3-5 minutes, then warm them up with a wormwood cigar or micromoxa. Long-term stimulation can be achieved by attaching seeds of black pepper, radish, buckwheat, lentils or lemon to the points with a plaster. From elevated temperature we get rid of it by acting on the points of the brain, which, according to the insect system, are located at the tips of all fingers. Pieces of ice should be attached to them, and then painted over with black. Or you can draw black lines on the palmar surface of the index fingers, which will begin at the corner of the nail plate and end at the level of the fold located between the middle and main phalanges. Bronchitis Bronchitis is eliminated with an intensive warming massage of the correspondence points of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, after which seeds of buckwheat, rosehip, beetroot, apple or black pepper are placed on painful places. Pieces of mustard plasters can be applied to the zones of correspondence with the lungs and kept until a burning sensation appears. To facilitate the discharge of sputum, you need to massage the zones of correspondence to the respiratory tract, using the seeds of apple, melon, watermelon, zucchini, and grapes. Headache Headache can be eliminated by paying attention to the area of ​​its localization. According to the insect system, the head corresponds to the nail phalanges of the hand and foot. If you are worried about pain in the frontal part of the head, you need to massage the upper third of the nail phalanges. The parietal region corresponds to the fingertips, and the temporal region corresponds to points on the lateral surfaces of the fingers. The back of the head is projected onto the back of the fingers. Stimulation of painful points should be carried out with a diagnostic stick, pen or fingernail for 2-5 minutes. If after the massage the pain decreased, but did not go away, you can fix a patch with buckwheat, millet or rice seeds on the painful points and leave them for 6-8 hours, massaging the points with them from time to time. Often headaches are caused by diseases of the internal organs. Problems with the gallbladder can cause pain in the temporal region, the cervical spine and bladder can cause pain in the back of the head. The culprit of discomfort in the frontal part of the head can be an unhealthy stomach. In these cases, it is necessary to stimulate the points of correspondence to patients internal organs in the same way as with a normal headache. In the case where the pain in the head is caused by an increase blood pressure, the middle part of the thumb must be tightly tied with an elastic band and removed sharply after the color of the finger changes. After that, the fingertips should be painted black and attached to the painful correspondence points of grains of rice, buckwheat or millet. Pain in the heart Pain in the heart can also be relieved by using su jok methods. According to the standard correspondence system, the projection of the heart is in the lower part of the tenor of the palm. If a sudden pain occurs, you should immediately massage the correspondence zone with your finger or a massager for 3-5 minutes, and then fix viburnum, cucumber, zucchini or pumpkin seeds on the most painful points. Pain in the spine For pain in the spine the insect system should be used. Correspondence zones of different parts of the spine are located on the back surface of all fingers. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to act on painful points with a massage ring or fingers for 3-10 minutes, and then apply the seeds of black pepper, buckwheat or radish to the correspondence zone in a chain and fix them with adhesive tape. Toothache To find points of correspondence with teeth and eliminate toothache, it is most convenient to use the “animal head” system, in which the projections of all teeth are located along the edge of the nail plate of each finger. To relieve pain, it is necessary to find the most painful point in the indicated area and stimulate it with a diagnostic stick for about 2-5 minutes, then attach a buckwheat seed to the point and press on it until the pain stops completely. Insomnia In case of insomnia, it is useful to make a slight stimulation of the correspondence zones of the occiput, cervical spine and kidneys. It is also possible, while lying in bed, to put on, without tightening much, an elastic band on the lower part of the thumb and leave it until a light nap occurs. As already mentioned above, the methods of su jok therapy are aimed primarily at self-help and always give positive result. In addition, they have no contraindications and side effects and can even be applied to childhood. Given the fact that most of the su jok methods are contrary to official medicine, not all doctors recognize them. But there are also such doctors who, after unsuccessful attempts at treatment with conventional drugs, advise their patients to turn to su jok specialists. As a rule, after visiting them, a person manages to regain lost health. Perhaps among the readers of the publication there are people who managed to heal with the help of wonderful techniques of su jok therapy. I would like them to personally comment on the article and share their methods of treatment using this technique.

I hope you are as open to new knowledge as I am. Therefore, get acquainted: su-jok therapy, you will learn what it is and how to use it at home to lose weight, for colds, cramps, swelling and mastopathy, to treat tinnitus, allergies.

I have respect for our traditional medicine, but I do not disdain other areas in the treatment of various diseases. For example, I have been adopted for a long time. I am sure, as an addition to drug treatment, this is a good help. Sometimes I don’t even have to go to the hospital, I treat a cold myself and toothache I shoot pretty fast.

Su-jok therapy - what is it

So, let's find out what it is - su-jok therapy and try to apply our knowledge for ourselves. Reading about therapy in various sources, I was faced with the fact that it is written too complicated. I will try to tell you about the treatment method as simply as possible, without unnecessary details, I will give you information that will be useful to you in treatment.

The founder of an interesting approach to therapy was a professor from South Korea Park Jae-woo. While studying oriental medicine in his student years, the professor noticed that the hand of our hand is very similar to the structure of a person.

And if you consider your hand, then you will agree: the body has a head and two pairs of limbs. On the hand you will also see 5 protruding parts. As a result of careful study and analysis, the doctor developed a new treatment technique that no one had used before. As a basis, the professor took the ancient method of treatment - acupuncture, re-stating it, but basing it on its fundamental principles.

The human foot and hand have a huge number of receptor fields that are associated with various parts body.

With a certain disease, painful points are formed on them associated with the diseased organ. The professor called them correspondence points. By finding these painful points, you can help the body cope with the disease by stimulating them with massage or pressure.

To do this, I act on the points with needles, magnets and warming sticks, use the seeds of various plants. Seeds are natural biologically active stimulants. And for home treatment, this direction of su jok is very convenient.

The technique has found support in many patients who have applied it in practice. Most of them, having become disillusioned with official medicine, clutched at the new technique as if it were the last straw. Over time, su-jok therapy became known throughout the world.

The advantage of this non-traditional treatment is its availability at home, safety and, of course, effectiveness. It does not require large investments. And the only obstacle under which it can be ineffective is the wrong application.

Although ... in fairness, we can say that treatment does not require certain skills, only accurate knowledge is needed. According to reviews, many of those who have already tried the su-jok treatment method, it helps quickly and with many diseases. Having studied completely simple tricks, they helped themselves and recovered.

Want to check it out? Try right now to intensively rub first the thumbnail, then the rest. A simple procedure will immediately give vivacity and relieve drowsiness. So it works!

In Korean, su means hand and jok means foot.

And now attention! Which points, according to the theory of the professor in the palm of your hand, correspond to our body parts?

Compliance system (see photo for details):

  • Head - nail phalanx of the thumb
  • Parts of the face - you can easily find them on the ball of your thumb.
  • Neck - projected onto the lower phalanx of the thumb.
  • Nasopharynx - drop below the neck on the palm. There is also the thyroid and parathyroid glands, part of the lungs.
  • The chest together with the lung, heart, trachea or skeletal system - they are located on the tenor of the palm, where there is an elevation near the thumb.
  • The organs of the abdominal cavity are located on the remaining surface of the inner side of the palm. Conventionally, it can be divided into three horizontal parts:
  • At the top you will find the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, duodenum and gallbladder.
  • The central part corresponds to the small and large intestines.
  • Lower - here you will find all the organs of the small pelvis: the female uterus and appendages, prostate in men.
  • Hands - the index finger with the little finger is responsible for their condition.
  • Legs - the middle and ring fingers are responsible for the health of the legs.
  • The kidneys, the entire spine are projected onto the back of the hand.
  • In the same way, all parts of the body and internal organs are projected onto the soles of the feet. Look at the photo, everything is shown in detail and clearly.

The insect system in su-jok therapy

In addition to this, the standard correspondence of points, there is another direction in su-jok - the insect system. What it is:

According to this system, the upper phalanges of all fingers are responsible for the health of the head. The middle phalanges are responsible for the work of the chest, and the lower (main) ones are responsible for the abdominal cavity.

What does it give in treatment? You will understand if you look at the photo - in the treatment of diseases of the spine, you can use not only the back of the hand, but also each finger. This is more convenient, since on it the spine is located in a straight line and is accessible from all sides.

Energy system in su jok

In addition, according to the professor's method, the energy system is projected into the correspondence system, and not just the organs. If any pathology occurs in the body, one should look for the cause at the energy level, so su jok therapists use various colors to cure.

In Oriental medicine, there are five Wu Xing energies, and each of them corresponds to a different color:

  • Green color is the energy of the wind, the activity of the liver and biliary tract is subject to it.
  • Red color is the energy of heat associated with the work of the heart, small intestine and all the circulatory processes of the body.
  • Yellow is the energy of moisture, which is responsible for the functioning of the spleen, pancreas, stomach and water metabolism.
  • White and Brown color a - this is the energy of dryness, it is associated with the activity of the large intestine, lungs and mucous membranes.
  • Black color - the energy of cold, which controls the functioning of the bladder, kidneys, reproductive and also skeletal systems.

Attention! Do not forget to visit a doctor, with the help of Su-Jok therapy we remove pain but we don't treat the root cause.

Su Jok therapy at home

So, we have learned the basic concepts of therapy, let's find out how to apply this knowledge at home for self-treatment.

How to find the right point

To correctly find the point of correspondence to a particular organ, take a non-sharply sharpened stick, you can use a pencil, but I personally use ballpoint pen. Press on the supposed point of correspondence, and if it is found correctly, then your body will react with pain (sometimes there is even a motor reflex - you twitch).

Fix the seed or seed of plants with adhesive tape for a while. How much to keep? Usually imposed for several hours and even days. During the day, it is recommended to lightly press on the seed, while simultaneously making clockwise rotational movements.

How to understand that the grain is working:

If you use su-jok therapy, then it is important for you to know whether the method works, or is it just a set of certain actions, and nothing more.

Some time after applying the grains, you should feel warmth, tingling, itching, slight pain. This will tell you that su jok therapy is working and the disease is being treated.

What seeds are used in su jok therapy

For treatment according to the Su Jok method at home, healing properties seeds of various plants, you can also use the energy of stones, including precious ones.

Stock up on black peppercorns, grape seeds, mung bean, buckwheat, millet. Do not throw away the seeds of apples, lemons, marrows and pumpkins, etc.

Many seeds have a strictly defined focus, there are those that are used in a wide range.

For example, hot peppercorns are used as warming and are good for colds. Viburnum seeds are similar to our heart in shape, and their color resembles heat energy - they are preferable to treat heart diseases. Black beans are shaped like kidneys and the color symbolizes coldness and is used to heal this organ.

How to choose seeds for su-jok therapy

For treatment according to the therapy method, choose the freshest, even, undamaged seeds. They must retain the ability to germinate - only then they are filled with healing power. Stale, with an irregular shape, treated with chemicals, discard immediately, they are not suitable for treating points.

Treatment with su-jok therapy

Let's look at specific methods of home treatment of diseases and how you can help yourself.

Su-jok for colds and runny nose

To recover from a cold and runny nose, friends, do not waste time. At the first symptoms, begin treatment by stimulating the correspondence points of the nose. You will find them on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet in the center of the nail phalanx of the ball of the thumb.

Massage the painful points and attach green seeds to them. Using this technique, you can simply draw a green circle on the point.

Su-jok method for coughing

Cough can be cured by stimulating the correspondence points of the larynx, bronchi and lungs with seeds. Find the most painful ones, and apply a band-aid to radish, lentil, buckwheat, or lemon seeds.

In addition, you can massage the points for 3-5 minutes with a diagnostic stick, or just with your finger, and then warm them up with a wormwood cigar.

Decrease in elevated temperature

In order to reduce the temperature, act on the points of the brain, you will find them on the insect system at the fingertips of both hands.

First, attach the pieces of ice, then paint over them with black.

Su jock for sore throat

Massage the correspondence points of the larynx, you will find them in the center of the ball of the thumb. Additionally, find the projection of the tonsils and also work with it, you will find the desired point just below the projection of the corners of the mouth. You can read a few more tips in my other article.

Bronchitis treatment

When treating bronchitis, use the correspondence points of the larynx, trachea, lungs and bronchi. Make a warming massage of these points first with your fingers, and then fix the seeds of apples, beets, rose hips, buckwheat, black peppercorns on the painful points. In addition to the lung area, fix small pieces of mustard plaster, and hold until you feel a slight burning sensation.

Massage the area to loosen mucus more easily respiratory tract, imposing grains of apples, watermelon, melon, zucchini or grapes.

Treatment of Su Jok Headache Therapy

To heal a headache, first determine the area of ​​​​its localization. In the insect system, it corresponds to the nail phalanges on the palms and feet.

  1. For pain in the frontal part, massage the upper third of the nail plate.
  2. The pain in the crown will go away if you use your fingertips.
  3. The temporal massage will remove the points on the lateral surface of the fingers.
  4. The back of the head - it is projected onto the back of each finger.

Having found a painful point, stimulate it with a pen or fingernail for 2-5 minutes. If the pain has not gone to the end, apply a patch with grains of buckwheat, rice or millet, leaving them for 6-8 hours, periodically gently pressing on them and massaging the points with this.

You should know that often a headache is provoked by some disease of the internal organs.

  • For example, pain in the temporal part indicates a problem with gallbladder. An ailment of the bladder or spine causes occipital pain.
  • With stomach disease, you may experience pain in the frontal part.

In this case, stimulate the points corresponding to diseased organs.

If the pain is caused as a consequence high pressure, tightly bandage the middle part of the thumb with an elastic band, and as soon as the color of the finger changes (it turns red, and then begins to turn blue), quickly remove the elastic band. After that, attach buckwheat, millet or rice seeds to painful points.

Therapy for heart pain

If heart pain occurs, immediately massage the correspondence zone, which, according to the standard system, is located on the lower part of the tenor of the hand. Massage the painful point on the palm of your hand for several minutes with your finger, and then fix the seeds of a cucumber, viburnum, pumpkin or zucchini.

For back pain

The zones of correspondence to the spine, I remind you, are easier to find using the insect system - on the back of the fingers.

In case of spinal disease, first act on painful points with a massage ring (3-10 minutes), and then apply a few seeds of buckwheat, radish or black pepper in a chain.

Su-jok for toothache

Toothache is debilitating, it interferes with life and you want to cope with it immediately, at home with the help of su jok it is possible to do this. To do this, use the "animal head" matching system.

With this system, the projections of all our teeth can be found along the edge of the nail plate on all fingers. Find the most painful point in this zone and massage it for 2-5 minutes with a diagnostic wand. Then fix the buckwheat seed with adhesive tape. After that, start pressing until the pain disappears completely.

From insomnia

With regular insomnia, look for a zone of correspondence between the back of the head, kidneys and cervical spine. Fix the grains on the painful place. In addition to this procedure, while already lying in bed, you can put an elastic band on the bottom of the thumb (do not tighten it too much). Leave it until a state of light drowsiness sets in, then be sure to remove it.

Su-jok therapy for weight loss

The weight loss method is absolutely safe, and even if you stimulate the wrong points, it will not harm your health.

How often in the name of harmony we perform real feats! Refusing to eat, starving. With the help of su-jok therapy at home, you can lose weight without severe dietary restrictions and feelings of hunger. I warn you: do not expect a quick effect of weight loss, overweight will leave slowly, but steadily. Subject to a strict diet, you can lose up to 15 kg. per month. But such a fast pace is not desirable for health, so take your time.

How su-jok works for weight loss

Applying seeds and stimulating active points in you:

  • The work of the digestive tract will improve, constipation will pass.
  • The metabolism will speed up.
  • Appetite will decrease.

For home procedure su-jok you will need small twigs of plants and seeds of rice, apple or buckwheat. Flax seeds will do.

Receptor fields for weight loss are located in the esophagus, navel, stomach, colon, pituitary gland and mouth.

Find these matching points in the photo. First, massage them with your finger for 2-3 minutes, and then fix the seeds with a band-aid:

You can reduce your appetite by applying buckwheat seeds to the navel and pituitary gland - see photo 1.

To feel stable saturation, fix small branches of any plants in the zone corresponding to our stomach and esophagus - on the thumb and its pad. Note: natural direction the growth of the twig should be opposite to the advancement of food (mouth - intestines). See photo 2.

Fasten the seeds with the narrow part down (apple seeds are best) - this will also give you a feeling of satiety. Photo 2.

You can improve intestinal motility by attaching buckwheat grains, placing them in the direction of food movement through the intestines. Photo 3.

A few additions:

  • If, instead of buckwheat seeds, flax seed is applied to the appetite suppression zone, then constipation will disappear.
  • With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a barley grain, fixed there, will save.
  • Active fat burning contributes to the grape seed.

The application is done for a week, then the seeds need to be replaced. To enhance the effect, provide yourself proper nutrition reducing the total calorie content of meals. But increase the amount of water you drink.

Friends, perhaps among those reading the article there are people who know what su-jok therapy is and practice it at home to treat diseases. Share your impressions and your skills, please. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Su-jok therapy is an original way of working out the reflex points of the hands and feet, which allows you to restore body functions, prevent the development of serious diseases and provide first aid to a person whose health is at risk. Our contemporaries are increasingly turning to this oriental technique, trying to get rid of chronic ailments, pain, depression, neuroses or banal fatigue.

"Brush-Stop" - this is the translation of the name of the popular procedure. Why are these body parts chosen for therapeutic massage? The structure of the hand and foot surprisingly resembles our body, and located here in in large numbers sensitive endings, have a connection with all internal organs. Any person with knowledge of the basics of anatomy can easily find the correspondence zones identified by the su-jok technique. Influencing them, we send a sensitive impulse to the brain indicating the presence of a problem, receiving in response a command to restore and regulate the functions of the diseased organ.

In addition, according to the canons of Oriental medicine, the quality of human life depends on the balance of Qi energy circulating in the body through a network of meridians that open on the surface in the form of sensitive points. The most significant of them are on the hands and feet. They are considered by the su-jok technique. By stimulating these endings, we harmonize the energy flows, clear the paths for their passage, providing the basic conditions for maintaining health.

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Appointment and prohibitions

The breadth of indications for su-jok massage is surprising. It is prescribed both for mild ailments or colds, and for such serious chronic diseases, how:

Su-jok successfully fights bad habits: cravings for smoking, alcohol and drug addiction.

Massage effectively relieves shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, stops palpitations and panic attacks, stops hair loss, reduces high blood pressure allows you to quickly lose weight. The procedure is used in psychotherapy for the treatment of emotional overstrain, stress, depression. Su-jok becomes indispensable tool during the rehabilitation of patients after injuries and operations, it quickly restores the body in case of physical overwork, insomnia, or in violation of adaptive functions.

The technique is considered an effective means of developing mental capacity, fine motor skills and speech of preschoolers. Therefore, many teachers and parents actively use elements of therapy during speech therapy sessions with a child, unobtrusively weaving them into interactive games or exciting gymnastics.

Like other therapeutic methods, su-jok therapy has a number of contraindications. It:

  • oncology;
  • varicose veins;
  • increased body temperature;
  • acute inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • fungal skin infection;
  • warts, moles, nevi located in the affected area;
  • tuberculosis;
  • purulent processes in soft tissues;
  • severe damage to bones and joints, accompanied by edema.

Gently massage children younger age, people over 70 years old, as well as emotionally unbalanced. It is also better for pregnant women to refuse the procedure, since the reflex effect on the reproductive organs can greatly harm the fetus.

Korean medicine: the choice of massage areas

It is no coincidence that the human hand is considered the main object of su-jok therapy. After all, it is a reduced model of our body.

  • The central palmar zone corresponding to the body is also distinguished here, the head area is projected onto the thumb, the hands are projected onto the index and little fingers, and the legs are projected onto the middle and ring fingers.
  • The thumb, like the head, dominates the rest, the "legs" fall below all, the "hands" are located at the middle level.
  • The thumb, like the upper protruding part of the torso, has only two segments that correspond to the head and neck. The remaining fingers have three components in the structure, which corresponds to the structure of the arms (shoulder, forearm, hand) and legs (thigh, lower leg, foot).
  • If we talk about functional significance, then the thumb plays a major role. Indeed, without it, the full functioning of the hand, the capture and retention of objects becomes impossible.

To determine the object of massage, su-jok therapists also often use the insect system. According to its canons, each finger is the embodiment of our body in miniature. In the nail phalanx there are areas corresponding to the head and neck, the middle one is responsible for the chest and arms, the lower one is for the stomach and legs.

In the structure of the foot, a clear similarity to the human body is also visible. It is not in vain that nature has placed especially important reflex zones here. Their natural stimulation when walking allows you to maintain health. Even Horace said: "If you do not run while you are healthy, you will have to run when you are sick." Desired points are found using the same matching features as on the brush. The only difference is that the first toe is adjacent to the rest, the phalanges are miniature in size, and the foot is much longer and narrower than the palm.

Therapy for the elderly

According to Eastern philosophy, the body of an elderly person is dominated by the energy of cold. It personifies the completion of activity, a state of rest, wilting, contraction, therefore it brings with it weakness, lethargy, illness, inhibits physiological functions, reduces motor activity.

Su-jok therapy increases the energy level of heat and sun, and, as if turning back the years, gives strength, vivacity, good health, and allows you to deal with many “age-related” problems:

Such simple tricks help stop the aging of the whole organism, stimulate the brain, strengthen the immune system, give activity.

Su-jok for weight loss

Against the background of new methods of gaining harmony, su-jok finger therapy seems too simple and even banal. In fact, it is a surprisingly effective procedure. Observations of those who lose weight according to the Korean system showed that in a month and a half, patients lose about 20 kilograms. excess weight. It's all about integrated approach to the process of losing weight. With the help of su-jok therapy it is possible to:

Combining the massage of these and similar areas according to the su-jok system with a strict diet, we start the physiological processes in the body that are necessary for losing weight, improving mood and well-being.

Thematic material:

Instructions for performing massage at home

Along with high efficiency, the advantages of su-jok therapy include absolute safety, accessibility and ease of implementation. Together, this makes it possible to conduct Korean acupressure at home yourself.

The principle of finding the desired point

In order for the session not to be useless, it is important to correctly determine the area of ​​​​impact. In addition to the compliance zones, special auxiliary lines serve as reference points:

Using well-known landmarks, it is not difficult to find the point of interest to us. To do this, you need to act according to the scheme:

  1. Determine the zone of correspondence to the problem organ on the hand or foot.
  2. Choose yin or yang projection.
  3. Narrow the search area relative to the aperture line and symmetry.

To find a specific point, novice massage therapists use a special atlas, which clearly shows all possible correspondence zones.

The methodology provides different ways effects on active points: massage, acupuncture, cauterization, even biting with teeth. But at home, they most often resort to manual technology, combining techniques:

  • pressure;
  • pinching;
  • friction;
  • vibrations;
  • circular or longitudinal massaging.

Pain, burning, throbbing, numbness will indicate that the point is found correctly. During the study of the problem area, the discomfort will weaken, and then completely disappear. It is not difficult to master the basic methods of influence: a series of video lessons allows you to undergo distance learning under the guidance of a therapist, a member of the international su-jok association Tatyana Evgenievna Sokolova.

Instructional video

In the life of every person, sometimes there are health problems that require an ambulance. Su-jok therapy is just the remedy that will alleviate the patient's condition while waiting for the doctor, stop the painful attack and prevent the development of complications. Korean massage techniques are great for:

  1. Headache: pressing on the painful point located on the top of the head distal phalanx thumb, get rid of discomfort in the forehead. Pain in the temples is relieved by stimulating the zones at the upper edges of the nail plate. And spasms in the back of the head are removed by massaging the center of the thumb pad. The video tutorial will tell you more about the techniques.

  2. Toothache: walking step by step around the nail plate of the thumb, feel for the most sensitive place and stimulate it for 1-2 minutes. In this way, you can even anesthetize the oral cavity before going to the dentist. See the video for the details of the technique.

  3. Sciatica: back pain is relieved by massaging each finger with a spring ring, exerting a reflex effect on the spine area according to the “insect” correspondence system. Seed therapy becomes another method - setting seeds for several hours medicinal plants in painful points of the zone of correspondence to the spine on the hands and feet.

  4. Pain in the heart: within a minute, pressure is applied to the painful points in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle rollers located under the thumbs.

Do not forget that these techniques are just a method of prevention or an ambulance. Massage should not replace the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Su-jok massagers

A set of special massagers will help you conduct a professional session of su-jok therapy yourself. The kit includes a small, about 4 cm in diameter, plastic ball covered with spikes. Having untwisted it, you will find inside two rings made of an elastic steel or copper spring.

All these unpretentious items are used during the procedure:

You can learn more about the technique of using su-jok balls and rings by watching the instructional video or by reading the attached memo with a description. basic exercises.

Massagers are available in six colors, each of which symbolizes a certain energy:

  • green (wind) - it controls the work of the liver and biliary tract;
  • red (warmth) - regulates the functions of the heart, intestines and the circulation of fluids in the body;
  • orange (heat) - affects the brain, spinal cord and pituitary gland;
  • yellow (humidity)- responsible for the spleen and pancreas;
  • white (dryness) - controls the work of the colon;
  • black (cold) - associated with the activity of the urinary tract, supports the skeletal system.

Color therapy allows you to fill the deficiency of one or another energy in the human body and establish a balance of six elements, so necessary for health.

There are other versions of the classic: a ball with a built-in magnet that has a mild relaxing effect, spiral sticks for the feet, special stars for working out reflex zones. Traditionally, during massage, it is customary to use needles, probes, sharpened sticks, pebbles, magnets, seeds, fruits and twigs of plants.

Salon prices

Most often, su-jok massage is prescribed for neurological problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, injuries, emotional or physical overwork. Therefore, it is important that a qualified masseur provide assistance in these situations. You need to look for this in a specialized clinic or specialized medical institution. Salons in Moscow and St. Petersburg offer several options for su-jok therapy: acupressure, acupuncture, laser puncture, and even auriculotherapy (working out the reflex areas of the ear). Prices vary from 1000 to 3000 rubles per session. The full course includes 7-10 procedures.

SuJok tools:

1) Special massagers - to stimulate points

2) Moxas - for warming up points

3) Needles and injectors for setting needles

SuJok therapy (Su-Jok) is one of the directions of ONNURI medicine developed by the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo. In Korean, Su means hand and Jok means foot. The Su-Jok diagnostic technique consists in searching on the hand and foot in certain areas, which are reflected reflex projections of the internal organs, muscles, spine, painful correspondence points (su-jok correspondence points), indicating a particular pathology. Possessing a large number of receptor fields, the hand and foot are connected to various parts of the human body. When painful process in the organs of the body, on the hands and feet, painful “correspondence” points appear - associated with these organs. By finding these points, the sujok (su-jok) therapist can help the body cope with the disease by stimulating them with needles, magnets, mokasmi (warming sticks), light modulated by a certain wave, seeds (biologically active stimulants) and other influences, depending on the needs of the chosen method. treatment.

Later, similar receptor fields were discovered on the auricle (homosystems of auricular su-jok therapy), the scalp (scalp - su-jok scalp therapy), tongue and other parts of the body.

Using the principle of similarity between the body and the hand, Professor Pak proposed to carry out meridional acupuncture on it as well. The theory of the system of byol-meridians and their acupuncture points was developed and clinically confirmed. Developing in Su-Jok therapy the principles of classical Chinese medicine Professor Park has developed therapies to harmonize Six Ki and Eight Ki, emotional and mental treatment through the meridians, open point treatment, diamond, spiral energy system, triorigin.

To date, the Su-Jok system is slender and diverse, and its methods have proven themselves in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

SuJok with Alexander Smirnov in the Malakhov + program 09/23/2008 - SuJok treatment of back pain and hypertension.

SuJok with Alexander Smirnov in the Malakhov + program 10/14/2008 - Go away, insomnia! (su-jok recipes)

What is Su Jok Therapy

Health problem.

Currently, the current healthcare system is not efficient enough. New diseases are emerging that the current system is powerless against: heart disease, cancer, AIDS, various forms hepatitis, mental disorders, stress, etc.

Besides, high risks contemporary medical technologies lead to a significant increase in health care costs as a result of the excessive use of high technology and medicines.

The frightening scenario of such a development in the coming millennia makes us think about the search for other, alternative options.

An effective solution.

The holistic healing system known as " alternative medicine", which activates internal resources and the ability of the body to effectively fight disease, is able to replace conservative medicine.

Invented by prominent Korean philosopher Professor Park Jae-woo, Su Jok therapy is a new approach to treatment. Su Jok therapy is a treatment system consisting of various methods of preventing and treating diseases and restoring health without drugs. Theoretical basis This healing system is the discovery of the self-regulation of the energy system of the human body: the human body is an integral mechanism in which everything is interconnected, each organ contains information about other parts of the human body. The palms and feet are the most accessible human organs through which it is possible to conveniently and effectively influence other parts of the body. They're kind of remotes remote control for the treatment of the whole organism.

Su-Jok system.

In Korean, Su is the palm and Jok is the foot. The theoretical basis of this system of treatment is the discovery in each hand and foot of surfaces and points corresponding to certain organs of the human body.

Su Jok acupuncture is a multi-dimensional system of treatment. First, it is a physical healing system that heals by simply stimulating specific points on the hands and feet. The palm, as a miniature system of the body, is the most symmetrical part of the human body, due to which it is easy to match the points on the hand to all organs. On the other hand, the most powerful and effective miniature body matching systems are found in the feet.

This type of therapy is very popular due to its ease, safety and effectiveness. He does not engage in prohibited or dangerous practices. You don't have to worry, su-jok therapy won't harm you.

The second method of treatment is the use of classical acupuncture methods to stimulate. The classic 12 main meridians, 8 additional meridians, and their accompanying points are represented precisely on the palms and feet. Su-jok therapy applies the theory and experience of classical acupuncture: the five elements of the theory of Yin-Yang, 6 Ki, 8 Ki.

These two methods are used independently of each other and are effective in the treatment of various diseases, however, a combination of both, according to the situation, will lead to the fastest results.

In addition to the above principles, Professor Park Jae-woo has developed: the homo-hetero principle, the chakra system, diagnostics space energy and many others.

Su Jok acupuncture is a complete healing system, with a range of applications, that combines Western and Eastern medicine.

A doctor practicing both alternative and conservative medicine with the help of Su Jok acupuncture will be able to choose the most suitable treatment in each specific case. He will be able to treat a wide range of diseases in any area of ​​the body, including psychological ones.

Consider some diseases in which the use of su-jok therapy is effective:

This aspect is in some ways more important than the treatment of patients. You can stay healthy, strengthen and maintain the body's immunity by stimulating the corresponding points on the palms and feet, massaging them or inserting needles.

Headaches, disorders nervous system, mental disorders, ENT diseases, diseases of cardio-vascular system, digestive disorders, gynecological diseases and obesity are effectively treated with su-jok therapy.

In addition, Su Jok acupuncture is very useful in the treatment of cancer and other malignant tumors.

  • Mental and emotional protection.

Anger, fear, worries are usually an integral and inevitable part of normal life, but in order for them not to develop into constant anxiety, depression, hypertension and other problems, some protection is needed, which su-jok therapy provides with its methods: emotional and mental treatment through the meridians.

How does su jok work?

Su-jok is general term, which describes a new treatment system involving various methods of stimulating only the feet and hands using fingers, plant seeds, needles, stones or magnets.

The principle behind Su Jok is that there is a continuous flow of energy in each of us. The goal of therapy is to balance imbalanced energies in the body, tissues and cells. To do this, the doctor first looks for problem points, then begins to stimulate them. Due to which, new energy flows appear in the body. These flows are sent to the diseased organ and eliminate disturbances in it at the physical and energy levels. As a result, Su Jok gives almost instant relief.

You can get free consultation, without leaving home.

Health By Will

Hypertension. How to quickly lower blood pressure

Recipes, remedies, techniques and tricks that you can use to quickly reduce blood pressure, with an unexpected sharp increase.

Choose a tool that is affordable and acceptable to you.

Tightly pull the first phalanx of the thumb (the area corresponding to the brain) with an elastic band or rope, thread. Keep it straight up - a sign of "all is well." After 5-10 minutes, the finger should turn blue from lack of blood circulation. Sharply remove the rope and lower your finger down - a sign "everything is bad." The pressure will drop sharply.

Paint the tips of all fingers with a felt-tip pen in black or brown, and then seeds of radish, millet, buckwheat and other plants are attached to the painful correspondence points.

Mustard plaster or pepper plaster

Cut a piece of mustard plaster, dip it in warm water, fix it on the skin in the areas corresponding to the legs, located on the palmar surface of the middle phalanges of the third and fourth fingers of the hands, until a burning sensation and reddening of the skin appear.

Impact on acupuncture points

Put your index finger in the recess under the earlobe, press and draw along a vertical line to the middle of the collarbone. Do not press or press on this line, just stroke the skin with your finger from top to bottom. Swipe 8-10 times on each side of the head to partially relieve pressure.

Gently massage for 1 minute a point on the face: at the level of the edge of the earlobe, half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose, slightly above the location of the cheekbone along the line from the earlobe to the tip of the nose. The degree of pressure on the point should be strong, but not cause pain.

Massage the point located in the area between the eyebrows for 1 minute. Pressing should not cause pain.

The qu-chi point is located in the corner, which is formed by bending the arm in elbow joint. In the middle of the line between the bone (condyle) of the elbow and the ulnar crease. Impact: slow massaging rotational movements or gradual pressure. Can be done on both hands

You can influence the point both with an increase in blood pressure and with

fever, as well as anemia, allergies, eczema and furunculosis.

cold towel

Place a folded towel soaked in four on the lower abdomen cold water. Cooling the abdominal area will force the blood from the heart to “rush” to warm the abdomen.

Wet 2 towels with cold water, wring out and wrap the calves of the legs, cover the legs with a blanket.

Put mustard plasters for 10-15 minutes: on the calves and on the back of the head or on the calves and on the shoulders.

Foot mustard baths

2 tablespoons of mustard in a bucket of water with a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Attach a honey cake on the seventh cervical vertebra. Wait until the honey has melted, and lubricate the skin in this place with olive oil or butter. During this procedure, you must lie on your stomach on a flat surface. The pressure will drop in 5 minutes. You can use this method in the fight against pressure for preventive purposes - once a week for a month.

Foot garlic bath

Contrasting foot garlic baths with a sharp change of water from hot to very cold. First, dip your feet in a hot garlic bath for 2 minutes, then in a cold one for 30 seconds. Repeat this procedure for 20 minutes. The last bath should be cold.

Honey, lemon, mineral water

Dissolve one tablespoon of honey in one glass mineral water add the juice of half a lemon. Drink on an empty stomach at one time, 7-10 days. The tool is used not only for hypertension, but also for insomnia and increased excitability.

A glass of kefir + a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and drink 1 glass a day. Course 2 weeks. Check the pressure and repeat after a week if necessary.

Hot peppers

Juice freshly squeezed hot pepper like Jalapeno (start with a few drops).

First aid for a heart attack. Three Finger Combination

Bend your index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad. At the same time, fold the middle, ring and thumb fingers with the pads, the little finger remains straightened.

This combination is used for pain in the heart, heart attack, tachycardia, arrhythmias, discomfort in the heart with anxiety and longing, myocardial infarction. When this combination is performed with both hands, relief comes immediately, as with the use of nitroglycerin.

In the evening, put a glass of ordinary water, an empty glass and a basin near the bed. Waking up in the morning, stretching, get up, pick up a glass of water and an empty glass. Raise a high glass of water and pour water into an empty one and so on 30 times. All that remains to drink slowly, in small sips. Every day there will be more and more water. In a month, the pressure will be normal.

These tools can help you emergency, but are not a means of treatment, since they do not eliminate the cause of arterial hypertension.

If you decide to get rid of arterial hypertension forever, you can fill out a questionnaire and we will tell you how we can help in your case. With us you can identify and eliminate cause of your hypertension using only natural means and methods.

Su-jok therapy

Today, in addition to the traditional methods of treatment that official medicine offers us, unconventional methods treatment. True, in view of the fact that there is not much information about them, they are still inferior to the palm of official medicine, although, if you look at it, the effect of such treatment methods in some cases is many times higher than all the expectations of people in white coats. About one of these treatments, about su-jok therapy, and what it is, what are its principles, and what diseases can be treated with it- we invite you to talk in our today's publication ...

What is Su Jok Therapy

One of the directions of acupuncture, the technique of which is based on the direct impact on certain biologically active points, on the hands and feet of a person, is called su-jok therapy.. It is noteworthy that if we translate the very name "su-jok" from Korean into our language, then we get the following literal translation: su is a human hand, and jock is a foot. It turns out that su-jok therapy is hand-foot therapy.

This type of therapeutic effect was developed in the 80s of the last century by a South Korean professor named Pak Jae-woo. However, despite the fact that su-jok therapy is a fairly “young” direction, the results it shows allow us to expect that su-jok therapy has a bright and long future…

Su-jok therapy and medicine

Despite the fact that su-jok therapy does not belong to traditional methods of treatment, official medicine is increasingly turning to it. And, it all started with the fact that in 1986 the first publications appeared in international medical journals that talked about the essence of this technique. First of all, what caught my eye was that the technique itself was unusually simple, but very effective. Thanks to these two properties, su-jok therapy has become widespread and famous not only in its homeland - in Korea, but throughout the globe. Moreover, today In many European countries su-jok therapy is an integral part government programs health and education. Such recognition at the state level already says something.

Principles of su-jok therapy

This approach is based on the basic principle that the human body is perceived as a single energy structure, and all processes in this structure (the work of internal organs and systems) are all interconnected. In its turn, any disease or illness is nothing but a violation of harmony in energy body person. Accordingly, the external signs of such a violation - our malaise - is nothing more than a symptom of the underlying problem. And, treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating external manifestations disease, but also to eliminate the root cause at the energy level. Then, we can talk about the complete healing of a person.

Su-jok therapy techniques

In turn, the methods of su-jok therapy are based on the concepts according to which between human body, hands and feet there is a certain correspondence, so, for example,

if you look at the hand, then the thumb of the hand corresponds to the head, the index finger and little finger correspond to the hands of a person, the middle and ring fingers- fit human feet. In turn, the back of the hand is a kind of projection of the spine, while the surface of the palm, which is under the thumb, is its rib cage, and the middle of the palm is directly the abdominal cavity.

Thanks to special schemes, you can see the correspondence of each point located on the surface of the palm to certain internal organs of the human body.

How is the diagnosis in su-jok therapy

The distribution of points on the foot

Unlike the research methods familiar to us -, or, research in su-jok therapy is carried out using ... ordinary thin stick or needles. The diagnostician, he must be real professionals, consistently affects biologically active points on the hands and feet. In those places where the patient experiences pain - they are called oh points, and there is an internal problem. And, it is this organ or system that requires further increased attention.

How Su Jok Therapy Treats

Just as the methods of diagnosis differ, so do the methods of treatment of su-jok therapy. There are no pills and injections, but there are mechanical massage, exposure to a magnetic field, the use of the biological power of living seeds, heating and treatment with color, the so-called color therapy. At first glance, it may seem to someone that such a set of “tools” can hardly help to cope with a serious illness and it is more like a set of a charlatan, however, oddly enough, these “tools” have a healing effect on human body. And, if you still believe in it, then such therapy gives good results.

Types of su-jok therapy

Despite the fact that su-jok therapy is a young direction, it already has its own varieties. And, their main difference lies in the fact that the impact can be carried out not only on the hands and feet of a person, but also on other parts of the body: auricles, hairy part head, tongue...

Benefits of Su Jok Therapy

Supporters this method treatments claim that su-jok therapy has a number of advantages over other methods of treatment. Among these undeniable advantages are the following points:

  • Painlessness of therapeutic measures - unlike other methods of therapy where medical instruments or a needle are used, you will not see anything like this during a session of su-jok therapy. Accordingly, the patient experiences neither fear, nor pain, nor discomfort regarding what is being done to his body. In addition, during such sessions there is no risk of damage to the hands or feet as a result of improper handling of needles, as is the case during acupuncture sessions.
  • Independent conduct of therapeutic procedures - unlike other methods of treatment, where the person who conducts therapeutic procedures must be present, during su-jok therapy there is no need for such an instructor or doctor. Each person can independently master such a technique, and with its help, self-heal and restore the disturbed harmony of his body.
  • High efficiency of su-jok therapy procedures - according to those who have personally experienced su-jok therapy in action, relief comes within a few minutes after the start of the session. Well, after a course of regular sessions, a cure occurs, the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, and general state the patient is improving.
  • The absolute harmlessness of these procedures - unlike other methods, the improper use of which in action can cause irreparable harm, su-jok therapy cannot harm a person. So, even if its basic principles are applied incorrectly and ineptly, treatment simply will not give the expected result, but it will not worsen your well-being and will not aggravate your condition.
  • The versatility of su-jok therapy - since, on the hands and feet of a person, there are peculiar point projections of all parts and organs of the body, the su-jok therapy technique can be used without restrictions to treat the whole organism, each of its organs and systems.
  • Efficiency medical measures– when you are in a critical situation, you cannot count on highly qualified medical assistance to be provided to you in the near future, there are no pills and other medicines at hand that could alleviate your condition – su-jok therapy can instantly alleviate your condition, anesthetize the painful focus.