White discharge smells like sour milk. Sour odor of discharge in women. Causes of sour vaginal odor

Vaginal discharge is normal physiological process, which should not cause concern to a woman. They can appear at any age and represent a special secretion secreted by the genitals.

Odorless secretions perform extremely important functions - moisturize the mucous membranes, prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the internal organs, activate the process of self-cleaning of the vagina. But if a woman has white discharge with a sour odor, this may indicate various violations V female body.

What should normal discharge be like?

Normal for every girl reproductive age there is discharge before menstruation. The intensity of discharge may vary depending on different days months. For example, during ovulation or during sexual arousal, white copious discharge. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort and do not require medical intervention.

Normal vaginal discharge has the following features:

  • They are colorless, with a slight whitish or yellowish tint.
  • With a neutral, not pronounced odor.
  • Do not cause discomfort, pain or burning.
  • The volume of normal discharge from the intimate area should not exceed 4-5 ml.
  • Consistency – liquid or creamy.
  • With normal vaginal discharge, a woman does not need to wear sanitary pads.

Important! Any changes in the normal color or consistency of the discharge, a sour smell, cheesy discharge, itching, burning and any other uncharacteristic changes should alert the woman and be a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Reasons for such discharge

Sour smell discharge in women can be associated both with physiological factors and with various diseases developing in the body. More often physiological reasons are associated with hormonal disorders and are characterized by leucorrhoea with a sour odor.

Usually, hormonal background directly depends on menstrual cycle. The first half of the menstrual cycle is characterized by the active production of estrogen, which is necessary for the full maturation of eggs. At the time of ovulation, as well as after fertilization of the egg, the discharge may become abundant and thick. This is due to the production of progesterone.

Note! Activity and regularity of sexual activity do not have any effect on hormonal levels - only the menstrual cycle.

Many women sometimes notice that intimate discharge smell like sour milk. Reason this phenomenon is considered to be increased activity of special lactic acid bacteria, which are present in healthy vaginal microflora. Hormonal imbalances, prolonged use of antibiotics, and frequent stress lead to a regular increase in bacterial activity, resulting in an odor from the genital tract similar to sour milk.

Most trivial reason Foul-smelling vaginal mucus is considered to be due to insufficient personal hygiene. Irregular hygiene procedures and rare changes of underwear can lead to an unpleasant odor from the intimate area.

Discharge as a symptom of thrush

But discharge with the smell of sour milk can also be a symptom of various diseases, in most cases we are talking about thrush - pathological change V normal structure vaginal microflora. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the Candida group, which can be activated under the influence of the following factors:

  • Long-term hormonal or antibiotic therapy.
  • Decreased immune strength of the body.
  • Tendency to frequent alcohol consumption.
  • Regular douching.
  • Frequent stress.

To identify thrush, you need to pay close attention to the nature of the secretion and the presence of additional signs. With candidiasis, a cheesy discharge with a sour odor may occur, which may systematically appear and disappear.

Thrush (candidiasis) - click to view

The main signs of thrush:

  • Curd discharge with the smell of curdled milk.
  • Itching, burning and discomfort in intimate area.
  • Sexual intercourse or urination is accompanied by pain and discomfort.
  • The labia become swollen and swollen and may turn red.

Candidiasis requires compulsory treatment See a doctor, because if left untreated, the disease can spread to other, healthy internal organs. Complications of thrush can include bacterial vaginosis and various inflammatory processes in the pelvic area.


Bacterial vaginosis is a disease that occurs due to a violation of the alkaline microflora of the genital organs and a decrease in the number of lactobacilli. Most often the reasons for development bacterial vaginosis is long-term use antibiotics, disorders in hormonal balance female body, deterioration of immunity. The disease can be provoked by too frequent douching, which washes out beneficial lactobacilli from the vagina, pathologies digestive system, promiscuous sex life.

Attention! Yellow discharge in women, as well as thick mucus Brown most often accompanied by bacterial vaginosis, which is provoked by a pathogenic bacterium from the genus Gardnerella vaginalis.

The disease in most cases occurs during pregnancy, which is associated with serious hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. A sign of bacterial vaginosis is mucous fluid of a gray or white hue with a sharp, unpleasant smell fish. In advanced stages, yellowish or green discharge may appear.

With bacterial vaginosis, there is a high risk of rupture of the membranes and, as a result, premature birth. Therefore, such women are under constant medical supervision throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Sexual infections

Acid discharge in women often occurs due to promiscuity or unprotected sexual intercourse. The cause of the problem is the penetration of infection into genitourinary tract- it could be chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. You can establish the exact type of infection by taking everything necessary tests, as well as paying attention to other symptoms of the disease.

With trichomoniasis, a woman notices heavy discharge before menstruation, which is characterized by a yellow, green or brown tint. Signs of the disease also include pain, burning and discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse. Painful, bleeding wounds and erosions may appear in the intimate area.

Treatment methods

To treat discharge and sour odor in women, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the body to determine the cause of the pathology. Treatment is prescribed only by a gynecologist who will study the symptoms of the disease.

Copious discharge arising from the base physiological factors, do not require any special treatment. With strong hormonal imbalance the female body can use various hormonal drugs that will fill the deficit required substance. All hormonal medications are prescribed only by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you change the dosage and duration of treatment on your own.

White thick discharge resulting from thrush is treated with special antimycotic drugs. These medications are available in various pharmacological forms- pills, vaginal suppositories. To eliminate unpleasant painful symptoms, itching or burning, creams and ointments for external use may be additionally prescribed. The most commonly used are Terzhinan, Pimafucin, and Flucostat.

On a note! If it is determined that discharge before menstruation is associated with thrush, it is necessary to treat not only the woman, but also her sexual partner. During the entire course of treatment, sexual contact should be avoided.

Discharge accompanying the development of bacterial vaginosis is recommended to be treated with antibiotics wide range actions. As a rule, antibiotic therapy is considered one of the most effective - the first positive results Treatment can be noticed within a few days after taking antibiotics. The drug is selected individually depending on the main causative agent of the disease.

The treatment process can be supplemented with special multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators - drugs to increase the body’s immune forces, as well as special medications, intended for normalization vaginal microflora. These include Linex, Bifiform.

When diagnosing fungal or any other infection in pregnant women, use medicines It is strictly not recommended for internal use. The most preferred are ointments, creams and lotions for external use, which do not affect the development of the fetus.

Expectant mothers can use various recipes traditional medicine- decoctions, douching. Medicinal plants are used for preparation.

Important! Medicinal plants have a number of contraindications, some of which are not allowed during pregnancy. Before using any herbal medicine recipes, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

Basic rules of prevention

To prevent the appearance vaginal discharge with an unpleasant sour odor, every woman should know the basic rules of prevention.

Remember! Many women try to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the intimate organs and “mask” it with the help of various perfumes or cosmetics. This is not recommended under any circumstances; it is necessary to treat the cause of the disease.

  • Be extremely careful about personal hygiene, wash your genitals at least twice a day.
  • For hygiene procedures it's best not to use regular soap, and special pharmaceutical products– they not only remove dirt, but also restore normal microflora vagina.
  • If a woman notices that after using alcoholic drinks, hot, spicy or pickled foods cause redness, itching or burning in the perineal area; you should avoid eating them.
  • Wear underwear that is not too tight, made from natural, breathable materials.
  • When bathing, every woman should remember that the genitals should be washed towards the anus - otherwise there is an extremely high risk of transferring pathogens from it to the vaginal cavity.

Representatives of the fair sex are not recommended to constantly wear tight clothing, in particular trousers. This overlaps Free access air to the genitals, which is an excellent environment for increased activity various pathogenic microorganisms.

Discharge white without a pronounced odor - a normal physiological phenomenon that is normally present in every woman. But any changes in the hue, smell or consistency of the discharge should alert you, because they may indicate the development of serious illnesses. Under no circumstances should you put off visiting a doctor. Treatment started in the early stages of the disease always brings the most effective results.

Vaginal discharge is a completely normal occurrence for every woman. But it’s a completely different question if you start having vaginal discharge with an odor. Most often, women complain of a sour smell of vaginal discharge, sometimes this can be accompanied by itching or pain in the lower abdomen. If the woman is healthy, the discharge has a mucous consistency and does not have a strong odor. Approximately 2 weeks before menstruation, the discharge may increase and the woman will feel some moisture.

Causes of vaginal discharge with odor

Discharge with the smell of sour milk causes a lot of inconvenience to a woman. Moreover, personal hygiene has nothing to do with this. Here are the basic information that every woman needs to know in order to control the condition of her body:

  • The smell is caused by bacteria in the vagina and no cream for intimate hygiene will not be able to kill or eliminate this smell. The vaginal environment is not sterile and there are many bacteria living there that produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. This is what gives the secretions a specific smell, but also helps kill harmful microorganisms and cleanses the vagina.
  • Among the harmful bacteria that can harm the vaginal environment, the most common are staphylococcus, streptococcus, ureaplasma and others. If for some reason lactobacilli weaken, then harmful bacteria begin to actively multiply and the woman falls ill. These may be the most various infections or inflammation, it all depends on which bacteria managed to multiply faster and cause harm to the body.
  • An unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge can be a signal of a disease, because many inflammatory processes and diseases are asymptomatic. These may be adhesive processes in fallopian tubes, polycystic disease or many others.
  • If you try to mask sour-smelling discharge with intimate deodorants, this may only make the problem worse. They only mask the smell. Such deodorants can negatively affect the vaginal microflora.
  • Yellow discharge with a sour odor. Changes in color or the appearance of an unpleasant odor are a sure signal that there is a “problem” in the body. If within a few days after sex a woman develops yellow discharge with a sour odor, this indicates the development of an infection. Signal about infectious disease This is also indicated by discharge of a greenish-gray or even purulent color.

Sour-smelling discharge as a sign of infection

Vaginal discharge is only general symptom many diseases and various inflammatory processes. But most often such discharge is a signal of an infectious disease. Here are three main causes of vaginal odor and discharge.

Abundant cheesy discharge with a sour odor in women is not considered a sign of normality. In healthy patients, the discharge is almost colorless and is not accompanied by pungent odor. If there are changes that are accompanied by itching and discomfort, you should consult a doctor, because this may be a sign of the spread of infection or the development of cancer.

The causes of the development of conditions when a cheesy substrate is released from the vagina can be viral, infectious, or bacterial diseases, due to which immunity is reduced.

Causes of curdled discharge with a sour odor and itching

Fungal diseases

A factor in the development of unpleasant symptoms is thrush, which appears when the Candida fungus spreads. It develops when the immune system is weakened and hormonal imbalances. The level of lactic acid in the vaginal area changes due to taking antibiotics or contraception, frequent viral diseases. When Candida spreads, the discharge has a mucous structure, with cheesy impurities and an unpleasant odor.

Bacterial forms

Decreased immunity destroys acid-base balance vagina.

If the balance of the acid-base vaginal environment is disturbed, they speak of the development of bacterial vaginosis. Harmful microorganisms reduce the number of beneficial lactobacilli. Changes are observed during douching, intestinal ailments, as a result of failures immune system or hormonal disorders, as well as in the presence of different sexual partners.

Urogenital infections

The reason for the changes may be:

  • Trichomoniasis, which develops in parallel with other ailments of the reproductive system. The disease is transmitted sexually, less commonly through household contact. Characteristic:
    • white thick discharge has a sour odor and foamy structure, and sometimes changes color to green or yellowish;
    • brownish tint, indicating organ damage.
  • Gonorrhea, which develops when ingested by gonococci, which are not easy to cure. Due to the similarity of symptoms, patients begin to be treated for thrush, thereby disrupting clinical picture illness.

Main features

  • With the disease, the outer labia swell, which prevents the woman from walking.
  • The white discharge has a structure reminiscent of cottage cheese.
  • A feeling of itching and burning appears in the genital area.
Bacterial vaginosis
  • Pain occurs during sexual intercourse.
  • Burning and itching of the genital area.
  • The discharge has a sour smell.
  • Pulling painful sensations lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of irritation in the perineum.
  • Development of erosions and ulcers on the genitals.
  • There is a feeling of discomfort when urinating.
  • Unpleasant sensations during sex.
  • The presence of yellowish or greenish discharge, which indicates purulent impurities.
  • Unpleasant smell.

Treatment of discharge with odor

Treatment applies to both partners.

Treatment for white, curdled discharge with an unpleasant odor must be aimed at both partners in order to achieve any result. Patients are prescribed antifungal drugs, the effect of which is noticeable within a few hours. Traditional medicine is also used for treatment, which includes washing the genitals and douching.

Helps in treating unpleasant symptoms chamomile infusion, which is used to wash yourself before going to bed. But chamomile gives a short-term effect. A better result can be achieved if you douche the genitals with a solution of baking soda. Soda renders positive influence on alkaline acid in the vagina, restoring it and destroying Candida fungi.

Hello! Since you have already been to the gynecologist, the doctor took smears, but did not find anything pathological, I think there is nothing to worry about. Surely the doctor did all the necessary research. When taking a smear of vaginal contents, it contains various methods determine the presence of infections. This may be a regular study, when bacteria can be seen under a microscope, or it may be a study PCR method when microbial DNA is determined. Last method much more informative. If a specialist has done all this and found no violations, this probably means that such white discharge is typical for your environment, nothing more.

But, if you are still tormented by doubts even after a visit to the gynecologist, try seeing another doctor. It is always better to listen to the opinions of different specialists, especially when it concerns health problems.

It cannot be denied that there are various diseases, which provoke a disruption of the flora and aquaculture of lactobacilli, which cause white discharge with a sour odor.

In general, light discharge from the genital tract in women is normal. The appearance of a strong sour odor, a change in the nature of mucus, or the color of discharge indicates possible development pathologies in the urinary or reproductive system. Quite often they are a sign of colpitis, adnexitis, etc.

Except periodically (once a month) bloody discharge, women experience constant discharge of a different nature, usually called leucorrhoea. Such discharge is not a cause for concern and is formed from the epithelial cells of the cervical canal, mucus from cervical canal, as well as various microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi). They perform important function: prevent infection and cleanse the genital tract.

Some women are not bothered by such leucorrhoea at all, while others, on the contrary, are horrified by large stains on their underwear. It must be remembered that the volume of leucorrhoea is different women may vary. It depends on age, hormonal levels, sexual activity. Despite some differences in gynecology, a certain norm of discharge is accepted:

* consistency - mucous, sometimes thick, in small lumps

* color - from transparent to light yellow

* volume - from 1 to 4 ml per day (stains on underwear do not exceed 5 cm in diameter)

* odor - usually absent or slightly sour.

In addition, the amount of mucus may increase during ovulation and pregnancy. And, on the contrary, decrease - when taking oral contraceptives.

You can start to worry when there is a change in the nature of the mucus. The appearance of blood or pus, or an unpleasant sour odor indicates some kind of pathology. The presence of the disease is indicated by curdled, foamy, watery discharge. It is not recommended to ignore these signs, since many serious gynecological diseases do not manifest themselves, and the only symptom pathological process There can only be specific leucorrhoea.

Read also information about female secretions follow the link http://www.baby.ru/blogs/post/1383731

I hope everything is fine with you and there is no reason to worry.

The sharp sour smell of discharge in women is a signal from the body about problems in the owner’s reproductive system.
Women have always had, have and will always have discharge from the genital tract. This is one of protective devices, which nature has endowed a woman with to keep her vagina clean. The discharge is the secretion of many small glands of the vaginal wall, which accumulates in its lumen and is gradually brought out along with microorganisms that accidentally penetrate into the vagina and desquamated epithelium of the vaginal wall.
This process occurs continuously, only the color and consistency change. vaginal discharge.

These changes occur under the influence of hormonal levels, which change during the transition from one phase of the cycle to another.

It should be mentioned that normal discharge vaginas also have a slight sour odor. The presence of a sour odor is associated with activity beneficial bacteria living in the vagina. These bacteria are lactobacilli (Doderlein bacillus), which are responsible for creating a slightly acidic environment in the vagina. Maintaining an acidic environment also provides protection against the introduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Unfortunately, Doderlein's wand is easily destroyed and is extremely poorly restored. It is one of the indicators that determines the degree of cleanliness of a woman’s vagina.

Purity levels

In total, there are 4 degrees of vaginal cleanliness:

1st degree. The main part of the microflora is lactobacilli; pathological bacteria are completely absent. Vaginal pH is acidic. A vagina with such a degree of cleanliness is typical for young people healthy girls who have just begun to be sexually active. This is the standard of purity that every woman should have.
2nd degree. Like the first degree, this option is the norm. The vaginal environment is acidic, but there are fewer lactobacilli than in grade 1. There are single leukocytes and comma variabile bacteria. In any case, you should listen to the recommendations of your gynecologist.
3rd degree. This type of vaginal cleanliness is often found when inflammatory diseases internal genital organs of a woman. The Doderlein bacillus is practically absent, which determines the transition of the acidic environment of the vagina to a slightly alkaline one. It is found in the smear a large number of white blood cells (leukocytes), as well as pathological bacteria, cocci. Most often, a woman with such a degree of purity sees a gynecologist with complaints of discharge with an unpleasant odor, abundant, and a color uncharacteristic of healthy discharge.
4th degree. Doderlein's wand is completely absent. The vaginal contents are alkaline. IN a huge number cocci, causative agents of sexually transmitted infections, are detected.

Characteristics of healthy discharge

  1. They do not cause discomfort.
  2. Do not cause irritation, itching or burning.
  3. They have a slight sour odor.
  4. The color of vaginal discharge varies from white to light yellow.
  5. Healthy discharge changes its consistency and volume according to the course of the menstrual cycle.

The changes are repeated from month to month, so every woman immediately notices if the discharge becomes an unusual consistency, color or increases in volume. At the beginning of the cycle, the discharge is small in volume, viscous, and whitish. During ovulation, the consistency becomes more liquid and viscous. In the second half of the cycle, the discharge becomes transparent and becomes more liquid. Changes in discharge are very logical, as they are associated with preparing the body for possible fertilization.

The volume of discharge should not exceed 1 teaspoon per day. An increase in the amount can occur as a result of sexual arousal, after sexual intercourse.

When does the smell become pungent and sour?

One of the reasons not related to the presence of a disease in the female genital area is the woman’s uncleanliness. If a woman pays little attention to hygiene intimate places and rarely changes underwear or panty liners, then in such cases you can expect the appearance of a sharp, unpleasant, sour odor.

If the appearance of a pronounced sour odor is associated with the development of the disease, then in the form of cheesy clots. Such vaginal discharge causes a woman a lot of inconvenience, as it is accompanied by itching, burning and irritation in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Such unhealthy vaginal discharge is characteristic of candidiasis (thrush).

Causes of thrush

  1. Hormonal disorders in a woman’s body or long-term use of incorrectly selected oral contraceptives (contraceptives).
  2. Frequent use of douching and insertion of tampons soaked in antiseptic solutions.
  3. Long-term treatment with antibacterial agents.
  4. Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  5. Prolonged stress can cause a recurrence of thrush, since prolonged stressful situations significantly deplete the body's defenses, which is a favorable background for the proliferation of fungus of the genus Candida.
  6. Diseases of the immune system (for example, AIDS).
  7. Long-term treatment with drugs from the group of cytostatics and glucocorticosteroids. Specified groups medicines, with long-term use can reduce the acidity of vaginal contents, in addition, they significantly inhibit the human immune system.
  8. Pregnancy. This important period in a woman’s life can cause thrush to flourish. This is due to the fact that bearing a child not only changes the hormonal levels of a woman’s body, but also significantly reduces the body’s defenses. Therefore, the appearance of cheesy discharge with a sour odor from the genital tract of a pregnant woman is quite common.
  9. Long-term debilitating diseases of other body systems, for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.
  10. A long stay in countries with a humid, hot climate predisposes to the development of thrush. The most favorable conditions for active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida are Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, etc.
  11. Diabetes mellitus also undermines the functioning of the immune system, causing discharge with a sour odor.

Other symptoms of thrush

Not only discharge with a sour odor is a sign of the development of candidiasis (thrush). In addition to the sharp sour smell, the discharge acquires a cheesy consistency. The changed discharge has irritating properties, causing itching and burning in the vagina and in the area of ​​the labia majora.
The skin that comes into contact with the released vaginal contents becomes bright red.
Sexual contacts become unpleasant, since the friction of the penis against the vaginal walls only intensifies the itching and burning.

The opening of the urethra is very close to the entrance to the vagina. Irritant effect vaginal discharge also extends to the entrance area urethra, which could cause discomfort during the act of urination.

How to deal with such a disease?

Much to the chagrin of millions of women, thrush is an intractable disease, especially when independent choice medicinal products in the pharmacy chain.

To treat thrush, antifungal drugs are used (Terzhinan, Vagisil, Polygynax, Pimafucin, Klion-D, Diflucan and others). The drugs are prescribed in the form of vaginal suppositories.
