Diseases of the skin of the face: pathological manifestations and treatment. Diseases of the skin of the face, types and causes of diseases

Diseases of the skin of the face not only spoil appearance, but may also indicate serious violations in the work of the body. In addition, the manifestations of some of them cause discomfort, itch and itch. With treatment, it is important not to delay, because on early stage easier to get rid of the problem.

Causes that lead to diseases on the face

The condition of the skin can change for various reasons. A number of factors can lead to failure in the body.

Particular attention in the care of the face must be given to cleansing. Means should be selected according to skin type.

What to do to get cured?

In order to recover and restore beauty, it is necessary to establish what caused the disease of the skin of the face. Diagnosis has a direct impact on treatment. In some cases, a more thorough cleansing and care is sufficient, in others, medications are indispensable.

You need to start by eliminating the cause of the problem. To do this, you may need to go to healthy lifestyle life, review nutrition, change care products, undergo treatment.

It is important to see a doctor on time. He will make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment. To forget about some diseases, it is necessary to use antifungal agents and antibiotics. They are prescribed for oral or external use.

Once a disease has been identified, it can be treated and folk remedies. They enhance the effect of medicines and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

But home treatment is not always effective, especially in severe cases. With a visit to a dermatologist, it is better not to delay. The recommendations that he will give are also not advised to be ignored.

The most common diseases

Various skin diseases may have the same manifestations: acne, red spots, rash. But if in case of an allergy it is enough to remove the allergen - and the symptoms will disappear, then with rosacea treatment is indispensable. Therefore, in order to distinguish difficult situation from simple, it is useful to know the signs of a particular disease.

  • Acne. Pimples and blackheads appear due to improper functioning sebaceous glands. Pores become clogged and inflamed. At first, there are few pimples, they are located one at a time. different places. Then whole affected areas appear, pain occurs, abscesses develop. Scars may remain in their place. Most often, the disease occurs in adolescents, the cause of it - hormonal changes. In this case, most likely, it will go away on its own - with rare exceptions, when medication is indispensable.
  • Rosacea. It differs from acne in a bright color. It is characterized by a small red or pink rash, the skin in the middle part of the face turns red, seals appear in separate areas.
  • Couperose. It occurs due to weak blood vessels on the face. Skin manifestations look like red or bluish stars and nets, they appear due to a violation of the outflow of blood. To prevent the disease from progressing, it is necessary to give up going to the bathhouse and bad habits, do not use cosmetics with acids, alcohol, honey.
  • papillomas. A viral disease that leads to the appearance of warts on the face. The papilloma virus is always present in the body, but it begins to act if the immune system is weakened or the skin area is damaged. Such growths are malignant, so you can not do without going to the doctor. To get rid of warts, you need to find and eliminate the cause that caused the activation of the virus. Then remove them, for example, with a laser.
  • Impetigo. With this disease, rashes appear on the face in the form of tubercles. Then they are replaced by abscesses, in place of which scabs form. Often affects children.
  • Melanoma. If the mole grows, changes shape, and its edges become uneven, then you should definitely consult a specialist. Perhaps this is melanoma - a tumor, often malignant.
  • Keratosis. It appears due to a violation of the regeneration processes, the keratinized particles do not exfoliate. Skin compacted, the affected areas increase. This is accompanied by itching and other unpleasant sensations.
  • Vitiligo. The causes of this facial skin disease are still not fully understood. Light, white or pink spots appear on the face due to a lack of melanin. At first small in size, they can grow and merge with each other.
  • Chloasma. The disease is also associated with pigmentation, only in this case it is excessive. Clearly defined brown spots form on the skin, which can increase in size. Often seen in pregnant women.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. Due to violations of the production of sebum on the face, inflammatory rashes covered with scales may appear. They grow and can lead to painful acne and boils, which often leave visible scars. The skin in the affected areas thickens.
  • Folliculitis. It appears on the face with dense purple nodules with pinkish rims.
  • Hydradenitis. Dense vesicles that grow and lead to purplish subcutaneous lesions.
  • Dermatomycosis. The skin peels off, bubbles and diaper rash appear on it. There are painful sensations.
  • molluscum contagiosum. Almost transparent rashes on the skin with a small hole in the middle.
  • Pointed warts. They look like warts, but have a stalk.
  • Herpes. A contagious disease, rashes consist of small vesicles, itch and itch.

This is an incomplete list, facial skin diseases are quite numerous. You can get sick at any age. If suspicious symptoms appear, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor. Treatment will be more effective if it is started on initial stage. Do not mask the problem with decorative cosmetics, this can aggravate the situation.

By secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Our skin is a true barometer of the body. The face of an internal state, it can shine with health, or it can scare you with spots, pimples, warts, inflammations and other horrors. Let's see what kind of diseases of the skin of the face can be in general.

By the way, there are practically no “clean” skin diseases - all these are just symptoms of internal ailments. Pedantic doctors identify more than 700 signs (some of them are similar to each other), which cry out to us for help, that violations have begun in the body.

Learning to talk to skin

The skin is a huge hostel of various bacteria. Many of them are quite friendly neighbors and benefit us. These are saprophytes.

Interesting fact: 90% of our cells and 99% of our genes are microorganisms. The state of human health, and even our mood depends on them.

Pustular infections (pyoderma)

All pyodermas are products of the activity of pyogenic microflora: pyococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, etc. These microorganisms begin to secrete exotoxins and produce enzymes that force the skin to react violently. Pyoderma is not dangerous to others.

Disease name Symptoms What is dangerous
Acne (pimples) From mild degree(comedones, small pimples) to large, painful red rashes Scars on the skin, the spread of infection to the brain and blood vessels
Folliculitis Small dense purple nodules surrounded by a pink-red rim Inflammation of the lungs, meningitis, kidney disease
Furunculosis Painful large cavities filled with pus, fever, swelling of the face Purulent meningitis, sepsis, possibility of death
Hydradenitis Small dense nodules with their subsequent growth and subcutaneous formations of a pear-shaped purple color Blood poisoning, serious illnesses internal organs
Impetigo Small blisters that eventually develop into painful ulcers covered with yellow crusts Abscesses, phlegmon, psoriasis, eczema

If you have exposed yourself to hypothermia or overheating many times, you are too lazy to properly care for your face and are constantly nervous - a meeting with such symptoms will happen very quickly. People who have:

  • Violation of the functions of vitamin balance and hematopoiesis
  • Obesity, diabetes
  • kidney failure
  • CNS problems

According to statistics, pustular diseases account for about 40% of all dermatological ailments. We ourselves influence the severity of the disease (or rather, the state of our immunity, age, features of the epidermis, working and rest conditions).

You know that on our planet there are several hundred species of various mushrooms (not those that grow in forests), we are talking about epidermophytes. Microscopic spores (pathogenic fungi) that live and thrive on our skin. But sometimes they cause various dangerous diseases.

Disease name Symptoms What is dangerous
Pityriasis versicolor Scaly patches of brown or yellow Spread to most skin,
erythrasma Spots different colors and shapes with clear contours Growing into chronic form
Actinomycosis Bluish-purple seals on the skin, painless, spherical in shape with the formation of fistulas Tissue necrosis, deep ulcers, damage to internal organs
Ringworm Rounded plaques with scales and purulent red crusts Development into a chronic, incurable phase, edema, scabs with an unpleasant odor
Dermatomycosis Peeling of the skin, the appearance of painful blisters, diaper rash Decreased immunity, the appearance of internal diseases, allergies

These types of facial skin diseases are highly contagious. You can catch them in the sauna, swimming pool, from a sick animal, using the things of an infected person. Most often, fungi awaken from hibernation at hot temperatures, in places with high humidity. They especially love people with:

  • varicose veins;
  • weakened immunity;
  • increased sweating of the legs;
  • abrasions and damage to the skin.

A fungal disease of the skin of the face very often occurs against the background of scabies, chickenpox, pediculosis. A cheeky fungus grows on the epidermis at different speeds. It is fastest on sweaty, but on dry dermis it passes asymptomatically, imperceptibly.

Viral skin infections (exanthems)

They are given green light various enteroviruses, causative agents of chickenpox and measles. What we can see on the skin viral diseasesallergic reaction body to the effects of the virus. These diseases are highly contagious and are easily transmitted from a person even with a handshake.

Disease name Symptoms What is dangerous
Herpes Numerous eruptions in the form of small vesicles, itchy and painful Can hit anyone internal organ and cause severe complications.
Genital warts Growths on the epidermis, outwardly similar to warts, only with a leg Accession various infections, can develop into cancerous conditions
molluscum contagiosum Small dense translucent rashes on the skin with a depression in the center The occurrence of severe inflammatory processes in the body
Shingles Rashes in the form of an indistinct form pink spots and painful blisters Serious damage to the nervous system
Papillomas skin growths different shapes, color and size (warts, warts) Rapid growth throughout the body, unpleasant odor

You can get sick of all this at any age. Viruses attack weak bodies that are unable to defend themselves, further damaging the immune system. Viral infections go along with fever, a significant increase in temperature and general malaise.

What is the most insidious and terrible thing is that many viruses once entering the body will never leave it. They can only be muted. By the way, the herpes virus is found in almost 90% of the adult population and does not manifest itself in many people.

Treatment of diseases of the skin of the face

Run to the doctor if you see anything wrong on your face. Self-treatment will not help here, it will only worsen the condition, because dermatological diseases do not sleep, but actively carry out offensive activities on the whole organism as a whole. If the disease has already acquired a threatening form, you will have to live in the hospital walls for a while.

Of course, it is better to be treated at home, where the walls are treated. It will be easier for you to endure the hardships of the disease if you take our advice into service:

  1. Humidify the air in the house (especially during the heating season).
  2. Rid your skin of deodorant trials for the duration of your treatment. If this is not possible for you, then pick them up with an anti-allergic composition (aluminum hydroxide, magnesia oxides, triethanolamine).
  3. Watch your diet! Down with fried, spicy foods, marinades and smoked meats. Instead, stock up on dairy products, vegetables, and grains.
  4. For the duration of treatment, dress only in pure cotton clothing.

It would be nice if you use sedatives natural preparations(tincture of motherwort, valerian). Better yet, remember the recipes of grandmothers and cook sedatives themselves. Take them every day for a tablespoon 3-4 times.

Oregano. Brew the dry grass of the plant (2 teaspoons) in a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Take 30-40 minutes before meals.

creeping thyme. Grass (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (16 ml). You need to insist in a thermos for half an hour.

flower collection. Take ½ cup dried flowers white color: roses, phlox and gladiolus. Add everything to a glass hot water and insist away from the light for a week.

motherwort heart. Pour dry grass (25 g) with a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes.

Infectious diseases of the skin of the face are very unpleasant, sometimes even scary. But this is just a short period of your being, which will make you more scrupulous and careful about your own body. After all " The meaning of my life will be the one that I myself will give it' Paulo Coelho once said. What meaning your life will have is up to you.

Take care of yourself!

Painful changes in the skin of the face cause a lot of inconvenience to any person, especially women. Skin diseases on the face various inflammations, acne and blackheads noticeably spoil the appearance, and in some cases are unpleasant for others. The situation is aggravated by the fact that such a disease is difficult to hide even with high-quality makeup.

On the other hand, some people who have a facial skin disease treat it lightly, believing that this is just a minor flaw in appearance. However the skin is considered a “litmus test” that clearly reacts to all problematic processes occurring in the body, and above all in the digestive tract.

If the skin on the face itches, flakes, becomes stained - this may be a manifestation of an incipient skin disease.

In cases where the body is unable to cope with some kind of pathology, the skin responds to this with painful rashes on its surface. This can be especially clearly observed in cases where the symptoms of skin diseases appear on the face of children.

Important! When characteristic rashes appear, it is urgent to contact a specialist, since the disease can progress rapidly.

information to read

Main varieties

All skin diseases that directly affect the skin of the face are usually divided into groups related to:

  • pustular infections resulting from exposure to pyogenic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci and others);
  • fungal diseases caused by pathogenic fungi;
  • viral infections.

All these skin diseases on the face of people create psychological discomfort, develop complexes in a person and interfere with his normal communication with others. Because the pain as a result of such skin changes are usually not observed, then the reason for going to the doctor is precisely aesthetic defect. At the same time, the disease itself, like other ailments, needs treatment. To do this, you must first correctly determine the type of disease that affected the skin.

Important! Only a doctor can determine the type of disease, who will prescribe proper treatment.

Pustular diseases (pyoderma)

This type of skin disease is the most common. These infections include:

  • acne (pimples). Symptoms can be like small rashes and large comedones. Such changes are often associated with hormonal surges in the body of adolescents. Possible scarring.
  • Folliculitis- nodules of red color, bordered by a light rim.
  • Furunculosis, represented by painful cavities filled with pus. Accompanied high temperature, swelling of the face. It can lead to complications such as meningitis, sepsis.
  • Impetigo: small vesicles, which subsequently turn into painful ulcers with purulent crusts.

fungal diseases

Diseases of the skin of the face and body of this type are contagious, can pass from one person to another. The most common of them are:

  • ringworm, in which peeling of the skin, diaper rash, vesicles are noted. Perhaps a negative effect on the immune system, manifestations of allergies.
  • Pityriasis versicolor: characterized by scaly patches of yellow or Brown color. Often becomes chronic.
  • Actinomycosis, the main manifestation of which are rounded bluish-purple subcutaneous seals with the formation of fistulas. The disease is dangerous with complications in the form of tissue necrosis, deep ulcers, diseases of internal organs.
  • Ringworm: has the appearance of round spots with scales, as well as swelling. It can go into a chronic incurable stage.
  • Erythrasma: the appearance of spots different colors and shapes with a clearly defined pattern. Sometimes it becomes chronic.

Attention! Since the considered types of infections are highly contagious, they can be easily "caught" in a bath, sauna, from animals, from an infected person.

Viral diseases (exanthema)

Another type of skin diseases on the face are diseases caused by viral infections:

  • herpes, such a disease of the skin of the face, when small painful vesicles appear on it. Herpes is also dangerous for the skin of other parts of the body, especially for the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.
  • Papillomas in the form of skin growths of various shapes, colors and sizes (warts, warts). Very quickly spread throughout the body.
  • molluscum contagiosum- dense translucent formations with recesses in the center. May be complicated by severe inflammatory processes.

Thus, dermatological diseases of the skin of the face do not allow a frivolous attitude towards themselves. They need to be detected and treated in time with the help of modern medical methods and funds.


Treatment of skin diseases of the face should begin at the first symptoms of their manifestation. The treatment process itself is conditionally divided into several stages. This may be due to the individual characteristics of each patient and the type of disease. For example, the tactics of therapy for diseases of the skin of the face of children and the same diseases in adults can be defined differently.

Used to treat facial skin medical preparations two groups:

  • for local use;
  • for ingestion.

As antifungal agents the following medicines are used internally:

  • Nystatin;
  • Levorin;
  • Nizoral;
  • Diflazon;
  • Mycosist;
  • Lamisil;
  • Griseofulvin and others.

Medical emulsions and serums are used externally. Especially effective ointments:

  • Naftaderm;
  • Exoderil;
  • Advantan, etc.

Application of home recipes

Widespread skin treatment folk methods: herbs, vegetable oils, masks home cooking. However Not all ailments can be cured with home remedies.

In some cases, for example, in those when the skin of the face signals a liver disease, it is necessary to be treated seriously, based on the achievements of modern medicine.

There are as many ways to treat inflammation on the face as there are reasons for their appearance, but the doctor must determine the correct treatment.

The appearance of various rashes and spots on the face, as a rule, accompanies various diseases of the dermatological profile. Such pathologies deliver not only cosmetic discomfort, but can also turn into serious consequences. The abundance of inflammatory elements that accompany skin diseases on the face contribute to the formation psychological problems. Improperly getting rid of a common pimple can lead to the development of a life-threatening condition.

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    Variety of pathologies

    Changes in the skin of the face are of a polyetiological nature. Among the reasons dermatological diseases allocate:

    • exposure to infectious agents;
    • sensitization of the organism to certain antigens and even physical phenomena;
    • genetic determinant;
    • hormonal imbalance.

    Improper skin care can be a starting point in the development of pathology. Lack of hygiene when shaving often leads to inflammation of the hair follicles, infection. Overdrying of the skin with frequent use of cosmetics or, on the contrary, its excessive moisturizing, clogging of pores contributes to the development of disorders.


    Pustular diseases are most often caused by staphylo- and streptococci. Simultaneous exposure to different bacteria is possible. Allocate superficial forms of pathology (impetigo) and affecting the deeper layers of the dermis.

    Pathology hair follicles manifested by the alternate appearance of redness, nodule, abscess on the background of hyperemia, followed by a breakthrough of pus. The inflammatory element will be inconspicuous with ostiofolliculitis and reach a significant size with carbuncle. The more tissue involved ( hair follicle, glands, perifollicular structures), the more severe the local condition. There may be a reaction from nearby lymph nodes.

    Impetigo corresponds to the defeat of the superficial layers of the skin. The patient develops redness with pustular elements. Against this background, the evolution of pustules occurs, yellow crusts form.

    In men, the manifestations of sycosis are very similar to impetigo. The disease affects the growth zone of short thick hair (beard and mustache). It starts with inflammation of the follicles. Pustules quickly open up, a lot of dirty yellow scales from dried pus form on the surface. Casuistic cases of sycosis are also recorded in women.

    fungal infection

    A classic example of pathology are candidal seizures. In the corners of the mouth there is hyperemia of the skin, soreness, cracks appear, weeping. Identification of yeast fungi is required to verify the diagnosis.

    Mycoses of the face have common features:

    • a spot appears on the skin;
    • a shaft of bubbles is built around the focus on a hyperemic background;
    • the affected tissue is paler in the center, brighter along the periphery;
    • peeling and itching are noted.

    Viral diseases

    The main group of diseases of viral etiology are herpetic infections. Herpes labialis is widespread with localization along the edge of the red border of the lips. It manifests itself as a painful bubble element with transparent contents, drying out after spontaneous opening. A halo of hyperemia is determined around the vesicle.

    The varicella-zoster virus causes shingles. The causative agent develops in the nervous tissue, which justifies the localization of lesions during infection (along the trigeminal or facial nerve). The topic of the lesion corresponds to the appearance of vesicles on the skin of the face. Patients have pain along the way blistering rash, suffering and general well-being with a rise in temperature to 38-39 ° C, there may be hearing, vision, ingestion of saliva and food.

    Molluscum contagiosum does not direct relation to marine life and refers to diseases with viral etiology. Pathology is diagnosed by identifying small formations against the background of inflamed skin. characteristic feature is the allocation of a crumbly mass at the opening of the nodules.

    Acne and demodicosis

    The diseases have different etiological bases, but are very similar in outward signs. Simple acne, familiar to many teenagers, is a fairly common pathology in adulthood. Due to the hyperproduction of androgens, the composition and rate of formation of sebum changes, the pores become clogged, and comedones form. Without infection, acne looks like multiple black dots. With active reproduction of microflora, suppuration occurs, pustules are formed.


    Discoid lupus is not contagious, unlike tuberculosis. Patients are characterized by the appearance of zones of hyperemia on the nose and cheeks. Gradually, the central areas of the “butterfly” become blanching, while pigmentation is preserved on the periphery. Against the background of hyperemia, light silvery-gray peeling is noted.

All women and men, especially at a young age, are wondering why inflammation of the skin of the face appears, whether it can be affected external factors and how to protect yourself from them. Inflammation is accompanied by various skin irritations, redness and rashes. Acne may appear different pimples and herpes formations on the lips.

Inflammations on the skin of the face bring not only physical inconvenience, but also spoil the appearance of the face. If inflammatory process do not treat, the disease progresses, whole foci appear cystic formations, which can gain a severe chronic form and are difficult to treat.

Skin rashes on the face are of two types: non-inflammatory and inflammatory. According to the degree of damage, they are divided into the following groups: comedone, papule, pustule, cystic anke, lightning acne.

  1. A comedo is a skin pore filled with sebum, with a dark dot on top of it, which occurs due to the oxidation process.
  2. Papule - closed comedone, that is black dot is absent, and excess fat expands the pore in the depths of the skin. It has a small size, similar to a dense nodule that rises above the surface, and it looks like a pink-red or purple rash on the skin. When there are a lot of them, this is already a sign acne.
  3. Pustule - it is formed like a papule, but it strikes the pore clogged with fat and dead cells of the epidermis bacterial infection, so it has a purulent character. It looks like a hemisphere up to 5 mm in size with a white top and reddening of the skin around it. Usually such an abscess leaves no traces after itself, but it must be treated.
  4. Subcutaneous inflammation is also tuberous pimples up to 10 mm in diameter. They can be placed under the skin or in its depth, painful to the touch. These are already cysts, in order to remove them, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment.
  5. Cysts are nodular-cystic red pimples that penetrate deep into the skin, their tops are filled with pus. Papules, pustules, and cysts can affect large areas. If such formations are not treated in a timely manner, cystic acne turns into boils and then surgical intervention is indispensable.
  6. There are very deep cysts, or lightning-fast pimples, that require an emergency antibiotic treatment. These are painful nodes that are difficult to treat, and most importantly, they leave behind ugly scars.

Causes of acne

Anke is most often localized in the T-zone (inflammation on the skin of the forehead and nose). The main reasons for their formation include:

What matters is the type of the skin itself, its fatty lubrication and the presence of moisture in its cover. There are several types of skin, namely:

  1. Dry. It is thin with imperceptible pores, with poor care it peels off, premature wrinkles appear. Such skin is dependent on weather changes, it is quickly weathered, but it is not affected by acne.
  2. Normal. It looks fresh, healthy, elastic, firm and smooth. It does not show wrinkles or blackheads. Acne rarely appears, and usually only on the forehead.
  3. Combined. Fat on it is distributed unevenly. Usually it is localized in the areas of the T-zone - this is the forehead, nose, chin. The skin pores of this zone are clogged with dead cells of the epidermis, so they are easily affected by acne.
  4. Oily. Such skin shines, and excess fat clogs enlarged pores. A good fatty lubricant protects it from moisture loss, and it also creates a protective film that protects the skin from various bacteria. Due to lack proper care, it can be affected by acne.

Acne can also appear due to such factors, namely:

  • allergic reactions;
  • weakened immunity;
  • hormonal changes;
  • scuffs, damage, scratches;
  • skin infections;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • blockage of the sebaceous ducts.

An allergic reaction can be triggered by any factor, such as an insect bite, medication, cosmetic product and it can cause acne.

Hormonal changes in adolescents, as well as disorders menstrual cycle can easily cause acne, especially they are noticeable before menstruation, due to an increase in steroid hormones.

Scuffs, scratches, injuries, a squeezed pimple, an infection with dirty hands, can provoke skin inflammation. Miscellaneous diseases, unhealthy diet, bad habits, especially smoking and alcoholism spoil its appearance.

Stress, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep also leave their mark. Does not bypass the genetic predisposition, and these are: psoriasis, eczema, acne and other inflammations that are associated with heredity.

Principles of inflammation treatment

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. If they are caused by malnutrition, exclude fatty, sweet and carbohydrate foods from the diet, you need to give up bad habits.

With the first and second degree, with acne, you can still do it yourself. The main thing is to keep clean, wash your hands and face more often, apply antiseptic ointments, as well as polysorb to cleanse the body. It is advisable to clean the skin from a beautician, removing black dots, as well as get advice on the use of disinfecting ointments and creams.

You need to use a light moisturizer, even oily skin needs it. It is also impossible to disinfect it too often, this will violate the protective functions.

If acne is the result of an illness, you need to see a doctor, get tested, undergo an examination, and a full course of treatment under the supervision of a therapist and a dermatologist. Only a doctor can choose the most effective method in the fight against cystic acne. Self-treatment will not give results, only harm health.

Medical treatment

Such treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment of 3 and 4 degrees of acne is prohibited. After all cystic lesion skin is a severe chronic disease.

For treatment, special systemic drugs high efficiency. The minimum course will take 9 months or longer due to the risk of relapse. Hoping for a successful outcome means unquestioningly fulfilling all the prescriptions of the attending physician.

For the treatment of cystic acne, tetracycline antibiotics are prescribed, for example, monocycline is quite effective. But the patient must strictly observe the dosage, as well as the timeliness of taking prescribed medications. Additionally, along with antibiotics, other medical preparations, it antibacterial ointments, multivitamins and furatsilin for washings and lotions.
