What do cats get sick with? Common cat diseases, their symptoms and treatment. What diseases are common in cats after sterilization?

Joyful communication with a pet is sometimes replaced by worries and anxiety, because our four-legged furries, like people, are susceptible to all sorts of health problems. It is a pity that a mustachioed family member cannot talk about his discomfort, so owners need to carefully protect their pets and pay attention to changes in the appearance and behavior of their four-legged friend. Symptoms of the disease in cats and methods of treating them are information that owners of mustachioed creatures should study in order to help the patient or contact a specialist in a timely manner.

How to understand that a cat is sick - warning signs

They can be bacterial, viral or fungal in nature. The former more often infect the skin, oral cavity, or infect wounds. Infection occurs due to mechanical impact when the infection settles in an open wound. Later, a change in skin tone to red is observed, ulcers, swelling and pus may form.

Diseases that are called viral include: panleukopenia, viral leukemia and feline respiratory diseases. These cat diseases may not show symptoms for a long time, and if you have any suspicions, you should urgently contact a veterinary clinic where treatment will be prescribed. Symptoms may include swelling, wheezing and whistling during breathing, coughing and attacks of suffocation. To prevent these diseases, vaccinations are carried out.

Quite often, fungal infections cause discomfort to mustaches. The most common is ringworm; it affects your pet’s skin, forming bald patches with rashes and sores. The best choice would be treatment at a veterinary clinic, as this is a contagious disease.

Unfortunately, there are fatal diseases. Separately, rabies should be highlighted; it is dangerous both for mustachioed creatures and for people. The virus affects the central nervous system, which is why the purr becomes angry and anxious, she salivates profusely and her mood changes dramatically. In the final stages, it may happen that the mustache completely refuses treats and hides in a corner. It is impossible to cure a terrible disease; preliminary vaccination will help here.

Invasive diseases and their symptoms

  1. Arachnoses occur when a pet is bitten by a spider. Symptoms: irritated and reddened skin in the bitten area, scabies and fever.
  2. Entomosis - when the purr is infected with fleas, lice or toxoplasmosis. You can treat your pet using anti-flea shampoos and drops, observing the exact dosage. Sometimes the tick has to be removed surgically.
  3. Helminthiasis - in this case, the mustache lives with internal “guests” (various worms). This is manifested by emaciation, fluctuations in appetite, diarrhea, a bloated belly and a dejected state. An anthelmintic suspension that is injected into his mouth using a syringe (1 ml per 1 kg) will help your pet.

Diseases of internal organs

Problems of this nature can arise as a result of mechanical influence, when the biochemistry of the body changes, or due to heredity. The list of such ailments is considerable, so you should focus on those that, according to statistics, are diagnosed more often:

  1. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (all kinds of cardiomyopathies) – when difficulties arise in the functioning of the heart or its size changes (decrease or increase). In the early stages, the manifestations most likely will not make themselves felt; after a while, signals may appear: difficulty breathing, problems with metabolism, shortness of breath, cough, apathy, the cat will have difficulty standing on its hind legs.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory system - may appear due to allergies or hypothermia of the purr. These are pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, laryngitis, enphysema, rhinitis. Symptoms: discharge in the form of mucus from the throat or nose, sneezing, cough dry or with sputum (with blood), vomiting interspersed with blood, difficulty breathing, asthma attacks.
  3. Gastrointestinal pathologies are a common occurrence for mustaches when they suffer from stomatitis, catarrhal gastritis, stomach ulcers, pharyngitis, mumps, peritonitis, severe poisoning, etc. Partial general symptoms: discharge of mucous fluid from the nose and mouth, edema, increased diameter of lymph nodes, slow chewing, difficulty breathing when the pet’s neck is extended.

If a sick pet vomits (possibly with blood), is lethargic, refuses treats, and defecates frequently, then these are clear signs of an ulcer.

Any ailment on this list should be treated by a doctor.

Skin ailments

They signal themselves with all sorts of rashes (boils, acne, abscesses, pustules, etc.) on the pet’s skin. They can affect small areas of the skin, or large areas, especially if the disease is not treated promptly. The mustache may also develop a fever and itching in the problem area.

Such symptoms may be the result of eczema, dermatitis, toxicoderma or lupus erythematosus. In the latter case, the purr’s fur also falls out.

To make the fluffy healthy, ointments are used as prescribed by a specialist, antibiotics, glucocorticoids, and antihistamines are given to the purr.

Diseases of the eyes, teeth, and ears

Often such ailments appear due to an “infection” getting into the eye or ear, injury, or due to inflammation. Problems with teeth can be due to improper nutrition, vitamin deficiency, injuries, etc.

With ear diseases (otitis, hematoma and ear eczema), the kitten becomes lethargic, its temperature rises and rashes in the ear area, swelling and bumps may appear.

With eye ailments (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, inflammation of the cornea, wounds of the eyelid, etc.), the eyelids of the mustache turn red, the mucous membranes become very dry or, on the contrary, secrete a lot of mucus or pus, and it is difficult for the purr to open the eyelids.

If a cat has a dental disease (pulpitis, tartar, caries, etc.), then its gums become inflamed, it suffers from discomfort when chewing and a bad smell from the mouth.

All of these purr health problems are treatable. Effective medications and recommendations for caring for your pet are prescribed by a specialist.

Cat health - other problems

Diseases that were not mentioned in the article above, but to which your favorite furbabies are also susceptible, are presented in the list:

  1. Joint diseases (arthrosis, deforming inflammation of the joints, inflammation inside the tendons). Symptoms – it is difficult for the animal to step on the affected limb, there is swelling in this area, convulsions and pain are observed.
  2. Bone diseases (necrosis, periostitis, crystalline disease) - often do not signal themselves with any symptoms, or dark areas appear on the bone due to frostbite, burns or fractures.
  3. Tumors reveal themselves as lumps and growths under and on the skin. Requires surgery and chemotherapy.

And most importantly, if the cat is sick and you don’t know what to do, then immediately take the fluffy cat to the veterinary clinic, where they will provide professional help and give recommendations on further actions.


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Cats are creatures whose health is much better than that of other inhabitants of the house. However, they are also susceptible to illnesses, and it is important for their owners to know the first symptoms of cat diseases in order to deliver their pet to a veterinary clinic in a timely manner.

observations. A characteristic feature of cats is to “hide” the malaise until the last moment, as if “overcoming the disease” they reveal it with their own eyes, more often, already in the last stages of development. It is noteworthy that short-haired individuals get sick less often than their excessively furry counterparts.

Healthy and sick: are there any differences?

There is no doubt that a healthy cat looks impressive. She has shiny, elastic fur, a clear look, wide (or not very) open eyes, without symptoms of disease. The skin is clean, the gait is smooth, leisurely, and graceful. The pet looks confident, independent and watches its owner with the polite condescension of a contented creature.

The very first sign of cat disease is a change in behavior; a diligent owner will notice this. It is possible that he does not immediately realize what exactly “scratched” him when looking at his pet, but later, with further changes, he will note precisely this fact.

You need to know this! A cat's body temperature is normally 37.5-38.5C; in young cats it is allowed up to 39C. A kitten’s breathing rate is up to 60 breaths per minute, in young ones – 20-24, in older ones – 17-23. Pulse is within 100-130 beats.

There is no need to be able to determine these numbers, everything is under the jurisdiction of a veterinarian, but if an adult cat is sitting and breathing frequently, then this is a reason to contact a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms indicating disease:

  • Anorexia (reluctance to eat).
  • Sudden weight gain or rapid loss.
  • Nervousness (aggression) or lethargy.
  • Discharge from eyes, nose.
  • Symptoms of skin diseases in cats (alopecia, dandruff, redness, etc.).
  • Changes in body temperature (hypo-hyperthermia).
  • Difficulties with natural recovery (retention of urine, feces, blood in them).
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, bloating.
  • The desire to hide.

Cats have a very high pain threshold, and her signals of obvious pain and discomfort indicate a pre-existing health problem, and often, lost time.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe in one article the first symptoms of all diseases available in the veterinarian’s registry. It is difficult to detect the onset of malignant tumors and metastasis of internal organs. The owner has access only to obvious changes, differences that are striking, and this does not always indicate the onset of the disease; often signs appear when treatment is complex and ineffective.

That is why veterinary experts strongly recommend conducting preventive examinations of domestic cats twice a year. What the breeder does not notice is visible to the eye of a professional.

Groups of pathologies and their symptoms

Symptoms of cat diseases are easiest to track if you divide them into groups related to a specific localization area.

  • Eye diseases in cats.

These include symptoms of damage, inflammation of the eyelids, entropion, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, cataracts, and keratitis. With obvious visual disturbances, there are visible changes, pain, the presence of exudate, hemorrhages, cloudiness and swelling of the cornea.

  • Skin diseases in cats.

Their symptoms are more noticeable and widespread. The first row of diseases includes: dermatitis, demodicosis, ringworm, skin cancer and allergic conditions. Signs by which pathology can be suspected:

  1. Itching of varying intensity.
  2. Alopecia in various areas of the body.
  3. Loss of skin elasticity and coat shine.
  4. Acne, pimples, dandruff, papules.
  5. Wounds (blood, pus).

The list of symptoms includes general depression of the cat.

  • Respiratory diseases.

Symptoms directly depend on the location (upper tract, trachea, bronchi, lungs, pleura). General signs of respiratory dysfunction: cough, shortness of breath, nasal discharge, respiratory rhythm pathologies, sputum (sometimes with blood), hyperthermia. An accurate diagnosis is made based on visual examination, laboratory diagnostics, and knowledge of the specific symptoms that distinguish each disorder.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

The leading symptoms of kidney disease: impaired frequency and volume of urination, the presence or absence of blood in the urine, swelling, pain, depression, a slight increase in temperature. Signs of pathologies of the urinary tract: a change in the frequency of urination up or down, pain when peeing, the presence of blood.

  • Liver diseases.

Primary and characteristic symptoms: yellowness of the sclera and mucous membranes, enlarged liver boundaries, colic, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, brown or dark red urine, ascites.

  • Ear diseases.

General and first symptoms: swelling, redness of the auricle, pain during examination, local increase in temperature, discharge of various types, neoplasms, change in skin color.

Extensive symptoms of viral (infectious) diseases in cats. Their manifestations are extensive, including signs: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, anemia, hyperthermia, anorexia, apathy, pallor (blueness) of mucous membranes, runny nose, etc.

It is difficult to list the mass of pathologies and their individual, first symptoms. In general, it is necessary to remember that cats are diagnosed with: internal diseases, surgical diseases, oncological processes, invasive pathological processes.

The list of diseases in cats is extensive; the listed ailments are only a drop from the sea of ​​possible ailments. The best way to keep your pet healthy is to know the first symptoms of disease and the moments when the help of a veterinarian is needed. Only a timely visit to a veterinary clinic will eliminate the likelihood of the development of irreversible processes and death!

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Cat at the vet

—> When deciding to have a pet, a person takes on a number of obligations. A kitten or an adult cat needs care; like all living beings, it can encounter diseases. That is why in everyday life you need to pay attention to his well-being, playfulness, and appetite. There are a huge number of cat diseases in the world. If the behavior has somehow changed, then you can suspect problems. The best solution in this case would be to contact a specialist. If you notice the following signs, you should visit a veterinarian:

  • Vomiting, excessive drooling
  • Lethargy
  • The desire to hide in a dark corner
  • Discharge from eyes and nose, cough
  • Lost appetite, weight loss
  • Convulsions

The normal body temperature of a cat is 37.5 - 39 degrees Celsius, moreover, in young cats and kittens it is within the upper limit, and in older cats it is within the lower limit. The breathing rate of a kitten is about 60 breaths per minute, in young individuals it is 22-24 breaths, and in adults it is 17 - 23. Normal heart rate for cats is 100 - 130 beats per minute.

We respond to the problem in a timely manner

How quickly you respond to a problem will directly affect your pet’s health. Therefore, try to pay attention to it when the cat’s disease is still at an early stage. So vomiting may be a sign that too much hair has accumulated in the stomach. In this case, it is recommended to give your friend a special paste that will dissolve the fur. But regular vomiting is not a good sign; if it occurs, you need to consult a specialist. Vomiting can occur with worms, due to disruption of the intestines. Remember that self-medicating animal diseases is quite dangerous.

What diseases do cats have?

Below is information about the most common diseases of cats and cats.

Diseases of the urinary system of cats

Among the common ailments are problems with the urinary system. Cystitis or urolithiasis may occur, which may result in your four-legged friend walking past the litter box. There may also be a strong odor and blood in the urine. This is not a dangerous disease, but it can cause more serious negative consequences. By the way, this manifests itself due to sand in the bladder, diabetes, and lack of fluid. In such a situation, a thorough diagnosis must be carried out. As a preventative measure, it is worth providing direct access to clean water. You also need to eliminate stress associated with the litter box. Experts advise installing 2 trays per animal. At the same time, the environment of the tray should not change, the toilet should be convenient in size, and should always be clean.

Diseases of the reproductive system


Problems with the reproductive system are also common. They are more common in uncastrated male cats and appear in most cases at an older age. This can cause purulent metritis, which implies inflammation in the uterus. The reason may lie in changes in hormonal levels or problems with the immune system. In order to avoid such a problem, it is worth castrating or sterilizing the animal. In this case, such an operation must be carried out in a timely manner. There is no need to worry about your general health; surgery does not affect it in any way.

Infectious diseases

Infection is what young kittens are susceptible to
, these could be ailments of the respiratory tract, mouth, conjunctivitis. Each disease may have a different incubation period, which can vary from 2 to 14 days. A four-legged friend can get the disease through direct contact or through the air. In turn, infectious diseases are divided into:

  1. Viral
  2. Diseases caused by a virus include diseases such as feline distemper (panleukopenia), rabies, coronaviruses, and calcivirosis. Symptoms of viral diseases of cats can be different
    . Many pets exhibit the following signs of infection: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, ulcers. For treatment, antiviral drugs and serums are used, the effectiveness of which depends on the type and stage of the disease.

  3. Bacterial
  4. Bacterial infections most often manifest themselves as infectious anemia and salmonellosis. With anemia, cats have increased body temperature, lethargy, poor appetite or refusal to eat, and pallor of the oral mucosa. Salmonellosis also occurs with elevated temperature and loss of appetite, as well as vomiting and runny nose. Treatment is carried out using antibiotics, homeopathic medicines, changing food, and special serums.

  5. Fungal infections

You can become infected if your cat is in a crowd of animals; the risk increases if several animals are kept together.
If this happens, you need to make a correct diagnosis, this is necessary to choose treatment methods. The optimal solution, as in other cases, is to seek help from a veterinarian. Diagnostics will reveal what pathogen caused the disease.

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We are not always able to notice in time that a pet is not feeling well. And this is precisely the main reason that the disease is detected in the later stages. You need to be extremely careful and not brush aside minor symptoms. Most often, the pet is not just capricious, but feels unwell. Timely contact with a specialist will avoid complications and the appearance of a chronic form. At the same time, it is worth arming yourself with minimal knowledge about common diseases; this will help to avoid illnesses. Leave your questions in the comments

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Useful information in the article on the topic: “internal diseases of cats.”

Infectious diseases include viral and bacterial infections, diseases caused by microorganisms that are not viruses or bacteria (chlamydia, mycoplasma, rickettsia, etc.), as well as fungal infections (mycoses).

There are a number of diseases in cats that should be given special attention, as they can be transmitted to humans and are dangerous to their health. Diseases that pose a danger to human health include rabies, dermatomycosis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, salmonellosis, panleukopenia, and hemobartonellosis.

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Non-contagious diseases of cats

Most non-contagious diseases of cats arise due to violation by animal owners of the basic rules of care, feeding and maintenance. When kept in apartments, animals often become pampered and susceptible to disease. They are often fed very generously, haphazardly, with an excess of sweets.

Most often, animals suffer from diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, metabolic disorders, and vitamin deficiency.

Cat diseases associated with internal dysfunction of the body are not transmitted to other animals and do not require quarantine or separate keeping of healthy and sick animals.

Compliance with the basic rules of keeping, feeding, and the owners’ knowledge of basic, simple techniques for helping animals helps maintain their health.

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Cat diseases and their treatment

It is widely believed that a cat is a very tenacious animal. She has “nine lives”, she falls exclusively on her paws, in case of illness she eats the necessary grass and heals herself. Actually this is not true.

The cat is a very patient creature. She, like a person, is susceptible to colds, heart and other diseases, but she holds on until her “last breath”. Therefore, it is important to notice and treat your pet in time.

All cat diseases can be divided into several groups:

  • infectious;
  • internal non-infectious;
  • diseases that require surgical intervention.

Signs of animal disease

Treat your pet carefully. Based on the symptoms, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. A healthy pet has an excellent appetite, a cold, wet nose, shiny fur, and the mucous membranes of the eyes are moderately moist.

A cat cannot tell that something is wrong with it. How to determine if she is sick:

  1. Behavior change. If your cat is usually calm, but has now suddenly become overly playful, sometimes with signs of aggression, something is wrong. Or vice versa: he is constantly looking for a secluded place, but before he loved to run. Important! It is a very bad sign if the animal begins to lie down on cold tiles or look for cold “corners” in winter. A veterinarian is needed because the animal has a fever.
  2. If in doubt, try it on. Normal for a cat is considered to be between 38°C and 39°C. For sphinxes it is slightly higher - 41.5°C, and kittens feel great at 39.6°C
  3. A healthy cat, even if it is full, always “extorts” a tasty morsel. If the animal refuses to eat, contact a veterinarian.
  4. Abundant or unusual discharge from the eyes, mouth, nose and other organs is evidence of a malfunction in their functioning.
  5. Its fur can tell you about a cat's health. If the animal is sick, it becomes dull, disheveled, and begins to fall out a lot.
  6. The cat's pose will eloquently tell you about the state of the organs. A healthy animal lies relaxed and stretches for pleasure. An unhealthy pet is forced to take an unnatural position in order to reduce pain. For example, spread your paws wide for abdominal pain.

If any of the above signs appear or you notice anything that causes suspicion or concern, contact your veterinarian. Only a specialist can choose the right treatment. The sooner you do this, the more favorable the outcome may be.

Infectious diseases of cats

Infectious diseases include:

This category includes feline diseases that can be transmitted to humans. These include: rabies, dermatomycosis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, salmonellosis, panleukopenia, hemobartonellosis.


Infection occurs from a sick animal or person with pathogenic microorganisms. In each individual case, the symptoms of infection are different.

  1. Thus, with rabies, photophobia and aggressive behavior are observed.
  2. With tuberculosis - emaciation, lack of appetite, tousled hair.
  3. Distemper (panleukopenia) - an animal can become infected with it from a sick fellow animal by smelling feces or walking on the grass. The virus is very persistent. In the house where the unhealthy animal was located, it remains for another year.

Plague affects internal organs. If you do not start timely treatment, it dies. A cat that has recovered from the disease retains its immunity for several years.

Treatment of this type of disease is extremely difficult. Some - with the help of antibiotics, in other cases - preventive vaccinations; proper maintenance is the only way to avoid the death of a pet.

Internal illnesses

Diseases of internal organs are classified as non-contagious. These may be problems with the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys.

Kidney diseases include:

  • renal amyloidosis;
  • polycystic disease;
  • nephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis;
  • renal failure.


Increased fluid intake, copious or painful urination, often with blood. In this case, the animal experiences general dehydration, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Sometimes dental signs appear: unpleasant odor, diseases of the teeth and gums. There is deterioration of the coat, and there may be increased temperature or pressure.

Renal diseases are characterized by “vague symptoms.” The disease does not particularly bother the cat. Detection occurs when most of the kidney is no longer fully functioning. All animals over 7 years of age are at risk. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular examinations by a veterinarian.

Treatment of kidney disease

Treatment of kidney diseases is aimed primarily at the causes that caused them. If this is a genetic disease, then symptomatic therapy is provided to help maintain a normal standard of living.

Efforts are also aimed at eliminating the consequences of the disease: nutrition and fluid intake are adjusted. Drugs are taken that eliminate associated effects: lowering blood pressure, eliminating disturbances in the functioning of the heart and liver, etc.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is especially widespread. What causes it? Most often due to an unbalanced diet of an animal whose diet is high in protein.

This situation arises if the cat eats exclusively dry food or the natural menu contains only meat and offal. As a result, stones and sand form in the cat's kidneys.

If the disease manifests itself, the doctor will select the necessary treatment. But an equally important role is played by proper nutrition of a cat with urolithiasis.

Infectious hepatitis occurs as a result of exposure of the liver to a virus. It is not uncommon for the disease to appear as a result of the release of toxins by helminths.

Gastroenteritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach and intestinal tract. During this period, the cat experiences vomiting and diarrhea. The stool is darkish, liquid, sometimes with bloody spots.

The causes of the disease are called:

  • septic process;
  • foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor quality food;
  • tumors;
  • poisoning;
  • insufficient functioning of the pancreas;
  • Addison's disease;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland;
  • helminths.

Organ malfunction

Pancreatitis is a disorder of the pancreas. Under normal conditions, the juice does not destroy the pancreas. Its enzymes are activated only after leaving the duodenum.

With pancreatitis, enzymes begin their activity inside the pancreas, literally “digesting” its tissue. It is believed that this disease is more common in cats of the eastern groups (Thais, Siamese and their relatives). Risks increase significantly during pregnancy, after stress, and in aging individuals.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the pancreas does not produce insulin or produces it, but the cat’s body “does not notice” it. It is necessary for intracellular processes.

There are 3 types of diabetes mellitus in cats:

  1. Insulin dependent. With it, the cells that produce insulin die.
  2. Not insulin dependent. With this type, either the cells produce an insignificant amount of insulin, or the body does not see it.
  3. Arising as a result of a previous illness. Once the cat is cured of it, the gland begins to function.

Brain disease

Stroke in cats is a common phenomenon among older cats. Cholesterol plaques and weak blood vessels are the main pathology of old age. There are 2 types of stroke:

Leukemia (bleeding) is the appearance of many immature leukocytes in the blood. The disease is characterized by a severe decrease in immunity and causes cancer of the kidneys, liver and other organs. All breeds are susceptible to infection, regardless of their age and gender.

Immunodeficiency in cats is a disease that an animal can “catch” from another cat as a result of a bite or sexual intercourse. It poses no danger to humans. The cat has FIV, the stage of AIDS is unknown to him. The animal suffers from infections from which its immune system no longer protects it. If you provide the animal with cleanliness, it can live for a long time with proper care.

Common infectious diseases in cats

Like any living creature, a cat is at risk of contracting an infection. And it won’t necessarily turn out to be a street homeless tramp. Even a purebred pet can suddenly become depressed, lose interest in life, and puzzle its owners with unusual behavior. A good owner will definitely study infectious diseases of cats - this will help to notice the problem in time and take all measures. First of all, preventive: from maintaining hygiene to timely vaccination. It’s a good idea to know in advance about the treatment of infectious diseases and the nuances of the course of diseases in cats.

An animal becomes ill when a pathogen enters its body.

What causes the disease

Attention! An animal becomes ill when a pathogenic microorganism (pathogen) enters its body. It begins to multiply quickly, spreading throughout the body.

The most well-known pathogens that cause infectious diseases in cats are:

The most dangerous thing is direct contact with a sick animal or carrier.

These microorganisms can enter the body in various ways: through wounds on the skin, with food, through air or water. The most dangerous thing is direct contact with a sick animal or carrier. Therefore, isolation of a sick animal must be carried out immediately.

Main signs of infection

Attention! Many infectious diseases of cats have similar symptoms. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a non-specialist to determine the nature of the disease.

The owner should immediately be alert to the following:

  • severe lethargy;
  • change in attitude towards food (lack of appetite or refusal of favorite treats);
  • upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • discharge from the eyes and nostrils;
  • tousled dull fur.

Many infectious diseases of cats have similar symptoms.

What are the most common diseases in cats?

Let's look at the most common cat diseases caused by infection:

During infectious diseases in cats, body temperature rises

  1. Calicivirus infection. Sometimes called cat flu. The pathogen is extremely tenacious and enters the body through saliva through direct contact. Most dangerous for kittens. These infectious diseases of cats have the following symptoms: temperature rises, the mucous membrane of the mouth has ulcers, the animal is lethargic, sneezes, discharge is noted from the nose and eyes, and salivation increases. The mortality rate is low. The disease is dangerous due to secondary infections, treatment with antibiotics, after recovery immunity does not arise. Early vaccination is recommended.
  2. Chlamydia. It attacks the lungs and eyes. Contagious to hosts. The causative agent is chlamydia. They are carried by small rodents and stray animals. Manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the apexes of the lungs and conjunctivitis. Sometimes accompanied by rhinitis, pharyngitis. The most dangerous infectious eye diseases are in cats during infancy up to a month. Symptoms: swollen eyelids, itching, sticky eye discharge. Treat by placing tetracycline ointment under the eyelid up to 3 times a day. The disease can occur in newborn kittens if the cat has chlamydia in the genital tract. This disease is called neonatal conjunctivitis and affects the entire litter. The kittens' eyelids are completely “glued together” with mucus. Treat with antibiotics, lavage and forced opening of the eyelids.

Deciding to have a small pet in your home is akin to deciding to add a new addition to your family. A kitten is a child, it needs care and attention, it needs proper nutrition, vaccinations, proper rest, active games and your warmth. And of course, vigilant attention to the health of the young ward. The baby won’t say what’s bothering him, won’t show where it hurts. But careful observation and the presence of some symptoms will help you get general information regarding the disease that affects the tiny patient.

Clinical picture in pathological conditions

Signs of illness may vary in severity. Some are a reason to immediately consult a doctor, others indicate minor deviations from the norm. But in any case, no one should be left without attention.

  • Decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat.
  • Bloated, hard belly. Abnormal bowel movements, possibly with bloody discharge.
  • Irresistible thirst with rare urination, sweating, gagging.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Profuse salivation, sometimes even foam.
  • Unnatural movements, limited coordination, lameness.
  • Dry coat, unkempt in appearance and difficult to comb. The appearance of dandruff.
  • Prolapse of the third eyelid.
  • Hyperthermia, sometimes up to 40C.
  • Hair loss, signs of alopecia.
  • Scratching, weeping plaques.
  • Lump-like formations on palpation or subcutaneous swellings.
  • Plaintive meowing, screaming, moaning when moving.

Do not give your baby medications without determining the exact causes of the disease, which only a doctor can determine!

How does a kitten's behavior change when sick?

An unhealthy pet loses activity, does not want to move, and is indifferent to everything. Or, on the contrary, become overly aggressive and restless. This, by the way, sometimes happens not from pathologies, but from the incorrect behavior of the owner himself.

Pay attention to whether your baby’s behavior has changed, whether he greets you as before, plays with his toys, or eats his favorite treats. Suddenly yesterday's restless naughty man becomes drowsy and apathetic. If your baby sleeps a lot and purrs in his sleep, then he may be unwell. Try counting your pulse. When there is inflammation in the pet’s body, the number of beats reaches 200 per minute, breathing becomes more frequent (this also happens after too active, “running” games), which is typical for infections.

The most dangerous pathologies

Any disease is a serious test for a young body, but some diseases are so dangerous and hopeless that there is only one way out: to euthanize the animal in order to save it from unnecessary suffering.

1. Tuberculosis. The infection stick reaches the small kitten in different ways:

  • In contact with a sick animal or person.
  • When eating raw milk or beef from a sick cow.

The tuberculosis bacillus multiplies rapidly, causing shortness of breath, coughing, then indigestion and severe diarrhea. Dehydration and exhaustion of the body occurs to limits incompatible with life. If a veterinarian diagnoses your baby with this terrible disease, do not condemn him to a painful death, agree to be euthanized. The end of the animal is inevitable and the hours are numbered.

2. Plague or parvovirus gastroenteritis. For young patients, this disease always ends in only one sad outcome - death. A young body simply does not have the strength to fight off the disease. The disease is caused by a deadly virus, and its manifestations are initially confused with signs of other diseases that are not so dangerous for the animal. The incubation period is 1-3 weeks, during which time the baby becomes apathetic, has convulsive seizures, coordination is impaired, and paralysis is possible. If the diagnosis is confirmed, euthanasia is required; recovery will not occur.

10 common diseases

  1. "Fading" of a kitten
  2. Inflammation of the navel
  3. Toxic cat milk syndrome
  4. Anemia
  5. Hypogalactia
  6. Neonatal infectious peritonitis
  7. Viral pneumonia
  8. Hemolysis
  9. Conjunctivitis
  10. Hypothermia
  11. Dehydration

Little lumps that are born are not only joy, but also a colossal responsibility. For newborn organisms, there are many dangers in the world where they come. Babies can get some diseases in the womb, others are transmitted with milk, and some lie in wait in the first weeks of life. Each disease must be carefully examined and measures taken, since a fragile kitten is unlikely to be able to cope with sometimes quite formidable diseases on its own.

Fading kitten

This pathology develops in the womb.


  • Placental abruption.
  • Wrong choice of paternal line.
  • Infectious, viral diseases during pregnancy.
  • Incorrectly formulated diet for pregnant and lactating pussy.

Children exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Underweight (weight 25% lower than healthy members of one litter).
  • Dehydration.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Hypothermia.

Unfortunately, the disease cannot be treated, and the sick pet is doomed. To prevent this situation from happening, you need to take preventive measures even before the kittens appear:

  • Follow the expectant mother's vaccination plan.
  • Provide the pregnant animal with adequate nutrition.
  • Take a responsible approach to choosing the breeding half.
  • Maintain good care.

Toxic milk syndrome

This pathology is observed in newborn pets whose mother is sick (metritis or septic mastitis in the acute stage). Manifestations of milk intoxication:

  • Pets refuse to suck and squeak loudly.
  • The cubs' bellies are inflated.
  • Loose stools come out.
  • Rapid loss of water in the body begins.
  • The anus is inflamed.
  • Blood poisoning begins.

For successful treatment, the litter is weaned from breastfeeding and switched to artificial food. Smecta relieves symptoms of diarrhea and bloating.

For prevention, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the nipples and milk in a nursing cat.


Such a tricky name hides a very simple reason - lack of lactation in a nursing mother. Milk deficiency leads to malnutrition and malnutrition in babies.

Causes of hypogalactia:

  • The cat is primiparous.
  • The nursing animal has poor nutrition.
  • The litter is too numerous.

To get rid of the problem, you need to provide the mother with a nutritious diet, rich in protein and carbohydrate foods, and supplement the kittens with artificial feeding. At one month of age, you can start introducing complementary foods.


From the name it is already clear what the cause of the pathology is. In the absence of a cat and the babies being warmed with their warmth, they lose their body temperature, which drops to 35.6C. This is very little. The cubs freeze and stop moving. The same consequences will occur at low temperatures in the room where the children are.

To bring a cat baby back to life, you need to warm it up gradually, covering it in layers. Pour glucose (5-10%) into the mouth. Be sure to seek help from a doctor. To prevent such situations from happening again, pay careful attention to insulating the cat’s nest.


Kittens suffer from anemia in cases where the mother suffers from it or they are infected with a helminthic infestation.

Signs of anemia in babies:

  • Poor development, retardation.
  • Pale mucous membranes.


In other words, dehydration. It occurs not only against the background of any disease, but also as an independent phenomenon when a small pet is not able to reach breast milk.

Signs of manifestation:

  • Dryness of the oral mucous membranes.
  • Weak muscle tone.
  • Bright red color of the baby's mouth and tongue.

Dehydration can only be treated with veterinary prescriptions. Artificial complementary feeding is used as a preventive measure.


This is the name for blood incompatibility between a cat and its cubs, in which erythrocyte breakdown occurs in the blood of newborns.

Manifestation of the disease:

  • Yellow mucous membranes.
  • Reluctance to breastfeed.
  • Lethargy.
  • Brown color of urine.
  • Death of tail tissue (at the end).

No treatment has yet been found for this disease, which means the baby is doomed to death. For preventive measures, blood type diagnostics and brown urine testing are used. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, babies are weaned and artificially fed.

Umbilical inflammation

This problem occurs when the umbilical cord is not processed correctly:

  • Its remainder is too short or, on the contrary, long.
  • The kitten is in unsanitary conditions.
  • The cat has problems with her teeth and oral cavity.

A sick kitten's navel is swollen, inflamed and red. Purulent discharge oozes from it. To prevent the development of this situation, you need to properly cut and treat the umbilical cord at birth with antiseptics.

Viral pneumonia

A dangerous disease for fragile small organisms. It occurs as a result of viral infections suffered during illness and lack of vaccinations.

Manifestations of the disease in kittens:

  • The animal meows pitifully, does not eat breast milk, and refuses to attach to the nipple.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • Coughing and sneezing begins.
  • Mucus is discharged from the nose.
  • The oral cavity becomes covered with ulcers.
  • Conjunctivitis and lacrimation develop.

Immediate seeking of professional medical help is required. To prevent the occurrence of viral pneumonia, you need to follow the vaccination schedule, exclude contact of the animal with other pets and people, and monitor the cleanliness and temperature of the room.


Disease of the mucous membranes of the organs of vision occurs in kittens in cases where the mother has had a viral infection, the babies' eyes have been damaged and scratched even before they opened.


  • Purulent leakage from under the eyelids when closed.
  • Formation of crusts on the eyelids.
  • Redness and swelling of the eyelids.

Boric acid is used to treat conjunctivitis. The kittens' eyes are washed with a 2% solution. Plus, antibacterial eye medications are dripped.

Neonatal infectious peritonitis

Peritonitis of an infectious nature occurs in the absence of necessary vaccinations in a pregnant cat, infectious diseases suffered during the period of waiting for kittens, or weakness of the newborn’s immune system.


  • Cyanosis.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Weakness.
  • Fading.

Unfortunately, this pathology is also not curable. A sick animal must be isolated from the rest of the litter to avoid transmission of infection. For prevention, vaccination measures, limiting contact with other animals and humans, maintaining temperature and sterile conditions are extremely important.

Other diseases

Other common ailments include inflammation of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis), which can lead to loss of vision in a kitten. Excess weight - is formed as a result of disruption of the endocrine system, an unbalanced diet, lack of hormones, deficiency of certain types of salts. To treat excess body weight, it is enough to balance the diet, diversify the menu with vitamins and increase the cat’s physical activity.

Allergies are also a fairly common pathology in little children. Occurs on dust, perfume, fluff, plants, etc. Treatment must be strictly as prescribed by the veterinarian.

Viruses, acute viruses, infections, colds, pulmonary diseases, rickets and keratitis - all this is a consequence of lack of care and attention on your part. Take care of your pets, show care, and they will always be strong, cheerful and healthy.

Video "Rare disease in kittens (Goat syndrome)"

These kittens were named Charlie (tabby) and Spike (black and white). They were born with congenital fainting goat syndrome. Previously, this pathology was quite rare for cats. Now it occurs more and more often. Such kittens can only walk. They cannot jump or run. When a cat becomes frightened of something, it goes into paralytic shock, which lasts about a minute. The saddest thing is that there is no cure for this and the kittens die quickly.

Why is it so important to choose the right cat veterinarian who is experienced in all feline issues? As we all already know, cats are considered to be an integral part of human life. By their nature, cats are considered mysterious animals that bring peace, harmony and protection to the home of their owners. Starting from Egypt, according to mythology, it was customary in treating cats to honor them as something more than just an animal. Cats were considered holy guides to another world. Over time, more and more new breeds appeared, the diversity grew, and the human need to have a domestic cat in the house has not faded to this day.

Perhaps you are already the owner of such a beautiful creature, or maybe you are the owner of purebred cats, are breeding offspring at home, or are just thinking about the idea of ​​getting a kitten. To do this, today we will talk about the veterinary medicine cycle for cats, this will give you a complete understanding of caring for your pet, and will also warn you against the difficulties that you and your cat may encounter when living together.

Veterinary medicine for cats. Diseases of cats and their classification

If you discover any illness, calling a doctor at home will save you time and get a full consultation on your problem. In cat veterinary medicine, there are five classifications of diseases, let's look at the types.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases– this is a group of infectious diseases, of various types, caused by pathogenic microorganisms, which in turn are the causative agents of a virus. The pattern of the disease can also be divided into five types.

  • The order of appearance is the condition for the emergence of the infectious agent, accompanied by the factors of reception and transmission of the virus from an infected animal.
  • Specificity – diversity of the pathogen. Each infectious disease has its own viral pathogen distinguishable from other diseases.
  • Contagiousness is the ability of a virus to spread, in other words, a high intensity of transmission of infection to another living being. For example, an animal or a person.
  • Cyclicity - this pattern is divided into subgroups that develop depending on what stage the virus is at. Initially, the disease process has the ability to hide the pathogen. Further, preclinical is the process when the virus begins to show the first impulses of development, showing its manifestations in the form of symptoms. And finally, the clinical process, as you already understand, is the peak of the disease.
  • Immunity is the stage of formation of reactions that have developed in an animal during the recovery period. This pattern protects the body from the reappearance of the virus.

Viral diseases of cats

  • Panleukopenia is a virus that negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to a decrease in leukocytes in the blood. Once in the animal’s body, pathogenesis affects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, then the virus infects lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissue and stem cells in the bone marrow. The period of onset of the disease is from two to twelve days, accompanied by symptoms of suppression of the animal’s activity, anorexia, vomiting, an increase in body temperature up to 41°C, as well as loss of appetite with severe thirst. Also, as the disease progresses, loose stools of a light yellow color appear. As symptoms worsen, bloody discharge and abdominal bloating accompanied by painful sensations are observed. To diagnose the disease, blood tests and general urine and feces tests are taken from the animal. Doctors also recommend taking immune medications after painful prophylaxis to form.

Internal diseases are also divided into several types.

  • Cardiovascular diseases such as Myocarditis, Myocardosis, Endocarditis, Heart defects, Pericarditis, Arteriosclerosis.
  • Respiratory tract diseases – Rhinitis, Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Croupous pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, Pleurisy, Emphysema.
  • Diseases of the digestive system - Stomatitis, Mumps, Pharyngitis, Blockage of the esophagus, Acute catarrhal gastritis, Chronic catarrhal gastritis, Gastric ulcer, Acute gastroenteritis, Chronic gastroenteritis, Peritonitis, Ascites.

Surgical diseases of cats.

In veterinary medicine, cats are faced with the following surgical diseases

  • Injuries – Wounds, Bites, Closed mechanical damage, Electrical trauma, Collapse and shock.
  • Skin diseases – Eczema, Dermatitis, Lupus erythematosus, Toxidermia, Pyodermitis, Abscess, Cellulitis.
  • Ear diseases – Auricular hematoma, Eczema and dermatitis of the auricle, Auricular ulcer, Otitis media.
  • Eye diseases – Wounds of the eyelids, Inflammation of the eyelids, Conjunctivitis, Inflammation of the cornea, Corneal ulcer, Cloudiness of the lens, Blindness.
  • Diseases of the joints and bones - Arthritis, Deforming inflammation of the joint, Arthrosis, Inflammation of the tendons, Periostitis, Osteitis, Bone necrosis, Osteomyelitis, Bone fractures.

Obstetrics and gynecology of cats is mainly a violation of estrus in cats, such types of complications as – Anaphrodisia, Prolonged estrus, Latent estrus, Suppression of estrus, Long-term prevention of estrus, Short-term shift in estrus.

Veterinary medicine for cats. Conclusion

Having such an affectionate animal at home as a cat, you will never doubt its grace and ability to bring calm. The kitten will be a wonderful addition to your home comfort, and will also become the best friend for you and your children. Treat your pet and the issue of cat veterinary medicine with full understanding of responsibility. In case of any illness, the veterinarian will provide irreplaceable help for the cat in solving the problem that has arisen on the path to recovery of your pet.

At our center, specialists will advise you on any questions you may have. We also have a service for calling a doctor at home. If you are allergic and are planning to get a feline, consult your doctor. Be healthy and love your pets.
