What is gastroptosis and why is it dangerous? Gastroptosis: prolapse of the gastric cavity in gastroenterological practice

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Gastroptosis is a disease that is a prolapse of the stomach. It is determined by conditional line connecting the crests of the iliac bones and the pelvis. Photos taken by specialists show that with gastroptosis, the lower part of the stomach descends, and it becomes vertical in abdominal cavity.

As statistics show, gastroptosis can be found in people whose age is from 15 to 50 years. Women have prolapse of the stomach more often. This phenomenon is associated with thinness, the use of diets, childbirth, as well as stretching of the muscles located in the ligamentous apparatus. In men, gastroptosis begins to develop as a result of lifting heavy loads and excessive loads.


There are two types of omission, which have their own specific features and symptoms:

  • Congenital. It is associated with structural features of the body - low weight, the presence of a too narrow chest, asthenic body type, elongated fingers and limbs. The far gastric sections descend due to the elongated mesentery located in the large intestine, connected to gastric apparatus. This type of gastric gastroptosis has almost imperceptible symptoms, so only a qualified specialist can establish the diagnosis.
  • Acquired. Associated with a weakening of the tone of the abdominal muscles due to stretching of the gastric ligaments. The causes of acquired gastroptosis of the stomach are too a sharp decline body weight, multiple births, insufficient amount of protein in the body and beriberi. In the case of a severe stage, gastroptosis may be accompanied by prolapse not only of the stomach, but also of all organs located in the abdominal cavity. In this condition, the symptoms of gastroptosis (omission) of the stomach will be more pronounced.

Symptoms of the disease and its stage of development

As for the clinical picture of gastroptosis, the prolapse of the stomach can have three degrees, depending on the curvature of the location of the organ:

  • Disease of the 1st degree: the lesser curvature of the stomach is located above the conditional line by no more than 3 cm.
  • The omission of the 2nd degree implies the convergence of the organ from the conditional line.
  • Gastroptosis of the 3rd degree - the omission of the organ occurs below the conditional line.

In most cases, the omission has no characteristic symptoms especially if the disease is mild to moderate. These stages of gastroptosis of the stomach can be accompanied only poor appetite and the appearance of heaviness after eating. In the last stage of gastroptosis of the stomach, sometimes there is sharp pain in the abdomen, which passes after the person lies down.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Since prolapse of the stomach does not accompany characteristic symptoms, for correct installation diagnosis, you will need to undergo research:

  1. Visual examination of the patient in the supine and standing position.
  2. Finding out the symptoms of gastroptosis, which the patient complains about, taking an anamnesis.
  3. To determine the degree of the disease, the doctor will perform palpation of the abdominal cavity.
  4. X-ray, which is accompanied by the introduction contrast agent, allowing to determine the degree of omission.
  5. Abdominal ultrasound.
  6. Endoscopic examination of organs digestive system, during which a special optical device is used.

How is the treatment going?

As soon as the symptoms of gastroptosis of the stomach are identified, and accurate diagnosis delivered, the gastroenterologist will be able to draw up complex treatment. In most cases, we are talking about conservative methods, so surgery is not required (with the exception of some cases).

Omission (gastroptosis) of the stomach is treated according to the following scheme.


Diet involves eating easily digestible foods. Eating with gastroptosis of the stomach should be frequent, and its one-time amount should be small. Immediately after a meal for 30-60 minutes, you need to take a supine position. If the disease is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, then you can include in the diet products that have choleretic effect. If constipation occurs, it is recommended to supplement the menu with fiber and laxative food.

Physical activity

The most effective components to cure gastroptosis are physiotherapy and physical exercises. A properly selected set of loads will make it possible to normalize muscle tone, raise the stomach and eliminate the likelihood of its re-sagging. However, it should be borne in mind that such treatment should not be excessive - it is worth excluding too sudden movements, as well as heavy loads. It is best to perform exercises in a calm rhythm, taking a supine position.


To relieve pain in gastroptosis of the stomach, manual massage or hydromassage of the abdominal cavity is prescribed.


As drug treatment apply antispasmodic drugs relieving pain. To reduce autonomic factors, the doctor prescribes sedatives capable of relieving stress. Anabolic steroids, as well as strychnine and arsenic preparations, are capable of providing a general strengthening effect in gastroptosis of the stomach.


AT surgery gastroptosis of the stomach includes strengthening the ligaments and holding the organ in the abdominal cavity. Also thanks surgical intervention it is possible to raise the stomach to the diaphragm. But it is worth noting that this kind of manipulation is the last measure that doctors resort to when trying to cure gastroptosis. This is associated with a high likelihood of recurrence of the disease.


Also, the treatment of gastroptosis with folk remedies is no less effective, which should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. Among such means:

  • Clay applications;
  • Resorption in the mouth of sunflower oil;
  • Ingestion of decoctions and infusions medicinal plants(cinquefoil, elecampane, chicory).

Use folk remedies for the treatment of prolapse of the stomach is possible only with the permission of the doctor and only at the first stage of the disease.

Basic preventive measures

To prevent prolapse (gastroptosis), the following preventive measures should be taken to strengthen all systems in the body:

  • Regular and proper exercise;
  • Optimal daily diet;
  • Doing healthy life generally.

If we are talking about women who are going to have children, then they must strictly adhere to the recommendations prescribed by the doctor both in the prenatal period and after the birth of the baby. This will make the corset muscles stronger.

Men should avoid lifting excessive weights and sudden movements, especially if there are already problems with the functioning of the digestive system. No less dangerous in terms of provoking gastroptosis are bad habits. Overeating (especially before bed) can also weaken the stomach muscles, making the organ especially vulnerable.

In order not to have to face the problem of how to raise the stomach, it is best to prevent the development this disease. Only when balanced diet, proper lifestyle, regular sports and lack of bad habits to avoid unpleasant health problems that entail serious complications. Moreover, it should be understood that prolapse of the stomach makes a person's life inferior.

Gastroptosis is the prolapse of the stomach below a certain line, which conditionally connects the iliac crests.

Epidemiological evidence confirms that gastroptosis occurs most frequently between the ages of 15–50 years and mainly affects women. This is due to frequent diets, thinness, childbirth, muscle strain ligamentous apparatus and abdominal wall. In males, gastroptosis can be caused due to improper distribution of loads and heavy lifting with poor physical fitness.

Types and causes of gastroptosis

There are two types of gastroptosis:

  1. Congenital. The occurrence of congenital gastroptosis can cause the structure of the body - high growth, long limbs and fingers, asthenic physique, narrow chest, lack of weight, congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. The prolapse of the distal parts of the stomach is associated with the lengthening of the mesentery of the large intestine, which is connected to the apparatus of the stomach. The prolapse of the intestine, which pulls the stomach along with it, is due to the long mesentery.
  2. Acquired. The development of acquired gastroptosis with a weak tone of the muscles of the peritoneum occurs due to stretching of the ligaments of the stomach. Often this is preceded by a sharp weight loss, elimination of ascites, resection of abdominal tumors, frequent childbirth, vitamin deficiency and lack of protein in the diet. At serious illnesses, gastroptosis is accompanied by the omission of all internal organs, incl. and stomach. In cases of lung damage (tumors, pleurisy), the diaphragm descends and pressure in the abdominal cavity increases.

The clinical picture of gastroptosis is divided into 3 degrees, which depend on the position of the curvature of the stomach (upper concave edge), which is a less mobile area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach.

  • Stage 1 - the lesser curvature of the stomach is 2-3 cm above the line of the gallbladder.
  • 2nd stage - converges with its level.
  • Stage 3 - the stomach falls below this line.
Most often, gastroptosis is asymptomatic, especially with mild and medium degree(stages 1 and 2). At these stages, the patient may feel heaviness in the epigastric region, especially after overeating and unstable appetite.

If the disease progresses (stage 3), then already expressed symptoms may appear:

  • In the epigastric region begin drawing pains, which increase in an upright position, and subside in a supine position. Sometimes they give to the lumbar region or the heart.
  • Nausea, increased gas formation, flatulence, belching, loss of appetite. Addiction to spicy food and aversion to dairy products.
  • Increased nervousness and irritability, weakness, dermographism of the extremities, decreased performance, sweating.
  • A tendency to constipation, which is associated with a weak tone of the muscles of the intestines and stomach.
  • On visual inspection, pay attention to the pendulous abdomen.
  • Pain intensifies with sudden movements, running, jumping, and subsides at rest.

Diagnosis of gastroptosis

For exactly established diagnosis a wide range of research is applied.

  • Visual examination of the patient in a standing and lying position.
  • Collecting an anamnesis, clarifying the symptoms that disturb the patient.
  • To determine the degree of prolapse of the stomach, palpation of the abdomen is performed.
  • Radiography with the introduction of a contrast agent, which allows you to identify the degree of prolapse of the stomach. For example, barium fills the cavity of the stomach and shows a clear picture of the location of the stomach.
  • Abdominal ultrasound.
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS). it endoscopy duodenum, esophagus and stomach using an optical instrument.

After identifying the symptoms, diagnosing and diagnosing, the gastroenterologist draws up a method for treating the disease. Most often, the treatment is conservative in nature and does not resort to surgical intervention, except perhaps only in exceptional cases.
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The treatment of gastroptosis includes:
  • Correctly balanced diet. Foods included in the patient's diet should be easily digestible. Food is taken often in small portions and at the same time. After eating, you should take a horizontal position for 30-60 minutes. At decreased appetite accepted products that have choleretic property. During constipation, laxative foods and fiber are prescribed to improve peristalsis.
  • The leading place in the treatment is occupied by recreational physical education and physiotherapy. A set of physical exercises strengthens muscle tone, prevents further prolapse of the stomach and reduces the degree of the existing one. But classes should be without sudden movements and heavy loads, therefore, a set of exercises is developed exclusively by a doctor. Classes are held in a supine position and a calm rhythm, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises and increasing the frequency.
  • Hydromassage or manual massage of the abdominal wall will help relieve pain.
  • Drug treatment is carried out with antispasmodics, which relieve pain. To reduce the vegetative components are used sedatives to help relieve stress. For a stimulant and general tonic, anabolic steroids, arsenic and strychnine preparations are prescribed.
  • At surgical treatment strengthen the ligaments, fix the stomach to the diaphragm, hold the organ in the abdominal cavity. However, such a procedure is performed infrequently, since the risk of recurrence and re-omission of the stomach is high.
In principle, the overall prognosis for gastroptosis is favorable. By following the regimen, diet and physical activity, you can adjust and prevent severe complications. The main thing is that if you have symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all the recommendations during treatment.

Video about the diagnosis and treatment of gastroptosis:

gastroptosis(English) gastroptosis; from other Greek. γαστήρ - stomach and πτῶσις - fall) - prolapse of the stomach. The disease code according to ICD-10 is K31.8.

Gastroptosis can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital gastroptosis most often caused by constitutional asthenia: excessively long mesentery of the colon, which, descending, pulls on the gastrocolic ligament and pulls along greater curvature stomach, causing gastroptosis. Descent of the anthropyloric stomach leads to kinking of the proximal duodenum, further impairing gastric evacuation and may cause pain.

Acquired gastroptosis occurs due to a significant weakening of the muscles of the abdominal wall with large weight loss, after childbirth, removal of ascitic fluid or large tumors of the abdominal cavity. It is due to stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that fixes the position of the stomach.

Degrees of gastroptosis :
  • I-I degree - the small curvature of the stomach is determined 2-3 cm above the interosseous line (see figure on the right)
  • II degree - lesser curvature of the stomach is determined at the level of the interosseous line
  • III degree - lesser curvature of the stomach is determined below the interosseous line
Gastroptosis of the 1st and 2nd degree usually does not manifest itself in any way. Sometimes the patient feels heaviness or fullness in the epigastric region, especially after taking a significant amount of food. Possibly blunt It's a dull pain in the epigastrium, which softens in the supine position and is a consequence of stretching of the ligaments fixing the stomach, as well as pain in the region of the heart. Sometimes there is a short-term pain in the abdomen during running or jumping, which then goes away. There are nausea, loss of appetite. Often there is constipation. In patients with gastroptosis, the abdomen is often saggy, pulling it up reduces pain. The acidity of the stomach is usually low.

An X-ray contrast study shows a stretched, elongated stomach, drooping of the borders of the stomach, accumulation of a contrast agent in the stomach.

Diagnostic value has a method of examination of the stomach, called "splash noise". Its essence is that when the stomach is shaken, where air and liquid are simultaneously located, a kind of noise occurs. When blows are applied to the area where there is no stomach, the splashing noise will stop. This technique prior to X-ray examination allows the diagnosis of gastroptosis (

Gastroptosis is a congenital or acquired disease of the stomach. With the formation of such an ailment, a change in the natural location of the organ is observed.

According to expert opinions, this disease does not show a significant effect on the processes of digestion. Consequently, obvious disorders in the body in the form of constipation occur at 3 degrees of illness.

Reasons for the formation of the disease

Doctors recognize 2 forms of gastroptosis: constitutional and acquired. A congenital ailment is most often detected in patients with an aesthetic complexion, characterized by elongated parts of the body, a narrow sternum. AT this case lowering of the stomach occurs due to the characteristics of the body. Acquired gastroptosis occurs due to relaxation of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, stretching of the ligaments of the stomach. Also, the reasons for the formation of ailments can be attributed to a sharp loss of weight, the elimination of tumor neoplasms in the stomach.

Sometimes patients determine anthropoloroptosis (incomplete omission of the organ), accompanied by an extension of the stomach cavity, hypotension of peristalsis. What is characteristic, this form of the disease occurs much more often. Partial gastroptosis is characterized by stretching of the cavity, resulting in bowel prolapse. When total gastroptosis is diagnosed, diaphragmatic prolapse occurs with further distortion of the gastric fornix. The basis for the occurrence of the disease can be pleurisy, manifested pulmonary emphysema.

According to experts, prolapse of the gastrointestinal tract most often affects women of childbearing potential, since the period of motherhood is often the basis for the formation of the disease. The reason for the prolapse of the stomach during motherhood may be the refusal to use a bandage that performs an imitating function. As a result, the ligaments that restrain the stomach and other organs are lengthened. As the organ descends, the complexity of the patient's condition is established. Since in the process of omission, compression of the underlying organs occurs.

Also, in the process of prolapse, the pelvic organs also suffer, which provokes a disorder in blood circulation. And such changes are the basis for the manifestation of menstrual disorders, as well as the formation of diseases such as fibromyomas, endometriosis in the fair sex and prostatitis in men. Quite often, gastroptosis is the basis for the formation of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of the disease

There are three stages of gastroptosis. Depending on the stage of pathology, the location of the stomach changes:

  • Grade 1 - the upper edge of the organ is located slightly above the gastric bladder.
  • Grade 2, the upper face is placed on the same size as the gastric bladder.
  • Grade 3 - lowering of the upper edge of the stomach below the line of the gastric bladder.

At the first and second degree of the course of the disease, the symptoms are mild. There may be a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, especially after eating. Appetite may decrease, and after a while appear. As a rule, during such a period, the patient prefers spicy dishes, but disgust may appear regarding milk. In the early stages of the formation of the disease, symptoms may occur:

  • Belching.
  • Bloating.
  • Nausea.

The third degree of the disease is much more severe and may be accompanied by prolapse of other organs. If the disease has reached the third stage, then the patient may feel the following symptoms:

  1. The occurrence of acute pain in the abdomen. Usually, pain increase when the patient moves, and subside in a calm position.
  2. Specific odor from the mouth.
  3. Belching of a rotten egg.
  4. Chair disorder.
  5. Avitaminosis.

It should be noted that when gastroptosis has reached grade 3, then, along with the omission, there is a direct decrease in tone, and as a result, a decrease in the secretory function of the stomach. For many patients, the question arises whether such a disease can be cured. This question can only be answered by a specialist. But doctors say that in most cases drug therapy with such a disease is ineffective, and to surgical intervention resorted to in exceptional cases, and this method in most cases gives a temporary effect.

How to treat gastroptosis

On the initial stages the formation of the disease, patients are advised to strengthen the abdominal muscles with the help of special gymnastics. Experts point out that sedentary image life contributes to the deterioration of the patient's condition . Therefore, it is recommended to do hiking, define some work, but avoid reloading. It must be remembered that with such a diagnosis as gastroptosis, it is forbidden for the patient to lift weight. When grade 3 gastroptosis is determined, more serious treatment is prescribed. At 3 degrees of illness, a common symptom is pain syndrome and in order to eliminate such a symptom, the patient can take the following drugs: Noshpa, Platifillin.

Also, at the 3rd degree of the disease, attention is paid to the neurological condition of the patient. To stabilize the psychoneurological background, sedative medications are prescribed. Anabolic hormones are prescribed for tonic and strengthening purposes. At the 3rd degree of the formation of the disease, there may be a frequent lack of appetite. In such situations, the patient is prescribed insulin at the lowest dosage in the form subcutaneous injection. Also, to eliminate pain and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is prescribed a kind of drug therapy.

Drug therapy, as a rule, is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Vegetative symptoms are eliminated with the help of sedatives.
  2. In the presence of diarrhea, drugs such as Smecta and Bisacodyl can be taken.
  3. Antispasmodics are prescribed to relieve pain.
  4. Papaverine is used to stimulate gastric secretion.

An important role in the cure of the disease is given to diet. Above all, the patient must avoid overeating, as an over-full stomach is further distended and lowered. The patient can eat often, but in small portions. It should be noted that food can be consumed high calorie, but it should be remembered that the products are easily digestible.

What products can be included in the menu, and which ones should be removed from the diet can be seen in the table.

If you ignore the existing manifestations of gastroptosis and do not treat, then serious complications can occur. Complications can include:

  1. Malignant neoplasms.
  2. Disorder of secretory function.
  3. Weakening motor function organ.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of gastroptosis

Heal disease with traditional medicine unlikely to succeed, but with the help of natural medicines it is quite possible to improve general state patient. Popular recipes include:

  • A decoction of cabbage. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a head of cabbage and boil it. The resulting broth must be drained into a container to take it during the day instead of water.
  • St. John's wort infusion. To prepare the product, you need 2 tbsp. l. plants pour 1 tbsp. hot water and leave for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the infusion should be filtered and taken throughout the day. It is recommended to drink the medicine in 3 divided doses.
  • Herbal infusion, which includes: wormwood, centaury, dandelion root, chicory and calamus. It is necessary to prepare the drug with such a calculation for 1 tbsp. hot water is needed 1 tbsp. l herbal mixture. It is necessary to insist the drug for at least 30 minutes. It is recommended to take 50 ml 30 minutes before a meal. Such herbal infusion promotes the production of gastric juice and improves appetite.
  • Tea based on wormwood and yarrow. Plants must be mixed in equal proportions and pour hot water. You need to drink 30 minutes before a meal, 1 tsp. This medicine will help improve appetite.
  • Plantain infusion. For cooking medicinal product you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of crushed plantain leaves and pour hot water. Infuse the drug for at least 10 minutes. It is recommended to take half an hour before a meal.

In order to avoid the troubles associated with the prolapse of organs, it is necessary to take care of preventive measures. Experts recommend Special attention focus on strengthening the whole body. To this end, it is necessary to revise the existing diet, organize a schedule of work and rest, not be lazy, but take walks, devote time to the variety. The fair sex, who are planning the birth of a child, must fully comply with all the recommendations of a specialist. It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of an ailment than to treat it later. The right lifestyle can prevent not only gastroptosis, but also a number of other diseases.

Normally, this organ is located in the left hypochondrium and in the epigastric region. It is elongated and slightly inclined towards the navel. The stomach is covered by the peritoneum and supported whole system ligaments. Also plays an important role in the fixation of the stomach. adipose tissue and muscles abdominals. The functions of the latter are especially important.

The normal location of the stomach relative to other organs of the digestive tract.

A change in the location of the organ cannot but affect its functioning, so the prolapse of the stomach manifests itself various symptoms(they will be discussed below), which depend on the degree of displacement of the organ. In some cases, the signs of this disease are either absent or very mild. The patient may mistake the symptoms of this pathology for manifestations of other diseases. gastrointestinal tract(GIT).

In medicine, gastroptosis is determined by measuring the distance between the stomach cavity and a line that can be drawn between the upper parts of the wings of the ilium of the pelvic bones.

You can also add that gastroptosis is, for the most part, a female disease.

This pathology can be both acquired and congenital.

Gastroptosis occurs as a result of weakening of the abdominal muscles, especially the tone of the deep transverse muscle and stretching of the ligaments that support the stomach play an important role.

If we talk about the congenital form of the disease (it is also called constitutional gastroptosis), then it is usually characteristic of people with an asthenic physique: thin, with long elongated limbs, narrow chest and shoulders. Their ligaments and muscular apparatus are usually less developed than in most people, which is the reason for the development of gastroptosis. Such a physique can not only cause gastroptosis, it can cause prolapse of the intestines and kidneys (nephroptosis).

In addition, prolapse of the stomach can also be acquired, associated with a person's lifestyle. The following are the main reasons that can cause gastroptosis in people with any body type:

  • Very often this disease is observed in women after pregnancy or difficult childbirth. It may appear after several births.
  • Another very common cause the occurrence of this pathology is a sharp decrease in body weight, which is often associated with excessive passion diets and fasting. Diets cause a decrease in the amount of proteins and vitamins that the body receives, which also negatively affects the state of the muscular apparatus.
  • Constant tension of the abdominal muscles associated with physical labor or sports (weightlifting).
  • Food habits. Frequent consumption of heavy or low-quality food, overeating, excessive love for carbonated drinks.
  • Some diseases.
  • The disease can occur after various surgical operations.

Very often, during the development of the disease, both factors work: the congenital predisposition, due to structural features, is superimposed by causes associated with the person's lifestyle.

Clinical picture

The symptomatology of this disease is extensive and is associated with the type of gastroptosis and its degree. There are three stages of this disease (about them below), the symptoms of each of them have their own differences.

To common features diseases include the following:

  • Appetite disturbance. Most often, its deterioration is observed, a person simply cannot look at some products. Sometimes there is an increase in appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Flatulence.
  • Heartburn.
  • Constipation.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Belching.

A few words should be said about the clinical picture of gastroptosis on different stages this disease.

With an acquired form of pathology, the disease in the mild stages can be completely asymptomatic. The patient is sometimes disturbed, especially after a plentiful feast. However, few people pay attention to similar symptom s special attention.

A completely different picture is observed in the advanced stages of the disease. At the same time, the lower part of the stomach descends into the pelvic organs and puts pressure on other organs. Man feels severe pain in the lower abdomen, which are aggravated after any physical exertion.

Gastroptosis associated with structural features (congenital) has neurotic symptoms that are characteristic of asthenics. These include:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • mild nausea.

A characteristic symptom of this disease is addiction to too spicy food. So, if you notice such a symptom in yourself, then you should pay attention to it.

Stages of the disease

There are three stages in the prolapse of the stomach, clinical picture which are very different. The division into stages is based on the location of the upper concave contour of the organ (the lesser curvature of the stomach), which is its least mobile part. Below are the signs of each of the stages of this disease:

In the initial stages of the development of this pathology (especially in its acquired form), the symptoms are extremely weak, and may be completely absent. Patients sometimes complain of heaviness in the epigastric region, appetite disorders (its decrease or, conversely, increase). At this stage, patients often prefer spicy foods and avoid certain types of foods (such as dairy).

Sometimes already at these stages nausea and flatulence, constipation may appear.

The third stage, in which the stomach sinks considerably, is well accompanied severe symptoms. First of all, it is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which is greatly aggravated by any physical activity. Also, the patient may experience vegetative disorders: increased heart rate, other work disorders of cardio-vascular system, nervous excitability increases, sweating increases.

Very often gastroptosis in running form causes prolapse of other abdominal organs.

What is the danger of the disease

Prolapse of the stomach, especially on its late stages, dangerous for its complications. Changing the shape and location of this body affects its work. Furthermore, this pathology affects nearby organs.

Gastroptosis leads to stretching of the stomach and impairs its motility. This leads to difficulty in moving food towards the intestines (which is the cause of the feeling of heaviness).

Very often prolapse of the stomach leads to a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice(achlorhydria), which most negatively affects the processes of digestion of food in this organ.

Another dangerous consequence prolapse of an organ is a violation of the work of the gastric sphincters, both cardiac (between the stomach and esophagus) and pyloric, which closes the passage to duodenum. The consequences of this can be quite unpleasant. When the cardiac sphincter is weakened, a person is tormented, and if the pyloric sphincter is disrupted, the consequences are even more difficult: bile enters the stomach, which also causes heartburn and can lead to peptic ulcer stomach and gastritis.

Normal anatomy of the abdomen

A prolapsed stomach puts pressure on neighboring organs, which violates their location in the abdominal cavity. Most often, bowel prolapse occurs, which is the cause of constipation, flatulence.

In addition to the intestines, the kidneys and liver can change their position. With this pathology, the stomach presses on all organs of the small pelvis: on the uterus in women and prostate in men, on bladder. This interferes with their work and can lead to various pathologies or exacerbate existing diseases.


Diagnosis of this disease is very difficult. The main problem is that on early stages this disease is asymptomatic. Moreover, it is rather difficult to differential diagnosis, because the clinical picture of the disease is very similar to the symptoms of other gastrointestinal pathologies. Therefore, the successful definition of gastroptosis requires an integrated approach.

First, the doctor needs to interview the patient, pay attention to the symptoms, but they can be either a consequence of gastroptosis or signs of other diseases of the digestive system.

Then the position of the organ is determined, it is performed during a polypositional physical examination of the patient's abdomen. This method consists in palpation of the epigastric region of the patient in the supine and standing position. So you can determine the presence of retraction of the body and its size.

There are also other methods:


Treatment should be complex, it has its own characteristics for each stage of the pathology. The key place is occupied by physiotherapy exercises, massage and a special diet. In the advanced stages of the disease are used and medications, but they are rather part of the symptomatic treatment.

At the first and second stages of prolapse of the stomach, the main method of treatment is physical education. The principle is very simple: exercises strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen, which allows the body to return to its normal position.

Physical therapy has a particularly beneficial effect on asthenic patients with a congenital form of the disease: loads not only make their muscles stronger, but also help to eliminate neurotic symptoms.

In the third stage of the disease, medications often have to be used. Painkillers relieve pain, and light sedatives are used to eliminate neurotic symptoms. To strengthen the muscles and raise the tone, patients in the third stage are prescribed anabolic agents. When appetite worsens, small doses of insulin are used subcutaneously.

Another effective way treatment of gastroptosis is massage. Both classic and hydromassage are used. Currently, a special complex has been developed, consisting of special physical exercises and several massage courses. He is very efficient.

If speak about physiotherapy exercises, then most of exercises that are recommended to patients are performed in the supine position. The main load falls on the lower part of the abdominal press and back muscles and lower limbs. Typical exercises are leg curls, lifts, and the Bicycle exercise.

Very erroneous is the widespread opinion that physical exercises are prohibited for a patient with gastroptosis. This is not true: exercises are useful, moreover, they are the main method of treatment. However, the load must be strictly dosed and not overexerted.

Self-massage is also useful when lowering the stomach.

Surgical intervention for the treatment of this disease is practically not used.

Does not exist in gastroptosis special diets Rather, there are recommendations for catering. You should eat often, but in small portions, so that food does not linger in the stomach and does not stretch it even more.

Heavy foods should be avoided: fried, fatty, spicy. The menu should have a lot of cereals, vegetables, fruits, lean fish and meat. After eating, the patient should lie down a bit.

Folk remedies (herbs) are also used for gastroptosis, but reviews of their effectiveness are extremely contradictory. You can take decoctions of herbs in the absence of appetite.


Main prophylactic for this disease is sufficient physical activity. This is especially true for children and adolescence. Strengthening the abdominal muscles reliable way avoid stomach upset.

Pay attention to your body type, if you have the prerequisites for the occurrence of gastroptosis, you should pay more attention to your physical form.

Gastric prolapse is a very common problem for new mothers. effective tool against it are various exercises and the use of bandages.


This disease has a positive prognosis, but you need to remember that if you are born with a tendency to develop such a pathology, then the likelihood of a relapse is very high.
