DGEA analysis. Known related compounds. Heart problems when DHEA sulfate is low in women

Humanity has long dreamed of finding the elixir of immortality, or at least a means of eternal youth and longevity. With some stretch, such a substance exists in the body of every person - this is the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA S, DHEA). It is DHEA that is called the mother of all hormones, since it is the progenitor of all sex and steroid hormones. It is DHEA that is responsible for sexual desire in the body, for a clear mind, strong memory, muscle strength and physical endurance.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in our body is synthesized from cholesterol, yes, that same cholesterol, which for many years was so undeservedly considered harmful substance and almost poison. Fortunately, modern Scientific research debunked the entire inconsistency of the theory about the dangers of cholesterol that we get from food - meat, nuts, eggs, dairy products.

Not getting enough cholesterol from food products, we deprive ourselves building material for the production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and, accordingly, a whole bunch of its derivatives - sex and steroid hormones.

A DHEA test must be taken from women during pregnancy, since the influence of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone as a regulator of sex hormones in all processes of pregnancy and lactation can hardly be overestimated. The level of DHEA hormone during pregnancy is extremely important for proper development fetus and preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. A DHEA test is taken starting at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Due to such a wide functionality of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, drugs and supplements made on the basis of the substance DHEA Sulfate have an equally wide range of applications. There are no exact ones yet pharmacological indications to the use of hormone-based drugs to increase libido and sexual desire, but analysis shows that those men and women who have elevated DHA, as a rule, do not have deviations in the sexual sphere. This is due to the fact that the hormone is the progenitor of all sex hormones, in particular testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

Analysis for DHEA shows that drugs and supplements based on this hormone have an unusually beneficial effect on mental acuity and memory strength, and have a positive effect on mood and mental health in general. This is especially evident in the treatment of older people.

The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate has the property of dissolving body fat, which are actively used by modern nutritionists, cosmetologists and athletes (in big sport this steroid is prohibited). Experiments on animals have shown that such nutritional supplements actually help get rid of excess weight due to the burning of fat deposits, but, unfortunately, only in cases where the drug is used in truly “horse” doses. So the newspaper and magazine noise about the fact that a panacea for excess weight has been found somewhat distorts reality.

Analysis for “DHEA S” is prescribed in the following cases:

  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries and testicles;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility, amenorrhea and hirsutism;
  • puberty disorder.

Analysis shows that the youth hormone is elevated during puberty and pregnancy, and by about age 60, DHEA levels drop by as much as 90% in men and 60% in women. Maybe this is why women live longer than men?

Contraindications and side effects

It seems, well, what contraindications and side effects the hormone that is called the hormone of youth? It turns out that the ancient medical wisdom that any substance can be both a medicine and a poison, depending on the quantity, works here too. This is exactly the case with our wonderful DHEA. As already mentioned, the hormone is maternal to many steroid and sex hormones, which include testosterone - the key male beauty, strength, aggression and sexual desire.

So it turns out that if artificially, with the help of drugs and additives, you maintain excessive high level DHEA, this inevitably leads to an increase in testosterone levels. And high testosterone threatens men with diseases prostate gland And hairline By male type– to women. In an even sadder case, excessive use of supplements, causing an increase testosterone and estrogen levels can put women at risk for breast cancer.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

The most common case for recommending supplements based on the substance dehydroepiandrosterone is chronic fatigue and fatigue in older people. DHEA Sulfate supplements work wonders in the treatment of fatigue - after just two weeks of using the supplement, older adults experience increased strength, increased energy and muscle activity.

Analysis for “DHEA S” shows a stable concentration of lipid and androgenic steroids for 20-30 days after weekly therapy with DHEA. In women during pregnancy, the use of supplements has great importance for the prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a wonderful remedy for restoring the immune system after illnesses, surgery, and during autumn-spring outbreaks colds. Moreover, it has been experimentally proven that when DHEA is increased in the body, even chronic pathologies associated with immune system disorders.

It is very important that DHEA is increased in women during pregnancy, since the high activity of the immune system during this period is very important for normal gestation and protection of the mother and fetus.

Autoimmune pathologies

This back side immune system, the case when, as a result of genetic or acquired disorders, our defense system rebels against our own body, more precisely, against its individual organs or cells. This often concerns pathologies thyroid gland in women, when the immune system begins to produce antibodies against thyroid tissue.

Dehydroepiandrosterone, when it is increased through therapy with drugs containing DHEA, can effectively combat this pathology at the hormonal level. Therapy with DHEA C drugs for 6 weeks gave amazing results in the fight against autoimmune diseases thyroid gland in women during pregnancy, when it is contraindicated surgical intervention or irradiation radioactive iodine. Analysis for “DHEA S” after therapy in women showed stable remission and significant improvement in the condition of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases.

Malignant tumors

Despite active research in the field of using “DHEA S” as a drug for the treatment of cancer and other tumor diseases, as well as the presence of numerous positive results experiments, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is still rarely used to cure such ailments.

One thing is absolutely certain - if people over the age of 50 have a normal level of the DHEA hormone in their blood, then the risk of cancer is reduced by 40 times, and if the DHEA hormone in the body is increased, the risk of tumor pathologies is reduced by more than 70 times! Analysis for DHA clearly indicates that in all patients suffering from tumor diseases, the hormone content is significantly lower than normal.

Cardiovascular diseases

When DHA levels in the body are normal or slightly elevated, it helps prevent heart attack and stroke, as the hormone helps dissolve blood clots and prevent blockages in blood vessels. DHA also helps reduce high cholesterol levels, which have an adverse effect on circulatory system in general, due to the fact that cholesterol is used as the main building material for the production of the hormone DHEA.

Sometimes you have to deal with such a concept as; what is it, is it produced in women or in men - these are the questions that often arise in such cases. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in women is a hormone of youth that is responsible for many functions in the body of women and men.

DHEA hormone is an androgen, has no connection with puberty, is synthesized and secreted by the adrenal glands, and later by the ovaries in women and testes in men. Refers to hormone DHEA to ketothyroids, excreted in the urine.

Hormones in female body responsible for many processes menstrual cycle, genital area. A lack or excess of hormones will invariably affect a woman’s appearance and her mood. The level of DHEA can be used to judge women's health, therefore, if there are any disorders in the body, it is necessary to carry out full examination, including taking a blood test for hormones.

DHEA (DHEA, DEA-SO4) is an abbreviation for the thyroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, which refers to. about 95% of this hormone, while paired female sex glands produce only 5% or not at all. Normally, male sex hormones, including dehydroepiandrosterone, are needed by a woman, since their role in the body is very significant. For example, sex life In a woman, her libido is directly related to DHEA, which, when interacting with testosterone, helps a woman experience sexual desire.

If, as a result of any disturbances (tumor, for example), the hormone DHEA begins to produce more than the required levels, this threatens with such consequences as:

  • infertility;
  • premature birth;
  • the appearance of the first signs of aging;
  • increased hair growth, etc.

Insufficient production of DHEA-SO4 leads to delayed sexual development. Most often this is due to a condition in which the adrenal glands cannot produce the hormone in sufficient quantities.

If changes in the levels of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate are observed, it is necessary to consult doctors such as a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Normal hormone levels

The normal range for DHEA in women is from 2700 to 11000 nmol/l. For men, this indicator is slightly different; the minimum level should not be lower than 5500 nmol/l.

In pregnant women, the level of dehydroepiandrosterone decreases with each trimester: from 3.12 nmol/l in the first trimester to 3.6 nmol/l by the end of pregnancy.

At birth, a baby's levels of the hormone DHEA are usually high. After a short period, this figure decreases sharply, which is the absolute norm, and then increases again.

Diagnostic measures

DHEA-S analysis is carried out using a sample taken venous blood. For the analysis, you will need blood serum (1 ml is enough), which can be stored for about 1 week at the appropriate temperature.

In order for your blood counts to be correct, on the eve of the test you must refrain from taking fatty foods, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. If a person is taking synthetic hormones or other drugs (for example, Corticotropin, Clomiphene, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.), it is necessary to discontinue them several days before blood sampling or inform the doctor about them. Blood must be donated on an empty stomach; before taking the test, you should refrain from smoking and drinking coffee drinks. You are allowed to drink some water before taking the test.

Indications for a blood test for DHEA are the following disorders:

  • early puberty;
  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • the presence of tumors in the area of ​​other organs;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • early signs of menopause;
  • alopecia or hirsutism;
  • infertility;
  • frigidity, etc.

A DHEA test should be performed by the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle (5th, 6th, 7th day).

Hormone DHEA-sulfate

Thanks to the scientific development of synthetic hormones, most women can not only prolong youth, increase libido and experience the joy of motherhood, but also significantly improve their overall health. The hormone DHEA-S, available in tablet form, is not prescribed to patients to improve sexual performance, but at the same time, its beneficial effect on testosterone, which increases sexual activity, is noted. Its use has a positive effect on work nervous system, improves the mind, memory and mood. In particular, its positive effect can be seen in people of mature age.

There is another feature of the hormone: it dissolves fats accumulated as a result of poor nutrition and other disorders. This property of the hormone is actively used by nutritionists, cosmetologists, and athletes (the use of steroids is prohibited at competitions in elite sports). The drug produced in the form food additives studied on animals in which excess weight actually fell under the influence of the hormone, but for this it had to be injected into a huge number. It follows from this that dehydroepiandrosterone cannot be called a panacea for excess weight.

Contraindications and possible side effects of the medicine

Hormonal drugs can be not only useful (if the body produces insufficient hormones), but also dangerous, so taking them on your own is prohibited.

Since the hormone DHEA is the “mother” of thyroid hormones, including testosterone, by artificially increasing it in the body, you can achieve unpleasant consequences for a woman. IN normal quantity the hormone can improve the condition of the skin, making it smoother and more beautiful, prolong a woman’s menstrual cycle, improve the condition of hair and nails, strengthen joints and give a beautiful shine to the eyes - a symbol of youth and sexuality.

If it is in excess, the effect will be exactly the opposite: a woman will begin to grow hair in the area of ​​her face, legs, arms, and chest, while a bald spot may form on the top of her head (which happens to men under the influence of testosterone). At long-term use synthetic hormone can change the timbre of the voice and strengthen the muscles. Cases of oncology development in the mammary glands have been recorded against the background uncontrolled intake DHEA sulfate.

When is the drug prescribed?

The hormone in certain dosages helps to cope with numerous problems of the body, in particular such as: chronic fatigue, reduced immunity, autoimmune diseases.

With the syndrome chronic fatigue the drug is indicated for mature women who note a significant improvement in their health and well-being 14 days after starting treatment. They experience a surge of strength, muscle activity and pleasant energy. Positive influence The hormone helps women improve their quality of life, increase productivity and get rid of the weakness inherent in older people.

Some pregnant women are also prescribed the drug in small quantities to prevent chronic fatigue. Pregnant women should not take the hormone on their own.

At reduced immunity associated with the postoperative period, past diseases, in season increased risk get sick colds DHEA is prescribed. Through experiments, scientists have proven that when increased concentration in the body the hormone DHEA is treatable even chronic diseases related to the immune system.

During pregnancy, the hormone DHEA is produced by both the female body and the small body of the child, so it is very important to monitor the level of the hormone while carrying the baby.

Autoimmune diseases, caused by an incorrect reaction of the body to certain cells or organs, can cause serious harm to human health, since with an abnormal immune response, the body literally begins to eat itself from the inside. Sometimes this happens in thyroid gland women, which manifests itself in the form of destruction of thyroid cells increased activity immune functions.

DHEA sulfate is prescribed to women to combat this pathology, including during pregnancy, when other treatment methods are contraindicated. Therapy with a hormonal drug is carried out for 2.5 weeks, while further examination of patients shows significant improvements, and the disease itself can be “sent” into remission for a long time.

For treatment malignant tumors the drug of the synthetic hormone DHEA is not prescribed, but at the same time it is noted that in all elderly people with normal indicator hormone, the risk of developing tumors is significantly reduced. It was noticed that when malignant neoplasms dehydroepiandrosterone is practically absent or its levels are very low.

Preventive measures

To avoid unpleasant changes in the body associated with excess or deficiency hormone DHEA-S, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of symptoms such as menstrual irregularities (normally its duration should be about 30 days), lack of ovulation, and depressed mood.

Hair loss and brittle nails are often associated with vitamin deficiency, but the cause of this condition may be hormonal disbalance. If the cause of hair loss is not related to a cosmetic factor (incorrect and frequent dyeing, for example), then there is every reason to assume that there is a malfunction in the body, the cause of which can only be found out with the help of a specialist.

Aging of the female body is a natural process, but it is completely undesirable when it begins prematurely. Therefore, if a woman (aged 37 years or earlier) notices a deterioration in the condition of her skin, the appearance of wrinkles, a decrease in the amount of menstrual blood, then she should immediately consult a doctor to undergo a course of hormonal replacement therapy, which will prolong a woman’s youth and eliminate premature aging.

From all of the above, only one conclusion follows: there is no need to fight attacks bad mood, depression, lack of normal libido on their own. After all, now, with the development modern medicine, all unpleasant signs and symptoms can be corrected, improving the quality of life for yourself and your surroundings, which are affected by emotional instability women suffering from hormonal disorders.

For women, the proper functioning of all organs and systems is very important. Malfunctions can lead to infertility, disruption of the menstrual cycle and spontaneous abortion. To assess the health of the fairer sex, blood tests for hormones are used. One of the main indicators is DHEA sulfate - an important steroid hormone, deviation from the norm in women leads to certain problems.

DHEA sulfate (DEAS, DEA-SO4) is an important steroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone. It is a male sex hormone. In women, 95% of DHEA is synthesized by the adrenal cortex, and the remaining 5% by the ovaries. This androgen has no relationship with puberty. DHEA sulfate is often called the hormone of youth, and it is classified as a ketosteroid.. In most cases, DEA-SO4 is formed from the structurally complex cholesterol ester sulfate. The bulk of the androgen breaks down, and only a tenth is excreted from the body in the urine.

The role of DHEA in the female body is very significant. For example, sexual desire and this hormone are directly interrelated. When interacting with testosterone, a woman experiences sexual attraction to men. Also, among the positive effects of DHEA for women it is worth noting:

  • increases energy production;
  • improves well-being and mood;
  • combats stress-reducing substances;
  • contribute to normalization hormonal levels;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • slow down the aging process of the body;
  • reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • raise protective function the body from exposure to external factors;
  • improve the functioning of brain neurons;
  • during pregnancy precede the production of estrogen by the placenta.

It can be noted that the hormone DHEA sulfate is very important for women. Deviation from normal values leads to certain deviations that negatively affect the entire body as a whole. If your health worsens or any abnormalities in the body’s functioning are detected, you must consult a doctor, who, based on your complaints, will prescribe necessary tests blood and additional examination.

Normal levels of dehydroepiandrosterone in women

Like any other indicator, the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone determined in a blood test has a normal value. International standards the DEA-SO4 norm is not defined and a small deviation is permissible, both upward and downward. The difference is due to the application different methods research and reagents in the laboratory.

For women different ages The following values ​​are accepted as the norm for the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone:

  • from 6 to 9 years – 0.23 – 1.50 µmol/l;
  • from 9 to 15 years – 1.00 – 9.20 µmol/l;
  • from 15 to 30 years – 2.40 – 14.50 µmol/l;
  • from 30 to 40 years – 1.80 to 9.70 µmol/l;
  • from 40 to 50 years – 0.66 to 7.20 µmol/l;
  • from 50 to 60 years – 0.94 – 3.30 µmol/l;
  • after 60 years – 0.09 – 3.70 µmol/l.

During pregnancy, the level of DHEA sulfate decreases and the following values ​​are taken as the norm: in the first trimester - from 3.12 to 12.48 µmol/l; in the second – from 1.7 to 7.0 µmol/l; in the third – from 0.86 to 3.6 µmol/l. It is important to note that in newborn children the androgen value is very high, but immediately after birth its level quickly decreases. The maximum value is reached after puberty, and then decreases simultaneously with the process of growing up.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

In the blood test of women, DHEA sulfate can be either increased or decreased. Deviation from the norm indicates certain disorders in the body and requires appropriate treatment. Reasons for increased levels of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone include:

  • adrenogenital syndrome - with a lack of enzymes required for the synthesis of certain hormones in the adrenal cortex, the enhanced process of androgen production, including DHEA, is activated;
  • Cushing's disease is a brain tumor that leads to stimulation of adrenal function;
  • Cushing's syndrome is a malignant tumor formation in the adrenal glands, as a result of which the production of steroid hormones increases;
  • ectopic production of adrenal hormones - occurs when oncological diseases lungs, Bladder, pancreas;
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome) – endocrine disease, which is characterized by enlargement of the ovaries and the content of small bubbles filled with liquid;
  • tumor formations adrenal glands, in which male sex hormones – androgens – are intensively produced;
  • several days after birth, especially in premature infants;
  • insufficient functioning of the placenta (observed at 12-15 weeks of pregnancy).

Among the reasons why the level of DHEA determined in a blood test may be reduced are: Addison's disease - which is characterized by a decrease in adrenal function; dysfunction of the pituitary gland endocrine system, located in the brain); osteoporosis (metabolic disease of the skeleton); chronic alcoholism; cardiovascular diseases; some cancers.

Indications and preparation for the study

A blood test for DHEA sulfate in women is carried out if certain disorders are suspected, in order to confirm the diagnosis and prescription proper treatment, as well as during pregnancy. Among the deviations required for research can be identified: premature puberty, tumor formations of the adrenal glands and other organs, spontaneous abortions, signs early offensive menopause, infertility, frigidity, disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Blood for testing is taken from a vein in the elbow. The analysis must be taken strictly on an empty stomach in the morning.

It is also required to adhere to a non-strict diet a few days before the study: avoid fatty and spicy foods, and alcohol. If the patient has previously been prescribed hormonal drugs, then within three days before the test you need to stop taking them. If this cannot be done, then inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

A blood test for the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone is not recommended after serious emotional experiences and physical exertion. In addition, several hours before collecting the test material, you must stop smoking and drinks containing caffeine. On the day of the test, you are allowed to drink clean, still water. It is recommended to conduct a test for DHEA sulfate at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle.

The need to follow the recommendations is due to the fact that the lack of preliminary preparation may lead to distorted analysis results. If the concentration of the hormone is decreased or increased, the doctor may prescribe incorrect treatment, which can cause more harm than good. Therapeutic measures most often involve taking the hormone DHEA sulfate, available in tablets. This hormone has a number of side effects, and therefore self-administration is strictly prohibited.

The importance of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone in the female body is very significant. If its concentration is disturbed, it occurs a large number of unpleasant consequences. When the first signs of hormonal imbalance appear (hair loss, menstrual irregularities, spontaneous abortion, depressed mood, increased fatigue) you need to consult a doctor and conduct a blood test for hormones, including DHEA sulfate. Maintaining normal concentrations of this hormone will help prolong youth and improve well-being.

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The hormone (DHEA S, DHEA S, DEA S04) belongs to the class of androgens, steroid substances. This is a sex hormone. It is generated mostly by the adrenal glands, a small part of it is produced by the testicles in men, and by the ovaries in women. That is, the substance is present in people of both sexes.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is elevated in women with adrenal dysfunction. If the analysis shows high DHEA C, it is necessary to diagnose the functioning of these organs. Dehydroepiandrosterone increases with problems with reproductive function. What kind of hormone is this and what does it affect?

Functions of DHEA S

DEA S04 in women affects her well-being and youth appearance. In both sexes, the hormone affects sexual desire. A woman’s menstrual cycle depends on DHEA sulfate. It affects the condition of hair and skin. If the level of the substance increases, skin rashes and symptoms of hair loss may appear.

In the body of men, DHEA C hormone is converted into testosterone, and in the body of a woman, estrogens are obtained from it. Analysis for DHEA S04 shows where intensive formation of the steroid occurs - if it is elevated, then the generator is the adrenal glands, if it is reduced, then the ovaries (in men, the testes).

The substance is formed from cholesterol with the assistance of enzymes. Therefore biologically active additives(dietary supplements) containing DHEA sulfate can reduce body weight. But you can’t get carried away with them. What happens when the hormone increases above normal, we will consider below.

In women during pregnancy, dehydroepia is absorbed by the placenta for subsequent production of estrogen. If a pregnant woman has increased DHEA level WITH, which means the placenta is not saturated with this hormone, and this situation can lead to miscarriage.

In male children, DHEA S affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

The amount of steroid in the body does not depend on puberty. It also does not depend, unlike many other substances, on the time of day.

Steroid norm in women

The volume of DHEA sulfate is affected by a person’s gender and age. Scientists have determined that the highest levels of the substance are found in embryos in the mother's uterus. After birth, the amount of the hormone in a child drops sharply, then it increases during puberty.

In a woman under 30 years of age who is capable of conceiving a child, the androgen content should be from 2700 nmol/l to 11000 nmol/l. A man who has strong sperm capable of fertilizing eggs has at least 5500 nmol/l dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

During pregnancy, the content of the described substance in the expectant mother decreases every 3 months. If from 1 to 3 months it ranges from 3 to 12 µmol/l, then from 7 to 9 months the DHEA hormone decreases to levels from 0.8 to 3.5 µmol/l. The figures are approximate. The interpretation of the analysis should be carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

After 30 years, androgen levels in women are reduced. The table of the dependence of the amount of androgen on age looks like this:

Causes of elevated DHEA C in women

DHEA S is male hormone. Its increase in women indicates pathology. It could be:

  • Congenital disease of the adrenal cortex;
  • Tumor disease (benign or malignant) of the adrenal glands;
  • Pituitary tumors;
  • Excessive generation of adrenocorticotropin by tumor cells;
  • Multiple ovarian cysts;
  • Puberty too late;
  • Osteoporosis disease;
  • Ovarian pathology.

It is clear that increasing the volume of the hormone in itself is not a problem. It only indicates pathologies of the listed types. To treat elevated DHEA C, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused it.

Consequences increased amount androgen, excluding the consequences of a tumor, may be:

  • Diagnosing a woman with infertility;
  • Miscarriages and premature births;
  • Aging too early;
  • Excessive fat deposition;
  • Irritability and nervousness;
  • Insomnia or sleep with nightmares;
  • Hair growth of parts of a woman's body.

Low androgen may indicate an endocrine disease in which the adrenal glands cannot cope with their functions, a lack of sex hormones and other pathologies. It also occurs during late puberty.

Indications for laboratory testing

Your doctor may order a blood test for the hormone DHEA C in the following cases:

  • Early or late puberty.
  • Suspicion of a tumor in the adrenal glands.
  • Determination of normal growth and maturation of follicles.
  • Frequent miscarriages.
  • Suspicion of a pituitary tumor.

The pituitary gland produces adrenocorticotropic hormone, which affects the production of DEAS. Some preparation is required before taking the test.

Preparation for analysis on DEA S04

Blood is taken for analysis from a woman in the morning on days 5–7 of the cycle. A few days before the study, the woman needs to reduce physical exercise. Should be excluded from drinking alcoholic drinks and coffee. 2 days before the test you must abstain from sexual intercourse.

The day before you should not eat fatty or too salty foods. Semi-finished products containing artificial additives for color and smell should also be excluded from the menu. You can have dinner, but it is not recommended to overeat at night; you are allowed to snack on kefir or something light. After this, you can neither eat nor drink until blood is drawn.

Smoking in the morning is not advisable. If it is not possible not to smoke, you can smoke for the last time an hour before the test.

On the day of the study, before the analysis, you cannot undergo other tests. diagnostic procedures- Ultrasound, radiography, CT or MRI. It is also prohibited to take physiotherapeutic procedures.

Treatment for elevated DHEA C

To treat an elevated level of a substance, it is necessary, first of all, to cure the disease that caused this increase. Tumor disease requires surgical treatment. Chemotherapy may then be prescribed. If a tumor is found on early stage, a specialist can replace the operation drug treatment. These measures will be a factor reducing the indicator.

In case of infertility, a consultation with a doctor from a family planning center is required, who will prescribe a detailed examination to determine the cause. On the center’s website there are many reviews from families, women who were successfully treated to make it possible to conceive a baby.

Treatment depends on the woman's plans. If she does not intend to have a baby, she may be prescribed contraceptives in the form of hormonal pills, which will reduce the production of androgens. That is, there are hormonal drugs that can reduce DHEA C, but they will only eliminate the consequences of the disease, while its cause will remain. Hormonal medications are prescribed only when other treatments are unacceptable. Such periods include pregnancy. But a pregnant woman should take unsafe drugs under the constant supervision of a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

After a course of treatment with hormones, signs of increased DAE S04 may disappear. But after some time a relapse is possible. If a woman is close to menopause in age, her DHEA C levels decrease naturally and the consequences of its increase disappear - body hair, the onset of baldness, and so on. Despite this, you need to keep your health under control - undergo periodic examinations, visit a doctor and do hormone tests.

DHEA C should also be increased in the manner recommended by the doctor. First you need to conduct an examination and understand why the hormone is low. Then you need to eliminate the disease that led to its decrease. You should not immediately take medications containing DHEA S.
