When a template is made for dental implantation. Implants, dental implantation - a new level of prosthetics. Materials and types

The surgical template for implantation looks like a mouthguard or jaw cast. It is made by a dental technician using computer modeling technologies.

The navigation template is indispensable when performing implantation in patients with partial and completely edentulous. Used for precise installation of implants and proper prosthetics in the future. The design of the template includes metal guides through which the implants are screwed.

What is a surgical template used for?

How correctly the implant is installed in the jaw depends on post-operative recovery patient and successful screw healing. To calculate the location of the implant, the doctor needs landmarks. Therefore, the more teeth in the jaw are missing, the more justified the use of a template is.

In most cases, surgical guides are used for All-on-4 or All-on-6 implant prosthetics.

The use of computer 3D technology has important advantages:

  • allows you to accurately evaluate anatomical features patient such as size maxillary sinus or the location of the alveolar nerve in lower jaw;
  • provides information about the size, direction and location of bone for precise positioning of implants.

Another purpose of the navigation template is prosthetic planning. First, the doctor determines the goals of prosthetics: materials, shape of teeth, type of abutment. In accordance with the intended goals, the best position of the implants is selected using a computer program. And only after that the template is made.

The same product serves as an auxiliary tool for both prosthetics and implantation.

Advantages of implantation using a template

  • Placement of implants with an accuracy of 0.1 mm
  • Preservation of anatomical structures
  • No errors during implantation
  • Reduced operation time
  • Less invasive, flapless surgery and therefore less likely to swell
  • Fast post-operative recovery
  • Transparency of the material, allowing you to see through the model
  • The ability to make a crown on the implant before surgery, which will allow prosthetics to be made immediately after implantation.


Templates can be divided into several groups, depending on materials and manufacturing methods:

  • Made from acrylic
  • Made from polymer plastic
  • Made from a cast
  • Manufactured using CAD/CAM technology
  • Manufactured in a vacuum former
  • Based on the jawbone
  • Supported by adjacent teeth

The dentist decides which template to use depending on the clinical situation, as well as the wishes of the patient.

Product manufacturing process

  • A 3D tomography of the jaw is performed
  • Impressions of the jaw are taken
  • A computer program designs the ideal location for the implants, their size, inclination and shape of the prosthesis
  • Based on the results obtained, holes for the implants are made in the template. A metal guide is installed in each hole

How surgical templates are used during implantation at the NovaDent clinic

The patient comes to any of our clinics in Moscow and Moscow Region for a consultation. The doctor examines you and sends you for a computed tomography scan. All data necessary for making the template is collected.

Surgical template production time: 3-7 days.

Before implantation begins, the dentist places a navigation template on the patient’s jaw. To ensure that the structure holds well, there are special fasteners in it.

The next step is to install the implants through pre-made holes. Next, the template is used to create prostheses for implants.


In NovaDent dentistry, the price of a surgical template for one jaw is 14,150 ₽. Price computed tomography jaws - 3900 rub.

Prices for implantation and others dental services clinics, you can look.

Surgical template- a kind of mouthguard-stencil with holes for implants, created using modern computer technology. Thanks to it, implants are installed in the right, calculated place, at the required angle and at a given depth. Also, the surgical template allows the dental surgeon to accurately determine the position of the implant and completely eliminate human error.

It is always useful to use a surgical template during implantation, as this guarantees 100% success of the operation, but there are also cases in which the use of a surgical template is simply absolutely necessary, namely:

  1. When a patient is missing a large number of teeth, or when not 1-2, but many implants are installed at once.
  2. If the patient has bone loss.
  3. Jaw prosthetics on 4 or 6 implants.
  4. Implantation of the anterior part of the dentition, where aesthetic requirements are increased.
  5. Implants are installed on beam structures.

Individual surgical templates are made for each patient. Exists several types, differing from each other in material and production method:

  1. Acrylic (similar to removable denture with a gingival base);
  2. Transparent (made in a vacuum former);
  3. Made of polymer plastic;
  4. Templates that are created by digital modeling using CAD/CAM technology.

We offer templates created by digital modeling as the most accurate and modern solution orthodontic treatment today.

A high-quality surgical template should be: rigid; have a "tunnel" in the hole to set correct position and the angle of inclination of the implant; tightly fixed on adjacent teeth and gums, using individual characteristics anatomical structure; sterilize well.

Main advantage of a surgical guide is the fact that when installing it, the factor of human error is eliminated, which means the accuracy of the implant surgeon’s work increases.

Using a template has a number of advantages for the patient:

  1. Thanks to the computer accuracy of implant installation, the prognosis for operations performed using a template is always the most favorable;
  2. Since the surgeon does not have to calculate the positions for the pins, the operation goes much faster;
  3. When using a template, the surgeon does not cut the gum, but simply pierces it in the place marked on the template. Thus, the invasiveness of the operation is significantly reduced.
  4. Based on the previous point, wound healing and patient recovery are much faster and easier, without pain and complications;
  5. Before implantation is carried out, the patient will be able to see the final result of the prosthetics, which has already been simulated on a computer.

How is a surgical guide made?

  1. A dental surgeon and orthopedist perform a CT scan to select the right type implants and determine their position with the highest accuracy;
  2. Taking an impression of the patient’s jaws;
  3. Next, the casts are scanned and, taking into account diagnostic data, a 3D model of the patient’s jaws is created. In special computer program simulate the entire scenario of the upcoming implantation, calculate the locations and angles of inclination of future implants, and also simulate the future orthopedic structure. Already at this stage the patient can see the expected result of the procedure;
  4. The treating dentist sends the finished data to our laboratory, where, using the created computer model, they begin to create a stencil-template with holes for installing implants and fasteners for its precise fixation in the patient’s oral cavity;
  5. After finishing the work, we send the finished product to the treating specialist. The surgeon uses this template during implantation, securely securing it in the patient’s mouth - this guarantees the highest accuracy of the operation.

Our company manufactures products in the most short time, and at a very competitive price!.


The success of dental implant surgery depends on a number of factors: the right choice implants, careful preparation, professionalism of doctors. The accuracy of pin installation also plays a very important role. There is a specially created surgical template for this purpose. The function of the surgical template is to determine the exact location of the implant. Dental implantation performed using a surgical template is characterized by maximum precision (up to 5 microns). The template is similar to a mouth guard with holes that fits over your teeth. The locations for the implants are selected according to the holes.

Regardless of the material or manufacturing method, the template must meet certain standards.

The template should be:

  • tough enough;
  • convenient for sterilization;
  • sustainable in oral cavity;
  • clearly defining the shape and position of the teeth.


Surgical templates are mainly used when there is no large quantity teeth. Because if the patient has no teeth, the doctor does not have a guideline for precise implantation. The surgical template is also used for further prosthetics. Their use is also effective when restoring anterior teeth to achieve maximum aesthetics.


There are 3 types of surgical templates for dental implantation:

1. Template supported by bone tissue - electronic form the template is modeled using a three-dimensional model computed tomograph and is manufactured on a stereolithographic device. This type of template is the most accurate because it rests on bone tissue.

2. Template with support on the side standing teeth(there should be two adjacent teeth on each side of the defect).

3. Template based on the mucous membrane (gums).

By type of manufacture modern dentistry Several types of surgical guides are used. The most commonly used templates:

  • Made of acrylic, made of polymer plastic, made like removable dentures in laboratory conditions: an impression is taken in the clinic, sent to the laboratory, where models are cast, on which the necessary surgical template is made. These templates are used quite often due to their affordable price.
  • Transparent plastic templates made in a vacuum former, in Lately are not in demand due to their softness.
  • Templates made using CAD/CAM technology. The production of this template is carried out on a special high-precision machine. An impression is taken of the patient's teeth, which is processed by a digital scanner, and then the resulting data is sent to a computer. Thanks to special program Precise planning of the operation is carried out. The length and shape of the implants are selected, their exact location and angle of inclination are determined. The finished data is transmitted to the machine to produce a real template. Special devices on the machine allow you to guide the drills as accurately as possible, which makes the template filigree accurate. However, this type of template is used less frequently because it is a more expensive technology and there are not always indications for such an expensive template. It is used exclusively when necessary based on indications according to the decision of the implant surgeon.


  • Thanks to a surgical guide dental implantation passes with maximum precision and excluded opportunity errors installations ( Negative influence human factor).
  • When implanting using templates, there is no need to determine the exact location of the implant during surgery, which significantly reduces the time of the operation.
  • Temporary crowns are made using a template and installed immediately upon implantation.
  • Due to the fact that when using a surgical template there is no need to open the mucous membrane, swelling, pain, and inflammation do not occur after the operation; the time for wound healing and implant healing is reduced.
  • Virtual simulation allows you to see in advance final result, and adjust it if necessary.

The use of surgical templates for prosthetics can significantly reduce the cost of prosthetics, reduce the time of implantation surgery and, most importantly, eliminate the negative influence of the human factor.

Imagine a mouthguard that athletes wear over their teeth to prevent injury. The template for dental implantation is similar in appearance. This is something like a stencil made using impressions from the jaw, which is necessary to carefully plan the location of future artificial roots and crowns. In those places where the patient plans to install implants, there are sleeve holes in the stencil. Before starting work, the implant surgeon places a template on the operation area, resulting in the opportunity to act with high accuracy when installing the implant in a computer-calculated location at a given angle and to a given depth.

The use of surgical templates for dental implantation

Making a surgical template for dental implantation is not always necessary. If we are talking about the absence of one or two teeth, and not the front ones, there will be no special need for such technology. However, in the case of complex prosthetics, when it is necessary to install several implants, it is not easy to do without a template. If adjacent teeth do not serve as guides, determining the optimal location for placing an implant by eye is problematic.

Surgical templates are also used for implantation in anterior section dentition. In this case, aesthetics are extremely important; How the patient's smile will look depends on the precision of the surgeon's work.

When a patient has bone atrophy, the skill of a prosthetist in some cases helps to avoid bone grafting: using a template, implants can be installed in places that can withstand the load. Surgical templates are also used when installing implants for prosthetics on beam structures.

Indications for use

  • Absence of three or more teeth in one jaw row.
  • The need to replace the front teeth with implants.
  • Identified clinical anomalies in the structure of the jaw, which imply the need to drill at a large angle.
  • The need for a flapless, minimally invasive surgical solution.
  • Installation of a fixed or conditionally removable beam structure.
  • Immediately after the implant is placed, a temporary crown will be placed on it.
  • The patient has atrophy bone tissue, and the implants must be directed into the processes of the jaw that go to other bones.

Making templates for implantation

Surgical templates differ from each other both in the manufacturing method and in the material. Thus, acrylic templates resemble a regular removable denture with a gum base and holes for pins; They are made in a laboratory using a cast of the patient’s jaw. Transparent, soft and at the same time very durable templates from polymer plastic are made in a vacuum former. And the most accurate templates for implantation owe their existence to digital modeling, or more precisely to such a type as CAD/CAM technology.

Pros and cons of surgical guides

  • More favorable prognosis for surgery: human factor minimized, accuracy maximized.
  • The operation takes less time: the positions where the implants need to be installed have already been calculated and designated.
  • The invasiveness of the operation is reduced: when using a template, the surgeon does not cut the gum, but immediately pierces it in the place indicated on the template.
  • Consequently, healing occurs faster. The risk of inflammation and swelling after implantation is minimized.
  • Making a template for implantation takes some time; this can be unnerving for those who want to get it over with quickly medical manipulations and forget about them. Usually the template is made in two to three days.
  • If it is decided that a patient needs guided implants, the price they will have to pay for new teeth may increase. True, this does not always happen: for example, when the use of a template allows one to avoid bone tissue augmentation, this, on the contrary, reduces the cost of prosthetists’ services.

What is the cost of implantation using a template?

The cost of the template may vary depending on the material, manufacturing technology and the number of guides. Thus, a surgical template made of acrylic, provided that it is planned to install less than three implants, can cost from 6,000 rubles, and a template made on a three-dimensional printer using the latest computer technologies for installing more than three implants will cost from 30,000 rubles. This amount must be added to

Accordingly, the task that largely determines overall success is the precise positioning of implants.

For subsequent work to be successful, the technician and the orthopedic surgeon must help the surgeon identify the location where the implant will be located. If it is, for example, a removable or conditionally removable beam structure, then the correct choice of its installation location becomes a critical factor. It is necessary to understand that often the installation of an implant does not correspond to the position where the tooth will be located.

Sometimes it happens, rather the opposite - if we talk about a beam structure, then first optimal places, which are capable of bearing the load and are favorable for this. If we talk about areas where aesthetic requirements are high, for example, about the frontal group of teeth, then you need to accurately calculate in what position and with what inclination to install the implant. In this situation, even the angle of inclination often plays a decisive role. If the shaft exits, for example, on the vestibular surface, such a result is unlikely to be satisfactory.

In addition to the inevitable problems with the aesthetics of the frontal region, in this situation, unfavorable angulation also arises - and if its value exceeds 20°, then such a solution a priori cannot be considered successful.

Thus, the use of templates when performing plantation is not something “superfluous”, since the work does not end with this stage - then it is necessary to make an orthopedic structure, which, if the implant is positioned correctly, will also be more successful.

Today there are computer methods making templates, but if we are talking about minor surgical operations- usually about installing two or three implants - then there is probably no point in using such expensive and complex technologies, since a template can be made in no more than half an hour in the most ordinary laboratory. At the same time, however, there is one “subtlety” - in order to make a template, you need to clearly understand the design of the future work, and this requires a team approach.

A preliminary meeting is held collegially with the participation of a technician, an orthopedist and a surgeon. At this stage, a decision is made on what exactly we want to get - will it be a removable, fixed or conditionally removable structure, screw fixation or, for example, individually made abutments with further cement fixation of the crowns. All these data play a decisive role in designating the implant location. And just in order to clearly indicate it, the doctor uses a template.
