After bypass surgery, the hearts could not start. Bypass surgery: description of the main types of surgery. Physical activity after surgery

Today, medicine has made great strides forward; surgeons now perform complex operations that save the lives of patients who have lost all hope of recovery. One such operation is cardiac bypass surgery.

What is the essence of surgery?

The operation performed on blood vessels is called bypass surgery. Such an intervention allows you to restore circulatory function, normalize the functioning of blood vessels, and ensure the flow of blood to the main vital organ. The first vascular surgery was performed in 1960 by American specialist Robert Hans Goetz.

The operation allows you to pave new way for blood flow. When it comes to heart surgery, vascular grafts are used for this.

In what cases should heart bypass surgery be performed?

Surgical intervention in the work of the heart is an extreme measure that cannot be avoided. The operation is used in severe cases, with coronary or coronary disease, is possible with atherosclerosis, which is characterized by similar symptoms.

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterized by elevated cholesterol levels. The substance is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which narrows the lumen and impedes blood flow.

The same effect is characteristic of coronary disease - the supply of oxygen to the body decreases. To provide normal life perform heart bypass surgery.

There are three types of cardiac bypass surgery (CABG) (single, double and triple). The type of operation depends on how complex the disease is and the number of blocked vessels. If the patient has one artery damaged, then the introduction of one shunt is required (single CABG). Accordingly, for major violations - double or triple. An additional operation to replace the valve may be performed.

Before the operation begins, the patient undergoes a mandatory examination. It is necessary to undergo many tests, conduct a coronography, do an ultrasound and a cardiogram. The examination must be completed in advance, usually 10 days before the start of the operation.

The patient should undergo a specific course in learning new breathing technique which will be needed after surgery for quick recovery. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts up to six hours.

What happens to the patient after surgery

After the operation, the patient is transferred to intensive care. There, breathing is restored using special procedures.

The stay of the operated patient in intensive care lasts up to 10 days, depending on his condition. After this, the patient undergoes recovery in a rehabilitation center.

The sutures are treated with antiseptics; after healing (on the seventh day), the sutures are removed. After the removal procedure, a person may feel a nagging pain and a slight burning sensation. After one to two weeks, the operated patient is allowed to swim.

How long do they live after surgery (reviews)

Before undergoing surgery, many patients are interested in the life expectancy after CABG. In cases of severe heart disease, bypass surgery can significantly prolong life.

The created shunt can last for more than ten years without blockage. But much depends on the quality of the operation performed and the qualifications of the specialists. Before deciding on such an operation, you should find out the opinion of patients who have already resorted to bypass surgery.

IN developed countries, such as Israel, are actively implanting implants to normalize blood circulation, which last 10–15 years. The result of most operations is an increase in life expectancy after cardiac bypass surgery.

Many patients who have undergone CABG report normal breathing and no pain in the chest area. Other patients claim that it was difficult to come to their senses after anesthesia, and the recovery process was difficult. But after 10 years they feel quite good.

The opinion agrees on one thing - a lot depends on the qualifications and experience of the specialist. Patients respond well to operations performed abroad. But domestic surgeons also work quite successfully, achieving a significant increase in life expectancy after CABG surgery.

According to experts, the patient can live more than 20 years after surgery. But this depends on a number of factors. After the operation, you should regularly visit a cardiologist to monitor the condition of the implanted implant. You need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle and eat right.

It is not only older people who resort to surgery - younger patients, for example, with heart disease, may also need surgery. A young body recovers faster. But even in adulthood, you should not refuse this chance: according to experts, CABG will prolong life by 10–15 years.

Lifestyle after CABG

After the patient has undergone surgery and returned home, work remains to restore the body. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and gradually increase physical activity. You should work on scar reduction using scar reduction products prescribed by your doctor.

CASH - sex

Carrying out CABG does not affect the quality of sex in any way. It will be possible to fully return to intimate relationships after the permission of the attending physician.

As a rule, it takes 6 – 8 weeks for the body to recover. But each case is individual, so you should not be embarrassed to ask such questions to the observing doctor.

It is not advisable to use poses that can create excessive stress on the heart muscle. It is better to use positions in which the load on the chest is minimal.

Smoking after CABG

After bypass surgery, you should forget about bad habits. You should not smoke, drink alcohol or overeat. Nicotine negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, destroying them, provokes the development of coronary heart disease, and promotes the formation of plaques.

Surgery alone does not cure existing diseases, but only improves the nutrition of the heart muscle. Bypass surgery creates a new pathway for blood circulation, bypassing the blocked aortic vessels. When smoking, the disease will progress, so you need to get rid of the bad habit.

Taking medications

After bypass surgery, it is important to strictly follow all recommendations of the attending physician. One of the main rules is strict adherence to the medication regimen.

Medications prescribed to patients are aimed at reducing the risk of heart attacks. The types of drugs and dosage are individual for each patient and are prescribed by the supervising doctor.

Most often, patients are prescribed medications that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots, medications that lower cholesterol levels, and medications that normalize blood pressure levels.

Nutrition after CABG

It is important to change your diet, otherwise you should not count on positive dynamics after CABG. It is necessary to exclude products with high content trans fats and cholesterol. Such actions will help prevent the formation of plaques and deposits on the walls of blood vessels that block the lumen. After the operation, you can contact a nutritionist to coordinate your usual diet.

The diet should be varied with foods containing fatty acids omega-3, vegetables and fruits, add whole grain cereals. This menu will help protect against high blood pressure and protect against the development of diabetes, but you will be able to maintain a normal weight.

There is no need to limit yourself in everything, this is fraught with stress for the body. It is important to eat in such a way that the food is healthy, but also enjoyable. This will allow you to effortlessly follow such a diet throughout your life.

After bypass surgery, it is worth going through a cardiac rehabilitation program that involves changing the patient’s lifestyle, giving up bad habits and proper nutrition.

Exercises after CABG

You need to resume physical activity gradually; recovery begins while you are in the clinic. After a month and a half, the loads gradually increase, but lifting heavy loads is strictly prohibited. The introduction of new loads is possible only after the doctor’s permission. It takes time for wounds and bone tissue to heal.

Allowed physiotherapy, helping to reduce the load on the myocardium, regular walking over short distances. Such exercises help normalize blood flow and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Particular attention should be paid to the regularity of exercises; exercises should be gentle.

You need to repeat the exercises daily, gradually increasing the load. If shortness of breath or pain in the heart area occurs after exercise, the load should be reduced. If the patient is feeling well and discomfort do not pursue after exercise, you can gradually increase the load. This allows you to restore the functioning of the lungs and heart muscles.

You need to exercise half an hour before eating or an hour and a half after eating. You should avoid evening workouts and monitor your heart rate during exercise (should be no higher than average).

Regular walking short distances is very beneficial. This load allows you to improve breathing and blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscles, and increase the endurance of the body as a whole. Optimal time for hiking in the evening, from 5 to 7 o'clock, or from 11 am to 1 pm. For walking, you need to choose comfortable shoes and loose clothing.

It is allowed to go up/down stairs up to 4 times a day. The load should not exceed the norm (60 steps per minute). When lifting, the patient should not experience discomfort, otherwise the load should be reduced.

Attention to diabetes and daily routine

Complications may develop in people with diabetes. You need to treat the disease in the same way as before the operation. As for the daily routine - good rest And moderate loads. During the day, the patient should sleep at least 8 hours. Worth paying Special attention emotional state of the patient, avoid stress, be less nervous and upset.

Patients often succumb to depression after CABG. Many patients refuse to eat and follow correct mode. Those operated on do not believe in successful outcome and consider all attempts useless.

But statistics say: after CABG, people live for decades. It is very important to follow all doctor's recommendations. In severe, advanced cases, it is possible to prolong life and ensure normal existence for several years.

Shunt Statistics

According to statistical data and the results of sociological surveys, both in our country and abroad, the majority of operations are successful. Only 2% of patients cannot tolerate bypass surgery. To derive this figure, 60 thousand case histories were studied.

The most difficult period for the patient is the postoperative period. A year after the operation, restoration of respiratory function and heart function, about 97% of patients survive.

The result of CABG is influenced not only by the professionalism of cardiac surgeons, but also by individual factors, such as tolerance to anesthesia, concomitant diseases and the condition of the body as a whole.

One study included 1041 patients. According to the results, about 200 patients not only successfully underwent surgery, but also crossed the ninety-year mark.

In fact. Fear is the main problem of a person undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. What helps to cope with it is the desire, if not forever, then at least for a while, to forget about the pain. By the way, it is pain that largely makes the patient decide to undergo surgery.

Myth 2. After the operation you will have to “carry” yourself like a crystal vase

In fact. This is wrong. Usually, the very next day after surgery, the doctor warns: if you move little, complications are possible, for example. The operated person immediately begins to learn to turn over in bed, sit up...

This is why shunts are placed so that the patient can walk without feeling pain. At first, of course, weakness and pain from the stitch interfere, but it is necessary to gradually increase physical activity. And then those movements that caused pain before the operation will be easy.

Myth 3. The pain may return

In fact. There is no need to wait for the pain to return, but it is better to imagine that it never happened at all. However, there is no need to perform “feats”. Everything should be in moderation. The patient must set realistic goals for himself: for example, today and tomorrow I will walk 50 meters, next days- 75, then - 100...

Statistics show that not all patients succeed even after CABG. And this is not surprising: no matter how well the operation is performed, it is only one of the stages in the treatment of coronary heart disease. Doctors have not yet learned how to cleanse the heart vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, the main cause of the disease. Therefore, even after successful surgery, approximately half of patients may still have angina, manifested by chest pain during exercise. But the number of attacks and pills taken after CABG will still be less. So the patient’s quality of life will still improve. And most importantly, it will be possible to delay the onset of myocardial infarction, and therefore prolong life.

Myth 4. After CABG you can live as before

In fact. Alas, this is not true. Even with a good outcome of the operation, you should try to strain your arms and the entire shoulder girdle as little as possible. This is associated with significant surgical trauma in the chest area. It is advisable to limit heavy lifting. You will also have to give up some gardening work.

Myth 5. Smoking does not have much effect on the heart after surgery.

In fact. Quitting smoking prolongs the life of the shunts by several years. After all, the duration of operation of shunts is different for each patient. On average it is 5-7 years. This period largely depends on how much the person was able to change his life after the operation, and whether he follows the doctors’ recommendations.

(diet with limited animal fats), normalization of body weight, adequate physical activity, taking all necessary medications in total add several more years of active and full life.

Myth 6. After surgery you will be able to live without medication

In fact. People who have had CABG surgery should never stop taking their medications. Most of the drugs that are prescribed today after surgery are vital. To reduce the risk of shunts being blocked by blood clots, it is often necessary to take medications that reduce blood clotting.

Drugs from the group of beta blockers are necessary in order to reduce excessive work hearts. They slow down the heart rate. However, any changes in treatment must be agreed with your doctor. It is too risky to solve such issues yourself.

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is one of the most complex operations in cardiovascular surgery, requiring a complex rehabilitation activities aimed at preventing complications, adapting the patient and his speedy recovery.

Let's take a closer look at why rehabilitation is important after CABG surgery?

What is bypass surgery?

Bypass surgery is performed when a vessel or duct does not function functionally in the body. This method creates an additional path bypassing the affected area using shunts. Most often they talk about bypassing blood vessels, but the operation can be performed on the ducts gastrointestinal tract and (very rarely) in the ventricular system of the brain.

During blood vessel bypass, the artery's patency for blood flow is restored. The operation should be distinguished from vascular stenting - in this method, the vessel is restored by implanting a tubular structure into its walls.

Vascular bypass surgery

When is bypass surgery performed?

This surgical intervention is indicated for the following conditions:

  1. myocardial infarction;
  2. coronary insufficiency;
  3. cardiac ischemia;
  4. refractory angina;
  5. unstable angina;
  6. stenosis of the left main coronary artery;
  7. as a concomitant operation during surgical interventions on heart valves, coronary arteries.

Coronary artery bypass grafting is prescribed for coronary insufficiency, which is the basis of coronary heart disease. The condition is characterized by the fact that the coronary vessels (feeding the heart muscle) are affected by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques are deposited on the inner wall of the artery; as they increase, they close the lumen of the bloodstream, which disrupts the nutrition of a certain area of ​​the myocardium. In the future, this can lead to necrosis - tissue death with complete disruption of functioning.

Coronary insufficiency leads to ischemic heart disease. The pathology represents a disruption of the activity of the heart muscle due to a sharp decrease in the supply of oxygen to blood cells. Coronary heart disease can occur in acute phase(myocardial infarction) or chronic (angina pectoris - attacks acute pain behind the sternum or in the region of the heart).

What is the essence of the operation?

Before the intervention, the patient is prescribed coronography (analysis of the state of myocardial vessels), a comprehensive ultrasonography and angiography (x-ray scanning of arteries and veins) to take into account the individual characteristics of the person in the upcoming operation.

Coronary is performed under general anesthesia. The material for the shunt is usually chosen from the area of ​​the saphenous veins of the thigh, since removal of part of this vessel does not affect the functioning lower limbs. The veins of the thigh have a large diameter and are less susceptible to atherosclerotic changes. The second option is a plot radial artery non-dominant hand of a person. In surgical practice, artificial shunts made of synthetic materials are also used.

Carrying out the operation

The operation is performed on an open heart, sometimes on a beating one, using an artificial circulation system, and lasts 3-4 hours. The surgeon decides how to perform the operation. Depends on the degree of vascular damage and possible aggravating factors (need to replace valves, aneurysm).

Why is rehabilitation so important after CABG surgery?

There are several important reasons for this:

  • Heart bypass surgery is a traumatic operation, performed on patients (most often elderly) with poor health and therefore recovery is difficult.
  • After coronary bypass surgery, complications are possible, most often - sticking of the shunts. Almost 90% of shunts stick together within 8-10 years and require repeated surgery.
  • The presence of comorbidities in older people may reduce the effectiveness of recovery.

Recovery after surgery - important stage

Rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery

The leading principles of recovery in the postoperative period are phasing and continuity.

First stage

Lasts 10-14 days from the date of surgery.

At first, the patient is on a ventilator. When the patient begins to breathe on his own, the supervising physician must ensure that there is no congestion left in the lungs.

The next step is dressing and treating wounds on the arm or thigh, depending on where the material for the shunt was taken from, and wounds on the sternum. In open heart surgery, an incision is made in the breastbone, which is then held together with metal sutures. The sternum is a difficult bone to heal; complete recovery can take up to 6 months. To ensure rest and strengthen the bones, special medical bandages (corsets) are used. Postoperative bandage– a special belt made of elastic material with ties and fasteners. Protects the seams from divergence, fixes the chest, minimizes pain; By tightly grasping the intercostal muscles, the corset reduces the physiological load on them and fixes the organs of the mediastinum and chest.

A bandage is a prerequisite after surgery with incision of the sternum

There are men's and women's corsets. When selecting a bandage, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. You should choose the appropriate width so that the postoperative suture is completely covered, and the girth of the corset is equal to the girth of the patient’s chest. The material of the bandage should be natural, breathable, moisture-wicking and hypoallergenic. The corset is put on in a supine position, over the patient’s clothes. The chest bandage must be worn for up to 4-6 months, in some cases longer.

Drug therapy after CABG at the initial stage is aimed at preventing the consequences of anemia due to blood loss and stimulating cardiac activity.

The following groups of drugs are used:

  • aspirin;
  • anaprilin, metoprolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol, nadolol - reduce heart rate and arterial pressure, protecting the heart, weakened after surgery, from the stress of adrenaline;
  • captopril, enalapril, ramipril, fosinopril - reduce heart pressure by dilating blood vessels, act similarly to vasodilators;
  • statins (simvastatin, lovastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin) – inhibit the formation of cholesterol and have become indispensable aids in atherosclerosis, which is a prerequisite for the development of coronary heart disease.

Physical rehabilitation of patients is especially important. In the first days after the operation, the patient is allowed to get out of bed, move around the hospital room, and do basic exercises for the arms and legs. After a few days, the patient can take walks along the corridor, accompanied by relatives or nurse. Then light gymnastics is prescribed.

Walking gradually increases, after a week the patient walks about 100 meters. The person’s condition must be noted: heart rate and blood pressure are measured at rest, during exercise and after rest. Physical activity must be alternated with periods of rest.

Moderate walking on stairs is helpful. After this type of physical education, functional tests, monitor the patient’s well-being.

Therapy is accompanied by laboratory tests:

  • regular electrocardiograms;
  • daily blood pressure and heart rate measurements;
  • control of components of the blood-coagulation system, bleeding time and coagulation;
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis.

Second phase

The patient independently carries out a complex of physical therapy.

Added to procedures massotherapy, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, the effect of therapeutic electric currents on the heart area and postoperative scars; electrophoresis.

It is mandatory to monitor the patient’s condition, conduct tests, clinical analyses, and wear a bandage - as in the first period after heart surgery.

Third stage

The third stage of rehabilitation begins 21-24 days after surgery.

The patient is transferred to exercise equipment to perform cardio training. Physical activity gradually increases. The choice of exercise regimen and the degree of increase in intensity depends on the person’s fitness level, how recovery proceeds, and the condition of postoperative scars.

Therapeutic massage continues, laser therapy, electrotherapy, and electrophoresis of medications are used.

The course lasts 15-20 days.

Rehabilitation on exercise bikes after bypass surgery

Fourth stage

The fourth stage of rehabilitation takes place within 1-2 months from the moment of surgical intervention.

It is recommended to carry out this stage of recovery in sanatoriums, health resorts and other resort and preventive institutions. The sanatorium regime is aimed at speedy recovery of patients, treatment of concomitant diseases, and improvement of the overall quality of life. Walking in the fresh air and a specially selected diet help improve the condition and help you quickly return to your previous active life.

Physical therapy and cardio training continue on specially selected equipment, and individual sets of exercises are being developed for patients so that those recovering can do them at home.

Specialists from medical institutions carry out constant monitoring of the progress of recovery, measures to prevent complications and the development of atherosclerosis, restore the functional activity of the heart and its compensatory mechanisms, consolidate the results of the treatment, prepare patients for everyday life and their former life (psychological, social and labor rehabilitation).

Diet is important: nitrogen-rich foods are excluded from the diet of people who have undergone CABG surgery; meat, poultry and fish are steamed, limit consumption simple carbohydrates(flour and confectionery products, sugar, honey). It is recommended to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those containing potassium. Eggs, milk and dairy products. And it is especially important to exclude foods rich in cholesterol.

The main goal of cardiac bypass surgery is to improve blood supply to the myocardium and reduce the risk of developing a heart attack. Coronary artery bypass surgery helps to increase life expectancy and improve its quality.

Why is surgery needed?

Cardiac stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting are the most modern techniques to restore vascular patency. They are held different ways, but have equally high results.

Lack of oxygen during atherosclerosis can lead to tissue necrosis and cause future myocardial infarction. Therefore, if there is no effect from drug treatment It is recommended to install heart shunts. Indications for this operation may include ischemic disease, atherosclerosis and myocardial aneurysm.

Cardiac ischemia

Treatment such as CABG does not pose a threat to human life and helps reduce the mortality rate from cardiovascular pathologies several times. Before the operation, the patient must undergo thorough preparation and pass the necessary tests.

Elimination will help reduce the risk of complications during surgery and in the postoperative period. negative factors: smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. CABG is performed on several vessels at once or only on one, depending on the individual pathology. The rehabilitation period after coronary bypass surgery will be greatly facilitated by special breathing techniques, which the patient must master before the operation begins.

Bypass surgery of the vessels of the lower extremities helps restore blood circulation in the absence of the effectiveness of standard treatment methods. Since this surgical intervention is considered the most dangerous and very difficult, the operation must be performed by a professional surgeon with modern equipment.

The first days of rehabilitation after cardiac bypass surgery take place in the department intensive care to be able to carry out emergency resuscitation measures if necessary. The presence or absence of negative consequences determines how long the patient will stay in the hospital and how the body will recover. Also, the recovery process depends on how old the patient is and the presence of other diseases.

Advice: Smoking increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease several times. Therefore, you can get rid of complications after installing a coronary artery bypass graft if you quit smoking once and for all.

How many years do they live after CABG?

Every patient wants to know how many years they can live after bypass surgery, and what needs to be done to prolong their life. After surgery, the patient’s quality of life changes for the better:

  • the risk of developing ischemia is reduced;
  • general condition improves;
  • lifespan increases;
  • the risk of mortality is reduced.

After coronary artery bypass surgery, most people can continue to live their normal lives for many years.

After surgery, patients have the opportunity to live a full life. According to statistics, in almost all people, coronary artery bypass surgery helps to get rid of repeated blockage of blood vessels. Also, with the help of surgery, it is possible to get rid of many other disorders that were present before.

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how many years people live after CABG, because everything depends on individual indicators. The average lifespan of an installed shunt is about 10 years in older patients, and slightly longer in younger patients. After the expiration date, you will need to carry out new operation with replacement of old shunts.

It has been noted that those patients who, after installing a coronary artery bypass graft, get rid of such a bad habit as smoking live much longer. In order to enhance the effect of the operation and prevent complications, the patient will need to make every effort. When coronary artery bypass surgery is completed, the doctor must familiarize the patient with the general rules of behavior in the postoperative period.

Advice: to a certain extent, the answer to the question of how many years a person will live after surgery depends on the patient himself. Compliance with general recommendations will help improve the quality of life and prevent recurrent heart pathologies.

Compliance with all doctor’s instructions will help shorten the rehabilitation period and extend the service life of the coronary artery bypass graft. First of all, patients with cardiac pathologies need special rehabilitation program and treatment in a sanatorium. You should also eat right and follow the recommended diet.

It is necessary to limit the amount of high-calorie foods in the diet and reduce the amount of salt in dishes

Eliminating or limiting animal fats and carbohydrates will help avoid the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The menu should be based on protein products, vegetable fats, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Despite the installation of a shunt, you must continue to take medications at the dosage prescribed by your doctor to reduce the risk of complications. In addition, bad habits are completely eliminated: drinking alcohol, smoking.

The main goal of a patient who has undergone heart surgery is gradual physical recovery and return to a full life. Choose the optimal course physical exercise A physical therapy specialist and a cardiologist will help. For each patient, a different set of exercises is selected, taking into account his age and general condition.

For a certain period of time after surgical treatment, you must abstain from intimate relationships. Usually such a pause is about 3 months. During the first days, it is recommended to avoid high sexual activity and positions that place strong pressure on the chest.

Complications and their treatment

In the postoperative period, it is very important to note all the patient’s complaints and promptly prevent Negative consequences associated with shunt installation. To achieve this, wounds are treated daily. antiseptic solution and an aseptic dressing is applied.

In some cases, the patient may develop anemia, which is a consequence of significant blood loss. In this case, it is recommended to follow an iron-rich diet to restore hemoglobin levels. If this does not help, the doctor prescribes iron supplements.

In case of insufficient motor activity Pneumonia may occur. It is used for its prevention breathing exercises and physical therapy.

An inflammatory process sometimes appears in the area of ​​the sutures, which is associated with an autoimmune reaction of the body. Treatment of this pathology consists of anti-inflammatory therapy.

Quite rarely, complications such as thrombosis, renal failure and insufficient restoration of the sternum can occur. In some cases, the patient has a closure of the shunt, as a result of which the operation does not bring any effect, i.e. turns out to be useless. It will help to prevent the development of these problems in the postoperative period. comprehensive examination patient before surgical treatment. You will also need to periodically visit a doctor from the moment you are discharged from the hospital and monitor your health.

In addition, complications may develop if the operation was performed in the presence of direct contraindications. These include diffuse lesions coronary arteries, oncological pathologies, chronic lung diseases, as well as congestive heart failure.

During the postoperative period, there may be various complications, which have an impact on the patient’s further condition. The patient must understand that his health is only in his hands and behave correctly after the operation. Only completely getting rid of bad habits and eliminating negative factors can affect the quality of life and prolong it.

Thus, after heart bypass surgery, a person can live for a long time if he gives up bad habits and follows the doctor’s instructions. Proper nutrition, exercise and breathing exercises will help to avoid complications in the postoperative period.

Heart bypass surgery: what to expect after surgery?

Coronary heart disease is a chronic disease leading to myocardial infarction. During ischemia, the coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle are affected, and cholesterol is deposited on them. Gradually, the lumen of the blood vessels begins to narrow, and an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the heart.

Chronic ischemic heart disease

Patients complain of pain behind the sternum, in the area of ​​the heart muscle. After such a process, there is a danger of necrosis of the tissue and organ as a whole. Angina pectoris or “angina pectoris” is diagnosed. What can this lead to, and how long do patients with cardiovascular disease live?

Affected blood vessels heart muscle leads to wear and tear and requires immediate renewal.

To do this, vascular grafts called shunts are inserted. These tissues are taken from the patient's chest artery, the radial artery in the arm, or the great leg vein.

Cardiac surgeons about bypass surgery

Until recently, this vital operation was available only to financially secure patients. For others, such treatment was a fairy-tale fantasy and the result was unpredictable. How long can you live after replacement? coronary vessels? There are many questions and they all require an unambiguous answer.

Long before surgery, patients are treated preparatory activities, conversations. The patient should know about the stages of the operation and the course of the recovery period. For a positive outcome after a surgical procedure, a large share of responsibility falls on the person being operated on. Therefore he must know some aspects such as:

How long does a shunt last?

Each clinic focuses on its own research. Thus, Israeli cardiac surgeons believe that the service life of shunts is from 10 to 15 years. But venous substitutes fail much earlier.

This is a section of vein that provides an alternative for blood circulation, bypassing the diseased and blocked coronary artery. Gradually, the vessel wall is deformed, dilated segments are formed and blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques accumulate in them. This is why an arterial shunt is needed.

Is it possible to perform cardiac catheterization after bypass surgery?

Perhaps quite so. Blood supply is restored even in patients with a complex disturbed structure of the coronary system. In this case, bypass surgery bypasses the coronary artery. In the appropriate centers, balloon angioplasty of other arteries and even bypasses is performed.

Does pain in the heart after surgery mean that it was unsuccessful?

A consultation with a cardiac surgeon is necessary to determine whether the shunt is not blocked. Otherwise, the patient may experience signs of angina.

Should you take medications long after bypass surgery?

The operation itself does not cure concomitant diseases. Taking medications is mandatory. They will stabilize blood pressure, maintain a certain level of glucose in the bloodstream, regulate cholesterol and triglyceride.

How does bypass surgery affect intimate relationships and sports?

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, Elena Malysheva recommends new method based on Monastic tea.

It contains 8 useful medicinal plants, which are extremely effective in the treatment and prevention of arrhythmia, heart failure, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, and many other diseases. Only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals or hormones!

Sexual relations are compared to light running in terms of physical expenditure on the body. Sex life will return to normal when the patient feels recovered. Rehabilitation takes place individually for each patient. Physiological stress should not be implemented immediately. In the first 4-6 months after surgery, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress, especially on the arms and shoulder girdle.

Life after

A person who walked along the edge of danger and remained to live understands how long he will have to live on this earth after the operation depends on him. How do patients live after surgery, what can one hope for? How, how long will bypass surgery take to live?

There cannot be a definite answer, due to various physical condition body, timeliness of surgical intervention, individual characteristics of a person, professionalism of surgeons, implementation of recommendations during the recovery period.

Basically, the answer to the question: “How long do they live?” There is. You can live 10, 15 or more years. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the shunts, visit the clinic, consult a cardiologist, get examined on time, follow a diet, and lead a calm lifestyle.

Important criteria will be a person’s character traits - positivity, cheerfulness, efficiency, desire to live.

Having studied Elena Malysheva’s methods in the treatment of HEART DISEASE, as well as restoration and cleansing of VESSELS, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Sanatorium treatment

After surgery, restoration of health is indicated in specialized sanatoriums under the supervision of trained medical personnel. Here the patient will receive a course of procedures aimed at restoring health.


A positive result after surgery depends on many reasons, including compliance special diet. Heart bypass surgery is a serious intervention in the vital functions of the body, and therefore has certain obligations that the patient must fulfill, these are:

  • doctor's recommendations;
  • maintain the recovery period in intensive care;
  • complete cessation of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol;
  • refusal of the usual diet.

As for following a diet, there is no need to be upset. The patient moves away from the usual home-cooked meals and moves on to completely eliminating foods containing fats - fried foods, fish, butter, margarine, ghee and vegetable oils.

After bypass, all dishes are seasoned olive oil, and cold pressed.

I recently read an article that talks about Monastic tea for treating heart disease. With this tea you can FOREVER cure arrhythmia, heart failure, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and many other diseases of the heart and blood vessels at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a bag. I noticed changes within a week: the constant pain and tingling in my heart that had tormented me before receded, and after 2 weeks disappeared completely. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

This way the patient will avoid relapse cholesterol plaques on vessels. The menu will be enriched with turkey and poultry meat.

After surgery, it is recommended to include more fruits and fresh vegetables. Every day you should take a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (fresh). Walnuts and almonds will decorate the diet with their presence. Any fresh berries won’t hurt either; blackberries are especially good for the heart, as they supply the body with antioxidants. These elements lower dietary cholesterol levels.

Pin it in your daily menu fresh greens, which can be grown not only in the garden, balcony, but also on the windowsill in winter. Spinach is rich folic acid, minerals and vitamin complex.

You should not eat fatty dairy products, except skim milk and low-fat cheeses. It is recommended not more than 200 grams of kefir per day, but low-fat.

Replace delicious buns, white bread rolls and other products prepared in margarine or butter with puddings.

After the operation, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and sweet soda are excluded. Filtered water and mineral water will be used for a long time. Tea and coffee without sugar or sucrose are possible in small quantities.

Take care of your heart, take more care of it, follow a culture of proper nutrition, do not abuse alcoholic drinks which will lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Complete cessation of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy the walls of blood vessels. Implanted shunts “live” no more than 6-7 years and require special care and attention.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Before this, she had been treated in a hospital several times and was undergoing medical examination by a cardiologist. Completed a course of therapeutic treatment with drugs that reduce blood clotting; adrenergic blockers that reduce the load on the heart.

After 12 years, heart bypass surgery was proposed. After rehabilitation period, went back to work, but with a lighter schedule and a short workday. The pain stopped and the condition returned to normal.

I would like to thank the doctors of the Center for their attentive attitude and clarification about the progress of the operation. Now my condition has returned to normal, I am waiting for discharge. It is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course in a sanatorium in the Moscow region after six months.

Scientific Center for Vascular Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences named after. Bakuleva

Mamedov R., Belokuryev T., Belov A., Zernov V.

City Hospital No. 2 of Astana

A unique method in which surgery is performed on a beating heart without the use of a heart-lung machine. This makes it possible surgical treatment for many patients who had limitations.

Hospital surgeons perform a bypass to bypass the affected area of ​​the artery using the internal mammary artery. The high survival rate gives hope to many patients.

There are also negative reviews, but the main reason is that patients often do not follow doctors’ recommendations.

Currently, heart bypass has become a common operation, practiced not only in well-known clinics around the world, but also in Russia. Most operations take place without complications if the patient follows the recommendations of the cardiologist.

  • Do you often experience discomfort in the heart area (pain, tingling, squeezing)?
  • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
  • I constantly feel high blood pressure...
  • There is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion...
  • And you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time, going on a diet and watching your weight...

Better read what Olga Markovich says about this. For several years I suffered from atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, tachycardia and angina pectoris - pain and discomfort in the heart, failures heart rate, high blood pressure, shortness of breath even with the slightest physical exertion. Endless tests, visits to doctors, and pills did not solve my problems. BUT thanks to a simple recipe, constant pain and tingling in the heart, high pressure, shortness of breath - all this is in the past. I feel great. Now my attending physician is surprised how this is so. Here is a link to the article.

Life expectancy after bypass surgery

Coronary bypass surgery is the main step towards returning the patient to normal activities. This operation is aimed at restoring normal blood circulation to the heart, relieving the patient of pain, predicting a decrease in the development of myocardial infarction and increasing life expectancy. However, it cannot completely rid the patient of atherosclerosis.

As is known, there are a number of predisposing factors that directly affect the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, such as gender, age, and heredity. These factors cannot be changed. However, factors such as high level blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, overweight, diabetes, low physical activity, psycho-emotional state.

It is necessary to measure blood pressure daily and ensure that it is within mmHg. Patients need to monitor their cholesterol levels (target total cholesterol is less than 4.5 mmol/L (170 mg/dL). It is necessary to bring the weight to normal, which is the last two digits of growth minus 10%. If possible, take a daily 1.5- 2.0 km walking distance.

Statistics from the longest study of patients who underwent bypass surgery (30 years of follow-up) show that 15 years after surgery, the mortality rates of these patients are the same as in the population as a whole.

Researchers from the Erasmus Medical Center, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, followed 1,041 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting at this clinic for 30 years from 1971 to 1980. At the end of the study, 196 patients were alive, of which 10 were over 90 years of age.

Cumulative 10-, 20-, and 30-year survival rates were 77%, 40%, and 15%. This is due to complications of coronary artery bypass surgery.

In the first year, mortality was 3.2%, then it decreased by 0.9%, after which it increased to 4% per year until the age of 15. From 15 to 20 years, mortality was 3.5% per year, over 20 years - 2.5% per year.

After constructing Kaplan-Meier curves, it was found that life expectancy after the first CABG is 17.6 years. The survival rate of patients with interventions on different numbers of vessels differed significantly.

Increasing blood flow in the coronary arteries will lead to less pain, weakening or complete disappearance of angina, fewer medications will be required, and physical activity will be less and less tiring. The patient will be able to return to his normal lifestyle while continuing to work and care for his family. The overall quality of life will improve. You should not think about the consequences of heart bypass surgery; with the right lifestyle, they can be avoided.

Cardiac bypass surgery after a heart attack

Unfortunately, cordially vascular diseases occupy a leading place among other human diseases today. They are the most common cause death of people of working age (especially men).

Carotid artery bypass

Bypass or stenting carotid arteries This is a modern and least traumatic way to solve narrowed arteries that supply the brain. Just like other types of bypass surgery (on the heart or lower extremities), it is characterized by similar stages of the operation.

Diet after heart bypass surgery

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is one of the most serious heart surgeries for complications of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). This operation is performed on patients whose coronary arteries are significantly narrowed or blocked. The purpose of the operation is to create new pathways for blood flow, bypassing vessels that are narrowed and blocked, so that the heart muscle is provided with adequate oxygen and nutrients, and thereby help the cardiovascular system function normally.

Aortofemoral bypass surgery

Leriche syndrome is a disease that affects the aorta and iliac arteries. If there is no action, amputation of both lower extremities is possible. Therefore, prompt surgical intervention can prevent irreversible consequences. Currently, the use of minimally invasive technologies - bypass surgery - is widespread.

Indications for coronary artery bypass grafting

The main indications for bypass surgery of the heart vessels and those conditions for which coronary artery bypass grafting is recommended are identified. There are only three main indications and each cardiologist must either exclude these criteria or identify them and refer the patient for surgery:

Obstruction of the left coronary artery more than 50%;

Narrowing of all coronary vessels by more than 70%;

Complete right bundle branch block

The attending physician prescribed you an electrocardiogram: a beeping machine, a whole bunch of wires with suction cups and a long tape covered with mysterious curves, as a result. What do these teeth and mounds mean?

In a nutshell, unfortunately, the methodology ECG interpretation you won't tell. However, you can and should understand the reasons and significance of the changes that a specialist will identify. For example, if we are talking about the inconvenient acronym - PBPBP, also known as complete blockade right bundle branch.

Complications of coronary artery bypass surgery

For a long time, cardiovascular diseases have been the leading cause of death. Not proper nutrition sedentary lifestyle life, bad habits - all this negatively affects the health of the heart and blood vessels. Cases of strokes and heart attacks have become common among people young, increased level cholesterol, and therefore atherosclerotic vascular damage, are found in almost every second person. In this regard, cardiac surgeons have a lot of work.

SA blockade 2nd degree 2nd type

Sinoatrial block is one of the types of arrhythmia when the conduction of impulses along the fibers of the heart is disrupted at the place where the connection between the sinus and atrioventricular nodes occurs. It comes in several degrees and types. This depends on the level of damage to that connection.

Coronary artery bypass surgery - statistics, pros and cons

Scientists have discovered a unique molecular signature in blood that could be used to detect aggressive lung cancers.

RNA-based treatments will help in the treatment of lung cancer and other types of cancer.

A blood test for circulating tumor DNA can assess the final effectiveness of therapy as early as 2 weeks after the start of breast cancer treatment with Palbociclib (Ibrance).

Metal detection technology will allow scientists to see circulating and dispersed tumor cells.

From the moment the first coronary artery bypass surgery was performed, mortality statistics were constantly in the field of view of doctors. It has been established that the mortality rate after primary CABG is in the range of 1-5%. The bulk of deaths are explained by acute heart failure. In general, risk factors easily fall into two main categories:

  1. Factors in the preoperative period – patient’s age, presence chronic diseases history, degree of myocardial ischemia.
  2. Other components are the professionalism of the operating surgeon, the year of surgical intervention, the need to support the activity of the heart muscle, etc.

According to Professor D. Nobel, monitoring of coronary artery bypass grafting showed decreasing mortality statistics from 1967 to 1980. Over 58 thousand case histories were studied. Every year, the number of deaths decreased. However, in Lately there is an increase in indicators. This is due to the fact that the age of the operated patients has increased. The severity of the condition of patients undergoing surgery has become higher.

The study showed that the survival rate of people who have undergone CABG is high. After a year the figure is 95%, after 5 years – 88%, after 15 years – 60%. Studying the results of CABG, it was revealed that sudden cardiac arrest in the postoperative period is an extremely rare phenomenon. Bypass surgery in mortality statistics contains data on 10% of cases of heart failure as a factor causing death.

Coronary artery bypass surgery - mortality statistics and prognosis

Considering the pros and cons of coronary artery bypass grafting, the effectiveness of the operation should be noted. In most cases, thanks to the intervention of an experienced surgeon, angina is neutralized and the degree of stress tolerance on the body increases. But the most common manifestation of coronary disease after surgery remains angina pectoris. During her recovery after CABG, at the time of returning to normal activities, it is more likely that coronary blood flow was not fully restored. Second probable cause is early occlusion of the shunt. Similar changes in late period called:

  • stenosis;
  • exacerbation of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • occlusion of shunts due to thrombosis or embolism;
  • combinatorial combination of these characteristics.

A true indicator of CABG results is the patient's well-being, which is difficult to express in measurable units. The patient’s good condition can be confirmed by general performance, absence of shortness of breath, or angina. The absence of complications indicates the effectiveness of the procedure.

If bypass surgery is performed, statistics show that 5 years after the operation the well-being of former patients surgical department gradually worsens with the onset of angina. However, the data demonstrate that after 5 years the negative state is absent in 75-80% of people who underwent CABG, and after 10 years – in %. 15 years after bypass surgery, mortality statistics show an interesting picture - up to 20% of patients are alive and not susceptible to angina attacks.

Coronary artery bypass grafting – statistics of changes

When detailed, CABG results demonstrate a change in the patient's condition. As a result of normalized blood flow to the myocardium:

  • angina attacks are neutralized;
  • improvements in physical condition are observed;
  • the risk of developing myocardial infarction is reduced;
  • performance improves, the volume of physical activity increases;
  • pharmacological assistance is reduced to a minimum.

The most important thing is that life expectancy increases, the likelihood of sudden stop heart after surgery. Patient reviews show improvements in the vast majority of cases. Doctors performing coronary artery bypass surgery give a favorable prognosis. Specialists return the patient to normal life and make ordinary human joys accessible to seriously ill patients.

After CABG, statistics show the neutralization of frightening health problems in 80% of cases. In 85% of situations, re-blockage of blood vessels does not occur. Many patients have concerns about short life expectancy after surgery. There is no clear answer to this question. Much depends on accompanying factors - lifestyle, age parameters, bad habits. On average, the service life of the shunt is determined by a 10-year period; in young patients it can be extended. At the end of the period, repeat CABG is recommended.

The effectiveness of the operation has now been proven by the global scientific community, but coronary artery bypass grafting does not always have a favorable prognosis. Like any surgical intervention, the procedure has complications. IN medical practice noted: heart attack, stroke, incision infection, vein thrombosis. Patients themselves are often to blame for the lack of improvement. This is due to unreasonable fears for life, fears of death, stress and “obsession” with the disease. Patients are recommended to undergo rehabilitation with the participation of a psychologist. To reduce the risk of developing undesirable consequences, you should contact professional doctors who are highly qualified and have successful experience in performing operations.

The patient decides whether surgery is necessary. For a balanced choice, a comprehensive assessment of all risks is necessary. The doctor warns about them at the stage of examination and development of recommendations for further treatment. After CABG, mortality statistics are minimal. Today, the operation is performed even in complex cases and in old age. This is a chance to prolong your life and improve your own health.

Assuta Clinic in Israel

Advantages, features and leading directions of the largest private medical center in Israel - Assuta.

Possible consequences of coronary artery bypass surgery

Doctors at the Assuta Clinic in Israel will help prevent complications after CABG on the heart. The operation is performed by highly qualified cardiac surgeons.

Patients from Russian-speaking countries choose Dr. David Lurie, an experienced cardiologist who helps people with serious complications in the functioning of the heart muscle gain health. Make an appointment at the Assuta clinic.

]" href="/sites/default/files/userfiles/u2398/sovetskaya_gavan_den_goroda_2008_077.jpg"> Page 1. EPIGRAPH: “IT IS POSSIBLE TO RESTORE YOUTH AND STRENGTH TO YOUR HEART, BUT YOU NEED TO WORK SO MUCH FOR THIS. NO ONE BUT YOU CAN DO THIS.” (PAUL BRAGG) Believe me, the main rehabilitation of the heart after surgery lasts at least one and a half years, and in an amicable way two and up to three years. This is not one or two...

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Believe me, the main rehabilitation of the heart after surgery lasts at least one and a half years, and in an amicable way two and up to three years. This is not a one-off thing, and after the operation I am as healthy as everyone else... In conversations with “like-minded people” on the operation, they indicated that certain postoperative symptoms (for example, numbness of the left side of the chest during mammary coronary bypass surgery (MCBG) completely disappeared in some after six years! That's why doctors call it long-term rehabilitation! But it's like breaking in the engine of a car, as you break it in, you'll drive it! Only if you screw up the engine, then it's irrevocable, but the heart and our body in general have the ability to regenerate and the functions are restored again. The most important thing is to “take action" in time! And that’s great!

This is what we will talk about next. I remember how many questions I myself had after the operations (and due to a postoperative complication I had to endure two of them in a row every other day), mostly rhetorical and philosophical “HOW TO LIVE” and “WHAT TO DO”, that is, “unanswerable”, on which the doctors could not really answer specifically, since you have to go through ALL THIS yourself. to feel and be convinced of the harm or benefit of THIS, what you are doing. To really live, and not sit on disability!
I had to collect THIS KNOWLEDGE on physical rehabilitation (later I realized that it was not only physical, but also psychophysical...), bit by bit from everyone, where I could hear, see, read... and then think about it for a long time and try on yourself, and then through tests and laboratory research heart to be convinced of the benefits of what he did. Sometimes there have been and still are depressions, when I think that it would be better if I died.
It’s good that I had a wonderful consultant in this - my sister, a cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences, who worked for many years as the head of a rehabilitation center after heart surgery. And I was very lucky in this. Thanks to her and low bow! And the fact that she was far from me was not a question in our time: all the materials were ECG, ultrasound. All sorts of analyzes were scanned and emailed almost immediately and continue to appear on her desk, and after a while I have a conclusion whether this can be done or not. Things have happened, but I’m moving forward and that’s important to me! Without this support it would be difficult...
So, on my birthday on September 29, 2012, when I would have turned 60 years old, fate gave me a “gift” - on August 17 I had a second heart attack (the first was in February 1994) and I celebrated my 60th birthday in a hospital bed in therapy department in his small town. And ahead of me was “waiting” for the Central Cardiovascular Surgery Center in Khabarovsk, where on November 14 they performed MCB and 3 CABG operations, but bleeding began in the intensive care unit and on the night of November 15 they performed restornotomy and hemostasis, that is, they re-opened the chest, found and eliminated the bleeding on the heart and brought the functioning of all organs in order.
Stationary started postoperative rehabilitation! Of course, this is a matter for professionals, a matter for doctors. There are not enough words to thank them for this, holy people! Our job at this stage of rehabilitation is only to follow the doctors’ orders, since here we are still talking about our life and death. And the line between them is very thin. Therefore, I will not describe this stage of rehabilitation from the point of view of the use of medications and medical procedures (all this is in the discharge summary, and it is posted here on my page in the medical record). But from a physiological point of view, that is, what I had to physically do myself, I will describe this below. Maybe someone will find this knowledge useful, what he should do after the operation.

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A small digression.
It seems to me that everyone, upon arrival home and after some time has passed, becomes more and more interested in everyday everyday issues (which will never end...), and then at work a day or two later, and they begin to treat walking and exercise equipment, physical therapy complexes with coolness . And walking from time to time and doing such uncontrolled workloads is even worse than doing nothing. You understand this - like some lady from the street putting her leg behind her head during a yoga class, and then calling a chiropractor to put all the joints back in place!

It is necessary to understand that rehabilitation consists of three stages and the most important one begins six months after the operation. And it is the longest, maybe up to 3 years!!! To maintain the indicators accumulated over the first six months and prevent the development of complications!!! Roughly speaking, the safety margin given to us after the operation ends in six months and begins independent work hearts, already according to the standards by which we live, work and relax at home...
Probably some people have already had readings of their heart pumping function or ECG data... This may be the first call.

FIRST - Heart surgeries solve one common problem - to eliminate only the anatomical (!!!) basis of the disease and restore or improve blood circulation. Blood circulation after surgery is impaired for all of us!

In addition, the consequences of the fact that the body long time adapted to the disease and tried for a long time before the operation to compensate for everything negative influences diseases manifest themselves (for some immediately - for others after some time!) in the postoperative period as disturbances (and maybe not only disturbances, but even worse!) of the functions of the cardiovascular system, detraining and neuroticism (this is when you Now everyone and everything is dissatisfied with...) reactions.

The rehabilitation program provides a set of measures to eliminate these disorders (not only physical exercises and medications, but also monitoring the state of the blood through tests and heart function through ECG and ultrasound!), mobilizing the body’s reserve capabilities (auto-training, psychotraining...) and maintaining optimal functioning of organs and systems (power supply).

Rehabilitation consists of three stages:
1. stationary;
2. sanatorium;
3. outpatient.

SECOND – And this is a must! - At each stage, an assessment of clinical indicators of the functioning of the heart and organs, instrumental studies are carried out (tests, ultrasound, ECG, Holter..., therapy correction, measures for socio-psychological adaptation).
All this is called functional studies, which allow monitoring the state of hemodynamics:
- blood test (general and biochemistry)
- electrocardiography (ECG);
- daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure (this is a Holter, a device worn with suction cups on the chest)
- echocardiography and stress echocardiography (ECHO-CG or ultrasound and stress-ECHO-CG).
and then, if the rehabilitation program is successfully implemented, its main goal can be achieved - restoration of working capacity and socio-psychological adaptation.

So: Inpatient stage after surgery.
This first stage is the most important, requires close attention from doctors, begins in the intensive care unit in the first days after heart surgery and continues in the cardiac surgery department. If the course of the postoperative period is favorable, 10-14 days after the operation you will be transferred to a sanatorium department.

Sanatorium stage.
The goals of the second stage of rehabilitation are to consolidate positive changes in hemodynamics (heart function, its pumping function), eliminate pain and breathing disorders associated with surgery and anesthesia, expand motor mode and psychosocial adaptation. Dosed physical activity and the natural factors of the sanatorium have a positive effect on a more positive attitude towards life. The duration of the stage is 24-30 days.

THIRD - Polyclinic stage.
This is the longest stage - from 6 months to 2-3 years (and I would say - the most responsible!), SOLVES THE MOST DIFFICULT PROBLEM - to maintain hemodynamic indicators (i.e. heart function) at the achieved level (that is, what one is already ready for this) time achieved with the help of surgery and doctors), prevent the development of complications, reduce risk factors for getting a second heart attack or stroke. For this purpose, a procedure is established for inspections, regular laboratory and instrumental examinations(blood and heart tests (ECG, ultrasound), physiotherapy.
The key to successful rehabilitation after heart surgery is early start psychophysical rehabilitation. It is dosed physical activity, continuity of treatment at all stages and timely correction of therapy in accordance with changes in the hemodynamics of the heart - that is, only a timely response with this entire set of means to changes in the work of the heart will give positive result! And the most important thing to remember is that heart therapy consists not only of drugs and medical advances, but also of your own physical exercises and auto-training!

For most of us, life changes after heart surgery, and in some cases dramatically. An operation is always stressful for the body, and heart surgery is even more so. That is why rehabilitation after serious surgical interventions smoothly flows into a new healthy lifestyle, with complete refusal from bad habits and various excesses.

During surgery, the load on all body systems can be called extreme; the normal blood circulation is disrupted, which immediately affects the functioning of each of the body systems. To fully restore the body, it takes time and a certain set of personal measures.
