Termination of pregnancy in the early stages vacuum. Vacuum mini abortion. Timing of abortion. Complications after vacuum abortion

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy is desired. By various reasons a woman may not want to give birth to a child, and she has the right to do so. Of course, most of the media promote contraception - it is better to protect yourself than to get into an unpleasant situation with pregnancy. But what to do if an unplanned conception occurs? How to perform surgery with the least possible damage to health? The traditional intervention to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is abortion. This method is widespread in the countries of the former Soviet Union. But progress does not stand still, and modern woman has much more options for abortion. Vacuum abortion is considered a gentle option to avoid the birth of an unwanted child.

Vacuum abortion: the essence of the procedure

Vacuum abortion is also called mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration. This is a method of ridding a woman of an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages. The name itself contains a description of the procedure - the fetus is extracted using a vacuum pump. The mechanism of action is quite simple - a special device is inserted into the uterine cavity to separate the fertilized egg and remove it. With the help of this device, negative pressure is formed in the cavity, and the fertilized egg flies out of the woman’s body. The pregnancy is over.

Mini-abortion is performed using a vacuum pump

Several types of interventions can be used to terminate a pregnancy. During a surgical abortion, the fetus is scraped out of the uterus using special instruments. Vacuum abortion has many advantages over traditional abortion. During this procedure, no scraping of the walls is performed. uterine cavity, as in surgical method termination of pregnancy. Therefore, this type of abortion intervention is easier for a woman to tolerate. At the same time, a medical abortion (by taking pills) is less painful for a woman than a vacuum abortion.

Indications for intervention

Among the main reasons for mini-abortion are the following:

  • the woman does not want to continue the pregnancy;
  • the pregnancy is frozen, that is, the fetus stops developing and dies;
  • the fertilized egg has defects;
  • a woman cannot become a mother for medical reasons;
  • The patient was taking medications that have negative action on the fetus, that is, medications that in almost any case will lead to deformities in the child;
  • the expectant mother has diseases that negatively affect the fetus and can lead to congenital diseases(syphilis, HIV, rubella and cytomegalovirus).


A woman has the right to independently decide to terminate a pregnancy up to 12 weeks. Vacuum abortion is used only within these time frames. If more than 3 months have passed, then the procedure cannot be done. At the same time, most clinics offer vacuum abortion only to patients up to 7 obstetric weeks. This is due to the fact that at this time the fertilized egg has not yet strengthened in the uterus, which means it is easy to remove. The ideal time for vacuum aspiration is 4–6 weeks of pregnancy.
4–6 weeks of pregnancy is the ideal period for vacuum abortion

From the 7th to the 12th week of pregnancy, a mini-abortion can theoretically also be done, but it is much more complicated. First, you will have to dilate the cervix (more early stages this is not required), and this adds to the woman's discomfort after surgery. Secondly, there is a risk of tissue damage in the uterine cavity, and this threatens the patient serious complications(development of inflammation, bleeding).

Thirdly, there is a risk of insufficient fetal extraction. And with this scenario, the woman is at risk of an inflammatory process, after which she may remain infertile. About 10% of patients encounter such problems. All these reasons determine the reluctance of doctors to use mini-abortion after the 6th week of pregnancy. At such a time frame, the doctor will most likely recommend another way to solve the problem - most often a surgical abortion. And, naturally, it is better for a woman to listen to the opinion of a specialist.
At positive test If you are pregnant, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible

Many women are concerned about the question - how to calculate these weeks? How can you determine how much time has passed since conception? There is a clear answer to these questions - you need to count the time from the first day of your last menstruation. Doctors cannot always determine the date of conception, so all dates are calculated in obstetric weeks - from the first day of the last menstruation. From the perspective of modern gynecology, pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks. A woman usually finds out about conception after a delay in menstruation - that is, at a period of 4–5 obstetric weeks.

For example, a woman had her period on January 1st. After 4 weeks, she experienced a cycle disorder. On February 1, she can take a pregnancy test, and if the result is positive, she will already have 4 obstetric weeks. If she took the test on February 7, that is, a week after the delay, then the pregnancy will already be 5 weeks.

Therefore, if a girl is not ready to become a mother, she needs to carefully monitor her cycle and consult a doctor as early as possible.


The main thing is health. Therefore, under no circumstances should a woman go to dubious places to terminate a pregnancy, much less try to get rid of the child on her own or with the help of underground specialists. Long gone are the days when abortions were prohibited in Russia, which means you need to resort to the services of competent doctors. It is better to come to a clinic with a good reputation, and the best option is to contact a gynecologist whom the woman completely trusts.

Before a vacuum abortion, it is better to consult a reliable doctor

But not everything depends on the choice of doctor. Sometimes a vacuum abortion is not possible due to the woman’s health condition. There are two types of contraindications to this operation - relative and absolute.

Relative contraindications can be overcome. These include genital infections and colds.

Only a doctor can determine what specific problems in a woman’s health do not allow her to have a mini-abortion. And only a specialist can prescribe treatment for these changes in the body or recommend another way to get rid of the fetus.

Before a mini-abortion, a cold must be cured

Among absolute contraindications can be distinguished:

  • adhesions (connective tissue compactions);
  • oncology;
  • long gestational age;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

But it is also better for a woman to trust the opinion of a specialist. Doctors make their verdict in each case individually, based on the characteristics of each specific patient. Therefore, you must definitely apply for medical care rather than trying to solve the problem yourself.

How is the procedure performed?

It is important to know how to properly prepare for a mini-abortion and what to expect from this procedure.

Preparing for a vacuum abortion

After choosing a clinic and a doctor, determining the timing of pregnancy, the woman is concerned with the question of how best to prepare for the operation. The most important condition This includes an examination by a gynecologist. Girls should not worry - not a single clinic will undertake termination of pregnancy without consulting a specialist. During the appointment, the following tests are usually taken from the woman:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood for infections (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis);
  • vaginal smear for microflora.

All women undergo an ultrasound examination to determine the gestational age as accurately as possible and determine the structural features of the uterus.
An ultrasound is required before a vacuum abortion.

Additional tests may be recommended by the doctor, taking into account the results of the examination and the individual characteristics of the patient. For example, if there is suspicious discharge, the doctor may prescribe tests for sexually transmitted infections. If a woman birth defect heart, she may be recommended to have a cardiogram.

It is important to understand that if a doctor prescribes any tests or examinations, it is better not to refuse. This is done for maximum reduction risks, and not at the whim of medical personnel.

If a girl takes a responsible approach to preparing for a mini-abortion, most likely everything will go without complications.

After passing all the tests, the doctor sets a date for the operation. In some cases, the procedure can be performed immediately on the day of treatment if the research results are already ready. In general, it depends on the clinic the woman goes to. Naturally, everyone is interested in the operation taking place as soon as possible. Therefore, no one will delay the analysis. Doctors will do everything possible to perform a mini-abortion as early as possible.

Duration of the procedure

On the appointed day, the woman comes to the clinic. Mini-abortion is performed only in specialized medical institutions and under the supervision of specialists. Many people are concerned about the duration of the operation. A mini-abortion is done in 1–5 minutes. This once again confirms the effectiveness of this intervention - the woman does not have to endure discomfort for a long time.

Progress of mini-abortion

To perform a vacuum abortion, the patient sits in a gynecological chair. Her legs are secured in stirrups so that she does not interfere with the operation. To eliminate the possibility of infection, the woman’s genitals are treated antiseptics.
Vacuum abortion is performed on a gynecological chair

Many patients are afraid of pain during a mini-abortion. However, in modern conditions This is out of the question. Without pain relief, no doctor will begin surgery. When performing a vacuum abortion, two types of anesthesia are used:

After pain-relieving procedures, the doctor begins to dilate the cervix. However, this is not necessary for all women. If the patient has already given birth to a child, no manipulations are performed with the cervix.

Next, the doctor inserts the tip of the electric vacuum pump into the uterus and turns on the device. Negative pressure is created in the uterus, the fertilized egg slips out of the uterine area and enters a special compartment of the pump. After this, the uterus begins to actively contract.

In modern clinics, a mini-abortion is carried out under ultrasound control, that is, the doctor has the opportunity to control the completeness of the extraction of the fertilized egg. It is with the help of ultrasound that the effectiveness of the operation can be assessed. If everything went well, the fertilized egg will be completely removed from the uterine cavity.

Reviews from women

Most women note that there was no severe pain during a vacuum abortion.

It hurts a little when the cervix is ​​dilated, like during menstruation. The device operates max. 2 minutes, a little painful, the same as during menstruation. You need to take a good sedative, you've worked yourself up so much that even a simple touch will make you squeal. Ask for a triple dose of lidocaine and ketonal (I did this).

Old wallet


This is not scary, but it is advisable to do it under ultrasound control, this is when the fertilized egg is visible with a sensor and it is completely removed, under anesthesia it is painless



When can I go home?

Every woman wants to know when she can return home after an abortion. If a vacuum abortion is performed, the patient will be released from the clinic within a few hours. After the operation, she is given the opportunity to lie down and rest. During this time, the doctor monitors the woman’s condition. If severe dizziness, loss of consciousness or nausea occurs, the patient will under no circumstances be allowed to go home until these symptoms are eliminated. You can return to your normal life only with the doctor’s permission.
A couple of hours after the mini-abortion you can go home

If the outcome is favorable, the very next day the woman can return to her normal life, for example, go to work.

Visiting a doctor after a mini-abortion

Doctors strongly recommend that women who have undergone a vacuum abortion consult a gynecologist two weeks after surgery. First of all, this is done to ensure that the fertilized egg is completely removed. For this, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound, which makes it possible to verify the fact of termination of pregnancy. If for some reason a woman is still carrying a child, it is important to take action as soon as possible.
2 weeks after the mini-abortion you need to visit a gynecologist

And also during a visit to the doctor, a woman undergoes tests that make sure there is no inflammation. Do not forget that vacuum abortion is an intervention in female body. Despite the treatment of instruments, the risk of infection is always present. Therefore, patients are prescribed a blood test, smears are taken and other necessary manipulations are performed.


Despite its apparent simplicity, vacuum abortion is a serious operation. This method of abortion can have dire consequences. Every girl should clearly understand this and think seriously before having a mini-abortion. Perhaps in some cases it is better to keep the child and give him a chance to be born.

Among the most serious consequences Vacuum abortion can highlight infertility. That is, a woman may never become pregnant again. There may also be problems with bearing children, that is, the likelihood of miscarriages increases significantly. These consequences often appear many years later, when the girl no longer even thinks about the mini-abortion. Of course, the risk is lower than with traditional intervention. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And this is important to understand before having an abortion.
Vacuum abortion can leave a woman infertile

Disappointing medical statistics indicate that every fifth pregnancy ends in termination. For abortion, women choose the safest methods. But if the desired result is still not achieved, then you have to resort to surgical intervention. Today’s article will tell you about the period until which vacuum abortion is performed. You will learn about the nuances of this manipulation and will be able to read reviews.

Vacuum abortion

This technique is widely used in all medical institutions. Along with medical abortion, is recognized as low-traumatic and relatively safe. However, there is a risk that parts of the fertilized egg will remain in the uterine cavity.

Vacuum abortion is performed only within the walls of a hospital. Before this, the patient needs to be examined and undergo some tests. Manipulation is carried out using special device- vacuum suction.

Timing of the procedure

If you are offered a vacuum abortion, your gestational age is short. It is impossible to say with certainty until what week the procedure is carried out. Many clinics set their own limits. Information differs from different sources. Some indicate that mini-abortion is allowed up to 5 weeks of pregnancy. Others say eight weeks. Experienced specialists are able to perform the manipulation for up to 12 weeks. There is evidence that with a cannula of the appropriate size, vacuum termination of pregnancy can be performed up to 15 weeks.

Despite this, many medical institutions adhere to the period of 8 weeks. It is before this period that there is still no strong connection between the fertilized egg and the wall of the uterus. This means that the result of the manipulation will be successful in almost all cases.

Indications and contraindications

To perform a vacuum abortion, the woman's consent is required. This is the main indication for abortion. Also, manipulation is sometimes prescribed by a specialist without the patient’s initiative. The indications are as follows:

  • abnormalities in the development of the fetal egg, incompatible with life;
  • a woman’s inability to give birth due to health reasons;
  • frozen pregnancy or anembryony;
  • viral diseases transmitted to dangerous period(rubella, toxoplasmosis).

Doctors say that there are contraindications to manipulation. They can be absolute or temporary. The latter include genital tract infections, bleeding disorders, fever and colds. After eliminating these pathologies, it is quite acceptable to perform an operation, if time permits.

Complete contraindications for vacuum abortion include abnormalities in the development of the uterus (presence of adhesions and septa), ectopic pregnancy, recent births, uterine tumors and long periods of pregnancy. In these situations, other methods are chosen to eliminate the fertilized egg.

Preparing for an abortion

The vacuum method of abortion requires certain preparation. Every gynecologist will tell you about this. Reviews from doctors indicate that ultrasound diagnostics must be performed before the procedure. It allows you to determine the exact gestational age. The woman also takes vaginal smears to study the microflora and to detect an infectious process.

In addition to the preparation described, the patient should undergo a blood test. The study reveals the level of platelets, the presence of antibodies to hepatitis, HIV and other diseases.

During the operation

Women say that vacuum abortion occurs quite quickly. Reviews report that the manipulation lasts only 5-7 minutes. The patient is positioned for examination. After this, the doctor injects the cervix with anesthetics and antispasmodics.

If the woman has not given birth, the gynecologist will need to first dilate cervical canal using tools. Patients who have given birth do not need this. When everything is ready, the cannula is inserted into the uterine cavity. Using his own strength, the doctor pulls out the suction handle. At this time, negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The fertilized egg is detached from the wall of the uterus and sucked into the manipulator.

reviews from women

Patients say that a mini-abortion is much easier to tolerate than surgical curettage. The manipulation does not require the use of general anesthesia. Also, the injured area of ​​the mucous membrane remains small. After vacuum interruption, there are rarely any complications with the cervix. Whereas curettage can lead to damage to the cervical canal. After this, problems may arise with subsequent pregnancy and natural childbirth.

Discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy, according to women, is not so abundant and painful. They are, in fact, normal menstruation. A damaged mucous membrane. The recovery period from this operation is short. The patient must remain under medical supervision for one or two hours. After this, the woman can return to her previous activities.

Doctors must prescribe medicines after a vacuum abortion. These are antibiotics wide range actions. They will help prevent the development bacterial infection and complications. Medicines that cause uterine contractions and painkillers are also recommended for women. All of them are selected individually. Some women mistakenly believe that they can do without taking medications. With such a negligent attitude towards one’s health, complications often arise in the form of infections, inflammatory processes, retention of the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity.

Doctors say that after vacuum aspiration, the patient should return for an additional examination in two weeks. This is necessary to confirm a complete abortion. If parts of the membranes are found in the uterine cavity, then curettage is prescribed.

In conclusion

Vacuum is a safe manipulation. Its effect depends on the timing of the operation. The sooner you contact a gynecologist, the greater the chance that everything will go smoothly. If you want to terminate a pregnancy, then never use your grandmother's recipes. They can lead to very unpleasant consequences in the future. All the best!

When a woman decides to terminate a pregnancy, she tries to choose the most safe way. Abortion by vacuum is considered one of the relatively safe ones. But even termination at the earliest stages of gestation has its consequences, so it is worth paying special attention to the choice of termination method.

It is necessary to approach the issue of planning with all seriousness to avoid misunderstandings

A vacuum mini-abortion is an early abortion procedure using specialized equipment - a vacuum aspirator. This type of abortion has several features.

  • This method of termination is considered the safest for patients, because the risk of developing post-abortion complications such as bleeding, infection or uterine damage during such an operation is minimal.
  • But in terms of complication there is great importance, until how many weeks is aspiration performed? As the gestation period increases, the risk of possible post-abortion complications also increases.
  • Until 5 weeks, the embryo and the uterus itself are still too small.
  • If the interruption is carried out using a vacuum abortion, then the uterine vessels will receive minimal possible damage, therefore, the body’s recovery will occur as soon as possible.

The use of vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is recognized as the most gentle form of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy, which is why mini-vacuum abortion is so popular among patients. Mini abortion received this name because this procedure is carried out when the size of the embryo and fertilized egg are still very small. But before you have a vacuum abortion, you must undergo an appropriate examination.

Until when do they do it?

Manual vacuum aspiration is performed at a fairly early stage. Already from the second day of the delay, such minimally invasive intervention can be performed. Representatives of the World Health Organization claim that the period of vacuum abortion is not limited to 5 weeks of gestation. With specialized equipment, highly qualified specialists will be able to perform a mini-abortion for a gestation period of up to 15 weeks, however, additional expansion of the cervical canal will be required.

But if the vacuum abortion procedure is carried out at 10-15 weeks, then its consequences will be no less serious than after instrumental abortion. Therefore, debates regarding how long it is safe to make a mini-interruption continue among specialists today. In addition, specialists who are ready to take on such a procedure and are able to carry it out on top level V late dates, not so much.

The most optimal time for a mini-abortion is 4-5 weeks of gestation. During this period, the embryo is still weakly attached to the uterine walls, so it is easily sucked out without any complications or adverse consequences in the future.


An examination is required before the procedure.

Each type of interruption has its own indications for implementation, and the aspiration technique is no exception. Typically, abortion by vacuum aspiration is performed on patients with various types of pathologies in fetal development, cancer pathologies or diseases endocrine system. Also, a mini-abortion is indicated in case of a frozen pregnancy or if there is a threat to women’s health and even life, with pathologies of the hematopoietic system, nervous system or mental disorders.

Most indications for vacuum termination are not considered exceptional and can be used for other types of abortion, depending on what stage of gestation the patient is at. After all, some fetal defects are detected already in the later stages, when a mini-abortion is impossible.

Pros and cons of mini-abortion

Aspiration interruption has many advantages over other techniques.

  1. The duration of the procedure usually does not exceed 10 minutes, so on the same day the patient is sent home, where she can live her previous life, i.e. work, study, do household chores, etc.
  2. When interrupted instrumentally, the surgeon scrapes out the uterine walls, separating the embryo manually, so there is always a risk of violating the integrity of the uterine tissue. And when aspiration is performed, the fertilized egg breaks away from the endometrium on its own, under the influence of the pressure created by the pump.
  3. With a mini-abortion, the cervical canal is also practically not affected, because it is not expanded, so trauma can be avoided.
  4. The operation is performed using general or local anesthesia, so patients tolerate the procedure painlessly. Sometimes it happens that pain occurs when moving the aspirator tube through the cervical canal, but after taking antispasmodics similar discomfort passes quickly.
  5. In healthy patients, the abortion procedure proceeds practically without consequences, recovery occurs quickly, because it is possible to interrupt conception in a very short period of time.

These advantages are undeniable, but similar ones have uterine procedures and some disadvantages. Firstly, planning for the next conception can be done only six months after aspiration interruption. The body needs this time for full recovery, and after interruption you need to use contraception. If a woman becomes pregnant earlier, then such pregnancy may be very difficult for the body. high risk various deviations.

Another disadvantage can be considered the possibility of incomplete abortion, when vacuum aspiration is performed, but gestation still continues, or fetal particles remain inside the uterine body, which in the process of decomposition infect the patient’s body. This is possible if the abortion occurred with incomplete separation of the fertilized egg. In addition, the psychological side of the issue can also be considered a disadvantage; for many patients, interruption is psychologically difficult.

How does the interrupt work?

It will take a lot of effort and time to recover

Aspiration is done using an electric vacuum pump device, which, by creating pressure, sucks out all embryonic tissue from the uterine body. Many girls have doubts about such an interruption, because they do not know whether it hurts to have a mini-abortion. If the intervention occurs with general anesthesia, then the procedure causes absolutely no pain. When using local anesthesia during an abortion, minor pain may occur.

The pump creates negative pressure inside the uterine body, which causes the embryo to detach and be excreted along with the blood. At the same time, any serious damage will not happen to the uterine vessels. During aspiration, the cervical canal is not even widened, so its damage is also excluded. Moreover, a mini-interruption significantly reduces the likelihood of occurrence cervical insufficiency, which often appears after surgical abortion and in the future interferes with the ability to fully bear the baby. But before having an abortion, specialized training is needed.

How to prepare

Before undergoing an abortion procedure, a girl must make an appointment with a gynecologist. During the examination, the specialist assesses the gestation period and refers the woman to the necessary diagnostic studies. Typically the examination involves:

  • Ultrasound examination of pregnant women;
  • A smear from the cervical canal and vagina for the presence of pathogenic microflora;
  • General laboratory tests blood, urine;
  • Diagnosis of syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV, etc.

The above studies are mandatory for pre-abortion diagnosis, because their results can reveal or refute the presence of contraindications for a mini-abortion.

Mini-abortion technique

To dispel the doubts of many girls regarding safety, it is worth considering how a vacuum abortion occurs. After passing all the tests, the doctor sets a date for aspiration. The procedure must take place exclusively in a clinic or gynecological department hospitals with the participation of experienced and certified specialists.

Vitamin complexes are taken only as prescribed by a specialist

The patient lies down on the gynecological chair, the nurse treats her genitals antiseptic solution. If the patient has never given birth, then she needs additional expansion of the cervical canal using specialized gynecological instruments. If the girl has already gone through the delivery procedure, then there is no need to use a dilator.

For the purpose of local anesthesia, an anesthetic drug is injected into the wall of the cervical canal. If general anesthesia is expected, then medicine is infused intravenously, and the patient falls soundly asleep. How is a vacuum abortion performed? After the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor inserts the cannula of an electric vacuum aspirator into the uterine body and starts the device. Negative pressure forms inside the uterus. The doctor moves the cannula along the uterine walls so that its tip is in close contact with the mucous membranes. As a result, the fertilized egg detaches, which comes out through a special tube into the vessel.

It is difficult to say how long this process lasts, but usually it does not take more than 10 minutes. When all fetal structures are removed, the uterine body will begin to contract, but the woman will no longer feel these sensations immediately after removing the aspirator tip from the uterine body. Some patients, when asked how a mini-abortion is performed, say that they felt some painful tugging in the abdomen, as during menstruation. Patients may also experience nausea, hypersweating or severe weakness, which is considered completely normal.

Post-abortion activities

After the mini-abortion is performed, the patient can rest for about an hour in the medical facility where the aspiration was performed. Then the doctor will give the patient the necessary recommendations regarding preventive antibiotic therapy, and also tell her how to deal with cramps and pain. The very next day the girl can return to her previous lifestyle.

After about a couple of weeks, the patient needs to visit again antenatal clinic to undergo a control ultrasound examination and pass laboratory tests, confirming that the unwanted pregnancy was successfully terminated without complications, and recovery processes are going according to plan.

Complications after mini-abortion

Complications sometimes occur during or after the procedure.

  • For example, during an abortion, the uterine wall may be damaged by the tip of a vacuum aspirator or any metal instruments, resulting in perforation of the organ. If the damage has also affected organs adjacent to the uterus, then urgent surgery V abdominal cavity. If the perforation is uncomplicated, then the patient is prescribed to take contractile and antibiotic drugs, as well as cold on the uterine area.
  • Also, after vacuum aspiration, the patient may develop hematometra, in which the evacuation of blood from the uterine body is impaired, as a result of which it accumulates inside. A hematometra is formed due to the early closure of the cervical canal, which provokes congestion. As a result, the uterus enlarges and becomes like a ball, which causes severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Aspiration can also be complicated by incomplete abortion or progressive pregnancy, as mentioned above. Progressive pregnancy is confirmed by a control ultrasound examination. In case of incomplete abortion, fetal parts remain in the uterine cavity, which interfere with the contraction of the uterine body to its original size, cause intractable bleeding, etc.

As for the long-term consequences, they come down to cycle disorders or isthmic-cervical insufficiency, cervical dysplasia and fusion, secondary infertility or ectopic, endometriosis, myomatous processes, etc. Also in many patients after termination of an unwanted pregnancy for a long time psychological trauma may remain.

Sex after a mini-abortion

After vacuum aspiration, the patient cannot have sex for at least 3-4 weeks, and after the period of sexual rest has expired, it is imperative to use barrier contraception, protecting not only from conception, but also from various infections.

If, after interruption, the patient still feels signs of toxicosis such as nausea and gastronomic peculiarities, and testing shows two stripes, then this indicates the continuation of fetal development. In such a situation, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist.

Planning for conception

If a woman, after an abortion through a vacuum abortion, wants to get pregnant again, then planning can begin six months after the interruption. After all, what is abortion? This is an intervention in natural process, after which the body needs recovery, even if the abortion went smoothly and without complications.

After six months, the patient must undergo gynecological examination to make sure that the abortion did not cause any complications. According to statistics, after a mini-abortion, patients successfully become pregnant and give birth to babies, because such an interruption usually does not damage the reproductive organs.

Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion?

In some cases, vacuum abortive procedures may be contraindicated. Usually, a mini-abortion is not performed in case of ectopic or bleeding problems, or acute infectious lesions gynecological field or unconfirmed pregnancy. Also, vacuum aspiration is not performed if the birth occurred less than six months ago or the gestation period is more than 6 weeks.

After such an interruption, the menstrual cycle resumes after about 30-40 days. Full recovery menstruation occurs approximately 3-6 months later. In general, vacuum aspiration, performed by a qualified specialist, is considered a reliable and gentle way to get rid of an unwanted child, but any intervention can have consequences.

Vacuum abortion or mini abortion is one of the methods of surgical termination of pregnancy, which is performed by suctioning the fetus with a vacuum suction. Scientific name vacuum abortion - aspiration.

This surgical abortion can be considered one of the most gentle methods of ending a pregnancy. But this can only be done in the early stages. It is not advisable to choose a mini-abortion at 3 weeks, since at such a short period a method that will eliminate any surgical efforts will also be effective. The best time to terminate a pregnancy by aspiration is at 4-5 weeks.

What is an abortion vacuum?

How to do an abortion? So, surgical abortions, which include vacuum mini-abortion, are carried out using special devices. The main ones are: suction apparatus, cannula, disposable catheter. The main advantage of a mini abortion over other surgical abortions is that the cervix does not need to be dilated. A disposable catheter is inserted into the patient's uterus, the thickness of which will easily allow it to pass inside. A vacuum aspiration device uses a cannula of a certain size, depending on the stage of pregnancy, to perform suction. A vacuum abortion takes approximately 5-10 minutes of a gynecologist's time.

After a mini-abortion, you must undergo an ultrasound, which will confirm that the surgical abortion (vacuum abortion) was effective and the fetus was completely removed from the uterus. If the vacuum abortion is unsuccessful and the fetus cannot be completely removed, additional aspiration is performed or the fetus is curetted.

Advantages of vacuum mini abortion

The undoubted advantages of this method of abortion include:

  • absence of cervical trauma;
  • outpatient surgery (the woman is discharged from the hospital on the same day as the mini-abortion);
  • minimal damage to the uterine mucosa (the uterine cavity heals very quickly);
  • less stress for a woman compared to later ones, when the realization of the existence of a new life inside comes;
  • relatively fast recovery hormonal levels And menstrual cycle after a vacuum abortion.

And as was said earlier, even though aspiration is a surgical method, such an abortion is still relatively easier for the body than a regular surgical abortion. methods are minimal. For 3 weeks after vacuum aspiration it is impossible to perform sex life.

You should also stock up antibacterial drugs, because the wounded uterine cavity is susceptible to the development of microorganisms that cause all kinds of inflammation. Vacuum abortion is a gentle method, but it takes about 6 months for reproductive function. Therefore, after 3 weeks of abstinence from sexual activity, you need to start it with acceptance hormonal contraceptives to avoid the appearance of .

How to prepare for a mini abortion

A mini-abortion is an operation, and, therefore, you need to prepare for it just as thoroughly as before curettage. In the clinic where the vacuum mini-abortion will be performed, you will be offered to undergo various tests and tests. For example, to perform anesthesia during a vacuum abortion, it is necessary to determine whether the woman can tolerate anesthesia.

Not every surgeon will take on later stages of pregnancy when performing a vacuum abortion.

The most important thing in preparing for a mini-abortion is. Abortion at 7 weeks using aspiration will not be performed by any surgeon, not in any clinic. First, you need to have a cannula the right size in order for the fetus to pass through suction.

Mini abortion timing

The most suitable time to terminate a pregnancy by aspiration is an abortion at 4-5 weeks. The fertilized egg is not so firmly attached to the uterine cavity. Its suction will take place quickly and, if the surgeon is well qualified, no parts of the fertilized egg will remain in the uterus. Week 5 is the most “appropriate” time for a vacuum abortion. 6 weeks is also the period when the fertilized egg is well separated from the uterus.

If you are 7 weeks pregnant, most clinics will most likely offer you a curettage rather than a mini-abortion. or mini abortion? Aspiration is possible at 12 weeks with certain conditions operations and the availability of necessary funds. Only such a mini-abortion (at 7 weeks and above) has a high probability of ending in curettage (classic surgical abortion). At week 7, the pregnancy will most likely be terminated using curettage rather than a mini-abortion. The timing determines not only the method of abortion, but also the effectiveness and ease of the method itself. Abortion at 7 weeks by aspiration is not uncommon, but be prepared for complications.

Of course, if it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy, women want to choose the most gentle method that will not affect women's health. But in the case of aspiration, performing an abortion at 7 weeks is simply a delay. Have a vacuum abortion - 6 weeks, no later. That's why it's so important to monitor your sex life. At the slightest suspicion of unwanted pregnancy and unwillingness to give birth, you need to have a vacuum abortion as quickly as possible. After all, methods of terminating a pregnancy at a later date will certainly affect the woman’s health.

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy is desirable. In some cases, circumstances force the life to be interrupted. Of course, in such cases this should be done as early as possible, since the incidence of complications and consequences after manipulation depend on the period at which the abortion was performed.

Mini-abortion – what is it?

Abortion is usually called the artificial termination of pregnancy, which is performed at the request of a pregnant woman up to 12 weeks and no later than 22 weeks if there are medical or social indications. Mini-abortion is surgery, which involves removing the fertilized egg by vacuum aspiration.

To perform the procedure in medical institution there must be a special device - a vacuum excoleator or suction, as many call it, under the influence of which negative pressure is created in the uterine cavity and the fertilized egg is peeled off from the wall of the uterus without any effort on the part of the doctor. In the early stages of gestation, vacuum aspiration is based on the fact that up to the 6th week, the chorionic villi, which in the future become the placenta, have not yet grown sufficiently into the muscular layer of the uterus, so no special effort is required to remove the embryo.


As is already clear from the name of the procedure, the gestational age for a mini-abortion should be quite short. When you contact a doctor with a request for an abortion, the doctor will ask how late your period is.

A mini-abortion can be performed if there is a delay of up to 21 days, however optimal time for manipulation is 14-15 days of absence of menstruation, since with earlier periods you may not notice the fertilized egg and not remove it, as a result of which complications arise in the future.

Women are interested in the period from which vacuum aspiration can be performed. According to the duration of the delay, from the third week of pregnancy, while such manipulation is carried out up to a maximum of 5 weeks.

Indications for mini-abortion

There are no special indications for performing this procedure. The key and sufficient indication is the woman’s desire to terminate the pregnancy. In addition, there are a number of indications, the presence of which requires termination of pregnancy in the early stages, of course, provided that the timing allows this:

    previous influenza, rubella and other infections during pregnancy;

    carrying a fetus is a threat to the life and health of a woman ( malignant tumors, renal or liver pathology severe, diabetes mellitus);


    frozen pregnancy;
    social indications (mother's stay in prison, rape).

Vacuum aspiration is used not only to terminate pregnancy, but also as a tool for solving other gynecological pathologies:

    incomplete spontaneous abortion;

    accumulation of serous fluid (serozometer) and blood (hematometer) in the uterine cavity;

    menstrual irregularities;

    retention of parts of the placenta after caesarean section or childbirth;

    remnants of the fertilized egg after surgical or pharmacological abortion;

    the need to perform an endometrial biopsy.

Contraindications for performing manipulation

Since mini-abortion is an invasive procedure and minor surgery, then there are a number of contraindications to this manipulation, as well as surgical termination of pregnancy:

    less than 6 months have passed since the previous abortion;

    blood clotting disorder;

    exacerbation of chronic or acute diseases organs that are located in the pelvis;

    infectious process of any localization (including herpes on the lips);


    ectopic pregnancy.

In addition, mini-abortion using a vacuum aspirator has individual contraindications:

    tumors of the uterus that deform its cavity;

    malformations of the uterus;

    pregnancy more than 5 weeks.

Examination before manipulation

Before undergoing a vacuum abortion, a woman must undergo the following examinations:

    blood for HIV infection, hepatitis C and B, syphilis;

    general analysis of urine and blood;

    if necessary, testing for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia);

    pregnancy test and ultrasound with a vaginal probe (required) to exclude ectopic pregnancy;

    taking smears from the urethra, cervical canal and vagina to determine the cleanliness of the vagina;

    medical examination on a gynecological chair to clarify the signs of pregnancy: softening and enlargement of the uterus, softening and cyanosis of the cervix.

In some clinics, a woman may be sent for a consultation with a therapist, biochemical analysis blood, determination of coagulability, Rh factor and group.

Mini-abortion technique

Almost all women are interested in the technique of performing a mini-abortion. In most cases, this manipulation is carried out in an outpatient clinic under local anesthesia. If desired, the patient may require general anesthesia, but this is not justified. A woman should prepare in advance:

    take a shower;

    shave pubic hair, since they complicate the procedure and contribute to the spread of infection;

    When performing the procedure under general anesthesia, the woman must refrain from drinking liquids and food on the day of the procedure.

The woman is placed on a gynecological chair, the external genitalia are treated with an anesthetic, and a Sims speculum (spoon, spoon-shaped speculum) is inserted into the vagina. Treat the walls of the vagina and cervix alcohol solution antiseptic (chlorhexidine, iodine).

After this, the cervix is ​​fixed using bullet forceps in order to level the angle between the body of the uterus and the cervix. The uterine cavity is measured using a uterine probe, which allows you to accurately determine its length and angle of deviation.

A plastic tube with a diameter of 5 to 12 mm is attached to the vacuum excoleator, which is inserted through the cervical canal, without its preliminary expansion, into the uterine cavity. The doctor performs back-and-forth and rotational movements along all the walls of the uterus, trying to detect and aspirate the fertilized egg (thanks to the translucent tube, it is clearly visible how the contents of the uterus are sucked out; the passage of chorionic tissue through the cannula indicates the removal of the chorion).

At the end of the procedure, the vaginal walls and cervix are re-treated with an antiseptic and the woman is placed on the couch for 30-40 minutes, with cold applied to the lower abdomen. A couple of hours after performing a mini-abortion, the patient can return to normal life. The manipulation itself takes about 5-10 minutes.

Local anesthesia is performed after fixing the cervix using bullet forceps, after which a solution is injected into the vaginal vaults local anesthetic(diacaine, lidocaine).

Benefits of mini-abortion

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages using the vacuum aspiration method has many advantages compared to surgical abortion in later stages:

    rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle;

    the risk of developing infertility is practically reduced;

    shorter rehabilitation period;

    due to the use of a flexible plastic cannula, the risk of damage to the cervix and uterine cavity is minimal (the risk of developing isthmic-cervical insufficiency and uterine perforation);

    does not require additional curettage of the uterine cavity, which is not only painful, but also traumatic;

    short duration of the operation (up to 10 minutes);

    You can use both general and local anesthesia;

    short term of pregnancy termination causes less harm woman's psyche.

Menstrual cycle and discharge after mini-abortion

After performing a mini-abortion, they must be present spotting. In the first days, the bleeding is insignificant, spotting, and after 3-5 days the discharge becomes more intense and becomes moderate. Most patients after an abortion mistake such discharge for the beginning of menstruation, which is completely wrong. Increased discharge at a given time is only a manifestation of hormonal changes in the body after forced termination of pregnancy and indicates the reaction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system to sharp decline progesterone levels.

For the onset of menstruation after a mini-abortion, the body requires about a month; it is during this time that the secretory and proliferative transformation of the endometrium occurs.

Therefore, the first menstruation after an abortion can be expected no earlier than 28-35 days (it all depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle, if it is 32 days, then the first menstruation from the moment of abortion will occur after 32 days). Complete restoration of the menstrual cycle in nulliparous women occurs after 7-9 months, whereas in those who give birth after 3-4. Of course, the process of restoring a normal cycle can be influenced by a number of factors:

    the nature of the menstrual cycle before the mini-abortion;

    patient's age;

    number of pregnancies and births in history;

    term of termination of pregnancy (the shorter the term, the less the effect on hormonal levels);

    the presence of somatic and gynecological diseases.

Possible complications

The risk of complications during a mini-abortion is close to zero, but the possibility of their development still cannot be excluded. And, accordingly, the more vacuum aspirations of the ovum in the history, the higher the likelihood of developing complications.

Perforation of the uterus

A puncture during chorionic aspiration occurs quite rarely, since metal instruments are not used during the manipulation process (with the exception of a probe). This complication, encountered during the procedure, manifests itself as a dagger pain.

Inflammation of the appendages and uterus or exacerbation of chronic diseases

As a rule, such a complication develops 4-5 days after the procedure and is associated either with a violation of the rules of asepsis, or with neglect of the examination, or with a woman’s violation of the rules of conduct during the rehabilitation period.

Hormonal imbalance

Especially often hormonal disorders develop in young girls who have not yet given birth; this is due to hormonal changes after premature termination of pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance can cause the development of ovarian dysfunction, menstrual irregularities and infertility.

Incomplete removal of the embryo

Since abortion is a blind operation, the possibility of failure to remove the entire chorion cannot be excluded, which can cause placental bleeding and the development of a polyp, which subsequently requires curettage of the uterine cavity.

Progressive pregnancy

When performing vacuum aspiration at particularly early stages, there is a high probability that the fertilized egg will not detach from the uterine wall, and as a result, the pregnancy will continue.


Women who have not given birth have a fairly narrow cervical canal, which can cause blockage of its lumen with a blood clot and filling of the uterine cavity with blood - a hematomer. If the effect from drug therapy no, it is necessary to perform mechanical expansion of the cervical canal with further curettage of the uterine cavity.

After undergoing the procedure, a woman must follow simple rules:

    if subjective signs of pregnancy persist (breast engorgement, vomiting, nausea), immediately visit a gynecologist;

    immediately after performing a mini-abortion, start taking tincture of water pepper and antibiotics;

    If you experience pain after the procedure, you should consult a doctor;

    avoiding hypothermia;

    do not overheat (exclude baths, saunas, steam baths);

    control check with a doctor after 10 days with an ultrasound;

    avoid pregnancy for six months;

    exclude sexual activity for more than two weeks, ideally for 4 weeks.
