Causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in men. Enuresis - how to avoid uncontrolled urine leakage in adults Signs of enuresis in adults

Urinary incontinence or enuresis in adult men is an involuntary loss of urine that cannot be stopped by force of will. In urology this state called incontinence. Pathology develops against the background of other disorders in the body.

This is enough sensitive issue, so most patients are in no hurry to contact urologists. Involuntary urination does not threaten the patient's life, but can lead to problems social adaptation(you need to use diapers, comes from the patient bad smell) or disability. Therefore, the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in men should be considered in detail.

Main causes of enuresis

The disease can occur at any age. Etiological factors, which cause incontinence, are usually divided into 2 groups: pathologies of the prostate gland and disorders of the nervous system.

Causes of urinary incontinence in men that are associated with prostate pathologies:

  • Benign hyperplasia organ. The pathology develops in patients of the older age group and is characterized by an increase in the size of the prostate gland. This leads to compression of the ureter and impaired enuresis. Main signs: frequent urge and pain when urinating, urine leakage. Therefore, patients often have to wear diapers. Such symptoms rarely occur in men under 40 years of age. However, by the age of 60, up to 50% of patients suffer from this pathology;
  • Performing a total prostatectomy. This surgical procedure involves complete removal prostate gland when organ cancer is detected. As side effects impaired potency develops, spontaneous leakage of urine;
  • Ionizing radiation. Often used during treatment for prostate cancer radiation therapy. As a result, the patient experiences urinary problems.

Urologists also identify neurogenic causes for urinary incontinence in men:

  • Diabetes. Disease in the absence effective therapy leads to the development of diabetic angiopathy. This causes disruption to many internal organs, including the brain. Therefore, there may be a violation of control over the pelvic organs;
  • Development of Parkinson's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis. These pathologies lead to damage to the nervous system. As a result, urinary disorders develop. The patient is unable to contain urine, so diapers are necessary;
  • Overactive bladder. The pathology is characterized by uncontrolled contraction of the smooth muscle fibers of the organ. Experts believe that the main cause of the condition is damage to nerve fibers. Characterized by frequent urination, sudden strong urge to go to the toilet, uncontrolled urine output;
  • Injuries spinal cord can cause a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses to the bladder, causing the development of enuresis in men.

Forms of urinary incontinence

Urologists distinguish 4 main forms of enuresis:

  1. Urgent incontinence. This is a common form of pathology in which the patient is unable to control urination. Characteristic is the occurrence of a sharp and strong urge to go to the toilet, after which urine begins to be released spontaneously. In such cases, patients have to use diapers. Even with a small filling Bladder a spasm occurs, which causes loss of urine. Additional provoking factors for this form of enuresis may be the sound of pouring water or touching liquid. The main reason for the development is an overactive bladder, tumors and infections. genitourinary system.
  2. Stress incontinence. This type of enuresis in adults is characterized by development after physical activity, nervous shocks. The cause of the pathology is a sharp increase in abdominal pressure during laughter, sneezing, coughing, lifting heavy objects, or loss of balance. A feature of stress incontinence is the absence of the urge to urinate. Urine is released in a small volume or dropwise.

  1. Overflow incontinence or paradoxical ischuria. The condition develops when the urethra is blocked against the background of prostate hypertrophy. It leads to incomplete emptying bladder, which provokes the development of inflammation. The volume of retained urine can reach 1 liter, causing cutting pain. This type of enuresis is characterized by constant slight uncontrollable urine discharge, frequent urge to urinate, dull pain above the womb, urine is released in a thin stream.
  2. Mixed form. IN in this case With urinary incontinence in men, signs of imperative and stress enuresis appear. According to statistics, about 32% of patients suffer from this form of the disease.

However, there are also other forms of incontinence, the total proportion of which does not exceed 5%: postoperative, temporary or transient (develops against the background of infections).

Carrying out diagnostic activities

To find out how to treat urinary incontinence in men, the presence of enuresis and the cause of its occurrence should be diagnosed. For this purpose, the attending physician prescribes the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of the prostate;
  • Carrying out “cough” tests (the method must be performed with a full bladder);
  • Urography using contrast agents to determine the presence of stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder;
  • Cystoscopy - this method allows you to visually examine the bladder using a special apparatus to exclude the presence of a tumor;
  • Uroflowmetry - the technique allows you to determine the volume of urine excreted;
  • Profilometry - a study helps to measure the pressure in the urethra.

If no pathologies are detected in the patient’s genitourinary system, then the patient needs to consult a neurologist. This will allow us to determine the neurological causes of male illness.

Features of enuresis therapy

Features in men are determined by the form and causes of enuresis. Usually therapeutic measures start with application simple techniques. Treatment should include changes in lifestyle, use medicines. If there is no effectiveness, surgical intervention is resorted to.

Lifestyle change

As part of the treatment of urinary incontinence in men, fluid intake should be limited. The patient must drink a certain amount of liquid at the appointed hour, and will need to plan a time to go to the toilet. In the initial stages of such bladder “training,” you may need to wear diapers.

Drug treatment

The following groups are used during therapy medicines:

  • Alpha blockers (Tamsulosin, Uroxatral). Allows you to relax the muscles of the prostate, ensuring normal outflow of urine. Used for urge incontinence;
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. The drugs reduce the production of hormones that provoke prostate enlargement;
  • Antidepressants (Imipramine). Allows you to relax the muscles, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses that provoke bladder spasms;
  • Antispasmodics. They help eliminate bladder spasm;
  • Botox. This new technique therapy that prevents the development of spastic contractions.


How to treat enuresis in adults if conservative therapy doesn't bring results? Surgery will be required. These methods are used in patients with nerve damage as a result of spinal injuries or total prostatectomy.

Therapy involves the installation of an artificial sphincter, which will allow you to empty the bladder in convenient time. This will help cope with incontinence, which develops against the background of weakness of the sphincter muscles. After surgery, patients will no longer need a diaper.

Sometimes a method of urinary diversion is used when the functionality of the bladder is lost. Surgeons create a special drainage channel for urine.

Urinary incontinence is a serious problem that can cause problems mental state sick. However, with proper therapy, it is possible to reduce the frequency of involuntary urination.

To understand this disease, it is necessary to become familiar with the anatomy and function of the bladder. Urine is produced in the kidneys and discharged through the ureter into the bladder, where it accumulates. The bladder is a hollow muscular organ that serves as a reservoir for urine before urination through the urethra (the tube that runs from the bladder to the outside). The bladder empties when the detrusor muscle, located in the wall of the bladder, contracts and pushes urine out of the body. At the same time, when the bladder contracts, the urinary sphincter relaxes. A relaxed sphincter acts as a door that opens, allowing urine to exit the body. For proper urination, contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation of the sphincter must occur simultaneously. Nerve endings in the muscle wall of the bladder produce acetylcholine, a substance characteristic of the receptors muscle cells, which helps contract. Signals along the nerve endings enter the cerebral cortex, informing that it is time to empty the bladder. This process is vegetative, i.e. not independently controlled. Overall, proper communication between nerves, muscles and the brain is a very complex process.


Many factors influence the occurrence of nocturnal enuresis in adults. Most adults with symptoms of enuresis may also experience urinary incontinence. daytime. It is necessary to know the symptoms associated with nocturnal enuresis, as they may precede urological diseases.

Firstly, nocturnal enuresis can be transmitted at the genetic level. Although not all people have enuresis hereditary disease. Studies have shown that if both parents have enuresis, the risk of bedwetting in children increases to 77%. If one parent suffers from urinary incontinence, then in 40% of cases the child has a risk of developing this disease.

ADH, or antidiuretic hormone, tells the kidneys to reduce the amount of urine produced. Typically, the body produces more ADH at night, which causes the kidneys to produce less urine. Reducing urine production at night allows people to sleep without having to urinate. However, in some people this hormone is not produced in the required quantities, leading to frequent urination at night time. This condition resembles the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Similar symptoms may occur in people with various diseases. You should consult a doctor if you suffer from diabetes or nocturnal enuresis.

Another cause of primary nocturnal enuresis is a “small” bladder. However, this does not mean that the bladder size of patients with nocturnal enuresis is actually smaller than that of other people. Instead, it means that the functional bladder capacity (FBC) is less, meaning the amount of urine the bladder can hold before sending a signal to the brain to urinate, is less than that of other people with the condition. Overactive contractions of the detrusor muscle mean that the muscle never fully relaxes, and therefore the bladder capacity is small.

Along with FEMP, hyperactivity or involuntary contraction detrusor also causes nocturnal enuresis. Detrusor overactivity is an involuntary contraction of the muscle that can lead to an episode of enuresis. Many studies have shown that increased level Detrusor contractions cause nocturnal enuresis. Detrusor overactivity is diagnosed in 70-80% of patients suffering from nocturnal enuresis. Bladder irritants such as alcohol and caffeine can also contribute to detrusor dysfunction. Additionally, other supplements that are used as diuretics also increase urine production.

Some drugs have been registered for which side effect is nocturnal enuresis, for example, sleeping pills, drugs for insomnia or drugs used in psychiatric practice. Also, obstructive sleep apnea or sleep disorders can cause nocturnal enuresis. Be sure to discuss any prescribed medications and their side effects with your doctor.

Many studies confirm that secondary enuresis in adults is common serious symptom underlying disease that needs to be examined. This type Enuresis is accompanied by other symptoms and often manifests itself as daytime urinary incontinence.

In adults, primary nocturnal enuresis is often the result of problems with urethra, for example, prostatic or general obstruction of the bladder outlet. These problems may be related to the prostate in men or pelvic prolapse organ in women.

Additional causes of secondary enuresis may include diabetes, infection urinary tract, urinary tract stones, neurological disorders, anatomical disorders, prostate enlargement, bladder cancer and obstructive syndrome. In rare cases, severe anxiety or emotional disorder may cause enuresis in adults.


Most informative method diagnostics - history of your disease and information about habits. Write down your daily activities and established routine for the duration of the day. at least, two days before medical examination. These details will help your doctor determine the cause and severity of the condition.

Record your daily urination times, day and night.

  • When do enuresis episodes occur (time of day)?
  • Amount of urine excreted?
  • Do you drink a lot of fluids before bed?
  • What drinks do you drink? (sweet coffee, caffeinated or artificially sweetened, or carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, etc.)
  • How does urination occur? (is the urine stream strong and continuous, or is there any difficulty?)
  • Are there any recurrent urinary tract infections?
  • Number of “wet” and “dry” nights?

Also, note any other signs associated with nocturnal enuresis, such as night sweats.

Any information can help the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

When you see a doctor, you must provide full information and all details related to personal and family history of the disease, as well as information about taking any medications. In addition, you should consult a doctor to rule out other serious problems, which may cause nocturnal enuresis as a side effect.

The doctor's appointment includes:

  • Medical checkup
  • Neurological assessment
  • Urinolysis and urine culture are different tests that determine the content of urine.

Additional methods:

  • Uroflowmetry: a method of testing urination, which is performed in a specialized tube that measures the speed, amount of urine and time of urination.
  • Residual urine volume: Ultrasound is used to determine the volume of urine after urination.

For other problems it is possible additional methods diagnostics


For primary (persistent) nocturnal enuresis, treatment is used at any age.

Pharmacological therapy

There are various medications available to treat nocturnal enuresis. They can be used alone or in combination with behavioral treatments, which are mentioned above and are most effective. Many studies have shown that medications can be effective in reducing wet nights when used over a long period of time. In other words, as soon as treatment is stopped, the disease recurs because medications are aimed at eliminating the symptoms and not the causes of the disease. You should consult a doctor before starting any treatment.

Surgical treatment methods

Surgery is necessary in cases of severe detrusor overactivity, or if other treatment methods are unsuccessful. All treatment methods should be discussed with your doctor.

Help during treatment

Help is available to help treat bedwetting.

Mattress Covers: There are many items available to protect your bed, such as vinyl, waterproof and absorbent mattress covers, or sheet protectors that can make cleaning easier.

Absorbent Briefs: Specially designed underwear that absorbs liquid and prevents involuntary leakage of urine. Reusable and accessible to anyone. For those with skin prone to irritation, best choice are absorbent swimming trunks.

Skin care products: There are many products available to protect the skin from the irritation and sensitivity that occurs with bedwetting. There are soaps, lotions and cleansing wipes for various types skin.

Enuresis is a disease characterized by the inability to hold urine, mainly occurring at night. Nocturnal enuresis is urinary incontinence during sleep, which causes discomfort in the patient.
The disease is much more common in children, but causes more problems for adults. Thus, it is difficult for an adult to overcome the feeling of shame, and developed complexes prevent them from seeking help from a doctor. The problem of bedwetting has its own treatment methods. Adult enuretics who for a long time They were ashamed of the illness and felt relief after the first sessions of therapeutic therapy.

Contents of the article:

The disease and its types

When diagnosing urinary incontinence, a urologist determines its type:

  1. Primary;
  2. Secondary.

Primary nocturnal enuresis is characterized by uncontrolled urination during sleep. The secondary type is characterized by a long-term remission of the patient, after which the disease manifests itself again.

To the reasons causing this disease, can be attributed to:

  1. immaturity urinary system, urinary tract;
  2. dysfunction of the nervous system (damage or pathology of the brain can be the cause of depressed urination reflexes);
  3. diseases of the urinary and reproductive system, characterized by an infectious nature;
  4. tumors or stones;
  5. genetic predisposition to the disease.

The genitourinary system itself may be the cause of the development of the disease. Any anatomical disorder, pathology or abnormality of the organs (insufficient elasticity of the walls, very thick walls or small size of the bladder) can be the cause of enuresis.

Nocturnal enuresis can be caused not only by physiological reasons, but also psychological factors. Stress, anxiety, and anxiety can cause nocturnal enuresis in adults.
In women over the age of 45, the disease occurs three times more often than in men.

In adulthood, the causes of incontinence may be the following:

  1. reduction in bladder size;
  2. loss of elasticity of the walls of the bladder;
  3. decreased tone of the muscles that close the exit to the urethra;
  4. stress;
  5. diabetes;
  6. inflammation of the urinary or genital organs.

Enuresis is urinary incontinence. During the day, the symptom in men occurs much less frequently than at night. Bedwetting is characterized by involuntary urination during sleep. Men suffer from this disease of different ages. Enuresis may be a signal of the presence of a serious pathology ( multiple sclerosis or prostate cancer), so it is important to see a doctor. Treatment is possible with the help of medications and folk remedies.

Causes of enuresis in men

There are a number of reasonsoccurrence of enuresis in adultsmen:

Cause Description
Congenital pathologies of the urinary systemLeads to incontinence small size bladder, inelasticity of the walls or their excessive thickness
Hormonal imbalance in the bodyIn some cases, under the influence of hormones alone, the volume of urine produced increases, but the hormones that are necessary for kidney function are not enough. As a result, it is produced a large number of urine that the bladder cannot stand
Presence of tumorsThe tumor interferes with the conduction of normal nerve signals from the bladder to the brain
Elderly ageThe older a man is, the weaker the connection between neurons. The impulse from the bladder to the brain is not transmitted as intensely, which causes urinary incontinence
Weak bladder sphincterThe sphincter is a circular muscle that at a certain moment contracts and closes the lumen of the bladder. This process allows urine to accumulate. To empty the bladder, a man relaxes the sphincter, but with age the muscle weakens. At night, the bladder becomes full and urine leaks out.
Stroke, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuryThese diseases damage nervous system, which significantly increases the risk of
In this case, uncontrolled contraction of the bladder muscles occurs. An overactive bladder is accompanied by symptoms such as a sudden strong urge, frequent urination, leakage of urine immediately after
Benign prostatic hyperplasiaThis is an increase. Prostate compresses the ureter, which causes urination problems
Previous prostatectomySurgery is used in the treatment of cancer. Sometimes a side effect after surgery is urinary incontinence.


The method of treatment is selected individually, depending on the cause and severity of the disease. Therapy begins with simple methods. If there is no effect, drug treatment is prescribed.

Many men manage to cope with incontinence after quitting bad habits, keeping a sleep schedule, doing physical exercises.


To avoid problems at night, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Reduce the amount of liquid you drink in the afternoon. 4 hours before bedtime, completely avoid taking it. Wherein daily norm You should drink water before lunch.
  • Avoid products with a diuretic effect - watermelon, beer, coffee, tea, cranberry juice, birch bud decoction.
  • Choose a mattress with increased rigidity. This helps maintain spinal column anatomically correct position. Also, the nerve fibers will not be compressed, which improves the signal from the bladder to the brain.
  • When sleeping, place a pillow under your feet. This reduces pressure on the bladder sphincter.
  • If these methods are ineffective, you can set the alarm 2-3 hours after falling asleep. At the same time, the time must be changed 2-3 times a week so as not to accustom the body to waking up at night.
  • Avoid alcohol completely.
  • Avoid stressful situations.


While emptying the bladder, you should try to stop the flow. Alternate tension and relaxation of muscles helps to strengthen them.

The basic basis of all exercises are 3 techniques:

  1. 1. Compression technique. It consists of sequential contraction and relaxation of the muscles that regulate the flow of urine. The interval between compressions at the beginning should be 3 seconds, gradually this figure is increased to 20 seconds. While performing this technique, you need to tense your muscles as much as possible, then gradually relax. The relaxation process takes the same amount of time as compression.
  2. 2. Technique of muscle contractions. This is a rhythmic and rapid contraction of muscles, and it is important to maintain the rhythm. At the beginning of classes, the speed of change of tension and relaxation will be small, gradually the pace increases.
  3. 3. Techniquepushing out. It activates the muscles that are responsible for pushing when urinating. In this case, the muscles need to be tensed as if pushing out. The sensations are similar to the process of defecation.

Kegel exercises

The Kegel complex works the pelvic muscles. Thanks to this, patients can control the process of urination. However, the effect is only possible if the execution technique is followed. If the exercises are done in violation, then positive dynamics will not be observed. The number of repetitions should not exceed 30 times.

Set of exercises:

  1. 1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, knees not bent. Hands on buttocks. The pelvis performs circular movements in an upward-inward direction. During the exercise, tense your muscles as much as possible pelvic floor.
  2. 2. Standing on all fours. The back is relaxed, the head is lowered on crossed arms. Perform downward movements with your pelvis.
  3. 3. Lying on your stomach, bend one leg at the knee. In this position, perform 3 techniques - compression, contraction, pushing. After this, change the leg and repeat the complex.
  4. 4. Lying on your back, knees bent. One of the hands is located on the lower abdomen, palm down, the other - under the lower back. Do deep breath, and as you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as possible. Hold this position for 1 minute. At this time, perform the compression, contraction and pushing technique. As you exhale, relax your stomach.
  5. 5. Take the lotus position. Sitting, cross your legs, straighten your back. Perform movements of the pelvis inward and upward, tensing the muscles.
  6. 6. Standing, bend your legs slightly at the knees and rest your hands on them. In this position, move your pelvis inward and upward.

Kegel exercises are contraindicated:

  • patients who have undergone abdominal surgery on the stomach;
  • in the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the pelvic and prostate areas;
  • in acute inflammatory or infectious process.

Improvement occurs after 2 weeks of regular exercise.


Physiotherapy procedures are safe, painless and have no side effects. The main effect of this treatment is based on the passage of a weak current discharge throughout the body. This improves nerve and muscle regulation.

To get rid of enuresis, use:

  • electrosleep (to restore the nervous system);
  • darsonval on the bladder area to strengthen the sphincter;
  • electrophoresis to improve the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • magnetic therapy, which causes the walls of the bladder to relax, so it will empty less often.

Some people benefit from reflexology:

  • acupuncture;
  • mud therapy;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • ozokerite on the bladder area;
  • taking nitrogen, pine, salt baths;
  • circular shower.

Drug treatment

To choose drugs for the treatment of enuresis, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. This should only be done by a specialist. Essential medicines:

Drugs Name Action
Alpha blockersUroxatral, TerazosinThe tablets are used for enuresis caused by an enlarged prostate gland. The drugs help relax the prostate muscles, ensuring normal urine flow and preventing pathological contraction of the bladder walls
5-alpha reductase inhibitorsFinasteride, DutasterideThese drugs inhibit the production male hormones, which enlarge the representative gland. The prostate shrinks to normal sizes, urination improves
Tricyclic antidepressantsImipramine, TofranilThey relax muscular system and block impulses that cause bladder spasm
AntispasmodicsSpazmexMedicines used to relax the bladder
Hormonal drugsDesmopressinThis is an artificial hormone that reduces at night. At in serious condition Maybe intravenous administration drug

Traditional methods

Folk remedies for the treatment of enuresis have proven effective with an integrated approach:

Ingredients Action Mode of application
DillIt fights inflammation in the urinary organs and promotes quick deliverance from enuresis. Dill is not recommended for people with high blood pressure1 tbsp. l. pour dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then strain the product and drink it in one go. Treatment lasts a week
St. John's wortSt. John's wort helps restore organ function urinary system, improves sleep, reduces stress levelsPour 40 g of St. John's wort into 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain and drink the medicine throughout the day instead of tea for 2 weeks
Rose hipThe plant has beneficial properties, which are used in the treatment of enuresis. Rosehip is rich ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E4 tbsp. l. Boil the fruits of the plant over low heat in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes. At the end add 2 tbsp. l. rosehip flowers. Remove the broth from heat, cool and drink 1 glass 2 times a day.
Nettle, marshmallow root, yarrowThis collection is effective even at an advanced stage of the disease. In old age, the dosage should be reduced by 2 timesIn the evening, pour dry ingredients (100 g each of nettle leaves and marshmallow root, 70 g of yarrow) into a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water. The next day drink instead of tea

The definition of “enuresis” came to us from Latin language and translated means “urinary incontinence.” The disease is common in all age groups. But if in children it is only medical problem, then enuresis in adult men and women is social in nature. About 7% of men under the age of 65 suffer from a urinary disorder. According to new research conducted in the United States, in the past few years, the number of newly diagnosed cases in young people over 18 years of age has increased by as much as 25%. This dysfunction leads to constant stress, violation social activities, isolation and the formation of many complexes.

Urinary incontinence in men is not just a medical problem

There are several types of incontinence caused by for various reasons. Urinary dysfunction occurs mainly at night, during sleep, but can also occur during the day. The branch of medicine that studies this problem is called urology. A urologist will help you establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Mechanism of development, causes and symptoms

Two systems are involved in controlling the process of urination: the urinary and nervous systems. Urine (the end product of the kidneys) accumulates in the bladder. The volume of the bladder in an adult is up to 1.5 liters. Ability to retain urine explained anatomical features: the presence of external and internal sphincters (special ring-shaped muscles), which are held in a closed state and, when the bladder is full, block the exit from it. The external sphincter is located at the level of the pelvic floor (layers of muscles that make up the perineum). When the sphincters relax, incontinence appears, regardless of the cause. Due to the structural features of the body, women are more prone to urinary problems.

The causes of urinary disorders should be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Stressful. Often found among women. Occurs due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, with a sharp impact on the bladder (coughing, laughing, lifting heavy objects, sudden change of position).
  2. Urgentny. Other names are imperative, imperative. There is a strong, uncontrollable signal to urinate. A person is unable to control or suppress it, the need to empty the bladder is so strong. On average, the urge occurs every two hours, during the day and during night sleep. The signal intensity does not depend on the degree of bladder filling.
  3. Mixed. Combines the first types.

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to hide their problem

These three types account for up to 95% of the causes of urinary incontinence. The remaining 5% include postoperative, overfilling and temporary (transient) incontinence.

According to the frequency of occurrence, episodes of enuresis can be single (irregular, temporary) and constant (regular).

Single episodes are observed in the following conditions:

  • constipation, when filled intestinal loops put pressure on the wall of the bladder and disrupt the functioning of the sphincters;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis);
  • urolithiasis;
  • acute respiratory diseases. Inflammation in the lungs or bronchi leads to a severe hacking cough, which causes urinary incontinence (an example of a stress mechanism);
  • diabetes, when in addition to fluid overload, innervation is disrupted ( neural regulation) in the work of sphincters;
  • taking diuretics and calcium channel blockers.


If urinary incontinence occurs due to one of the above conditions, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely prescribed treatment will prevent the process from becoming chronic, which means that the symptoms of enuresis will be completely resolved.

Causes of persistent urinary incontinence:

  • Pathology of the central and peripheral nervous system: condition after cerebral stroke, spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries, Alzheimer's disease, intervertebral hernia, tumor processes brain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis.
  • Chronic diseases of the urinary system ( chronic cystitis, urethritis).
  • Benign neoplasms (prostate adenoma in men, uterine fibroids in women).
  • Malignant tumors (prostate cancer in men).
  • Conditions after trauma to the pelvis or genital organs.
  • Relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. The cause of this condition in the male half of the population, in most cases, is a condition after surgical treatment about prostatitis.

Impaired urination in these pathologies can occur both at night and during the day. The duration of manifestations of enuresis after operations varies. For some men, symptoms resolve within a few weeks, but in other cases they persist for years without treatment.

Enuresis due to alcohol consumption

Enuresis can be caused by excessive drinking

Alcoholic enuresis occupies a special place. This type of disorder occurs during alcohol intoxication. Experts do not classify it as an independent disease, but consider it as a syndrome associated with alcohol consumption.

There are a number of reasons behind the development of alcoholic enuresis:

  1. Intoxication. Toxins contained in alcoholic beverages negatively affect the peripheral nervous system, contributing to sphincter dysfunction.
  2. Overloading the body with fluid volume, and alcohol has a high diuretic effect.
  3. Depression of consciousness. Able alcohol intoxication sleep becomes deeper. An adult man cannot control the urge to urinate, either while awake or while asleep. There are often no memories of what happened.
  4. Progression with age. Normally, the muscle tone of the pelvic floor weakens over the years. And when this is combined with alcoholism and physical inactivity, the process accelerates significantly. The likelihood of enuresis increases significantly.

Beer has a pronounced diuretic effect

Alcoholic drinks that have the highest diuretic effect include beer, wine, ale, and herbal tinctures. Vodka, cognac and whiskey significantly violate water-electrolyte balance(the ratio of salts to fluid in the body) and the work of the adrenal glands. Combination alcoholic drinks leads to increased effects on the kidneys, with an increased risk of enuresis in men.

There is no specific treatment for alcoholic urinary incontinence. Needs to be eliminated main reason: Avoid alcohol. It is required to adhere to the principles of a correct lifestyle. You will need to consult a urologist, and if you cannot give up alcohol on your own, a narcologist.

Diagnosis in adulthood

If signs of uncontrolled urination appear in men, regardless of whether it occurs occasionally or constantly, at night or during the day, you will need comprehensive examination. Diagnostics include:

  • careful study of the anamnesis (history of the development of the disease), filling out special questionnaires by the patient, keeping a diary of “urinary incontinence” (such diaries are filled out at home for three days, then the result is provided to the urologist so that he can assess the total volume of urine per day, the ratio of urination during the day and at night, in a dream);
  • urological examination;
  • laboratory tests: general and biochemical tests blood, general analysis urine, daily urine collection result;

Container with urine for general analysis

Carrying out the complex diagnostic measures will allow us to establish as accurately as possible the nature of the development of enuresis, carry out differential diagnosis between possible reasons and begin proper treatment.

How to treat enuresis in adults?

Treatment of enuresis in adults is a complex process. It includes conservative and surgical methods. TO conservative methods troubleshooting include:

  • special physical exercise aimed at restoring muscle tone of the pelvic floor;
  • compliance with the drinking regime: the total volume of liquid should be 1.5-2 liters per day, it is forbidden to drink 2-3 hours before bedtime, avoid excessive consumption of coffee and tea;
  • diet therapy: limit the consumption of spicy and salty foods that retain fluid in the body;
  • restriction or exclusion of alcoholic beverages;
  • physiotherapy: electrical stimulation, magnetic therapy;
  • use of medicines and folk remedies.

Choice medical product depends on the cause of enuresis. If nocturnal enuresis in adults is primary, medications are used that increase muscle tone of the pelvic floor, antispasmodics (reduce smooth muscle tension), and nootropics. To reduce urine production at night, the hormone desmopressin is prescribed, an artificial substance that has an antidiuretic effect. It comes in the form of a nasal spray. In severe cases of enuresis, intravenous administration is possible.

If adult enuresis is secondary, therapy is aimed at the underlying disease. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormonal drugs according to indications. If incontinence develops after alcohol, detoxification therapy is carried out. For mild enuresis, treatment at home is possible, otherwise hospitalization in a hospital is indicated.

The effect of several folk ways how to cure enuresis in an adult. Patients give good feedback for the use of honey water. In the evening, but 2-3 hours before bedtime, you need to dilute a teaspoon of honey in half a glass of water. The course of treatment at home is 3 months. You can dissolve honey not in plain water, but in an infusion of herbs (chamomile, linden, birch).

Traditional method of treating urinary incontinence

Choice surgical method Treatment for male enuresis also depends on the cause. In case of oncological pathology it is indicated radical surgery after the biopsy. When the prostate is enlarged, balloon dilatation of the urethra or canal resection of the prostate gland is used. Resolving the issue of conducting surgical treatment for enuresis in adults is taken jointly by the attending urologist and surgeon.

Whatever the reason for the development of enuresis, timely contact with a specialist will improve the quality of life, choose the right medicine and avoid undesirable consequences.
