Rinse your nose with saline solution. Rinsing the nose with saline: indications, proportions, features of the procedure. Preparation of a solution based on sea salt


Dear readers, the morning hygiene routine of each of us usually includes a shower and brushing your teeth. Some of us are more hygienic. Not so long ago we talked about. And today I want to tell you about another useful procedure - washing the nose.

What kind of procedure is this, why is it so important to carry it out every day, what diseases can it help with, how to rinse your nose correctly, and we will talk with you about many other things.

Some of us have been familiar with nasal lavage since childhood, when it was recommended by a pediatrician for a cold. And it was used on a par with gargling. Nowadays, in the ENT room, you can find special devices for mechanical washing of the nose, and official medicine recommends this procedure for certain diseases.

Interestingly, the ancient Indian medicine of Ayurveda, which is about 5 thousand years old, even today devotes to washing the nose great importance, and as part of the teachings of yoga relates this procedure to cleansing the body and to streamline thoughts. So why do you need to rinse your nose?

Washing the nose. Why rinse your nose

The human nose is normally covered with a thin layer of mucus, which healthy condition does not interfere with us at all and is a barrier that traps various microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or simply foreign bodies and dust that enters the nose along with the inhaled air, from penetration into the respiratory system.

Now imagine what accumulates in the nose and paranasal sinuses by the end of the day of a resident of a large metropolis, when he comes home from work. And if, moreover, a person works in hazardous production, for example, in a weaving factory. Dead cells of the internal regions of the nose and harmful microflora should also be added here. Knowing all this, it becomes clear without further discussion why it is simply necessary to rinse the nose every day.

Also valuable property washing the nose is that with the help of this procedure you can protect yourself from the disease during epidemics, i.e. during the cold period. The fact is that the nasal cavity, throat and ear are interconnected. During an epidemic, for example, influenza, the pathogen enters the body most often through the nose, and if you do not prevent it, then it easily continues its way into the throat and ear. The lightest and in a simple way not to get sick is just to wash it off.

If you are already sick, have a cold, then washing your nose helps to remove plaque, excess mucus, pus, which are an excellent environment for the growth of infection. In addition, you should be aware that if you use cold remedies without first washing your nose, then the medicines will get into the nasal secretions and simply be removed from the nose without having time to act. In addition, with a runny nose, this procedure helps to clear the nose without resorting to medication.

I remember how my daughters, when they were small, asked me to prepare a solution for washing their nose. I just felt relief after the procedure.

It should also be said that with age, some nasal congestion becomes the norm. Washing allows you to restore normal breathing.

Washing the nose. Indications for use in diseases

In addition, nasal lavage has a good therapeutic effect in the following diseases:

  • allergy - removes, washes off the allergen from internal surfaces nose
  • chronic rhinitis (rhinitis), including allergic;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, etc.);
  • tonsillitis,
  • adenoiditis,
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma etc.).
  • headache,
  • fatigue,
  • myopia, farsightedness,
  • insomnia, depression,
  • nervous exhaustion.

How to rinse your nose at home. Nasal wash solutions

To prepare a solution for washing the nose, you should use clean dishes, boiled water, and the temperature of the liquid itself should be as close as possible to body temperature, i.e. to 36.6o C.

Pay Special attention to the water temperature! A very important point so as not to burn nasal cavity!

After preparing the solution, strain it to avoid irritation of the nasal mucosa.

If after or during the procedure you feel a burning sensation or other discomfort in the nose, then make the solution weaker, since everyone has a different sensitivity threshold.

How to rinse your nose with salt water

The simplest type of nasal rinse solution is saline. To prepare it, dissolve 0.5-1 tsp. salt in 1 tbsp. warm water.

How to rinse your nose with saline

A variety of saline nasal wash is saline, which is sold in a pharmacy and is a sterile 0.9% solution of salt in distilled water.

Also in pharmacies, a large number of drugs for washing the nose are on sale. All of them contain saline.

Nasal solution with iodine

To enhance the bactericidal properties of saline, a few drops of iodine are added to it. Enough 1-2 drops of iodine. The remaining proportions are the same: for 1 cup of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Sea salt for the nose

Also, to prepare a solution for washing the nose, sea salt is used, which is best bought at a pharmacy. The proportions are the same as in the recipe with regular salt.

Soda-salt solution

During the period of the disease, a soda-salt solution, which is prepared at the rate of 0.5 tsp, has a good bactericidal effect. salt, 0.5 tsp soda for 1 tbsp. water. This solution can be used 1-2 times a week.

Other Nasal Wash Solution Recipes

For washing the nose, you can do herbal infusions using, for example, calendula flowers, eucalyptus tincture, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. or just regular black or green tea. There are recommendations to brew medicinal plants in saline.

Also, for washing the nose, you can use ordinary mineral water without gas.

Nasal irrigation devices

To wash the nose, a vessel with a narrow elongated spout or neck is used. Yogis use a special container for this purpose, which is called a neti pot and resembles a small teapot with a long spout. Neti pot can be bought at specialty stores, where everything is sold for the study of oriental culture.

If you did not manage to buy a yoga teapot, do not be discouraged, as we have special plastic and rubber nose wash devices for sale in our pharmacies. There you can also buy kits, which, in addition to the device itself, also include a certain number of sachets with a nasal wash, which you just need to dissolve in water.

In the pharmacy more than once I bought such devices. Very simple and affordable for home use Dolphin, Aqualor, Aqua Maris and some others. And they are inexpensive, and it is simple and easy to use.

In addition, there is certainly something suitable in the house. It can be: a mug with a spout, an ordinary teapot, a drink bottle with a sports cap like cyclists, a large plastic bottle of nasal drops, etc. Some use a syringe or a rubber bulb for the procedure.

Which device to choose depends entirely on the comfort that you will experience during the procedure. Also remember that devices with which water is supplied to the nose under pressure (syringe, rubber bulb, etc.) should be handled very carefully and not create a strong jet. I still would not recommend using a syringe - this is more a procedure for conducting with medical institutions.

How to rinse your nose at home

There are several ways to rinse your nose.

Method "from nostril to nostril" or yogic

Tilt your head over the washbasin, and now tilt it slightly to one side so that one nostril is higher than the other. Open your mouth slightly and into that nostril that is higher, pour in the prepared liquid, which will flow from the other nostril, which is lower.

Do the same with the other nostril. For washing each nostril, approximately 150-250 ml will be required. liquids. It should also be remembered that during the procedure, the head should not be placed on the shoulder, otherwise the poured liquid may enter the ear and lead to otitis media.

Nose-to-mouth method

This method helps to cleanse not only the nose, but also the throat and is used for various inflammations throat, sore throat, inflamed tonsils, with the onset of a cold, and also as a preventive measure.

Tilt your head back, open your mouth and stick out your tongue slightly. Now pour a small amount of the prepared liquid into the nostril: the water immediately enters the throat and must be spit out. Throw your head back and pour some water into the same nostril, i.e. at this method water is not poured immediately, but in parts. Do the same actions with the other nostril.

Method "through nose retraction" or Muslim

This method is the easiest. Dial the washing liquid in the palms of your hands, folded in a boat, and pull it in with your nose. Fluid enters the throat and must be spit out.

How to properly rinse your nose. How often can you rinse your nose

During washing, the nose must ALWAYS breathe. Otherwise, the poured liquid, instead of pouring out, can penetrate into the ear and then otitis media may occur: then you cannot do without a doctor.

  • As a hygiene procedure, the nose can be washed in the morning, before meals or in the evening.
  • With a runny nose or for treatment, the number of procedures can be increased up to 3-4 times a day, 1-2 hours after eating.
  • Be sure to check the "workability" of the nose, i.e. is it not booked. If there is any doubt, then 10 minutes before the procedure, be sure to use vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Nasonex, Nazol, Naphthyzin, etc.
  • After the procedure, be sure to blow your nose well to remove residual fluid from the nasal cavities.
  • Fluid from the nose can flow for another 15-20 minutes after washing, so you should not perform the procedure immediately before bedtime.
  • Half an hour after the procedure summer time and 1-2 hours in winter you should not go outside to avoid hypothermia.

How to rinse your nose. Contraindications

For all its obvious usefulness, this procedure has contraindications. It:

  • neoplasms of the nasal cavity,
  • epilepsy,
  • predisposition to otitis media, as well as otitis media in any form,
  • other ear diseases
  • obstruction of the nose, which cannot be removed with vasoconstrictor drugs,
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane.

Although there are recommendations to rinse the nose with therapeutic purpose with a tendency to nosebleeds, but there is also an opinion that this should not be done, since this procedure can provoke bleeding. If you suffer from this disease, then before doing a flush, consult a doctor you trust.

For the same reason, consult your doctor if you suffer from polyps.

Also, difficulties with this procedure may occur in people with a deviated nasal septum.

Also, during the first few procedures for washing the nose, you may experience:

  • slight headache,
  • slight stuffy ears
  • sneezing,
  • slight burning sensation in the nose,
  • redness of the eyes.

Here is the information for today. And soon we will talk about how to rinse the nose of a child. Follow the blog post.

And for the soul, we will listen today to Alfred Schnittke Declaration of love

Very artistic and so poignant.. Amazing music. Give yourself a mood.

see also



    07 Sep 2018 at 13:35








    21 Mar 2017 at 13:39

The procedure does not require special skills and abilities. Even a child can easily master it. Positive effect from nasal lavages will not keep you waiting. With prolonged bacterial rhinitis, this procedure is mandatory for effective treatment.

Why rinsing the nose with saline is effective

Normally, we breathe through our nose. Together with the air we inhale microscopic dust particles. Under certain conditions (for example, if someone sneezes nearby), microbes enter the air. The nasal mucosa is constantly moistened. All this dust and microbes settle on the mucosa, "stick" to it. This mechanism prevents the spread of various contaminants from the air deeper into the respiratory tract.

In most cases, the common cold is viral, bacterial or allergenic in nature. Consider what happens in our nose with a runny nose.

  1. Settled viruses, bacterial cells or allergens cause a complex of protective reactions, the main of which is mucosal hypersecretion. Its purpose is the mechanical washing out of foreign particles and microorganisms from the nose. As a result, their concentration decreases.
  2. In the case of a viral-bacterial rhinitis, on the 3rd-4th day, a transparent liquid secret begins to change its structure (compacts, becomes more viscous) and color (changes to yellow or green).
  3. The mucosa swells, congestion appears.
  4. The purulent process that has begun slows down, and often completely stops, the natural drainage of the mucosa.
  5. The concentration of pathogens in the nasal cavity increases.
  6. Periodic purulent runny nose is always a harbinger of sinusitis (sinusitis and / or frontal sinusitis).

What happens when we flush our nose with saline?

  • We help the mucosa to restore effective drainage;
  • reduce the amount of secretory secretions in the nasal cavity;
  • reduce the viscosity of secretory secretions;
  • mechanically wash off microbes and allergens from the mucosa;
  • reduce the concentration of microbial flora in the nose;
  • improve the immunity of the nasopharynx;
  • relief breathing.

What diseases does washing help with?

Viral and bacterial rhinitis

You should start rinsing your nose saline solution at the first sign of a cold. In most cases, a runny nose starts as a viral infection and then progresses to a bacterial form.


Hygiene of the nasal cavity is of fundamental importance for sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. Patients with chronic sinusitis who start flushing at the first sign of a runny nose and perform the procedure three times a day for 1-2 weeks note a decrease in the number of exacerbations.


In the chronic form, washing the nose with saline can reduce the likelihood of exacerbations. Salt has an aseptic property: washings are prescribed after removal of the adenoids, in combination with antibiotics in acute phase illness.

How to prepare a saline solution

To prepare a saline solution for washing the nose, you will need:

  • Boiled water (tap is suitable, but filtered);
  • salt (sea or table - does not matter).

For effective and painless washing, two rules must be observed:

  • Make a solution of a certain concentration;
  • rinse with a solution of a certain temperature.

Salt concentration

If the solution is not salty enough, the procedure will become unpleasant:

  • You will feel a burning sensation;
  • mucosa will increase secretion;
  • congestion occurs;
  • redden eyes.

If the solution is too salty, this will lead to overdrying of the mucosa due to the too pronounced aseptic effect of salt on the cells. Despite the fact that it is easier to rinse with a slightly oversalted solution than with a heavily undersalted one, the consequences of exposure to a solution with increased concentration salts can be felt for several hours after the procedure in the form of unpleasant dryness, burning and itching.

solution temperature

It should be borne in mind that upon contact with the mucous membrane, the solution must have a temperature similar to it - i.e. 36 C. Maybe 1-2 degrees less.

If the temperature of the solution is lower, then this will lead to cooling of the mucosa and, depending on individual characteristics, may cause an additional decrease in the protective function.

If the water temperature is above 36 C, it will stimulate the expansion blood vessels. There may be congestion, and in some prone individuals, nosebleeds.

Due to the need to comply with the temperature regime, it makes no sense to prepare a solution for washing for future use.

How to rinse your nose with salt water

Never suck saline solution in with your nose! This is the wrong way to wash.

Rinse your nose by gravity.

Instructions on how to rinse your nose with salt water at home with a runny nose:

  1. Take a small container with a spout like a teapot or mini watering can.
  2. Stand in front of a sink or place a container in front of you into which the spent solution will drain.
  3. Lean forward, bending at the waist as if you are about to wash your face.
  4. Turn your head in right side, look sideways and slightly up.
  5. Inhale and hold your breath. Keep your mouth open.
  6. Bring the spout of the teapot to the right nasal passage.
  7. Tilt the kettle so that the saline solution begins to pour into your nose.
  8. The solution, filling the nasal cavity, will begin to flow out of the opposite nostril.
  9. Continue 5 s.
  10. Remove the kettle from your nose.
  11. Blow your nose without holding your nose.
  12. Turn your head in left side and repeat the steps described in paragraphs 5-11.
  13. Alternate flushing through the right and left nostril by doing 2 times in each direction.

To rinse your nose with saline, you can also use an otorhinolaryngological device: Dolphin (pressure flush) or Aqua Maris (gravity flush). Flush with these devices in accordance with their instructions for use.

An important note to properly rinse your nose with salt water:

The washing procedure should be carried out in the absence of congestion. If the nose "does not breathe", then it is necessary to forcibly narrow the swollen mucosa: first drip drops that narrow the vessels.

How to wash the nose of a baby

To wash the nose of an infant, the kettle is not suitable. They can hurt the baby. In addition, at this age it is not required to shed such volumes of solution.

Use tiny cotton swabs.

  1. Prepare the solution as described above.
  2. Lay the baby on its side (or on its back with its head turned).
  3. Soak a small piece of cotton wool in the solution.
  4. Insert a cotton swab into the right or left nostril and lightly squeeze the spout so that the solution from the cotton swab enters the new passage.
  5. Take out the cotton.
  6. Use an aspirator to remove excess from the nose.
  7. Repeat with the opposite nasal passage.

How to rinse the nose of a child 1, 2, 3 years old at home

A 1-year-old child is washed with a nose with a pipette.

  1. Prepare a solution.
  2. Lay the child on its side.
  3. Take an ordinary pipette, type the solution into it.
  4. Drop 2-4 drops of the solution into the nasal passage.
  5. Use an aspirator to remove excess from the nose.
  6. Turn the child's head to the opposite side or turn the child on the other side and repeat the steps described in paragraphs 3-5.

The amount of instilled solution can be gradually increased to 8-10 drops.

To rinse the nose of a child after 2 years, you can continue to use a pipette or take a syringe for the same purpose. The technique for properly rinsing with salt water with a syringe does not differ from that described above.

A child of 3 years old can already explain the necessary sequence of actions. Moreover, after several washes, it should become clear to him that this procedure entails an improvement in breathing and general well-being. Continue to use the syringe or try using a watering can like Aqua Maris. The “lying” position should be gradually replaced by “sitting” or “standing”. A good guide to action would be an example shown by an adult on how to rinse your nose. To interest the child, add a game component to the process.

How often can you rinse your nose

Rinsing the nose with saline is a physiotherapy treatment at home. It shouldn't be done all the time.

Salt washing at home is shown:

  • With viral / bacterial rhinitis - 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • with allergic rhinitis - 2-3 times a day while there is exposure to the allergen;
  • with adenoiditis - 2-3 times a day, the duration is prescribed by the doctor;
  • as a preventive measure for people prone to respiratory diseases(including those with chronic sinusitis), 1 time per day at bedtime during seasonal rises in incidence.

Washing the nose with sinusitis

To rinse your nose with sinusitis at home, follow general algorithm above.

  • Start flushing at the first sign of another exacerbation;
  • wash at least 3-4 times a day;
  • after washing, spray an antiseptic into the nose;
  • when pus appears, add antibacterial agents to the salt solution.

What else can you rinse your nose with?

Pharmaceutical preparations for washing the nose

Means for washing and hygiene of the nose are widely available in pharmacies. Firstly, the already mentioned devices Dolphin (domestic production) and Aqua Maris (Croatia). The devices are equipped with special salt mixtures with plant extracts.

You can use sprays based on sea water with phytoextracts and essential oils:

Herbal infusions and decoctions

It is impossible to wash the nose exclusively with herbal infusions and decoctions. In order not to injure the mucosal cells, add table or sea salt to the phytosolution (1/3 tsp per glass).

For the preparation of infusions and decoctions, you can use herbs that are believed to have antiseptic properties:

You can make it easier: buy extracts of these plants at the pharmacy and add a drop to a glass of salt water.

Antimicrobials for nasal irrigation

Antibacterial agents for washing are resorted to only in last resort, for example, during a sinus puncture. Do not make the decision to rinse your nose on your own antimicrobial agents(furatsilin, miramistin, etc.) without a doctor's prescription.

Nasal Wash Precautions

  • Observe temperature regime washing solution.
  • Observe correct position bodies when washing: leaning forward, keep your head in a horizontal plane.
  • Do not pour water under too much pressure.
  • Blow your nose after washing lightly, without effort, without closing the nasal passages and without creating an area of ​​\u200b\u200bhigh pressure in the nasal cavity.

When not to rinse your nose

Despite the harmlessness of the procedure, one should not forget that nasal lavage- it is curative hygiene procedure. She doesn't need to be abused. The nasal mucosa has its own unique microflora. The secret secreted by its cells is itself protective. Frequent exposure to salt water will result in:

  • To change the natural microflora of the mucosa;
  • to hypersecretion of secretory cells.

This will result in:

  • Decreased local immunity;
  • more intense secretion.


Washing the nose with saline is a necessary physiotherapy in the treatment of the common cold, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of sinusitis and adenoiditis.

It is important to observe the concentration of salt, as well as the temperature regime of the solution.

Carry out washing according to the principle of "gravity" or use the Dolphin device.

Gently rinsing the nose with saline at home, if indicated, is recommended even for infants.

Do not abuse the flushing procedure. In the absence of signs of a runny nose, systematic rinsing will adversely affect the condition of the nasal mucosa and its protective function.

Do you have a question or experience on this issue? Ask a question or tell us about it in the comments.

I'm in recent times I use pharmaceutical solution Russian production AquaMaster and very satisfied. The spray effectively irrigates the nose, washing out infected mucus, removes inflammation, and moisturizes the nose. It is also economical due to the reusable bottle. And most importantly, it is safe, it is possible for pregnant women and children from the age of one.

You need to keep your head tilted correctly. When I had a severe runny nose, I also washed my nose with a solution of furacilin. It became easier to breathe, but not for long. The slime still interfered. A friend of a pharmacist advised me Sinorm capsules to remove sputum. The drug consists of natural herbs. I took the capsules several times a day. Mucus began to be removed from the nose a few days after taking the capsules. It became much easier to breathe. So, I can say that the treatment helped me. The main thing is to be treated correctly!

My mom used to make me blow my nose when I was a kid. And I didn't succeed. How is it that water should flow out? Maybe I don't have a hole? Well, in short, it is clear that she did everything wrong. In general, the pictures do not look very nice. And I think all these purchased washers are useless. The same salt water, only for a few hundred rubles.

I have had chronic sinusitis since childhood, any cold began with a common cold and ended with sinusitis. As you know, the most best wrestling with this washing of the nose. My grandmother found a way out of this situation. She made a solution of salt, soda, a few drops of iodine and took a regular syringe, drew up the solution slowly into her nose. Of course, the sensations were not very good, but the result was striking for 3-4 days and there was no runny nose .The main thing is not to forget about the position of the body during this procedure, the temperature of the solution and everything will be fine. Do not get sick.

Personally, this procedure did not work for me for a very long time, until I purchased a cup with a flexible spout. There is an effect, especially with exacerbations of sinusitis. Over the past few months I have become so accustomed to the procedure that I do not feel any discomfort. It is very important not to overdo it with the concentration and temperature of the solution so that there is no mucosal burn.

How many times can you rinse your nose with saline?

Washing the nose is a painless and useful procedure that is recommended for use in autumn and winter, when there is a high probability of catching a cold. However, not many people know how many times you can rinse your nose with saline in order to feel comfortable and not harm your health.

The nose wash procedure is very popular in many countries and is often practiced by yogis. In our country, washing is used for prevention, because saline liquid makes it possible to easily eliminate the formed mucus, improve breathing and reduce the amount of discharge. When used correctly, the solution can help children with nasal problems, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people who have allergies.

How often should you rinse your nose?

Many people who monitor their health are interested in how often you can rinse your nose with salt water and if there are any contraindications. Doctors recommend this therapy every morning as hygiene procedures.

If rhinitis appears, then the number of daily procedures should be increased up to four times with breaks of two hours.

Important. Rinsing the nose with saline helps quick release from a cold in children different ages. Also, this method is good as a preventive measure.

During preventive procedures, washing can be done at least 3 times a week. But you need to pay attention to your well-being. The solution is made individually and the proportions in it are always different.

They depend on several factors:

  • the chosen washing technique;
  • time of therapy;
  • reasons for clearing the nasal passages.

If a person is sick with ARVI, then washing the nose with salt during a runny nose should be performed daily for 7 days. Washing should also be carried out regularly for people who have chronic diseases or work in dusty buildings.

Attention. If a person has an inflammatory process in the nose, then washing should be done once a day. A full course should be 6 days.

Nasal wash technology

The nostrils should not be washed together, but in turn. First you need to pinch one nostril with your finger and gradually pour the liquid into the other. This procedure must be performed carefully so that pain does not appear and discomfort. If desired, the solution can be poured into a glass or use the palm of your hand.

The solution, which is poured into the nose, exits through the mouth. If a person has a runny nose, then this does not happen immediately, but after a few minutes.

All remaining liquid should be poured out by exhaling from each nostril of the nose.

Thorough cleaning should be carried out so that no infection remains.

For the convenience of the procedure, it is better to use a syringe purchased at a pharmacy or a syringe with a volume of 10 ml. But for small children, syringes of a smaller volume are suitable. It is important to keep such devices clean so as not to introduce even more infection.

To rinse your baby's nose well, you can use a more gentle method:

  • ask the child to lie down on a bed or other flat surface;
  • inject a couple of drops of the solution into each nostril;
  • after a couple of minutes, the liquid from the nose will pass into the mouth;
  • spit out the solution.

Many parents are wondering how often to rinse their child's nose with saline. After all, children's procedures are different from adults. If you perform washing as a preventive procedure, then only once a day is enough. It is best to carry out this therapy in the morning after waking up.

Important. Before carrying out each procedure, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. Nasal lavage is no exception.

To get the desired effect from cleaning the nose, you must first make sure that it is not blocked. If even one nostril is clogged, then the procedure in this case useless. After the therapy, a person is not recommended to leave the house for an hour. After all, the remaining liquid can freeze and further provoke the formation severe runny nose and inflammatory process.

Saline preparation

Many medicines with antiseptic properties have a number of side effects. As a result, allergic reactions may occur due to intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

But salt solutions allow you to perform painless procedures without calling allergic reaction. For this reason, they can be adopted by pregnant women or nursing mothers. However, a good nasal cleansing solution should be prepared. Any salt can be used.

You should know that sea water has a great effect on the nasopharynx, protecting the body from various diseases, even those who switched to chronic form. If there is a chance to use sea ​​water, then this is a good option for washing.

It is better to buy home sea salt, which is sold in many supermarkets and pharmacies. The price for it is very affordable - within 40 rubles per kilogram.

There are three methods for making a nasopharyngeal irrigation solution.

The most popular options are:

  1. 1 tsp salt should be mixed in 500 ml of purified water.
  2. In 1 st. pour water 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. This fluid should only be used by adults who work in harsh environments. You should be aware that such a solution leads to drying of the mucous membrane and often the procedure is not worth it.
  3. In one liter, it is necessary to dilute 2 tsp. salt. This solution is great for gargling and treating even chronic diseases.

To make a solution for babies, you need to reduce the dose of salt. It should be taken in a glass of purified water ¼ tsp. salt. This liquid is optimal and does not harm the health of the child.

If there is no sea salt in the house yet, then you can wash with a solution that is made from simple salt. It perfectly replaces sea salt, while maintaining all the advantages of therapy.

All proportions should be strictly observed. If you take the wrong amount of salt and water, it can worsen your health. The best option is to dilute a teaspoon of salt with 0.5 liters of water.

The question of how many times a day to rinse the nose often depends on the health of the person and his goal. For prevention, once a day is enough, but for treatment, the procedure should be performed every two hours until complete recovery.


Washing the nose with a prepared salt liquid is considered a useful and necessary procedure for every person. It can be performed as a therapeutic goal and for the prevention of various diseases of the nose.

It is important to first consult with your doctor about whether you can perform this procedure. Indeed, in rare cases, the doctor may even prohibit such therapy.

Directory of major ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

How to rinse your nose with saline?

Rinsing the nose with saline is considered a very useful procedure.

This tool can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy.

Thanks to the use of this liquid, you can cope with a runny nose.

So, how to rinse your nose with saline at home?

Advantages of the procedure

In order for nasal rinsing to bring only benefits, it is very important to learn how to carry out this procedure correctly. If all recommendations are followed, a number of positive results can be achieved:

  • clear the nasal passages of pollen, flower pollen and other irritating elements, which will significantly reduce the risk of allergies;
  • strengthen capillaries and improve the functioning of the cells that line the nasal cavity, which helps to increase local immunity;
  • disinfect the nasal cavity - this will reduce the severity of inflammation and prevent the development of infectious pathology;
  • eliminate puffiness, which will help facilitate nasal breathing.

Washing the nose with saline for sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and other lesions respiratory system can significantly reduce the duration of therapy.

Review of pharmaceutical preparations

Currently, it is not difficult to purchase a ready-made saline solution. In each pharmacy there are quite a few of these drugs:

However, the most accessible means is saline. This product is available in ampoules or vials. In fact, it is a sterile saline solution having a concentration of 0.9%.

To irrigate the nasal cavity, you will need to purchase a syringe, syringe or a special watering can.

Cooking features

Many people are interested in how to prepare a saline nasal rinse. For this purpose, you need to prepare clean, thoroughly washed dishes.

The standard proportions of salt and water are 1 teaspoon of salt per 250 ml of water. However, this ratio can be changed depending on the degree of sensitivity of the mucous membranes.

For washing, you can use bottled mineral water. If you take dirty, unboiled water, there is a risk of infection. In this case, the situation may worsen significantly.

Temperature indicators are of no small importance. Too hot liquid can cause burns. Application too cold water can lead to hypothermia of the nose and cause irritation.

You can rinse your nose with ordinary salt, but it is best to take sea salt. This tool is considered more effective. At the same time, his choice must be taken very carefully. First of all, you should study the composition - salt should not contain additional ingredients.

Many people wonder if it is possible to rinse the nose with sea salt baths. This product is perfectly acceptable to use.

The main thing is that it does not contain fragrances or aromatic additives that can adversely affect the condition of the mucous membranes. Also, experts advise choosing fine salt, which dissolves well in the form.

How to dilute sea salt for nasal rinsing? To do this, mix a glass of water with 2-3 tablespoons of salt. Thanks to this ratio of ingredients, you can get the most effective remedy.

How to rinse your nose? Saline solutions

Nasal wash technique

Many people wonder how to rinse their nose with saline. This procedure has certain features. Improper manipulation can provoke the spread of infection.

Applying pharmacy products is quite simple: just tilt your head to one side and spray the drug into each nasal opening. For washing with a home solution, you need to make a little more effort.

So, how to carry out this procedure correctly? To do this, you can use the following devices:

  • syringe without a needle;
  • syringe equipped with a rubber tip;
  • special teapot.

Regardless of the devices used, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Before starting manipulations, you need to blow your nose thoroughly.
  2. A minimum of 1 glass of liquid is required to flush each nasal opening. Then you should tilt your head to your shoulder and inject the solution into the upper nostril.
  3. It is recommended to perform the procedure over a bathtub or sink.
  4. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the liquid will flow from the lower nostril.
  5. After the procedure is completed, it is forbidden to go outside or be in a draft for an hour.
  6. If the condition worsens after manipulation, it is worth consulting with an otolaryngologist.

It is important to bear in mind that it is strictly forbidden to hold your breath during the procedure. If this rule is violated, there is a risk of water entering the respiratory system and ear canals.

How to properly rinse your nose

With a cold

Salt solution is useful for a runny nose of any origin. If pathogenic microorganisms are activated in the nose, it is enough to wash with the above method. To do this, you need to tilt your head first to one side, and then to the other side.

Cleansing of the second half of the nose begins only after the introduction of 250 ml of liquid into the first nostril, provided that it is completely removed. If the solution does not flow out of the second nasal opening, this indicates a violation of the technique of the procedure.

With sinusitis

If a person has developed sinusitis, it is very important to ensure high-quality cleansing of the sinuses. How to do washing in this case?

To do this, do the following:

  1. Tilt your head slightly forward, close one nostril with your finger and open your mouth.
  2. Insert the tip of the device into the opposite nasal opening and, applying pressure, draw the liquid inside.
  3. At correct execution procedure, the solution will flow down the wall of the nasopharynx, clearing the sinuses of mucus and pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the liquid will flow out through the mouth.

This method can be used exclusively for the treatment of adult patients. After completing the procedure, you need to blow your nose well.

The frequency of the procedure

Many people wonder how often to rinse their nose with saline. In order to prevent washing should be performed 2-3 times a week. For each procedure there will be sufficient solution.

With the development of inflammatory pathologies, washing should be done quite often. How many times a day is this procedure performed? Usually at least 4 sessions per day are required. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

If a person has chronic pathologies respiratory organs, such as tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, washing can be done regularly. Usually this procedure should be carried out continuously.

Features of the procedure for children

Many parents are interested in how to do this procedure for a child.

Children are highly sensitive. In order for the procedure to be effective and not harm the health of the baby, a number of recommendations must be taken into account.

The solution must be brought to body temperature, after which the container with the drug should be placed on a tripod. Tilt the child's head over the free dishes so that the distance reaches 1 m.

Connect the container with the solution through a tube to the child's nostrils. If the position is chosen correctly, the drug will flow freely from the second nasal opening.


Nose lavage is not for everyone. The main contraindications include the following:

  • chronic nosebleeds;
  • the presence of chronic blockage or polyps in the nose;
  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • ear inflammation.

Nasal lavage is considered sufficient efficient procedure, which helps to cope with congestion and restore normal breathing.

At the same time, it is very important to strictly adhere to the rules for carrying out manipulations in order to prevent negative consequences for health.

These materials will be of interest to you:

  1. How to rinse your nose with sinusitis? Sinusitis is a common disease of the sinuses that requires emergency treatment. At.
  2. How to make a nasal wash solution? Mucus discharge in the nose is a normal phenomenon, a protective reaction.
  3. How to put a dropper at home? In a situation where there is no opportunity to use the services of a medical worker.

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All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide to action. ALWAYS consult with your doctor before using any medication. The site administration is not responsible for the practical use of the recommendations from the articles.

The fight against a runny nose by washing the nose is effective, painless and beneficial. At infectious rhinitis in acute form any action aimed at disinfecting the nasal mucosa helps the body fight the infection that has struck it. Competent washing of the nose eliminates its swelling, reduces the amount of discharge.

The mucous surface of the sinuses consists of villi that provide normal drainage respiratory passages. The penetration of pathogens into it stimulates them to work more actively, which justifies the increased formation and rejection of mucus. It is possible to help the body defeat the virus attacking it by washing the sinuses.

A direct indication for the sinus lavage procedure is infectious rhinitis. Timely destruction viral infection will not allow the start of the inflammatory process - sinusitis. A delayed reaction can also cause the diagnosis of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. There are many cases when the spread of a viral infection led to the appearance of symptoms of otitis media, laryngitis.

Indications for washing the nasal passages:

  • swelling of the mucosa, felt like sinus congestion;
  • watery discharge.

Knowing how to do a nose wash at home will help you remove plaque from the surface of your sinuses, as well as mucus, which is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

The procedure is useful for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Wherein topical application medicines after washing it becomes many times more effective.

How to wash the nose at home

Rinsing the nose should be carried out with a solution that differs antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. You can cook it yourself or buy special agent in a pharmacy.

It is worth noting, the main results of washing the nose using an effective solution:

  • destruction of harmful microbes;
  • reduction in the volume of secretions;
  • mucosal hydration;
  • easier breathing.

Airway lavage is useful and safe for pregnant women and even young children.

Pharmacy preparations

In pharmacies, you can find special devices for washing the nose and solutions. Having different names, these drugs differ little in their composition. Their main component is 0.9% saline.

There are drugs whose main component is a solution of sea or calcined salt. The cheapest of pharmaceutical products for washing the nose is considered pure saline. More expensive drugs is distinguished by the presence in the composition of herbal extracts, complexes of trace elements. The advantage of these products is their absolute sterility.

Popular medicines for washing the nose are:

  • Marimer;
  • Humer.

Important! Chlorhexidine for washing nasal passages is not diluted, therefore the best option will buy ready-made 0.05% solution.

You can prepare a nasal rinse at home drug based:

Medicines have an antimicrobial effect, help fight against lingering runny nose. Regular rinsing will make breathing easier and speed up the healing process. By flushing, it is possible to prevent the transition of rhinitis from acute stage into chronic.

Folk remedies

You can make a solution for washing your nose at home using folk recipes. A similar remedy is prepared on the basis of mineral non-carbonated or boiled water, as well as using medicinal herbs.

The simplest but effective solution- saline: 1 st. l. salt dissolved in 1 liter. water. Can be used as table salt, adding a couple of drops of iodine to it, and.

The latter must be purchased at a pharmacy and checked that there are no additional components in the composition.

After preparing the solution, strain it so that undissolved crystals do not fall into the sinuses during the washing process.

Not less than effective means for washing the nose are also considered:

  1. soda solution cleans the mucous well. To prepare it, you need to stir 0.5 tsp. soda in 200 ml of water.
  2. Infusion of calendula. To increase the effect of the procedure, a drop of onion is added to it, or garlic juice, iodine or eucalyptus oil.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, plantain, succession have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
  4. Propolis tincture. An effective solution for washing the nose is prepared on the basis of an alcohol 10% propolis tincture. In a glass of warm water, you need to dissolve 0.2 tsp. salt, after adding the above component.

Alternating different solutions for washing will produce a complex therapeutic effect.

How to rinse at home?

Before carrying out the procedure in question, it is advisable to blow your nose. If the nose is very stuffed, then for 10-15 minutes before washing it, you should drip the available vasoconstrictor drops. Otherwise, there will be no sense in washing out the sinuses.

After washing, it is necessary to blow your nose and moisten the mucous membrane. For this you can use sea ​​buckthorn oil or specially purchased pharmacy ointment. You should not go outside during the first hours to maintain the positive effect.

Nasal lavage is an important basis in successful treatment many diseases

In order not to harm your body, observe precautionary measures:

  1. The fluid used must be sterile. To prepare the solution, it is permissible to use only boiled, filtered, or distilled water.
  2. Tools and utensils must be sterilized. It is necessary to carry out the procedure by first washing your hands and sterilizing auxiliary equipment with boiling water or soapy water.
  3. The temperature of the solution used must be acceptable, otherwise you can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane, or its hypothermia. It is not recommended to heat the liquid to a temperature above 37 0 С.
  4. The addition of aggressive oils and flavors to the solution is excluded.

Too concentrated solutions irritate the mucous membrane, and there is a burning sensation in the nose, so they must be diluted with water.

Washing the nose with a syringe

The considered technique of washing the nose involves the use of a syringe with a volume 10 or 20 cubes. The needle needs to be removed.

For convenience, a flexible nozzle is put on its tip, or a piece of a tube from a dropper.

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Draw the prepared solution into the syringe.
  2. Tilt your head over the bath so that the liquid can flow freely through the free half of the nose and mouth. The head should be slightly tilted towards the washed sinus.
  3. Pour the solution into the treated nostril with moderate pressure.
  4. Treat the second nostril and sinus.

Important! So that the liquid does not drain into the nasopharynx, it is necessary to “pull” the sound “and” during the washing process.

How to rinse your nose with a syringe?

You can also flush your sinuses with a douche. You can buy the tool at the nearest pharmacy. Depending on the type and size of the pear, the price category may vary.

Washing the nose with a syringe is carried out similarly to the procedure using a syringe:

  1. Dial the prepared solution into a medical pear.
  2. Lean over the bath, as described in the previous instructions.
  3. Insert the tip of a medical pear into one nostril.
  4. Pour the solution with moderate pressure.
  5. Rinse the other half of the nose.

Children from 4-5 years of age can rinse their nose with a syringe

Kettle for washing

In India, a special jala-neti teapot is used to regularly wash the upper respiratory tract. Instead, you can buy a jar-watering can at the pharmacy. It allows you to rinse the nose "without pressure", as is done in the techniques described above.

The method of cleansing the nasal passages with a kettle is suitable for children whose sinuses are in the formation stage.

The technique of washing the nose with a kettle is as follows:

  1. Prepare the solution and pour it into the teapot.
  2. Tilt your head over the bath as described above.
  3. Pour the solution into the "upper" nostril.
  4. Blow out the remaining mucus.
  5. Flush the other nostril.

Anna Shust, especially for the Big City Moms portal:

Nadezhda Emelyanova- pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, homeopathic doctor. He has additional specializations: Non-drug methods of treatment and reflexology, Neuropathology, Classical and clinical homeopathy. Experience as a pediatrician - 17 years. dedicated to the most important issues for parents: child health and soft therapies.

In his medical practice In fact, on a daily basis, I encounter such a phenomenon as otitis media, provoked by nasal lavages. Parents think that they are treating the child, but in fact, with their own hands, under the guidance of pediatricians and, which is especially sad and unacceptable, ENT doctors, they create an additional serious problem for the child. In general, I would like to talk more about the widespread active local therapy in the nasal cavity: vasoconstrictor, antibacterial, antiseptic drops - all kinds of liquids are dripped into the nose of children from birth. How safe is it? Is it possible to raise a healthy child without nose drops? What is the world practice in this area of ​​medicine?

What is, for example, "irrigation therapy"? Methodologically and ideologically, these are echoes of the so-called “cleansing therapy”, which was practiced earlier, 100, 200, 300 years ago, and echoes of the infectious paradigm of diseases that took shape later, when doctors perceive a disease (in this case, a runny nose) exclusively as an infectious process, diverting microbes and viruses have an inappropriately significant place, much more significant than the macroorganism itself and its self-regulation systems. Based on these considerations, nasal lavage is an important component in treatment. We will wash the microbes, we will kill the viruses, we will remove the mucus, and health will come. Is it so?

  • An excursion into the history of medicine is always interesting, which sometimes helps to understand and critically comprehend some practices in modern medicine. Cleansing therapy was extremely popular in the past centuries and was based on the postulates of ancient healers about the disease as a violation of the ratio and quality of the fluids that fill the body, about the contamination of these fluids. The heyday and decline of cleansing therapy fall on the 16th-19th centuries, when bloodletting and klyster (as variants of cleansing therapy) were very popular, especially in the upper strata of society - foreign and ours. A textbook example and illustration is the treatment of the King of France, Louis ΧΙΙΙ, who received from his physician 47 bloodlettings per year, 215 emetic and 312 clysters. That is, the monarch received one enema a day for a year as prescribed by a doctor.

Today, such methods of treatment seem absurd, but once they were considered advanced by doctors and practiced everywhere, just like today's nasal rinses or vasoconstrictor drops.

- And yet, why is it harmful to rinse the nose and instill drops? And how should parents react to snot?

Let's figure it out. Why do you need to rinse your nose at all? This procedure is based on the thesis that there is something dirty and wrong, impure in the nose. Some negative properties are attributed to snot and a runny nose and they strive to get rid of them as quickly as possible, dry or moisturize the nasal mucosa, and also remove swelling with drops - defeat a runny nose.

In fact, it is a unique protective slime, biological fluid with a unique composition. This is a whole army of leukocytes and lymphocytes (both dead and still quite healthy), which protect the nasopharynx from infection invasion, non-specific factors local protection, having bactericidal properties, complex proteins (mucins), salt, water, and so on. Snot is just what helps us get rid of the infection and build immunity.

The nasal mucosa is interesting and extremely complex. The vasculature in the nasal cavity, according to researchers, is superior in complexity to the same vasculature in the liver (the Chinese called the liver for its function and participation in blood circulation the "Elder Queen"), and instillation vasoconstrictor drops in this regard - medieval barbarism, the same as the forgotten bloodletting. The use of such drops disrupts blood circulation in the mucosa for several months, and this side effect well studied and described, and the vasoconstrictor drops themselves have not been proven effective and are not at all safe, their use in foreign pediatrics is limited.

On the Internet and in medical publications around the world, you can find a number of cases when, after instillation of drops into the nose, a child develops a collapse or even coma, strokes are described in adults after the use of such drops.

The nasal mucosa itself is delicate, work is in full swing in its submucosal layer: lymphocytes and leukocytes brought by blood fight bacteria and viruses. In the submucosal layer, in the microlymph nodes, detachments of these cell warriors are dispersed, ready to rush to the aid of those already fighting on a signal.

Protective mucus, consisting of complex proteins, covers the ciliated epithelium in two layers - sol below, gel above, very fluid. It flows at such a tremendous speed that a virus, a bacterium, even very eager to join a cell and start destroying it, cannot do it easily while the protective mucus covers the mucosa.

Therefore, first look at the runny nose from a different angle: what is snot? How should parents respond to them? Snot is our friends! React positively! That is, physiologically, we have in the body the cleansing of the nose itself. There is absolutely no point in adding something else from the outside to this purification.

- It’s clear with vasoconstrictors, but how can ordinary salt water for washing damage?

The fact is that when using these seemingly harmless drugs, in reality, an effect is obtained that is opposite to the expected one. Instead of a cure, we often get a worsening of the disease and its transition to otitis media. And this, along with proven ineffectiveness: it has been proven that saline solutions do not shorten the duration of a runny nose and do not affect its intensity in any way compared to placebo.

- What can cause otitis media when washing the nose?

The anatomical and physiological features of the children's skull are such that children have a short and wide auditory tube, some also tilt towards the ear. If you dilute and blur the mucus in the nose, then this mucus begins to flow more intensively towards the ear, where a direct path is open to it. This is what causes otitis media. You can’t even blow your nose too vigorously (and you need to explain this to children), because liquid mucus flows straight into the ear cavity when pressure increases. Great amount otitis in modern children is provoked by washing the nose.

What happens next? Inflammation of the middle ear doctors begin to treat with antibiotics. This, by the way, is also the wrong tactic! For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends expectant management (i.e., non-intervention) for catarrhal otitis because most catarrhal otitis end in recovery without antibiotics or any treatment at all.

The reverse is also true. When my patients do not drip anything into their children's noses, they do not wash their noses, we practically do not see otitis in children! However, there is an exception to this rule - these are children with overgrown adenoid tissue, which sometimes overlaps the mouth auditory tube, disrupts ventilation and provokes pain in the ear. But even in this case, it is not the nose of the child that needs to be treated, but the whole child, because adenoid hypertrophy is special case hypertrophy of the lymph nodes of the whole organism, a consequence of the hard work of the immune system, in this case it is the whole organism that needs to be treated, and not the nose separately.

To sum up what we are talking about, then the simplest and most effective advice to preserve the health of the child, which could be given to young parents who have not yet “healed” children, would sound like this: never touch the child’s nose with any manipulations, neither with nozzle suction, nor with washings, nor with anything else . It is important for parents of children with chronic ENT pathologies to realize that local therapy, aimed at combating microbes and mucus, is a dead end, here I will advise you to treat the child as a whole, gradually moving away from nose drops and local procedures.

- Do you use nose drops for a runny nose in your children?

Of course not. And I never prescribe to child patients, and I dissuade mothers from doing this. Imagine, for all childhood - never any drops in the nose!

- In this case, how do you recommend coping with a runny nose during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections? A sick child has snot in a stream, it is hard to breathe. How to alleviate the condition?

Firstly, you still need to endure a little: nasal congestion associated with swelling of the mucous membrane cannot last forever: a maximum of two or three days - and regulation vascular tone occur naturally and physiologically. Secondly, during illness (if there is no very high temperature) - soar before going to bed in hot water within 10–15 minutes. During this procedure, the snot will flow in streams, this is very good, during the procedure, the flow rate of the nasal secretion changes. You can do cold and warm inhalations, humidify and cool the air in the room, often bathe a child with a runny nose and cough. Thirdly, take according to indications, if necessary, phytotherapeutic and homeopathic preparations, which gently and gently help to go through an acute crisis in the regulation of immunity. It is also good to use home physiotherapy, if possible. And wait!

28-02-2018, 04:22

How many hopes are placed on the plantain, and how many disappointments it brings in reality. Grandma's methods are not necessarily as effective as the legends make them out to be. But not always and not with everyone. We offer to dispel the myths about rinsing the nose with saline. Is it true that the method saves, and how not to harm?

Is there any danger in rinsing the nose with salt?

Exists! And this is the biggest downside. folk methods- there is no clear recipe. Someone puts a teaspoon in 1 liter, and someone puts a tablespoon in a glass.

Why is salt dangerous? Burn! The mucosa is very tender, and salt - chemical element, which has certain properties. A high concentration of salt in the water will burn out, like napalm, not snot, but mucous membranes. To a clogged nose, you will get pain and monstrous discomfort in the nose, and the use of drops will become hellish torment. And if an adult is able to endure, then for a child it will turn into a nightmare.

In addition, rinsing the nose is dangerous because liquid enters the ear. And this, in turn, leads to its inflammation, hearing loss, etc. The case is rare, but as long as there are talents in the world that can break a leg, just standing on a flat area, one should not forget about it.

Why rinse the nose and what is the consistency?

Rinsing the nose with saline solution has several tasks at once:

  1. Destruction of bacteria. Yes, salt has disinfectant, but weak, if you already have green snot, then most likely there is already a complication of the common cold.
  2. Mass liquefaction. The snot is thick and it is very difficult to blow it out. In addition, they do not miss the medicine.
  3. Washout hard-to-reach places. With proper flushing, the saline solution reaches even the most remote corners of your nose and washes out the snot from there that you are not able to blow your nose.

Summing up, we conclude: washing cleans the nasal cavities, conducts light disinfection and facilitates blowing your nose. Medicines become more effective, and the effect of Naphthyzinum is instant. Regular washings will significantly speed up recovery from a cold.

The procedure is not pleasant, but you will not experience hellish torments (if you don’t mess with the solution). You will experience the same sensation as in childhood, when when swimming in a pond, the water went through your nose. Disgusting, but tolerable.

Many are afraid of the process itself - “What if I choke?” Be smart and breathe through your mouth. The body itself will reconfigure itself and block the respiratory passages from the nose. Your life is out of danger.

A child is a completely different situation. In a state of fright, he will not listen to the instructions of his parents, but only scream and kick. In such cases, think twice if it's worth it. And, if it’s worth it, rinse gently, or use modern technologies (special sprays in the nose).

Features of the procedure

  1. Always use boiled water for washing - you do not need extra bacteria of unknown origin on the inflamed mucosa.
  2. The temperature of the water should be the same as your body temperature. Put a drop on inside wrist. Cold - warm up, hot - cool down. And don't put your fingers in the glass!
  3. It is better to use sea salt, not kitchen salt. She is more useful. It may not dissolve completely, so it is recommended to filter through gauze.
  4. You can use iodine - 1 drop per glass of water.
  5. After application, it is better to pour the solution, and prepare a new one for the next wash.
  6. Standard recipe: 0.5-1 tablespoon of salt (without a slide) per glass of water. For sensitive mucosa - no more than 1/2 teaspoon.

How to rinse your nose?

The most gentle and harmless method is with a pipette. Take a pipette, a glass with a solution, draw up a full pipette of liquid, tilt your head and drip. After 30 seconds, you can blow your nose. The method does not allow rinsing the entire volume of the nasal cavities, including maxillary sinuses but sometimes that's enough.

From the teapot. The solution is poured into the teapot, the spout is inserted into the nostril, the head is tilted and poured. Pour so that the liquid flows out of the second nostril. Breathe through a wide open mouth.

An alternative method is injection. The usual, smallest syringe, with a soft tip from a pharmacy. A syringe is like an enema pear, but instead of a hard plastic tip, it has a soft rubber one.

The technique is simple: take a child, fix it in a blanket, like a mummy, put a towel in front of him, like a bib, and a large handkerchief, draw a solution into a syringe, insert it into your nose and pour it in.

Repeat the procedure by changing the nostrils. The effect is amazing - the nose does not grunt, Naphthyzin acts, "purity" lasts for several hours, a runny nose passes 2 times faster.
