What percentage of people have brown eyes. Top most unusual eye colors. What determines your eye color

Many people with perfect vision choose to wear contact lenses only to have a rare iris color.

Most often, you see brown or blue eyes when you look at the people around you. But some of us get really unique iris colors. Which of them are the rarest?

What determines eye color

Many scientists claim that your eye color is purely genetic, which is mostly true. However, so far little is known about the specific genes that determine the color of the human iris. We know that the rarer eye color genes are recessive, so maybe it's just the right genes.

What many people know about iris color formation is that two pigments are involved: melanin (brown pigment) and lipochrome (yellow pigment). It also depends on how the visual organ scatters light. When you see someone with blue eyes, it means there is no melanin or brown pigmentation. Conversely, when you see someone with dark brown eyes, they have melanin in abundance.

Rare eye colors and how they happen

eye colorCauses
HeterochromiaIncrease or decrease in pigmentation in one iris or part of the iris.
AnisocoriaOne pupil is wider than the other, so one eye looks darker.
Red or pinkThere is little or no melanin due to albinism.
PurpleThe lack of melanin is mixed with light reflecting off the red blood vessels.
GrayVery little melanin with a high content of collagen in the stroma.
GreenSome melanin, lots of lipochrome and Rayleigh light scattering.
AmberSome melanin with lots of lipochrome.
WalnutMelanin concentrates in the outer part of the iris, causing a multicolored appearance that typically ranges from copper to green depending on the lighting.

What color is the most unique?

It's hard to pinpoint which eye color is the least common, but if you've never seen any of the ones listed below, it's because they're unusual.

Although it may seem that only a few have rare colors of the iris, the truth is that each person has a unique color, just like fingerprints. No two people have the same eye shape or color. So even if you have brown eyes, your color is unique.

The rarest and most beautiful eye colors in the world

1. Heterochromia and anisocoria. These states are sometimes mistaken for each other.

Heterochromia is a rare disease of the organs of vision, in which the iris is of different colors. There are three types of heterochromia:

  • Full: eyes of completely different colors.
  • Partial: A spot on the iris of a completely different color than the rest of the iris due to differences in pigmentation.
  • Central: when there is an inner ring that is different in color from the outer part of the iris, as melanin is concentrated around the pupil.

For the eyes, this is a rather unusual type of coloration, and although some people use contact lenses to make the color of the iris more even, I think such a rare beauty should be flaunted! Less than 1% of people have aniscoria or heterochromia.

Anisocoria is a condition in which one of the pupils is much larger than the other and the difference is several millimeters. This creates the illusion that the eyes are multi-colored.

Anisocoria can be congenital or the result of nerve palsy or traumatic eye injury, which can lead to much larger differences in pupil size. Because of this, an organ of vision with a dilated pupil looks much darker than another with a normal pupil.

2. Red, pink and purple eyes have less than 1% of the world's population. Two main conditions cause a red or pinkish color: albinism and blood in the iris. Although albinos usually have very light blue eyes due to a lack of pigment, some forms of albinism can cause the iris to turn red or pink.

The purplish blue color is also found only in people with albinism. Scientists believe that you cannot have purple eyes unless you are an albino.

3. Gray eyes can sometimes be mistaken for blue. It is believed that what causes the iris to appear gray rather than blue is due to the amount of collagen present in the stroma. This interferes with Rayleigh scattering, causing the light to reflect gray rather than blue. Less than 1% of people have gray eyes.

4. Green eyes. Low melanin content, lipochrome splash and Rayleigh scattering of light reflecting off the yellow stroma can produce different shades of green. Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes. It's definitely rare!

5. Amber eyes. This amazingly beautiful golden color is often confused with walnut. The difference is that hazel eyes are green and brown, while amber eyes are a solid, uniform color. With a minimum of melanin and a lot of lipochrome, the eyes of this shade almost glow! Many animals have this color of the iris, but for humans it is a rarity. No more than 5% of the population are born with this color.

6. Hazel eyes may seem quite common, but only about 5% of the world's population is born with this color. In hazel eyes, melanin is concentrated on the outside of the iris, giving them a multicolored appearance.

Are there really black eyes?

Some people think that black is one of the rarest colors in the iris. Have you ever seen a person with eyes that appear black as night? Although they look black, they are actually very dark brown, which is caused by an abundance of melanin. You can only tell the pupil from the iris with a bright light directed at the eyes! About 70% of the world's population has a brown iris.

It is believed that the human race was born with brown eyes, and due to genetic mutations, other colors appeared. Perhaps that is why brown is the most common (but no less beautiful) color!

The rarest combinations of hair and eyes

Despite the lack of research, many sources claim that the rarest combination is having blue eyes with red hair.

Melanoma may look like partial heterochromia at first glance

If you have any of these symptoms, check with your doctor as soon as possible:

  • Sensation of flashes or spots of dust in your vision (floating objects).
  • A growing dark spot on the iris.
  • Changing the shape of the dark circle (pupil) in the center of your eye.
  • Poor or blurry vision in one organ of vision.
  • Loss of peripheral vision.

Is it possible to change eye color permanently?

There is a way to make brown eyes blue. With a laser, your doctor can remove melanin from your eyes, resulting in a clearer stroma that allows light to scatter differently, so your iris will look blue. Some doctors use silicone implants to permanently change the color.

Constant change comes with risks, like most operations. One risk is that melanin can cause a blockage in the fluid leaving the eye, causing excess pressure or glaucoma. The silicone implant can also create blockage and increased pressure, causing inflammation and damage to the structures of the visual organ. As a result of these operations, some patients became completely or partially blind.

If you want to change the color of your eyes, your best and safest choice is colored contact lenses.

Explanation of terms:

    Melanin: A dark brown or black pigment in the hair, skin, and iris of the eyes in humans and animals.

    Lipochrome: A fat-soluble pigment with the natural yellow color of butter, eggs, yolk and yellow corn.

    Rayleigh scattering: scattering of light without changing the wavelength. This is what makes the sky blue because blue light scatters more easily than red light.

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Whoever you are - a brown-eyed blonde or a blue-eyed brunette, you probably sometimes wanted to know how you would look, for example, with green eyes. But not everyone knows that there are many factors, including nutrition and emotions, that can change the iris even without surgery. We will tell you the most interesting, and also show, using the example of stars, how a radical change in eye color changes appearance.

website collected for you interesting facts about how and why the color of a person's eyes can change.

1. How Mood Affects Eye Color

Vivid emotions are always a shake-up for the body. With stormy joy or strong anger, not only does our heart rate change, breathing speeds up or, conversely, it takes our breath away, but also there is a noticeable accentuation of the color of the iris. It can become more saturated, sometimes dark, sometimes lighter.

Perhaps the most pure color can be observed in people experiencing happy moments.

If the baby was born with blue-gray eyes, then you may well be in for a surprise. The secret of blue eyes, also called "sky effect", lies in the low content of melanin in the iris, so the light is scattered, and the low density of stroma fibers it appears even brighter - like blue. And most kids at 3-18 months of age, eye color may darken if there is an accumulation of melanocytes in the iris. In particular, among residents of mountainous regions it often happens that blue transforms into hazel. It largely depends on the color of the eyes of the parents. Sometimes the full color appears by 10-12 years.

And here babies born with brown eyes are stable, this is their bright shade for life. Due to the high content of melanin, the outer layer of the iris absorbs and reflects light, which gives brown. By the way, brown-eyed people have a special bonus - more low percentage of eye diseases but be sure to wear sunglasses. And also, according to research, in the Czech Republic, brown-eyed people are usually perceived as more reliable, but light-eyed women have fewer problems with negativity and depression.

Incidentally, recent studies have shown that eye color is affected by about 16 genes, which makes it difficult forecasting.

3. "Live" nutrition and cleansing the body of toxins

IN alternative medicine has a theory about the relationship between the color of the iris and the state of the internal organs. This direction is called iridology, but due to the lack of a solid evidence base, it still belongs to pseudoscientific. But Dr. Robert Morse, a detoxification specialist whose patients were about 1/4 million people, has long been fond of iridology, notes: according to his observations, The Upper Quadrant of the Eye is Linked to Brain Health, and the inner circle - with the digestive system. At the same time, he says that the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet can noticeably change the color of the eyes, and created a series video about their research.

Women have a magical tool with which they can visibly change the shade of the eyes or make it more saturated. And “magic wands” are makeup in various shades, clothes, hair color and jewelry. For example, girls with brown eyes with the help of outfits of golden, pink and light green colors can noticeably “lighten” the iris.

And blue-eyed or green-eyed people will effectively enhance the juiciness of eye color using jewelry made of turquoise, emeralds and blue-colored stones. Wherein neutral white, gray and black colors will show the true color of the eyes. By the way, if you wear glasses, ask your specialist to fit them with AR lenses that will be more comfortable for you and also neutralize glare, which will allow others to see the color of your eyes without distortion.

5. Sunlight and location

Brown eyes- the most common on earth: they can be found 70% of the world's population on all continents - from Australia to North and South America. And in some regions, almost all residents - 95% of the Japanese, the indigenous people of China, the Middle East, South America, Southern Europe and Oceania. In the US, almost half of the people are brown-eyed.

People with blue eyes are the most in Northern Europe: in Estonia, Denmark and Finland - 89% of the population, in Germany - 75%, in the UK - 50%. Sometimes such a shade is found in Syria, among Ashkenazi Jews, Tajiks and among the mountain Pamirs. By the way, in 2008, geneticists at the University of Copenhagen revealed that the blue iris is a mutation in the gene that arose 6-10 thousand years ago. Dr. Eiberg noted that " everyone had brown eyes, and the mutation reduced the production of melanin.” According to scientists, this happened for the first time in the north-west of the Black Sea.

And here green eyes only 2 % inhabitants of the planet. The hue was formed due to the moderate content of melanin and the mixing of yellow-brown pigments. Most often found in residents of Spain, Ireland, Russia, Brazil, Iceland, Pakistan. BUT rarest eye color is yellow, it is formed in the presence of lipochrome pigment.

6. Laser “lightening” of eye color

Previously, there have been implant surgeries that have involved great risks, sometimes it has been about loss of vision, as happened with one Argentinean Instagram star. But since 2011, they began to develop laser correction, which was invented by Dr. Greg Homer from the USA. With the help of a laser, melanin cells are destroyed, due to which the iris can be “lightened”. I.e people with brown and black eyes can become blue-eyed, blue-eyed, or grey-eyed.

By the way, the procedure lasts only about 20 seconds, and the final result is visible after 2-4 weeks. Homer was inspired by this idea by a dermatologist friend who burns moles and pigment with a laser. The first studies showed that the operation does not affect vision, but, it takes time to learn all the effects with blue-green or hazel-green eyes who are also called Hazel". Doctors do not find vision problems in such individuals, nor is there evidence that this “gift” is genetically transmitted.

According to biologists, a uniform change in the shade of the iris is associated with processes in the nervous and endocrine systems, but often the reason lies in Rayleigh scattering and the amount of melanin. Chameleon eyes always react to stress, love experiences, fatigue, and the environment and climate change can also cause color changes. BUT psychologists observe in such people unpredictability and a certain penchant for mischief, in fact, we are talking about a mixture of temperaments.

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The human eye consists of the eyeball and accessory organs. The apple has a spherical shape and is located in the cavity of the orbit.

The middle shell of the eyeball is rich in blood vessels and itself consists of three parts: the anterior (iris) or iris (in the form of a flat ring with a pupil), the middle (eyelashes), and the posterior (cluster of vessels and nerve fibers).

The color of the human eye is determined by the color of the iris. Its shade, in turn, is determined by the amount of melanin in the anterior layer of the iris (the posterior layer has a dark pigment; albinos are an exception) and the thickness of the fibers.

It happens that eye color changes throughout life, you can read about it.

Primary colors of the human eye

Melanin affects the color of the iris of the eyes, hair and skin.

Melanin affects the shade of not only the iris, but also hair and skin. The more it is contained in the body, the more “east” a person looks, that is, melanin colors brown, black, brown.

Brown is the most common eye color in the world. The iris contains a large amount of melanin, the fibers are quite dense.

The prevalence of this shade is explained by its “usefulness”: dark eyes resist both the bright light of the sun (among the southern peoples) and the blinding glare of snow and glaciers (among the peoples of the north).

As a result of evolution and migratory movements, which took place most actively from the 1st to the 5th century AD, this eye color is found on all continents and in all races.


Scientifically speaking, blue eyes do not exist. The appearance of this shade of the iris is due to a small amount of melanin and a high density of stroma fibers (connective tissue). Since it has a bluish color, light reflects off of it and makes the eyes blue. The higher the density of collagen fibers, the lighter the shade.

The decrease in melanin production in blue-eyed people is due to a genetic mutation that is 6-10 thousand years old. This eye color is most common in Europeans.(about 60% of the population), however, it is also found among Asian peoples. In Jews, the birth rate of blue-eyed children is more than 50%.

The blue color of the eyes indicates a small amount of melanin and a low density of stromal fibers. The lower this density, the richer the shade. Mostly babies have such eyes.

Gray eyes are similar to blue eyes, but in gray eyes the density of the fibrous body of the stroma is slightly higher. The shade of gray will depend on the degree of light scattering. With an increased content of melanin, yellow or brown pigment spots are possible.

This eye color is most common in Europe and countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Swamp eye color - mixed. Depending on the lighting, it appears brown, hazel, golden or green. The number of melanin cells that give brown color is small, the admixture of blue or gray depends on the thickness of the stroma fibers.

Usually, the iris of swamp eyes is heterogeneous; there are a large number of age spots. You can meet such eyes among the Indians, Europeans and the peoples of the Middle East.

The green iris contains a small amount of melanin; the light brown or ocher pigment of such an iris merges with the scattered blue tint of the stroma and turns green.

Like marsh eyes, green eyes do not have an evenly distributed tint.

Pure green is very rare, is more common in residents of all regions of Europe. According to recent studies, mostly women are born with eyes of this color.

According to some reports, the so-called the red hair gene is a recessive gene in the human genotype.

Black eyes are similar in structure to brown ones, however, the amount of melanin in the iris of such eyes is very large, the sunlight falling on the iris is absorbed almost completely.

Such eyes are common among the peoples of Asia.. Babies in such regions are immediately born with melanin-saturated eye membranes. Pure black eye color occurs in albinism (with the oculocutaneous type).

rare eye colors

The unusual color of the iris, as a rule, is caused by various disorders: genetic mutations or other malfunctions in the normal functioning of the body.

Red eyes are found in albinos (ocular type of albinism). There is no melanin in the iris of such people, both in its outer layer and in the inner one (which, as mentioned above, has a dark color). The color of the eyes in this case is determined by the blood vessels.

In extremely rare cases, the red color may acquire a purple hue due to the blue color of the stroma, but this phenomenon is practically not found. Albinism is only 1.5% of the total population of the Earth. Often accompanied by visual impairment.


The phenomenon of lilac eyes is practically not studied. It was called the "origin of Alexandria": according to the ancient Egyptian myth, the inhabitants of a small village saw a strange flash in the sky and considered it a sign of God. In that year, the women of the settlement began to give birth to children with unusually beautiful eyes.

One of the first was the girl Alexandria: in the first year of her life, her eyes changed from blue to purple. Subsequently, her daughters were born, and each of them had the same eyes. The clearest example of a person with such a pathology is Elizabeth Taylor.: her iris had a lilac hue. People with this eye color are even rarer than albinos.

Lack of iris

The phenomenon in which the iris is completely absent is called aniridia. It can be caused by deep trauma to the eye, but the most common is congenital aniridia, which is the result of a gene mutation.

People with this pathology have black as coal eyes. As a rule, the mutation is accompanied by visual impairment: hypoplasia, etc.

Eyes of different colors

One of the most beautiful mutations of the eye is heterochromia. It is characterized by a different color of the irises of the left and right eyes or an unequal color of different parts of one eye, that is, it can be complete and partial.

There is both congenital and acquired heterochromia.

She may develop as a result of serious diseases or injuries of the eye(siderosis, tumors). Partial heterochromia is much more common, even in apparently healthy people.

In animals (dogs, cats) this phenomenon is much more widespread than in humans (white cats, huskies, etc.).

The eyes are definitely the window of the soul, and if you know anything about eyes or windows, you know that they come in many shades and colors!

Most often, you see brown, blue, or hazel eyes when you look at people around you, but some people have a very rare eye color. What are the rarest eye colors and how are they obtained?

Did you know?

Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes! Talk about rarity! The next time you see someone with this color, let them know about this fact.

Which one is the most unique?

This list of rare eye colors is in no particular order, and if your eye color is one of these, consider yourself a very rare person.

1. Black eyes

Have you ever seen someone with eyes that appear as black as the night? Even though they appear black, they are actually just a very, very dark brown. This is caused by an abundance of melanin. You will be able to distinguish the pupil from the iris only when looking at a person in bright light!

2. Red/pink eye

Two main conditions make the eye color red or pinkish: albinism and bleeding into the iris. Although albinos tend to have very light blue eyes due to a lack of pigment, some forms of albinism can make the eye color red or pink.

3. Amber eyes

This beautiful golden eye color is often confused with brown. The difference is that brown eyes have brown and green tints, while amber eyes have a uniform color. With a little melanin and a lot of carotenoid, the eyes of this shade almost glow! Several different animals have this eye color, but this is a real rarity among humans.

4. Green eyes

Very little melanin, but too much carotenoid. Only two percent of the population have green eyes in the world. This is definitely a very rare color!

5. Purple eyes

Ah, what purple-blue! This color is most common in people with albinism. It is said that it is impossible to have purple eyes without albinism. Mix the lack of pigment with the light bouncing off the blood vessels in the eyes and you have this beautiful purple color!

6. Heterochromia

This is not a set of colors, but a rather rare eye disease:

  • one iris in the eye differs in color from the other irises (David Bowie!);
  • there is a place in the iris, one part of which has a completely different color than the rest of the iris due to pigmentation.

This is a rather unusual type of eye. And some people wear contact lenses to make their eye color more uniform. And I think that such an eye color is beautiful, and such a rarity should be appreciated by others!

What determines your eye color?

Many people argue that these are purely genetic factors. For the most part, this is true. However, there are still genes that determine the color of a person's eyes.

We now know what determines eye color:

  • melanin (brown pigment);
  • carotenoid (yellow pigment).

When you see someone with light blue eyes, it means there is no melanin or brown pigmentation.

Did we all have brown eyes before?

It is believed that the human race previously had only brown eyes and due to genetic mutations, other variants have appeared. Perhaps that is why brown is the most common (but no less beautiful)!

So many people who have perfect vision choose to wear contacts just to have a rare eye color, so if you have a rare eye color, consider yourself lucky!

The human eye consists of the main organ - the eyeball, as well as auxiliary appendages. The shell is permeated with many blood vessels and is divided into three parts: anterior, - irises, middle and posterior, where there is a concentration of nerve fibers and blood vessels. The red color of the eyes is determined by the tone of the iris, that is, the iris, and its tone, in turn, is determined by the percentage of melanin in the very first layer of the iris. In this article we will tell you whether red eyes exist in reality.

There are people with natural red eyes, but rarely

A lot of people are really sure that you can’t see a real, not inflamed red eye, a photo. You can only retouch them, that is, paint them. However, this is not true. It is really possible to take a picture or see a live person who has genuine red eyes.

Natural bright red eyes are rare, compared to cinnamon, black or blue. A similar phenomenon occurs due to the absence of a coloring pigment in the mesodermal layer of the movable diaphragm of the eye. As a result, the iris is not painted in any particular tone, but blood vessels are visible through such a shell, which give a genuine bright red color to the eyes.

Such people have colorless hair on the whole body and even colorless eyelashes, and also have almost transparent skin. In very rare cases, when there is at least a small part of melanin in the human body, it enters the eye stroma and because of this it becomes bluish.

Each individual eye can be a different color

Heterochromia is the name of a similar phenomenon. If you translate this word from Greek, then it means "different color." The origin of this unique quality stems from the varying amounts of melanin in the movable diaphragm of each eye. There may be complete heterochromia, when one pupil of one color, the second of another. There is also a partial one - one eye has irises of different colors.

If, for example, one eye does not have melanin pigment, and the second one has it in a normal amount, then this can lead to a different color of individual eye pupils. So, the red-brown color of different eyes happens if melanin pigment is absent in one eye, and it is in the other. Dark red eye color occurs if melanin is still present in both eyes, but in small quantities.

Eye color may change

Most Caucasian babies are born with blue, maybe brown eyes. At 3-6 months after birth, their shade may become darker. This is due to the entry of melanocytes into the iris of the eye. It is not until around the age of 12 that the child's eye color is finally established, for example, dark red eyes.

What causes red eyes in children

The thin mobile diaphragm of the eyes is formed in the embryo at the eleventh week of fetal development. It was then that the red color of the eyes of the future person is determined. The process of inheritance of the shade of the iris is very complex, it involves several genes at once. Previously, it was believed that parents with dark eyes categorically cannot have a child with light or red eyes. However, recent research proves this erroneous statement.

The color of the eye socket in young children depends on two reasons:

  • compact arrangement of cells in the internal apple;
  • the amount of melanin in the iris.

There is a completely wrong opinion - that most newborns have blue eyes. It is not always so. Do newborns have red eyes? Of course there are.

Every child is born with a given amount of melanin and a certain cell density in the iris, which makes their eyeballs appear lighter. When a child grows up, the process of accumulation of melanin in the iris and the formation of a different eye color takes place, sometimes melanin disappears, like in albinos. If you need an answer to the question - is there a red color for these guys, then the answer is yes, it exists. The phenomenon of turning bluish pupils into red eyes is explained quite simply. The melanin disappears and the eyes turn red.

Red eyes in albino children

If a small child has bright red eyes, then this may be a sign of a disease associated with genetics - albinism. In albinism, there is no melanin as such. This is a serious pathology and the upbringing of such a child will require a lot of effort. You will need to wear special glasses for him and regularly show him to the ophthalmologist.

Albinism is not a mutation, but a pathology. A consequence of the genetic lottery: the distant ancestors of such people once suffered from a lack of melanin. This pathology is a hereditary trait and can be detected when two identical genes meet. Albino people make up only 1.5 percent of the world's population. Red eyes in albinos are more common than all other people.

People are sometimes amazed at what a bright red eye color albinos have. However, this is not a color. The fact is that their iris is unusually light, so the choroid of the eye, penetrated by capillaries, is visible through it. When there is a certain light, the bright red color of the eyes is especially noticeable.

Is there red-brown eyes?

In nature, there can be no red-brown eyes, because, as mentioned above, the red color of the eyes depends on a small proportion of melanin in the iris of the visual organ. But in people with brown eyes, the amount of melanin in the iris is too much. As a result, a person does not have red-brown eyes.

If someone tells you that he saw a red-brown real color of two eyes in another person, do not believe him, he is telling a lie.

Red eye color due to negative external influences

When redness of the eyes is detected as a disease, one must first of all build a series of questions - why did it appear? Finding answers to them, you can find the causes of the disease in order to outline a plan for the necessary procedures for recovery.

There are two different concepts: symptom and red-eye syndrome. In each case, the treatment is not the same. At the first stage of diagnosis, you need to try to classify the cause of the appearance of red eyes in people.

Symptom - red eyes in humans

When redness of the eyes appears unexpectedly, without discomfort and unpleasant discharge from the eyes, then such a slight nuisance can be cured by express methods. Among them: a compress placed on the eye area with a decoction of oak bark or chamomile, tea brewing, the use of drops that constrict blood vessels.

Red eye syndrome

If the problem is a person with red eyes due to abnormal microcirculation in the organs of vision, then this is a clear sign of the "red eye" syndrome. To treat it, you must first find the causes of its appearance.

The main reasons are:

  • long alcohol intoxication and prenatal toxicosis;
  • external negative influence - electromagnetic or radioactive radiation.

In order for a person with red eyes with such symptoms to regain their normal eye color, it is enough to remove the causes that led to such a symptom.

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to red eyes

With a lack of vitamins in the body, the color of the eyes can also change to red. The culprit for such manifestations is usually vitamin D, not vitamin A. It is vitamin D that affects the normal organic color of the eyes in humans. If it is present in the body in abundance, then there will never be a red-eye effect.

Eyes glowing red - a clear sign of increased intraocular pressure

Ophthaltonus, - intraocular pressure is formed in the process of outflow and inflow of fluids inside the eye. And also, it is it that forms the spherical shape of the eyeball. It is measured in millimeters of mercury. Normal intraocular pressure is 10–23 mm Hg. Art. With increased intraocular pressure, red eyes appear in people. This is the main sign of a lot of pressure inside the eyes.

The main cause of discomfort and problems with the eyes is just high intraocular pressure. Red color of the eyes due to intraocular pressure can be observed in people aged close to forty years and older. Timely detection and effective treatment can prevent the risk of complications, the most dangerous of which is glaucoma.

During the day, intraocular pressure can have different indicators. For example, during the day, the pressure can be very high, and decrease in the evening, and then the red eye changes color. Usually the difference does not exceed 3 mm Hg. Art. Intraocular pressure is regulated by medication. Each medicine is selected individually.

It is the doctor who must prescribe medications that will help the patient. In this case, the patient must adhere to a certain lifestyle: sleep on large pillows, go for walks.

In severe cases of ophthaltonus, laser correction of intraocular pressure can be resorted to. In such operations, the laser plays the role of a small needle or knife, which helps to carry out complex operations without incision.

Regardless of the type of laser used, such treatment helps to normalize the outflow of intraocular fluid, which leads to a decrease in pressure and the elimination of the effect - eyes glowing red. Depending on the distance of the laser action wave used, the treatment of ophthaltonus is performed in different ways, either by applying a local burn or by using a microexplosion. Laser treatment of elevated intraocular pressure does not currently have better alternatives.

And yet, in addition to the obvious advantages, laser treatment of increased pressure inside the eye, which causes red eyes in people, has several disadvantages.

Here are some of them:

  • the possibility of a reactive syndrome - an increase in pressure in the eyes immediately after the operation;
  • possible damage to the lens capsule;
  • low efficiency of antihypertensive action in the neglect of the disease.

Summing up

In the end, I would like to say that people, and even animals, can undoubtedly have red eyes. Moreover, the natural color, and not due to illness or physical damage. And this is an unambiguous answer to the question - is there a red color of the eyes. This phenomenon may occur due to certain disorders of the DNA gene construction in newborn children. In such people or animals, the coloring pigment, melanin, is absent in the eyeballs. It is this pigment that directly affects the color of the eyes of a person born into the world. If you look at the red eyes, photos of some famous people, such as Sarah McDaniel or Elizabeth Barkley, then you can really make sure that natural red eyes are not a myth. If you answer the question: “Does red eyes exist?”, Then the answer is, of course, yes.
