Sun - Jupiter conjunction. Sun conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio: a new annual cycle of luck, transformation and spiritual growth

Jupiter is considered a naturally benefic planet and indicates the stock of good karma that a person has brought from past life. This planet feels great in the 1st house (super position, blessing from above), in the signs of Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius, in combination with friends: the Sun, the Moon.

IN bad houses Jupiter is considered afflicted, but it is important to know that even when unfavorable, its effect is not destructive. It’s just that the good Jupiterian qualities will be less expressed here. It is also believed that the aspect of Jupiter can save any unfavorable combination and soften it. This is such a kind Guru, bringing spirituality and benefit!

Please note that Jupiter is considered especially favorable and strong during a daytime birth and during the waxing Moon. That is, if you were born during the day and before the full moon, the strength of the planet receives an additional “plus”.

In conjunction with planets in the natal chart, various (good or neutral) features of Jupiter will appear. It is also important to consider the house in which this connection is located.

What do Jupiter connections mean in the natal chart?

Jupiter + Sun. In this combination, the qualities of the Sun are enhanced, namely, authority, power, fame, the ability to achieve success and fame. Often these are people-leaders or politicians, bosses who know how to persuade well. Also, the connection gives a happy marriage, the birth of a son, in the 1st, 9th, 10th house worldly wisdom and glory.

Jupiter + Moon. An excellent connection, especially if located in a good house! Points to good health, successful affairs, if in the 1st house, then also the sea vital energy, a special positivity and charm that attracts people. In the 7th house it indicates a favorable marriage, the beautiful appearance of the partner, in the 10th house - fame.

Jupiter + Mars. It is believed that Jupiter in this union “calms down” Mars and makes it very good, moderately punchy and persistent. Here they unite harmoniously physical strength and the spiritual aspect, which makes a person practical, purposeful, but also warm-hearted, ready to help others. Therefore, such a connection brings success in business, activity in work, excellent results, especially if these planets are located in the 10th house. But if the planets are damaged, then this gives aggressiveness and inability to control oneself, and also indicates frequent injuries.

Jupiter + Mercury. Although Jupiter is hostile to Mercury, it is not a fiery and destructive enmity. This is a kind of tension and a decrease in the good qualities of both Jupiter and Mercury. If this connection is located in nice houses, then it indicates a thirst for knowledge. Such people study all their lives, but often do not know how to “monetize” the result of their knowledge, they are impractical, and cannot find good partners, companions, or bosses.

Jupiter + Venus. When this “couple” is together, a person gets good results, namely a romantic nature and good luck in financial affairs. Especially if the combination falls in the 9th house, which promises wealth, a lot of real estate, a comfortable and prosperous life. Another combination indicates the birth of noble children, who are important to raise correctly. But in bad homes, this couple gives laziness, dissolute behavior, a craving for a life full of relaxation, entertainment and persons of the opposite sex.

Jupiter + Saturn. Another good conjunction of Jupiter in the natal chart, a combination of two spiritual “sages”. Indicates the right path, gradual, well-deserved wealth, noble deeds and the ability to manage people (in in a good way). By nature, these are calm, balanced individuals who definitely need to develop spiritually.

Jupiter + Rahu, Ketu. This is perhaps the most detrimental combination for Jupiter, which these “bullies” use for their own purposes. The combination of Jupiter and Rahu indicates immorality of nature or accidents, failures, injuries. Also, these are problems with the law or just a “down-to-earth” person. When Jupiter is conjunct in Ketu, material affairs suffer, frequent debts, “sometimes thick, sometimes empty.”

The closest attention is usually paid to what house, combination, or aspect Jupiter is in in the chart. He gives a lot in a person's life. If you study astrology on your own, you will be able to make your own natal chart and see your planetary connections. So you will understand. what gifts this or that planet has blessed you with, and how to implement these gifts in life.

If you are interested in this topic and any of the Vedic astrology, send to Dmitry Lakshmi VKontakte

Explorer, traveler, visionary, opportunist. A man with a big heart. Big goals. Self-expansion. Identification with God.
Cheerfulness, optimism, confidence. There is often confidence in the future, complacency, sometimes turning into self-confidence. Nobility, desire to patronize, help, provide support. Pride, arrogance, condescension, taking on the functions of a god, a benefactor. Resentment towards ingratitude.
With intense aspects, exaggeration, grandiosity, unrealistically high expectations, unreasonable optimism. Big but fragile ego. Exaggerated faith in yourself, in life. A person is not as confident as he seems.
The ability to see a particular situation as part of a whole and its development within this whole. Understanding future opportunities and prospects. The ability to set and implement big goals and objectives (usually with the presence of a fixed cross and/or Saturn emphasized in the chart). Propensity to take risks, self-confidence, luck, “favor of heaven,” ignoring the very possibility of failure, defeat. The ability to inspire others, instill optimism in them, and become a leader. Belief in development and evolution. The ability to develop, assimilate new spaces and areas of knowledge. The aspect of explorers, discoverers, adventurers. Attention to the general, neglect of details and trifles. Emphasis on meaning, meaning, future.
Luck, luck. The ability to get away with it. The ability not to dramatize defeats and treat them philosophically. The ability to quickly recover and start again.
Especially with tense aspects, one encounters inappropriate optimism, isolation from reality, good-naturedness, and impracticality.
Moralizing, the desire to teach, instruct, admonish. Enlightenment as a mission.
The great influence of beliefs (not necessarily of a religious nature) on life. Personal attitude to issues of faith. Father's influence on moral attitudes. With intense aspects, there is a conflict between personal life attitudes and moral values. Boris Izraitel

Conjunction Sun - Jupiter

They know how to expand their spheres of influence and achieve goals. Their exciting personality and optimistic essence brings them happiness. A positive attitude towards life allows you to make the most of your chances. Enthusiasm captivates others and inspires cooperation. They achieve power and influence through projects that gain recognition. They take advantage of public pride in favor of their own ambitions. F. Sakoyan

Success in life, happiness, a broad outlook on things, justice, nobility, the gift of foresight, humanity, generosity, kindness, philanthropy, cheerfulness, optimism, cheerfulness, honesty, sincerity; spiritual, scientific interests;
philosophical nature, favor of Providence and Fortune; for women - a happy marriage.
The negative side of this aspect is that loyalty to power and a successful career can reconcile a person with the injustice that reigns in society and give complacency. S.V. Shestopalov

Square Sun - Jupiter

An exaggerated opinion of oneself, a desire to achieve a lot without discipline or thought. All this leads to frustration when trying to expand your sphere of influence. The defensive reaction is pronounced egoism. We must learn patience, developing the qualities of Saturn, gain experience and discipline; it will take time, but it will bring success. Tendency towards extravagance in matters of houses and signs. We must beware of foolish optimism and rash actions, and develop our personality. They are generous indiscriminately, but often with an afterthought. Restlessness and love of change are dangerous. F. Sakoyan

Explosive character, prone to adventure and adventure, rebellious, aggressive, obstinate, overly independent and freedom-loving, proud, frivolous, careless, self-confident, underestimating dangers, which leads to miscalculations.
wasteful, gambling, eccentric, disdainful of social conventions, irritable, hot-tempered, luxurious, unfair.
If a person works on himself, then such aspects can give him a fighter for justice, a fighter against the evil and vices of society, the injustice of his superiors, the desire to sacrifice his well-being for the sake of others, fearlessness, courage, determination, nobility, honesty, directness and frankness.

S.V. Shestopalov

Trigon (trine) Sun - Jupiter

Also a fiery hue, the IX and V houses are emphasized - enthusiasm, optimism, spontaneity of the trine in religious, philosophical, social and legislative matters, but not only in the physical plane, like Mars: positivism, altruism, enjoy trust and cooperation, which gives success in affairs. They radiate contentment and self-confidence, are never completely defeated, and generously help others. They are decent, adhere to moral and religious standards. The gift of prophecy often withdraws from the world to lead a life among books and close friends. F. Sakoyan

Various sources for a child's horoscope

This child tries to “enlarge” his personality and expand his sphere of influence, since it is difficult for him to accept himself simply as he really is. Sometimes this helps him achieve his goal.
In his eyes, the father is a great provider, who brings many gifts and things as compensation for the insufficient time devoted to the child.

No Monster. Aspects

Powerful personality, optimism, broad nature. Their enthusiasm captivates others and inspires cooperation. They often achieve fame, honor, and a high position in society. Jupiter behind the Sun - a tendency to excess.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Connection: An exemplary example of self-belief and optimism. A person is filled with calm confidence and is inclined to show concern for his own good and the good of his neighbor. Astrological tradition ascribes to him generosity and a desire to patronize, but these abilities will never force him to sacrifice his ambitions, for the principle triumphs here: “Above all, I myself; if you follow me, so much the better for you... and woe to those who do not follow.” In some cases (poorly aspected conjunction) there is a tendency to mistake oneself for the “Lord Almighty.” That is, this aspect is often associated with power, since it gives a taste for power.

Absalom the Underwater. Aspects

Conjunction of the Sun: Called yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back.
The conjunction of the Planet with the Sun gives its manifestations a shade of imperativeness - on high level elaboration of the aspect. At a low level, imperativeness relates more to the need to work out the Planet. The Sun illuminates the lower manifestations of its principle and actualizes them, mainly by the method of direct pressure. At a low level of elaboration of the Sun, it acts through rigid imperatives that it imposes on the Planet, suppressing its creativity and forcing its principle to manifest itself within a very narrowly defined framework, into which it, in principle, cannot fit; excessive internal tension and explosion arise, and the creativity of the Absolute is manifested both in the moment and nature of the explosion (unpredictable in advance), and in the shape and trajectories of the debris. If the connection is not worked out, but stands harmoniously, these explosions will be more dangerous for others, and the creative beginning of the Planet will manifest itself only on the path of strictly egoistic consumption in areas corresponding to its principle. For example, an unprocessed conjunction of the Sun with Mars gives great and useless activity, which, however, seems extremely important and useful to the person himself, and on the other hand, the ability to completely devour someone else’s energy, leaving the other person literally without strength and even a hint of gratitude. Working through the connection (and the Sun) will give a switch to a higher egregor, when the solar initiative does not come as a strict order, but as an indication of the desired direction of activity, and most importantly, attention. Then the interaction of the Sun with the Planet is significantly facilitated, and the Planet receives from the Sun a kind of weak magnetization, which serves for orientation in difficult (for the Planet) conditions, when the optimal choice is not obvious.
Jupiter Conjunction: Standing on the shoulders of giants, make sure they don't slouch.
At a low level, the conjunction with Jupiter gives the Planet a keen sense of its own importance. It sincerely seems to a person that all his manifestations in the relevant areas are extremely important and significant; here he has enormous capabilities, and everyone, understanding this, must help him and serve him selflessly. Indeed, this aspect potentially gives a great expansion of the principle of the Planet and, at times, luck not deserved by personal efforts (especially with a strong Jupiter), for example, high patronage. The danger here is that a person tends to perceive these opportunities as given, as if it could not be otherwise, and in a purely selfish aspect of joyful consumption; elaboration consists in realizing one’s responsibility for any Jupiterian gifts and opportunities as group values, and their most effective and creative distribution. The conjunction of Jupiter means an intense invitation from the egregor, and a person (karmically) must not only consume the gifts, but also enter the egregor and produce with it (or in it) necessary work, or give the opened channel to a suitable person. For example, a conjunction of Jupiter with Mars means that a person will have a lot of energy coming from a wide variety of sources, but also a strong temptation to spend it chaotically, thoughtlessly and ineffectively, although he himself for a long time will subconsciously believe that any of his active action flawless and brings grace in its purest form. At a high level of elaboration, this person opens high energy and spiritual channels to others (in general, the conjunction of Jupiter is the aspect of the preacher).

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

They know how to expand their spheres of influence and achieve goals. Their exciting personality and optimistic essence brings them happiness. A positive attitude towards life allows you to make the most of your chances. Enthusiasm captivates others and inspires cooperation. They achieve power and influence through projects that gain recognition. They take advantage of public pride in favor of their own ambitions.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Success in life, happiness, a broad outlook on things, justice, nobility, the gift of foresight, humanity, generosity, kindness, philanthropy, cheerfulness, optimism, cheerfulness, honesty, sincerity; spiritual, scientific interests;
philosophical nature, favor of Providence and Fortune; women have a happy marriage.
The negative side of this aspect is that loyalty to power and a successful career can reconcile a person with the injustice that reigns in society and give complacency.

With such a comparative combination between individuals, nobility and kindness flourish in their relationships, especially on the part of the “Jovian” person. Both individuals in the relationship feel stimulation and every support from each other. They are keenly interested in the spiritual, philosophical and cultural side of life, constantly looking for more and more new joys of life. Socially active. This type of relationship is most favorable for those who are engaged in constructive cooperation in a broad sense. Partners are not only always ready to help each other, but also find time for those around them. In their relationships, honesty, openness, directness, morality and spirituality are always in the first positions. How spouses these personalities differ good qualities parents-educators and high culture homeliness.

Man's Sun conjunct woman's Jupiter

The result of this aspect can be an abundance or dispersion of energy, as it enhances and expands the experiences of both individuals. The man is focused, while the woman strives for freedom. Along with positive energy, there may be some disappointment on the part of the man. He thinks he must hold tight to his space. The woman feels both the urge to run away and the attraction to her partner. Having this aspect, they may want to pursue greater wealth, or invest energy in higher education.

A woman's Sun conjunct a man's Jupiter

Sun sextile Jupiter

Organizational social activity in the sphere of humanitarian, charitable and religious cooperation is what forms the basis of the relationships between individuals in this comparative combination. The additional friendly coloring of the relationship inspires both parties to fruitful progressive activities in business, family relationships, and in the process of intellectual development. The “Jupiterian” individuality shows its nobility and every support, and the “solar” one, in turn, does its best to help the “Jupiterian” to express itself and show the energy of will, more purposefully. In addition to stimulating mutual interest in religion, philosophy and general intellectual development, this comparative combination very favorably contributes to the formation of family and household relationships in people, characterized by harmony and strength. In addition, this combination is considered one of the most successful for parent-child and teacher-student pairs. It should also be noted that these individuals must be good couple travel companions.

Sun square Jupiter

With this comparative combination, excessive extravagance, arrogance, and an attempt to rise up in the relationships of people will always show through, no matter where they are and no matter what they do.

They literally “inspire” and “bless” each other to take actions of obvious impracticability and subsequent self-justification and forgiveness. The philosophical, general educational, religious, political, ethical foundations of intelligence among these individuals are clearly not located near the same pole. Taking much for granted, they are completely incapable of family relationships, creating a home and raising normal, unspoiled children.

One should not create any illusions regarding possible occurrence romantic relationships between these people, their ideas about morality and spirituality are very far from each other. The lack of self-discipline, practical skills and irresponsibility in the relationships of these individuals will not allow, which is quite natural, to engage in any serious joint work. professional activity, not to mention business.

Man's Sun square woman's Jupiter

This aspect causes significant differences in ideology, which become more important as the relationship develops than at the very beginning. Battles of values ​​over differences regarding truth, honor, dignity, religion or education give rise to personal autonomy, which becomes the focal point for quarrels. The independence of each person is emphasized.

A woman's Sun squares a man's Jupiter

This aspect produces a prevailing tone of self-righteous independence that makes it difficult for each person to approach the other. A man's sense of philosophical distance makes a woman feel that her individuality is not as important in the relationship as it should be. As a result, each individual feels frustrated at not being able to get close to the other. These relationships may indicate fun and excitement, but too little real bonding occurs at the level where minds and hearts meet.

Sun in trine to Jupiter

This comparative combination forms relationships between people that are characterized by exceptional harmony, mutual assistance and exceptional trust. There are hardly any other comparative combinations that can compete with this one in this respect. The “Jupiterian” personality treats the “solar” one with optimism, respect and benevolence, and the latter, in turn, constantly “charges” the “Jupiterian” with life energy and inspiration. Culture, religion, spirituality, family and home - all these constitute the greatest values ​​of existence for these people. Both partners are wonderful travel companions.

Romantic and family relationships between them are imbued with spirituality and culture, which certainly speaks of their strength and duration. The relationship between both parents and children is great.

Man's Sun trine woman's Jupiter

This aspect indicates a compatible philosophy and a coherent outlook on life. Both partners feel the importance of understanding and truthfulness. The woman is proud of this relationship, and this feeling increases her desire to give love. This aspect enhances the luck and brilliance of the partnership.

Woman's Sun trine man's Jupiter

This aspect brings foresight and wisdom to relationships. They have an interest in expansion and travel. A man can lead his partner through truthfulness and the kind of leadership that engenders mutual respect and trust. There is an element of chance or unpredictability associated with this aspect, and this can lead to risky ventures, dissipation (especially in investments) and a need for personal freedom. Ultimately, these interests can work positively as factors that create expansive and open relationships.

Sun in opposition to Jupiter

This comparative combination is characterized by a rather complex characteristic of relationships between people. Usually they are favorably disposed towards each other and sometimes even indulge in extremes and intemperance, which, of course, negatively affects one of the partners, or even both at once. Sometimes the “Jupiterian” personality enters into endless contradictions on a moral and preaching basis with the “solar” one, which, in turn, is forced to take an egocentrically inaccessible position in relation to that person. The reason for differences in views can be both intellectual and spiritual, and purely practical and everyday.

Man's Sun in opposition to woman's Jupiter

This aspect indicates differences in the basic philosophy of life. Each person tends to remain an individualist, without developing the sense of participation that gives warmth to relationships. This relationship is characterized by a lot of travel or great wealth, however, the woman may lose some of her femininity and perhaps sexuality as she feels pressured to compete for the recognition that comes from her partner. This is a very difficult aspect for a marriage.

A woman's Sun is in opposition to a man's Jupiter

This aspect adds an element of chance to the relationship and destroys the sense of reliability. Although both partners retain a sense of individual freedom, the woman often provides protection for both. Lack of communication and understanding causes two life styles to pull in opposite directions. If this relationship is going to work, each partner must re-evaluate their principles and philosophy over time.

Various sources of synastric astrology.

Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

When passing through the harmonious aspect of the radix of Jupiter, the Sun will indicate a phase of excellent health and mental stability for the native. The desire for achievement and power will determine a pronounced impulse towards expansion, which can be realized in social sphere. In general, transits should bring joy, happiness, confidence and security, as well as chances for a successful outcome. These days are considered favorable for social relations, negotiations with authorities or with high-ranking social officials, as well as for marriage, financial transactions and legal acts. Patients are making noticeable progress in treating the disease.

Pavel Globa. Transit connections

In the best case: a person can appear to the new boss, because... there is an opportunity to make a good impression and achieve anything, such as visibility or awards. A person may have either a need for religious authorities or a craving for legal matters.
In the worst case: a person has a high opinion of himself, swagger, arrogance, a craving for decoration, troubles from his superiors (undermining authority). Your boss can play a bad role in your career. If everyone in the team is to blame, and you catch the eye of the boss, then you alone will be punished for everyone.

Transit – Business

You will feel optimism and generosity, and feel goodwill towards you from other people. You will probably develop a desire for sponsorship, patronage of the arts, philanthropy and altruism. This is one of the most successful and happy days per year. Make the most of it! Feel free to spend financial operations and speculation. Right now you can count on profit. Interact with superiors and influential people: You will receive understanding, support, financial assistance, praise, awards, you can achieve a promotion, occupation of a higher social or professional status. The possibility of winning big in lotteries and winning various contests and competitions cannot be ruled out. You will have the opportunity to manage large sums - it depends on you how well you will be able to manage them. A good period for resolving legal issues, beginning trial, filing a claim. Schedule important speeches, briefings, negotiations, making deals and signing important papers for this day. The day is favorable for opening new or subsidiary enterprises, expanding the scope of activity, and starting a new project. Long, long-distance business trips will give excellent results. You can hope for gifts from fate and specific individuals, this is especially true for women.

Transit – Health

The period is accompanied by good spirits and increased vitality: physical and mental. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases receive relief; this transit is good to use to begin a course of treatment for liver diseases. Usually these days you gain weight. In women on later pregnancy may begin labor activity. The period is favorable for conception.

Transit – Love and family

A good period for harmonizing relationships in the family and as a couple. You are drawn to loved ones, it is easier for you to get along with them. Women can count on benefits from relationships with men in the form of gifts, etc. good time for relaxation, activities with children. Some people during this transit note laziness and apathy, a desire to be entertained. These days you generally succeed in a lot, that’s why you personal life You will feel happiness and peace. Favorable days for explanations, engagements, weddings, for family evenings and celebrations, picnics. Conception is possible.
