Topics for parent meetings and their brief descriptions To help the teacher, we offer several topics for parent meetings, with teaching materials and recommendations. First parent meeting plan

Kochetova Alexandra Nikolaevna
Event plan parent meeting

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational institution №120.

Development parent meeting plan on adaptation in the second junior group.

Theme: “Hello kindergarten

senior teacher MBDOU No. 120

Shamshina S. V.

Target: get to know each other better parents, learn the strengths and weak sides children, their character traits.

Form: conversation.

Preliminary preparation for meeting:

.Conduct a survey.

Prepare memos for parents.

Making invitations together with children Parent meeting.

Learn poetry with children.



Adaptation, what is it?

Game with parents"Chamomile of Wishes"

Survey results.

Reading poems.

Memo for parents.

Solution parent meeting.

Progress of the meeting:


Good evening, dears parents. The topic of our meeting today "Children's Adaptation". How should a child be prepared for the adaptation period? Everyone knows that the beginning of the school year is a difficult time for children. early age, since this is the time of getting used to new conditions for them. From the familiar world of the family, children find themselves in completely new conditions of the children's environment. Therefore, it is quite understandable why children cry from the first days of visiting and have a hard time being separated from their mother.

Adaptation, what is it?: – the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. The time when a child adapts to kindergarten is a crisis. By the way children get used to preschool institution, the adaptation period is divided into 3 groups:

Light medium to heavy. Easy adaptation - almost half of the children make up the most prosperous group - they attend kindergarten without much loss.

Temporary sleep disturbance (normalizes within 7-10 days) ;

Temporary loss of appetite (norm after 10 days) ;

Inappropriate emotional reactions (whims, isolation, aggression, depression, etc., changes in speech, orientation and play activity return to normal in 20-30 days;

The nature of relationships with adults and physical activity practically do not change;

Functional disorders are practically not expressed, they normalize in 2-4 weeks, no diseases occur. The main symptoms disappear within a month (2-3 weeks is standard) .

2. Average adaptation: all violations are more pronounced and for a long time:

Sleep and appetite are restored within 20-40 days,

Indicative activities (20 days,

Speech activity (30-40 days,

Emotional state (30 days,

Motor activity, which undergoes significant changes, returns to normal within 30-35 days.

Interaction with adults and peers is not impaired.

Functional changes are clearly expressed, diseases are recorded.

3. Difficult adaptation

(from 2 to 6 months) accompanied by gross violation all manifestations and reactions of the child.

This type of adaptation characterized:

Decreased appetite (sometimes vomiting when feeding,

Severe sleep disturbance

The child often avoids contact with peers, tries to retire, displays aggression, and is depressed for a long time (the child cries, is passive, and sometimes there are wave-like changes in mood). - Usually visible changes occur in speech and motor activity, a temporary delay in mental development is possible.

With severe adaptation, as a rule, children get sick during the first 10 days and continue to get sick again throughout the entire period of getting used to a group of peers.

4. Very difficult adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises: should the child remain in kindergarten maybe he "not sadovskiy" child. Each child is individual. Everyone has their own period of adaptation in the garden. The duration of addiction depends on different factors:

The character of the child, the personality of the teacher, the state of health of the baby,

The atmosphere in the family, relationships between parents, even the degree of training parents sending your child to kindergarten also plays an important role.

Full adaptation occurs within 2-3 months, and during this period it is necessary to pay as much attention to the child as possible. Before picking him up from kindergarten, if the child has lunch in the garden, then it’s worth paying attention at home Special attention dinner and cook only your baby’s favorite dishes, take an interest in the child’s affairs, what he did in kindergarten, whether he made friends with other children, admire his drawings that he brings home.

Your sensitive attitude and kind participation will soon bear fruit, and

The child will be happy to go to kindergarten.

Game with parents"Chamomile of Wishes"

Dear parents, we would like to invite you to write wishes for your children.

Survey results:

A week before meetings we conducted a survey. The questionnaire contained five questions on this topic. Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the results of the survey.

1. Your prevailing mood baby:

(13 people - cheerful, 5 - balanced, 2 - unstable.

2. The nature of falling asleep:

13 people - REM sleep, 6 - slow sleep, 1 - very slow sleep.

3. Nature and duration sleep:

(18 people - calm, 2 - restless

4. Child's appetite:

(10 people - good, 5 - unstable, 5 - bad)

5. The child’s attitude towards dropping off pot:

(18 person - negative, 2 – abstained).

Reading poems.

And here's what our people will tell us about kindergarten children:

1st child:

Our kindergarten is good,

You won't find a better garden.

2nd child:

Children live in kindergarten

Here they play and sing,

This is where you find friends

They go for walks with them.

Memo for parents on adaptation.

So that everything said on this you remember the meeting. For this, each of you will receive "Adaptation Memo".

1. Prepare your child for kindergarten on positive notes. Tell us more good baby about the kindergarten, how great it will be for him there, what he can do there that he can’t do at home, praise the baby more often and say that he has already grown up and become big and is ready to go to kindergarten.

2. Don't drag out your farewell. When you go out and leave your child in the garden, do it quickly and easily. Don't show your feelings because children feel emotions very clearly. parents. If you all cannot hide your excitement, then assign someone else to take the child to kindergarten, grandma or dad, for example.

3. During the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, take the child home as early as possible.

4. At home there should be an atmosphere of love, trust and peace.

5. Don't load nervous system baby's adaptation time. Try to reduce watching cartoons, do not visit noisy places such as the circus, zoo, where the child can easily get excited.

6. Do not dress your child too warmly in kindergarten.

7. Don't change your daycare routine during the weekend.

8. Ignore the whims of the child, do not succumb to his antics and manipulation.

9. If something worries you about the psyche or health of your child, then do not put off visiting a doctor.

Solution parent meeting:

Take note of the information about adaptation in kindergarten. Maintain a daily routine in kindergarten and at home. Instill in children self-care skills.


“How pleasant it is to meet…»

(to help the class teacher)

Zharkenova G.K., primary school teacherBestyubinskaya Secondary School No. 2, Stepnogorsk

Dear Colleagues!

If this brochure has caught your attention, chances are you work in a school where parent-teacher conferences are held from time to time.

I hope that this brochure may be of interest to a wide range of classroom teachers, regardless of whether they work in a public or private school, in primary or secondary schools.

A parent meeting at a school is a short-term meeting of parents with teachers, and in some cases with the school administration, during which organizational problems are resolved, parents receive information about the educational process, the progress and behavior of children, as well as the opportunity to communicate with each other. Typically the meeting is held several times during the school year.

Conventionally, parent meetings can be divided into organizational where current issues are discussed school life, organizing classes and extracurricular activities, and thematic, which discusses issues that are relevant to parents. Organizational meetings are usually held at the beginning and end of the school year, and thematic meetings can be held throughout the year, either in accordance with a pre-drawn plan or in case of any pressing problem.

Each of us has our own idea of ​​a parent-teacher meeting: someone has fresh memories of how during their school years they waited for parents to return from a meeting with an anxious thought: “What will they tell about me?”, “In what mood will mom return?” .

The parent meeting is special shape work that significantly expands the range of its capabilities.

This collection contains parent meetings of a non-standard form; meetings were also developed using the following forms of work: group form, critical thinking, ICT. Parents at these meetings work with great pleasure and open up in communication with each other. This collection also contains questionnaires for parents and useful tips.

Sample work plan for the parent committee




Meeting of parents and election of a parent committee. Discussion of problems that need to be addressed in the new academic year.

Discussion of the work plan of the class parent committee in the new school year. Preparations for holding the line on September 1.

Classroom teacher


Organizing and holding 1 parent meeting on the topic “First grade, for the first time”

Classroom teacher

Participation of the parent committee in organizing the “Hello” matinee autumn is golden»

Class teacher and chairman of the parent committee

Participation of the parent committee in the insulation of office windows. Preparing for the New Year tree.

Organization and holding of the 2nd parent meeting “Talk show “There is an opinion...””. Results of the first half of the year.

Classroom teacher

Report of the parent committee on the work done for the first half of the 2012-2013 academic year

Chairman of the Parents Committee

Organization and holding of the 3rd parent meeting “Family relationships as the basis of mutual understanding”

Classroom teacher

Organization and holding of a matinee dedicated to March 8 and the celebration of Nauryz. Results for the 3rd quarter.

Parental committee. Classroom teacher.

Participation in the organization and conduct of Batyr Day for boys.

Chairman of the Parents Committee

Final parent meeting. Organization and holding of the 4th parent meeting “Talk show “Is it possible to do without punishment?”

Sokolova N.V.

Class: 1st class

Form of presentation: Talk show "There is an opinion"

Subject: "Public Administration"

Task: Listen to the opinions of both parents and the administration about State and public management at school, how parents and the school administration should work.

Progress of the meeting


Good afternoon, dear parents. Today our meeting will take place in the form of a talk show “There is an opinion.” The topic of the talk show is "Public Administration"

And the first question, in your opinion: Who should play a primary role in decision-making at school? Which formula is correct?

Parents dictate terms to school administration

The school administration dictates conditions to parents

Parents and school administration are partners

So, most parents believe that the third formula is correct. Then a reasonable question arises: Who is a PARTNER, in your opinion? To do this, you need to select an association for each letter of the word “partner” that begins with the same letter

(parents' opinions are being clarified)

- The teachers' opinion is as follows:

P - assistant

A - active

R - versatile

T - hardworking

N - reliable

E - like-minded person

R - reasonable

It is very good that for the most part the opinions of teachers and parents are similar.

However, how to organize a partnership between school and parents? Through:

Governing councils

Boards of Trustees

Parent committees

Of course, the most acceptable and working option is parent committees. There are two main opinions about the parent committee:

It seems to me that the parent committee is complete nonsense. What is it for? There's no point in it. The Parents' Committee exists only on paper, formally. I don't understand why it is needed at all.

I believe that a parent committee is needed. These are the first assistants to teachers in organizing any events, for example the same gifts for New Year. The parent committee can always control the kindergarten. He has such powers.

What, in your opinion, are the functions of the parent committee?

Helps ensure optimal conditions for organization educational process(provides assistance in purchasing technical means teaching, preparing visual methodological manuals etc.),

Conducts explanatory and advisory work among parents (legal representatives) of pupils about their rights and responsibilities.

Provides assistance in conducting mass educational events with children.

Participates in preparations for the new school year.

Together with the management, he controls the organization of high-quality nutrition for children, medical care, and the organization of dietary meals for individual students (for medical reasons).

Assists management in organizing and conducting general parent meetings.

Considers appeals addressed to himself, as well as appeals on issues within the competence of the Parent Committee, on behalf of the head.

If the functions are so diverse, then what are the reasons for the low effectiveness of parent committees? (parents' opinions are recorded)

Now I suggest you work in groups on the following problem: How to make the work of parent committees more effective? (work in groups)

Each group presents its findings. To summarize:

Administration + parents = partners = children's well-being

Thank you all for your work. Let's actively use our current developments to optimize the work of parent committees.

Class: 1st class

Form: round table

Topic: Family relationships as the basis of mutual understanding

Discuss with parents the problem of relationships in the family as the basis for mutual understanding; to form among parents a culture of understanding the problem and ways to overcome it; give recommendations; develop the skills of finding a way out in difficult situations.

Progress of the meeting


– Hello dear fathers, mothers! Today we have gathered at a round table to talk about something very important. Family is a landing place for the elders, a launching pad for the younger ones, and a beacon of relationships for everyone. Our children are growing up, becoming smarter, and you and I would like there to be fewer problems in communication and interaction with them, but this is not happening. Why? Why, when meeting with friends, work colleagues, class parents, teachers, do we experience anxiety and worry, worry and fear for our children? Today we will try together to find the cause and solution to this problem. Now I want to read a Chinese parable to you, and you listen carefully.

Working with the Chinese parable “Good Family”

Once upon a time there was a family in the world, It was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how the whole family and the whole village lived. You will say: so what, you never know there are many big families in the world, but

the fact is that the family was special: peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no fights, no strife. Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of this country. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the people of the village achieved such harmony. Came to the head of the family; Tell me, how do you achieve such harmony and peace in the family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time, apparently he was not good at reading and writing.

Discussion with parents of the parable

– What can you say about this parable? (Parents express their opinions).

– What kind of relationships should there be in a family?

- What do I need to do? What conditions should be created?

Parental workshop-game “Basket of Feelings”

– Dear parents, I have a “Basket of Feelings” in my hand, let’s write and name the feelings that bother us when discussing this topic. Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they experience painfully.

An important condition for normal relationships in the family between parents and children is the mutual awareness of parents and children, in this case a good attitude towards learning will be formed. Mutual awareness of parents and children makes it possible to come to mutual understanding and respect for each other’s opinions.

In joint activities, not only parents discover the character of their children, but also children get to know the complex world of adults, their way of thinking and experiencing, and get to know their parents better. Parents can ask more from their children, giving them their time, feelings, providing them with a decent life.

If the atmosphere in the family is friendly and sensitive,

then a child raised on the positive examples of his parents in an atmosphere of mutual love, care and help will grow up to be just as sensitive and responsive.

Parents who are afraid of overloading their children at school and relieve them of household responsibilities are making a big mistake, because... in this case, the child may become selfish and neglect work altogether.

In order to correctly assess the motives of your children’s behavior, you need to understand them, know the direction of their personalities, interests, level of their knowledge and skills. If the family does not have such information about the children, then mutual difficulties in communication will appear.

It is very useful to discuss family and social problems with children, listen to their opinions, respect, correct and guide them in the right direction,

forming a sense of responsibility, self-respect of the individual, and, if necessary, admitting one’s mistakes.

Weak mutual interest between parents and children creates a negative attitude towards each other on both sides; children generally become disillusioned with communication and transfer their attitude towards their parents to the whole world of adults. Parents, in turn, also experience bitter disappointment in their children, resentment and annoyance, do not believe in them, do not respect them.

The relationship between parents and children, the specifics of their communication with each other, during which these relationships manifest themselves, influence the formation of the children’s personality. Parents who satisfy only the needs of their children and do not have spiritual contact with them, as a rule, have problems in raising and communicating with their children.


– Now I want to conduct a survey with you that will help you understand what kind of relationships you have in your family.


    Do you think that your family has mutual understanding with children?

    Do your children talk to you heart to heart, do they consult you on personal matters?

    Are children interested in your work?

    Do you know your children's friends?

    Do your children participate in household chores with you?

    Do you have common activities and hobbies?

    Are children involved in preparing for the holidays?

    Do children prefer that you be with them during the holidays?

    Do you go to exhibitions, concerts, theaters with your children?

    Do you discuss TV shows with your children?

    Do you discuss books you have read with your children?

    Do you have common activities or hobbies?

    Do you participate in excursions, hikes, walks?

    Do you prefer to spend free time with kids?

Processing the results:

For each positive answer, 2 points are given;

For the answer “sometimes” - 1 point;

For a negative answer - 0 points.

20 points– You have a good relationship with your children.

10 – 19 points– the relationship is satisfactory, but insufficient, one-sided. Look where your negative answers stand.

9 points and below– contact with children is not established.

Practical work with parents

– And now I want to make a memo with you that will help establish and maintain conflict-free discipline and mutual understanding in the family.

Parent training

Give examples of situations from your life, from the life of your family, or from what you have observed.

situations related to family relationships.

There are pieces of paper in front of you. Write down on them expressions that are prohibited in communicating with a child in your family, as well as recommended and desirable expressions.

When communicating with children, you should not use expressions such as:

· I told you a thousand times that... · How many times must I repeat... · What are you thinking... · Is it really difficult for you to remember that... · You become… · You are the same as... · Leave me alone, I have no time... · Why is Lena (Nastya, Vasya, etc.) like this, and you are not...

When communicating with children, it is advisable to use the following expressions:

· You are my smartest (handsome, etc.). · It's so good that I have you. · You're doing great for me. · I love you very much. · How well you did it, teach me.

· Thank you, I am very grateful to you.

· If it weren't for you, I would never have gotten through this.

Try to use the listed expressions as often as possible.

Recommendations for parents: 1) Accept your child unconditionally. 2) Actively listen to his experiences and opinions. 3) Communicate with him as often as possible, study, read, play, write letters and notes to each other. 4) Do not interfere with his activities that he can handle.

5) Help when asked. 6) Support and celebrate his successes. 7) Talk about your problems, share your feelings. 8) Resolve conflicts peacefully. 9) Use phrases that evoke positive emotions in communication. 10) Hug and kiss each other at least four times a day.

– The most important words to say to your child: “I love you, we are close, we are together and we will overcome everything. This concludes our parent meeting. I think you got a lot of useful information for yourself. Goodbye, and see you again.

Class: 1st class


Subject: "Learning to be tolerant"

Goal: to identify the problem of tolerant attitude towards each other

give the concept of tolerance,

identify the traits of a tolerant and intolerant personality,

discuss examples of conflict situations in families and ways to prevent them.

Progress of the meeting:

introduction class teacher about tolerance.

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their destinies are like the stories of the planets.

Each one has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets similar to it.

And if someone lived unnoticed,

And with this invisibility I was friends,

He was interesting among people

The most uninteresting thing.

Everyone has their own secret personal world.

There is the best moment in this world.

There is the most terrible hour in this world,

But all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies,

His first snow dies with him,

And the first kiss; and the first fight...

He takes all this with him.

Yes, books and bridges remain,

Machines and artists' canvases,

Yes, a lot is destined to remain,

But something still goes away!

This is the law of the ruthless game:

It is not people who die, but worlds.

We remember people, sinful and earthly,

What do we really know about them?

What do we know about brothers, about friends,

What do we know about our only one?

And we are talking about our own father,

Knowing everything, we know nothing.

People are leaving. They cannot be returned.

Their secret worlds not revived.

And every time I want again

Scream from this irrevocability. (E. Yevtushenko)

Classroom teacher.

What a poignant poem! The poet talks about the intrinsic value of each person’s personality and how often we lack attention and understanding from others. We lack tolerance and respect for each other. Now this concept is called “tolerance”.

What does this concept mean?

In preparation for the parent-teacher meeting, I selected the definition of tolerance from various sources.


This is a person’s value attitude towards people, expressed in recognition, acceptance and understanding of representatives of other cultures.

This is a positive attitude towards his otherness.

– tolerance for other people’s opinions, beliefs, behavior.

The term "tolerance" in different languages sounds different:

tolerancia (Spanish) – the ability to recognize differences from one’s own own ideas or opinions.

tolerance (French) – an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently than oneself

tolerance (English) – willingness to be tolerant, condescension.

kuan rong (Chinese) – allow, accept, be generous towards others.

tasamul’ (Arabic) – forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, goodwill towards others.

Tolerance (Russian)– the ability to endure something or someone, to be self-possessed, resilient, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something or someone, to take into account the opinions of others, to be forgiving.

The definition of tolerance given in the “Declaration of Principles of Tolerance” (signed on November 16, 1995 in Paris by 185 member states of UNESCO, including Russia):

Tolerance means “respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is freedom in diversity. This is not only a moral duty,

but also a political and legal need. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and helps replace the culture of war with a culture of peace.”

The third millennium is gaining momentum. Progress moves inexorably forward. Technology has come to serve man. It would seem that life should become more measured and calmer. But more and more often we hear the words: refugee, victim of violence...

In today's society there is an active growth of extremism, aggressiveness, and expansion of conflict zones. These social phenomena particularly affect young people, who, due to age characteristics characterized by maximalism, the desire for simple and quick solutions to complex social problems.

IN Lately Among teenagers and young people there is a catastrophic increase in all kinds of antisocial behavior. Juvenile crime continues to increase. The number of antisocial radical youth organizations is growing, involving inexperienced youth in extremist groups.

The main task of society is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude:

tolerance for other people's opinions, forgiveness, respect for rights,

beliefs, behavior of others

compassion - TOLERANCE - cooperation,

spirit of partnership accepting the other as he is

mercy respect for human dignity

Every person does different things in life. In some situations he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around...

There are two ways of personality development: tolerant and intolerant.

2) Parents work in groups.

Parents are divided into two groups. Task for groups:

the first group will describe the main features inherent in a tolerant personality, the second - the features inherent in an intolerant personality.

Conclusion: The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a friendly attitude towards other cultures, views, and traditions.

The intolerant path is characterized by a person’s idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of education, a feeling of discomfort in existing in the reality around him, a desire for power, and non-acceptance of opposing views, traditions and customs.



Target: creating conditions for the emergence partnerships between parents and teachers.

Tasks: involve parents in partner participation in educational process children; create conditions for sharing family experiences; discuss the most pressing problems of education, develop uniform requirements on the topic of the meeting.

Form of conduct: parent club meeting.

Participants: educators, parents.

Event plan

  1. Introductory part.
  2. Warm up. Exercise “Smile!”
  3. Analysis and discussion of the survey results.
  4. Ball game "Kind words".
  5. Tips for parents “Moments of tenderness.”
  6. Testing “What kind of parent are you?”
  7. Discussion of homework results.
  8. Training.
  9. Final part.

Progress of the event

  1. Preliminary stage

1. Questionnaire “Diagnostics of the level of emotional development of a child” ( Annex 1 )

2. Design of the folder “Childhood neuroses”.

3.Parents and children complete the task: draw your family together at home.

  1. Organizational stage

There is an image of a large heart attached to the easel; paper-cut images of small hearts (green, blue, black and red) are laid out on the tables; pictures for games and tests have been prepared; tables and chairs are arranged in a circle.

  1. Introductory part

Educate l. Good evening, dear parents! Today we have gathered for a meeting of our family club to talk about the importance of a child’s emotional well-being for maintaining and strengthening his health.

  1. Warm up. Exercise “Smile!”

Educator. It is imperative for all of us, adults, to accustom ourselves to always have a warm and friendly smile on our face. If it is not there, there must be a readiness for it. There should always be an inner smile. To this end, in the morning you need to linger longer on your reflection in the mirror. Admire yourself, make faces, stick your tongue out at yourself: it will make you laugh and you will smile. Stop! This is exactly the kind of person you should have during the day, not a “official” one. Promise yourself this before you go out.

Now let's greet each other with our smiles. Give your smiles to your neighbor on your right and left.

Scientists attribute preschool age to the so-called critical periods in a child’s life. Under unfavorable conditions, children experience emotional stress and, as a result, the appearance of neuroses.

How do you think this manifests itself? (Statements from parents.)

Children become capricious, their mood often changes (they are either whiny or aggressive), they get tired quickly, and have trouble falling asleep. A child with neurotic disorders also feels uncomfortable in kindergarten: he walks aimlessly around the group room and cannot find something to do.

  1. Analysis and discussion of survey results

Educator . At home, you filled out a questionnaire and determined the level of emotional development of your child ( Annex 1 ). After processing your responses, we have identified the most common causes of violations of the emotional well-being of children.

The results (in%) are provided in a visual form.

Option 1. A poster is hung.

Option 2. “Live model”. The results for each reason are written in separate sheets A3. The most active parents can help demonstrate them. Parents take the sheets and stand in a column one after another. The teacher names the reason, and all parents see the number (in%) shown by the first parent. Then he sits down in his place, and the teacher calls next reason and the number (in%) shown by the second parent again appears in front of the parents, etc.


  • Inconsistency of requirements for the child at home and in kindergarten.
  • Violation of the daily routine.
  • Excess of information received by the child (intellectual overload).
  • The desire of parents to give their child knowledge that is not appropriate for his age.
  • Unfavorable situation in the family.
  • Frequently visiting crowded places with a child, parents should take into account: what is everyday life for an adult can become stressful situation for a child.
  • Excessive severity of parents, punishment for the slightest disobedience, fear of the child to do something wrong.
  • Decreased physical activity.
  • Lack of love and affection from parents, especially mothers.

Educator. All this gives rise to changes in emotional sphere. The famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky noted the phenomenon of “dried heart” (lack of feelings), which he observed among his contemporaries and which is associated with “upbringing aimed, as a rule, at intellectualized behavior.” Unfortunately, this phenomenon is still relevant today.

Answer yourself honestly: are there factors in your family that interfere with the child’s emotional well-being? If there is one factor, take a green heart and attach it to a large heart (on an easel). If there are two, pin a blue heart. If there are three or more, pin a black heart.

The red heart will be given to those who believe that there is not a single factor in their family that interferes with the emotional well-being of the child.

Educator. It seems to me that many fathers and mothers wonder if they have done everything to prevent nervous breakdowns The child has.

  1. Ball game "Good word"

Parents take turns naming affectionate words or phrases that they use to encourage the child.

Educator. Parental love and affection are needed not only by infants, but also by older children. And not only for gentle girls, but also for courageous boys. The child needs both “calf tenderness” and “bear pranks”. Although, of course, noisy and active games can be played only after the child wakes up, and not at night.

The main character of Marcel Proust's story "Towards Swann", a six-year-old boy, waits every day before going to bed for the opportunity to kiss his mother. For him this is the result today, a bridge to the future. I think this happens because a kiss is what reveals and returns wholeness. That’s why we kiss the child’s wound so that it heals faster.

Parental affection should not be limited to kisses and hugs. There are many other ways to express it.

  1. Tips for parents “Moments of tenderness”
    Invite parents to first give examples from their family experiences. Then they need to pick a petal from a daisy and read out the advice.
  • Dance with your baby, holding him close to you. You will be in close contact, and the rhythmic swaying to the music will calm him down.
  • Hug your child by the shoulders, gently stroke his hair or cheek - he needs simple movements so much, he needs them all the time.
  • Draw on the child's back with your fingers, and let him guess what you are depicting. If it is difficult for your child to guess the objects, then show on his back how he ran soft cat as a heavy elephant tramped or a light butterfly flew by, just touching its wings.
  • Use evening hours or after bedtime for gentle play. The calm atmosphere of the bedroom is conducive to games that will help you express your feelings. Invite your child to hide a soft toy under the blanket, and you try to find it. After finding the teddy bear, be sure to kiss its owner. Repeat the game. The bear cub has somewhere to hide: in a pajama leg or under a pillow.
  • Climb under the blanket with your baby and chat about something, snuggling together.
  • You can offer your child a game: show affection for a certain time shown on the die, you can play with a mysterious statue. The child should take any position and cover himself with a blanket or sheet, you should feel him. If you have two or more children, try to guess who is hiding under the blanket. Then the children will have to hold back their laughter and giggles - otherwise they will quickly figure them out.
  • Confidentially touch the hand or shoulder of a baby going to kindergarten - this gives him confidence in his own abilities. Playfully ruffle the hair of a three-year-old mischief-maker and he will cheer up.
  1. Testing “What kind of parent are you?” ( appendix 2)
  2. Discussion of homework results

Educator. Now let's move on to homework. On the tables are drawings made by you and the children on the theme “My Family.”

Tell us how the child took part in drawing.

Which family member did he most like to portray?

What was his mood at the time?

How much time did you spend on the task?

Speech by two or three parents.

  1. Training

1. Game “Passion in the houses”

Educator. When a child feels that his parents are nearby and that they love him, his soul is calm. But when a child does not have this feeling, he becomes suspicious, anxious, and afraid of something. I want to invite you to play game test"Fears in the Houses"

In front of you are two houses - black and red. We need to decide where they will live terrible fears, and where - not scary. I will list the fears, and you write down their numbers inside the house in which you will place them.

This is actually a test you can do at home with your child to find out what they are afraid of.

At the end of the game, the teacher distributes to parents lists of the listed fears.

2.Dynamic pause

1.Parents come out in a circle and shake hands with each other:

A) they like to sleep;

B) love sweets.

2.Parents come out into the circle and jump on one leg:

A) they like to work in the country,

B) they like to make preparations for the winter.

3. Parents who come out in a circle and dance:

A) love to spend money;

B) love to travel.

3. Test “Cheerful - Sad face, or What did it mean?”

Educator. Each of you has a story picture in which the artist did not draw the child’s face. Look at it carefully and try to convey the expression baby face, which corresponds to this situation.

Parents do the task.

Educator. Add up all the pictures, and then choose the one where, from your point of view, an emotionally prosperous child is drawn.

After discussion, the picture is chosen by a majority of votes.

Educator. Do you think punishment can cause disruption to a child's emotional well-being? (Parents' answers.)

4. Test “Continue the phrase”

We will analyze your answers and prepare appropriate consultations.

  1. Punishment is applied because ______________________________
  2. Do you have to punish your child when he ______________________
  3. What punishments do you use towards your child?____

Educator. The famous Russian psychologist V.L. Levi wrote Seven Rules for Everyone: “When punishing, think: why?” I will read only one thing: “A child should not be afraid of punishment. He should not fear punishment, not our anger, but our grief...

When there is a shortage of love, life itself becomes a punishment, and then punishment is sought as the last chance for love.”

  1. Final part

Educator. Our meeting is coming to an end. Take a red heart and write anything on it good wishes and pass it on to your neighbor. On the heart you can also write a few words about your attitude towards the meeting.

Love your children, spend more time with them, and then they will grow up healthy, balanced and reasonable.

In conclusion, parents are given a memo “What you need to know about emotional development preschool child" ( Appendix 3 ) and "Ten Commandments of Parents" ( Appendix 4).

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.

Appendix 6.

Test to assess the level of anxiety…….

Diagnosis of emotional state......

Questionnaire for parents


holding parent meetings

PARENT MEETING - This is the main form of joint work with parents. Here, decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues the life of the classroom community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is the coordination, coordination and integration of the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality.

Often, parent meetings are used to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, their role, responsibility and activity in the life of the class.

Class parent meetings are usually held once every quarter, but can be held more often if necessary. Its effectiveness largely depends on focus, thoughtfulness and thoroughness preparatory work teachers and members of the parent committee. The main elements of preparing a parent meeting include the following:

    choosing a meeting topic; determining the goals of the parent meeting; study by the class teacher and other organizers of the collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration; conducting micro-studies in the community of children and parents; determining the type, form and stages of the parent meeting, methods and techniques for the collaboration of its participants; inviting parents and other meeting participants; development of the meeting’s decision, its recommendations, and instructions to parents; equipment and design of the venue for parent meetings.


RULE 1. The topic of the parent meeting must be relevant to parents.

RULE 2. Parent-teacher meetings must be held at a time convenient for parents.

RULE 3. The plan for holding a parent meeting must be known to parents.

RULE 4. Communication between the class teacher and parents must be tactful and self-possessed.

RULE 5. The parent meeting should not label.

RULE 6. The parent meeting should be pedagogically useful and well prepared.


Before starting a meeting, it’s best to leave your bad mood at the door;

Allow no more than 1.5 hours for the meeting;

The most pleasant sound for a person is his name: put in front of you a list with the names and patronymics of your parents;

Before the start of the parent meeting, announce the issues you plan to discuss;

Do not forget " Golden Rule" pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, end the conversation with suggestions for the future;

Warn parents that not all information may be shared with children;

Thank everyone who took the time to come (especially fathers);

Make it clear to parents that you understand well how difficult it is for a child to study;

In a personal conversation, evaluate the children’s progress relative to their potential;

Let your parents know that " bad student" does not mean "bad person";

The parent should leave the meeting feeling that they can help their child.


O condemn present parents for failure to attend previous meetings;

O compare the progress of individual students;

O give negative feedback to the whole class;

O overestimate the importance of individual items;

O use an edifying tone when communicating with parents.

And once again - be extremely correct and tactful!
