In muddy water it is easy to catch a crayfish behind a stone. What does it mean to get a cancer behind a stone? What does it mean to get a cancer behind a stone?

The editor of our newspaper received a letter from the city of Trekhgorny from a labor veteran, a veteran of the nuclear industry, Alexander Bronislavovich NOVIKOV. We bring it to the attention of our readers.

To lead a cancer behind a stone - this can be said about a situation when all attention when discussing a problem is focused on a seemingly secondary issue, and the main controversial topic is approved with a bang without discussion.

Let's think about what preceded the events that took place from January 16 to January 31, 2014 in the Assembly of Deputies of Trekhgorny.

Within the deputy corps, led by the head of the city, a commission is being formed to prepare public hearings “On introducing amendments and additions to the Charter of the city of Trekhgorny.” Among the working aspects of the changes that are necessary in the course of the life of the city, the Draft Recommendation includes the issue of changing the system for electing deputies. Existing today mixed system elections of deputies, provides the opportunity for 10 candidates for deputies from political parties to run on lists, and for 10 candidates to stand as candidates under a majoritarian, that is, single-member constituency system.

By the way, this system was adopted under great pressure from the United Russia political party, since it gave it the opportunity to introduce 10 deputies to the Assembly of Deputies of Trekhgorny without the risk of an election campaign. And among the remaining seats (10 single-mandate seats) take maximum amount seats for the absolute manageable number of United Russia deputies of today's convocation. And this was successful, which is why dissident deputies N. Lubenets, V. Zaitsev and others remain in the minority over and over again when resolving controversial issues. Well, God be with him - we endured for 4 years, we will endure another 9 months until the “birth” of the new composition of the deputy corps.

But no! Suddenly, the Draft Recommendations include the issue of switching to the previously existing majoritarian, single-mandate system for electing deputies. And, mind you, the same local branch of United Russia is introducing it, and with an additional initiative to elect the head of the city from among the newly elected deputies, and not by direct voting.
Why did United Russia not like the election system they won? Where is the “stone” and where is the “cancer”?!

The fact is that the deputies from United Russia understood perfectly well the position they would find themselves in if in their constituencies they began to explain to their voters what the disadvantages and advantages of returning to a single-mandate (majority) system for electing deputies were. They risk being misunderstood.

The authority of "ER" in Trekhgorny Lately falls catastrophically, people do not see the results of real work in the interests of the city. And what is important is that local branches of political parties are becoming more and more active. The newly revived Rodina party is registering, holding a number of actions on the streets of the city, A Just Russia, and preparing for a visit to the city by two deputies State Duma. It was not the two-headed government in the city, not the leadership of medical unit No. 72, but the LDPR with its local leader I. Benifand who decided the issue of supplies to Trekhgorny discounted medications, which were delayed for about a year.

This is, after all, an active part of the population of our city, its golden fund of that civil society, which brilliantly demonstrated the maturity of thinking, the unity of position both at public hearings and at meetings with deputies N. Lubents, V. Zaitsev, F. Gadynanov.

Not only political parties began to seize the initiative in the city from United Russia, but also, gratifyingly, initiative groups led by K. Cherepnev.
So, “United Russia” did not go to the people, but began to look for that notorious stone that would make it possible to pass the issue of switching to a single-mandate system of electing deputies at the session of deputies without risk. This would make it possible to prevent competitors from other political parties from becoming deputies on party lists and to develop political strategists for blocking them in single-mandate constituencies. This is the main meaning of the fussy activity of United Russia.

Already on January 14, 2014, at an extended meeting of the political council of the local branch of United Russia, a discussion took place of the initiative to elect the head of the city from among the deputies. The deputies who were discussing completely forgot that their direct duty is to carry out the orders of their voters, to explain to them the motivation for the adoption of certain regulations that are especially important for the life support of the city.
And everything would be smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines. Already on January 15, 2014, a message from deputy Vladimir Zaitsev appeared on the blog of the regional Judo Development Center, which literally blew up the city’s public: “Residents of Trekhgorny may be left without the right to choose the head of the city.” The wave went in such a way that at the beginning of public hearings on January 16, 2014, the audience no longer represented an obedient majority. One must not have political intuition, not take into account the vector of mood in the city, in order to climb into the breach, as United Russia deputy D. Chekasin did with his initiative to elect the head of the city from among the deputies. The hall began to boil.

This is what it means for United Russia activists to prepare for a political action in the silence of their offices. What do political strategists get paid for? It is unclear what the deputies from United Russia were counting on. Was it because everything had been prepared for the hall, where more than half of the leaders were sitting under “obligation”, and they would vote before the eyes of the presidium as they should? Is it because no one in the room will “bother” with the illegitimacy of the timing and form of the initiatives put forward by United Russia?
Apparently, the “fatherly” instruction of K. Yu. Zakharov, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, deputy secretary of the regional political council of the United Russia party, who arrived in the city before the hearings, also played a role here.
The instruction, apparently, sounded something like this: “We see it as right to change the procedure for electing the head of the city, this will remove the risks of an inconvenient person coming to us. Feel free to make a proposal, deputies from the PSZ, his trade union activists will support you, and the hall will vote as it should. But no, that’s it.” went wrong!

The first speaker notes violations of the initiatives voiced by Deputy Chekasin. The head of the local LDPR branch, Ilya Benifand, with all the emotionality of his speech, absolutely correctly revealed the intentions of the local United Russia members and their inspirers to form power in the city in the September elections, where the population, represented by the active part of the voters, will become a statistic without a casting vote, and the seats of deputies will be taken by the necessary ones "puppeteer" candidates.
A proposal is being made to stop these public hearings altogether, since the 260 people present are not delegated by anyone to approve recommendations for amending the City Charter without the opinion of the citizens themselves. Send deputies to their districts and, in March-April 2014, summarize public opinion for approval at a session of deputies. The proposal was ignored by the Presidium, and the voting went on as usual. The procedure for electing the head of the city was not included on the agenda of the session on January 31, 2014.

But what is most negative is the system of electing deputies in single-mandate constituencies, adopted against the backdrop of seething passions without discussion. It must be said that in this “United Russia” won their position and dragged it through without a squeak and for approval by the session of deputies on January 31, 2014. At least the final phrase of Mr. K. Yu. Zakharov based on the results of his visit to the city of Trekhgorny will be: “I am disappointed with the results of your session of deputies; you agreed with lawlessness”!

One should not hope that attempts to change the system of electing the head of the city have ended here. Contrary to the opinion of the townspeople, their processing will continue, the interested electorate of the city will take into account their mistakes, and the methods and political strategists will only become more sophisticated.

I really hope that the reorganization of the system announced by Russian President V.V. local government will propose many more legislative initiatives and their approval, which will significantly eliminate unnecessary tensions among the local population and activate all healthy forces in society.

Labor veteran, nuclear industry veteran

Alexander NOVIKOV.

“...So what, what I promised, I didn’t do...”
V.S. Chernomyrdin


According to information from industry experts - analysts who conducted investigations in the spirit of a good detective genre, in November 2017, “ANONYMOUS” authors (well, very “ANONYMOUS”) sent a secret note to the country’s President Vladimir Putin with a proposal to sell part of the crab quotas at an auction.

But... there is no fear! To this anonymous, anti-constitutional and anti-people note a month later, on December 14, 2017, at a large press conference, the President of Russia unequivocally answered: “The so-called historical principle, which has been established in the industry for quite a long time, cannot be changed abruptly. Otherwise we will undermine the very production of fish.”

Although, even without resorting to the method of deduction, one cannot fail to note how competently and comprehensively the president of the country got a crayfish behind a stone!!!

We're talking about fish! Not a word about the crab! And the phrase of the president of the country: “ it cannot be changed suddenly ", clearly speaks of something already underway and not "sharp "phased breakdown" historical principle", which will begin with a trial false start to bring 50 percent of the crab quotas to the auction counter. Just as gracefully, masterfully and shamelessly as with the pension reform! Bravo, AUTHORITY!

Cardboard box...

So everything turns out exactly as Viktor Chernomyrdin said: « I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again » .

A colossal number of letters, publications, appeals, expert assessments, and other analyzes on the issue of withdrawing part of the crab quotas to auctions have given rise to an avalanche of rumors and speculation regarding the collapse and redistribution of the fishing industry.

Kilometers of paper and hundreds of cartridges were spent on printing all these tragic materials, in red outline of which is the comprehensive concern of the domestic fishing industry for the fishing industry and the preservation of the results achieved by it.

If all these materials are concentrated and presented more briefly and without patriotic pathos, it turns out that by virtue of the Government Order Russian Federation dated August 16, 2018 under No. 1697-r, it is planned, simply, and already familiar to the people - an unconstitutional change in legal regulation, which will begin with the redistribution at auctions of 50% of the volume of quotas for catching (harvesting) crab, which was previously distributed according to the “historical” principle, with the further introduction of similar legal regulation for quotas established in relation to other types of hydrocarbons within 3–5 years.

And the allocation of new quotas will be formed by deduction from the total allowable catch individual species aquatic biological resources, which falls on already established quotas, which will lead to a decrease in this very share of the quota, previously and legally acquired by fishing industry at auctions and recorded in fixed-term contracts on fixing quota shares. Who else doesn’t understand?!

(Just think, some crabs, but people don’t even see a trace of them in Russia, and if they do, their cost is not significantly less than the cost of funeral services. .And, in fact, the domestic consumer has long celebrated a wake for good domestic fish and domestic seafood delicacies, and as ordinary people say, this year, for free and of better quality than in stores, it was possible to get domestic fish in the landfills and garbage dumps of our fish stores Far Eastern powers.)

Walk on a horse, there will be no will in sight!

And who dared to so suddenly and instantly blow up the brains of the Russian Government to the level of its illegal Order No. 1697-r dated August 16, 2018, but not only blow up, but also discredit the entire apparatus of this department, “overrun” by mediocrities and legally empty specialists?!

Perhaps the FAS, which on April 20, 2018 published a draft report on the state of competition in the Russian Federation for 2017?! The report claims ineffectiveness current system distribution of shares of quotas for catching aquatic biological resources, and already on August 13, 2018, the leadership of the FAS Russia expressed a position according to which aquatic biological resources are an object of state property, and therefore their use cannot be a property right owned by legal entities or individuals.

Which, in fact, was the forerunner of the birth, three folklore days later, of the above-mentioned Government Order, even more illiterate and blatant in its illegality.

What do international lawyers say about this? And they say that the apparatus of the FAS and the Government of Russia is “overrun” not only by mediocrities and legally empty specialists, but also possibly by criminals who deliberately discredit and undermine trust in both the state framework itself and the laws and orders issued by this “foundation”.

Both the FAS conclusions and the government order are inherently not only erroneous and incompetent, but also illegal!

How much more evidence is needed of the illegality of these novelties if both the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights consider the right to use aquatic biological resources acquired on the basis of agreements on fixing quota shares as PROPERTY?!

PROPERTY within the meaning of Article 34 (Part 1) and Article 35 (Parts 1, 2, 3) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation! And also within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, respectively!

And in addition to this, the practice of the Constitutional Court confirms that “property” in the constitutional and legal meaning is, among other things, issued by authorized bodies AUTHORITIES a permit that serves as a condition for a person’s admission to carry out certain types of activities, including entrepreneurial ones. And, accordingly, fishing on the basis of the historical principle is entrepreneurial activity, which is authorized by personal property fishmonger, submitted by a permit issued by the authorized body AUTHORITIES this very government! Denying this will lead to denial itself. AUTHORITIES, with all the ensuing organizational and legal consequences for all countries!

In conclusion, one cannot help but recall once again the great Russian aphorist: “No one can blame us for having good intentions”

Good thoughts to you, POWER!

Victor Kirochkini,
Member Public Council
at Federal agency on fisheries,
Honorary worker fish Russian economy,
veteran of labour

Traders' statement that at the end of summer retail prices Gasoline prices will rise following wholesale prices, which did not delight the Prime Minister at yesterday's government meeting. He saw in such forecasts “a complex intrigue.” Considering that inflation in Russia in recent months has been accelerated by rising prices for grain and fruits and vegetables, the government does not want to have an additional “inflationary” item. In addition, in the recent history of Russia there has already been experience when, at the highest state level, oil companies asked to freeze gasoline prices for a while.

Perhaps something similar could happen again. “They increased the price of gasoline by a penny. They are preparing public opinion,” Mikhail Fradkov suspected something was wrong. And he promised with meaning: “The mathematics here is complex. Appealing to conscience is no longer effective. We will use other methods."

Prime for better understanding The “intriguers” explained that “other methods” would be “harsh.” Like, this is not the time to engage in nonsense - you need to think about how complex political stage we are located. By a difficult stage, apparently, one should understand the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. (By the way, Mikhail Fradkov himself is still listed as an observer among Vladimir Putin’s possible successors.)

The official's violent reaction occurred after the head of Transneft, Semyon Vainshtok, tried to explain the difficulties of domestic oil pricing at yesterday's government meeting. “To our regret, we will not be able to reduce the pressure on Western Europe of our oil. And force them to remove discrimination in the pricing of Urals (export brand of Russian oil - Ed.),” Mr. Weinstock began. But the prime minister, as usual, suggested “not to start talking about cancer”: “All this is not very clear, Semyon Mikhailovich, so we’ll get to gasoline prices.” And he got there.

It is curious that the head of Transneft, Semyon Vainshtok, did not at all mean an increase in gasoline prices. All he had to do was explain to cabinet members that his company was financially sound. And that the construction of ESPO (pipeline Eastern Siberia -- Pacific Ocean) will not undermine the financial power of Transneft.

The minister insisted on the opposite economic development German Gref. “While there is no clear tariff (for pumping oil through Russian pipelines - Ed.), we cannot assess the economics of the project. How feasible are the plans (ESPO, BTS and others) of Transneft from a financial point of view?” - asked the chief economist. To which I received the unequivocal assurance of Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy Andrei Dementyev, who has been effectively replacing Minister Viktor Khristenko for several months: “We have never had any doubts. Financial condition allows the company to implement all existing projects.”

“We need to write this somewhere in black and white and remember it. And all people will hear it through TV,” the prime minister promised. He ordered “to deal with the ESPO project so that later the budget does not receive another financial request.” “Will you have any surprises?” - he asked Mr. Dementyev. “There are no predictable surprises,” the deputy minister responded with a paradoxical remark. “We have an increase in the cost of the project. And if we find ourselves with nothing, we will not forgive either ourselves or you,” the prime minister warned.

German Gref demanded that the tariff be determined immediately: “We have a huge range of questions to which there are no answers. We must base the economy on oil production. I don’t understand why we so urgently need an examination of the intermediate stage of construction here. It is impossible to continue construction without a clear economics.” The head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade suggested that his colleagues first “see the payback” of global pipeline projects.

The Prime Minister of Economic Development supported: “It is obvious that we must speed up and complete our calculations in the third quarter.” In the end, he decided to somehow lighten Mr. Weinstock’s mood by declaring: Transneft is becoming a transnational, large company. And we will not lose sight of it.”

As for ordinary citizens, they care little about the financial power and transnational status of Transneft. The main thing for them is that gasoline does not start to rise sharply in price along with grain. And neither Semyon Vainshtok nor Mikhail Fradkov, naturally, can give such guarantees.

The traders' statement that at the end of summer retail gasoline prices will rise following wholesale prices did not enthuse the Prime Minister at yesterday's government meeting. He saw in such forecasts “a complex intrigue.” Considering that inflation in Russia in recent months has been accelerated by rising prices for grain and fruits and vegetables, the government does not want to have an additional “inflationary” item. In addition, in the recent history of Russia there has already been experience when, at the highest state level, oil companies asked to freeze gasoline prices for a while.

Perhaps something similar could happen again. “They increased the price of gasoline by a penny. They are preparing public opinion,” Mikhail Fradkov suspected something was wrong. And he promised with meaning: “The mathematics here is complex. Appealing to conscience is no longer effective. We will use other methods."

For a better understanding of the “schemers,” the Prime Minister explained that “other methods” would be “tough.” Like, this is not the time to engage in nonsense - we need to think about what difficult political stage we are at. By a difficult stage, apparently, one should understand the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. (By the way, Mikhail Fradkov himself is still listed as an observer among Vladimir Putin’s possible successors.)

The official's violent reaction occurred after the head of Transneft, Semyon Vainshtok, tried to explain the difficulties of domestic oil pricing at yesterday's government meeting. “To our regret, we will not be able to reduce the pressure on Western Europe of our oil. And force them to remove discrimination in the pricing of Urals (export brand of Russian oil - Ed.),” Mr. Weinstock began. But the prime minister, as usual, suggested “not to start talking about cancer”: “All this is not very clear, Semyon Mikhailovich, so we’ll get to gasoline prices.” And he got there.

It is curious that the head of Transneft, Semyon Vainshtok, did not at all mean an increase in gasoline prices. All he had to do was explain to cabinet members that his company was financially sound. And that the construction of the ESPO (Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipeline) will not undermine the financial power of Transneft.

Economic Development Minister German Gref insisted on the opposite. “While there is no clear tariff (for pumping oil through Russian pipelines - Ed.), we cannot assess the economics of the project. How feasible are the plans (ESPO, BTS and others) of Transneft from a financial point of view?” - asked the chief economist. To which I received the unequivocal assurance of Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy Andrei Dementyev, who has been effectively replacing Minister Viktor Khristenko for several months: “We have never had any doubts. The financial condition of the company allows us to implement all existing projects.”

“We need to write this somewhere in black and white and remember it. And all people will hear it through TV,” the prime minister promised. He ordered “to deal with the ESPO project so that later the budget does not receive another financial request.” “Will you have any surprises?” - he asked Mr. Dementyev. “There are no predictable surprises,” the deputy minister responded with a paradoxical remark. “We have an increase in the cost of the project. And if we find ourselves with nothing, we will not forgive either ourselves or you,” the prime minister warned.

German Gref demanded that the tariff be determined immediately: “We have a huge range of questions to which there are no answers. We must base the economy on oil production. I don’t understand why we so urgently need an examination of the intermediate stage of construction here. It is impossible to continue construction without a clear economics.” The head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade suggested that his colleagues first “see the payback” of global pipeline projects.

The Prime Minister of Economic Development supported: “It is obvious that we must speed up and complete our calculations in the third quarter.” In the end, he decided to somehow lighten Mr. Weinstock’s mood by declaring: Transneft is becoming a transnational, large company. And we will not lose sight of it.”

As for ordinary citizens, they care little about the financial power and transnational status of Transneft. The main thing for them is that gasoline does not start to rise sharply in price along with grain. And neither Semyon Vainshtok nor Mikhail Fradkov, naturally, can give such guarantees.

The Cancer stone should have signs of water - and he will think. Should I? Is it water? Or maybe it’s better to buy a flame-scarlet spinel? After all, can the water be fiery scarlet? At sunset, for example.

And what’s most interesting is that gemstones for Cancer, chosen not “thanks to” but “despite”, work no worse than the textbook recommended ones. Why is that?

The thing is that a stone for such a sign as Cancer is nothing more than a part of the surrounding world. And this all-powerful Cancer rotates the world, moving its paws as it wants. That is, those around them perceive these spiritual movements as a banal inconsistency of the zodiac sign, and interpret it as the individual’s caution.

But Cancers themselves are confident in the inviolability of their own position and the kaleidoscopic changeability of the world. In their opinion, if the pattern of life does not work out, you need to twist the simple system of mirrors a little, and then the scarlet spinel will become a stone of water. Because the sea at sunset, near the horizon, really turns red!

It's not easy to argue with Cancer: in most cases, he is right. Therefore, stones recommended for Cancer according to the horoscope may be ignored. Until the very moment when Cancer needs a talisman...

Nature has decreed that Cancer does not find friends quickly, but enemies easily. Let a Cancer woman stand in line at the grocery store after work, and everyone behind her will fiercely hate the poor thing for being picky in choosing goods.

This is where Cancer needs a talisman. And not the one this one unusual sign He invented the Zodiac for himself, and now he nurses his defenses in mental battles. And the one that is recommended by learned astrologers, and which works for sure.

Stones of amulets for Cancer women are pearls! A string of pearls around the neck - it doesn’t matter at all whether these pearls are inexpensive freshwater or precious gold, the main thing is that they are natural - it will ward off all curses, threats, attempts at the evil eye and damage.

Natural minerals that resemble pearls and are in direct contact with the Cancer woman’s body are also good amulets. Moonstone, by the way, can serve as a universal talisman for this zodiac sign, but the condition of proximity to the body remains the same for moonstone.

The best stone for a Cancer man is emerald. And not the most transparent, but with a kind of foggy haze in the depths. That is, approximately the same as pure water in the bottom layer. It seems transparent, but the details cannot be distinguished. At the same time, it is green, but with a noticeable blue tint.

Red transparent minerals are also suitable for the Cancer sign in terms of their influence and properties. However, red stones, especially ruby ​​and spinel, are required by Cancer when he needs to seriously change his life.

According to Cancer, the power boiling in the stone overcomes inertia environment. In fact, from the red depths of the mineral, Cancer draws the strength and determination necessary to rebuild itself.

These discrepancies are not fundamental. It is important that stones for Cancer have long been accurately determined by science; they are strong and effective. Successful and happy Cancer- either a baby or the owner of at least one gemstone Cancer talisman.

The mysterious representatives of the Cancer sign are distinguished by their complex character, mystery, mood swings, and ability to perceive the world in their own way. Such people even choose talismans intuitively, since emotions constitute their main driving force.

This is distinctive feature Cancers, who in choosing a talisman should focus on stones related to water element or to the moon. Since Cancers are endowed with excessive emotionality, they create their own demands on the world around them.

The main property that mascot stones of the Cancer sign should be endowed with is the ability to calm the storms of his emotions. When going to the store for precious or semi-precious stones, you should be guided by the date of birth of the future owner of the jewelry, because each decade has its own nuances. People born under the sign of Cancer are divided into three groups.

People belonging to the first decade, characterized by a combination of passion and sentimentality, and therefore need emeralds, amethysts, tourmaline and moonstone.

For representatives of the second decade, the following talismans are needed: opal, emerald and amethyst, which gives harmony. For those born in the third decade, rock crystal is recommended, cat eye, Moonstone.

There are also universal stones that are perfect for all representatives of the Cancer sign. These talismans have an equally positive effect on the fate of all Cancers.

Moonstone - brings love into the life of the owner

If you arrange all the talismans of the Cancer sign in order of importance, then the emerald will be in first place. These unique green stones symbolize water, so they can easily wash the mind of their owner, cleanse it of unnecessary thoughts, sorrows, anxieties, and allow them to focus on important details.

Among other important properties of emerald is its exceptional ability to protect, protect from dangers and bad thoughts. Cancers should not forget to take such talismans with them on long trips.

Emerald will be on the road the most powerful protection from all manifestations of negativity. Another advantage of these stones that cannot be ignored is the ability to attract wealth to the Cancer owner.

Another generally recognized talisman is the moonstone. It can reduce the impact lunar phases on health status. These mysterious stones bring love into the lives of their owners. Among them useful qualities one can note the ability to shoot nervous tension, bring serenity into life.

Pearls are considered a reliable amulet for the fair sex, born under the sign of Cancer. It gives happiness in marriage and symbolizes fertility. So using it as a decoration contributes to the successful birth and upbringing of children.

Chalcedony - protects from gossip and slander, from evil spells

Rubies cope with this perfectly: they charge you with their ebullient energy, bring good luck in all your endeavors, and force you to leave behind all the complexes that often prevent Cancer ladies from living a full life.

The magical properties of ruby ​​lie in its amazing ability resolve conflicts, reconcile warring parties, find common ground in controversial situations. These qualities make talismans real guardians of harmony in the family.

The most powerful stone Chalcedony is considered a talisman for Cancer women. These stones act in different directions. Firstly, they protect against gossip and slander. Secondly, from evil spells and damage. Thirdly, from various dangers.

These ladies often harm their destiny with their daydreaming. At first, they immerse themselves in new relationships with great enthusiasm, idealizing their partner, not paying attention to his shortcomings, and live in dreams.

Which stones can become a talisman for Cancer, and which ones can bring bad luck to life? Such questions often arise for people who want to choose a talisman that matches their zodiac sign.

Pearls are perfect for a Cancer woman

The question of which stone is suitable for Cancers arises among women when they want to choose a talisman for themselves. The variety of minerals is huge, so it is important to choose the right amulet that will attract good luck and help activate strengths ladies.

Women who want to get rid of attacks of anger and melancholy should choose chalcedony as a talisman. It is recommended to purchase a ring for the little finger, in such a product the stone will fully cope with its function.

Pearls are perfect for the Cancer woman. The stone calms the nervous system, gives peace and peace of mind. It is best to buy silver jewelry with pearls; it is in this version that the talisman will acquire truly mystical power.

A good amulet for women of the zodiac sign Cancer is amethyst, which symbolizes purity and purity.

A good amulet for women of the Cancer zodiac sign is amethyst, which symbolizes purity and purity. The mineral is recommended to be given to creative people; rings inlaid with amethyst are especially good as a talisman.

All best qualities The intellectual and cautious Cancer can be strengthened by using stones favorable for this representative of the Zodiac Circle. By selecting stones according to the Signs of the Zodiac, using them as decoration, jewelry, or just in everyday life as a simple souvenir, you can achieve noticeable positive changes in life.

    Heliotrope, an unusually beautiful green mineral with red splashes similar to the blood of Christ, shed by him on Calvary, has been used since ancient times both in the manufacture of church utensils and as talismans, amulets and decorations. But not only Christians revered this gem; it is known that even in Ancient Egypt it was called the “great talisman”, which is capable of opening any doors to its owner, fulfilling any of his desires, and also brought his owner honor and respect from those in power. This unusually beautiful mineral was also very popular in Ancient Rome. Rich matrons Ancient Rome loved to decorate themselves with cameos and rings made of this wonderful gem. In addition, Heliotrope enhances the power of spells and conspiracies, so you need to understand what you are saying and what you are asking for, since Heliotrope reacts strongly to the utterance of any words, because it can really come true. This is why magicians love to use this Cancer stone in their spells. This mineral is not suitable for those who want to lead an inconspicuous, quiet lifestyle, as it plunges its owner into a whirlwind of life and makes it easier to interact with strongmen of the world This helps to achieve their mutual understanding. It is best suited for workaholics; it brings them success in work and career. This unique Cancer stone is a very good helper in treatment. various diseases. So it helps get rid of anemia, helps restore the body after operations and various injuries, stops bleeding and enriches the blood with hemoglobin. This gem is also indicated for various types of anemia, weakness and exhaustion. It restores vision and cures colds; to do this, you need to place it on the third eye area. Among other things, it works great for women's diseases, in case of poisoning, diseases of the liver and spleen, heart diseases, as well as genitourinary system. This gem is very capricious, but if it is really your stone, if it calls you, then consider that your future is secured. He will make all paths open for you, help you in any endeavor, and get rid of all the troubles that may come your way. Aventurine and Amazonite are very favorable for Cancer; you will find their description on this page.

  • The hard shell of the vulnerable soul of Cancer

Cancer stone. Stone for cancer women, men

Cancer is an unusual and mystical sign. They are alive and active, but at the same time they try to avoid the sharp stones of conflicts and go with the flow. But this does not prevent them from moving slowly and quietly towards their intended goal.

These people are calm and quiet, but at the same time sensitive and homely. Their inner world is an ocean of memories in which they sometimes find their refuge. They also prefer to store most of their feelings and emotions at the bottom of this ocean.

Among their shortcomings are a love of self-criticism, irritability and a love of taking out their negativity on others. In addition, Cancers are conservative and closed to new experiences: there are really few innovators among them.

Often they do not believe in themselves too much, so they follow others’ lead. All these disadvantages and advantages can be corrected or emphasized with the help of precious or semi-precious stones.

There are differences in the nature of cancers depending on the date of birth.

Those born from June 21 to July 1 are patronized by the Moon. These people are kind, empathic and often whiny, but usually everyone loves them. The best stones for the Cancer zodiac sign, which are ruled by the moon, are the most transparent and delicate: rock crystal, hematite, moonstone, carnelian, transparent jasper.

Cancers who were born from the second of July to the 11th are businesslike and cynical. Their stones are pearls, chrysoprase and chalcedony, heliotrope, sardonyx and turquoise.

For those born on July 11 through 22, emeralds, tourmalines, beryls, rubies and aquamarines are suitable. Their patrons are Neptune and the Moon. These are people who are creative and have a talent for science and magic.

All stones for representatives of this zodiac sign should go well with water, or rather, play with expressive highlights in it and change shade. Ideal colors are transparent blue, pearlescent and slightly greenish.

One of the best talismans is a moonstone. It stabilizes the work nervous system and helps get rid of irritability and depression. It also calms and calms. Moonstone is the best stimulator of intuition.

By the way, the stone is worn only with silver and only on a waxing moon. When the moon wanes, it is better to hide him, since during this period he turns into an energy vampire.

Its effect is similar to moonstone and pearls. In addition, pearls strengthen bonds between people, be it friendship, relationships with colleagues or love. In addition, pearls neutralize the evil actions of envious people and rivals.

Pearls are worn only by those who have a family; they become especially powerful if the lady’s husband gave them to her. It is better not to wear this stone all the time: pearls need rest. By the way, pearls are an excellent litmus test for the mood and health of the owner - the worse it is, the darker the pearls.

Sapphire is also ideal for cancer. If you wear it in a bracelet, it will help defeat asthma, neuralgia and heart disease. In addition, it helps you find good friends.

Beryl will bring good luck to this sign, and praseolite will help you learn to trust. In addition, praseolite helps to find harmony. Opal is a great assistant in your career and in making any dream come true.

A cat's eye can also be called a talisman, which attracts love and helps to establish relationships with those people with whom Cancer wants to make friends. In addition, a cat's eye saves you from cheating. Ruby will give representatives of this sign courage and inspire them to great deeds.

It is worth paying attention to minerals that save you from diseases. Thus, Cancers are prone to gastrointestinal diseases. Topaz will save you from them. This the only case when topaz for cancer can become a helper.

A good option for a talisman for a representative of this sign is chalcedony. If you wear it as a ring on your little finger, it will relieve both anger and melancholy. In addition, chalcedony helps unmarried girls find their love and win the one they love. It is always recommended to wear chalcedony.

A pearl set in silver helps to put the psyche in order and gives peace of mind.

But amethyst, as a symbol of purity, will give a girl from the Cancer sign inspiration and success in business. Turquoise will also help in your career, but you should wear it only as a pendant. Agate is needed for girls who are not very confident in themselves; in addition, this mineral will give a little courage. It would be good if it was in the form of an amulet.

Aventurine is suitable for depressed Cancer girls, and aquamarine is good as a means to maintain mental balance.

Earrings with heliotropes will give you courage and help remove any obstacles in life. Wisdom requires hematite, and it will give courage.

One of the best “male” talismans for a representative of the water sign of the zodiac is onyx. This mineral will give leadership qualities and make a man assertive and confident. In addition, onyx will add determination and help you get out of the influence of other people. It will help young men become more successful in society and add charisma.

agate neutralizes pessimism, uncertainty and negativism, changing self-esteem for the better. Agate will make a young man less vulnerable and happier, will allow him to move more boldly through life and quickly achieve his goal.

Emerald is also good for a man. It will make him more interesting, less constrained and withdrawn. Emerald calms you down during periods of intense stress and generally helps you control your emotions.

A mineral such as carnelian will add cheerfulness. It will protect against negativity, attract justice and good luck, and also make its owner more insightful and active.

While iridescent and transparent minerals are ideal for crayfish, bright red ones are not suitable at all. In addition to bright rubies and garnets, you should avoid monotonously dark gems.

They not only have a negative impact on energy, but can also cause great harm. Minerals with strong energy, such as diamonds, are also not recommended. For the same reason, topaz is contraindicated for cancer.

Any minerals of black and golden-yellow shades cause anxiety and put pressure on the fragile psyche of crayfish. The only exception may be black pearls, and only if the girl likes them and feels comfortable with such jewelry.

Also, women and girls should not wear minerals. orange color, therefore, an orange sapphire cannot be a talisman for cancer, just like an orange garnet. Yellow lapis lazuli, diamonds, onyxes and rubies are contraindicated.

Red agates are also harmful. All these gems have aggressive energy that fragile crayfish simply cannot withstand. Cancers should be careful with pink and gold yellow color– these metals also have aggressive energy.

  • The most strong stones for representatives of the water element - those that have ideal purity and transparency. That is why any gift that claims to be a talisman should be carefully examined when purchasing: check it in the light, examine it for bubbles and other defects - all this reduces their energy;
  • All minerals can be classified as feminine or masculine based on the following characteristics: if the gem is transparent or translucent, and also has a warm shade or color, it is a masculine stone. If it is matte, can change color and has a cold tint, it is a feminine mineral;
  • If you just bought the jewelry (or just gave it as a gift), you don’t need to put it on right away. Let him lie in the box for seven days and let everything out of himself. negative energy. In addition, any gem cannot be worn permanently, because this will turn it from a medicine and a talisman into a poison;
  • A diamond acquires strength only after seven years of wear, but if the stone is presented from the purest heart or as an inheritance from a loving relative, it is strong immediately;
  • No gems should be borrowed or stolen. If you gave your favorite stone to someone to wear, then keep it in water with sea salt for several hours.

Precious and semiprecious stones Rakov

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Stones for Cancer according to the horoscope

To understand which stones are suitable for Cancers, you must first understand their personality traits, goals and life guidelines. Cancers themselves are sensitive, calm and homely people. The element of Cancer is water, this sign rules the Moon and the Sun.

Representatives of this sign do not forget the past, but, on the contrary, find their refuge in it. Cancer is an extremely emotional sign, although it is unlikely to show at least half of its experiences.

Representatives of this sign are prone to melancholy and frequent mood swings. Distinctive features Cancer: responsiveness, ability to empathize and sympathize. Cancer will never leave you in trouble.

Cancers are people with extremely developed parental instincts. Affectionate and soft, representatives of this sign main goal see all their lives strong family. Cancers revere traditions and customs, so there are few people among them who love change.

The main advantages of Cancer can be called perseverance, kindness, compassion and intuition; disadvantages are irritability, self-eating, often low self-esteem, secrecy, lack of faith in one’s own strengths, and susceptibility to the influence of others.

Cancers born in the first decade (June 21 - July 1) are protected by the moon in everything. Kindness, affection, receptivity and sensitivity help these people remain favorites of everyone around them.

Cancers of the second decade, which lasts from July 2 to July 11, are a little cynical - this is a help in their commercial affairs. For these representatives of crayfish, the world seems like a huge mystery that they are trying to solve.

Representatives of Cancers born in the third decade (July 12 - 22) are patronized by the Moon and Neptune. The path of these people is creativity, magic and science. Ruby, aquamarine, beryl, emerald and tourmaline are suitable for incorrigible romantics, sublime and sensitive representatives of this decade.

Ruby will strengthen the owner's heart, give mental strength and courage. Ruby will help banish depressive thoughts. It is believed that this particular stone helps concentrate sexual energy. A ruby ​​can inspire the owner - Cancer - to great achievements and good deeds.

The vast majority of jewelry with a “cat’s eye” are considered amulets. In particular, it was believed that the “cat’s eye” protects against betrayal and is capable of preserving love. With the help of this stone, Cancer will be able to attract attention, improve relationships with others, and improve mutual understanding.

Moonstone is strongly associated with the Moon, the patroness of Cancers. The stone is able to absorb lunar energy and free Cancers from mood swings associated with the lunar cycle. Moonstone is worn to attract feelings into your life - this stone attracts love.

Emerald is a stone of composure, wisdom and hope. Jewelry with emerald can dispel empty worries and relieve suspiciousness. These stones attract wealth. The emerald will dispel bad dreams and the melancholy of Cancer.

Pearls are considered a talisman for family people. This stone is able to repel negative energy, protect from ghosts of the past, quarrels, repel negative energy and protect from envious people.
