House 2 is not shown on air. Relation of the law to this project

The management of the TV show, since it preaches debauchery on domestic television and shows the living embodiment of how low morals can fall, has never particularly suffered from moralism - starting with the producer who sleeps with the participants, one of whom even bothered to make his wife, and ending with the scriptwriters, who whisper to on-screen characters how they need to “build their love” correctly. But what turned out to be true today... No one expected such a slap in the face, such a blatant lie, such a disregardful attitude even from these guys. More precisely, some people still guessed. It seemed strange to many that, who knows how to find benefits everywhere, even where it would seem to not exist and cannot be, he suddenly decided to refuse to participate in the “Love of the Year” competition. In the same competition in which he and his wife were confidently in the lead and could easily take the main prize in the form of a one-room apartment in Moscow, in a good, well-maintained area. Almost everyone was sure that it was Tata and Valera who needed living space more than the other participants, since now they had recently had a daughter and now they are not just husband and wife, but also parents, for whom housing problem has become more pressing than ever. But no - Blumenkrantz took it and refused. Moreover, he left the project in addition - but for a second he was the only source his income until May 2017, when he got a job in one of the Moscow entertainment establishments. So what caused such a sharp change in priorities for one of the project's favorites? It turned out that there is a reason, and what a reason - after all, House 2 is most brazenly deceiving its own participants, promising them an apartment as a prize, which in fact is not even there!

Sponsor of the impromptu competition " Love of the Year“is one of the Moscow developers who, in fact, should have provided the winners with the coveted apartment in the form of a prize. But so far they have nothing to offer: there is no apartment as such - there are only bare walls, floors and... and a lot of free, completely free space, which can only be made so that it begins to at least partially resemble a living space if you have a rich imagination. Of course, sooner or later it will be completed and take its final form - but, knowing the domestic “hard workers”, this will happen, of course, late, while the winner of the competition will be determined soon enough. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but to state pure water deception of household members by their own leaders and organizers. But, of course, this will not be shown on air - there all the couples will continue to fight together for the title of best tandem 2017 and for the right to receive the treasured keys to the treasured apartment... which, alas, does not exist...

The emergence of a scandalous project

Until this day, one of the most scandalous projects on television was the reality show “House 2”. The initial mission of this project was that by participating in it, young people could find their love, and even a soul mate. But this program could not live up to many expectations. Obscene words began to appear in it, which after some time became normal colloquial speech. Also, in reality shows one could often see too explicit scenes. Fans and opponents of the project often clashed in verbal skirmishes. But in Lately fans of this project are upset that they cannot enjoy watching their favorite program.

The first reason for such changes was the small number of audiences. Many TV channels excluded it from their programs, and explained this by the fact that the project’s ratings began to decline sharply. The number of viewers who are interested in House 2 is getting smaller and smaller every day. And now only older people started watching it. Young people lost all interest in him.

Relation of the law to this project

Probably few people know that at the end of July a case that directly concerns this project ended in court. The court made the following decision: it is prohibited to show House 2 on any channels from 4.00 to 23.00. The main reason for such serious restrictions was the quite explicit scenes and obscene words that appear on television screens over and over again. Even some ministers said that this reality show has a very bad influence on the younger generation. Later, complaints began to come from parents, whose children also became ardent fans of House 2. It has been proven that it is capable of ruining nervous system not only to adults who can be aware of their actions, but also to children who have not even had time to be born.

The authorities are also against the House 2 program

The authorities have long and repeatedly tried to close this program because they considered it a bad example for everyone without exception. But an even bigger impetus came from rumors that homosexuality began to flourish in the project, and that suicide attempts were also observed. In particular, the program includes scenes of bullying others.

Tragedy during filming

But most main reason The closure of this scandalous project was an explosion that thundered right on the set. The guard was seriously injured. The organizers decided to strengthen security and temporarily stop filming this TV project.

To tell the truth, no one yet knows for how long House 2 is closed: for a while or forever.

The organizers of the reality show are introducing new rules, limiting access to Dom-2 broadcasts on the Internet. The reasons lie in financial problems.

6-06-2019, 16:17

Many viewers of the television project Dom-2 may have noticed that in last days On the Internet, broadcasts disappeared from all the sites near Domovovo. The copyright holder stopped posting new videos online, literally forcing viewers to watch episodes on TV.

What can I say, I have never seen a stupider idea, but what motivates the producers of House-2 in this situation is quite clear to me. There have been financial problems at TNT for several years now, and people don’t want to work in a new way and don’t know how, so they try to attract the attention of viewers to TV, which in 2019 is virtually unrealistic, because everyone values ​​their time and wants to watch videos when it’s convenient and skip uninteresting moments.

We have already seen in the announcements that from now on the broadcasts will only be broadcast on TV and on the official website of House-2 from June 15th. The programmers covered the main site with advertisements, and in the future they will insert 30 commercials directly into the player, without the ability to rewind the video, as was the case a few months ago.

What will we get as a result? Do you want to watch your favorite TV show? Go to the official website, watch the advertisement along with the broadcast, or watch the evening TV at 23.00, when you’re already off your feet and have to go to work tomorrow.

I would also like to note that for a couple of years now there has been new management at House-2, which is acting rather rashly. Instead of focusing on broadcasts on the Internet, return the interest of viewers to the project by increasing feedback with the viewer, they are launching the fifth project under the patronage of Dom-2 with Lera Frost as the presenter. I won’t be surprised that it will be a failure, like many others.

On May 6, 2004, 8 girls and 7 boys arrived at a construction site near Istra near Moscow. They had to build a house and their love. On May 11, the country saw on air the beginning of a legend called “Dom-2”. 10 years have passed...

Heroes of our time

Artem Pynzar’s morning begins the same way as his peers at three years old. Mom's kiss, breakfast and walk. But the place where the boy lives is special. The filming location of the longest reality show on domestic television, Dom-2. Hundreds of thousands of television viewers are witnesses to Artem’s first steps, his birth, his parents’ wedding, their meeting, and so on, if you rewind the footage. The show's producer Vasilina Mikhailovskaya recalls:

“Seryozha and Dasha spent a long time getting used to it, but not everything was going smoothly for them. But today they are for us an example of a strong, friendly family, when spouses love each other, love their son. All project employees simply adore little Pynzar. It gets to the point that sometimes we perceive him as our own child,” Vasilina Mikhailovskaya told the site.

This family idyll might not have happened if Sergei Pynzar had made a different choice in his time. He came to the casting of the Dom-2 project with a friend. A questionnaire, an interview, then the young man went to the station to go visit his mother. Sergei did not believe that he would become a reality hero.

“A week after the casting, they called me and said that the day after tomorrow I should come to the project. I replied that I was now standing at the station in St. Petersburg with bags and going to my mother in Ukraine. I was given a choice: either go to the project or go to my mother. Accordingly, I called my mother right from the platform and said that I loved her, but I thought that I had a chance to make a career. And so, as you can see, here I am. I didn’t have a goal to come for a long time. I didn't try to show off or try to please...

Today in “House-2” Sergei Pynzar is an old-timer. He has been running his reality series since March 28, 2008. Pynzar's future wife, Daria, came to the show three months earlier. By that time, “Dom-2” had already experienced more than one wave of criticism. The participants were accused of promiscuity, the project was called immoral, and particularly ardent critics said that the broadcast showed almost the everyday life of a swing club. Sergei Pynzar categorically disagrees with all this.

“Well, what kind of swing club is this? For my wife Dasha, I’m actually the first man. And we are very lucky to have each other. I love, appreciate and respect her for this..

By the way, the show’s producer Vasilina Mikhailovskaya noted an interesting gradation of critical reviews and attacks by moralists over 10 years.

“We were always scolded, I don’t remember a single day when they didn’t shout that Dom-2 is terrible and we need to be closed. But lately there are more and more people who claim: “Before, Dom-2 was different, less aggressive, more romantic.” I find it funny. I’ve been on the project for 10 years and I can say that we haven’t gotten any worse. A generation of TV viewers has simply grown up and remembers the beginning of the project with nostalgia. "Dom-2" is changing, and the participants are changing...

“Everyone is discussing the Gobozovs. Everyone is very interested in whether the son will reconcile with his mother, whether the mother-in-law will communicate with the daughter-in-law, and whether Sasha will show her child to her mother. There are a lot of problems in this family, it takes a long time to sort them out,” Ksenia Borodina explains to us the intrigue.

It all started when one day 32-year-old Alexander Gobozov invited his mother, 65-year-old Olga Vasilievna, a devoted fan of the project, to the perimeter. And the heroine stayed there not for one cup of tea, but for 11 months. During this time, she managed to scandalously leave the project several times and return again. Try to take your own life beautifully and theatrically and call yourself dozens of ambulances. All this time, Alexander Gobozov tried to send his mother home as best he could.

For a long time, there was a lull on the television set; there were no bright, creative young people; the guys were not allowed to express themselves, showing only top couples on air with fights and swearing. But now everything has changed. The management of House 2 is returning the old format of the TV project. Almost every day, participants perform funny skits and parodies of each other in the Polyana language, and are creative in holding contests and competitions. There was an opportunity to prove themselves not only to the secondary characters of the project, but also to newcomers. But who would want to take the chance to earn the love of a television audience through talent like this?

Today on the afternoon broadcast of November 20, 2018, Roman Kapakly held an improvisation competition. The audience could laugh at Valera Blumenkranz, who parodied Olga Buzova, watch Oganesyan dance in a woman’s wig, and listen. I immediately noticed that the participants did not prepare well for the show. Because Irina Pinchuk and Tatyana Musulbes did not learn the words and sang according to prompts on pieces of paper, and Viktor Litvinov forgot to rehearse his bartending tricks before going on stage. In general, it was funny to watch the guys who were trying to recreate that cheerful and kind atmosphere that was in the times of Stepan Menshchikov, Olga Solntse and the rest of the “cool” guys.

The new anthem of Buzova and Viti Ak-47 didn’t catch on?

It’s interesting that at the end of the competition, the participants danced to the old anthem, and not to the song that has recently been played at the end of the night broadcast. “15 Cool Guys” again, not “On the House 2” - the new anthem didn’t catch on? Many TV viewers didn’t like the song, despite the fact that the track was constantly heard and a large sum of money was spent on the video, it didn’t suit the residents of building 2 either. Perhaps because there’s nothing soulful and simple in the new music? After all, is the external environment so important if there is no soul?
