New Year's games for adults. For the whole family. New Year's games and entertainment for the New Year

The pig, the symbol of 2019, is a cocky and playful bird, so he certainly won’t mind being New Year the guests had a fun and interesting time, they will help with this fun company the coolest ones, which we will describe in this article. It is worth noting that here are the best entertainment options not only for a large group of friends, but also for a family holiday, as well as competitions for adults only.

  • In the warm circle of family
  • Competition "Herringbone"
  • Game "New Year's Tale"
  • Competition "Snowballs"
  • Game "Black Box"
  • Competition "Ribbons"
  • Game "Labyrinth"
  • Competition "Hairdresser"
  • Game "New Year's Crocodile"
  • Competition "Predictions"
  • Fight for chairs
  • Competition "Show the Pig"
  • Men in the role of Babok-Ezhek
  • Dressing up blindfolded

In the warm circle of family

Competition "Herringbone"

Since today we are considering games for the whole family, it is very important that the competitions are not too difficult, and that children of different ages can cope with them. The Christmas tree competition is an excellent entertainment moment for the whole family, even if the youngest children decide to take part in such entertainment. To play the game, you need to divide all the guests into two teams, in this case the number of players does not matter, of course there should be more than four. Now we take spruce branches, and we also need two boxes with various Christmas tree decorations.

Now the participants are divided into two teams, they need to turn on cheerful music and on the count of three, each group begins to decorate their Christmas tree branch with toys, tinsel and rain. The prize is awarded to the team that completed its task the fastest. It is worth noting that they decorate the Christmas tree by taking out only one toy at a time from the box.

But that’s not all, because the process of giving gifts can be fun; for this, sweet treats or souvenirs are packed in small paper bags and then hung on a string. After winning, participants will remove such gifts using their mouths, but without using their hands, this will create an additional fun competition.

Game "New Year's Tale"

Since the competitions are intended for a large company in which children will be present, it is worth trying just such a fun and funny competition; any children’s book with fairy tales or other works of art. “The Mitten” or the fairy tale “Turnip” would be perfect. In this case, children should be able to read, but if the kids are very small, then they can simply watch the scene.

The host distributes roles among the guests present at the celebration, then you need to start reading the book, and the characters from the book will make sounds when they are mentioned in the text. It’s very funny if you distribute roles not only for animals, but also for inanimate objects, for example, the door will creak (the guest makes a sound similar to a creak).

Competition "Snowballs"

Organizing such a game will help to cheer up everyone present at the holiday, as well as make the family dinner warm and cozy. To play the game you will need two teams, it is important to divide the participants equally so that the chances of winning are equal. The presenter prepares cotton wool balls in advance; it is enough to simply roll them into small sizes, since snowflakes are not large. It is also worth preparing two buckets or other suitable containers, and each team is placed at the same distance from the buckets. Each of the team members begins to throw such light snowballs into the container, those who threw the most snowballs into the bucket win.

It would be interesting to divide the team into women's and men's, or to put children against adults, but then you will have to think of a consolation prize so that the kids will not be offended if they suddenly lose. You can come up with something for the whole family.

Game "Black Box"

This is a very fun competition, but it is not at all necessary to use a black box for it; you can use absolutely any box for it. A mysterious object is placed inside it; it is best to choose a more complex figure, since sometimes it is easy to guess even by touch. Then the participants begin to put their hand into such a mysterious box one by one and feel the object with their hands in order to guess what is hidden in such a box. The point is to talk about your feelings as artistically as possible; a separate prize should be prepared for more artistic and cheerful players.

Competition "Ribbons"

To play such a game in a group, you need to select three participants, each of them is given a ribbon in their hands; it is best to involve children in this entertainment. Participants with ribbons in their hands tie bows on one of the participants, who will be the third player; it is important to say that bows must be tied on the player with the help of ribbons, while two participants must have a blindfold. Well, then the players must untie all the bows, while using their hands for this purpose is strictly prohibited.

Game "Labyrinth"

This game is suitable even for an adult group who know how to have fun, but ideally you should take advantage of the competition if there are a lot of children at the party. To create such a Labyrinth, a thin passage is made from tinsel; it should be no more than ten centimeters, and the longer and more winding the path, the more fun the test will be.

Participants need to go through such a labyrinth without stepping outside the path; if a player stumbles, he will have to return to the very beginning; it is better to make two paths so that there is a competition between two competitors. At the very end of the path, any pleasant gift is laid out for the player.

Competition "Hairdresser"

This competition will be interesting to use not only in the family circle, but also for corporate events; two women are chosen for the game, preferably with long hair, then they select two more players, it’s more fun if they are men. Now each of the contestants is given rubber bands, hairpins and other items to create a hairstyle, and you can also add various New Year’s paraphernalia to this.

On the count of three, each player begins to create a hairstyle on his partner’s head, which is finally decorated with small Christmas tree balls, tinsel and decorative spruce branches. The prize is awarded to the player who creates the best hairstyle, but to make the competition even more fun, you can swap the participants, and after that the women will do the men’s hairstyles.

Entertaining competitions for an adult company

Game "New Year's Crocodile"

This game will appeal to many young people, and the competition can appeal to all guests, regardless of their age, the main thing is to have a little sense of humor and good mood. The essence of the game is clear, since many people play it at home, but in New Year's Eve You can give this game more meaning, let it be mysterious and magical.

In this case, it is necessary to show only those objects and words that are associated with the New Year; when the word is guessed, the person who guessed must take the place of the previous player. It is very interesting to split into two teams and guess as many words as possible in a certain time; which team has the most guesses will be the winner, while the leader must keep count.

Competition "Predictions"

Many people prefer to carry out fortune telling on New Year's Eve, so why not do this interesting sacrament, but in the company of acquaintances and friends who don't mind having fun. There are several options for this game, for example, ready-made notes with predictions are placed in balloons, then each of the guests selects a balloon for themselves and bursts it in any way, without using a sharp object. Then he can read his prediction on a piece of paper. There is also an option to place balls throughout the room, and then blindfold the guest and give them scissors in their hands, after which the player finds the ball and bursts it, thereby receiving an unexpected prediction.

But there is also another option with predictions; for this, all guests should be asked to write interesting and funny inscriptions on pieces of paper, it is important that they are pleasant, but not offensive. Then all the pieces of paper are put into a large box and mixed, after which each guest comes up and chooses one of the predictions for himself. It is very interesting to watch the reaction of people who read in the prediction “You will be hit by a snowball today” or other funny inscriptions.

Fight for chairs

If you want to find funny entertainment, then you should pay attention to this very familiar, but no less popular competition, nine chairs are taken for the game, and there must be at least ten players so that one of them is redundant, or rather, one should not get a chair . Then all the players stand around with their backs to each other, the presenter turns on cheerful music, and the contestants quickly walk around the chairs, as soon as the music suddenly turns off, the players sit on the chairs, the one who does not get a seat is eliminated from the competition, and it is also necessary to remove one extra chair .

This game continues until there is only one chair and two participants left; this entertainment can amuse not only the participants, but also the observers, as it is very funny and interesting. It’s not a bad idea to hold such a competition even if there are children in the company, since the entertainment will be very interesting for them.

Competition "Show the Pig"

This game will help guests have a lot of fun; it is advisable to call several players onto the stage, let each of them think about how they will show their symbol of the year, and then each contestant is given a chance to show their talents. You don’t have to limit yourself to just the Pig, because you can show other animals that the audience asks for, then the game will become even more fun and funny. Well, the prize goes to the one who, in the opinion of the guests, managed to depict the animal better.

New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and happy holiday— competitions for the New Year. They unite and force event participants to be active.

Some competitions are of a gaming nature, others are for ingenuity, others are for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic competitions that are suitable for relaxed people.

If you want the New Year's holiday to be remembered for a long time, be sure to include several exciting competitions in the New Year's program. The photographs taken during the process will remind you of this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

The most fun contests for the New Year

I offer 6 fun competitions. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your spirits to the maximum, and make the holiday group more active.

  1. "New Year's fishing". You will need Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool and a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants in the competition will have to take turns hanging New Year's toys on the street, and then remove them. The one who completes the task faster than others will win.
  2. "Funny drawings". On large sheet cardboard, make two holes for the hands. Players will have to draw the Snow Maiden or Father Frost with a brush by putting their hands through the holes. They can't see what they're drawing. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
  3. "Frost Breath". In front of each participant, place a large snowflake cut out of paper on the table. The task of each participant is to blow away a snowflake so that it falls on the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The player who takes the longest to complete the task wins. It was all because of his frosty breath, which caused the snowflake to “freeze” to the surface of the table.
  4. "Dish of the Year". Participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's salad composition or a unique sandwich will do. Afterwards, a man sits in front of each participant, and all players are blindfolded. The “New Year's hostess” who feeds the dish to the man the fastest will win.
  5. "New Year's Melody". Place bottles and a couple of spoons in front of the competition participants. They must take turns approaching the bottles and sing a melody with their spoons. The winner is the author of the most New Year's musical composition.
  6. "Modern Snow Maiden". Men participating in the competition dress up women to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, New Year's toys, all kinds of cosmetics. Victory will go to the “stylist” who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, you can come up with a good competition yourself. The main thing is to make it fun and bring smiles to the faces of participants and spectators.

Video examples

New Year competitions for children and adults

A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, includes short dance breaks, mass games and various competitions.

The New Year's celebration is aimed at a mixed audience, so choose New Year's competitions so that everyone can participate. After a half-hour feast, offer guests some musical and active competitions. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they returned to eating New Year's salads.

I suggest 5 interesting competitions for children and adults. I'm sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year's Eve entertainment program.

  1. "Christmas trees". Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the Christmas trees are tall, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their arms, squat or spread their arms. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive one wins.
  2. "Dress up the Christmas tree." You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. Male representatives decorate the Christmas tree, holding the second end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who creates an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. "Mummy". The competition involves the use of toilet paper. Participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the “lucky one” in toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
  4. "Twins" . Couples participate. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two you will have two free hands. Afterwards the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant holds the paper, the second wields scissors. The team that makes the most wins beautiful figure.
  5. "Tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever got there first won. Afterwards, participants are offered a rematch blindfolded. Instead of money, they put a tomato on the chair. The surprise of the participants will amuse the audience.

New Year's games for children

The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by holidays, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood will create a positive background for the holiday. Even a simple group game will be exciting if you play with a friendly group. Children will especially enjoy the competitions, the victory of which will bring New Year's gifts.

  1. "Tiger Tail". Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. Participant, first standing in the line is the head of a tiger. Closing the column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” strives to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The “torso” must remain in the coupling. After some time, the children change places.
  2. "Merry round dance". An ordinary round dance can be significantly complicated. The leader sets the tone, constantly changing the direction and speed of movement. After several circles, lead the round dance like a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
  3. "Journey" . Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the skittles in a “snake” pattern in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members knock down the fewest pins wins the game.
  4. "Compliment to the Snow Maiden". Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite several boys who will compliment her. They have to take out pieces of paper with inscriptions from the bag and, based on the words written on them, express “warm words”. The winner is the player who voiced greatest number compliments.
  5. "Magic Words". Participants are divided into teams and given a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story that the presenter is reading, there are words from these letters. When such a word is heard, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and line up in the required order. The team that is ahead of its opponents earns a point.
  6. "What changed". Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. Then the children leave the room. Several toys are re-hung or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
  7. "Gift in a Circle". Participants stand in a circle face to face. The host gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. Afterwards the gift moves in a circle. After the music stops, the gift transfer stops. The player who has a gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant left who will receive this souvenir.

Videos of children's games

Ideas for the New Year

Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task; it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect simple objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. You will need some free time.

  1. "Christmas balls with fabric applique". To make your Christmas tree stylish and original, you don’t have to buy expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out identical motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric and paste them onto the surface of the balls.
  2. "Orange Christmas tree toy". You will need a few oranges, a beautiful fancy ribbon, a cute rope, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and place them in the oven to dry. Tie a cinnamon stick with a string and tie it to an orange slice. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to a loop.

Amazing snowflake

It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen playful snowflakes.

  1. Use scissors to trim the ends of the toothpick. Use a paper cutter to make a small cut in the middle of one edge of the toothpick. This will be the main tool.
  2. Make several paper blanks. The width of the strip is around three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
  3. Create a spiral. Carefully insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as even as possible. Remove the spiral and place it on the table.
  4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press the end lightly. You will get a droplet with a spiral inside. Make as many similar elements as possible.
  5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving it a certain shape. This is how not only circles are created, but droplets and eyes.
  6. Having prepared the required number of elements, begin to form the snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. You will get an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If you do everything correctly, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal costs time and money.

Ideas for the New Year with your family

On this day, grandparents, aunties and parents will gather in one house. You need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help with this.

  1. Prepare a script. Each family member is assigned to write a short congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear warm words.
  2. Write humorous toasts on pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
  3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.

Future 2019 is the year of Yellow Earth Pig. A pig, although a domestic animal, on the one hand, is a fairy-tale creature on the other. Therefore, New Year's games and entertainment should be chosen in a similar style. The table and apartment can be decorated in warm spring colors with the symbols of the coming year. And it’s better to celebrate 2019 itself among friends, with entertainment and fun games, and competitions for the New Year need to be prepared and thought out in advance in order to interest every guest. For New Year's holidays Everyone needs to be well prepared. This applies to beautiful clothes, delicious dishes and atmosphere. In addition, you need to prepare competitions for the New Year 2019, New Year games and entertainment for the family. After all, not everyone likes to celebrate at the family table and watch television. Moreover, when the meeting takes place with a noisy group of friends, it is for them that you will need to come up with some entertainment.

Who hid under the mask

It is interesting to participate in invented competitions. A lot comes into the house from them positive emotions and a festive atmosphere is created. In this game, you first need to prepare the props with masks depicting different animal characters.

One participant's eyes are closed and a mask of some kind of animal is put on him. After this, he must guess what animal they put on him. His eyes are closed, he cannot hear or see. The audience begins to hint and give him hints so that it is difficult for him to find the answer. After this, the participant is allowed to ask the guests about this beast. They begin to answer in such a way that the image of the mask is not revealed. However, he can only get an answer of yes or no. The player will have to suffer for a long time, otherwise the mask will not be removed from him.

Comic games and entertainment for everyone

New Year is a special holiday for everyone; it necessarily includes feasting, fun, laughter, congratulations, games and entertainment, which are suitable for both children and adults on this night.

Yes/No game

All guests, regardless of age, can take part in the game. Participants must agree or disagree with the statements. You only need to answer “Yes” or “No”. The statements may be different, but since the upcoming celebration will be in honor of the Year of the Pig, the theme should be appropriate. For each correct answer, the presenter gives out a reward - nickels. A number of statements that may be useful:

  1. Can a pig squeal? (Yes).
  2. Do piglets have baby teeth like children? (Yes).
  3. Can a pig swim? (Yes).
  4. Was the older brother from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” called Nuf-Nuf? (No, Naf-Naf).
  5. IN Ancient Rome To improve the taste of meat, did you give the pig vodka before slaughter? (No, wine).
  6. Can a pig sunbathe? (Yes, this is the only animal capable of this).
  7. Is a pig considered a pet? (Yes).
  8. Do pigs have long tails? (No).
  9. Does a pig's skin have stubble? (Yes).

The player who collects the most nickels is considered the winner.

Competition with gifts

Who got a beautiful rooster?

To spend this fun creative competition You can use any place. After all, everyone knows that the rooster will be in charge next year, so the main place belongs to him. Of course, you won’t have to bring a real cockerel to the competition. But maybe just prepare a board and two sheets of paper to hold competitions for the New Year 2019, New Year's games and entertainment for children and adults.

In addition, you will need to use a marker and chalk.

Then the participants will need to split into two teams to complete this competition. Each participant will be required to show their imagination and draw a cockerel on a sheet of paper. The whole team will have to draw. One will draw a beak, the other a scallop. The result will be an interesting picture. Then viewers begin to judge which team's drawing looks more attractive. The best team will win.

The best New Year competitions for 2019 Pigs

The best competitions and games for New Year's Eve 2019 will be those related to the symbol of the year. For example, you can arrange a quiz that both adults and children can play. The questions asked are very different, but related to the pig or piglet. For example, these:

  1. Winnie the Pooh's friend? (Piglet).
  2. Who are Peppa and George? (Pigs).
  3. The largest rodent, the water pig? (Capybara).
  4. Powder with pig? (Dosya).
  5. The names of the three pig brothers? (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf), etc.

The game “Pig Piggy Bank” will be interesting, the goal of which is to fill your piggy banks with nickels. 2 players participate, who eyes closed must fill their piggy banks with coins. Whoever does it faster wins. You can make the task a little more difficult by scattering nickels on the floor. Then the audience will help the participants by telling them where the coins are.

To throw a party with jokes, you need to prepare for it in advance: find suitable props, come up with awards for the winners of competitions. If time allows, you can come up with a whole scenario for New Year's Eve. It will include a feast with toasts, games, competitions with prizes and the exchange of New Year's gifts and wishes. It all depends on the imagination of the organizer.

How to earn a drink

Competitions at the 2019 New Year's banquet can be held using different alcoholic beverages. It can be vodka, cognac, wine, beer, champagne. For variety, non-alcoholic drinks can be used. Some kind of lemonade, natural nectar or just mineral water.

Containers with drinks are placed in the form of a circle in one place. As sports equipment a paper ring can be used. To make it you will need to use thick cardboard. A circle with a diameter of twenty-five centimeters is marked on it. A slightly smaller circle is drawn inside it. The result is a ring.

They begin to play with the prepared shells. The ring should fall onto the neck of the bottle from a distance of three meters. By completing the task correctly, you can earn a prize in the form of a drink that has a ring on it.

With the help of corporate fun, you can soften the working atmosphere and unite the whole team. Working with the same people for years, you may not know them. An event like this helps people get to know each other better. The program for this event is prepared before the appointed day arrives. The most interesting thing in such games is that everyone has equality. And here it doesn’t matter who has what status and position. To liberate employees, you need to hold competitions for a merry New Year 2019 between them.

Let's do New Year's drawing

With this competition you can find out what talents all participants have. To do this, use whatman paper and a marker. Adjectives begin to be written on small pieces of paper. After this, all created records are placed in one felt boot or bag. Next, each player begins to take out the piece of paper with his hand. The player reads the word to himself, and he will have to depict what is written there on paper. People around you shouldn't know the word. Because based on the player’s drawing, everyone else will have to guess it. The reward will fall into the hands of the player who solves this word. New Year's games and entertainment for the family is easy and relaxed.

Praising neighbors

The players are seated in a circle. After this, the game begins with the players starting to praise their neighbor, highlighting the part that they like more. Then they learn that they will have to kiss the side they like. As a result of these actions, everyone becomes happy.

Let's play with food

Competitions and games for the New Year 2019, and entertainment at the table can be carried out with Chinese chopsticks. Prepare the required number of Chinese chopsticks. These should be enough for all players. There will be no need to have Chinese food. You can use canned corn green peas and so on. Grapes can also be used. This product will undoubtedly be placed in a beautiful fruit bowl.

The peas are laid out in the plates, and after that you can move on to the game. All players take sticks in order to get rid of all the peas in a certain period of time. After a certain period of time, the meal can be stopped and the remaining peas on the plates counted. The person who can eat the largest amount of peas the fastest will win.

Competition No. 1: “Pig Joy”

Let's start with a fun competition. What does a pig do when he is happy? Of course, everyone knows - he grunts and moves his little snout funny.

Children are asked to take turns pretending the pig grunts. You should definitely film this on camera (or phone) and watch it immediately after the competition. As a rule, when watching, more funny comments will be added and fun is guaranteed.

Competition No. 2: “New Year’s performance”

Choose any fairy tale in advance. For example, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”. Assign roles. You can dress up the kids in costumes, or you can just pin up signs with the name of the hero. The presenter reads a fairy tale, and the characters perform actions. Whoever performed their role best receives a prize and applause.

Competition No. 3: “Jump to the Christmas tree”

There may be 2-4 participants in this competition. Place a prize under the tree, which players must jump to on one leg with different sides. The distance to the tree, of course, should be the same.

Competition No. 4: “Who is more agile”

Prepare 2 sets of warm clothes - a jacket or coat, a hat, gloves and two chairs. Turn the clothes inside out and hang them on the backs of chairs. The players’ task is to get dressed faster than their opponent, having first turned all their clothes right side out, sit on a chair and shout: “Happy New Year!”

Competition No. 5: “Bring a snowball”

Mothers sit on chairs. Children are given spoons into which they place a “snowball” made of cotton wool. Players must take the spoon with the snowball in their mouth and bring it to their mother so that the snowball does not fall. Whoever delivers the message first without loss wins.

The fun time for the kids is coming to an end.Let us join hands with them, dance around the Christmas tree and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...”. Do you have a Christmas tree in the corner? It doesn’t matter, let there be a round dance around the table, in the middle of which there is a small Christmas tree or just a lit candle.

No matter how good and fun it is at home, you definitely need to go outside with your children for at least half an hour to get some fresh air and have fun.

If there is a slide nearby, go down it at least once. And if fresh snow fell the day before and there are snowdrifts in your yard, knock around and roll in the snow.

The next competition is very fun in the snow.

Competition No. 6: “Fun Zoo”

It's more of a game than a competition. It is suitable for older children. Everyone stands in a circle, hugging their neighbors by the shoulders. The presenter says in everyone’s ear his role: “Horse”, “Dragon” or “Snake”.

Then the presenter loudly says “Horse” or “Dragon” or “Snake”. Those who have been given the corresponding role must tuck their legs, hanging on the shoulders of their neighbors.

Particular fun begins when it turns out that the majority of the participants got, for example, the role of “Horse”, and the rest are a minority and they are clearly not able to withstand the participants raising their legs.

Amid cheerful laughter and squeals, everyone falls into the snow.

Peas in a bottle

The point of the game is to put peas or some other round objects into a bottle. The main thing is that they can pass through the opening of the bottle.

The containers are placed for each player. Next, participants need to be able to throw a pea into the vessel. But you can’t bend or bend over. Victory will be won by the player who can complete the task without breaking its rules.

Where can I get Santa Claus from?

Each lady participating in the competition chooses a man and, using improvised means, lights, Christmas tree decorations, and cosmetics, begins to make this man into the likeness of Santa Claus. It will only take a few minutes to create the image. At the end of the time, the public will evaluate the created work. To present their creation to the people, the ladies will need to come up with some original way. They can use ditties, rhymes, songs. The winner will be determined using voting, applause and standing ovations.

Prophetic ball

The balloons are inflated so that there is one balloon for each person present. Each balloon contains a small note with predictions for the new year. Balls are scattered around the room. After this, the player is blindfolded and allowed into the room to find a ball with a note. Entries are made only of funny and kind phrases. You cannot get rid of a prophetic note. At the end of the year, the player with a fulfilled prediction will be presented with a gift.

Round dance near the Christmas tree

A certain atmosphere is created and the participants dance in a circle. They will have to stand in a circle and dance around the Christmas tree. Everyone is given their own role with preparatory time. This is done to get a cheerful mood and vivacity. Only the most charismatic and active person. This game is suitable for kindergarten and in games with children at home. Children will really enjoy spinning around the Christmas tree.

Children's Christmas trees

The kids need to be placed in a circle and asked about the quality of the Christmas trees. They should also say that they are tall, small, wide, narrow, beautiful, elegant, and so on. When an adult says these words, children begin to depict what it looks like.

For example, if the tree is tall, then the kids begin to pull themselves up. A slender tree can be shown by narrowing the circle. You can show the width by expanding it. By squatting you can show a low tree.

When the game is going on, the participants may be confused by the leader. If someone makes a mistake, he will leave the game. Victory will be won by the child who can complete the tasks correctly.

Paper snowballs

Children are divided into teams. One participant is taken to the side with a bucket. Then each player with a paper snowball goes to a bucket to throw it into. The group that throws the most snowballs into the bucket will win. If the results are the same, then one participant from each group will be selected for the final throw. If one or the other player fails to hit, then the participant who throws the snowball very far will win.


For this competitor, issue Balloons and markers. Players should start inflating balloons and draw a new planet on their balloon. This will need to be done very quickly. The planet must be inhabited by alien creatures. The more there are, the better.

You can complicate the competition by telling a legend about how their planet appeared. Each resident should have a New Year's item similar to a Christmas ball, Christmas tree or hat.

Entertainment for students

For older children, poetry competitions can be arranged. Schoolchildren are already very smart compared to kindergarten-age children. By participating in the competition, they begin to use their knowledge, skills and abilities in interesting and challenging competitions.

New Year's bowling game.

This competition requires the use of special pins. Beer bottles with water, peas, and beans can be used for this. The container is placed in a triangle and using rubber ball they start knocking them down. Skittle bottles are placed separately for each person. You will need to try to knock down a lot of pins.

Toast competition

Here you will need to quickly fill glasses and make toasts. You need to start your toast with the letter A and so on. Everyone starts to rejoice when they reach the vowels. The prize will be given to the one who can come up with a funny and ridiculous congratulatory speech.

Clothes competition.

This fun activity takes place using clothes. They build a chain. Each participant begins to take off their things to create a rope. The group that manages to weave the longest chain wins.

Such pleasant pranks among friends will be pleasant to remember later. They are used to create a fun and vibrant celebration at the event.

How to entertain your baby.

Little players have their palms tied so that they can free themselves later. A gift can be given to the first player to become free.

New Year's movie.

This is a very easy competition. Each participant pronounces the name of the New Year's film. A surprise is prepared for the winner. Only he will have to pronounce the names of the films in large numbers that have begun to be shown in cinemas in recent years.

Chasing mice.

Adults stand in a circle in the form of a round dance, and kids should stand in the center of the circle and pretend to be little mice about to go outside. After the command, the mice begin to run around. Only adults cover all exits, preventing the mice from getting out.

Joint leisure time will help diversifycompetitionsonNewyear2019 .

Thanks to New Year's competitions, a home holiday will become a bright, unusual and memorable event. Playing in a pleasant company is a great opportunity to laugh together, show ingenuity and Creative skills, discover new sides in old friends or meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. We offer several interesting ideas for thematic competitions at home.

Competitions for any company

These are universal New Year competitions for children and adults; they can be held at home (even if there is not much space in the room) or in a restaurant. Choose these games and the evening will be filled with surprises, laughter and communication.

“For the holiday - by ticket only”

This game will fill the holiday with a lot of unexpected and fun events.
  • a box, hat, vase or other container in which tasks are placed;
  • sheets of paper with written tasks.
How to do it?

A hat or box is placed near the door, from which each person entering takes out a task for himself. Cards are drawn blindly; you cannot inform other party participants about their contents. Violators are given symbolic punishment, for example, eating a piece of lemon without sugar or performing the Yellow Dog dance.

Cards for the game are prepared in advance. What the tasks will be depends on the imagination of the owners of the house and the company that gathers. Usually they write something like: “crow every hour”, “find three people who agree to dance in a circle with you”, “spend the whole evening wearing a Santa Claus hat”, “climb onto a chair at exactly 23.15 and recite a poem”, “say a toast in which all words begin with the letter B”, “persuade the neighbor on the right to dance tango”, etc. The content of tasks should be selected depending on the nature of the company; do not forget that they should be humorous, simple and enjoyable. If a lot of children come to the party, prepare separate boxes with cards for children and adults. At the end of the evening, a vote is held to determine who handled the game better. The winner is given a prize.

"Parade of Heroes"

Funny New Year's competition for adults and children. It is always interesting, leaving a lot of pleasant memories and vivid photos.


  • old glasses, masks, hats, mittens, garlands, clothes, newspapers, toilet paper, paints, lipstick, jewelry, etc. The more varied the items, the more fun the competition will be;
  • cards with characters, for example, the most inflated New Year's orange, the cutest dog, the fattest Snowman, the clumsiest snowflake, the most evil teddy bear, a very drunk Santa Claus, a boring guest, a big greedy and any others that your imagination can tell you;
  • a hat or box in which tasks are placed.
How to do it?

If there are less than 15 participants, then everyone plays for themselves. Larger number It is better to divide the guests into teams of 2-3 people.

  1. The participant draws a character card. He (or the whole team) is given 2-5 minutes to come up with an image from the proposed things and present a mini-performance.
  2. The rest of the guests enjoy the performance, take pictures and guess who is in front of them. It is better to limit the display time to 3-5 minutes so that the players have time to prove themselves.
  3. At the end, the participants vote, the one who makes the guests laugh or surprises the most wins.

Competition for attention

Include fun competitions for attention for adults in the New Year 2017 program, so that unfamiliar participants of the holiday get to know each other better, and old friends laugh sincerely. This game can be started spontaneously because it does not require any props.

How to play?

  1. The first pair is chosen (at will or by lot). It is better to distribute teams so that they contain people who know each other equally. The pair is chosen immediately before the competition, so participants who are waiting for their turn will not be able to prepare.
  2. The playing couple goes to the center. For 30-60 seconds, participants are asked to look at each other.
  3. Then their backs are turned, and the rest of the guests ask them one by one questions about their appearance: “What color are Andrey’s eyes?”, “What’s on his left hand?”, “What color are his socks?” etc. Sometimes they ask deceptive questions, for example, they ask which hand the ring is on, even if there is no such accessory. This will help confuse players.
  4. Even though people saw each other a minute ago, you'll likely learn a lot about their appearance. The pair that gives the most correct answers wins.

For lovers of intellectual games

For those who like intellectual questions, you can offer a word knowledge competition. This game is suitable for adults. The competition requires cards with words and a presenter who knows the correct answers. Make a list of rarely used words in advance unusual meaning, for example, myatka (hustle, crush), surplyas (starting position of a bicycle in track racing), babushi (shoes without backdrops), durra (tropical plant that is used for the production of bread), austeria (tavern, hotel), verki (defensive building) , tunic (a wide turn-down collar in medieval clothing), etc. You can find such words in dictionaries of ancient or foreign words, and special reference books. In addition, non-existent words should be included in the list. This will make the game even more interesting.

How to play?

There are several options. You can come up with possible answers for each word and ask participants to guess the correct one. A more difficult, but also fun competition is to guess the meaning of words without clues. An important condition in this case is that it is necessary to explain the meaning of the word. Guests play in teams or each for himself.

"New Year's verse"

If you are looking for cool competitions for the New Year, we recommend preparing everything you need for this game. It is fun at youth parties, holidays with friends or good acquaintances. Everyone will be able to show their creativity and laugh heartily.


  • cards with words or phrases (2-3 times more than the number of participants);
  • hat or box;
good mood and imagination. Cards with words are prepared in advance for the game. The more unusual the words, the funnier the result. If the game is played among young people, popular expressions from TV series and songs are used.

How to play?

  1. A large company is divided into teams with an equal number of players. If there are few people, everyone plays for themselves.
  2. The team representative draws a predetermined number of word cards from a hat. Often 5-8 words are enough.
  3. Now, in 3-5 minutes, the player or team must come up with a poem or New Year's song with words on the cards and present it to the others.
  4. The winner is the one who composed the funniest verse and presented it in the most artistic way.

"Guess the cocktail"

Looking for table games for New Year 2017 that you can play with adults? We recommend trying this competition. Props:

  • several clean glasses;
  • scarf or other blindfold;
  • drinks (can be taken from the New Year's table or prepared additionally).
How to play?
  1. Participants are divided into teams of 2-4 people. Each one selects a representative who will taste the drinks. He is blindfolded.
  2. The rest of the players are given 1-2 minutes and one clean glass per team. During this time, they prepare a cocktail for a taster from the opposing team. The bartenders' task is to come up with a new drink, the composition of which is difficult to determine.
  3. When the cocktail is ready, the taster tastes it (you don't have to drink it all) and guesses the ingredients.
  4. The team whose representative correctly names the composition of the drink wins. The game can be played in several rounds. Before the competition begins, it is better to limit the list of ingredients, for example, say that you can use everything that is on the table (in the kitchen), or select 10-15 drinks participating in the game. It is worth discussing the possibility of adding fruits, spices, olives, etc. Hosts can additionally bring tea, coffee, herbs, jam, etc.

Competition “Who will get the cookies?”

If you have already sat at the table, you can choose this game. Sweet lovers will especially like it.
  • 0.5 kg delicious cookies small size (as an alternative - several chocolate figures);
  • popsicle sticks.
How to play?
  1. The participant is asked to hold the tip of an ice cream stick between their lips and place a stack of cookies (or a chocolate figurine) on the other end.
  2. Now you need to walk around the tree without dropping the sweets.
  3. The person who can hold the tallest stack of cookies the longest wins. The prize is won sweets.

    If you haven’t prepared the props in advance, hold a competition with improvised objects: a glass of champagne or an orange on your head.

Competitions for 3-5 people

For small companies a lot has been invented interesting games and competitions. We offer some of them.

"Results of the year"

This competition is suitable for celebrating the New Year in close friendly company. Its participants will laugh and remember the important and pleasant moments of the past year.

How is the game going?

  1. One participant comes up with a question (or 2-3 questions at once) about the events of the past year, for example, “How many times did we go to the movies together?”, “How many times this year did Yulia change her hair?”, “In what month was the album of this or that another group or a movie? etc. It is important that the situations are familiar to all guests and remind them of pleasant events. The asker must know the correct answer. You can come up with questions that contain false information or describe non-existent events.
  2. The others take turns answering. The one who answered correctly receives one point or a piece of candy as a gift.
  3. At the next stage, another player asks the question, etc.
  4. The one who gives the most correct questions wins.

"Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden"

This fun game requires no props. The participant sits on a chair and looks as serious or sad as possible. He plays the role of Father Frost or the Snow Maiden in depression. As soon as the player is ready, the time is noted. The task of the others is to make the hero laugh so that he has time to congratulate all the guys on the holiday. You can mix it in any way you want, except for tickling. As soon as a player smiles or shows another emotion, he loses and a new one takes his place. The one who stays serious the longest wins.

"Plans for the New Year"

Such competitions on New Year's Eve are relevant if only couples who have been together for a long time gather at the holiday. The game will help you discover new sides in your partners and become closer.


  • 2-3 lists of New Year's questions. The list includes the usual questions: “Where does your other half dream of vacationing next year?”, “What is his/her favorite color?”, “What was the most exciting event last year? - or funny: “Will she go to Africa this year to save hippos?”, “If he/she flew into space, where?”
How to do it?
  1. One of the pair is given a list of questions. He writes answers to them in two or three minutes, without showing it to his other half.
  2. When the first player has finished, the second player receives a list of questions and answers them out loud. The task is to guess the answers of the other half.
  3. The pair with the most matching answers wins.

    Have a fun holiday and don’t forget that there should be a lot of competitions at the New Year’s table. This year's symbol loves laughter and celebrations. If you celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way, the Dog will definitely remember you and bring you good luck in the coming year.
