Medical mafia. Tool for slaughtering the population. Medical mafia or how to create and preserve diseases I. Nikiforova “And what did you do?”

C ru_antireligion is a wonderful text. "The medical mafia exists."

1. Medicine is irrational. No one has seen how the drugs work. No, it is clear that people supposedly recover from them, but no one has seen HOW exactly the medicine works. Doctors themselves admit that sometimes they do not fully know the mechanism of action of drugs. Therefore, there is no need to explain the recovery with mythical “medicines”; it is explained by natural causes.

2. Of course, in their books, doctors extol themselves in every possible way. Those who believe in medicine blindly echo them. Why on earth should I believe them?

3. Doctors make you believe in ridiculous anthropomorphic myths at the level of children's fairy tales, for example, “antibiotics kill germs.” You might think that a tablet runs around the body with a gun and shoots at mythical microbe animals! Yes, even a child today won’t believe it.

4. Personally, I, and no normal person, is able to understand how, for example, “antibiotics kill germs.” What, the tablet is alive, or what? And how will it kill germs? Bullet, saber, bare hands? If it poisons them, why doesn’t the person die from this along with the microbes? Doctors, of course, write something in their books and try to explain, but why on earth should I believe them? Until I see it myself, I won’t believe it.

5. True, one doctor showed me an experiment - he poured an antibiotic into a cup with a colony of microbes, time passed - there were no more microbes. The stupid, blinkered doctor, of course, decided that this supposedly proved the “truth” of medicine. But this can be explained in another way! In everything you need to look for only natural causes! The microbes could well have died by accident, from old age or due to some patterns not yet discovered by science, why is it necessary to immediately shout about the “effectiveness of the medicine”? And in general, the doctor could easily falsify something so as not to lose his authority and catch another mug in his net, they are good at this.

6. Medicine originated in ancient times and reached its peak in ancient Greece and India as much as 2500 years ago. It goes without saying that for modern people medicine is a long-past stage; it is high time to send it to the dustbin of history.

7. Science has proven that medicine originated from ancient primitive witchcraft, when people did not know how to explain natural phenomena and believed that rituals could influence the world. Doctors among primitive peoples were sorcerers, and sorcerers were doctors. The main methods of treatment - bandages, ointments, herbs (mutated into tablets), operations, etc., have come down to us almost unchanged from savage times. So modern medical obscurantists are the heirs of wild primitive shamans! In any modern operating room, I imagine a dark cave where a primitive sorcerer (albeit now not in a skin, but in a white robe) is hammering a stone knife into the skull of a savage.

8. There are a lot of ways to treat different diseases in the world, many medical schools argue with each other, sometimes different doctors prescribe different medicines for the same disease. I don't know which doctor to believe. Most likely, they are all just lying.

9. In medicine there were and still are openly charlatan, and sometimes simply savage methods of treatment - operations without anesthesia, drinking urine, eating human fetuses, etc. Can a normal modern person, a citizen of a democratic society, accept this?

10. Medicine got along well with all despotisms, authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, from ancient egypt before Hitler's Germany. Instead of calling the people to revolution, to fight against tyranny, for democracy and human rights, doctors only stupefied patients with fairy tales about “treatment”, urged them to lie quietly, swallow their medicine and not go anywhere, thus playing into the hands of the ruling classes.

11. All tyrants, despots, dictators had their own personal doctors, and they served them without complaint, receiving rewards. Isn't this immoral?

12. Doctors conducted criminal experiments on people, developed poisons, poisoned progressive figures on the orders of the authorities, and were present at tortures and executions. During epidemics, medical fanatics forcibly drove people into plague barracks, where many died, took away and burned their belongings under the pretext of “fighting the infection.” The list of bloody crimes in which medicine is guilty is endless.

13. Doctors receive money for their work, sometimes a lot. Some of them even live in mansions and drive foreign cars, and this is in a poor country!

14. The medical world, especially at the top, is full of squabbles, scandals, struggles for places and privileges, slander, hoaxing, etc. I don’t believe in the honesty and selflessness of doctors, this whole mafia lives only for money and power over patients.

15. Medicine has become firmly entwined with crime. If sick or wounded criminals, bandits, terrorists turn to doctors, doctors meekly treat them, care for them, and do not hesitate to receive money for it. They have reached the point where they have built medical units in all prisons and colonies, and doctors there treat the most seasoned criminals. Your health is improving, murderers! He was cured, he kissed the doctor’s hand, he gave him some money - and go rob and kill again! And the criminals pay them in return, no matter what the bandit, he believes in medicine and respects doctors! According to their ideas, they don’t even rob doctors!

16. And I also heard (one old woman said that her friend heard at the market) how one drunk doctor stabbed a patient to death on the operating table. And then he stuck a knife in him, calmly washed his hands and went to bed with his friend. All doctors are sadists, drunks and homosexuals. Do you have any evidence that this is not so?! One fact is enough! Something is still happening behind the blank walls of hospitals, we just know too little about it.

18. Among doctors there are sometimes charlatans, swindlers, swindlers, criminals, sometimes even murderers. Most likely, the vast majority of doctors are dishonest. Or can you prove that this is not so?!

19. Medicine is needed only by sick and old people. Go to any hospital - there are only sick people, cripples and old women, sitting and whining about their illnesses. Young and healthy, in short, normal people, you can count them on one hand, most likely they just came in by accident. I am a young, healthy, normal person; we don’t need all these doctors.

20. Everyone who believes in medicine is neurotic. They are always afraid of illnesses, they are afraid that they will die ahead of time, they blindly believe that doctors will supposedly help them. Some even go crazy because of medicine - they imagine infection everywhere, they spend hours washing their hands, walking around in a gas mask, etc. And in general, faith in medicine is a mass psychosis.

21. In the end, even if I get sick, it’s better to die honestly and courageously than to cowardly grovel before doctors, like an illiterate old woman or a frightened neurotic.

22. Medicine does not make the world a better place. Diseases, discrimination, social injustice, and violations of human rights still flourish in the world. Doctors, of course, describe how they supposedly “defeated” the plague, smallpox, etc., but why should I take their word for it? If these diseases have receded, it is for natural reasons, and no medicine has anything to do with it. One of my friends believed in medicine, was treated for his illnesses - but then he died anyway. And in general, everyone who believes in medicine still dies sooner or later, just like those who don’t believe.

23. Doctors intimidate patients, saying that if you don’t get treatment, you will get more seriously ill or die. But those who agree to be treated are promised recovery and other benefits.

24. Doctors violate the rights and freedoms of people, interfere with their private lives, constantly prohibiting something, and the most pleasant ones: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, random connections etc., for non-compliance by intimidating with diseases.

25. Treatment is almost always unpleasant, and sometimes even painful. In any case, you need to spend your money on treatment. personal time and money. If you don’t get treatment, doctors again intimidate you with diseases.

26. Doctors are hypocrites and hypocrites, they consider themselves higher and purer than others, constantly trumpeting about their “humanism” and “mercy,” dressing in white coats, imagining themselves to be the only saviors of the world. Those who believe in medicine also believe that they have a better chance of maintaining health than those who are not treated.

27. Doctors and those who believe in medicine are fanatical, intolerant and dogmatic carriers of a totalitarian, blinkered consciousness. They declare only their point of view to be true and see medicine as the only salvation from illness. Doctors instill hostility and intolerance in society, fight against dissidents - against supporters of drunkenness, smoking, drug use, against those who believe in alternative medicine, psychics, healers (apparently they are afraid of competitors), threatening that they will all get sick and die. This is so cruel and does not fit with the supposedly “merciful” appearance of doctors.

28. Doctors are pathological cruel people. Can a normal person calmly cut a living person with a knife, watch the blood flow, delve into his entrails, cut off his limbs, and still imagine what is doing him good? And what about the pathologists who indifferently dissect corpses? It seems to me that all doctors are hidden sadists and necrophiliacs.

29. Medical dogmas are too simple. No dialectics, no existential tragic contradictions. “If you get treatment, you will recover, if you don’t get treatment, you will die” - that’s all medicine, whether 3000 years ago or today. For modern thinking man it's unbearably primitive.

30. Constantly used in medicine complex terms, archaic Latin language so that no one understands anything. To modern man Give him the recipe and he won't understand anything. I once tried to read a medical textbook and did not understand anything from this nonsense. It was obviously written by an abnormal person, most likely a neurotic patient, because only they believe in medicine (see paragraph 19)

31. If someone really wants to be treated, they can do it without any parasite doctors, on their own. We are all free and independent people who do not need any intermediaries or helpers.

32. Doctors grossly violate human rights, forcing patients with tuberculosis, syphilis, and mentally ill people to treat them, forcing everyone, including those who do not believe in medicine, to observe the rules of hygiene and not to smoke in public places and so on. Doctors should not impose their dogma on others.

33. Doctors show an unhealthy interest in the younger generation, trying to stupefy the minds from childhood. Already in the maternity hospital, a person is born surrounded by doctors. In any kindergarten There are doctors and every school has a first aid station. I believe that children should not be forced into medicine. Having reached adulthood, a person must choose whether or not to see a doctor.

34. In the end, we have - Democratic state. Everyone has the right to believe or not believe in medicine. Personally, as someone who does not believe in medicine, I am offended by the fact that we have a Ministry of Health, in state universities teach medicine, even the President does not hesitate to declare state support medicine. Everywhere you look there are white coats all around. From the maternity hospital to the morgue. And in schools, and in the army, and in prisons, and on the streets, they drive around in their cars with flashing lights (who gave them this right?)! It looks like this is some kind of conspiracy against freedom, democracy and human rights!

35. Of course, a conspiracy! From confidential sources I learned that the world medical mafia is hatching secret plans for the further medicalization of science, education, the army, and the entire state system in order to seize power and throw the country back to the past, to the time of the primitive despotism of sorcerer doctors (see paragraph 7), having carried out a bloody world coup and destroyed all dissidents. This is not what you can expect from doctors (see paragraph 12).

36. Doctors have sharp knives, poisonous substances, drugs, radioactive materials. They, of course, claim that these are just means of treatment. Where is the guarantee that one fine day they will not use these dangerous things against all progressive humanity in order to seize power and destroy all dissidents? And they are capable of this (see paragraphs 12, 28).

37. One Nobel laureate said that medicine is evil. Here is an honest and courageous man who knows how to think impartially and is not afraid of the medical mafia.

38. The rest Nobel laureates They say that medicine is good. Yes, prejudices persist even among educated people.

39. Man is a highly organized animal. No animal has doctors. Therefore, a person needs to get rid of medicine.

40. And in general, it’s so cool to be one of the few strong and brave ones, challenging the formidable world medical mafia and its blinkered flock, going against all public opinion, saving the civilized world from a terrible medical threat! If you are young, independent, brave, if you want to make the world a better place, say no to doctors and medicine - the enemies of all progressive humanity!

Now, for sure, once again those who do not know what sarcasm is will come to light. :)

It seems that the medical mafia is the main producer of disease, not health! In order for us to constantly buy their medicines and services, doctors constantly infect us with all sorts of nasty things and force us to constantly pay...
It seems that the medical mafia is the main producer of disease, not health! In order for us to constantly buy their medicines and services, doctors constantly infect us with all sorts of nasty things and force us to constantly pay...
Inventors of diseases

A paradoxical situation: the more progressive medicine is, the longer the list of diseases. Representatives of the pharmacological business claim that doctors have already invented plenty of new syndromes for them. According to the modern nomenclature of diseases, there can be more than 23,000 diagnoses, i.e. according to the diagnosis for every day of the life of the average person. If you add them all up, it turns out that each of us, on average, should have 20 different diseases. And yet, experts come up with new syndromes, pathologies, and diseases regularly. Moreover, the main thing in this process is the creation of a new disease or lowering the threshold of the disease.
The most “fashionable” invented non-diseases are infectious: after all, there are so many viruses and bacteria (and they are so common in people) that almost each of them can be assigned some specific properties.
A recent example of an invented disease is, for example, “SARS”. The spread of the coronavirus that causes " atypical pneumonia", died out without causing an epidemic of even small proportions. However, the UN and the European Union, at the suggestion of the WHO, “showed concern” and generously funded scientists and doctors who were developing a vaccine for this “disease.” The allocated money was successfully used by doctors and the noise around the “problem” subsided.
Then, to replace her, “ bird flu" And doctors, who declared that a vaccine “is about to be invented,” again received good financial injections. And no one is concerned about people’s health; they are concerned about the possible outflow of people from medicine, i.e. Ultimately, the medicine and pharmaceutical industries are short of money. Moreover, it is not so much the diseases themselves that are far-fetched, but their consequences for health. And only one prescription is given - pay for the treatment and you will be saved!
That is, there is an economic interest of pharmaceutical companies and doctors who profit from the sale of vaccines and medicines against such “threats”! Therefore, both independent experts and world-famous scientists have long been asking the question: are these problems not being created artificially, in order to obtain super profits? After all, when WHO declared a threat of a global nature, state budgets All countries generously allocate money to those who promise to give a chance for salvation. And the “saviors” are the same WHO and the manufacturers of “life-saving” drugs.
The list of non-existent diseases is quite long.
For example, cellulite. As the name suggests, this is a disease based on inflammation. In fact, there is neither disease nor inflammation, but obesity. It is not liposuction that should be done, but a balanced diet and physical exercise. There is no such disease as dysbiosis. It was invented to increase the market for probiotic manufacturers. Osteochondrosis is also a fictitious pathology. This age norm. Almost everyone over 50 has it.
Osteopenia (a decrease in bone density not severe enough to be classified as osteoporosis) was not previously considered as a disease, but is now being considered. The condition of "prediabetes" or "prehypertension" are also examples that are newer and more low thresholds for treatment. And a few years ago, doctors began to persistently repeat that a third of the world's population suffers from depression, a syndrome chronic fatigue And mental illness. Where did these numbers come from? This is a big mystery, but people believed them and began intensive treatment for these “diseases.”
Doctors often turn symptoms into new diseases. Such a fictitious disease can be considered arterial hypertension(AG). After all, the name of this disease is not in any serious book on medicine, because such a disease does not exist. There is no hypertension in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), because it is a fictitious disease. In fact, hypertension was and remains just a symptom hypertension(GB), indicating insufficient blood flow in the organs and overload of the heart muscle. However, in 1993, in cardiology, it turned from a symptom into a disease. And hypertension is also not a disease, but the cause of hypertension. Hypertension is quite stable and persistent increased tone muscle tissue of microvessels. Hypertonicity reduces the lumen of blood vessels, which leads to deterioration of blood circulation in all vital organs.
But instead of treating the true cause of this new “disease”, as a result of which the body itself will maintain normal blood pressure (BP) without pills, a daily (artificial and unnatural) decrease in blood pressure with pills was proposed, causing constant ischemia (bleeding) of the brain and myocardium. Billions have already been spent on such a “fight” against hypertension, since it is proposed to “treat blood pressure” with pills every day for the rest of your life, since this disease is supposedly incurable and there is no other way to escape from it. As a result, hundreds of thousands of patients became victims of such a struggle (namely a struggle, not a disease). After all, a slightly excessive decrease in pressure with “pressure medicine” immediately makes cerebral blood flow so weak that an ischemic stroke suddenly occurs.
In fact, treatment of hypertension should be aimed at eliminating the cause of hypertension - hypertension of all microvessels (that is, normalizing blood circulation), and not at artificially lowering blood pressure, leading to worsening cerebral circulation and even stroke.
You can often hear statements that cholesterol is harmful to health and you need to reduce its level, but in fact it supports the structure of cells and the production of hormones necessary for normal Everyday life. But, nevertheless, manifestations of coronary artery disease: angina pectoris (pain in the heart area), arrhythmia (impaired heart rate), myocardial infarction, according to doctors, is only a consequence of “clogging” of the coronary (supplying the heart) arteries with atherosclerotic plaques, allegedly arising from an excess of “bad” cholesterol.
But this version partly applies only to some older people who have atherosclerosis coronary arteries can become a significant obstacle to the path of blood to the heart muscle. And in case of deaths from heart attacks in relatively young people, pathologists observe the absence visible reasons myocardial infarction in the form of very large plaques or blood clots. That is, atherosclerosis, in fact, is not always the cause of angina, arrhythmia and myocardial infarction.
In fact, the main cause of “non-atherosclerotic” ischemic heart disease, as well as “causeless” hypertension, is hypertension small arteries and arterioles, in which cholesterol is never deposited...
As we see, here too the main cause of the disease has been invented.
And speculation, for example, around the problem of HIV/AIDS is the biggest deception in the medical market. After all, the state of weakened immunity, that is, immunodeficiency, has been known to doctors since ancient times. And this problem is now global not because of the mythical virus, but due to the fact that modern society in the course of its activities created great amount factors that have a suppressive effect on the immune system.
There are social causes of immunodeficiency - poverty, malnutrition, drug addiction, various diseases and much more. There are environmental reasons: ultrasonic and high-frequency radio emissions from new electronic equipment, radiation, excess arsenic in water and soil, the presence of other toxic substances, exposure to large doses of antibiotics, etc.
But there is no AIDS virus that medicine “fights”!
In fact, the human immunodeficiency virus has never been isolated! Its “discoverers” Luc Montagnier (France) and Robert Gallo (USA) also know about this. Several years after HIV was “discovered,” Robert Gallo was forced to admit that there was, in fact, no discovery. Gallo admitted that he has no evidence not only that HIV causes AIDS, but also that HIV is a virus at all. This “discovery” was a falsification of facts, not the first for Gallo. As a result, in 1992, R. Gallo was declared guilty of unscientific misconduct by the Commission for Integrity in Research National Institute health (USA). (Although, according to the English venereologist James Seale, the AIDS virus was obtained by the developers of bacteriological weapons using genetic engineering).
But the fact that for more than 20 years they have not been able to create a vaccine from supposedly existing virus, says only one thing - the virus from which it can be made does not exist! This is direct proof of the falsity of the theory being imposed on the whole world! And, accordingly, it is impossible to become infected with it - in the usual sense of the word “infected” -. And it owes its spread among drug addicts to drugs that themselves are toxic to immune cells. And the immunodeficiency virus has nothing to do with it.
The fact that the HIV retrovirus itself does not exist is even more strictly hidden!
So Kari Mullis, American biochemist, laureate Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 states that “if there is evidence that HIV leads to AIDS, then there must be scientific documents that demonstrate this fact. But such documents do not exist. The HIV-AIDS hypothesis is a hell of a mistake." This is also stated by Charles Thomas, professor of biochemistry at Harvard University - “The dogma 'HIV causes AIDS' represents the greatest and most morally destructive fraud ever committed in the Western world...” However, nevertheless, in public People's consciousness has been infiltrated with false and frightening information about HIV/AIDS.
The author of a book on AIDS, Dr. John Lauritzen (USA), states the following: “Many scientists know the truth about AIDS. But there is enormous material interest, billion-dollar deals are being concluded, and AIDS-related business is thriving. Therefore, scientists remain silent, benefiting themselves and contributing to this business...”
Thus, according to official data from WHO and various scientific institutes, about $10 billion is spent annually on the fight against AIDS, and sales of drugs for the treatment of HIV-positive patients amount to at least $150 billion. And these are only approximate figures.
That is, AIDS is just a feeding ground for pharmacists, summarizes virologist from the University of California Peter Duesberg, emphasizing that sales of “anti-AIDS” drugs are constantly growing.
And for the sake of maintaining and increasing permanent income, modern medicine One of the main commandments of Hippocrates is also ignored - “Eliminate the cause - the disease will go away!” After all, if the disease goes away, the patient-consumer will also go away." medical services", medications and related medical products. Therefore, everything is done in order to make a significant profit with little effort (after all, diagnosing or treating a fictitious disease is easier than a real one). Next, the task is solved - to create medicines for all false diseases and impose them on people.
Prominent examples of such strategies are the promotion of numerous drugs on the American market for women experiencing menopause, and attempts to convince everyone that up to 43% of women in the United States suffer from sexual dysfunction, and the majority of men suffer from impotence. As a result, the number of drugs sold and their consumers began to grow sharply.
Here's another example - pharmaceutical company Burroughs Wellcome, makes the AIDS drug AZT, known as Retrovir. HIV was “discovered” in 1984, and already in 1986 the company announced that a cure for it had been found, and in 1987 it went on sale.
It's very simple - AZT was developed back in the 70s to fight cancer. But it turned out that the highly toxic AZT kills people faster than cancer, and it was not put on sale. And now it was decided to find out who kills faster - AZT or AIDS, and at the same time “recapture” the funds invested in the development.
Alfred Hassig, a professor of immunology at the University of Bern (Switzerland), who holds the position of director of the Swiss branch of the International Red Cross, said the following: “AZT in countless cases causes inevitable and slow death somatic cells patient. I view this as abuse of power medical situation, put patients into a state of dying, prophesying their early death.”
At the same time, the manufacturing company keeps in strict confidence the fact that the drug, being very poisonous, has no therapeutic effect- it does not have an antiretroviral effect! And in general, all anti-AIDS drugs are poisons that destroy the immune system.
The same company produces diagnostic kits and uses its own money to train doctors how to use these kits and medications, and in what quantities. (However, these tests have nothing to do with the immunodeficiency virus, since the test never detects the virus, but only verifies the presence of antibodies in blood samples. And these antibodies are produced by the immune system to protect against any pathogens - so-called antigens).
Moreover, the manufacturers insist that patients must take these medications daily and for life. But these drugs cause serious harm to all cells of the body, including white blood cells. So they do not fight immunodeficiency, but rather, on the contrary, aggravate it, thereby contributing to the spread of the AIDS epidemic.
About deadly side effects drugs prescribed to AIDS patients was also reported at the 14th International AIDS Conference in Barcelona in July 2002. But, nevertheless, under the influence of the manufacturers of such “medicines”, the search for other methods of treatment and studying the individual capabilities of the body in the fight against immunodeficiencies was prohibited! And they do all this in order to support their multi-billion dollar profits.
It is also clear that condom manufacturers also applaud AIDS and the “fight” against it.
Another interested category is manufacturers of disposable syringes. If the immune system is destroyed due to a virus, then the whole problem is in syringes, as a means of transmitting the virus. This idea is gently instilled in all people (and especially drug addicts) - inject yourself with clean syringes and you will avoid AIDS. Doctors, moreover, do not always take into account that many medications may cause adverse reactions long term after treatment, which they will again treat like a new disease...
Thus, researchers at the Universities of Toronto and Harvard came to the conclusion that there is a phenomenon called the “prescribing cascade,” which occurs when doctors mistakenly interpret by-effect medications as a manifestation of a particular disease. To treat this new “disease”, another drug is prescribed, which in turn can cause negative reaction the patient's body, etc. And, using increasingly aggressive means and in large doses, chemotherapy lays strong “time bombs” in the body (disruption of the human genome, its ecosystem, global resistance to antibiotics, the emergence of a number of fatal diseases, etc.). And this threatens to completely undermine people's health.
As a result, new, previously unknown diseases appear, and old, and seemingly long-vanished, diseases return. And what more people fights them, the more of them appear. At the same time, there is a steady decline in the effectiveness of drug therapy in its Hippocratic model, which managed to lead people away from natural methods of prevention and treatment. Indeed, in this medicine the principle of interaction between the body and external environment: the patient is alienated from nature itself, the doctor and himself, the doctor is alienated from nature and the patient.
Such medicine has long exhausted its already limited opportunities due to its lack of a genuine scientific basis and focus on health. After all, diagnosing and treating a disease as a separate localized disease is as illogical as looking for the cause of rain in a puddle. Therefore, this medicine has been going bankrupt for a long time, convincing evidence of which is its inability, so far, to solve the problem of treating even colds and flu, not to mention more serious diseases.
Secondary immunodeficiencies, continuous allergization, and the steady growth of drug-induced diseases are generated precisely by this model of medicine, based on drug therapy. After all, chemical drugs do not bring recovery. Recovery is active work body. And the main difference between this traditional medicine from the Hippocratic one is that the first is 70% involved in the prevention of diseases, i.e. health (after all, disease is much cheaper and easier to prevent than to treat), and 30% by diseases.
Modern official medicine mainly deals with “invented” diseases and their symptoms.
Fictitious diseases are a big problem in modern healthcare, since the negative consequence of this approach to restoring health or treatment is the suppression of genetic natural mechanisms self-healing. As a result, solving some problems in the body leads to the development of new ones...

An orthopedic doctor from a regional hospital: “I was hounded and fired after I began to prescribe to patients, instead of “dummies,” a medicine from the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute for 5 tenge, which actually restores joints.

A few days ago I contacted the editor former doctor regional hospital, worked as a rheumatologist. He told terrible things about what was happening in regional hospitals. Previously, he tried to contact the regional press, but absolutely all the media in the region refused to even talk to him. Therefore, all hope remains for the federal publication. Below is the full interview with a doctor who was thrown out into the street by management for being faithful to the Hippocratic Oath and trying to fight the “medical mafia” of the region. All he did was start treating his patients with a cheap medicine that really works. Below is a full interview with a fired doctor who was forced to leave the region after being fired due to threats against him.

Interviewed by Irina Nikiforova.

I. Nikiforova, can you tell us in general terms what happened to you?”

Everything became clear after I was deprived of my bonus at the end of the month and called “on the carpet.” And they explained again, only much more insistently and clearly, that if next month I did not receive the quota of patients who bought medications in certain pharmacies, then they would simply fire me. I live alone, helping my old mother, so I didn’t have much choice. All other doctors in all fields worked in the same way.

It got to the point that right on the back of the written prescription they wrote the address of the pharmacy where they needed to stop by and buy the drug. Some of these drugs were useless, some contained active ingredients, but at the same time they had analogues that cost several orders of magnitude less. Roughly speaking, a person was prescribed a medicine for 20,000 tenge, while he had an analogue for 2000-3000 tenge.

I. Nikiforova “Did you receive money for this?”

Doctor: Ordinary doctors received nothing. Management - yes, every month they received round sums in envelopes. One of our department heads drove a new BMW for 25 million tenge. And his wife changed cars every six months, without working anywhere. Both children studied abroad on a paid basis. This is with her husband’s official salary being 120 thousand tenge. You understand what amounts could appear there.

Ordinary doctors participated in this scheme under threat of dismissal. They promised to fire us with a “wolf ticket”, so it would be impossible to get a job in any other clinic or hospital. Considering that it is already difficult to find a job, no one wanted to lose their job.

I. Nikiforova “Has anyone tried to resist this scheme?”

Doctor: More than once, but it always ended in failure. Once we sent a collective complaint from doctors to the regional leadership. But the complaint was hushed up at the top, and the doctor who initiated it was fired. He searched for several months new job, but could only get a job as a janitor. This is after 16 years successful work, with the title of “Honored Doctor of Kazakhstan”.

The rest of the signatories were deprived of their bonuses for 3 months and forced to work overtime, seeing patients instead of other doctors loyal to the hospital management. As I understand it, all clinics and hospitals in the region sent part of the funds received from pharmacy chains somewhere up.

I myself was among those who signed this complaint and I well remember how shocked we were. At that time, the atmosphere among the staff at the hospital was more reminiscent of a concentration camp than a medical institution. After that, I limited myself to the fact that when writing a prescription, I tried to prescribe something else, more effective, in addition to the medications “recommended” to us. Nothing more could be done, purely physically.

I. Nikiforova “Why did you rebel in the end?”

Doctor: Firstly, I’m tired of seeing how patients who come to me come every time more and more poor condition. The last straw A situation arose when a dear granny, who stubbornly did not understand hints about medications, became disabled. And all because, instead of normal medications, she drank what we were forced to prescribe.

Secondly, just before this incident, I attended a specialized medical conference, where I met my fellow student, now working at the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology. He talked about a new drug that they started making on their own production and distribute across regions. He demonstrated the results of clinical trials, according to which the new drug was amazingly effective.

In addition, judging by the observation of patients from the control group, 97.5% did not experience any relapse of the disease. That is, the drug did not just relieve symptoms and inhibit the disease, like even the most best medicines, present in pharmacies now, but removed the cause of the disease.

At the same time, they tried to contact the medical authorities of the regions in order to begin distributing the drug through state medical institutions. But not a single attempt was successful. Just like trying to start selling in pharmacy chains. They refused under a variety of pretexts. Some pharmacy chains agreed, but at the same time offered to set the cost at 150-200 thousand tenge.

Naturally, no one will buy it for that kind of money. He was sincerely perplexed as to why this was happening until I told him about the situation in my hospital. New drug, which eliminates the disease entirely, restoring joints, is unprofitable for either pharmacies or the management of clinics and hospitals. They need people to constantly seek help and spend their last money on what is sold in pharmacies. And doctors and pharmacy owners would be swimming in money, buying new cars and flying to Spain on vacation.

I. Nikiforova “And what did you do?”

Doctor: I suggested starting to treat my patients with the drug. In addition, it was then sold for only 5,200 tenge per package, at cost. In our region it was really impossible to find it, since the research institute naturally could not come to an agreement with local leadership healthcare. But they developed a system for ordering via the Internet on a special website so that everyone in need could purchase the drug.

True, it was almost impossible to find information that it could be ordered online even in Moscow, not to mention in regions where mentioning the medicine among orthopedists and rheumatologists was essentially prohibited.

Upon returning to the hospital, I began telling patients about the new drug, without, of course, including it in the prescriptions. You can’t imagine how happy it was to see the shining eyes of recovered people, freed from old diseases and terrible pain in the joints. At the same time, however, the number of purchases of “medicines” in pharmacies, for which I formally wrote out prescriptions, sharply decreased. People simply didn't need them anymore.

Of course, it wasn't easy. We had to explain to everyone that this is an officially registered drug that has undergone clinical trials, which is distributed via the Internet, because pharmacies simply do not allow it. There is no need to pay anything when ordering and the drug is paid for only after receipt. That this is all absolutely safe, transparent and the medicine actually works.

Most understood everything. But unfortunately, not all patients were adequate. I was already on a “special account” with management, who drew attention to the sharply dropped volume of drug sales for my patients. And after one grandmother, after my appointment, went to complain to the chief doctor about the fact that she was being “slugged” into something incomprehensible, I was simply kicked out of the hospital, having signed a retroactive dismissal order.

I. Nikiforova “What happened next?”

Doctor: After my dismissal, I went to everyone for about a month regional newspapers and channels. But no one agreed to publish at least something. Some turned us away from the doorway, others talked, but after discussing with their management they still refused. All hope remained with the federal media.

And then you know yourself - your editorial team was the first of all to agree to talk and publish the story. All I want to do is make people aware that the healthcare system has a rigid, mafia-like system that makes money from their illnesses and doesn't allow them to get real medicine.

After my “walking around with journalists” it came to strange threatening phone calls. And my old car, standing in the yard, had punctured tires. So I had to literally run away and move to rented accommodation where they wouldn’t find me.

I. Nikiforova “This is terrible, I sympathize with you. What happened to the drug you were talking about? And what kind of medicine is this by the way?”

Doctor: The research institute was unable to reach an agreement with any region. As far as I know, they are now negotiating at the federal level. In the meantime, the drug is sold on a special website. If we talk about the medicine itself, then this is a special innovative drug “Flex Pro”. As I said earlier, this is the only drug that actually restores joints, eliminating the disease completely.

This is a breakthrough development that can save hundreds of thousands of lives and help millions avoid becoming disabled. The drug has no analogues abroad. This is the only medicine that restores joints, starting the process of natural regeneration. And due to its versatility, it helps against all joint diseases, without exception. Those who developed this drug are real geniuses. The chief developer was even nominated for international prize Gairdner for his contribution to the development of medicine and saving lives.

Many foreign clinics are now trying to gain access to procurement. But the management of the research institute, together with the creators of the drug, decided that for now it would only be sold in Kazakhstan. By at least until it is possible to increase production volumes.

Now, by the way, the research institute, at its own expense, has begun to distribute the drug virtually free of charge, at a symbolic price of 5 tenge. Their financial condition does not allow covering the entire country, so they take each region in turn. Right now Flex Pro can be purchased for 5 tenge in Almaty and the region. As far as I know, at this price it will be sold until December 26, 2017 in Almaty.

That is, the research institute continues to try to bring the drug to the masses, despite active opposition from the “medical mafia.” The country should be proud of such heroes who help people no matter what and do not make money from it.

I. Nikiforova “Can you advise anything to people who go to clinics and hospitals?”

Doctor: First of all, you need to understand that even if the doctor wants to help you with all his heart, he cannot do this, because he will then simply be fired. Hangs over everyone sword of Damocles dismissals. This is why people get pseudo-medicines that don’t work and continue to suffer. Honestly, I don’t even know what to advise. In commercial centers, despite the fact that people pay for the appointment, the same situation usually occurs.

For a simple appointment, such a center can receive 2500-3000 tenge, plus the same amount for a package of pills sold on a “recommendation”. Half of the profit of commercial clinics comes from the commission of pharmacy chains, which generously pay for patients with “prescriptions.”

On this moment time, the only thing that can help people with sore joints is Flex Pro. Moreover, it can be obtained essentially for free. Addressing all my former patients from Almaty and all other patients who were stuffed with useless “pills” - order yourself “Flex Pro” for 5 tenge. It really helps with any joint diseases, restoring them and returning a person to healthy condition. And please forgive me and all other ordinary doctors. We did not participate in such a scheme of our own free will.


Medical mafia! Not a single doctor in Lyudinovo writes real prescriptions for diabetics! Revelations of a doctor who was thrown out of the hospital for loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath. Materials 2017 July 19 Interview Valeria Artapova, a diabetes doctor from the regional hospital in Lyudinovo: “I was hounded and fired after I killed diabetic patients and instead of “dummy” prescribe a medicine from the I.I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Endocrinology, which restores pancreatic function and treats diabetes. The material was published on July 19, 2017 at 10:04 am. Updated on July 19, 2017 at 10:04 am. A few days ago, V.S. Artapova contacted the editor . a former diabetes doctor at the regional hospital in the city of Lyudinovo. She told terrible things about what is happening in regional hospitals and clinics, where diabetics are being killed, pumping money out of them. Previously, Valeria tried to contact the regional press, but absolutely all the media in the region refused to even talk to her Therefore, all hope remained in the federal publication. Below is the full version of the interview with the doctor, whom the management threw out into the street for loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath and an attempt to fight the “medical mafia” of the region. All that Valeria Artapova did was to begin treating her diabetic patients with a medicine that can restore the pancreas and stabilize blood sugar forever. Below is a full interview with a dismissed doctor, who was forced to leave the region after her dismissal due to threats against her. The interviewer is Irina Nikiforova. I. Nikiforova “Valeria Sergeevna, can you tell us about the situation in clinics and hospitals in Lyudinovo?” V. Artapova: The first time I encountered the “medical mafia” was when I finished my residency and began seeing patients on my own. It was then that they first made me understand that there was a list of pharmacy chains and medications that should be prescribed from there for diabetics. Initially this was presented as a “recommendation”, but after I ignored the list, I was called to the management and made it clear that this was more of a “strict order”. To say that I was shocked is to say nothing. I was expressly forbidden to prescribe any medications from pharmacies that were not on the list. The most interesting thing is that on the list of medications that they gave me, there was not a single drug that actually worked. All these were “dummies”, partly copied from existing medicines, partly made simply without active ingredients. But at the same time, their prices were several times higher than average. That is, I was forced to prescribe drugs that did not work, instead of trying to actually treat people. This despite the fact that diabetes without treatment leads to a constant deterioration of the situation. Even following a low-carbohydrate diet and insulin injections do not save the patient in any way. He is slowly dying, gradually receiving more and more severe complications from internal organs. I. Nikiforova “What did you do? And what was the point in prescribing medications that didn’t work? After all, people were not treated and died.” V. Artapova: I had a disabled sister in my arms and an old mother who needed to live somehow. The only source of finance - my salary. So I didn't have much choice. If I refused to “cooperate”, they threatened to fire me with a “wolf ticket”, without the opportunity to get a job in my specialty. Therefore, I was forced to do as I was ordered. As for the meaning, it was extremely simple - the hospital management received “commissions” from pharmacy chains every month for the drugs sold. And not only in our department. From communicating with colleagues, I realized that all departments of the hospital work in exactly the same way. Moreover, the same thing happens in all medical institutions in the region. The patients really did not receive adequate treatment, and often they were not treated at all. This was beneficial to the management, since what worse person feels, the more he is willing to spend on his treatment. And the more money you can get from him. They actually made money from human deaths. After all, a diabetic who does not receive necessary therapy- This is a person doomed to die alive. He has no chance to survive. And the worse he feels, the more money can be pumped out of him. I. Nikiforova “Did you receive money for this?” V. Artapova: Ordinary doctors did not receive anything. Management - yes, every month they received round sums in envelopes. One of our department heads drove a new BMW for 5.5 million rubles. And his wife changed cars every six months, without working anywhere. Both children studied abroad on a paid basis. This is with her husband’s official salary of 21 thousand rubles. You yourself understand what amounts could appear there. Ordinary doctors participated in this scheme under threat of dismissal. They promised to fire us with a “wolf ticket”, so it would be impossible to get a job in any other clinic or hospital. Considering that it is already difficult to find a job, no one wanted to lose their job. I. Nikiforova “Has anyone tried to resist this scheme?” V. Artapova: More than once, but it always ended in failure. Once we sent a collective complaint from doctors to the regional leadership. But the complaint was hushed up at the top, and the doctor who initiated it was fired. He looked for a new job for several months, but could only get a job as a janitor. This is after 16 years of successful work, with the title of “Honored Doctor of Russia”. The rest of the signatories were deprived of their bonuses for 3 months and forced to work overtime, seeing patients instead of other doctors loyal to the hospital management. As I understand it, all clinics and hospitals in the region sent part of the funds received from pharmacy chains somewhere up. I myself was among those who signed this complaint and I remember well how shocked we were. At that time, the atmosphere among the staff at the hospital was more reminiscent of a concentration camp than a medical institution. After that, I limited myself to the fact that when writing out a prescription, I tried to prescribe something else, more effective, in addition to the medications “recommended” to us. Nothing more, purely physically, could be done. I. Nikiforova “Why did you rebel in the end?” V. Artapova: Firstly, I’m tired of seeing how patients who come to me appear more and more exhausted, and then end up in a hospital with rotting internal organs or are admitted to the oncology ward with cancer due to diabetes. And there the last of their finances are siphoned out of them, after which they die. I understood that speaking out against the hospital’s management, which, apparently, was covered up at the very top, meant burying my career as a doctor. But what kind of career is this when we don’t treat people, but let them die slowly. Secondly, just before this incident, I attended a specialized medical conference, where I met my fellow student, now working at the I.I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Endocrinology . He talked about a new drug that they developed and began to produce in their own production, distributing it throughout the regions. A colleague showed the results of clinical trials, according to which the new drug was amazingly effective. In 97.5% of people, after the course, the body began to re-absorb insulin, becoming independent from taking external insulin and medications. That is, the drug not only improves the patient’s condition, but completely cures diabetes, relieving the person of the disease. The uniqueness here is that the drug restores the function of the pancreas, which again absorbs the insulin produced by the body. This, as everyone knows, is the main reason for the development of the disease. At the same time, they tried to contact the medical authorities of the regions to begin distributing the drug through state medical institutions. But not a single attempt was successful. Just like trying to start selling in pharmacy chains. They refused under a variety of pretexts. Some pharmacy chains agreed, but at the same time offered to set the cost at 30-40 thousand rubles. Naturally, no one will buy it for that kind of money. He was sincerely perplexed as to why this was happening until I told him about the situation in my hospital. A new drug that actually treats diabetes is not profitable for either pharmacies or the management of clinics and hospitals. They need people to constantly seek help and spend their last money on what is sold in pharmacies, gradually rotting from the inside. And doctors and pharmacy owners would be swimming in money, buying new cars and flying to Spain on vacation. This is despite the fact that diabetes is, in fact, a terrible fatal disease , in which a person is doomed to a slow death. I. Nikiforova “And what did you do?” V. Artapova: I suggested starting to treat my patients with the drug. In addition, it was sold then for only 1,090 rubles per package, more than affordable. In our region, it was really impossible to find it, since the research institute naturally could not come to an agreement with the local health authorities. But they developed a system for ordering via the Internet on a special website so that everyone in need could purchase the drug. True, it was almost impossible to find information that it could be ordered online, even in Moscow, not to mention in regions where the mention of the drug among endocrinologists and diabetologists was essentially prohibited. Upon returning to the hospital, I began to tell patients about the new drug, with this of course without indicating it in recipes. You can’t imagine how happy it was to see the shining eyes of recovered people who got rid of diabetes and stopped measuring their blood sugar levels several times every day. At the same time, however, the number of purchases of “medicines” in pharmacies, for which I formally wrote out prescriptions, sharply decreased. People simply didn't need them anymore. Of course, it wasn't easy. We had to explain to everyone that this is an officially registered drug that has undergone clinical trials, which is distributed via the Internet, because pharmacies simply do not allow it. There is no need to pay anything when ordering and the drug is paid for only after receipt. That this is all absolutely safe, transparent and the medicine actually works. Most understood everything. But unfortunately, not all patients were adequate. I was already on a “special account” with management, who drew attention to the sharply dropped volume of drug sales for my patients. And after one grandmother, after my appointment, went to complain to the chief doctor about the fact that they were “snugging” something incomprehensible to her, they simply kicked me out of the hospital, signing an order to dismiss me retroactively. I. Nikiforova “What happened next?” V. Artapova: After my dismissal, I went to all regional newspapers and channels for about a month. But no one agreed to publish at least something. Some turned us away from the doorway, others talked, but after discussing with their management they still refused. All hope remained with the federal media. And then you yourself know - your editorial office was the first of all to agree to talk and publish the story. All I want to do is make people aware that the healthcare system has a rigid, mafia-like system that makes money from their illnesses and doesn't allow them to get real medicine. After my “walking around with journalists” things came up with strange threatening phone calls. Then someone set mine on fire front door . And their disabled sister was beaten in the courtyard of the house. So I had to literally run away and move to rented housing, where they wouldn’t find me. I. Nikiforova “This is terrible, I sympathize with you. What happened to that drug you were talking about? And what kind of medicine is this by the way?” V. Artapova: The research institute was unable to reach an agreement with any region. As far as I know, they are now negotiating at the federal level. In the meantime, the drug is sold on a special website. If we talk about the medicine itself, then this is a special drug Diabenot." As I said earlier, this is the only drug that actually treats diabetes, returning the pancreas to a healthy state and giving the body the ability to absorb "natural" insulin. This is a breakthrough development, which can save millions of lives. The drug has no analogues abroad, it is the only medicine that can cure diabetes in 1 course, starting the process of natural regeneration of the pancreas. Those who developed this drug are real geniuses. The main developer was even nominated for an international Gairdner Prize for his contribution to the development of medicine and saving lives. Many foreign clinics are now trying to gain access to purchases. But the management of the research institute, together with the creators of the drug, decided that for now it will only be sold in Russia. At least until production volumes can be increased Now, by the way, the research institute, at its own expense, has begun to distribute the drug virtually free of charge, at a symbolic price of 1 ruble. Their financial condition does not allow them to cover the entire country, so they take each region in turn. Right now Diabenot" can be purchased for 1 ruble in the city of Lyudinovo and the region. As far as I know, at this price it will be sold until July 26, 2017 in the city of Lyudinovo. That is, the research institute continues to try to bring the medicine to the masses, despite active opposition from others "medical mafia". The country should be proud of such heroes who help people no matter what and do not make money from it. I. Nikiforova “Can you advise anything to people who go to clinics and hospitals?” V. Artapova: Firstly First of all, you need to understand that even if a doctor wants to help you with all his heart, he cannot do this, because he will simply be fired later. The threat of dismissal hangs over everyone. That is why people receive pseudo-medicines that do not work and continue to suffer. Honestly, I don’t even I know what to advise. In commercial centers, despite the fact that people pay for an appointment, the same situation usually arises. For a simple appointment, such a center can receive 500-600 rubles, plus for a package of pills sold on a “recommendation” - the same amount. Half of the profit of commercial clinics comes from the commission of pharmacy chains, which generously pay for patients with “prescriptions.” This is especially cynical, given that in in this case they are not treating something harmless, but a terrible disease that leads to fatal consequences. At the current time, the only thing that can help diabetics is Diabenot. Moreover, it can be obtained essentially for free. Addressing all my former patients from Lyudinovo and all other patients who were stuffed with useless “pills” - order yourself Diabenot for 1 ruble. It really helps with diabetes, restoring the pancreas’ ability to absorb insulin produced by the body itself. And please forgive me me and all the other regular doctors. We did not participate in such a scheme of our own free will.
