Do we need a flu shot: truths and myths about vaccination. Is it necessary to get vaccinated: the benefits, the danger of refusal and the opinion of doctors Are vaccinations really necessary: ​​the arguments against

To understand how dangerous vaccinations are, it is enough to mention the fact that for 10 years not a single doctor or head of US pharmaceutical companies has dared to drink the mixture standard additives, available in most vaccines, in the same amount that, in accordance with the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2000, a six-year-old child received. This is despite the promised reward of over $100,000.

If this fact seems unconvincing to you, read the following facts:

1. One month old baby weighing 5 kg receives the same dose of vaccine as a five-year-old weighing 18 kg. Newborns with an immature immune system that has not yet developed receive a dose 5 times higher (relative to body weight) than older children.

2. International Studies show that vaccinations are one of the causes of SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome.

3. Almost always children's infectious diseases are benign and go away on their own. In addition, they lead to the development of lifelong immunity, while vaccine immunity is only temporary, so there is repeated vaccination.

4. Lifetime immunity is then transmitted from the mother through the placenta to her unborn child; vaccine immunity is not transmitted through the placenta.

5. No scientific research, designed to determine whether vaccines actually prevent disease. The incidence graphs rather show that vaccinations were introduced at the end of the epidemic period, when the disease was already in its final stages.

6. There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Only short-term tests are carried out, where vaccinated subjects are compared with a group that received another vaccine. In fact, you need to compare with a group of unvaccinated people.

7. Independent private studies (Dutch and German) found that vaccinated children get sick much more than their unvaccinated peers. If you stop vaccinating children, their health improves markedly.

8. The child receives not one, but many vaccinations. There are no tests to determine the effectiveness of combination vaccines.

10. Children are vaccinated simply because their parents are intimidated. Vaccination of children is the most profitable business both for vaccine manufacturers and doctors.

11. Children who are only breast milk they inject powerful vaccine toxins, which contradicts all logic and science.

12. Vaccines contain heavy metals(mercury, aluminum), carcinogens, pesticides, live and genetically modified viruses, serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic decontaminants and Excipients, untested antibiotics, none of which can be administered without causing harm to the body.

13. The vaccines contain blood serum not only from chimpanzees and other apes, but also from cows, pigs, chickens, horses, and even human blood serum and tissue extracted from aborted fetuses.

14. Deaths and permanent disability due to vaccinations is a very common occurrence and is well known to the medical community. The government prohibits doctors from disclosing this and linking such cases to vaccinations.

15. Most children's infectious diseases have few serious consequences V modern world. Not only are most infectious diseases rarely dangerous, but they can play a vital role in the development of a strong, healthy immune system. People who have not had measles have a higher incidence of certain skin diseases, degenerative diseases bones and cartilage, some tumors, while those who have not had mumps have more high risk ovarian tumors.

16. Many doctors claim that illnesses in childhood are needed to train the immune system. By suppressing these diseases, we leave the immune system undeveloped, causing the emergence of various autoimmune disorders such as diabetes and arthritis, which have become epidemic today.

17. In the United States, post-vaccination complications are recorded, and the government pays millions of dollars in compensation to victims. In the CIS countries you will not be compensated for anything; you will have to go to doctors yourself and treat complications by buying expensive medicines.

18. BCG vaccine(for tuberculosis) in America and Europe was recognized as completely ineffective and was abandoned.

19. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) causes polio and other neurological and gastrointestinal disorders in children.

20. The Hepatitis B vaccine, introduced recently, is not intended for children at all, it is a sexually transmitted disease vaccine that should only be reserved for promiscuous adults.

21. Tetanus serum contains both aluminum and mercury, as well as tetanus toxoid– any of these components can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

22. The measles vaccine is a vaccine that regularly causes serious post-vaccination complications.

23. According to the results of various independent studies, especially Dutch and the latest German, which compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children, it has been established that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity, etc.

24. The impact of vaccines on a child's developing brain is very great and can lead to speech and behavior disorders and even dementia. A significant number of studies have convincingly shown that the practice of childhood vaccinations can lead to serious damage brain through numerous mechanisms. Because a baby's brain develops rapidly between the third trimester and age two, it is at serious risk.

25. Vaccine production is the most profitable pharmaceutical business. Billions of dollars are being made by vaccine firms.

If you do decide to vaccinate your child, do it as late as possible because:

All period breastfeeding The baby is protected by antibodies passed on to him through his mother's milk. And only six months after the last breastfeeding, this protection disappears! Then you need to pass immunological analysis blood for the presence of certain antibodies, and only after that can you be vaccinated (unless, of course, you decide to refuse vaccination altogether) against those diseases for which antibodies are not found in the blood.

A child’s immunity is finally formed only by the age of 6. And any intervention (especially something as crude as vaccination!) in this natural process can lead to irreversible consequences and affect the rest of your life. If you still decide to vaccinate your child, then it is better to start doing it after 5-6 years!

Additional Information:

Interview with Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya- famous virologist, candidate biological sciences, an independent expert on virology, author of four monographs on vaccination issues.

2016 film "VACCINED: FROM FORGERY TO DISASTER." On falsification of scientific research.

"The benefits of vaccinations for children"

Your child is sent for the next vaccination. You are tormented by questions:

  • How will the child tolerate this procedure?
  • Are vaccinations dangerous?
  • And anyway, what are vaccinations for?
  • What can you get vaccinated against?

We will try to answer your questions in this consultation, using the recommendations of medical professionals.

Vaccinations are given exclusively against infectious diseases, the most severe, dangerous ones that can cause severe complications, as well as against those diseases that affect many people at the same time:

Purpose of vaccination

Formation of immunity (immunity) to a disease when a weakened or killed pathogen microbe is introduced into the body. As a result, special substances (antibodies) and cells are produced that can neutralize the real pathogen when infected.

If there were no vaccinations

  • Measles: probability of death: 1 case in 100, disability: 5 cases in 100.
  • Whooping cough: high risk of brain inflammation.
  • Poliomyelitis: high risk of paralysis and disability.
  • Tuberculosis: long-term treatment, severe complications.
  • Mumps (mumps): development of infertility.
  • Rubella: birth of a disabled child.
  • Hepatitis: high risk of severe liver damage, cancer.
  • Influenza: Severe complications of the heart, brain, lungs, especially in the elderly, young children and people with chronic diseases.

Your rights

All mandatory vaccinations included in national calendar preventive vaccinations are held free of charge. The Immunoprophylaxis Law gives parents the right to decide for themselves where to vaccinate.

Every citizen or his legal representative(parents) have the right to receive complete and objective information from medical workers about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, and the possibility of post-vaccination complications.

Contraindications to vaccinations

  • The vaccine is not administered a second time if, after the previous administration, the child had a temperature above 40 degrees, swelling at the injection site, or another unusual reaction.
  • “Live” vaccines (measles, rubella, polio, mumps, tuberculosis) are not administered for immunodeficiencies (occurs in 1 child out of a million).
  • The tuberculosis vaccine is not administered to children weighing less than 2000 grams.
  • With progressive neurological diseases(with convulsions) whooping cough vaccine is not administered.
  • Vaccination is not carried out during acute and chronic diseases (vaccination is postponed until recovery).
  • Measles and mumps are not diagnosed if you are allergic to egg white and to antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group.

Alternative to vaccinations

Infections cannot be prevented simply by strengthening the body with hardening, vitamins, etc. The example of some unvaccinated children who did not get sick does not prove anything. They just didn’t meet the sources of infection.

Number of vaccinations

Scientists have clearly proven that a child’s immune system can resist many infections at the same time. Thanks to this, it is possible to create combined vaccines (whooping cough + tetanus + diphtheria or measles + rubella + mumps). The use of such vaccines reduces the number of injections. Moreover, thanks to modern technologies and purification, modern vaccines contain less harmful substances. This significantly reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

Complications after vaccination

True complications are extremely rare. Usually we are talking about a reaction to the vaccine - redness and itching of the skin at the injection site and a slight short-term increase in body temperature. These reactions have no health consequences. The overwhelming number serious illnesses represent “ordinary” diseases that coincided with vaccination.

Preparing for vaccination

For vaccination, no examinations are required, except for an examination by a doctor and temperature measurement (to exclude acute illness). On the eve of vaccination, you should not change your daily routine or diet. If you have allergies, you may be advised not to introduce new types of foods for less than a week.

Remember that the life of a child depends on your choice!

Protect your child - get vaccinated!

Absolutely everyone is concerned about human immunity and ways to maintain its health. Someone is advocating proper nutrition, playing sports, hardening. Others talk about the benefits of vaccination aimed at combating a specific virus.

Any hypothesis or statement has supporters and opposition. The harm of vaccinations is discussed no less than their benefits. But whose arguments are more solid is up to the person thinking about vaccination to decide. We will analyze the benefits and harms of vaccinations, without persuading anyone to any particular opinion.

Vaccine specifics

Any vaccination is the introduction of an antigen into the body, designed to activate the immune system to fight the enemy. Protective antibodies must be developed, which settle in the body and wait for the appointed hour.

The reaction to a real virus is individual for each organism. Therefore, there is no 100% guarantee that immunity will work properly when the disease spreads. Vaccine developers say that when a threat occurs, a person may not get infected at all or get sick in mild form, without serious complications.

But there is also a second side, when the antigen does not work at all. The person is sick as if there was no vaccination.

A completely opposite picture may occur in an unvaccinated patient. He may not even get sick, because natural immunity is resistant to attacks by certain viruses. Therefore, everyone has their own truth.

It is impossible to make a sample of people who are resistant or not to viruses. Therefore, WHO recommends mass vaccination of the population to prevent the epidemic.

The dangers of vaccinations - a truth that is little voiced to people

Vaccine production is a serious industry that involves the development, testing, and mass production of sera of varying potential. This requires a lot of money, which must somehow pay off.

To turn vaccination into a mass flow, it was created Government program aimed at improving health.

But a person must be vaccinated consciously and voluntarily.

Although the truth of the project does not always correspond to the interests of the consumer. Parents are forced to vaccinate their young children, subtly hinting that kindergarten, school and other conditions for a quality life may be prohibited. Only the truth is on the side of the citizen, who cannot be forced. Vaccination is a voluntary procedure.

But not a single pediatrician or procedural nurse will spend visiting time explaining:

The lack of time, desire and permission from managers gives such a result.

Serum is the same medicine as other tablets, syrups, ointments sold in pharmacies. But they come with instructions to inform the buyer. Any vaccine must have the same instructions or brochure. Then the mother, having full awareness, will act in accordance with her principles and concepts about the safety of the baby’s health.

Hence the cases of incorrect vaccinations that made children or adults disabled (cerebral palsy, autism, complete paralysis, deafness, loss of vision, impenetrable allergies, asthma) or led to death. This benefit may not be acceptable to many.

Some experts say vaccines contribute to common childhood illnesses. The vaccine antigen resides in the body forever. Its effect on a growing organism has not been fully studied.

And children are injected with not just one virus, but a large number of. And each one can manifest itself in different ways. Plus, synthetic or organic matter that surround this antigen. Many of them are poison. Here's the truth about the dangers of vaccinations.

Let's remember the benefits of vaccination

We cannot neglect the fact that vaccinating the population has its own benefits. Many fatal diseases were prevented.

At least in modern society Viruses that caused panic and fear a hundred or two hundred years ago are rare. Some still remind themselves even with mass vaccination.

There are cases of children contracting scarlet fever, whooping cough, and diphtheria, even when all hygiene standards are observed. And if an unvaccinated child encounters a carrier of the disease, the consequences depend only on the quick reaction of the parents and the correct diagnosis by the doctor. You can help an infected baby modern medicines, if the diagnosis is correct and on time.

Is the flu shot harmful or beneficial?

Currently, influenza viruses are becoming more dangerous and can also harm humans. Again, children and people communicating with large audiences most often become vulnerable.

The flu shot is updated every year because the virus is constantly mutating. It is impossible to calculate what a person will be exposed to in the new season. What harm will the next flu bring?

Is the flu vaccine harmful or beneficial? There is no clear answer. It all depends on:

  • is it done correctly?
  • whether the vaccine strain matches the spreading influenza virus;
  • whether the patient’s body was healthy during the flu vaccination;
  • whether the flu season arrived before the vaccine gave a positive result;
  • whether the vaccinated person complied with the rules of behavior after the administration of influenza serum.

But there is another side to the flu vaccination - weakening of the immune system in autumn period, when in addition to this virus flies in the air great amount pathogens of respiratory viral diseases, whose symptoms are very similar to viruses of one or another influenza.

The body, weakened by the vaccine, cannot cope with the attack of other microbes that the flu vaccine does not work on. Here are the complications that they tried to avoid with vaccination. It turns out that the flu shot harmed the immunity hardened over the summer. Heat, cough, bronchitis or other problems bring a person thinking about health to a hospital bed.

Another stage of causing benefit and harm to a person, especially a child, begins. Children under two years of age are at risk of dehydration, which occurs from an increase in temperature and refusal of food and water.

The doctor prescribes injections and droppers, which also have benefits or harm to a person.

Droppers and injections after a harmful vaccination

Critical condition, especially in small child(vaccinations are allowed for children from 6 months), may occur after vaccination if an allergy to a component or individual intolerance to the serum occurs. Allergies are harmful to the body.

The baby ends up in intensive care, where they put in IVs with solutions that remove intoxication and prevent dehydration.

If the brain does not receive even a certain amount of fluid, hypoxia occurs, even death. Child mortality in infancy from harm from vaccinations or other factors is very high. Only droppers save, which in this case benefit the person.

Some people claim that IVs can be harmful to humans.

Possibly if it is not done professionally. IVs can only be placed medical workers who have undergone special training.

The harm from a drip for a small patient is only psychological state when the child does not perceive anything unknown at all. And under the system you need to lie quietly.

Children may be tied or swaddled to prevent the needle from being pulled out. Skin and veins may be torn. Such harm is unacceptable; each case of prescribing an IV should be deliberate, and not standard.

Any health care carries two sides: harm and benefit. True, the doctor, according to his obligations, must not harm the patient. But the decision about whether vaccinations are harmful should be made by patients themselves, including common sense.

It is necessary to study information about the dangers and benefits of any procedures, vaccinations, injections, IVs in advance. Every person is sure that this will not happen to him. The benefit lies in human intelligence and the ability to correctly perceive any information.

Vaccination and revaccination to protect health Abscess after an injection - treatment with various drugs

About the benefits and harms of vaccinations

All over the world they are actively doing vaccinations. IN developed countries a child's lack of vaccinations is considered bad care parents about his health. For many years we have been taught that vaccinations are necessary for every child. Most doctors consider vaccination to be the only protection our children have from serious diseases. Others, counting the number of children with post-vaccination complications, began to sound the alarm. And so that no one is to blame, the 1998 “Law on Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” declared vaccination prevention to be a voluntary matter. The task of parents is to weigh all the pros and cons and make their choice...

Let's start with an impressive number. According to the World Health Organization, thanks to immunization, 3,200,000 deaths and 400,000 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis are prevented annually worldwide.
Galina Fedorovna Lazikova, Head of the State Epidemiological Surveillance Department of the State Epidemiological Surveillance Department of the Ministry of Health of Russia, believes that if vaccinations are canceled, epidemics of infectious diseases will certainly begin. The pathogen circulates, and there is no guarantee that diseases “under control” will not return again. Every mother wants her child to be healthy, and if she really does not want the child to get sick, then she must exercise his right to be healthy: vaccinate in accordance with the Preventive Vaccination Calendar.
Another important point, which parents should know about. If your child is not vaccinated on time, you put off going to the clinic until later, then remember that the older the baby, the more likely it is that he will have complications. It is necessary to vaccinate a child - this is beyond doubt.

The result of frequent parental refusal to vaccinate There has been an increase in the incidence of diphtheria and whooping cough in the last decade, sometimes these diseases resulted in the death of children.

What are the benefits and dangers of vaccinations?

The “danger” of vaccinations, as a rule, lies in the side effects of the vaccine. But side effects Every medicine has it. However, when prescribed correctly, it is always less dangerous or harmful than the disease for which it is used. The same goes for vaccinations: ANY VACCINE IS HUNDREDS OF TIMES SAFER THAN THE DISEASE IT PROTECTS AGAINST . For example, vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus, which is given to children, can often cause a rise in temperature for one to two days, and diseases always bring the child to the hospital, sometimes to intensive care, and more often go away after long-term treatment, but sometimes complications of varying severity remain for a long time, very rarely, they end in death.

Free vaccinations with vaccines made in Russia are given to all children in district clinics and kindergartens and schools attached to them against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, and hepatitis B. This mandatory vaccinations included in the national calendar.

The effectiveness of vaccination is a guarantee of not getting sick or suffering from a mild form of the disease.

Side effects from vaccinations usually include a fever of up to 38 degrees and some malaise, soreness and redness at the injection site for two to three days. Severe complications are extremely rare. A thorough medical examination, drawing up an individual vaccination schedule, and following vaccination rules minimizes the risk of severe complications for vaccination.

In vaccinations, not only individual, but also “collective” immunity is important, that is, the more children in a given region are vaccinated, the less the possibility of an epidemic, the less the chance of getting sick.

For each child (adult), it is advisable to draw up an individual vaccination calendar.
If you have doubts about the need vaccinations or you need confidence that the vaccination protects you (perhaps you already have the necessary immunity), you can check the level of antibodies to the infection you are interested in in the blood. Such a check is possible before and after vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, rubella, measles, mumps, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, influenza, meningitis, tuberculosis, tick-borne encephalitis. This can be done in a clinic or in private clinics.

If you still decide not to get vaccinated, then, if possible, take out insurance in case of illness (tick-borne encephalitis)

About contraindications

Attitude to contraindications to vaccination is constantly changing - there are fewer and fewer reasons for “exemptions”, the list of diseases exempt from vaccinations is becoming shorter and shorter. You will ask why?

First, in children and adults with chronic diseases, the infections that vaccines protect against are much more severe and lead to more complications. For example, it is known that in patients with eating disorders, infected with tuberculosis and HIV, measles is very severe, in premature babies - whooping cough, in patients with diabetes mellitus- rubella, influenza - in patients with bronchial asthma, pneumococcal infection- in patients with blood diseases, viral hepatitis- in patients with liver diseases, chickenpox- in patients with leukemia. It is simply wrong to protect such children from vaccinations.

Secondly: the technology of production and purification of vaccines is constantly being improved.

Third: experience shows that vaccinations modern vaccines do not increase the risk of worsening the course of chronic diseases.

Allergies and vaccinations

A common concern is that patients with allergic disorders ( skin diseases, bronchial asthma) vaccinations may exacerbate these disorders. In some cases, in fact, patients with allergies may experience an exacerbation after vaccination, but as practice shows, in most cases such exacerbations are associated with food inaccuracy, contact with an allergen, or insufficiently intense basic treatment. Vaccination should be carried out with the addition of antihistamines.

Febrile seizures and vaccination

Another common cause of medical withdrawal is febrile convulsions (i.e. convulsions against the background of a significant increase in temperature). Children with short-term (less than 15 minutes) febrile convulsions are vaccinated on a calendar date, prescribing paracetamol 1-2 days after DTP and from 4 to 6 days after measles vaccination. Children with afebrile seizures (i.e. not associated with an increase in body temperature), which may be provoked by a pertussis component DPT vaccine And measles vaccine, are vaccinated against the background of effective anticonvulsant therapy with lightweight vaccines. A child with a family history of epilepsy (among family members) is vaccinated as usual.

Complications after vaccination in the family, allergies in family members: contraindications to vaccinations and allergic disorders are not inherited.
Vaccines- this is immunobiological active drug, causing certain changes in the body - desirable, with the goal of creating immunity of the vaccinated person to a given infection, and undesirable, that is, adverse reactions.
The term “adverse reactions” usually refers to undesirable reactions of the body that occur after vaccination. In general, adverse reactions are a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign substance and in most cases reflect the process of developing immunity. If the adverse reactions are not severe, then this is even a favorable sign in terms of developing immunity. For example, a small lump that appears at the site of vaccination with the hepatitis B vaccine indicates that the process of developing immunity is active, which means that the vaccinated person will actually be protected from infection.
Naturally, an increase in body temperature to 40C cannot be a favorable sign and such reactions are usually classified as a special type of severe adverse reactions. Such reactions, along with complications, are subject to strict control. If many such reactions occur to a given production batch of the vaccine, then such a batch is removed from use and is subject to repeated quality control.
The incidence of adverse reactions has also been well studied. It is no secret that the rubella vaccine, which has been used abroad for more than 30 years, causes approximately 5% general reactions that the hepatitis B vaccine, which has been used for more than 15 years, causes about 7% of local reactions.

Unlike adverse reactions, vaccination complications are undesirable and quite severe conditions arising after vaccination. It should be noted that, unlike adverse reactions, complications are extremely rare. Order: 1 per million

The reasons may be the individual characteristics of the body (unexpectedly strong allergic reaction for re-administration of the vaccine), the addition of an infection - purulent inflammation at the injection site and infection, at incubation period who were vaccinated.

The practice of administering multiple vaccines at the same time

Vaccines can, and sometimes must, be administered simultaneously. In cases where vaccines cannot be administered on the same day, they are administered at intervals of at least 3-4 weeks. An exception to the latter rule is vaccination against rabies according to emergency indications(after a bite). In this case, the threat of developing an infection (which remains 100% lethal) outweighs all other arguments. The number of introduced antigens does not play a big role.

In the human body there are simultaneously billions of cells responsible for immunity, although several thousand of them are needed to develop immunity to one of the antigens. Moreover, each cell responsible for immunity works in parallel on several tasks and sometimes can simultaneously “process” several antigens.
Thus, “overloading the immune system” with simultaneous vaccination is just a myth about vaccinations.
The safety of vaccination with separate drugs is exactly the same as with their simultaneous administration. Adverse reactions to vaccinations do not tend to increase with the parallel administration of several antigens. It should be said that only a few vaccines can be combined in one syringe; as a rule, all vaccinations, when carried out simultaneously, are given at different points. The exception is ready-made combination vaccines, such as tetracoccus, measles with mumps and some others.
In fact, any combination vaccine is a combination of several vaccines in one syringe. In developed countries, vaccines that simultaneously contain six components are now widely used - vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, and hepatitis. B, hemophilus influenzae infection, polio.
Practical experience of such vaccinations has proven that the safety indicators of vaccination do not suffer - the number of adverse reactions does not increase.

Medical advice from vaccinations

Pediatricians often come across the conclusion of specialized specialists (neurologist, allergist, etc.) to postpone vaccination of a child for several months, although his disease or condition is not listed in the list of contraindications to vaccination. How should we approach this? The pediatrician must adhere to the list of contraindications. However, when sending a child for a consultation, he should raise the question not about the admissibility of vaccination, but about the presence of specific signs in the child that justify the child’s condition (the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the vaccine, the level of activity of the process, achieving remission, the need to intensify basic therapy, etc. ). Since the pediatrician is responsible for vaccinating the child, it is natural that his assessment plays a decisive role (taking into account the specialist’s diagnosis).


Are vaccinations useful?

John Rappoport:
Interview with a former vaccine creator

Dr. Mark Randall is a vaccine researcher. long years worked in laboratories of large pharmaceutical companies and government National Institute health. Mark quit because he said he was disgusted by what he discovered about vaccinations. Mark isn't a big talker, but in light of recent efforts to make vaccinations mandatory, he decided to break his silence. He lives comfortably in retirement, but has become conscious of what he did before. Mark is well aware of the scope of the medical cartel's activities.

– You were once sure that vaccinations were a symbol of progressive medicine.

- Yes. I have helped develop several vaccines. Vaccinations are the last line of defense modern medicine. Vaccinations are the ultimate expression of the “brilliance” of modern medicine.

– Do you think that people should be given the right to choose whether to get vaccinated or not?

– At the political level – yes. On scientific level– people need to be provided with reliable information so that they can do right choice. It's easy to say, "Choice is good." But if the whole atmosphere is saturated with lies, how can you choose? If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were run by decent people, vaccinations would not be allowed.

– There are medical historians who argue that the overall decrease in morbidity was not the result of vaccinations.

- I know. For a long time I didn't pay attention to these studies because I was afraid of what I might find. I was in the vaccination business. My standard of living depended on continuing this work. And then I myself researched this topic and came to the conclusion that the decrease in the incidence rate was due to improved living conditions, and not vaccination.

– What conditions?

– More than clean water. Improved sewer system. Food. Fresh products Agriculture. Poverty reduction. Germs are everywhere, but if you're healthy, you won't get infected easily.

– How did you feel when you completed your research?

- Despair. I realized that I was working in the field of concentrated lies.

– Are there any vaccines that are more dangerous than others?

- Yes. DPT (DTP), for example. MMR (combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine). In addition, some batches of the same vaccine may be more dangerous than each other. What worries me is that all vaccinations are dangerous.

- Why?

- A few reasons. They involve human body in a process whose purpose is to undermine the immune system. They can actually cause the very disease they are intended to protect against. They can cause diseases other than those they were intended to prevent.

– Why are we given statistics showing that vaccinations have been extremely successful in eradicating diseases?

- How why? To create the illusion that vaccinations are beneficial. If vaccines suppress visible symptoms diseases such as measles, everyone can consider the vaccination to be a success. But under this cover, vaccination can harm itself immune system. And if it causes another disease - meningitis, for example, this fact is not noticed, since no one believes that a vaccine could have done this. The connection is simply ignored.

– It is reported that vaccinations have been eliminated smallpox in England.

- Yes. But when you study the available statistics, a different picture emerges. There were cities in England where unvaccinated people did not get smallpox. There were cities where the vaccinated population experienced smallpox epidemics. And the incidence of smallpox was declining even before the introduction of vaccinations.

– Are you saying that you lied to us?

“That is exactly what I am saying.” The story has been manipulated to convince people that vaccines are consistently effective and safe.

– You worked in laboratories. What can you say about the cleanliness there?

“People think that these manufacturing laboratories are the cleanest places in the world.” It is not true. Infections happen all the time. “Construction waste” constantly ends up in vaccines.

– For example, the SV-40 monkey virus that slipped into the polio vaccine?

- Yes, it was. But that's not what I mean. The SV-40 virus was included in the vaccine because monkey kidneys were used. I'm talking about something else. About valid laboratory conditions. Mistakes. Negligence. SV-40, which was later discovered in cancerous tumors is what I would call a structural problem. This was the accepted part production process. If you use monkey kidneys, you open the door to unknown pathogens in them.

– Okay, let's ignore the difference between types of pollutants for a moment. What substances have you discovered over the years of your work in laboratories?

– I will give you examples of what I found and what my colleagues found. But that's only part of it. We found various chicken viruses in the Rimavex measles vaccine. In the polio vaccine we found Acanthamoeba, which is called the “brain-eating amoeba.” Simian cytomegalovirus in the same polio vaccine. Foamy simian virus in rotavirus vaccine. Avian cancer virus in the MMR vaccine. Various microorganisms in anthrax vaccine. I have found potentially dangerous enzyme inhibitors in several vaccines. Viruses of ducks, dogs, rabbits in the rubella vaccine. Pestivirus in the MMR vaccine.

- I want to understand. Are all these contaminants unrelated to the vaccines themselves?

- Right. And it is impossible to determine the harm that they can cause, since no research has been conducted in this direction. This is roulette. You are taking risks. Most people are unaware that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella vaccine, and hepatitis A vaccine are made from tissue from aborted human fetuses. I realized that what I occasionally discovered and thought were bacterial fragments could in fact be parts of embryonic tissue. When you look for contaminants in vaccines, you are at a loss with all the material you find. You know it shouldn't be there, but you have no idea what it is. I was discovering what I thought were tiny fragments human hair or human mucus. I was discovering what can only be described as a “foreign protein” and which, in fact, could be anything.
