Domestic and imported analogues of Essentiale Forte! Analogues of Essentiale Forte are cheaper

The liver needs to be constantly nourished useful substances, contributing to the normalization of the functionality of the organ and the regeneration of its cells. Liver diseases cause a lot discomfort and pain.

Many patients with such diseases are familiar with the drug Essentiale Forte. Numerous tests have proven its effectiveness. But in some cases, due to some peculiarities, you have to look for a replacement. So what analogues of Essentiale Forte exist? What are their similarities and differences from the original?

This drug is a hepatoprotector. Its properties include restoration of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism processes, as well as restoration of cell functionality. It contains phospholipids that protect against viruses and bacteria.

Medicines of this type are necessary when diseases such as:

The most popular replacement drugs

An analogue is a drug that has a similar composition and effect. They are of domestic and foreign production. A lot of products are produced on the territory of Russia good medicine, capable of replacing the expensive Essentiale Forte.

Domestic analogues have the following properties:

  • similar indications for use;
  • identical operating principle;
  • some differences in composition.


The most popular Russian substitute is. It contains almost the same components as in Essential Forte.

It has the following properties:

  • elimination of viral diseases;
  • stopping the development of diseases;
  • stabilization of the cell membrane.

It is prescribed for cirrhosis, hepatitis, psoriasis, intoxication and other liver pathologies. This domestic drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. Possible side effects include skin rashes and intolerance to one of the components.


Another effective alternative to replace Essentiale Forte is the drug Fosphonziale. It contains silymar, lipoid, magnesium stearate and povidone.

It has the following properties:

  • normalization of protein synthesis;
  • treatment of liver disorders;
  • detoxification;
  • elimination inflammatory processes in the biliary tract;
  • suspension of connective tissue development;
  • restoration of cellular metabolism.

It is used for hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, gestosis, irradiation and intoxication. It is also included in a complex of means to eliminate the destructive consequences of alcohol abuse and how preventative measure in case of disruption of lipid metabolism.

Fosphonziale contraindications include an allergic reaction to the components and hormonal disorders(endometriosis, uterine fibroids, carcinoma of the uterus, breast or ovary).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug can be used, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

When taking it, side effects may occur such as a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, vomiting, nausea and allergies.


Domestic substitutes for Essentiale Forte include: Its main active ingredient is ursodeoxycholic acid, which eliminates toxic liver damage.

It is a hepatoprotective drug with large spectrum actions:

  • hepatitis treatment;
  • improving bile outflow and eliminating stagnation;
  • normalization of liver functionality;
  • dissolving stone deposits and preventing their occurrence;
  • fight against indigestion syndrome;
  • maintaining the immune system;
  • prevention of occurrence;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • fight against cirrhosis.

Ursosan is also prescribed for the prevention of colon cancer and intoxication, which can develop when working in industrial production or abusing medications and antibiotics.

The drug is used for:

This substitute should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its constituent substances or have the following health problems:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • impaired activity of the gallbladder;
  • acute type infection.

Despite all its advantages, Ursosan also has very impressive list side effects: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pain syndrome in the lumbar region, an aggravated form of psoriasis and allergies.

The drug must be prescribed by a doctor with an exact indication of the dosage and duration of the course.

Other analogues

If Essentiale Forte is not suitable for the patient for one reason or another, then it is replaced with another medicine.

In addition to the above drugs, other effective analogues are also used:

Table of analogues of Essentiale Forte, release form and cost:

Name of drugsRelease formCost, rub.
Resalut aboutcapsules, 30-100 pcs.495-1260
Fosphonzialecapsules, 30-60 pcs.340-620
Phospholipidscapsules, 60 pcs.440-580
Essentiale NIV solution, 5 ml, 5 pcs.920-1150
Essliver fortecapsules, 30-50 pcs.340-430
Livolife fortecapsules, 30 pcs.260-330
Hepatomaxcapsules, 30 pcs.400


Essentiale Forte can be replaced on the recommendation of a specialist. For this purpose, it is preliminarily assessed possible risks and the effectiveness of such an alternative. Inexpensive substitutes are also capable, like their more expensive counterparts, of removing unpleasant symptoms liver pathologies and eliminate their cause.


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not yet on your side...

And have you already thought about surgical intervention? This is understandable, because the liver is very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and wellness. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish tint to the skin, bitterness in the mouth and bad smell, dark urine and diarrhea... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

Liver problems happen in people of different ages and financial situation. Doctors most often recommend the drug "Essentiale Forte" as a reliable and universal remedy- equally suitable for adults, the elderly, very young and pregnant women. But this is an expensive drug and not everyone is ready to buy it. Fortunately, domestic pharmaceuticals have already reached the appropriate level and you can find a worthy and inexpensive analogue of Essentiale Forte.

Domestic analogues of Essentiale Forte

Russian medicines that can replace Essentiale Forte are very different from it in composition. They solve the same problems and have the same indications, but are independent drugs and have individual differences. Therefore, you need to choose carefully, taking into account all the details. Then you can find an analogue of Essentiale Forte that is ideal for your case.


This is the closest substitute for Essentiale Forte. It is more similar to him than others in composition and action. In addition to the actual quality of a hepatoprotector, this product strengthens cell membranes and destroys viruses. That is, it stops liver destruction, helps tissue restoration and improves the patient’s condition.

Indications for the use of "Phosphogliv" are hepatitis and any liver damage that is viral in nature, caused by poisoning, etc. The only possible side effect is a skin rash. If it appears, just switch to another medicine and everything goes away.

Unlike Essentiale Forte, this product is not suitable for use by children under 12 years of age, by pregnant women or during breastfeeding.

The release form of the drug is capsules, coated with a protective shell, 50 pieces per box. Average price 500-600 rub.


An excellent hepatoprotector, an analogue of Essentiale Forte with a very similar therapeutic effect. Helps restore liver cell membranes. It performs its task perfectly, but does not affect the condition of the body as a whole.

Indications for the use of "Fosphonciale" are liver disease or the rehabilitation period after complications that caused stress on this organ. It can also protect the liver after long-term treatment potent drugs.

Side effects occur only with an overdose - nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Available in capsules. There are 30 pieces in a box, average price- 340-400 rub.


This is an inexpensive Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte, which has completely identical indications for use. But it is much weaker. To achieve a good result in the first weeks of treatment, it is necessary to combine the intake of capsules with intravenous drips.

Side effects are possible depending on individual sensitivity, in the form of nausea and unpleasant heaviness in the chest.

Unfortunately, the admissibility of use in the treatment of children and pregnant women is not specified.

The release form corresponds to the methods of use: coated capsules and solution for intravenous administration.

Inexpensive analogues of Essentiale Forte

Liver treatment can take months. One pack of Essentiale Forte is enough for 10 days of use, and it costs 470-500 rubles. Not everyone can afford the long-term purchase of such medications. Fortunately, you can find an inexpensive analogue of Essentiale Forte, which will be no less effective.

"Essliver Forte"

This is a full-fledged replacement for Essentiale Forte; the drugs actually have a very similar composition.

"Essliver Forte" can be taken even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but medical supervision is required. Personal intolerance to the components is possible, but no side effects have been identified so far.

The drug perfectly restores liver damage. You can rely on it - provided that the appointment is agreed with the attending physician.

Available in capsules, there are packs of 30 or 50 pieces on sale. Price for 30 capsules 200-220 rub.

"Livolife Forte"

This product contains a completely different set of active ingredients. At the same time, the functions are the same, thanks to which it is not only economical Russian analogue"Essentiale Forte", but also a worthy alternative for those who are faced with intolerance to the components.

There are no side effects. If the body is hypersensitive, abdominal pain and rash are possible, which disappear immediately after stopping use.

Pregnant and lactating women should not take this drug, but children can take it with constant medical supervision. Adults (12 years and older) can take the drug without fear.

There are 30 capsules in a box, the average price is 260-280 rubles.

"Rezalut Pro": indications for use, consumer reviews

Rezalut Pro includes the same active ones, but a different set of auxiliary components. This narrowed the range of indications, but did not affect the effectiveness. Reviews from patients who have used the drug in treatment convince that it is a high-quality analogue of Essentiale Forte.

The active substance of the drug is phospholipids and Omega linoleic acids, which restore liver cell membranes and restore their functionality.

It is used to restore the liver after hepatitis, psoriasis, any damage, even those associated with an unhealthy lifestyle.

The drug has no contraindications. Taken only under medical supervision. If the patient is under 12 years of age, admission is possible, but with caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist. The same applies to pregnancy and period breastfeeding. The drug contains soybean oil, so if you are allergic to soy products, it should also be used with great caution.

A good antibiotic for various infections is a suspension Augmentin 400.

Preparations based on Witch Hazel help in the treatment of hemorrhoids and other diseases -.

Side effects are the same as for drugs in this group - possible urticaria or rash, abdominal pain. Problems can also occur in women menstrual cycle and intermenstrual bleeding. Such cases are extremely rare. If unwanted symptoms occur, stop taking the drug.

"Livolife Forte" has established itself as an inexpensive analogue of "Essential Forte" that really works and does not cause negative influence on the recipient’s body, which is very important, because hepatoprotectors often have to be taken for quite a long time.

German and French pharmaceutical companies jointly launched a drug for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases - "Essentiale Forte N". The medicine is one of the hepatoprotectors, that is, drugs that protect the liver. The cost of one package of the drug is quite high, while it is clearly not enough for a course of treatment. Therefore, many sufferers are interested in the question: is there a cheap analogue"Essentiale forte N". To answer this, let's look at the composition and mechanism of action of this drug.

Composition and action of “Essentiale Forte N”

The main thing is than this medicine good for the liver - these are the phospholipids it contains, which are 76 percent choline (vitamin B4). They are involved in the process of cell division and regeneration. Entering the liver, choline protects it and promotes the restoration of liver cells.

If a person eats properly and receives from food sufficient quantity choline and accompanying B vitamins, then phospholipids are formed in his body in the volume necessary for liver health. But if the diet is incorrect, there are bad habits And accompanying illnesses liver, then it needs help, which is provided by Essentiale Forte N.

Inexpensive analogue of Essentiale Forte

Replace this drug it is possible either to drugs that have a similar composition, or to drugs that have a similar mechanism of action on the liver, despite a completely different active substance.

Let's consider different options.

    "Antraliv" capsules. Composition: the same phospholipids. This is an inexpensive Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte - the medicine is produced by the Russian company Nizhpharma.

    Capsules "Livolife Forte". Active substance– phospholipids.

    "Essial forte"- again, contains phospholipids.

In addition to the above, phospholipids contain drugs such as "Essenitale N", "Livenziale", "Essliver". At the same time, analogs of “Essentiale Forte” are several times cheaper than their imported counterpart (price starts from 350 rubles). The Russian drug is considered the most inexpensive and effective "Fosfontiale".

Of course, every manufacturer of a drug based on phospholipids will claim that only his drug consists of the most highly purified, proven and reliable, repeatedly tested and laboratory-tested phospholipids. And this is exactly what the difference in price should be attributed to. It’s up to you to decide whether to trust the manufacturers or choose the medicine that doesn’t cost you so much.

"Essentiale Forte" - domestic analogues according to the mechanism of action

Not only phospholipids, but also many others can protect the liver medicinal substances. Medicines that support the liver (hepatoprotectors) include:

    "Karsil". A preparation based on dry extract of milk thistle. Karsila capsules are taken for liver cirrhosis, inflammation or toxic damage.

    "Ovesol". It is not a medicine, but is classified as a dietary supplement. It contains oat extract, which has choleretic effect, helps relieve inflammation and spasm (eases painful conditions). It is best used in complex treatment.

    "Holiver". Complex drug, containing medical bile, artichoke extract, turmeric powder. Helps reduce cholesterol levels, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, regulates the flow of bile, removes toxic substances, and has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Bile acts as an antiseptic, stimulates the liver and intestines, and helps to better absorb vitamins.

    "Rezalut pro". Contains modified phospholipids. Helps strengthen and enrich liver cells. It is this drug that is most often recommended for use as a full-fledged analogue of Essentiale Forte.

When choosing an analogue of a medicine prescribed by a doctor, it is better to consult with the doctor himself. It is the doctor who must give the go-ahead for you to use one medicine instead of another.

What analogues of Essentiale Forte exist? A hepatologist will tell you about this. Essentiale forte is a hepatoprotector that can restore and regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolic processes and restore cell function.

General medical indications

Essentiale Forte has many cheaper analogues, which are prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • fatty liver degeneration;
  • hepatitis - acute and chronic;
  • liver coma;
  • toxic damage.

Essentiale's analogues are excellent for treating pathologies such as:

  • gestosis;
  • intoxication and poisoning;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis.

What are the instructions for using Essentiale analogues? The composition of these drugs, like Essentiale, includes phospholipids involved in metabolic and restoration processes, protecting the liver from germs and infections.

Analogs are usually considered medicines, which have a similar composition, but the international names are non-proprietary.

Phosphonciale instructions for use

Domestic drugs

In Russia, many high-grade substitutes for the expensive Essentiale Forte are produced. Domestic drugs are characterized by the following properties:

  • similar indications for treatment;
  • have the same operating principle;
  • differ in chemical composition.

This determines the criteria for comparing drugs, which boil down mainly to the ability to eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of the disease. The Russian drug Phosphogliv meets the criteria of Essentiale Forte better than others, which, of all domestic substitutes, practically meets the composition of the original.

Phosphogliv performs the following functions:

  • fights viruses;
  • stabilizes the cell membrane, inhibiting the activation and progression of the disease.

Created to fight hepatitis, cirrhosis, psoriasis, various lesions liver, neurodynamite, intoxication, etc.

The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Phosphogliv also has several side effects: rash and hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

Comparison of Fosfontiale and Ursosan

Good domestic drugs are Fosfontiale and Ursosan, excellent substitutes for Essentiale Forte, only cheaper and produced by Russian companies.

The active substances of Phosphonciale are lipoid and silymar, which, according to the instructions for use, are supplemented with calcium phosphate dihydrate, magnesium stearate, and povidone.

The main functions include:

  • treatment of liver problems;
  • relieving inflammation in the biliary tract;
  • restoration of metabolism in cells;
  • carrying out protein synthesis;
  • detoxification;
  • blocking the formation of connective tissues.

Such directions of action help fight various hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, gestosis, consequences of intoxication and radiation. As an additional therapy, a medicine is prescribed to treat the consequences of alcohol consumption, with chronic intoxication, as a prophylaxis for lipid metabolic disorders.

Side effects noted by patients are nausea and vomiting, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, and may occur allergic reactions, which depends on the individuality of the organism.

Cannot be used by those who cannot tolerate active or additional components medications, suffers from hormonal disorders. For example, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, carcinoma of the ovaries, mammary glands, and uterus are observed.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is prescribed individually, which depends on many factors. The dosage and regimen of use are prescribed by the doctor, based on the diagnostic results and indications for use.

Another domestic analogue of Essentiale Forte is Ursosan - a hepatoprotector with wide range actions. Among the main functions are:

  • protecting the liver from harmful influences;
  • pharmacological properties, manifested in normalizing liver function, improving the outflow of bile, dissolving stones and preventing their formation;
  • elimination of bile stagnation;
  • fight against hepatitis;
  • treatment of cirrhosis and indigestion syndrome;
  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the patient’s blood;
  • improvement of immunity;
  • obstacle to the development of fibrous tissue.

The active action is based on ursodeoxycholic acid, which is able to bind bile acids and cholesterol. Thanks to the appearance of such compounds, micelles are formed that eliminate the toxic effect on liver cells.

Ursosan is also used for preventive measures, which help reduce the rate of development of colon cancer, eliminate toxic lesions that can occur in people when working in hazardous industries, long-term use antibiotics and other medicines.

Indications for the use of Ursosan may include diseases such as:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic and acute hepatitis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • alcoholic liver disease;
  • defective development of the fetus inside the womb;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • eliminating the influence of hormonal contraceptives.
  • pancreatitis;
  • acute infectious processes;
  • non-functioning gallbladder;
  • renal and liver failure.

Not for pregnant and lactating women.
Range side effects much wider than with other analogues of Essentiale Forte. For example, vomiting, nausea, aggravated psoriasis, diarrhea, constipation, lower back pain, and allergic reactions are observed.
The dosage regimen is prescribed by the doctor, who determines the necessary daily dosage drug.

Additional list

Other substitutes for Essentiale Forte.
Other worthy analogues of the drug are:

  • Antraliv;
  • Essliver forte;
  • Lifelife;
  • Rezalut about;
  • Karsil;
  • Heptral;
  • Hematomax;
  • Lioliv.

Antraliv affects the liver through phospholipids, helping to fight hepatitis, hepatic coma, liver cirrhosis, and preeclampsia. Considering that tests and medications have shown low level effectiveness, capsules are prescribed simultaneously with intravenous injections or droppers.

Cheaper than all other hepatoprotectors. The advantages are its fast action on pathology and the ability to maintain the effect for 24 hours. Used to treat cirrhosis, toxicosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. It can be prescribed to pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

Karsil works on the basis of silymarin, prepared from milk thistle fruit extract. It is this substance that can stop intoxication, membrane destruction, and establish protein synthesis. Therefore, you can treat with Karsil chronic forms non-viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and steatosis, consequences of the use of drugs and alcohol.

Heptral helps fight intrahepatic cholestasis, depressive syndrome, encephalopathy, etc. Usually such diseases are treated with essentials, but changing one medicine to another can only be done with the doctor’s permission.

Thus, the use of Essentiale Forte analogues is possible only after the recommendations of the attending physician, who evaluates the possibility of replacing one medicine with another. Usually, substitutes relieve symptoms and eliminate the causes of diseases, but not all at once, but only one at a time.

And a little about secrets...

A healthy liver is the key to your longevity. This body performs great amount vital necessary functions. If the first symptoms of the disease were noticed gastrointestinal tract or liver, namely: yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, nausea, rare or frequent stool, you simply must take action.

The occurrence of heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium occurs when liver activity is impaired or gallbladder of different etiologies. Essentiale forte analogues will help start the recovery process and stop the destruction of the organ. The effectiveness of the original medicine is confirmed by doctors and patient reviews. What can we say about Essentiale’s analogues?

Essentiale forte is a hepatoprotector used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases. The drug minimizes the negative effects of other medications on the organ, restoring it.

The medicine is in free access, is sold in the form of capsules and solution in ampoules. Capsules are in cardboard packaging containing blisters of 10, 12 and 15 pieces.

The main active component of Essentiale Forte are essential phospholipids, the maximum content of which in capsules is 300, and in solution - 250 milligrams.

As auxiliary components, Essentiale Forte includes:

  • hard fat, making it easier to swallow the medicine;
  • castor oil, which prevents constipation during therapy;
  • distilled water acting as a solvent;
  • dyes.

Essentiale and its analogue substitutes are prescribed to protect the liver from intoxication and other adverse factors.

When toxins enter the human body, the integrity of the membrane structures of liver cells is disrupted. This interferes with the performance of the initial functions of the organ.

The liver is capable of regeneration. It can be accelerated with the help of essential phospholipids. These substances are able to restore diseased areas of the liver in a minimum amount of time. That is why phospholipids are the main component of Essentiale.

Timely and correct treatment Essentiale provides next action on the human body:

  1. Provides protection to hepatocytes from negative impact harmful factors.
  2. Cleanses the liver of toxins.
  3. Prevents intoxication of the body.
  4. Restores the structure of liver cells.
  5. Helps normalize metabolic processes.

Absorption of the active component occurs in small intestine. After this, phospholipids enter the bloodstream and are transported along it to the liver.

Maximum saturation of the blood plasma with the active component of the drug occurs 6-24 hours after the first dose of the drug.

Essentiale Forte is not an inexpensive medicine. Therefore, some patients choose analogues for treatment.

Russian analogues of the drug

average cost Essentiale forte - from 600 to 850 rubles for 1 package with 30 capsules. Their domestic analogues cheaper.

Taking into account the financial capabilities of patients, doctors offer them the following replacements for Essentiale:

  1. Essliver forte. The cost of the medicine for 1 package does not exceed 550 rubles. The composition of the Essliver Forte substitute is identical to the original, containing phospholipids of natural origin. They are supplemented and vitamin complex, accelerating the process of cell regeneration in cirrhosis, liver damage caused by exposure to radiation, drugs, and alcohol. Essliver forte, analogues with other names, show high efficiency as prophylactic agents, preventing liver diseases caused by taking antibiotics. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The Essliver therapy regimen involves taking 2 capsules daily three times a day for 3 months.
  2. Livolin forte. This is a cheap Essentiale analogue, costing no more than 200 rubles. The active components of Livolin are phospholipids and lecithin. The main indications for use are: different types hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure and nephropathy.

The drug is taken three times a day, 1 capsule for 2 months. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body.

The Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte Karsil is in particular demand. It is available. TO

The number of tablets consumed at a time can reach 4 pieces. Consumers find this inconvenient, as is the long course of treatment.

Generics from neighboring countries

Generics or substitutes for Essentiale Forte from neighboring countries are often represented by drugs of Belarusian and Ukrainian origin. The cost of analogues is lower than the price of Essentiale Forte.

  1. Essencecaps. Inexpensive analogue Essentiale forte. Country of origin - Belarus. The hepatoprotective effect of Essencecaps helps protect the liver from damage by alcohol, radiation, antibiotics, hormonal drugs And external factors. The drug is recommended by doctors for poor appetite, a feeling of pressing heaviness in the right hypochondrium and complex therapy serious illnesses, requiring simultaneous administration many medications.
  2. Antral. A medicine for liver diseases, belonging to the budget category. The average cost of a package of tablets is 400 rubles. Country of origin - Ukraine. The main active component of Antral is a complex of phospholipids. The drug is presented in tablet form and as a solution for injection.
  3. Larnamine. The medicine, which has a hepatoprotective effect, is intended to combat liver diseases, intoxication of the body and encephalopathy. Larnamin is more expensive than Essentiale and is available in the form of sachets and solution for intravenous administration.

Each of these medications has contraindications and side effects. This must be taken into account before using the products. The doctor will take into account all risks. Consultation with him is required.

Among the drugs from American and European pharmaceutical manufacturers, they are especially popular the following analogues Essentiale:

  1. Brenziale. This replacement for Essentiale Forte has a composition similar to the original. The main active component is the phospholipid of soybean extract. Brenziale is available for sale in tablet form and solution for injection. The drug is recommended for the treatment different forms hepatitis, intoxication, fatty liver, cirrhosis and hepatic coma. Generic Essentiale Forte costs 150 rubles.
  2. Rezalut PRO. Different from the original drug excipients. Compared to Essentiale, Rezalut PRO has a smaller spectrum of action. The medicine is prescribed in the presence of cirrhosis, elevated level cholesterol, hepatitis and liver damage of other origins. The advantage of Rezalut PRO in comparison with other analogues is the possibility of prescribing the medication to children. The drug has contraindications. The doctor will take them into account when prescribing the medicine.
  3. Liver protect. Produced in Serbia. The medicine is made on the basis of soy phospholipid and is a 100% analogue of Essentiale Forte. The generic is intended for the treatment and protection of the liver. Used as prescribed by a doctor. It differs from other analogues in its natural composition and the absence of dyes.

The list of drugs from American and European pharmaceutical manufacturers can be called unlimited. The choice of medication depends on the degree of liver damage and the financial capabilities of the patient.

The liver is sensitive to medications because it is responsible for processing them. Therefore, when selecting an analogue of Essentiale Forte, the doctor and the patient must carefully weigh the pros and cons of each drug.

When considering an alternative to the original, the patient needs to know the differences between the substitutes and Essentiale Forte.

They are as follows:

  • component composition, which often differs in excipients and, as a result, can cause different adverse reactions;
  • cost, which is lower than analogues, which is due to the lack of a patented international name and advertising costs;
  • dosages and treatment regimens, including course duration.

Included Essentiale Forte contains a complex active additives, accelerating therapeutic effect and increasing the cost of the drug.

The list of diseases for which medications are intended to treat may also differ.

Comparison of prices of Essentiale and analogues

The cost of the original drug is higher than Essentiale analogues of domestic and foreign production.

Below are the prices of medicines in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

Cheap Essentiale analogues Moscow Peter
Minimum in rubles Maximum in rubles Minimum in rubles Maximum in rubles
Rezalut PRO ( capsule form) 507 547 464 535
Livolin Forte (capsules) 426 459 380 444
Gepatosan (capsule form) 370 397
Carsil Forte (capsules) 378 379 328 391
Essliver Forte (capsules) 266 370 276 370

In comparison with the indicated prices, the minimum cost of Essentiale Forte is 698 rubles (30 capsules), and the maximum is 1351 rubles. That's what they ask for for 90 tablets.
