Heat in mouth and tongue. Burning and discomfort in the mouth and tongue: causes and treatment

If appears constant burning in the mouth and on the tongue, the reasons may be different and not always of a dental nature. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the gums, cheek or throat, be episodic or continuous.

Why does it bake in your mouth?

Burning and bitterness in the mouth may indicate problems with the digestive system, taking antibiotics or other medications, or an allergy to them.

When no spicy food has been consumed, but there is a burning sensation in the mouth, we can mean the following:

  • allergic reaction to the use of toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • allergies, after dentures;
  • candidal stomatitis;
  • the mucous membrane is burned by chemical or thermal ingredients;
  • diabetes;
  • acid reflux (throwing out some gastric juice into the esophagus);
  • decrease in hormones produced thyroid gland- hypothyroidism;
  • menopause period;
  • depression, stress, high anxiety;
  • cancer therapy;
  • taking medications for hypertension;
  • hypovitaminosis of B vitamins;
  • lack of zinc and iron;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • glossitis – inflammation of the tongue due to infection or damage;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • pancreatitis, duodenitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis;
  • mechanical damage.

A burning sensation may accompany dryness, tingling and numbness in the mouth, changes in taste qualities food, bitter or metallic taste. Sometimes frequent belching and heartburn occur. The latter symptoms indicate pathology or disease of the digestive tract.

A feeling of moderate burning and tingling in the mouth often occurs in pregnant women. This is due to changes in hormonal status. Over time, all symptoms disappear on their own and do not require special therapy.

What disease is this symptomatic of?

Feeling of burning and itching on the tongue, inside cheeks, gums and lips, dryness in oral cavity, the appearance of a cheesy white coating is a sign of the development of candidiasis.

And also these sensations indicate:

  • if your tongue bakes, you feel dry, you feel thirsty all the time and appear frequent urination– you need to check your blood sugar, very often these are signs diabetes mellitus;
  • when the feeling that everything is on fire in the mouth appears after hygiene procedures– this may be a manifestation of an allergy; this also applies to food intake – some ingredient provokes an allergic reaction;
  • Long courses of treatment with antibiotics, diuretics or antipsychotics can cause dysbiosis, followed by a burning sensation in the mouth.

The most common reason for pinching lips and a feeling as if the whole throat is burned is too frequent consumption of strong alcohol, spicy, salty and very hot foods.

Burning and redness of the gums characteristic symptoms when active periodontal disease has developed. An immediate visit to the dentist can resolve the problem.

When both the tongue and palate burn, this may be a sign of micronutrient deficiency and hypovitaminosis. But, if a diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed and the patient regularly follows all recommendations, the possible cause is Sjögren's syndrome. This autoimmune disease, in which you need to drink more fluid, use artificial saliva and follow a diet that will not irritate the mucous membrane.

Burning of the palate, tongue and dry mouth can also occur with neuralgia or mental disorder. Very often, heat in the mouth appears in stressful situations, at anxiety states, depression. After the appointment sedatives, everything disappears.

If only the root of the tongue burns, frequent belching, heartburn and bitterness appear - the reason is acid reflux. The presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric contents, which are thrown into the esophagus, irritates the mucous membrane of the tongue and causes a burning sensation. Symptoms intensify after eating and go away on their own within a few hours.

The presence of a burning sensation in the mouth, accompanied by sudden weight loss, drowsiness, irritability, heart failure (attacks of tachycardia), tremors of the limbs and insomnia may indicate a thyroid disease - hypothyroidism.

If there is pain in the right hypochondrium, burning tongue, dryness, bitter taste and yellowness of the skin, you need to examine the liver and gall bladder.

A metallic taste is observed during inflammatory processes in the gums.


To get rid of the burning sensation, you need to visit a dentist, or, if there are no dental problems, a therapist. If a diagnosis is not established, treatment will not be effective, and discomfort will return. Lips, tongue, gums, palate - why they bake, the reason will be established only after an examination.

Before that, what to avoid:

  • eating too cold or hot food;
  • from pepper (red, black), any spices, pickled and other spicy foods;
  • cigarettes;
  • sour fruits and drinks;
  • mouth rinses that contain alcohol;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • use traditional methods if you suspect an allergic reaction;
  • taking medications.

To reduce discomfort, the doctor, after diagnosis, may prescribe analgesic drugs, certain type neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, antidepressants.

If the feeling of a burned tongue and throat is caused by disorders in digestive tract, consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary and diagnostic measures to identify probable causes.

When there is a burning and tingling sensation, signs of the disease may indicate illnesses or pathologies of the cardiovascular system (poor circulation, thrombophlebitis). We need to see a doctor.

Don't make a diagnosis yourself! It's better to trust a professional.

Glossalgia is caused, in addition to infection, by vegetative-vascular dystonia. If your mouth is hot, it's a problem on the side. nervous system The symptom will indicate that the discomfort disappears while eating. The tip of the tongue bakes more.

If xerostomia (increased dryness of the tongue) is detected, oil solutions vitamin A and sea buckthorn oil, which help wounds heal faster.

For the tongue and lips, treatment at home and without consulting a specialist is impossible.

You can only alleviate the condition before visiting a doctor. For extreme dryness, use sugar-free chewing gum. If your lips pinch, use hygienic lipstick without additives or vegetable oil(sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive, flaxseed).

The mouth should be rinsed soda solution, if there is a suspicion that toothpaste is causing discomfort, replace it with soda or activated carbon. If there is an infectious burning sensation in the mouth, use solutions of Chlorhexedine or Furacilin or Miramistin spray as a rinse.

If your tongue starts to burn due to nervous disorders The use of Amitriptyline, Glycised, Librium will help.

Traditional methods for reducing discomfort in the mouth:

  • rinsing with infusions of herbs: sage, chamomile, wormwood, valerian and oak bark (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water), repeat the procedure at least four times a day after meals;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice relieves inflammation well, but can greatly dry out the mucous membrane, so you should keep it for no longer than 5-7 minutes;
  • propolis;
  • peach, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil - they are used to make applications on inflamed areas;
  • cubes of frozen herbal infusion that slowly dissolve in the mouth.


If the burning sensation recurs, you need to undergo a full-scale examination and find the cause. Treating only the symptom is ineffective.


Burning tongue is a fairly common complaint with which people consult a dentist. More often, pain in the gums, on the palate, lips, burning on the tip of the tongue, in the middle or on the sides, as well as on the inner surface of the cheeks bothers middle-aged people from 35 to 50 years old, although problems also occur in young people.

It is known for certain that discomfort associated with a “fire” in the mouth is 7 times more common in women than in men.

And the dentist is not always able to determine the cause of this condition. What is this connected with? Why does it even burn in the mouth and how to deal with it?

Burning occurs not only from spicy foods


Burning tongue is often called "burning tongue" or "burning lips" syndrome. The main symptoms of the phenomenon:

  • stings the tongue over the entire surface or is localized;
  • sometimes there is a feeling of bitterness or metallic taste in the mouth;
  • painful sensations and burning on the lips, cheeks, palate, gums, throat;
  • numbness;
  • dryness;
  • the tongue may turn red.

Unpleasant sensations usually subside during the day, but resume and intensify in the evening. At night, the burning sensation on the organ may disappear completely. But the next day the symptoms return. For many people, “burning tongue” or “tingling tongue” syndrome is a temporary one-time phenomenon that disappears on its own without any treatment. For others, the problem causes discomfort with enviable frequency, and this state of affairs can drag on for years.

Squeezing the edges of an organ with teeth during sleep is a common cause of burning sensation.

Causes of burning

The most unpleasant thing is that doctors have not finally identified all the reasons why the tongue stings and burns.

More often this is a consequence of a dental ailment, or a symptom of a disease internal organs. And sometimes the feeling of a fire at the tip of the organ is provoked not by a sore at all, but by completely different reasons:

  • smoking or chewing tobacco;
  • heartburn or reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus;
  • eating spicy, salty, sour, excessively hot food;
  • drinking drinks with high content acids and gases;
  • injuries of the tongue and oral mucosa;
  • taking medications;
  • constant neurosis.

Favorite candies can also cause a burning sensation

Yes, it is neurosis that can cause the development of an illness that causes a burning sensation in the tissues of the organ. After conducting an examination and studying the test results, the doctor can tell whether the burning tongue is a symptom of a disease hidden in the body, or whether it is an independent illness. And based on this, treatment is prescribed.

Burning as a symptom

A burning tongue, pinching, pain and even itching can indicate a number of problems in the organs and processes of the body.

Xerotomia or dry mouth

It is caused by insufficient hydration of the oral mucosa. It can be caused by the fact that a person breathes through his mouth or has the habit of sticking out his tongue. But there are more serious reasons as a dysfunction salivary glands, diabetes, dehydration, Sjogren's disease. Such cases require careful medical supervision.

Dry mouth - lack of saliva production

Lichen planus

Usually affects skin covering of the human body, but often provokes irritation of the organ, followed by the described symptoms.

Hormonal imbalance

Sometimes the reasons why the tongue burns may lie in hesitation hormonal levels V puberty, as a result of pregnancy or menopause. This also includes hypothyroidism and other serious hormonal disorders.

Blood diseases

Burning sensation in the tongue, gums and buccal mucosa can also be caused by iron deficiency anemia, leukemia, anemia. It is explained by insufficient nutrition of the tissues of the oral cavity.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

It is type 2 diabetes that can provoke unpleasant sensations in the mouth, including burning and tingling sensations in the tissues.


Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, minerals, folic acid, iron, and necessary for normal functioning all systems of the body microelements can provoke a number of serious problems, including tongue tingling.

Chemotherapy, taking certain medications

It has been observed that the patient begins to feel discomfort in the mouth after taking a number of pharmacological drugs, especially various inhibitors, and after aggressive chemotherapy.

Taking medications may cause a tingling sensation in the mouth

Stress and neurosis

Disruption of the nervous system, constant depression, neurosis, irritability, insufficient sleep duration, chronic fatigue also affect general health person and condition individual organs. It was noticed that at constant nervous tension People sometimes have a burning sensation and pain in the tongue area, and their saliva also has a bitter taste.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some gastrointestinal diseases can cause stomach acid to reflux back into the esophagus, which in turn can irritate the tongue and oral mucosa.

Reflux esophagitis causes heartburn and burning sensation

Drop in thyroid hormone levels

The thyroid gland is able to influence the functionality of all organs of the human body.

Dental problems

Mostly, the causes of a burning sensation in the mouth lie in dental problems.


Candida is a fungus that affects many organs in the human body. It also happens that it affects the mucous membrane of the tongue. As a result of candidiasis, the patient experiences white tongue with a dense cheesy coating and an unpleasant odor. White spots may also appear on the cheeks. The tip of the tongue stings, the middle of the back burns. With atrophic candidiasis, there is no plaque, but the mucous membrane becomes bright red. The vast majority of the world's inhabitants are carriers of the Candida fungus, but not everyone has a tongue coating.

Candidiasis is the cause of unpleasant phenomena

The trigger for the development of the disease is a rapid decrease in immunity, infection, taking a number of antibiotics, corticosteroids, oncological diseases, radiation sickness and others.

Hard tartar

Careful and regular oral hygiene prevents the development of bacterial diseases and plaque deposits on teeth. Otherwise, hard deposits form on the enamel, in which numerous pathogenic microorganisms. Constant contact of the soft tissues of the tongue with plaque provokes the development of inflammation, which gradually turns into chronic form. This often results in the tip of the tongue being red and stinging.

Tartar causes irritation


Desquamative glossitis is the death of the epithelium of the tongue, causing it to become covered with red spots. They can heal on their own, but new lesions appear in new places. This phenomenon is called " geographic language" Glossitis also includes a folded tongue. The disease is characterized by the formation of symmetrical folds or potholes in the mucosa from the center to the sides. As a result of the disease, regular inflammatory processes, the occurrence of candidiasis, etc. are observed in the oral cavity.

Geographic glossitis is often accompanied by a burning sensation


As a result of wearing a braces system, dentures, crowns, or leveling plates, a contact allergic reaction to low-quality plastic with excess monomer or metal may develop.

Allergic swelling of the organ with redness

As a result of an allergy, a person often feels a burning sensation on the tip of the tongue.


It is characterized by the formation of white plaques on the surface of the tongue as a result of impaired exfoliation of the mucosal epithelium. Usually leukoplakia is asymptomatic, but it also happens that the tip of the tongue stings. Leukoplakia is more common in smokers.

Herpetic stomatitis

It is characterized by extensive damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue with watery blisters, which turn into ulcers and erosions. The latter cause a tingling sensation.

Herpes on the tongue - very painful sores


A phenomenon in which a person strongly clenches his teeth and grinds them in his sleep. Usually people do not even suspect that they have bruxism, a rare consequence of which is teeth marks on the tongue and a mild burning sensation.

With frequent, constant or periodic, but strong burning sensation tongue, cheeks, lips or gums, it is recommended to consult a dentist for examination and timely detection of possible diseases.

Traditional treatment

Before treating burning tongue syndrome, it is necessary to find out its cause. As you can already verify, a burning sensation in the mouth can have much deeper roots than just spicy food or an allergy to a new toothpaste.

Diagnosis at the dentist - identifying the exact causes of burning sensation

Treatment consists of diagnosing the problem and then eliminating the root causes. However, in some cases the dentist will not be able to help you, but will refer you for further examination by a therapist, endocrinologist and specialists in other fields. Health care A patient with a burning sensation in the tongue is provided with the following tests and examinations:

  • for candidiasis, the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs;
  • xerostomia is treated depending on the causes constant dryness in the mouth;
  • dental plaque is removed using ultrasonic cleaning;
  • glossitis different forms require complete sanitation of the oral cavity, elimination of sore throat, taking antibacterial and antifungal drugs;
  • Depressive states and nervousness are eliminated by psychotherapy and antidepressants;
  • leukoplakia requires complete refusal from smoking and drinking alcohol, treatment inflammatory processes, taking keratolytic medications.

Rosehip oil is prescribed for applications for leukoplakia

Burning tongue for no reason dental diseases are treated depending on the identified problem. Therapy is mainly aimed at relieving symptoms, including a burning sensation in the mouth, and addressing the underlying cause.

What can't you do?

If you begin to worry about a burning sensation on your tongue, do not start self-medicating. First of all, without finding out the main cause of this phenomenon, you simply cannot get rid of the source disease. The most you will achieve is symptom relief. Also a waste of time home treatment could be catastrophic for your health.

Cooling with ice can temporarily reduce the burning sensation.

With timely drug treatment The disease can be completely eliminated, but in the final stages this is extremely difficult to do.


  • use alcohol-containing liquids as rinsing disinfectants;
  • treat the mucous membrane of the tongue with aggressive agents (iodine, brilliant green, alcohol);
  • use a paste containing sodium lauryl sulfate for oral hygiene;
  • use highly allergenic products for rinsing;
  • take medications and folk remedies simultaneously;
  • take any medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • use chewing gum with sugar.


It is easy to get sick, but difficult to recover. Therefore, it is better to prevent any occurrence of ailments than to worry about eliminating them later.

Oral hygiene is the best prevention

You can avoid a burning sensation in your mouth if:

  • be examined by a dentist at least twice a year;
  • carefully monitor oral hygiene;
  • choose the right toothpaste and mouthwash;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • minimize the consumption of spicy and sour foods, drinks with high acidity;
  • monitor your diet;
  • avoid stress and do not neglect proper rest;
  • treat diseases of systems and organs in a timely manner, avoiding chronic stages; monitor the intake of vitamins, iron, microelements and essential acids with meals;
  • drink at least a liter of clean water daily.

Take care of your health and don't get sick!

Fine healthy man does not experience any sensations in the oral cavity. The mucous membrane should have a uniform pink color and be well moisturized. Saliva gives a slightly acidic reaction and is secreted into sufficient quantity in order to moisten food and disinfect the entire oral cavity. However, this is not always the case. Patients often complain of discomfort in the oral cavity, including burning.

The pain can be localized on the tongue, gums, upper or lower palate, inner surface of the cheeks and even on the lips. Despite the fact that the painful sensations are not strong, they quite significantly affect the quality of life. The thing is that pain is felt most acutely during hours of activity - during the day or evening, and at night, on the contrary, it subsides. As a result, a person suffering from this disease cannot calmly talk and eat, which causes not only physical, but also psychological discomfort.

Along with a burning sensation in the mouth, dryness may occur, increased viscosity saliva, numbness of the tongue, changes in taste omissions, bitterness in the mouth, metallic taste.

This condition can last for weeks, or even months, dying out on its own or resuming again. According to statistics, women are susceptible to this symptom seven times more often than men. A pattern regarding age has also been identified. The disease mainly affects people after 45 years of age. The percentage of cases among young people is much lower.


Burning of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue and diseases associated with this

A burning sensation in the mouth can be localized in a specific area (lips, tongue, gums, throat) or affect all surfaces. IN medical practice this symptom has several names: glossodynia, burning mouth syndrome (burning tongue) or stomatology.

When a burning sensation occurs in the oral cavity, it is necessary to remember what food the patient took in Lately, since the most common cause of burning becomes too a large number of seasonings in food.

In this case, it is enough to rinse your mouth clean water and, within a few hours, all symptoms will go away on their own. If this does not happen and the burning sensation in the mouth intensifies, you should consult a dentist for an accurate diagnosis.

Determining the causes of burning is usually not difficult. Usually, through a visual examination and questioning of the patient, it is possible to determine any disease of the oral cavity.

Burning due to dryness

If a burning tongue is accompanied by dry mouth, the doctor may suspect the presence of xerostomia. This disease affects salivary glands which stop producing saliva in the required quantity. As a result, the oral mucosa dries out and microcracks form on it. It is they that cause discomfort and a burning sensation, which is especially intensified when eating food containing acids.

It should be noted that the cause of dry mucosa is not always xerostomia. Sometimes it can be a common runny nose, during which the patient was forced to breathe through the mouth for a long time. The amount of fluid consumed also affects the moisture content of the mucous membrane. Cracks and burning of the tongue may appear due to dehydration.

Burning + white coating

If, in addition to a burning sensation, a white cheesy coating is found on the oral mucosa, then candidiasis, a fungal infection of the oral cavity, can be suspected. Candida fungi live in the human oral cavity constantly. However, under the influence of certain factors, especially with weakened immunity, their population increases many times over. That's when a burning sensation appears in the mouth and tongue.

Burning sensation due to dentures

If a person has burning gums and tongue, long time If you use dentures, then this dental structure may cause discomfort. Burning and tingling sensations may be the body's reaction to a large amount of nonomer, which is the main component of acrylic dentures. In addition, a prosthesis that is too bulky may leave insufficient space for the tongue, causing it to be constantly injured by resting on the acrylic. It is worth noting that people wearing dentures eventually lose the habit of carefully monitoring the condition of their oral cavity, which can provoke denture stomatitis, which has similar symptoms.

The reason is the toothpaste

Speaking about allergies, it should be noted that burning of the tongue is a fairly common reaction to sodium lauryl sulfite, contained in most toothpastes. To be sure of this, it is enough to sweep away the paste for a while. If the disturbing symptoms went away, then it was really an allergy.


As mentioned earlier, burning sensation in the mouth and on the tip of the tongue is closely related to dental problems. Very often, patients suffering from such symptoms can find a large amount of dental plaque (tartar). At its core, tartar is an accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms, that is, it is a constant source of infection in the oral cavity. It is this that causes irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane. In addition, mechanical injury to the tongue from the sharp edges of tartar is possible.

Other reasons

Burning and tingling may also be accompanied various diseases mucous membrane. For example, glossitis or “geographic tongue”, in which red spots of inflamed mucosa or even ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the tongue, which naturally cause pain. More rare disease is a folded tongue, which is characterized by the appearance of deep “cracks” in the tongue. In these folds, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply, which provoke a burning sensation.

An indirect cause of pain in the oral cavity can be bruxism, that is, the habit of grinding teeth during sleep. Relatives will help make a diagnosis. A tendency to bruxism can also be indicated by tooth marks on the tongue, as well as traumatic damage to the mucous membrane that appears after the night.

A burning sensation in the mouth can be caused by a number of non-dental problems, including diabetes mellitus, increased secretion of gastric juice, endocrine disorders, vitamin deficiency and deficiency of minerals and trace elements, hormonal changes, stress.

Treatment of glossodynia: proper elimination of burning sensation

Treatment of pathology should begin with making a diagnosis and determining the causes of the symptom. For example, if the burning sensation is caused by xerostomia, then the patient’s condition can be alleviated with the help of artificial saliva, gels and sprays that will moisturize and soothe the mucous membrane, promoting its healing.

  • The fungal nature of the burning sensation, including candidiasis, requires a different treatment protocol. In this case, it is necessary to carry out thorough sanitation of the oral cavity. To prevent secondary candidiasis, one cannot do without measures to stimulate the immune system, including the local immune system.
  • If the cause of the burning sensation is dental defects or long wearing incorrectly selected prostheses, then the only treatment This design will be abandoned in favor of a more convenient one. With pronounced allergic reaction acrylic components are prescribed antihistamines and reduce contact with the allergen to a minimum.
  • If the burning symptom is not associated with a dental problem, then until the underlying disease is cured, symptomatic treatment can be prescribed. If the pain is severe, local painkillers are prescribed, which can be available in the form of sprays or ointments. To moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve inflammation, applications with sea ​​buckthorn oil, Actovegin gel, Solcoseryl, as well as vitamins A and E in the form of oil solutions.

Prevention of burning tongue and mouth

Approximately 1/10 of the world's population experiences a burning sensation in the mouth. Symptoms of the disease can appear in anyone. In order to reduce this likelihood, it is necessary to take certain preventive measures which will allow you to maintain oral health at the required level.

First of all, you should give up or reduce as much as possible the amount of alcohol consumed and tobacco products, which have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane. You will have to limit the amount of spicy foods and fruits containing large amounts of acids. And if their consumption cannot be avoided, immediately after eating you should rinse your mouth with clean water. Because the common cause burning sensation becomes an allergy, it is necessary to avoid long-term use of pastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a rather powerful allergen. In order not to dry out the mucous membrane and provoke the appearance of microcracks, it is advisable not to use rinses containing alcohol and large amounts of menthol for oral hygiene. If you are prone to inflammation of the mucous membrane, it is recommended to practice rinsing the mouth with decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula).

People who are forced to constantly wear dentures should visit the dentist at least once every 6 months and, if necessary, have the base corrected. Patients who do not have pronounced dental problems should also monitor their oral cavity, since caries is a source of pathogenic microflora.

In the event that the roots of glossodynia lie in overwork and nervous exhaustion, then a good prevention of the disease will be good rest, taking multivitamin complexes and mild sedatives.

A burning tongue usually occurs after eating spicy foods or certain fruits, such as pineapple. However, the reasons can be much more serious. Burning pain in the tongue may indicate, for example, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and even venereal diseases, for example syphilis. What are other causes of burning? What diseases can it be a symptom of?

Burning tongue is a malaise, the causes of which are often difficult to determine. Usually it is a symptom of a disease affecting the tongue directly, but it can also indicate systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism or even neurosis.

The burning pain may affect the entire tongue or part of it, such as the tip or edges, and may be different strength, from a slight tingling sensation to severe pain, which can cause dysphagia (difficulty in passing food from the mouth through the esophagus into the stomach).

This pain can appear only when moving the tongue (talking, swallowing) or be present constantly. A burning sensation in the tongue may be accompanied by burning of the lips, palate, throat, and even the esophagus and stomach, as well as disturbances of taste or a feeling of dry mouth. Symptoms to look out for are various changes in the tongue and mouth area, such as white patches or ulcers.

Contracting an infection

The cause of burning may be the following infections:

  • fungal– oral candidiasis, manifests itself as white plaque on the tongue and palate, numerous ulcers and painful cracks in the corners of the lips, pain in the oral cavity and rhomboid glossitis.
  • viral– a burning sensation of the tongue may appear, incl. in people infected with HIV. Viruses are also taken into account herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr smallpox, cytomegalovirus and adenovirus.
  • bacterial– by example bacterial infection is syphilis caused by the bacteria spirochete pallidum. Early syphilis (about 3 weeks after infection) appears as a painless, non-bleeding, reddish pimple that turns into an ulcer after some time. Usually (though not always) in the case of oral contact with an infected patient, the lesion may be located in the area of ​​the lips or tongue, causing unpleasant sensations such as burning pain. Approximately 5 weeks after infection, the lymph nodes in the neck become greatly enlarged. Another example of a bacterial infection is tuberculosis.


A burning tongue may be the result of damage that could occur including: during:

  • wearing dentures - a poorly made, fitted or worn denture for too long can irritate the tongue and the mucous membrane of the cheeks and tongue, leading to a burning sensation in the mouth and even the appearance of ulcers;
  • tongue puncture (piercing);
  • an epileptic attack - then the patient can bite his tongue;
  • burn.

Dental diseases

The cause of burning pain can also be caries, inflammation of the dental pulp, apical inflammation, periodontopathy, dry alveolitis.


The cause of a burning tongue may be a contact allergy associated with the use of various dental materials and drugs such as, for example, polymethyl methacrylate, nickel, eugenol and amalgams.

According to some experts, the cause of burning pain in the tongue may also be food allergy eg preservatives in foods.

Some foods

If a burning tongue appears after eating pineapple or kiwi, the cause will be the fruit acids contained in them, which irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue. In people with hypersensitivity, fruit acids may also be responsible for a burning sensation on the palate and cracks in the corners of the lips.

Unpleasant sensations can also be caused by:

  • coffee,
  • chocolate,
  • potato,
  • nuts,
  • figs.

The reason may also be spicy seasonings , for example, capsicum. It contains capsaicin, which affects pain receptors throughout the mouth that send signals to the brain. They are perceived as a sensation of pain and a feeling of heat. Hence the burning of the tongue and entire mouth.

Gluten sensitivity

It's a burning tongue rare symptom Gluten sensitivity (not to be confused with celiac disease and gluten allergy!). Appears with approximately the same frequency as burning in the esophagus, nausea and vomiting, and bloating.

The main symptoms of gluten sensitivity are: abdominal pain, rash, eczema, headaches, etc.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Resinous substances, tobacco and carbon monoxide, i.e. substances contained in cigarettes or appearing when smoking cause a burning sensation, excessive dryness, pain in the tongue, unpleasant odor from the mouth and decreased sense of taste. A burning sensation can also appear after alcohol, which irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth and entire digestive system.

What diseases does it indicate?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease presents with a range of symptoms that may result from damage to the lining of the esophagus when stomach contents flow back into the esophagus. The dominant symptom is heartburn or a burning sensation in the chest and, as a result, pain in the chest. Belching and regurgitation of food are also characteristic, especially in a lying position, when bending over, and also after a large and/or fatty meal.

In the advanced stages of the disease appear nonspecific symptoms, such as hoarseness, cough, and a burning sensation in the throat, mouth and tongue, or bad breath.

Swallowing food becomes painful and may even lead to bleeding over time. upper section esophagus.

Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Manifested by heartburn, bad aftertaste in the mouth, as well as other ailments from the digestive system, such as nausea, bloating, diarrhea.

A characteristic symptom is also abdominal pain, which appears in the morning before breakfast or 1-3 hours after eating. There may also be a burning sensation in the stomach, esophagus, throat, and also in the mouth.


The cause of a burning tongue may be a lack of vitamins, especially from group B, as well as low level folic acid, iron and zinc.

Pernicious anemia

This disease can also cause painful sensations in the tongue. The lips may be thin and tight, and the width of the mouth may decrease. Other symptoms associated with anemia are inflammation of the corners of the mouth, aphthae, dysphagia, erythema and erosion of the mucous membranes, pallor, rapid breathing, fatigue, dizziness, fluctuating blood pressure, numbness of the extremities and difficulty walking.

Some skin diseases

Diseases that may also involve mucous membranes: erythema, pemphigus, lichen planus.


Most a common complication Diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, is neuropathy. Diabetic polyneuropathy and the pain accompanying it concerns mainly the thin peripheral nerves, but it may also appear in the oral cavity in the form of a burning sensation of the tongue.

Burning pain in the tongue can also be one of the symptoms of menopause and hormonal, mental and neurological disorders, a consequence of antibiotic treatment.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

This is glossopharyngeal nerve pain that appears in the throat in the area tonsil, larynx and in the posterior third of the tongue and usually also extends into the nasopharynx, lower jaw and in the ear.

Typically this pain feels piercing, severe, stabbing, and can sometimes be burning. Attacks of pain usually occur suddenly during swallowing, chewing, talking, laughing, yawning or coughing and last from a few seconds to two minutes. The attack may be accompanied by a slow heart rate (bradycardia) and fainting.

Burning mouth syndrome

The disease is also known as glossalgia. This is a chronic (lasting at least 4-5 months) disease characterized by the appearance pain in the oral cavity without any painful lesions.

In most cases, the pain affects only the tongue, especially 2/3 of its front part. This pain is described by patients as burning, baking and stabbing. It is often accompanied by paresthesia or numbness of the mouth and tongue, as well as dry mouth, taste disturbances, sensitivity to salty, bitter and acidic foods. Typically, the discomfort decreases or goes away completely while eating.

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A burning sensation in the mouth is said to be a chronic pattern of symptoms in which a burning sensation is felt on the lips, tongue, palate, inner cheeks, gums, back of the tongue, or throat. It is still not easy to associate these uncomfortable sensations with any physiological phenomena in the mouth, or with any disease that could be their cause.

Statistics say that this pathology occurs seven times more often in women than in men, that the disease mainly affects middle-aged people, although young people are also found, but this information does not make the disease simpler or clearer.

There are other names for burning mouth syndrome, such as burning tongue or burning lips syndrome, stomatalgia, glossodynia, as well as burning mouth syndrome.

Symptoms of burning mouth

A number of specific signs, characteristic of burning mouth syndrome. Pain or burning in the morning is most often moderate, but intensifies throughout the day and reaches its maximum in the evening. Everything goes away overnight. Some patients feel pain constantly, but other people experience a burning sensation in the mouth from time to time. This painful phenomenon can last for months and years.

Symptoms include pain or dryness in the mouth or lips, numbness or tingling on the tip of the tongue or in the mouth, and a bitter or metallic taste may be felt.

Causes of discomfort

Even to this day, the exact cause of this phenomenon has not yet been determined. It has been established, to some extent, that similar symptoms may manifest themselves as a result of certain diseases, and not only of the oral cavity, but also of the body as a whole. However, these phenomena may themselves be symptoms of these diseases. Only after being able to exclude these diseases can the doctor make a diagnosis of “burning mouth syndrome.”

A burning sensation in the mouth is promoted by a deficiency of certain substances in the diet, including iron, folic acid salts and vitamin B. It has been established that their deficiency very often causes a burning sensation in the mouth. This is the reason why some treatments include vitamin B, zinc and iron supplements.

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can be caused by consuming certain medicines, Sjögren's syndrome, in which, due to autoimmune causes, the connective tissue, but many more reasons can be added for which dryness occurs followed by burning. The burning sensation can be reduced or completely disappeared, but for this it is necessary to drink fluids throughout the day and use artificial saliva. It is best, armed with knowledge of the causes of this disease, to patiently eliminate them.

To the number possible reasons burning in the mouth is attributed to aphthous stomatitis. This appears fungal infection a burning sensation in the mouth, which is more intense with acidic or spicy foods. In addition, the disease is characterized by cheesy formations that separate from internal surfaces oral cavity. Aphthous stomatitis being treated known methods, which the dentist can prescribe, and the burning sensation disappears.

Diabetics are also very susceptible to oral infections, and these diseases are characterized by a burning sensation. Additionally, diabetics often have vascular changes that affect the condition of the small vessels of the mouth, which reduces pain threshold. Fighting a burning sensation in the mouth in this case is a fight to lower blood sugar levels.

Menopause: Hormonal changes cause a burning sensation in the mouth. In middle-aged women, a burning sensation in the mouth may be due to hormonal changes caused by menopause. Hormone therapy helps here.

Other factors affecting the oral cavity

Other factors that contribute to a burning sensation in the mouth may be irritation from dentures or an allergy to contact with them. The cause of this discomfort may be some hygiene products, in particular sodium lauryl sulfite, which is found in toothpastes, gastroesophageal reflux, reduced levels of hormones in thyroid gland, part of the drugs that reduce blood pressure, tongue protrusion, changes in saliva composition, cancer treatment.
