Вправи з англійської на присвійні займенники. Вправи всі типи займенників


Упр. 1.1. Вставте відповідні за змістом особисті займенники.

1. Ben is a little boy. … is six.

2. Jane is a house-wife (домогосподарка ). … is lazy (лінива ).

3. Max is a soldier. … is brave.

4. Lily is a young woman. … is very beautiful.

5. Alice is late. … is in a traffic jam (у дорожній пробці ).

6. Nick and Ann є far from Moscow. … are on a farm.

7. This is Ben's room. … is nice.

8. These are new books. … are interesting.

9. This is Elsa. … is a student.

10. Nick and Max є студентами. … are students of a Moscow university.

11. The rooms are small but ... are light and warm.

12. The new flat is comfortable but … is far from the university.

13. Jack has many French books. … likes to read French very much.

14. Hans is a new student. … є German.

15. Alice and Jane є новими secretaries. … are not lazy.

Упр. 1.2. Вставте відповідні особисті займенники у відповіді на запитання.

1. Is your house new? - Yes, … is.

2. Чи є студенти в англійській мові? - Yes, ... are.

3. Is your university в Green Street? - Yes, … is.

4. Are Helen and Bess your sisters? - Yes, … are.

5. Is Ben's sister an engineer? – Yes, … is.

6. Are the pencils red? - No, … are not.

7. Is this room comfortable? - No, … isn"t.

8. Чи є тексти на шельфі? - Yes, ... are.

9. Does the girl often visit the museum? – No, … doesn”t.

10. Does this pen write well? - Yes, ... does.

11. Is Ben on holiday now? - No, … isn"t.

12. Is Helen nice? - Yes, … is.

13. Are you an engineer? - Yes, … am.

Упр. 1.3. Замініть виділені слова на особисті займенники в об'єктному відмінку.

1. I likeNick .

2. We likeBess.

3. He likesice-cream .

4. Can you showthe pictures toBen ?

5. You can tellHelen my e-mail address

6. Are you interested infootball ?

7. I want to buy2 bottles of milk forBess .

8. Do you want to play tennis withBen ?

9. We must speak toNick .

10. Ви повинні inviteHelen and Bess до вашого будинку для dinner.

11. Do you knowMary ?

12. TellNick проyour plan .

13. I seemy friends every day.

Упр. 1.4. Вставте відповідні за змістом особисті займенники в об'єктному відмінку.

1. Where is Nick? I want to play tennis with … .

2. Bess is here. Do you want to speak to … ?

3. My sister speaks French. She learns … at school.

4. Look at that man. Do you know … ?

5. Do you want to read this newspaper? I can give … to … .

6. Якщо ви знаєте Ben and Bess, please, don't tell ... anything.

7. We want to phone Helen and invite … to the party.

Упр. 1.5. Замініть виділені слова на особисті займенники в називному або об'єктному відмінку.

1. The vase is on the table.

2. Mother often sendsBen to buy milk.

3. AreBess and Helen ready to dothe work ?

4. Nick and Ben spendїхні holidays at the seaside.

5. The man is in the park.

6. The managers немає на роботі сьогодні.

7 . Helen and I are good friends.

8. IsBen at the lesson now?

9. Where isthe calculator ?

10. Thenewspapers are on the table.

11. The child is in the garden withйого мати.

12. Our parents are always glad to see us.

13. My brother and I are good football players.

14. Bess knowsBen.

15. I seethe picture дуже добре.

16. The students have lectures every day.

17. The boy playsfootball every Sunday.

18. The teacher asksthe students .

19. The students writetests every week.

20. Look atthe picture !

21. I havethe book at home.

22. Max wants to speak toHelen.

Упр. 1.6. Замініть виділені слова присвійними займенниками.

1. This isBen"s room.

2. This isHelen"s hat.

3. Here ismy parents" house.

4. Nick"s mother is an economist.

5. Where ismy brother"s bag?

6. I likeHelen"s car.

7 . Ann"s books are on the table.

8 This student"s sister is my friend.

9. My sister"s house is not far fromBen"s house.

10. Where isthe children"s room?

11. Ann"s brothers study at the university.

12. These boys’ fathers don't work at the factory.

13. Here ismy sister’s flat.

Упр . 1.7. Вставте присвійні займенники .

1. Is your bag new? - Yes, … bag is new .

2. I like … hat, Ann.

3. Don't plant this tree! … branch is broken.

4. Max, ви маєте новий job. Do you like … new job?

5. … friends always tell me everything.

6. Наші хлопці ходять до ходу після ... tail.

Упр. 1.8. Змініть наступні пропозиції за зразком, використовуючи абсолютну форму присвійних займенників.

Зразок :

Цей автомобіль є my car.

Цей автомобіль є mine.

1. Цей calculator is my calculator.

2. Is this bicycle your bicycle?

3. Thes hats are her hats.

4. This room is their room.

5. Цей dog is our dog.

6. My flat is more comfortable than your flat.

7. наш будинок є найближчим своїм домом.

8. Which of the dictionaries is your dictionary?

9. Is this book his book?

10. Whose cat is this? Is it her cat or his cat?

Упр. 1.9. Виберіть відповідний присвійний займенник.

2. This is our car. It is (our, ours).

3. There are Mary's books. They are (her, hers).

4. White is (my, mine) favourite colour.

5. You can't have this book. It is not (your, yours).

6. (Her, Hers) house is big.

7. Is this (your, yours) coat? - No, it is not (my, mine).

8. Чи є ваші друзі?

9. That is (our, ours) house. It is (our, ours).

Упр. 1.1 0 . Змініть пропозиції за зразком, використовуючи вказівні займенникиу множині. Зробіть інші необхідні зміни.


Ця дівчина є student.

Ці дівчатка є students.

Що boy is brave.

Those boys are brave.

1. This book is French.

2. This girl is in the garden.

3. Що map is old.

4. Цей student is from Great Britain.

5. That flower is beautiful.

6. This is my bag.

7. This is a French text.

8. That room is nice.

9. Цей film is interesting.


Possessive Pronouns

Exercise 1

Fill gaps with possessive pronouns.

    Nick has got a dog. . . . dog is clever (розумний).

    Have you got a room? Is. . . room big?

    Ann has a lamp. Is it ... lamp?

    I have got a book. . . . book is interesting.

    They have got a good room. Is. . . room big?

Exercise 2

Choose the correct величезні слави.

1. Is this (your / yours) book?

2. It's (their/theirs) door, not (our/ours).

3. There New pupils and I don't know (their / theirs) names.

4. (Му/Mine) flаt is bigger than (her / hers), but(her /hers) is nicer.

5. That's not (my / mine) book. (Му / Mine) is new.

6. They took (our / ours) books and we took (their / theirs).

7. Чи є ці pencils (her / hers)?

8. Чи є це (Your / Yours) house або (their / theirs)?

Exercise 3

Choose the correct величезні слави.

    Is this yours / your daughter?

    It's theirs / their problem, not our/ours.

    Are these her / hers shoes?

    We"re going swimming with some friends of our/ours.

    Is it yours / your article o spiders? -No, it's not my / mine.

    Всі знають, що вони / їх адреса, але вони не знають, що ви / наші.

    That's not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.

    Його котеджі є великий, якщо він / він буде її / він є хороший.

    My / mine parents live в регіоні Samara, and your / yours?

Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with correct величезні слави.

    This is my mum. … name”s Jess.

    There are my sisters. … names є Mary and Dina.

    There are my parents. … names are Tanya and Bob

    This is my cousin. … name”s Helen.

    This is my cousin. … name"s Fred

    There are my sisters. … names є Tina and Nina.

    This is my aunt. name"s Pam.

Exercise 5

Complete the sentences with correct величезні слави.

    It is my house. It is… .

    It is his house. It is … .

    It is їх house. It is … .

    It is her house. It is … .

    It is our house. It is … .

    It is your house. It is … .

Exercise 6

Insert the correct величезні слави.

    She is doing … homework.

    We have … English lesson in the evening.

    He is putting on … rain-coat.

    I often do … homework with … friend.

    This lady’s surname is Smith. What’s … first name?

    Please sit down. Is it … document?

    They do … morning exercises in the open air.

    Цей table is too small. What's … length?

Exercise 7

Insert the correct величезні слави.

Nick: Whose sunglasses are these?

Mary They"re Amy"s, I think. Yes, they"re … .

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: That's … too! Thanks.

Mary: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?

Nick: Ask Paul. I think it"s … .

Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You"ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Mary: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it's … really.

Nick: What about this umbrella?

Paul: Don't be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be … .

Mary: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Nick: No, it isn"t … Всіх дітей, які були для них, щоб дивитися на ball, so it"s … probably.

Exercise 8

Використовуйте правильні позитивні відзнаки.

    1. Whose slippers are these? Are they … (my, mine) or … (your, yours)? - They are … (her, hers).

    2. … (Our, Ours) car is cleaner than … (their, theirs).

    3. Look at this girl. She is … (his, him) wife.

    4. It's not … (her, hers) lipstick. … (Her, hers) is darker.

    5. … (My, Mine) life, … (my, mine) rules.

    6. Was … (your, yours) trip exciting? - … (My, Mine) був boring.

    7. Can I use … (their, theirs) hair-drier? - … (Our, Ours) is out of order.

    8. Mrs. Novak is a friend of… (his, him).

    9. Деякий час waters … (my, mine) flowers and I water … (her, hers).

    10. I remember the street but I don't remember … (it, its, her, his) name.

Possessive Pronouns page 4 from 4

1. Виберіть зі дужок відповідний займенник. Перекладіть пропозиції.

1. Whose slippers are these? Are they … (my, mine) or … (your, yours)? - They are … (her, hers).

2. … (Our, Ours) car is cleaner than … (their, theirs).

3. Look at this girl. She is … (his, him) wife.

4. It's not … (her, hers) lipstick. … (Her, hers) is darker.

5. … (My, Mine) life, … (my, mine) rules.

6. Was … (your, yours) trip exciting? - … (My, Mine) was boring.

7. Can I use … (their, theirs) hair-drier? - ... (Our, Ours) is out of order.

8. Mrs. Novak is a friend of… (his, him).

9. Деякий час waters … (my, mine) flowers and I water … (her, hers).

10. I remember the street but I don't remember … (it, its, her, his) name.

2. Вживіть відповідний присвійний займенник (my, our, your, his, her, its, their).

1. You should play with … own toys.

2. Robert couldn't use … notebook because it was broken.

3. The funny cat tried to catch … tail.

4. I hope you’ll enjoy … meal.

5. Anna drove … children to school.

6. I had … chest X-rayed.

7. We can bring … own instruments.

8. Вони повертаються до Crimea тому, що вони love ... nature.

9. She can't find … glasses.

10. He didn't give me … number.

3. Знайдіть помилки в деяких реченнях.

Наприклад: Mine brother lives in Turkey. – My brother lives in Turkey. (Мій брат живе у Туреччині.)

1. It isn't ours dog.

2. His watermelon was very sweet.

3. How many books є в ній library?

4. The elephant hurt his leg.

5. Is this room your?

6. It's my birthday, not yours.

7. Theirs teacher is younger than ours.

8. She is a friend of my.

9. The world is at her feet.

10. Did you like mine present?


1. mine – yours – hers (Чиї це тапочки? Мої чи твої? – Її.)
2. Our – theirs (Наша машина чистіша, ніж їх.)
3. his (Подивися на цю дівчину. Вона – його дружина.)
4. her – Hers (Це її помада. Її темніше.)
5. My – my (Моє життя, мої правила.)
6. your – Mine (Твоя подорож була цікавою? – Моя була нудною.)
7. their – Ours (Можна скористатися їх феном? – Наш зламався.)
8. his (Місіс Новак – його друг.)
9. my – hers (Іноді вона поливає мої квіти, а я поливаю її.)
10. its (Я пам'ятаю вулицю, але не пам'ятаю її назву.)

1. your (Тобі слід грати зі своїми власними іграшками.)
2. his (Роберт не міг користуватися своїм ноутбуком, тому що він був зламаний.)
3. its (Смішний кіт намагався зловити свій хвіст.)
4. your (Сподіваюся, вам сподобається ваша їжа.)
5. her (Анна відвезла дітей до школи.)
6. my (Я зробив рентген грудної клітки.)
7. our (Ми можемо принести власні інструменти.)
8. its (Вони часто їздять у Крим, бо люблять його природу.)
9. her (Вона не може знайти свої окуляри.)
10. his (Він не дав мені свій номер.)

1. It isn't our dog. (Це не наш собака.)
2. Правильно (Його кавун був дуже солодким.)
3. How many books є в ній library? (Скільки книг у її бібліотеці?)
4. The elephant hurt its leg. (Слон пошкодив свою ногу.)
5. Is this room yours? (Ця кімната твоя?)
6. Правильно (Це мій День народження, а не твій.)
7. Their teacher is younger than ours. (Їхній учитель молодший від нашого.)
8. She is a friend of mine. (Вона моя подруга.)
9. Правильно (Світ біля її ніг.)
10. Did you like my present? (Тобі сподобався мій подарунок?)

Вправи склали наші англійської мови
