Sample resume template download word. Download simple resumes. Translator resume sample

Finding a job is a rather labor-intensive process that requires an impressive amount of internal resources and patience. It is unlikely that any of us has not found ourselves in the role of a job seeker at least once in our lives. Many people neglect the need to create a professional resume, focusing entirely on preparing for the interview. However, simply listing skills, experience, education and a description of achievements in a regular Word document is now hardly enough.

Send, do not send such a resume to dozens of companies, not a single HR person, aka recruiter, aka HR employee, will even look at it. Yes, the first and most important problem that prevents you from finding your dream job is an incorrectly compiled resume. Today we will try to resolve it using free methods.

A professional, stylish and attractive ready-made solution is what will help you quickly prepare your CV in the right way. They cope well with this task.

Your resume is your only chance to make a good first impression on a recruiter before an interview. The main thing to focus on is the structure and appearance of your resume. If your resume doesn't stand out visually, chances are no one will read it. You may be the ideal candidate for a job, but no one will ever know about you if you don’t highlight all your strengths in your CV from the very beginning.

According to estimates published on, each open vacancy attracts at least 250 applicants. How can your candidacy stand out against this background?

How to present yourself to employers as effectively as possible:

  1. Choose a resume format. This choice should depend on the qualities or achievements you want to emphasize (skills, experience, etc.).
  • If you need to focus on experience, previous positions held and companies you have worked for, the best option would be chronological resume format.
  • If you want to highlight your skills, we recommend using a functional CV format. This type of resume allows you to list the skills you have acquired not only at your main job, but also at universities, organizations, extracurricular institutions, etc. Functional resume especially beneficial for candidates wishing to build a career.
  • To highlight your knowledge, you can combine the two CV formats described above.
  1. Focus on resume design. It should be attractive and memorable, but the “Wow” effect can hardly be achieved by making the CV too informative, too bright with a bunch of unnecessary elements. Try to keep the layout clean, keep information concise, and keep headings clear, easy to read, and have a pleasing color palette. Don't force yourself on HR managers. Instead, try your best to describe your accomplishments in a low-key, concise manner.
  1. Research the industry in which you want to find a job. If you're looking for a job in a traditional field, keep your resume conservative, but that doesn't mean it has to be dull and boring. Combine fonts, use italics and bold, and color to highlight the most important details - headings, dates, etc. Candidates for more creative positions may want to move away from traditional resume templates and embrace a richer visual aesthetic.

We've kept the key points mentioned above in mind when compiling this selection of free resume templates. As a result, we selected 40 unique resume templates that will help make your content structured, consistent, and easy to read. Each of them can be left as is or edited to make your resume as unique as possible.

Minimalist style resume template

File formats: Ms. Word | DOCX (2007 or later), Adobe InDesign | INDD (CS6 or later), Adobe InDesign | IDML (CS4 or later), PDF file previews.

Resume template with photo

This free template consists of blocks that allow you to visually highlight contact information, work experience, education, and skills. You can also attach a photo to the top of the layout. Blue color is used to highlight headings and better hierarchy of content.

Unusual CV template

If you need a stylish resume design, check out this Word CV. Content layout is great for attracting the attention of employers. The emerald color palette is very pleasant to perceive.

Free resume with user-friendly design

This template will attract the attention of any HR. Gray shades add formality to the resume, while the font makes it stylish.

Free CV template

Scalable and ideal resume template. Variability of color representation, free fonts, the ability to edit the template in all versions of CS.

Professional resume template

A two-page resume template that can be easily edited in MS Word. The layout will help reveal all your strengths to potential employers.

Free resume

The template is available in Ms Word, Ai and PSD formats. Size: 210 x 297 mm, resolution 300 dpi, CMYK. The template uses Open Sans and Font Awesome. For ease of use, the package includes a PDF help file.

Package with free resumes

This free package comes in two versions: print AI and web CV.

Free resume template

Minimalist solution in PSD format in black and white design.


An attractive template designed as an infographic. Available in PSD format for easy customization.

6 professional CV templates

This package contains 6 professional templates. Each includes a two-page resume and one cover letter.

Curriculum Vitae for a Graphic Designer

AI template format. It has well-structured blocks and soft colors for a pleasant viewing experience.

Graphic designer resume PSD

Get your dream job with this free solution. Edit it the way you like.

Free PSD CV/Resume Template

There are 3 PSD files inside. They can be used to design a resume, portfolio and cover letter.

CV template 2015

One of the best free printable templates. All elements of this PSD file are editable, you can experiment with its design without any restrictions.

Printable resume template

Ready-made template for CV. This AI vector file measures 8.5" x 11", 300 dpi and CMYK.

Free Resume and Cover Letter Template in PSD

Photographers, designers and other creative applicants have free access to both their resume and cover letter.

Free CV

With this design you can impress potential employers. The template is available in AI format.

Free resume template

100% editable PSD design for resume customization. This free package includes a resume, cover letter, and business card templates.

Minimalist style resume template

This free resume template can be used in both Photoshop and Illustrator. Its main characteristics include A4 format, 300 dpi resolution, Montserrat font. A cover letter is also available in this free package.

Summary - vol. 1

This resume template is designed like a brochure. The PSD file has a well-thought-out layout that can be easily adapted to suit your purposes.

Applicant's resume

Fully editable resume template. Uses several bright fonts.

Free resume template for candidate

It features colorful elements that allow you to instantly attract recruiters' attention to the most important details.

Free template - vol. 4

The dark resume layout looks quite stylish. Fonts used in its design include Arial, Roboto and Segoe UI Symbol.

Creative resume design

Creative resume design. Layout format - PSD. It is possible to choose a template in light and dark colors.

Professional CV design

Increase your chances of getting the job you want with this free solution. Delivered in AI format. Font - Oswald.

Resume and portfolio - template

Modern resume template

Clean CV template with cover letter. Available in EPS, AI and PSD formats. The set also includes a logo.

Free resume template

This concise PSD contains all the main sections of a resume, from education to work experience and skills.

Free resume - vol. 2

If you want to talk in detail about yourself and your previous experience and skills, use this template. Full PSD file. customizable.

Elegant resume with cover letter in PSD format

To edit your resume and cover letter files, you must use Adobe Photoshop CS4+.

Professional CV for a web designer job

Free resume customization design gives you the opportunity to describe all your best qualities. The template is fully editable. AI design format.

Simple professional resume for free use

The strict appearance of this template makes it ideal for individuals who are looking for jobs related to business, finance, politics, education.

Free resume template

The convenient structure and clean design of this template will help you create your bright resume in PSD format.

AI Resume Template - Version III

Readability, minimalism and clean layout are the main characteristics of this free solution. Easily edited in Adobe Illustrator.

Three Page Resume Template

This 3-page PSD resume template is designed to highlight key information about yourself.

Free minimalist CV design

This free resume template is printable in great quality. To get the most out of this solution, use the step-by-step PDF guide available in the package.

Pink resume template

Designed in pink tone, it will make your resume elegant, pleasing to the eye and professional at the same time. You can add your photo and replace the default text in Microsoft Word.

Minimalistic Free VC Template

With this template, you can unleash your potential and focus HR’s attention on the most important things.

A set of free resume templates for the most creative

A collection of a wide variety of resumes, the templates of which can be simply downloaded from Google Drive and slightly modified.

As you can see, the choice of free resume templates is quite wide. You can find templates in various formats and choose the solution that you really feel comfortable working with. Many CV templates have additional solutions and bonuses in the form of cover letter templates, business cards, etc.

Bonus: resume templates from our marketplace

The collection of digital products is expanding daily and is replenished with new solutions for web design and website building. Premium quality templates are no exception, and therefore templates of different styles and for different purposes can always be found in the marketplace. For just $17 you will receive a ready-made resume template that you can print without losing quality. Absolutely all themes are easy to edit, and archives of ready-made solutions are supplemented with pleasant bonuses. We have prepared for you another small collection of 10 top resume templates from.

Enjoy watching.

Wiliam Doyle - Development Manager Resume Template

Wiliam Doyle - a ready-made printable resume template with a great structure. Suitable for event planning in the entertainment industry. There are three designs that are included in the archive. The template structure is two-column, and the theme itself is fully editable. The template has EPS, PDF, PSD and AI formats. By implementing a QR code, it will be easier for your future employers to contact you. A business card template is included as a bonus in the template.

Olivia Dawson - Project Manager Resume Template

Olivia Dawson is a modernly designed resume template that helps project managers showcase their skills and work experience in a professional manner. The template package includes two design options. From ready-made solutions, you can choose a resume with or without a photo. This template places contact information at the top of the page. The theme is available in EPS, PDF, PSD and AI formats. The archive also includes a free business card.

Rachel Evans - Internet Marketer Resume Template

The appearance of this template will appeal to avid fans of the minimalist style. With the template you can present information about yourself in an attractive way. There are three ready-made design options inside the template, each of which is available for selection.

Adam McKenley - Dentist Resume Template

The template is perfect for dentists. The light blue color scheme creates a feeling of professionalism and reliability. The theme uses free fonts and two template display options with different color schemes. A QR code will allow potential employers to quickly contact you.

Allison Reed - copywriter resume template

This template can effectively showcase your copywriting skills. The clean design is designed to conveniently place items with work experience, qualifications, education, etc. With such a resume design, you will not have any difficulties in finding your dream job. The template contains PSD files ready for printing.

Liza Brown - HR Manager Resume Template

If you're looking for a professional resume design, consider using this ready-made solution. Liza Brown is a clean CV template that is well suited for human resource professionals. The template has 4 popular file formats and is 100% suitable for high-quality printing. Several design options included.

Christian King - Project Manager Resume Template

The theme has a stylish appearance. The black and white color scheme adds elegance to the template. The design was created to help project managers describe their skills to potential employers. This template is fully editable. Inside are two design options and a free business card template.

Craig Hoffman - Developer Resume Template

Craig Hoffman is a ready-made resume template for aspiring web developers with a great structure and multi-purpose design. Also great for creating resumes for web designers, programmers, and other IT professionals. This design will attract the attention of potential employers.

Hunter Williams - HR Specialist Resume Template

This solution has a number of useful elements that will allow HR managers to create their resumes. The layout has many content blocks and is available in 4 formats. All content blocks are easy to edit.

Sansar - Actor and Music Artist Resume Template

If you want to showcase your talents at a high level, then this is the solution for you. The CV template was created specifically for those looking for work in the creative field, but can also be used for other professions. The template is available in four formats, you can choose the most optimal option. Free business card design included.

The key element when searching for a job is a resume or CV (curriculum vitae) - an abbreviated form of presentation of the basic personal and professional data of the applicant. This type of presentation of information about the applicant is firmly entrenched in the business turnover of the labor market, but to this day, a well-designed resume is still a rarity.

When preparing your resume, you must remember that your success in finding a job largely depends on how you describe your professional experience in it. A resume is the very document from which the employer receives the first information about a candidate for a vacancy and forms his opinion about him. Below we will look at the main components of a resume form.

Last name, first name and patronymic.

The title “Resume” is not required to be placed on the sheet. It is better to place your last name, first name and patronymic in large size (font 18-20), in the center of the line, at the top. This heading will make it easier to find your resume in a stack of many similar documents. The field name of the word “Full Name” or “Last Name First Name Patronymic” does not need to be written.


In this section, briefly but very specifically describe the position for which you are applying. This is very important item on resume. Based on it, the employer will form a certain idea about you. The subsequent narrative in the resume should confirm that your candidacy is the best suited for this specific purpose. If you think you could apply for several positions, list them, but put your favorite one first.

Contact details.

At this point, provide your postal address, contact phone number indicating the recommended contact time (for example, from 8.00 to 18.00 on weekdays), email - e-mail. Please note that the employer can read your resume at any time that suits him. At the same time, it should be possible to quickly contact you. If he fails to contact you, he will move on to the next candidate.


In this section, indicate the schools, courses, technical schools, institutes that you have graduated from or are still studying at. List only those places of study that are significant from the point of view of potential work. List educational institutions either in reverse chronological order (latest first, earliest at the end), or according to the principle of importance: from the most important to the least important for the job you are looking for. For each educational institution, please provide: the year and month of the start and end of studies; accurate name; location (city, country); the department where you studied - if this information is useful for the job you are looking for; the qualification assigned to you (diploma, certificate, certificate, title).

Work experience in reverse chronological order

This main part of the resume form. Places of employment should be listed in reverse chronological order, from most recent to first. You need to indicate the years and months of the start and end of work, positions (there may be several of them at one job, if, for example, you had career growth) and main job responsibilities (it is advisable to describe them as fully as possible, because this is what will be of interest to the employer) and production achievements (write using action verbs: developed, introduced, increased, reduced, saved, etc.; strive for specifics: increased by 20%, introduced technology “X”, etc.). It is not necessary to describe your entire track record. The employer is really interested in your last 3 to 5 jobs over the last 10 years or so. You should not upset the employer by mentioning places of work where you did not stay long. At the same time, it is desirable to have as few gaps in seniority as possible.

Work skills

In this section you should indicate your capabilities that may be useful at the proposed place of work, although they are not related to your direct job responsibilities. Here you can mention having a driver's license, knowledge of some software, familiarity with this or that hardware, knowledge of a foreign language (if these skills are only indirectly related to your work). This section should not be overloaded with information that has nothing to do with future work.

Additional Information

Awards, social activities, hobbies - if this characterizes you positively as an employee. Indicate the possibility of providing recommendations - if you have recommendations from people whose opinion can interest the employer. If there is nothing like that, it’s better to go to this section Summary do not enter.

Very few people use correct resume forms.

If you download our forms, It will be much easier to find a job.

Manager, accountant, secretary, driver - we have a resume for every taste!

Let's get started.

Finding a job involves not only the ability to use personal connections and find information, but also the competent preparation of a resume ( or in LatinCV - Curriculum Vitae ) .

Many old-school managers are biased toward resumes, but that doesn't stop them from using them to screen candidates.

Employees of personnel services (HR) can't imagine life without them.

You can quickly go to the desired section by clicking on it or read everything in order:

On many regional resources dedicated to work, you can create a standard resume online.

Despite the convenience for the job seeker, this is only suitable for a superficial job search.

Extended resumes that highlight the candidate's useful qualities usually attract more attention.

The best option is a hand-written CV.

Without going beyond generally accepted rules, it is better to use templates, which can be downloaded below.

What are the criteria for a high-quality resume into which any standard form can be turned?

Of course they are.

The main rules are brevity, information content, accuracy and truthfulness.

Let's take a closer look at them.

1. Brevity

The more extraneous information a resume contains, the more likely it is to go unread.

You shouldn’t devote half a page to your hobby or describing your personal qualities - this is of no interest to anyone.

2. Information content

To pay attention track record and personal skills.

It is rare to find a job that a person already knows how to do professionally.

Usually you have to do something similar to your experience, so employers are often interested in details.

Each profession has its own peculiarities. It’s better to download several templates for different specialties and change them to suit specific requests.

Before sending it, it would be a good idea to check your resume with the employer’s requirements, if they are available on the website.

3. Accuracy

Check the text before sending.

Grammar and punctuation errors can turn off a picky manager.

You should not trust the built-in spell checkers in text editors. If there are problems with grammar, ask someone to check the errors, if with logic, ask someone to evaluate the readability of the text.

4. Truthfulness

You can't lie on your resume.

Even small mistakes can be revealed during a phone call to a manager or colleagues from a previous place of work.

It is better to keep something silent than to add unnecessary information - information about an unscrupulous applicant spreads extremely quickly in the business environment.

Many people use templates downloaded from the Internet.

To attract a potential manager, do not be lazy to change the style of the document - font, spacing, indents.

Also, you should not make the document design too pretentious - business style is universal both in clothing and in writing.

It will never be too late to switch to informal behavior in the process of work.

Download blank and completed forms

They are all free and presented in Word document format.

We present a professional resume sample for applying for a job, as well as ready-made resume examples for various professions, which you can download for free in DOC (WORD) or PDF format. Our resume sample is written by highly qualified job search and career development specialists with many years of experience in the field. This type of resume is convenient and attractive for HR specialists and everyone who decides to select candidates for an interview.

What a professional resume sample looks like

Sample resume for applying for a job

Smirnov Alexander

Date of birth: 01.04. 1981
Accommodation: St. Petersburg, Primorsky district. Ready for business trips.
Ready to move to Moscow.

Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Email: [email protected]

Career objective: Head of Sales Department

Desired income level: 100 thousand rubles

Key skills:

  • Sales department management.


  • Created a sales department with "0". Subsequently, the department (5 people) under my leadership regularly fulfilled the plan for attracting new clients and sales;
  • Brought 7 key clients to the company (totaling up to 50% of orders);
  • Developed and implemented a technology for selling technically complex equipment in the company.


10. 2008-07. 2014 Head of Sales Department

NNN-group LLC (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: wholesale trade in construction equipment and components for it

  • Management of the sales department (subordinate to up to 5 people);
  • Working with key clients, eliminating disagreements;

07.2003-09.2008 Sales Manager

XXX-group LLC (, St. Petersburg

Field of activity of the company: wholesale trade of construction equipment

  • Active sales, expansion of the customer base;
  • Working with key clients, eliminating disagreements;
  • Timely and systematic monitoring of prices of similar products of competitors;
  • Working with accounts receivable.


2003 St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg

Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management; Specialty: “Human Resources Management”; Qualification: “Manager” (Diploma with honors).

2003-2014 Attending numerous seminars and trainings on sales and working with clients (“Cold calling”, “Sales using the SPIN method”, “Active sales”, “Sales of services”, “Tough negotiations”, “Working with objections”, etc.)

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English – advanced.

PC knowledge: Confident user (MS Office; CRM; 1C).

Download a sample resume in DOC or PDF format

How to write a resume according to the sample


The resume photo must be in color, against a light background, and preferably taken by a professional photographer.


Indicate your current place of residence - city and region, as well as your readiness or unpreparedness for business trips and relocation.


Here we need relevant ways to quickly contact you. If you indicate an e-mail, its name should be neutral, not “playful”.

Career objective

Here you need a clear title of the position for which you are applying (as indicated in the vacancy). Do not indicate several positions that suit you at once; each will require a separate resume.

Desired income level

This is an optional item. If you want to fill it, study the market and choose an adequate salary level for your scope of responsibilities.

key skills

Tailor your skills to the vacancy - list only those that will help you in your new job. Avoid patterns like communication skills and stress resistance.


These are results at previous places of work, professional awards that are important for the desired position. Use more numbers when describing your achievements.


Last 3 jobs or all jobs over the last 10 years in reverse chronological order. Indicate the period of work, position, company name, website link, city, field of activity and your main job responsibilities.


Higher and/or secondary specialized education + courses, seminars or trainings that are relevant to the vacancy. Do not use abbreviations in this paragraph. You need the full names of educational institutions, faculty, specialty and qualifications.

Additional Information

This section is for PC skills, foreign languages ​​and other additional information, such as having a driver's license and a car.

When writing a resume in English, you need to take into account the features of foreign standards and the specifics of individual companies. Here is a standard resume sample in English, suitable in most cases.

Sample resume for work 2019 free download form in word


Employers typically require your resume to consider you for a job. Below you can download various resume options: regular, with photo, without formatting, in English. You can download everything and choose the most suitable or convenient form. All samples to fill out are in word (doc) format.

General definition of the term Summary (source: Wikipedia):
Summary(from French résumé or Latin curriculum vitae - “course of life”, biography, pronounced curiculum vitae, often shortened to CV) - a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other relevant information usually required during consideration candidacy of a person for employment. A biography, that is, a CV, differs from a resume in volume and, as a rule, is written by candidates for high positions. It provides more detailed information about yourself, your education and qualifications than a resume.

Resume structure
A resume usually consists of several sections, the information in each of which is intended to briefly familiarize a potential employer with all the information about the candidate necessary for hiring him. Your resume should not include information that has nothing to do with the proposed job. Your resume should only include information that will help describe you as best as possible.

There is no single standard resume form, form or template.
The resume is compiled in any form and usually contains the following information:
- year of birth (age);
- contact numbers (home and/or work), e-mail.
- Goal and/or desired position, what type of work you are looking for.
- Information about your education:
- date of commencement of studies - date of completion of studies;
- the name of the institution;
- faculty / specialty, qualification.
- Work experience (in reverse chronological order, that is, starting from the last place of work):
- start and end date of work;
- name of the organization (field of its activities; perhaps a brief description);
- your position;
- number of subordinates (if any);
- description of your job responsibilities, powers, level of responsibility;
- examples of specific achievements.
- Additional education - courses, seminars, internships, etc.
- Additional skills (computer proficiency, foreign language proficiency, availability of a car, driver’s license, typing, etc.).
- Your advantages (you can indicate at the end of your resume several of your personal traits that distinguish you from others and help you achieve the desired results in your work).

Sometimes resumes also include information about membership in professional associations, scientific publications, and patents. You can also include information about your hobbies in your resume, preferably if they are active hobbies (for example, sports, tourism, dancing). You should not include information about your desired salary level on your resume. It is better to indicate this in a cover letter for your resume (English Cover Letter). Here you can give any additional explanations to your resume. The structure of a resume, or CV, may differ in different countries. Recently, Internet resumes have become widespread, filled out according to a specific template and posted on specialized websites of recruiting agencies. There are also professional services that offer writing “literate” resumes. Another, still rarely used, type of resume is a video resume, which is a short video in which the candidate talks about himself, his skills, etc. And just as in the case of Internet resumes, there are specialized sites for them, on which they can be posted, and the companies that record and post them. Source: Wikipedia.

Also, recently it has become quite convenient to store your resume “in the cloud” - on servers that can be accessed around the clock from any part of the world, for example, on specialized sites, for example, Head Hunter The service is convenient because you can fill out your resume in the specified fields. In addition, you can search for employers and vacancies that interest you there. You can also set up an auto search so that vacancies are automatically selected according to specified conditions by title, minimum salary, work schedule, etc. At the same time, the site has very flexible settings for the visibility of your resume. For example, if you want your resume to be visible only to those companies where you sent it as a response to a vacancy, this can be easily set in the settings and it will no longer be visible to anyone, according to the site description.However, many vacancies can still be found on specialized professional forums, company websites, etc., and such vacancies may not be published on such vacancy search sites. In such cases, the resume sample options presented above may well come in handy.

News on the topic

New from 02/21/2018: Rostrud explained when an employer can deprive employees of bonuses

(the provision of bonuses is regulated by the local regulatory act of the organization, with which employees must be familiarized with signature before signing the employment contract). .

New as of November 30, 2017: The Russian Ministry of Labor, in letter dated November 17, 2017 No. 14-2/B-1012, clarifies how an employee must confirm the right to part-time work (day or week). Excerpt: According to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to establish part-time working hours at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents of a child under 14 years of age (a disabled child under 18 years of age), as well as a person caring for a sick family member.

New from 10/31/2017: The Russian Ministry of Labor, in letter dated 10/18/2017 No. 14-2/B-935, clarifies the procedure for collecting from an employee the amounts spent on his training in the event of early termination of an employment contract. Excerpt: “If dismissed without good reason before the expiration of the period specified in the employment contract or in the agreement on training at the expense of the employer, the employee is obliged to reimburse the costs incurred by the employer for his training.”

New from 10/30/2017: The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, in a letter dated October 19, 2017 N 14-2/B-942, explained whether, when concluding an employment contract with an employee, it is possible to sign a separate agreement, according to which, within a year after dismissal, the employee undertakes not to find employment in competing companies (the Employer does not has the right to restrict the employment of former employees).

New from 10/30/2017: The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, in letter dated October 18, 2017 N 14-2/B-935, clarifies how the termination of an employment contract concluded with a temporary employee while the main employee is on sick leave (when the term of termination of the employment contract is determined by the date on the sick leave).

New from 08/04/2017: The Ministry of Labor of Russia, in letter No. 14-2/OOG-4765 dated June 14, 2017, clarified whether it is possible to oblige an employee to engage in other work not related to the use of a computer during a special break while working at a computer.

New from 04/21/2017: The Moscow City Court, in its ruling dated February 14, 2017 in case No. 33-5687/2017, indicated that the employer, at the request of an applicant for a vacancy, is obliged to inform in writing the reason for refusal of employment.The court also decided that in this case the company should pay the applicant compensation for moral damage associated with the unjustified refusal. Read more.
