A terrible disease of cerebral palsy. What it is?
A terrible disease of cerebral palsy.  What it is?
This is a malfunctioning of the motor sphere. The patient is unable to maintain a posture and perform voluntary movements due to the pathology of the brain, which was formed even before the birth of the baby. Children with cerebral palsy and their parents cause genuine pity and
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How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated at home?
How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated at home?
Home treatment of which in the early stages can give good results. However, with severe discomfort and a significant decrease in the quality of life, you cannot do without visiting a specialist doctor. When is the need for treatment? One of the first
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Tranquilizers: a list of drugs
Tranquilizers: a list of drugs
Tranquilizers are a group of pharmacological drugs, the main task of which is to eliminate anxiety and psychoemotional stress. In addition to these effects, this group of drugs may have hypnotic, anticonvulsant de
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The benefits and harms of tranquilizers
The benefits and harms of tranquilizers
Tranquilizers (anxiolytics, anti-neurotic, psychosedatives, vegetative stabilizers) are psychotropic drugs that have a calming effect, eliminate fear and anxiety. Before the appearance of these drugs, doctors used bromides, later
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Concussion: how to recognize it?
Concussion: how to recognize it?
One of the pathological conditions that often occurs in medicine is a concussion of the brain. It does not cause obvious pathological changes in the tissues of the brain, but a person has complaints, and some signs and symptoms that indicate
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