Concussion: how to recognize?
Concussion: how to recognize?
One of the pathological conditions that is often encountered in medicine is a concussion. It does not cause obvious pathological changes in brain tissue, but a person develops complaints and some signs and symptoms that indicate
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Concussion in children: Personal experience
Concussion in children: Personal experience
June 20, 2016, 15:17 I often see posts in which mothers talk about their experiences about hitting their child’s head: he bumped, fell. The answers in the comments are amazing: “Yes, it’s normal, don’t worry... All children fall! Mine fell a hundred times a day and nothing was normal
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Signs and symptoms of mild to severe concussion
Signs and symptoms of mild to severe concussion
In this case, there are no visible changes in brain tissue (for example, with computed tomography of the brain), all disorders occur at the cellular and subcellular level. In severe cases, cerebral vessels may rupture, leading to bleeding.
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Concussion: symptoms and treatment
Concussion: symptoms and treatment
A concussion is the mildest form of traumatic brain injury, often accompanied by a brief loss of consciousness. The causes of concussion can be road traffic accidents, sports, household, industrial and criminal accidents.
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