How to treat a dog for frequent urination. What to do if your puppy urinates frequently

A dog is man's most faithful friend. Living together makes a person's life interesting and comfortable. However, there are situations when the joy of communication is a little darkened. For example, if the dog started shitting at home. Let's try to understand these reasons, as well as ways to wean adult dogs and puppies from the habit of peeing at home.

Ways to wean a puppy from peeing at home

How to stop a puppy from peeing at home? This will take a lot of time. This the process includes several stages, during which the pet is accustomed to discipline and control over its physiological processes:

  • Accustoming a puppy to a newspaper.
  • Toilet training outside.

It is common knowledge that puppies cannot hold their bowel movements when necessary. The bladder at this age has very thin walls that cannot accommodate a large amount of fluid. Under no circumstances should you punish him for puddles in the house, because the puppy does not yet understand and does not realize why he is being scolded.

How to train a puppy to go to the toilet on a newspaper

To train your puppy to defecate on newspaper, you need to: follow these recommendations:

You should carefully observe the puppy's behavior. As soon as he begins to show signs of anxiety, you must immediately take him to the newspaper. After doing this several times, the pet will remember this place and will go there constantly. To help him orient himself better, you can place a described and dried newspaper under the children's oilcloth. The puppy will smell the smell and begin to defecate only there.

As soon as your pet does its business in the right place, you should praise it. This will allow the puppy to understand that his actions brought joy to his owner. If he did not have time to reach a certain place and did his business in another place, you should not scold him or poke your face into his feces under any circumstances. It is enough to show your dissatisfaction and disappointment.

How to train a puppy to go to the toilet outside

Usually, you should train your puppy to go to the toilet outside after 9 months. To get him used to this, you must adhere to the following tips:

It is necessary to walk the puppy immediately after eating and the duration of the walk should be at least an hour. During this time, the pet will get used to the environment and do its business outside.

As soon as the puppy goes to the toilet, you need to praise him and give him some kind of treat. This will allow him to understand that he is doing everything right and will continue to do so in the future.

While walking, you should play active games with the animal, for example, throwing a ball, running with it. This activity allows you to speed up the metabolic process, and the puppy will want to go to the toilet faster.

As soon as your baby learns to defecate outside and starts doing it regularly, you should show distress, if he continues to go to the newspaper. Gradually, the oilcloth and newspaper are removed, and the room is washed with vinegar to eliminate all odors.

Why does an adult dog start peeing at home?

It happens that even the most well-mannered dog suddenly begins to pee in the apartment, although before this she had never allowed herself to do this. There may be several reasons for this. First of all, you should pay attention to the health of the animal, because it is health problems that provoke urinary incontinence. By the way, severe frosts cause serious illnesses in representatives of decorative breeds, who freeze even in special clothes.

Experts know that bitches can pee at home until they are two years old. The main reason is an incompletely formed hormonal system. Poor or unhealthy nutrition contributes to this, as well as bad heredity. This problem is solved after the first pregnancy.

In addition to these reasons, a dog may pee at home due to the following factors:

Due to an uncertain daily routine, the dog does not develop specific habits. It is necessary to feed and walk your pet at strictly defined times.

The owner's authority can fall due to excessive aggression towards his pet, as well as in the case of unfair punishment, as a result of which the dog begins to take revenge. Also, too kind an attitude provokes aggressive breeds to begin to dominate, so you need to be strict towards your dog, but in moderation.

Such way to attract attention pets use it due to its deficiency. You should communicate with your pet more often. In addition, in this way they show their jealousy of a new representative of the animal world.

What to do to stop your dog from peeing at home

How to stop a dog from peeing at home? The most important thing in the weaning process avoid a basic mistake. You should not punish your pet for peeing at home. He still won’t understand what’s going on, and the situation can only get worse.

It is important to monitor your dog's behavior. As soon as she starts looking for a place to make a puddle, you should immediately take her outside. If she has done her business there, you need to praise her and treat her with something tasty.

Teaching your dog to go to the toilet on command is considered a fairly effective way. This is very easy to achieve. During a walk, after the animal has peed, you need to say a phrase. Gradually, when the owner pronounces these words, the dog begins to understand that it is required to go to the toilet. These words are transformed into a reflex in her subconscious.

What mistakes should you avoid?

In the process of weaning a dog from peeing in the house, it is necessary avoid the following mistakes:

It is important to control yourself and be patient if your pet goes to the toilet at home. If you show aggression, the trust between owner and dog can be destroyed. The more an animal trusts a person, the easier it is to overcome any problems.

In addition, to solve the problem with the toilet, experts advise review your daily routine your pet. Perhaps the dog simply cannot tolerate it for so long, or perhaps he is walked too early and does not have time to adjust to the early routine. If you adjust your daily routine, this problem disappears quite quickly.

A considerable number of dog owners have encountered this problem - their pet urinates too often or their pet suffers from urinary incontinence. Contrary to the opinion of many, this reason does not arise at all due to poor training - it’s just that the four-legged friend has developed pathologies and disorders in the body.

Dogs often mark the territory of their habitat - it may be that the dog has an intolerable vindictive character, and he wants to do something bad to his owner, to annoy him. Over time this goes away.

But it is likely that problems have begun with the urinary system. This is not dangerous to the health of a four-legged pet, but it is fraught with many unpleasant troubles in the future. Over time, the disease can also affect the kidneys, and females may well develop dangerous neoplasms. If you notice any abnormalities in your family pet, you should visit the veterinarian as soon as possible. And there it will become clear whether there are health problems and how serious they are.

So, why does your beloved dog suffer from urinary incontinence, what are the reasons for this and what needs to be done?

Natural harmless reasons

Experience and many years of observational practice show that there are several natural reasons why a dog urinates at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

  1. Severe emotion-based stress. When experiencing a feeling of joy or fear, a dog may involuntarily make a puddle.
  2. Uncleanliness. The dog is by nature unclean, has not received proper education and may simply not know how to ask to go outside to go to the toilet.
  3. Fear of other aggressive dogs.

There are other reasons, but these are the most common and owners do not need to worry. Such a reaction is a normal thing for dogs; in this case, the animals are guided by instincts.

Let's say, the instinctive desire to mark territory with urine is very developed - males do this anywhere in the house, but females prefer in the corners. They also mark objects that the animal considers to be theirs with urine. To avoid such incidents, you need to work a little on your pet’s behavior.

Features of age

Urinary incontinence in dogs often occurs due to advanced age - the passing of the years leaves its mark on the body. More specifically, the smooth muscles responsible for excreting urine become weak, which is why the dog often wants to go to the toilet and sometimes cannot wait to go outside. But there are special medications that can reduce such health problems to a minimum. This problem, unfortunately, cannot be eliminated, but a number of special medications have been developed specifically to solve such problems that can be given to your pet.


Estrus, especially in young females who do not yet know a male, is one of the causes of incontinence. The dog experiences constant pain and, trying to eliminate it, goes to the toilet wherever necessary. The problem can be resolved quite simply - you need to take the animal for a walk as often as possible. Of course, you will have to do this at night, but here the choice is between cleanliness in the house and the desire to sleep.


Urination may become more frequent due to injuries received - for example, the dog injured its spine. The likelihood of such injuries is greater in breeds with long, elongated spines. Let's say dachshunds.

Pinched nerve endings

This phenomenon often occurs during or after childbirth. The dog's paws go numb and hurt a lot. The bitch usually refuses children and leaves puppies. A disease of this kind can only be diagnosed by fully examining the pet. Zoo doctors use several treatment methods; if they do not help, surgery is performed.

Nervous system disorder

The reason may be some stressful situation that frightens the dog. Treatment in this case is very simple - sedatives that have a relaxing effect on the animal’s muscles. The dog relaxes and calms down.

Sterilization, castration, side effects

To stop reproductive functions, operations are performed to sterilize females and castrate males. However, complications often arise after surgery - animals leak urine, and more such cases occur during sterilization. This happens due to the fact that the bitch’s hormonal levels change, which has a negative effect on the sensitivity of the smooth muscles.

Treatment is carried out in three stages:

  1. The doctor prescribes special hormonal drugs.
  2. A special puncture is made, an endoscopic probe is inserted into the body, the doctor observes the dog’s insides through a camera and administers special medications.
  3. An operation is being performed. The doctor sutures the muscles, injects collagen, and changes the position of the bladder if necessary.

When is this a sign of serious health problems?

Another reason why a dog suffers from urinary incontinence is that some kind of disease has settled in it. Most often, such diseases are accompanied by the presence of inflammatory processes inside the dog. Usually, a specialist, by examining a sick animal and ordering various studies and tests, finds the cause, but it happens that it is difficult to make a diagnosis. A dog breeder can help him with this.

You just need to carefully observe your animal and note all the nuances regarding its content in a special notebook. Frequency and duration of walks, nutrition (full description of diet, feeding time), amount of water drunk. It is quite possible that some event occurred that served as the beginning of such bad behavior in the pet. Based on the information received, the doctor will be able to draw certain conclusions and make an accurate and correct diagnosis.

Inflammatory processes in the bladder or cystitis
It is possible that the bladder has become inflamed and cystitis has become the cause of incontinence. To detect the presence of the disease, it is necessary to have your dog's urine tested. With a strong development of the disease, leaks cannot be ruled out even when the dog is sleeping. Even if he didn't drink much water during the day.

Cystitis is caused by two reasons: either the body has become very cold, or an infection has entered the genitourinary system. Treatment is carried out by taking antibiotics - on the fourth or fifth day, visible improvements become immediately noticeable. If the dog is not treated, blood appears in the urine, the dog begins to whine from severe pain, and it becomes difficult for her to go to the toilet.

When treating cystitis, it is advisable to complete the entire course of treatment, otherwise the disease may return, and repeated use of antibiotics will be ineffective.

When suffering from polydipsia, the animal begins to drink quite a lot, often forcefully, which leads to frequent urination. The owner should be wary if he notices that the dog drinks a lot of water - it is quite possible that he has developed diabetes mellitus, diseases associated with the urinary system have appeared, and problems with blood vessels and kidneys have begun to develop. Kidney failure is quite possible. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after an ultrasound scan. It is important to start treatment on time, otherwise the uterus will have to be removed.

Ectopia is a condition that some dogs are born with. With this disease, the ureter is connected to the rectum or vagina not through the bladder, but directly. This is usually observed in animals that have one kidney. As a rule, the disease is detected in dogs during puppyhood, when the owner notices problems in his pet. In a veterinary clinic, urography is performed and the identified disease is treated through surgical intervention, that is, an operation is performed.

Treatment of pathological abnormalities

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the dog has begun to walk frequently, the first thing you need to do is give some drug that relieves the spasm. At the same time, you need to understand that this medicine will not solve the problem, but will only remove the pain symptoms. Therefore, in any case, especially if the animal has severe unbearable pain, you need to pay a visit to the veterinary clinic and show the sufferer to the doctor.

Under no circumstances should you massage the bladder or provoke the emission of urine. Moreover, there is no need to attempt to insert a urinary catheter into your dog yourself. You should also not give your dog anything diuretic. In general, you should not start treating your pet on your own.

If the animal cannot urinate for a day or more, there is no need to waste time, but you need to take the dog and go to the clinic. If after examination the doctor does not find anything critical, then he can prescribe home treatment. In this case, the dog owner is obliged to follow all the doctor’s instructions and not self-medicate, as this will lead to additional complications.

If a dog has a blocked urethra, it should be immediately taken to a doctor so that he can restore the flow of urine. After the animal receives painkillers and sedatives, a catheter is placed.

We must remember that frequent urination often serves as a signal of the development of a serious problem in the dog’s body. This message cannot be ignored. And as soon as it became clear that the dog began to urinate frequently, and in small portions, you should take him to the veterinarian and let the doctor determine the cause and select the necessary treatment.

Video: signs of cystitis in dogs and cats

For many people, their favorite animal, or even just a four-legged friend, is a dog. Owners try to walk their pets as often as possible in order to avoid such an unpleasant situation when the dog relieves itself in a living room.

Why does a dog urinate frequently, and how to treat it?

There may be several explanations for this: from gaps in education to illness of your animal. To begin with, it is worth noting that as soon as you have adopted a puppy, you need to begin the process of raising it. If you cannot cope with this yourself, contact a dog trainer, who will certainly help teach your pet good manners. The reason why your dog urinates frequently may also be that your pet is a young dog who has decided to mark his territory.

If re-education does not work in this case, then the option of contacting a veterinarian with a subsequent procedure is possible. Another reason why your puppy urinates very often could be due to strong emotions of fear or excitement. Often similar incidents happen to puppies during play or when their owner pets them. To prevent such situations, you need to interact with the puppy after he has relieved himself, so as not to trigger conditioned reflexes in the future. Try not to overstimulate your dog's nervous system.

Also, the reason why a puppy often urinates may be various situations that are unusual for him, when he simply does not know how to behave. Raising a dog in fear, excessive severity and physical punishment can also lead to similar behavior in an animal. Do not forget to have your animal examined by a veterinarian from time to time, since frequent urination can be caused by various diseases, including poor diet for the animal or excess sodium.

In any case, to protect your pet, pay attention to it in a timely manner and provide assistance.

Caring dog owners note all the changes occurring in their pets. They know how much food the animal eats at lunch and during the day, and also note the amount of liquid it drinks. Any deviation is confusing. For example, why did the dog start drinking a lot of water and constantly asking to go to the toilet? Is it normal for a dog to be thirsty or should we limit our water intake? Excessive water consumption can be caused by many reasons, let's look at them in more detail.

Water consumption rate for dogs

An animal may have a single attack of thirst, for example, when the room is too hot, the dog begins to drink heavily.

This quite acceptable , so the body tries to cool down somehow. But if the animal begins to drink excessively constantly, the owner must take a closer look at the accompanying symptoms. Perhaps the reason is pathology.

Before deciding whether your dog drinks a lot, you need to know how much he should drink. It all depends on its weight: for each kg no more than 100 ml. If a dog weighs 5–10 kg, then it should drink no more than 0.5–1.0 liters per day. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only clean water, but also all liquid dishes if the animal is on a natural diet.

A dog up to 10 kilograms drinks no more than a liter per day.

How to measure?

Before giving water to your dog, you need to measure its volume.

To determine how much your pet drinks, you need to take measurements.

When pouring water into a bowl, first measure its volume. When feeding, they also record how many ml of liquid meals were eaten per day. The readings are summed up and after that it is only possible to conclude whether the dog drinks a lot or whether this is normal for its weight. Don't forget to measure the water as you add it throughout the day.

Why does a dog drink a lot of water?

The simplest reasons for consuming excess fluid are heat indoors or outdoors, as well as greater physical stress on the animal during the warm season.

When switching to dry food, your dog will need more water.

If the animal is fed over-salted food , then it will drink much more than it should. In cases where an animal is transferred from regular natural food to dry food, the pet will need additional liquid. This is a normal phenomenon, because previously the body received not only water, but also liquid from soups, broths, and cereals. A does not contain moisture, so the bowl of water must be much larger than before or you will have to add water more often than usual.

Taking medications

In some cases, when the animal is prescribed a course of diuretics, or the pet is being treated with corticosteroids, excessive water consumption may occur.

During the period of taking medications, the dog needs more water.

This is completely normal and should not be limited. Anticonvulsant treatment also induces thirst in some animals.

The dog drinks a lot of water and goes to the toilet often

A dog may be thirsty due to an elevated temperature.

If the dog owner is convinced that the pet has no objective reasons for thirst, it is not hot outside, feeding occurs as usual and the animal has not been subjected to heavy stress and has not taken pills, the cause of thirst should be looked for in internal diseases:

  1. Any inflammatory process in the body is accompanied by an increase in temperature . You should measure the temperature and pay attention to the condition of the animal. Perhaps thirst is a consequence of the inflammatory process and elevated temperature.
  2. E If, in addition to thirst, the dog also often asks to go to the toilet to urinate , perhaps she has problems with her kidneys or urinary system. In this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the dog’s behavior, whether urination is accompanied by pain, or whether there is bloody discharge in the urine. It is recommended to show the dog to a specialist, because kidney problems or are quite unpleasant diseases that can even lead to the death of the animal. For example, when the urinary ducts are blocked by stones. If urine has ceased to be excreted, the animal is lethargic, but still drinks a lot - urgently go to the veterinary clinic!
  3. Do you notice that the dog began to drink a lot and eat a lot, be sure to visit a veterinarian . He will offer to undergo examination for. Unfortunately, this disease is affecting an increasing number of pets. Feeding buns, candies and other sweets leads to the progression of the disease. The dog begins to feel excessively thirsty and tries to drink a lot.
  4. Diabetes insipidus is also accompanied by water consumption. The animal begins to drink excessively, the owner does not have time to add water to the drinking bowl.
  5. Thirst,– obvious. This disease is accompanied by a purulent inflammatory process in the uterus. In some cases, the presence of cancer may be present.
  6. the animal also suffers from thirst, and the owner notices that the pet begins to drink too much water.
  7. Psychogenic polydipsia is accompanied by unprecedented thirst in the dog, the symptoms of which are difficult to miss.
  8. Sometimes spinal injury leads to the fact that the dog begins to drink water without measure. Some dog breeds are prone to back and spinal injuries. For example, if the dachshund has become sad, and its gait is uncertain and weak, it may have happened. An indirect symptom of injury is an excessive need for water and frequent urination. In addition to dachshunds, such spinal problems occur in other breeds of dogs with elongated bodies, such as basset hounds.

Additional causes of thirst

If your pet has undergone castration surgery, then the excessive need for water is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body. Bitches during lactation may also experience an insatiable desire to drink water.

During lactation, dogs begin to drink water more often.

An incorrectly designed diet leads to the desire to drink large quantities of water. For example, a diet low in protein or salty fish dishes on the menu are the reasons why dogs start drinking water in huge doses.

Treatment and assistance for your pet

Dog food should not be salty.

How can you help your dog if he drinks too much water? Here are the basic recommendations to help novice dog breeders:

  1. Checking Dog Food for Salt . If foods are oversalted, you should change your diet and temporarily eliminate salt completely.
  2. By increasing the amount of protein foods in the menu , you can achieve a reduction in water consumption.
  3. If thirst is caused transfer to dry food , just put a large bowl of water and periodically add liquid to it.
  4. If the owner suspects the dog pyometra, you need to contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe: general and biochemical, then send the animal for an ultrasound. Depending on the results obtained, treatment will be prescribed. In severe cases, this will be surgery with removal of the uterus and ovaries. Sometimes conservative treatment is prescribed. This will include antibiotic therapy, as well as the use of hormonal agents that affect the contraction of the uterus and the removal of any contents from it.
  5. Diabetes in animals is considered incurable , but the use of special medications can improve the condition and prolong the life of the pet. If your pet has diabetes, a diet will be recommended and insulin will be prescribed. The veterinarian will select the dose. It will depend on the constitutional characteristics of the dog and its physical activity. As for nutrition, it is best to switch the animal to ready-made food for diabetics. This will make it easier to control the nutrition process. Feed should be chosen only of high quality. If the doctor prescribes insulin, your pet will have to inject it at the same time every day. The doctor will select the dosage and tell you whether it is better to inject into the withers or chest. Special syringes are purchased at the pharmacy. You will also need to have a portable glucometer on hand to monitor your glucose levels. Sometimes, after taking insulin, an animal experiences an excessive drop in glucose levels, which can lead to the development of a hypoglycemic coma and can result in the death of the animal. If the level on the glucometer drops to 3 mmol/l, you should give the dog something sweet. For example, natural honey or dilute sugar in water and feed the animal with this syrup.
  6. If you have cystitis, give your dog as much water as possible. , you can brew bearberry and let your pet drink this decoction. Treatment with antibiotics is mandatory. In a veterinary clinic, the bladder is washed with disinfecting solutions. Suitable for this purpose: furatsilin, potassium permanganate, penicillin. In case of an infectious process, urosulfan, furadonin are prescribed, and if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is detected, gonocrine is prescribed. Cystenal helps relieve spasms and soreness. It is dripped onto sugar and given to the pet to eat.


Any change in the animal’s behavior, a change in water and food consumption, an increase in body temperature - all these are alarming signals that the dog owner must respond to.

You should not limit your dog's water intake.

Water consumption should not be limited in order to reduce urination and constant calls for the animal to take a walk outside. Limiting water intake may worsen your pet's condition. Only in such cases can you limit fluid intake: swelling of the pet’s paws and abdomen; , which occurs even after drinking water. But in such situations, you cannot delay going to the veterinarian.

Video about why a dog drinks a lot

In this article I will talk about urinary incontinence in dogs and frequent urination. I will give the reasons for such a long pathology. I’ll tell you why your dog often empties its bladder and what to do. I will give methods of treatment, what medications and prevention of urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence most often affects older animals, but this disease can also occur in young animals. The pet is not able to control the process of urine excretion, which is why a puddle can appear in any place where the dog was.

There are several types of disease:

  • True incontinence. As a result of injury or pathology in the structure of the urinary organs. The disease also develops in sterilized animals due to a decrease in the muscle tone of the urethra.
  • False. Develops against the background of other diseases (diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, urethritis, etc.). May write frequently. The same goes for the joy of being at home that I met the owner. Also, the reasons include the appearance of neoplasms or cysts in the cavity of the ureters and bladder.
  • Stressful. A pet may pee a lot from severe stress or from a violent manifestation of emotions (for example, a meeting with the owner).
  • Senile. Characteristic of an old individual whose reflex activity is weakened.

A dog suffering from incontinence is unable to control the process of urination, so it may wet itself in its sleep or simply while resting.

Older animals need more frequent walking.

Sometimes involuntary urine leakage is caused by obesity in a dog

Why does your pet urinate frequently?

Frequent urination indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the urinary organs.

The dog experiences discomfort or pain when trying to empty its bladder, often sits down, but cannot squeeze out more than a few drops.

This condition may be the result of normal hypothermia, urethritis or cystitis. Also, frequent urination indicates development, which may be accompanied.

For adequate treatment it is necessary to have an accurate diagnosis

Treating an Animal with Frequent Urination

Before starting treatment, the pet must be examined in order to identify the root cause of urinary incontinence.

Be sure to give urine and blood samples for analysis in order to identify the inflammatory process. Ultrasound diagnostics and x-rays are also carried out, which will help detect a neoplasm or pathology in the structure of internal organs.

The method of treatment depends on the root cause of the disease or frequent urination:

  1. Inflammatory process (cystitis, urethritis, etc.). It may leak. In this case, the veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotics (amoxiclav, etc.). Antispasmodics are used to relieve pain. A single dose of monural powder gives a good effect. Also used to relieve inflammation and treat cystitis.
  2. Neoplasms in the urinary organs. If the dog is unable to control due to swelling, the veterinarian will perform an examination and schedule surgery to remove the abnormal tissue. She walks under herself. If the neoplasm is malignant, the dog is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.
  3. Consequences of sterilization (weakening of the sphincter). To treat this type of illness, a drug is used. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the pet. This drug can be given to the animal for life.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. This disease is treated with a veterinary diet, which dissolves sand and struvite. Large stones are removed through surgery. Among the medications prescribed are stop cystitis, phytoelites, healthy kidneys,.

Antibiotic Lek (Sandoz) Amoxiclav

If an older dog is suffering, the animal should be given a longer walk. You can also put an absorbent disposable diaper on your pet.

In some cases, taking the drug propalin, which helps to increase the tone of the urethral sphincter, has a good effect.

Preventing urinary incontinence in dogs

Prevention is as follows:

  1. Make sure that your pet does not catch a cold or become hypothermic. Do not allow your dog to swim in cold water during the spring and fall months. Provide the animal with warm and soft bedding to rest.
  2. Monitor your dog's diet. An incorrectly designed menu can provoke the development of urolithiasis, which causes frequent urination.
  3. Walk your pet more often. This is especially true for older animals and small puppies.
  4. Train the animal and explain to it that it is only possible to empty its bladder outside.

Urinary incontinence and frequent urination are serious symptoms.

If your dog's urinary incontinence is caused by injury, do not try to treat it yourself.

Symptoms that indicate the development of a disease or pathology of internal organs. If you notice that your pet has begun to urinate on itself or frequently sits down on the toilet, contact your veterinarian and have your dog examined.
