What should you do to prevent your hands from sweating? What to do if your palms sweat a lot. Folk remedies in the fight against hyperhidrosis

Local hyperhidrosis, or increased sweating in certain areas of the body, causes organic and psychological discomfort to a person. To get rid of this pathology, medications and folk remedies are used. Medicines help reduce sweating, but do not completely solve the problem.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms, most often, is a consequence of an existing disease. Therefore, the use of topical drugs that eliminate the aesthetic problem of sweating must be combined with the treatment of the underlying disease.

The reasons for increased sweating of the palms may be the following:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance;
  • Neuropsychological disorder;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia and cardiac pathologies;
  • intoxication (including alcohol);
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • viruses and infections that have not been completely eliminated;
  • instability of metabolic processes;
  • period of menopause in women.

If your palms sweat a lot without significant health problems, it may be a genetic predisposition.

How to deal with sweaty hands

The first step to getting rid of hyperhidrosis should be a visit to your doctor. Diagnostic measures include taking an anamnesis and Myron's test, performed by applying iodine and starch to the palms. The doctor determines the degree of the disease by the intensity of the skin coloring.

In addition, you should visit an endocrinologist, cardiologist and therapist to identify the underlying cause of sweating. If necessary, you need to take blood tests for hormones and biochemistry.

The second thing you need to do to prevent your hands from sweating is not to neglect folk remedies, and not to be lazy in using them. An experienced doctor recommends special medications that can be successfully combined with alternative medicine methods.

Thirdly, if your hands sweat profusely, you must carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands with alkaline soap, wipe sweaty palms with alcohol-containing wipes, use regular talcum powder or baby powder.

Medications for hyperhidrosis

Traditional medicine preparations for sweaty hands are not very diverse. Dermatologists prescribe mainly two of them: Formidron and Teymurova paste.

  • Formidron. The drug is an antiseptic, made on the basis of formaldehyde and alcohol. The medicine is a colorless solution with a pungent odor. Prescribed to patients with excessive sweating of the hands and feet. A cotton pad is moistened with a medicinal solution and the areas of abnormal sweating are wiped. Contraindications for use: allergies, childhood, presence of damage to the epidermis;
  • Teymur's paste. The drug contains boric and salicylic acids, lead acetate, zinc oxide, formaldehyde, sodium tetraborate. It is used for hyperhidrosis, some types of eczema and dermatitis, mycosis (fungal infection) of the feet. Not used for chronic kidney damage and in women during lactation. The paste is rubbed into the previously washed skin surface with your hands for five days.

In addition, patients are prescribed sedatives (alcohol tinctures of medicinal plant extracts) to normalize their psycho-emotional state.

Medical procedures to eliminate hyperhidrosis

Medical manipulations of this kind are most often used to relieve patients of hyperhidrosis of the legs, but are sometimes used for the palms.

  • ionization;
  • irradiation (ultraviolet rays are used);
  • Botox injections (the procedure is expensive);
  • sympathectomy. A complex surgical operation to stop the transmission of nerve impulses (performed extremely rarely and has side effects).

Products made according to traditional medicine recipes

Traditional methods for treating sweating include: medicinal baths with medicinal ingredients and herbal ointments. Such products have a drying effect and a bactericidal effect. It is not difficult to prepare such medicines at home. Raw materials for baths and ointments are available, and there are practically no contraindications for use.


  • birch Brew the leaves of the tree with hot water, at the rate of one part green material to three parts water. Cool the liquid to room temperature and hold your hands in it for about a quarter of an hour. Dry leaves can be used. In this case, the proportion will be 1:8. The procedure should be carried out every other day;
  • vinegar This bath helps to narrow the pores on the palms, which is important when your hands sweat abnormally often. 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar), diluted in half a liter of lukewarm water. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes;

  • oak. Crushed oak bark is sold in pharmacies. Pour boiling water (1 liter) over a tablespoon of raw materials and leave in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. Cool, season with a tablespoon of vinegar. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes;
  • herbal. Brew dry herbs St. John's wort and chamomile (2 tablespoons each) with a liter of boiling water. Let stand and soak your hands in the liquid for 10 minutes. Another option for a herbal bath is a mixture of string and yarrow in the same proportions;
  • lemon Dilute the juice of one lemon with a liter of water at room temperature, and hold your palms for a quarter of an hour. The solution made in this way can be stored in the refrigerator and used 2-3 times.


To prevent your hands from sweating, an ointment is prepared from medicinal herbs and the internal fat of animals or birds for daily use. To do this, you need to mix dried leaves, plantain, calendula, string, nettle and dandelion. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the phyto-mixture with 150 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Next on 3 tbsp. boat broth add 50 gr. softened interior fat, a spoonful of liquid honey, and half a spoonful of castor oil. Mix the resulting slurry thoroughly. The folk remedy should be applied to clean, dry palms in the morning and evening.


Excessively sweaty palms will benefit from baths with natural alum. These are natural antiseptics that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Alum is produced by the co-crystallization of aluminum and potassium sulfate.

They have bactericidal, drying, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties. Unlike synthetic antiperspirants, alum does not clog pores. Medicinal raw materials are produced in powder form with a one-component composition.

How to make a remedy for hyperhidrosis based on alum? You need to stir a tablespoon of raw material in a liter of warm water and wash your hands with this solution. Finish the hygiene procedure by rinsing your palms with an acidic solution of water and vinegar or lemon juice.

What to do if medications and traditional medicine do not give a positive result in eliminating the unpleasant sweating syndrome? Look for the reason. Hyperhidrosis can be a kind of warning sign of a hidden disease of one of the body systems.

Despite the fact that this problem does not pose a danger to life, many will agree that excessive sweating is a rather unpleasant, even sensitive thing, which often attracts attention during tactile contact with other people, be it a friendly or business handshake, and especially during intimate communication.

There are probably a lot of people who secretly try to wipe their palms before shaking hands. Or experiencing inconvenience when visiting when you have to take off your shoes. Sweaty hands and feet cause a lot of inconvenience. Often this leads to the emergence of complexes. Often creates problems in career growth. By and large, the quality of life decreases. Up to three percent of the population faces this disease to one degree or another. Let's try to understand the causes of sweaty hands and methods of dealing with the problem.

Sweating is medically referred to as hyperhidrosis. In relation to the hands - hyperhidrosis of the palms. Understanding the causes of excessive sweating is important, as it can be caused by a serious illness or, at best, serve as a signal for lifestyle changes.

What are the causes of hyperhidrosis?

It is very important to understand the reasons why your hands sweat a lot. If sweaty palms are not a consequence of serious illnesses, let’s figure out how to deal with hyperhidrosis.

Methods to get rid of sweating:

  • treatment with medications;
  • ionization;
  • surgical intervention;
  • folk remedies;
  • Botox injections.

Let's look at what to do if your hands sweat a lot, in more detail. Let’s say right away that you won’t be able to deal with sweating once and for all.

Use of medications

Most often prescribed Formidron- formaldehyde-based antiseptic. It should be applied with a cotton swab to problem areas before going to bed. It blocks the ducts of the sweat glands and kills bacteria. Course duration is 15-20 days.

- gel with a high content of formaldehyde. The most effective drug. Apply to problem areas for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with warm water. If you use the gel once a week, you can forget about sweaty palms.

Pasta Teymurova- antiseptic, deodorizing, drying agent. The consistency and packaging are a bit inconvenient; the paste is difficult to squeeze out of the tube. In addition, it leaves stains on clothes. However, it copes well with sweating. Apply up to three times a day.

Hydronex- concentrate of plant components for internal use. Reduces the intensity of sweat glands. Taken in a course of 3 weeks.

Belloid- a herbal preparation based on belladonna alkaloids.

Has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. To reduce sweating of the palms, apply for half an hour before bedtime.

All these medications are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.


This procedure involves applying weak electric currents to hands placed in a special solution. As a result, the sweat gland channels close. Several sessions lasting 15-20 minutes are carried out. The problem is solved within 6-12 months. Currently, there are compact devices on sale for carrying out this procedure at home. This makes treatment easier.

Surgical methods to solve the problem of severe sweating

Surgery is used for the most severe stages of hyperhidrosis. Short-term hospitalization is carried out. Using an incision in the chest area, a drug is injected under the skin, breaking the connection between nerve endings and sweat glands. Sweating stops for about 6 months. An unpleasant surprise after this procedure may be the appearance of increased sweating in another area.

Treatment of sweating with folk remedies

You can deal with the problem at home, without resorting to expensive means, but using equally effective ingredients that are often at hand. In addition, the fact that these remedies do not have negative consequences is also the reason for their use. It should be noted that the effect can be noticed only after regular use, not earlier than after a month.

Consider these simple and cheap ways:

baths with tea leaves- Brew 2 tablespoons of black (or green) tea in a container with boiling water. Place your hands in the infusion for a quarter of an hour. Repeat after 2 days.

baths with oak bark - Infuse 3 tablespoons of oak bark in a liter of boiling water for an hour. Lower your arms or legs for 10-15 minutes. You can do this bath several times a day. For greater effect, make a decoction rather than an infusion with oak bark. Boil 3-4 tablespoons of bark in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Leave for a day, then use for treatment.

cold and hot shower - can be used separately for the palms, but it is better to get under such a shower entirely.

mixture with glycerin - mix one part lemon juice, one part alcohol and two parts glycerin. Apply to hands after each wash.

cream - make a mixture of calendula, plantain, nettle and dandelion (1 tbsp each). Pour boiling water over a mug. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey and castor oil and a little pork fat. This homemade cream works very well on the skin of your hands.

ginger - every other day, rub finely chopped ginger root into the skin of your hands.

vinegar bath - Suitable for both palms and legs. Pour 2 cups of boiled water and 25 ml of apple cider vinegar into a container. Carry out the procedure twice a day for 20 minutes.

salt water rinse - make a solution of 4 tbsp. l. table salt, or better yet sea salt, in a liter of hot water. Rinse your hands twice a day and dry them without wiping them with a towel.

tincture of birch buds with vodka- once or twice a day you can wipe the skin of your hands, feet and under your arms with a tincture of kidneys with vodka in a ratio of 1:5.

foot wrap- Infuse 1 tbsp for half an hour. l. calendula flowers in a glass of boiling water. Add grated raw potatoes. Stir, strain after 2 hours. Soak gauze in this medicine and wrap it around your feet for 2 o'clock. Carry out the procedure every day, before going to bed.

bath with ammonia- immerse your hands in an alcohol solution for 10 minutes (1 teaspoon of alcohol per liter of water). Then wash with cold water, dry with a towel, and sprinkle with talcum powder. If you have it on hand, it is also useful to wipe it with lemon juice.

oat bath- take a handful of chopped oat straw, leave for an hour in a liter of boiling water. Do 20-minute hand baths.

basil- rub crushed herbs into the skin of your hands once every three days.

rosin - rub rosin powder into the skin of your hands every day.

potassium permanganate- make a low concentration solution of potassium permanganate. Dip your hands and feet in it every day for 10 minutes. After the procedure, sprinkle dry limbs with talcum powder.

baths with infusion of bay leaves- pour a couple of dozen laurel leaves into 2 liters of boiling water and dip your hands into this infusion.

Only regular, systematic use of folk remedies will lead to noticeable results. The main thing here is not to be lazy and waste your time.

Botox injections

This procedure is currently on the conveyor belt and is widespread. Side effects are rare. An important negative point for using this method is its high cost.

What is the magic drug? It is created on the basis of neurotoxins type A. Botox affects the nerve endings of the sweat glands, as a result of which sweat production stops. Using a thin needle, the medicine is injected into problem areas. The doses administered are small, so there is no negative effect on the human body. The procedure is quite quick, lasts about an hour, and painless. Anesthesia is not used during this procedure. Patients do not experience discomfort. No special rehabilitation is needed after injections.

The action begins approximately on the third or fourth day after the procedure. After six months, the drug is eliminated from the body, its effect ceases and increased sweating resumes.

In addition to Botox, to combat hyperhidrosis its analogues are used: dysport, xeomin, latox.

There are contraindications for use:

Possible side effects after the procedure are: dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, slight increase in temperature.

And, of course, in addition to the use of special means and procedures, you should pay attention to lifestyle, nutrition, hygiene and clothing.

In the article, we looked at the reasons why hands sweat and the remedies offered by official medicine and traditional healers to eliminate this problem. Now you know what to do if your hands sweat. In conclusion, I would like to wish you to cope with the “headache” in the form of increased sweating in order to forget about it. Don't get sick and don't sweat!

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating of the palms is a chronic disease that, according to statistics, occurs in 3% of the population, more often in women.

The problem causes serious discomfort and also limits certain activities.

However, there are other causes that cause excessive sweating, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and selection of effective treatment.

In medicine, hyperhidrosis is a chronic systemic disease that leads to excessive sweating of the palms or feet. Symptoms intensify against the background of psychological experiences, stress, high air temperature and humidity in the room, and physical activity. Depending on the clinical picture, three degrees of development of the disease are distinguished:

  1. First. The patient experiences increased sweating, but it does not cause serious physiological or social problems. Symptoms are mild and intensify only against the background of provoking factors.
  2. Second. Increased signs of the disease occur in a number of situations - shaking hands, public speaking or playing sports. Excessive sweating causes inconvenience, the patient often draws attention to his problem.
  3. Third. Psychological disorders arise due to wet clothes, a strong smell of sweat, and social condemnation begins. Sweating occurs on the palms, feet, armpits and other parts of the body.

If you do not start treatment in time and do not find out why your palms are constantly sweating, the signs of the disease intensify and become chronic.

Sweating is a natural process necessary to maintain body temperature and rid the body of toxins. Due to physiology, sweat production has its own characteristics at different ages, so the causes of hyperhidrosis in children and adults differ.

Causes of sweaty hands in adults

Hyperhidrosis in adulthood is always a pathological protective reaction of the body to external factors. In a healthy person, the rate of sweat production is 500-900 ml per day, but in case of illness, the amount of fluid can reach several liters. There are the following reasons why palms sweat a lot:

  • Emotional distress or chronic stress. One of the most common reasons. Hyperhidrosis in this case is a psychosomatic problem; sweating is caused by hyperactivity of the nervous system.
  • Metabolic and endocrine system disorders. Sweating occurs due to a disorder of the hormonal system. May be accompanied by secondary symptoms - facial flushing or hyperthermia.
  • Diseases of the excretory system. The kidneys are the main organ of our body through which all fluid is filtered. If their work is disrupted, problems with sweating arise.
  • Physical exercise. During exercise, active breakdown of fats or lipids occurs. This chemical process causes the release of enormous amounts of heat. Sweat in this case is necessary to cool the skin, but if there is an excessive amount of it, we can talk about hyperhidrosis.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, a rapid restructuring of all organs and systems occurs. This leads to physical and chemical stress, which causes your hands or arms to sweat a lot.
  • Infectious diseases. The synthesis of most types of antibodies requires high temperatures. Therefore, during illness, hyperthermia is observed, and sweating is triggered in order to cool the body from overheating.

Only a doctor can confirm the disease, as well as find out the causes and extent of the pathology. Therefore, if you have chronic sweating, you should consult a specialist. In some cases, hyperhidrosis is caused by systemic genetic diseases, for example, palms often sweat in Reye's syndrome or cystic fibrosis.

Causes of sweating in children

In childhood, increased sweating on the hands and feet is usually associated with the natural process of development and growth of the body. As a rule, pathology occurs against the background of unformed work of the sympathetic nervous system and its hyperactivity. There are several reasons why hands sweat a lot:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia. A common diagnosis given to children, from infants to teenagers. Usually the disease occurs during the development of internal organs. When the disease occurs, there is always increased sweating on the palms and feet.
  • Deficiency of important elements. Sweating is often observed due to a lack of vitamin D and iodine in the body. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the skeletal system and endocrine glands; if they are deficient, side symptoms arise, for example, hyperhidrosis.
  • Thermoregulation. The body of newborn children cannot yet adapt to external temperature; the process of thermoregulation is formed during the first year of life. During this period, sweating of the hands and body often occurs when choosing too warm clothes or high temperature in the room.
  • Experiences. The nervous system of children is still far from perfect. Until the end of adolescence, they react acutely to any emotional situations and stress, against the background of which the sympathetic nervous system is excited, causing sweating.

Often, hyperhidrosis in children can be a temporary problem and go away on its own without any treatment. At the same time, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics to find out the reasons why your palms often and heavily sweat, since excessive sweating can be the cause of a serious systemic disease.


Today, many different effective methods have been developed to treat hyperhidrosis of the palms. These are traditional medicine methods, cosmetic procedures or classical drug treatment.

In severe cases of the disease, surgery may be prescribed. The choice of method should be made by a specialist based on the clinical picture in each individual case and the results of diagnostic studies.

If the pathology is caused by a systemic disease or disruption of the body’s systems, then treatment should not be aimed at eliminating external signs, but at combating the cause.

Using baths

This is an affordable and simple way to treat sweaty hands. The procedure can be carried out at home at a convenient time. The method is effective only for moderate and mild manifestations of the disease. Common compositions of baths against hand hyperhidrosis:

  • Potassium permanganate solution. Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate by diluting a small amount of potassium permanganate in warm water. Place your hands in the product for 5-7 minutes, then dry them thoroughly and apply antiperspirant.
  • Decoction of oak leaves. Pour warm water over dried oak leaves and let steep for an hour. After this, strain the broth and make a bath. To achieve a visible result, at least 10 procedures are required.
  • Salt bath. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of water and dip your palms in the liquid for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, you must wash your hands with soap.

Baths act as an additional treatment, since such cosmetic procedures are ineffective in combating severe sweating. It is important to observe regularity and technology.


You can treat sweaty hands using pharmaceutical products in the form of ointments, powders, tablets or creams. The drugs eliminate even the most severe hyperhidrosis, but for this it is important to choose the right composition. Effective medicines:

  • Hydronex. This is a drug for internal use in the form of a complex of spray and concentrate. The product consists of natural ingredients, so it is suitable even for children. Eliminates external manifestations and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Formidron. Solution with antiseptic effect. Destroys pathogenic bacteria that cause unpleasant odor, and also regulates the functions of the sweat glands. Available in the form of a drug for topical use.
  • Formagel. Effectively affects the secretion of sweat glands, reducing the amount of sweat produced. Suitable for external use only. After the procedure, it is recommended to additionally apply a moisturizer.
  • Teymurov's pasta. Recommended only for severe hand hyperhidrosis. The product is applied to problem areas over a course of 3-7 days. In addition to its effect on the sebaceous glands, the paste has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

To avoid allergies to the components of the composition, it is recommended to first apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the elbow and wait 15-20 minutes. If no side effects occur, the drug can be used to treat sweaty palms.

Surgical methods

Today, several effective methods have been developed to permanently get rid of sweaty palms. They can only be prescribed by a doctor depending on the symptoms of the disease. A few well-known procedures:

  • Injections. Botox-based drugs are usually used. A cycle of injections is administered into the problem area, sweating decreases 1-2 weeks after treatment. The method is especially effective against sweaty hands.
  • Iontophoresis. A hardware treatment method based on the positive effects of weak current. The procedure is completely painless for the patient, but results can only be achieved after completing the full course.
  • Operation. Prescribed only for severe hyperhidrosis. A drug is injected through a special tube that inhibits the innervation of the nerves supplying the sweat glands. As a result, the process of natural sweating is normalized. The effect of the intervention is temporary – it lasts up to 6 to 8 months.

With the help of surgical methods, you can both get rid of sweaty hands forever and normalize the endocrine system for a long time.


Treatment of sweaty hands involves not only the use of procedures or the use of medications, but also compliance with preventive measures. What to do if your palms often sweat:

  1. Use of antiperspirants. They are necessary to suppress the work of the sweat glands. It usually contains aluminum chloride, which provides temporary protection against sweat. Plus, antiperspirants help get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat.
  2. Wise choice of clothes. It is recommended to purchase clothes only from natural fabrics (cotton, linen, calico, wool and others). It allows the skin to breathe, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet and avoidance of junk food allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body and also provide the body with all the necessary elements.
  4. Regular cosmetic procedures. For prevention purposes, it is advisable to use herbal baths or products based on herbal ingredients at least 2-3 times a year.

If you follow prevention, you can maintain normal sweating for a long time without resorting to drastic methods of treatment. If hand sweating increases during public speaking or stress, it is recommended to consult a psychologist to work on this problem.

In addition, an experienced specialist will tell you techniques on how to reduce sweating of your hands caused by severe emotional stress.

Excessive sweating is a common disease that causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Chronic hyperhidrosis leads to a decrease in quality of life and constant social pressure. To cope with the problem, you should find out the causes, and then choose a comprehensive and effective treatment. There are several ways to cure sweaty hands.

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Constantly wet hands are an unpleasant phenomenon. It interferes with normal work and communication.

Sweaty palms can be a symptom of dangerous ailments, therefore, if you discover this problem, you should immediately consult a specialist.

In order for the human body not to overheat, toxins are eliminated, nature gave it the function of sweating. This function “turns on” under certain conditions: high air temperature, sports, excitement, etc. If sweat is produced heavily even under normal conditions, this is a manifestation of a pathology such as hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis can be general and local. In the first case, sweat is produced in excess over the entire body, in the second - only on some part of it, for example, on the palms or armpits. In addition to excessive sweating, symptoms of hyperhidrosis may include:

  1. Irritability.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Sleep disturbance.
  4. Prostration.

How to treat hyperhidrosis?

Various types of medications are used to treat this disease.. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe ointment, powder, granules, or other means.

To eliminate the mild form of this disease doctor prescribes sedatives. Valerian, motherwort, “Persen” calm and relieve tension.

If these remedies do not work, psychotropic medications are prescribed. The duration of taking tranquilizers is short, as they can be addictive. The drugs help fight stress and negative emotions.

For the treatment of hyperhidrosis, vitamins A, E, B6 and others are prescribed.

Ointments are used to eliminate unpleasant odor and reduce sweating. They can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Ointments should not be applied to wet or contaminated skin.

Folk remedies in the fight against hyperhidrosis

To cope with sweating, problem areas are wiped a decoction of willow or oak bark, alder cones, infusion of mint, St. John's wort.

To eliminate facial hyperhidrosis, wipe the skin with lavender or lemon lotion. Resorcinol alcohol will also solve the problem well. These products should be applied in the morning after washing, and they will do their job perfectly throughout the day.

You can combat armpit sweating with boric acid lotion.. To make it, you need to mix vinegar, four percent boric acid and eau de toilette to add aroma. Rub in the liquid, and then treat the skin of the armpits with powder mixed with orthoboric acid.

Will help in the fight against heavy sweating medicinal baths with the addition of a decoction of pine needles and oak bark. You need to take a bath for at least a quarter of an hour.

If your feet sweat a lot, talc or powder will help. You need to sprinkle one of these products on your clean feet every day.

Use a contrast shower or foot bath for a decade. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

St. John's wort, chamomile and plantain will help cope with sweating feet. Take hot foot baths with the addition of decoctions of these herbs.

Foot baths with potassium permanganate will help eliminate sweating. To prepare a bath, add potassium permanganate to water at a comfortable temperature so that it acquires a pinkish tint.

After bathing and rubbing, the skin may become dry. To avoid this, lubricate it with moisturizer.

Why do my hands sweat?

Excessive Sweaty palms may be warning you that your body is fighting an illness. Excess moisture on the hands can be caused by:

  1. Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  2. Stress and emotional overstrain.
  3. Excessive activity of the sweat glands.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Poor nutrition.
  6. Oncology.
  7. Poisoning.
  8. Infection.

A specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon. Only by influencing the cause of the disease, and not its symptom, can this trouble be eliminated.

How to treat?

Do not ignore alternative medicine - it can help cope with sweating no worse than medications. Before using traditional medicine, you need to check the substance for allergies.

Hand baths with soda will help get rid of mild sweating. You need to dissolve 3 tablespoons of soda in water at a comfortable temperature. Keep your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Such baths should be done daily for a week.

If you mix baking soda with lemon juice, you get a remedy for severe sweating. Apply the mixture to clean palms and hold for 4-6 minutes. The product can be used for a decade.

The cheapest black tea is great for heavy sweating. Brew strong tea, wait for it to cool, and dip your brushes in it. You need to hold your hands like this for at least half an hour, repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

Sage infusion will help eliminate sweating. Mix it with water and soak your hands in the bath for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your hands with cream. Such baths should be taken once a day for a decade.

Laundry soap– a good remedy for unpleasant symptoms. Soak the grated product in water to obtain liquid soap, add starch. Apply the product to clean, steamed brushes for a third of an hour. After this, your hands should be thoroughly washed and moisturized with cream.

If you have been treated with folk remedies for more than a month, and sweating does not go away, you should visit a doctor.

Hand exercises for excessive sweating

Performing these simple exercises daily will help reduce sweating:

  1. Rotate your hands with bent elbows. While performing rotations, open and close your fists.
  2. With your arms bent at chest level, clasp your fingers, stretching them left and right.
  3. Rub your palms together until heat is released. Then rub the back of your palm.

Thanks to these exercises, your hands will become graceful and beautiful, and the unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Anti-stress measures

The main reason for increased sweating is stress. You can cope with stress yourself using the following activities:

  1. A bath with foam and aromatic essential oils will help relieve tension.
  2. Drawing, burning, sculpting and other types of creativity will help you calm down.
  3. The sounds of nature will relieve fatigue.
  4. Chocolates, sweets, marmalade promote the production of endorphins.
  5. A massage session will help you relax.
  6. Exercising will make you happier.
  7. When stressed, it is useful to swim in a river or lake.
  8. Communication with pets relieves fatigue well.

Stop smoking and alcohol. Treat yourself. Go to the cinema or theater, meet friends, go on a trip.

What else should you do to prevent your palms from sweating?

If you follow these simple rules, you will sweat much less:

  • Visit the bathhouse more often.
  • Don't eat very hot food.
  • Watch your weight.
  • Be less nervous.
  • Use deodorants.
  • Wash yourself often.
  • Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

Provide comfortable conditions for your children. To prevent hyperhidrosis, follow these measures:

  • Humidify the air more often, do not allow the air temperature to be above 24 degrees.
  • Do not cover your baby with a thick blanket when he sleeps.
  • Buy breathable shoes and underwear.
  • Do not feed your child salty or spicy foods.
  • Walk outside more.
  • Make sure your child stays clean.
  • Use talcs and ointments with caution. Test substances for allergies before use.

Sweating seems like a completely harmless nuisance. But if hyperhidrosis is not treated immediately, after some time the disease can develop into a serious problem. Timely treatment is very important for the health of both adults and children.

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To deal with the problem as effectively as possible, it is important to know the answer to this question.

Sweaty palms are a special case. Some people are lucky: their sweat glands are naturally lazy and reluctant to work. And for some, the same glands have innate workaholic tendencies: they react with shock doses of sweat to mere trifles. For example, to the slightest increase in body temperature or the slightest surge of adrenaline. I got a little nervous and my palms became cold and sticky. Sound familiar?

The good news is that it's not a disease.

Doctors attribute hyperhidrosis of the hands (as well as other parts of the body) not to a disease, but to the individual characteristics of a person.

This means that it is almost impossible to cure hyperhidrosis. Just as it is impossible to cure an excessively long nose, protruding ears or, say, the wrong eye color. The problem can either be removed surgically or camouflaged.

The only exception is if your hyperhidrosis is not congenital (this type is called primary), but acquired (secondary). That is, for example, you have lived your whole life with dry palms, and at some point you began to notice that they unusually quickly become covered with moisture. In this case, we are talking about some changes in the body that provoked. If they are identified and corrected, the problem of wet palms will disappear by itself.

What to do if your hands sweat

First, let's go through the quick and easy methods.

1. Cool down

Overheating is a key cause of increased sweating. Therefore, make sure that your palms do not suffer from the heat. Monitor the room temperature and get into the habit of rinsing your hands in cold water as often as possible.

2. Drink more fluids

It sounds strange at first glance, but it works. The amount of moisture in the body is an important element of protection against overheating.

3. Change your skin care products

Oily, nourishing hand creams create a film around the skin that impairs ventilation. As a result, your palms overheat faster and sweat more. If you cannot do without creams, give preference to light moisturizers.

3. Take a course of iontophoresis

Your hands will be immersed in a bath of warm water, through which a weak electric current will be passed. It doesn't hurt at all, but it is effective. 2-4 sessions are enough to significantly reduce sweating in the treated areas.

4. Do a sympathectomy

This is what the surgery is called. Hyperhydrosis, during which your doctor will remove part of the nerves that control sweat in your palms. The operation takes about half an hour and is performed under general anesthesia. This is the most radical and effective way to forget about wet palms forever.
