Zeland quotes. My Zeland: The Best Quotes from Reality Transurfing. Quotes by Vadim Zeland

The teaching on reality transerfing published by Vadim Zeland currently includes 17 books. Supporting the idea of ​​a multi-variant world in which events take place in an infinite number of spaces simultaneously, the author describes the teaching as a technique for moving from one “branches” of reality to another due to the concentration of the energy of a person’s thoughts, consciously directed towards the implementation of one or another variant of the development of events.

The meaning of the teaching is that a person, having established conscious control over his intentions and his attitude to the world, can freely choose the option of developing reality as he wishes. More precisely, each person in any case chooses his own reality, based on his worldview, and it is thus to a decisive extent his (mediated) reflection; however, with most people, this happens involuntarily.

Key phrase - Reality exists independently of you. As long as you agree with it.

Here are 10 quotes that give a general idea of ​​the teaching:

1. Learn to enjoy bad weather, queues, traffic jams, problems, any negativity. Such a kind of masochism will gradually clear the sky over your world. You should only think about what benefit this or that unfortunate circumstance will turn out for you. And so it will be - see for yourself repeatedly.

2. When you stop just wanting and intend to have, then you will get it.

3. The most difficult thing is to be able to wait, while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to pass the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

4. By showing dissatisfaction with something or scolding anyone - the government, civil servants, football players, the weather, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, not to mention children - you broadcast an unsightly image into the mirror of the world and get the corresponding reality in reflection.

5. Allowing yourself to be yourself means accepting yourself with all your imperfections. To allow another to be different is to remove from him the projection of his expectations. As a result, the situation when one wants what the other does not accept will, in an incomprehensible way, resolve itself.

6. In your reality, you have that movie that is spinning in your "projector". What you draw is what you will see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: what they see is what they draw. Do you understand the difference?

7. A miracle will happen only if you break the usual stereotype and think not about the means to achieve, but about the goal itself.

8. If it sometimes seems to you that you are “not from this world”, or “something is wrong with this world”, then you have almost or completely woken up - wonderful.

9. If you stubbornly and adamantly spin Your movie in your thoughts and walk towards the Goal, sooner or later reality will come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - such is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it depends on you. The question is who owns the Initiative.

10. What you should definitely not do is give up on your life. You must not think that she failed. You shouldn't think like that at any age. Everything in this life is not in vain. And everything is just beginning - at any time, under any conditions and circumstances.

The most difficult thing is to be able to wait, while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to pass the test of a pause during which nothing happens

The Key to Self-Dignity Is No Guilt

1. If you throw off the web of prejudice and limitations, sincerely believe that you are worthy of your dreams, and allow yourself to have what you want, you will get it.Allowing yourself to have is the main condition for the fulfillment of desire!

2. The feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, confidence without hesitation is the state of unity of soul and mind.

3. Fantasy, as such, does not exist. Any fiction is already a reality.

4. True success grows from the ruins of your failures.

5. The hardest thing is to know how to wait while maintaining the calmness of the master of the situation. It is necessary to pass the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

6. If you don't control reality, it starts to control you.

7. The highersignificancegoal, the less likely it is to be achieved.

8. Greet money with love and attention, and part with carefree.

9. Your thoughts always come back to you like a boomerang.

10. Do not ask and do not demand, but come and take.

11. You have everything you need. You just have to use it. You are capable of everything, only no one has told you about it yet.

12. The secret of the fulfillment of a desire is that one must give up the desire, and instead take the intention, that is, the determination to have and act.

13. It is much more important to learn how to wake up in real life than in a dream.

14. Let yourself be yourself... Let others be different...

15. The worse a person thinks about the world around him, the worse this world becomes for him. The more he gets upset about failures, the more willingly new ones come.

16. If you have failed - rejoice: you are on the path to success.

17. Words spoken out loud are just a shaking of the air, words to yourself are nothing at all, and faith is a powerful energy, although it is not heard.

18. No one has the right to condemn what is not created by him.

19. Throwing out of life means not avoiding, but ignoring. To avoid means to allow into your life, but actively try to get rid of it.To ignore means not to react in any way, and therefore not to have.

20. A positive attitude always leads to success and creativity. Negativism, on the contrary, is always destructive, aimed at destruction.

21. People are often willing to scold others for things they don't like about themselves.

22. I do not want and do not hope - I intend.

23. Don't think about what you couldn't achieve - think about what you want to achieve and you will get it.

24. Is it better to habitually react, like an oyster, to external stimuli, or to make a small effort and change your habits?

25. By breaking stereotypes, you open locked doors.

26. It is better to love yourself sincerely than to love others insincerely.

27. The only freedom we have is the freedom to choose.

28. How is a goal different from a dream? In the same way that an intention differs from a desire. If you have an intention, the dream becomes a goal.

29. "Status quo" does not exist -there is either development or degradation.

30. Reality is an illusion that we create ourselves.

31. If you have accepted the rules of the game, you can safely be taken by the handle and led into an intricate maze.

32. In general, any laws do not explain anything, but only state the facts.

35. The wolf, like any predator, feels neither hatred nor contempt for its prey. (Try yourself to experience hatred and contempt for the cutlet.)

36 . The stronger your desire to avoid something, the more likely you are to get it.

37. Following in the footsteps of others, a person is forever doomed to catch up with the setting sun.

38. Look for the good in the worst situations.

39. The maniacal tendency of the mind to keep everything under its control turns life into a continuous struggle with the flow.

40. The key to self-worth is the absence of guilt. True personal strength lies not in the ability to take someone by the throat, but in how much a person can afford to be free from guilt.published

an extremely mysterious personality of our time. BookReality Transurfing, of which he is the author, turned the minds of many people. Let's learn more about the principles that can completely change lives. Little is known about Zeland's biography; he is a mystery man. He is believed to be in his 40s. And the name is a pseudonym. Perhaps a native of the Baltic States or a Russian. Prior to writing books, he worked in the field of quantum physics. The press has almost no personal photos of him, only pictures with subtle features in dark glasses. Zeland is not a public person, he does not cover his person. Reality transurfing belongs to the field of esotericism. This is knowledge that many people intuitively felt. They are like teachings from the mystical world. The author says that he received them in a dream and stated in his literary works.

The soul, unlike the mind, does not think or reason - it feels and knows, therefore it does not make mistakes.

When you start living for yourself, doing what you like, everything else in the world pulls up to match. Everything is very simple: if the soul and mind are in harmony, the rest will be adjusted automatically.

There is one great way to turn a person against you - let him know how good you are compared to him.

In your reality, you have that movie that is spinning in your “projector”. What you draw is what you will see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: what they see is what they draw. Do you understand the difference?

A miracle will happen only if you break the usual stereotype and think not about the means to achieve, but about the goal itself.

If it sometimes seems to you that you are “not of this world”, or “something is wrong with this world”, then you have almost or completely woken up - wonderful.

If you stubbornly and inexorably turn Your movie in your thoughts and walk towards the Goal, sooner or later reality will come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - such is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it depends on you. The question is who owns the Initiative.

Before any test, tell yourself: if it works out, it's good, if it doesn't work out, it's even better. After all, you know that your world cares about you, and if something failed, it means that you avoided other unknown problems. With this light mood, calmly go on a date with the fate that you create yourself.

A person, as a rule, is completely absorbed in thoughts about what he wants to achieve from others, but does not try to determine what they want. By turning your attention to the desires and motives of others, you can easily get what you want yourself.

I suggest you memorize well a simple and reliable algorithm for determining the spiritual “no”: if you have to convince yourself and persuade yourself to say “yes”, then the soul says “no”. Remember, when your soul says yes, you don't need to persuade yourself.

When you really want something and at the same time you are afraid of losing it, lust arises. It creates an excess potential, which greatly distorts the surrounding energy field, which entails the resistance of the balancing forces that prevent the achievement of the goal.

Constantly changing course, you do not get closer to the goal. The whole secret is persistence. If you constantly maintain the setting on the goal, the reflection in the mirror of the world will eventually come into line with this setting.

The goal is a sail filled with wind. This is a tower that can be seen from anywhere in the city. It is enough to constantly keep it in sight and the road will be found by itself.

Do not brag about what you have not yet achieved and what you can lose.

Managing reality is both a goal, an ability, and a right. If you take this right for yourself, then you will realize the will of God and live a full life.

Everyone has and should have their own idea, and everyone is able to create their own miracle if they want ...

Each person creates a layer of his world. These layers intersect and overlap each other, so negativity can break through into your world layer from other layers. You shouldn't worry about this. Give yourself an attitude that the world cares about your well-being and look for confirmation of this in every little thing. When the negativity disappears, do not look for an explanation for this, just act with unchanging constancy.

By showing dissatisfaction with something or scolding someone, you broadcast an unsightly image into the mirror of the world and receive the corresponding reality in reflection.

The only sign that you should pay special attention to is the state of mental comfort during decision-making.

People are often willing to scold others for things they don't like about themselves.

Allowing yourself to have is the main condition for the fulfillment of desire.

Accept yourself for who you are. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. Do not exalt or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Strive for inner peace. Dissatisfaction with the world begins with one's own dissatisfaction. A great deal of what comes from without originates from within, although it seems the other way around.

For many people from God.

And his mission on earth with the help of books "Reality Transurfing”

help people open your eyes to the world and its laws.

- the idol of millions of people around the world. Reality Transurfing changes lives. The author is unconditionally trusted, he is a teacher and mentor for his followers. He can awaken the desire for spiritual growth, his works are like magic. Or is it not magic, is it Quantum Physics? Where thoughts go, energy goes. Therefore, everything works and the whole universe helps in the fulfillment of desires, and people are rewarded according to their intentions. Try to track thoughts and feelings for at least a month. See what they do with your life. Desires can be realized within one week, month or year, the main thing is to follow the basic rules: have a clear intention and not increase the importance.

Quotes by Vadim Zeland,

"Reality Transurfing"

There are no accidents.

Your thoughts always come back to you like a boomerang.

The worse a person thinks about the world around him, the worse this world becomes for him. The more he gets upset about failures, the more willingly new ones come.

From a purely practical point of view, expressing dissatisfaction is very unprofitable. You move on the lines of life, corresponding to the parameters of the energy of your thoughts.

A person receives what he actively does not accept, because it radiates mental energy at the frequency of its hostility, and in addition, it also creates excess potential. Life often brings together people who are completely different, who, it would seem, do not suit each other at all. So, balancing forces, pushing people with opposite potentials, tend to extinguish them (excessive potentials).

If you are hostile to the world, it will respond the same to you. If you constantly express your dissatisfaction, there will be more and more reasons for this.

If negativity prevails in your attitude to reality, then the world will turn its worst side towards you. On the contrary, a positive attitude will most naturally change your life for the better. A person gets what he chooses. This is the reality, whether you like it or not.

from the books "Reality Transurfing"

Rejoice in what you have.

Visualize what you want.

People are often willing to scold others for things they don't like about themselves.

Let yourself be yourself... Let others be different...

Accept yourself for who you are. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. Do not exalt or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Strive for inner peace.

Everything that is done is for the best. Look for the good in the worst situations.

The stronger your desire to avoid something, the more likely you are to get it. To actively fight what you don't want is to make every effort to have it in your life. When you resist, dislike, or express dislike, you are actively radiating energy at the frequency of what you want to avoid (thus making it stronger).

If your desire for something has become dependent on it, you need to reduce the significance (importance) of the goal.

Breaking stereotypes, you open locked doors.

Don't judge others and don't label. We are guests in this world.

Any importance, both internal and external, is contrived. We all mean absolutely nothing in this world.

Every problem has a simple solution. Do not go in cycles in its search and it will come by itself.

Words spoken out loud are just a shaking of the air, words to oneself are nothing at all, and faith is a powerful energy, although it is not heard.

If you have failed - rejoice: you are on the path to success.

True success grows from the ruins of your failures.

The most difficult thing is to be able to wait, while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to pass the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

You can resent and scold only what directly interferes with you, and only if your criticism can change something for the better. Never criticize what has already happened and cannot be changed.

Solomon wore a ring on his hand with a signet turned inward, so that no one could see what was there. When Solomon faced adversity or an intractable problem, he turned the ring and looked at the signet. There was an inscription: "This too shall pass."

Vadim Zeland, quotes from the books "Reality Transurfing"

Original entry and comments on

1. A miracle will happen only if you break the usual stereotype and think not about the means to achieve, but about the goal itself.

2. If you stubbornly and adamantly spin your movie in your thoughts and walk towards the goal, sooner or later reality will come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go - such is its property. Not only do you depend on reality, but it depends on you. The question is who owns the initiative.

3. In your reality, you have that movie that is spinning in your “projector”. What you draw is what you will see. The only problem is that people do the opposite: what they see, they draw. Do you understand the difference?

4. What should not be done unambiguously is to be disappointed in your life. You shouldn't think she failed. You shouldn't think like that at any age. Everything in this life is not in vain. And everything is just beginning - at any time, under any conditions and circumstances.

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5. The most difficult thing is to be able to wait, while maintaining the calmness of the owner of the situation. It is necessary to pass the test of a pause during which nothing happens.

6. Allowing yourself to be yourself means accepting yourself with all your imperfections. To allow another to be different is to remove from him the projection of his expectations. As a result, the situation when one wants what the other does not accept will, in an incomprehensible way, resolve itself.

7. Learn to enjoy bad weather, queues, traffic jams, problems, any negativity. Such a kind of masochism will gradually clear the sky over your world. You should think only about what benefit this or that unfortunate circumstance will turn out for you. And so it will be - you will be convinced of that repeatedly.

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