Girls like big sizes. Average male size: the norm, women's opinion. Skinny vs curvy: what the statistics say

Do women like it? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, because there are no comrades according to taste and color. Ladies' preferences directly depend on the length and width of the vagina. With small parameters of the vagina, a woman may feel pain during intercourse if the penis is massive.

In contact with

Or, on the contrary, the sensations are not so vivid if the sexual organ is smaller than the vagina. Guys with small genitals have complexes, and those with large ones consider themselves sex masters, but is that true? Does penis size matter for women? It is worth taking a closer look at these issues.

Classification of members by size

Penises are different. There is the following classification:

  1. Micropenises. These are those organs that, even in an excited state, do not exceed 8 (cm). this pathological condition indicates that a man suffers from a lack of testosterone. Disturbances in the endocrine system also have this effect on the male genitalia. There have been cases when a man's erect penis was no longer than 2.5 (cm).
  2. . This subcategory includes guys who have an organ measuring 8-12 (cm) in an erect state.
  3. Average members. Their length is 12-18 (cm). Most male people on Earth have such a phallus.
  4. Big phalluses. This is 180-240 mm. Georgians, blacks and Scandinavians have such parameters.
  5. Giant genitals. There are few people in this category. The 25-centimeter giant, and perhaps even more, does not particularly please his owner. The organ interferes with movement, work, and it is also very difficult to find a partner who would be comfortable with such a person.

What penis size do women prefer and what length do they like?

If we talk about the length of a penis that women like, then you need to look at it from both sides. If we take into account opinion polls, many ladies say that a 200 mm penis is just right, but such a unit is not interesting for daily contacts, but most likely disposable X.

Large penises are great for stimulating the clitoral and other areas, but deep penetration causes pain, and who wants to feel discomfort every day.

It’s completely different if casual sexual intercourse rewarded the girl with a good penis. Now it’s clear why there is no definite answer to the question of which one women like best.

The dimensions of the penis for the fairer sex are not as important as the ability to use it. Even a small organ can satisfy.

Visually, of course girls love bigger phalluses. Always on the beach, a strong floor with protruding hills attracts attention.

African-American women have the largest vaginal parameters - 160-200 mm. European women have average values ​​of 150-180 mm. The Mongoloid race has the smallest parameters - 100-130 mm.

So how long does a woman need a penis? The one with which she will feel comfortable, comfortable and pleasant - approximately 14-16 cm! The diameter of the organ is also important. Many girls attach much more importance to this than to length, but everything is purely individual.

Also, you should know and take into account that The vagina can adjust to a certain size. If you regularly make love with one partner, for example, with a penis of 18 cm, and then suddenly find yourself a new man with a 14-centimeter organ, then there will be no orgasm right away.

It takes time for restructuring to take place.
Women's opinions about penis size vary based on race and age. Young girls feel that a big phallus will make them happy, but, alas, this does not always happen.

More experienced ladies have already learned and choose what is optimal for them, and this is no more than 16 cm.

What penis size do large women like?? They like big phalluses. Due to the height and design of the body, internal parameters are also larger than the statistical average. and are not always able to satisfy such young ladies.

What penis size do women who have given birth like?? There is a possibility that the small organ will not provide adequate stimulation. Due to the large stretching of the vagina during childbirth, the lady could lose sensitivity or the vagina could be stretched, which did not recover. As a result, large penises impress such representatives of the fairer sex more. But it’s not a fact, because there are certain poses that help stimulate all the erogenous zones of the partner and she will receive unforgettable pleasure.

In most cases, the dimensions of the vagina after childbirth, within a few weeks, return to their original state and the man does not notice the difference.

Why girls don't like big penises, but are happy with smaller ones

The length of the male genitalia is important for ladies, since its sensations depend on it. Many people like small guns. This is due to the structure of the lady’s body, as mentioned above.

A big phallus is not for everyone. What penis size can a woman accept? Any! The main thing is to have orgasms.

It is very difficult to determine exactly what size phallus a girl needs, sometimes even she herself is unable to understand it.

Ways to give pleasure with a small penis

If a man has a small organ, this does not mean that his partner will not enjoy it. In order for her to achieve orgasm, you need to:

  1. Pay attention to foreplay. The more excited a woman is before sexual intercourse, the greater the chances of bringing her to orgasm. To do this, you can use a variety of techniques. Kiss, stroke, caress the girl in the most erogenous places (chest, stomach, lips, neck, ears, genitals).
  2. Stimulate the clitoris. This area can be caressed with your hands or tongue. It is important to please your partner.
  3. AND use suitable postures. “Doggy” works well, or everyone knows it as the knee-elbow one. The “Frog” pose will also work well. The woman should lie on her stomach and spread her legs slightly. Also good penetration and simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris will be in the “Slingshot” position. Legs spread and rise, back on the bed. You can put your legs on your shoulders, this will make the task somewhat easier.

What is the normal penis size for a woman? Sexologists work on this issue constantly. If you believe a survey conducted among patients, the optimal penis size for women is larger than average.

This is due to the fact that men with 17 cm or more are liberated, and, of course, such an organ better stimulates all erogenous zones.

The male sex, who is less than 13 cm, already has a complex about this, considering themselves not what they should be. Insecure young men cannot open up to a lady and give her what she wants. But she wants a little... affection, a variety of poses and confidence, and everyone can do this.

Sex therapists believe that a man with even the smallest penis can bring a woman to orgasm.

Do penis parameters matter for women? Perhaps at the first stage, but if the guy knows the loopholes with the help of which his partner will get an unforgettable experience, then the length is not so important. Only for young girls the size of the penis matters.

Even a 12-centimeter phallus is considered normal and a partner will not mind having sex with a man who has such a phallus, provided he knows how to use it. Many representatives of the fairer sex agree with the reasoning of sex therapists about male genitalia. There is no need to get hung up, self-confidence is of great importance.
For more information, watch the video:


The most suitable organ is the one with which the lady is comfortable, comfortable and, most importantly, that she enjoys it. It doesn’t matter whether the sexual organ is small or large, the main thing is not to forget about foreplay, clitoral stimulation and the right choice of positions.

At least that's the popular belief. The more, the better - in what kinds of things is this statement true? And does size really matter that much?

Girls are crazy about big cars - they look so fragile compared to them! In addition, a huge car is much safer than a tiny women's runabout.

Well, there are unlikely to be anyone who disagrees here. Deep down, even ardent opponents of large breasts (they probably don’t have them) still would not refuse to wear underwear a size larger.

To live in a metropolis on some high floor with a gorgeous view of skyscrapers - girls, why do you want this so much?

Well, if this is not a penthouse, then at least there should be a large mansion. At best - some kind of palace or castle. Who doesn't want to be a princess?

The love for large sizes has transferred from modern young ladies to gadgets. Instead of a standard TV, there is a huge plasma that covers the entire wall or even your own cinema.

Instead of a mobile phone - a huge smartphone tablet, for example, Highscreen Alpha GTX with a diagonal of 5.7 inches. These sizes, and with a large number of cores (they are in the processor Highscreen four) and connectors for SIM cards (and there are two of them) will please you doubly. The only thing that might be small about such a smartphone is the price (11,990 rubles).

One rose is good, a million is much better. Modern men have firmly grasped this rule, so they no longer give girls even bouquets, but entire fields of flowers.

Men, however, also often choose larger sizes. Especially when it comes to the number of photos with seductive beauties.
