Domestic crocodile. Raising a crocodile as a pet How old should a crocodile owner be?

Keeping a crocodile at home is an extreme activity. As a rule, small species of smooth-faced caiman, broad-faced and crocodile caimans live at home. A large aquarium is suitable as a place for keeping young crocodiles up to one year old. A terrarium for older animals is a spacious room with a dry area and a swimming pool. It is advisable to create a shelter for young people, as the animals are quite shy. An indicator of how well an animal is maintained is usually its reproduction. Be sure to maintain a constant temperature of air and water at 28-32 degrees Celsius.
Crocodiles are partial to the size of their home. For normal well-being, they need fairly large enclosures, with a water/land ratio of three to one, with enough space for swimming, a difference in depth, intensive water filtration, and local heating on land, like most reptiles. If breeding is in the future, then a special place for the nest is needed. Since crocodiles are residents of warm regions, the optimal temperatures for them are in the range of 25-30 degrees, and the water is not lower than 24. An important factor is ultraviolet radiation, which crocodiles receive quite a lot in nature. All reptiles need it for normal absorption of minerals. This factor is provided by special lamps.

There are a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will help make the life of a reptile, and yours too, more or less worthy. Let's name 10 rules for keeping crocodiles.
1. Before buying a crocodile, think about whether you really need it.
2. If the issue is resolved, then keep in mind that the smallest species of crocodiles (Osteolaemus tetraspis, Caiman crocodilus, C. latirostris, Paleosuchus palpebrosus and P. trigonatus) reach a length of more than one and a half meters in about five years from hatching. This is their adult size. All sellers' tales that their crocodiles are dwarf, or that there are methods to curb the growth of crocodiles, are explained only by the need to sell goods.
3. Make sure your future pet is healthy and feeding on its own. To do this, it is better to seek advice from specialists. Otherwise, you risk losing the animal within a few months, and the cost of treatment may exceed the purchase price. When choosing, remember that a healthy crocodile swims and dives easily and spends most of its time in the water; there should be no plaque, crusts, redness or pigment spots on its integument, in the mouth and around the anus. A healthy crocodile tries to bite, and makes threatening sounds (hissing, grumbling, quacks) when trying to pick it up.
4. Remember that when purchasing a crocodile, most likely you are not committing an entirely legal action. Otherwise, the trader must have documents permitting the import and sale of these animals: a veterinary certificate from the sending country for the export of the animal; wind permit from the recipient country (Russia) to import the animal; International Convention on Trade in Wild Species (CITES) certificate from the sending country; finally a license to sell animals.
5. Prepare a place to keep the crocodile in advance. Like semi-aquatic reptiles, it needs an aquaterrarium with a pond that allows the animal to freely stretch out and turn around when swimming. Thus, for an adult crocodile caiman, you need an aquaterrarium with a total volume of about a thousand liters, in which the temperature should be maintained at 25-35 degrees, water from 22 to 25, and preferably lighting containing soft ultraviolet in the spectrum with a wavelength of 290-320 (ultraviolet radiation of the zone - IN).
6. The crocodile should eat complete, natural food - whole fish, frogs, mice, rats, chickens, as well as large insects (locusts, large species of cockroaches) and mollusks (Achatina, Ampularia) for young animals. The menu should be varied! Raw meat, chicken, and fish fillets cannot be complete food. Clean water is an important condition for keeping aquatic animals; therefore, it is necessary to provide an active water filtration system and its regular replacement.
7. There are no tame crocodiles! Despite the intelligence of these animals, your connection with them will be rather one-sided. Even the most tame crocodile is potentially dangerous, and unlike, for example, a dog, it can bite completely unexpectedly, without warning (at least in a way that is noticeable to an inexperienced person). This complicates manipulations with the animal and the terrarium, especially if the size of the latter does not allow the crocodile to move away from you to a safe distance. And it is sometimes more difficult to catch an animal in a cramped terrarium than in a spacious one.
8. Confirm to yourself once and for all that a crocodile in the house can only be in a terrarium. Walking around the apartment and bathing in the bathtub are harmful, first of all, to the animal itself; in addition, it is unsafe for owners and pets. Any speculation that he is striving for freedom from a cramped cell must be discarded. An animal removed from nature said goodbye to its freedom once and for all, while suffering severe maladaptive stress. The only way to create acceptable conditions for him is to simulate their basic parameters in a confined space, and disturb the animal as little as possible.
9. The best pets for children and their parents are: aquarium fish, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, cats and dogs.
10. Crocodile activity increases significantly at night. At this time, they move a lot, including on land, dig soil, can climb various obstacles, adults often growl quite loudly. This fact may cause you some inconvenience.
Young crocodiles are fed every other day, and adults - 1-2 times a week. The amount of food offered to crocodiles per week should be 10 for young animals, and 5% of their weight for adults. The food of crocodiles consists of the following products: fish, frogs, mice, chickens, guinea pigs and meat. Young animals, in addition, willingly eat insects and some representatives of marine fauna.

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11/02/2017, 18:00

Do alligators, caimans and crocodiles make good pets?

The answer is clear - no. Let's be very clear: crocodiles are absolutely not suitable as pets for anyone who has never owned a reptile. We do not recommend having them even for those for whom this is just a pleasant hobby. If you've never kept a snake or lizard before, follow our advice: don't think about getting a crocodile, look instead towards geckos, skinks, agamas or small non-venomous snakes. They will help you learn how to handle reptiles and these will be much cheaper and safer lessons than buying a crocodile. Only very experienced people who have all the necessary resources to care for large, dangerous and expensive reptiles should consider purchasing a crocodile.

Watching small young crocodiles, you may get the impression that they are easy to care for, and an enterprising seller can even persuade people to buy. Don't be fooled. As they grow, crocodiles quickly gain strength and bad habits. After just a year, most people can no longer cope with their pet, and very often give them away or even just let them go outside. Without a doubt, large crocodiles are very dangerous animals. They have an unfriendly disposition, and many underestimate their speed and strength, which can be fraught with very serious consequences. Caring for crocodiles requires experience and skill, and in the case of large specimens, a whole team of several people is required. Even a small caiman can send its owner to the hospital and leave scars for life.

Do you still want to get a crocodile?

Perhaps you think it can be tamed? This is wrong. Many believe that an aggressive reptile can be turned into a lap dog through training, but soon an epiphany sets in. Although some species of crocodiles are more tolerant than others, taming them takes many years, and eventually owners come to the realization that it is in their own best interest to touch the crocodile as little as possible.

By now there should be no doubt in your mind that crocodiles are not suitable pets for most people. However, with the right experience, the right equipment, enough space and money, strong determination and the right attitude, a crocodile can become a pet - as long as you know what to expect.

How old should the owner of a crocodile be?

One thing is absolutely certain: crocodiles are not for children. Teenagers often get excited about the idea of ​​purchasing a crocodile. However, given the fact that crocodiles make very unimportant pets, and their maintenance requires physical strength, experience in handling large reptiles and substantial financial investments, we can conclude that only adults, self-confident people can have crocodiles.

What crocodiles can be kept in captivity?

For many years it has been the most popular representative of this species among pets. Gradually thanks to its small size. The same can be said about the African snub-nosed crocodile, however, due to its irritable temperament, it is suitable only for very experienced owners.
Without a doubt, the biggest problem is setting up a crocodile habitat, which is why so many people prefer small reptiles.

Is it possible to tame a crocodile or caiman?

Theoretically possible. However, this is extremely difficult, and most reptiles are, at best, simply in a peaceful state. Many have tried to tame crocodiles, but the success of these attempts has been very limited. These crocodiles were trained for a long time and tamed every day, and despite this, they were still capable of serious bites, since their reflex to catch live food is almost impossible to defeat. The temperament of crocodiles is individual, some species are calmer than others, but, nevertheless, even in a bad mood they can attack the owner. It is a huge mistake to buy a crocodile thinking that you will be able to tame it. The only result of this endeavor will be inevitable disappointment and bite marks.
Rule number one: When dealing with a crocodile, always be on guard and never trust the animal. Know what he can do and give credit to his speed and teeth.

Are crocodiles trainable?

Yes, it is quite. They won't bring you slippers, but over time they begin to recognize people and respond to them in certain ways. They remember events preceding feeding or cleaning the room. However, you must remember that if you are not careful, their memory may turn against you. For example, if you feed your crocodile at the same time every day, it will expect food then. If you accidentally re-enact pre-feeding events before cleaning the area, the reptile may be expecting food - and a bite from a lively one is a very likely outcome.
In the wild, crocodiles are capable of social behavior and even cooperation. The reptile looking at you from behind the glass is smarter than you think.

What kind of exotic pets can you find among our contemporaries! Rats, chinchillas and degus can already be considered classics along with cats and canaries - give the current owners something more original to surprise both friends and neighbors... what do you say, for example, about a pet crocodile?

Let's face it, the vast majority of idyllic stories about domestic crocodiles do not inspire confidence (and if something like this happens, it usually ends sadly). On the one hand, a crocodile is a predator, and a relatively large one, which makes it quite dangerous. Of course, a dog is also a predator, and there are large dogs, but for thousands of years this animal has been selected for reduced aggressiveness and friendliness, and most importantly, dogs have a relatively developed nervous system, which allows them to form very complex reflexes (i.e., train). The more primitive nervous system of reptiles, to which crocodiles belong, is not suitable for training. Thus, if you set out to tame a crocodile, it is better to immediately throw this idea out of your head: either you or someone else will get hurt and you will have to deal with the law.

However, one case is reliably known when a person managed to tame this predator. This happened in Costa Rica. It all started when a shepherd shot a young crocodile on the shore and left the animal to die from its wounds. A local fisherman named Gilberto Sheldon, who found a crocodile wounded in the head, took it as a great success: crocodile skin is a valuable thing, it can be sold at a high price, and the fisherman was by no means a rich man - the money that could be obtained for it was clearly not superfluous would... So Gilberto dragged the crocodile to his barn to wait for the reptile to die and remove the skin.

However, contrary to the fisherman’s expectations, the crocodile turned out to be extremely tenacious - and was clearly not going to die, although he felt bad. Meanwhile, Gilberto had already become attached to his unusual pet and even began to feel sorry for him. Secretly from his relatives, he began to feed him chicken, look after him and even came up with a nickname for him - the crocodile began to be called Pocho.

In the end, the animal recovered and also managed to become attached to its savior: Pocho refused to leave and did not attack Shedon. The fisherman tried several times to release the crocodile into the river - but each time he found it on the veranda of the house the next day, and in the end he allowed Pocho to stay with him. Soon, Sheddon received official permission to keep it and began to organize “demonstration performances” on Sundays - he swam in the lake with his pet, and everyone could admire such an unusual performance. There was even a documentary made about it called “Tame Your Dragon.”

This is how they lived until Pocho died of old age in 2011. Shedon intended to tame another crocodile - but there is still no evidence that he succeeded... and this should be remembered by those who want to repeat Gilberto's experiment! Two more points need to be taken into account. Firstly, Shedon still dealt with a crocodile in an area where these animals live in their natural environment - and by no means in a city apartment. Secondly, as you remember, the crocodile was wounded in the head, and such unusual “friendliness” could be explained by a malfunction of the brain. So, to the question of whether it is possible to tame a crocodile, there is only one answer: better not try!

Crocodile- an exotic animal that in the wild, reaching enormous sizes, can easily feast on humans. But there are small species that can easily live in apartment conditions in an aquarium as a pet. Read below about how to keep a pet crocodile.

Exotic at home

Many people eventually come to the conclusion that they want to have a pet at home. Most people prefer , and . However, there is a category of people who need to serve something original and exotic. These people, as a rule, prefer to buy terrariums that contain interesting spiders, snakes, and frogs. Those who are allowed by conditions acquire crocodiles.

As we have already mentioned, crocodiles are usually large - up to 5.5 m; they are often kept in houses Caymans- animals from the alligator family, which differ from their larger relatives in size, smaller jaws, the presence of a bony abdominal shell and the ability to live in fresh water.

Important! When purchasing any exotic animal, you need to not only think about your pleasure, but also know what conditions are necessary for the pet. If your apartment or house does not meet these conditions, then you should give preference to another animal. It is not so rare for cases when improper environment and feeding led to the death of a pet.

In this regard, looking ahead, we note that a crocodile in the house needs not only a terrarium with water, but also a space with dry land where it can crawl and stretch its body.
In addition, when choosing an exotic animal, we recommend using the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the animal’s vital functions before purchasing.
  • Buy your pet from reputable specialized stores. By buying them second-hand, most likely, you will support smuggling, and you will also have no guarantee that the animal will be healthy, it will not have to be treated for a long time and seriously, and it will not become a source of infection in your home.
  • Think about where you will purchase food for your pet, since most likely the products will also be exotic and unavailable at any pet store.
  • Imagine if you can feed a predator with other animals, for example, if you can feed it a mouse or a frog.

If you have thought through all the nuances of keeping exotic animals and nothing scares you, then we suggest you get to know the crocodile caiman better.

Crocodile caimans belong to the class of reptiles, the order of crocodiles and the alligator family. They reach maximum sizes from 1.5 m (females) to 2.5 m (males) and weight up to 60 kg. The largest representatives of the genus grow up to 3.5 m and reach a mass of 200 kg. The smallest is Cuvera's cayman, in adulthood not exceeding 1.8 m.

Their natural habitat is Central and South America. Reptiles spend most of their lives lying on the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps. They most often live in places with fresh water, but can sometimes be found near salt water bodies. They escape dehydration during the dry season by burying themselves in the mud. In pursuit of prey they can move at very high speeds.
Like all predators, caimans eat other animals, but, as a rule, do not touch humans. Their daily menu consists of fish, birds, small animals, amphibians, and insects. They themselves can become prey for crocodiles, black caimans, anacondas, and jaguars.

Did you know? To improve digestion, crocodiles swallow fairly large stones..

Compared to their large relatives, caimans are somewhat calmer in character and more timid. However, females can be aggressive. When kept at home, these small crocodiles are docile in nature and do not require much care. They can be easily tamed. They grow quickly. If they are handled correctly and in the absence of careless actions, there is no risk of injury from them.

If you raise a caiman from a small age, it will become practically tame, since it will not perceive you as food. The animal loves to have its sides and back stroked and scratched. When it sees its owner, it makes contact and attracts his attention. However, you should know that when keeping a couple, jealousy is possible.

If the owner is a man, then the male will be jealous of his mate and may show aggression if she pays too much attention to the person. And, conversely, when a woman approaches a male, aggression from the female will most likely follow. The latter cases occur much more often.

The average lifespan of a caiman is 40–50 years, but in the wild they can live up to 110–130 years.

Next, we will tell you a little about the features of keeping crocodiles. Crocodile caimans are very good because they can forgive some mistakes in the conditions of their detention. Will uncritically affect their health:

  • slight deviation in water temperature parameters;
  • improper diet;
  • short-term absence of ultraviolet radiation.

Aquarium for baby

A home for crocodiles should be more than just an aquarium. Only a baby crocodile can live in a large aquarium. For adult individuals, terrarium equipment will be required. The minimum volume of the aquarium should be at least one thousand liters. However, it can be temporarily placed in a 200-liter container. Sushi is a must. The water level in the aquarium should be at least 10 cm.

Animals aged four to seven years are considered adults. During this time, it is necessary to build a terrarium for them.

Arrangement of the terrarium

The water level in the terrarium for adult specimens must be at least 40 cm. On the shore, the green representative of the reptile class must fit completely. It's better if he has room to move around a little.

If you do not have the opportunity to build land, you need to take care of placing driftwood in the terrarium, on which the crocodile would fit freely and have the opportunity to rest.

Availability sushi is a very important factor in keeping a tailed predator, since it cannot eat in water. The body works in such a mode that when you open your mouth to eat food, a valve opens through which water will pour in. In this case, the animal will simply choke.
As we mentioned above, maintaining an appropriate temperature and installing ultraviolet lighting will be prerequisites. The temperature should be not lower than +25°С and not higher than +35°С. The water temperature should be within +22-25°С. A heater will be required.

For normal absorption of nutrients, especially calcium, the body of crocodiles requires sufficient consumption of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, special lamps with ultraviolet radiation of zone B (wavelength 290–320 nm) must be installed in the terrarium. Incandescent lamps are attached to the top and provide light downwards. Mirror lamps provide spot lighting.

Every day the crocodile needs to be under these lamps for one to five minutes. It is better if the animal is dry. Lamps should be changed at least once every six months or a year, depending on the manufacturer.
If in spring and summer the weather is at least +25°C, then your pet can be walked outside under the real sun. However, it is important to avoid drafts.

When equipping a terrarium, you should follow some safety rules:

  • the minimum height of a crocodile house should be equal to the height of the animal;
  • glass must be especially thick;
  • structural elements must be well secured;
  • electrical wiring should be insulated.

You need to install a good ventilation system in the terrarium. It is advisable to have a drainage system. The recommended frequency of water changes is once a week. General cleaning should be done once a month. To do this, you need to remove the animal from the terrarium, after first familiarizing yourself with how to pick it up and hold it correctly so that it does not inadvertently bite you.

What to feed the beast?

The diet of a predator should be as close to natural as possible. For young animals this could be:

  • insects;
  • little mice;
  • shellfish;
  • frogs.

Adult caimans will be happy to:

  • fresh fish (without bones);
  • whole ungutted chicken;
  • rat;
  • beef;
  • crayfish.

They can be fed twice a week. The amount of food given in one week should be 5% of the animal's weight.

It is not advisable to feed a crocodile only fish; the diet must include foods containing vitamin B1. Digestion of food in the stomach of a reptile takes four to five days. A well-fed green monster is usually phlegmatic and behaves calmly.

When feeding a predator, safety precautions will be required. Giving food with your hands is strictly prohibited.

Important! Food must be served to the caiman either with special tweezers, or on a stick, or simply thrown in close proximity to the animal.

If you are taught to give food from your hand, the animal will begin to react to the hand as if it were a piece of food.

Sometimes reptiles refuse any product. In this case, you need to wait a little, skip one feeding - in a very hungry state, it will eat everything that is offered to it. Don't worry about missed feedings - in the wild, a crocodile can go without food for a year and a half.

Once a month, in order to avoid vitamin deficiency, the preparations “Reptimineral”, “Reptical”, “Reptivit”, etc. should be added to food.

After contact with the green predator, you should wash your hands well.

Features of reproduction

Puberty in caimans occurs at the age of 4–7 years. The organization of the nest is provided by the female. In nature, she makes it from vegetation and dirt. It turns out to be quite large - with a diameter of 1.5 m, a height of 20–25 cm. If you are keeping a pair, then you must take care of the materials for the nest yourself, putting branches, grass, leaves, and moss in the terrarium.

Typically, one female lays from 15 to 30 eggs. Babies mature at a temperature of +30-32°C for approximately 82 days. The average size of newborns is 20 cm.

During the incubation period, females are especially aggressive. After the babies are born, they must be placed in a separate aquarium from their parents.

Did you know? The first crocodiles existed 250 million years ago. Initially, they lived only on land.

Crocodile at home: pros and cons

So, we have considered all aspects of keeping a crocodile in the house. Let's sum it up and decide on all the pros and cons.

The advantages of the content include:

  • an exotic animal always attracts increased attention, it is interesting to watch it, it often makes some discoveries;
  • rare feeding;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • This pet does not require walking.

Cons of the content:
  • despite its not too large size, the caiman needs a fairly large territory and a spacious terrarium;
  • mandatory maintenance of the necessary, close to natural, conditions for a comfortable and healthy existence;
  • since this is a predator, human injuries are possible;
  • difficulty in obtaining balanced nutrition;
  • nocturnal lifestyle of the pet;
  • high price.

Important! When keeping a small crocodile at home, you must have a first aid kit on hand. Despite the fact that they show aggression quite rarely and only as a last resort, it still happens. A bite or scratch from a caiman is usually not a very serious injury. But they require immediate processing.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

The official sale of a crocodile is accompanied by a number of documents, including: import permit; veterinary certificate issued in the country of export; veterinary certificate of the country in which the animal is sold; certificate of the International Convention on Trade in Wild Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) from the country of export; license to sell animals, etc. Of course, processing all the permitting papers costs a lot of money, which is included in the price of the crocodile. However, it is with them that you will be sure that you are legally purchasing a healthy animal.

Today there are a number of pet stores where you can find this exotic animal. You can also find advertisements for sale on the Internet. The price starts from $100 and is not limited to $1000.

Thus, the best alligator species for keeping a home are the crocodile caimans. They are perfectly sized for medium-sized rooms, unpretentious, and calm. This particular species is recommended for those who do not yet have experience caring for crocodiles at home.

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Many people consider crocodiles to be cold-blooded predators who are guided only by instincts. But in this situation, all these ideas are far from the truth. Now you will see for yourself when you learn this story of a crocodile and a man. This will change your usual understanding of crocodiles and wildlife in general.

Fisherman Chito and crocodile Pocho

Like many other real or fictional stories of friendship between man and animal, this story begins with a rescue back in 1989.

A young and then unnamed crocodile was shot by an unknown shepherd, after which the reptile, on the verge of life and death, was discovered near his home in the city of Siquirres (Costa Rica) by an ordinary Costa Rican fisherman named Gilberto Shedon. He pulled him ashore and hid him in a barn, and initially the 34-year-old man’s intentions were not at all altruistic: he was going to remove the crocodile’s precious skin after it died from its wounds.

But the crocodile desperately fought for life, stubbornly refusing to go to another world. The fisherman felt pity for the poor creature, and he began to gradually nurse the crocodile, feed it chicken, hiding it from his family. The fisherman devoted so much time to the crocodile that his wife left him, considering such an attitude towards the reptile crazy. As soon as Pocho - that’s what the crocodile was called - returned to normal, Gilberto released him back into the river and returned home. In the morning he found Pocho sleeping peacefully on his veranda. The crocodile refused to return to the wild, returned after its new owner and remained to live with him forever.

“When Pocho is anxious about something, his eyes blink quickly, and when he is happy, he blinks less often. You can tell a lot from the eyes,” says Chito.

The cognitive abilities of a prehistoric reptile and an ideal murder weapon are generally considered, to put it mildly, low. Not to mention the emotional ones. But, after leaving the crocodile, Gilberto, nicknamed Chito, began to swim without any fear with the monstrous toothy creature in the local river. Moreover, someone else could approach the reptile at a more or less close distance only under the supervision of the owner, when he was between the stranger and his pet.

Today, it’s easy to see a trainer fearlessly sticking his head into a crocodile’s mouth in any tropical country. But in these cases, a tricky trick is played out in front of the audience: before the performance, the crocodiles are fed to their fullest, and the enclosure is maintained at a low temperature, at which the reptile is in suspended animation and, in principle, is not capable of any active actions. At the joint performances of Chito and the five-meter predator, everything was different. This is the only case when a person managed to tame a crocodile and enter into some special, almost mystical, trusting relationship with it.

Chito and Pocho's amazing relationship allowed them to perform in natural conditions. Performances simply became a necessity for them. Firstly, they made it possible to feed such a voracious domestic animal as a crocodile, and secondly, it was under these conditions that the Costa Rican authorities allowed Gilberto to keep the predator and even provided the services of a veterinarian. But, of course, the friendship between man and animal went much deeper than the superficial and, perhaps, somewhat vulgar spectacle of their joint swims for spectators.

“We have been with him for more than twenty years. We, of course, had problems in the first two or three years after we met. But I’m sure that Pocho will never harm me,” says Chito.

For more than twenty years, Pocho lived with Gilberto's family - he found a new wife, who gave birth to his daughter. The resourceful fisherman performed with the crocodile in a local reserve for almost ten years to surprised tourists, and the legends of “Pocho and Chito” spread throughout the world.

The past tense in the article is not just a few years ago, Pocho died of natural causes at the age of 55. But the story of his friendship with a man nicknamed Chito is still alive. And these are not just nice words. Tourists, touched by this amazing story of a unique and one-of-a-kind relationship, still come specifically to Costa Rica, look for Gilberto's house in Parismina and spend hours listening to Chito's stories about an incredible friendship spanning two decades.

Shortly before Pocho's natural death, a documentary was made about him and his owner, which claimed that the crocodile's abnormal behavior was most likely caused by brain damage due to a wound in 1989.

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