Galina zolina gave birth to a son from Tkachev's father. A positive image of the Krasnodar Territory. Check for corruption

Dear Galina Dmitreevna!
I want to tell you about how heads and directors of schools work for us who do not have protection. We, leaders, are constantly humiliated and spoken to in elevated and disparaging tones. Without fail, I force them to almost walk with outstretched hands, to ask for money for the needs of preschool institutions and schools. Heads of educational institutions walk with an outstretched hand to deputies, parents. And if the leader does not do this, then he does not cope with his work. But, if a complaint about extortion comes to the head of an educational institution, then he is to blame. And the government of Novorossiysk, which gives such verbal instructions to look for money, remains on the sidelines and disowns its instructions.
Heads of educational institutions turned into businessmen. But, if the head of the preschool or school director asks for money from the authorities themselves for the needs of the institution, then such a leader falls into disfavor.
School directors and heads of preschool institutions should be engaged in education, not commerce. For this, we have a functioning centralized accounting department, which should be primarily responsible for financing. Almost everything was dumped on the leaders. We are not a private shop, but state institutions. Until now, we have very low wages in preschool educational institutions in Novorossiysk.

I am the former head of kindergarten No. 52 in Novorossiysk. Why the ex? Because I worked hard and carefully monitored what was being done at the construction site of the kindergarten, which was being restored from 08/05/2008 to 12/07/2009. I had to quit because pressure was put on me after I began to write office notes. Here is one of them, which I will present below.
Head of MU Department
education administration
Novorossiysk G.I. Aleinikova

Service note.
Dear Galina Ivanovna,

I bring to your attention that in MDOU No. 52, where a major overhaul is underway. In the right wing of the second floor of the kindergarten, a crack appeared in the load-bearing wall, which was repaired. A similar crack was recently discovered in the left wing of the building, which is currently being repaired.
In this regard, I ask you to give instructions to create a competent commission to identify and eliminate the causes of the appearance of cracks in the supporting structures of the MDOU No. 52 building. There are fears that new occurrences of the same cracks in the supporting structures may lead to an emergency state of the building of MDOU No. 52.

Head of MDOU
Kindergarten №52 I.I. Lobacheva.

After that, such pressure began on me from the side of the deputy. the head of the city of Novorossiysk N.V. Mayorova and the head of the GORONO G.I. Aleinikova, that there are simply no words. The kindergarten was made the payer for all repairs and the payer for all the equipment that should be in the kindergarten, despite the fact that the newly formed kindergarten has no funds on its account.
But, they did not rest on this. Deputy the head of the city of Novorossiysk N.V. Mayorova and the head of the GORONO G.I. Aleinikov forced me, under the threat of dismissal, to sign a fictitious invoice for the purchase of catering equipment -1 million 64 thousand; laundry equipment - the amount of 860 thousand 593 rubles. 64 kop. I refused to sign these invoices because I did not have the equipment.
I had to turn to the head of the city of Novorossiysk V.I. Sinyagovsky through the office. But, apparently, the memo did not reach him, since about 3 months have passed. I received no response within the legal deadline.

Head of the Hero City of Novorossiysk
V.I. Sinyagovsky
From the head of the MDOU for children
Garden №52 I.I. Lobacheva

Dear Vladimir Ilyich!

I inform you that in relation to me, as the head of the MDOU kindergarten No. 52, unlawful actions were taken by the head of the MU of the Department of Education of the Novorossiysk Administration G.I. Aleinikova, Director of the Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk S.V. Kalinina, deputy head of the hero city of Novorossiysk for social issues N.V. Mayorova, on financial policy issues. By verbal order and threats that I was allegedly disrupting all the deadlines for the completion of the kindergarten, I was forced to conclude an agreement, putting MDOU kindergarten No. 52 as the main payer with Belkomstroy LLC for general construction work in the amount of 19 million 208 thousand 152 rubles. 65 kop.; for improvement in the amount of 17 million 314 thousand 957 rubles; as well as with Sukharevka-South LLC for the purchase of catering equipment - 1 million 64 thousand rubles. and laundry equipment - the amount of 860 thousand 593 rubles. 64 kop.
Considering that MU "Centralized Accounting" MU "Education Department of Novorossiysk" is the main manager of loans in the education industry, which is detailed in the Charter of Centralized Accounting, in particular in paragraph 1.4., It follows that MDOU kindergarten No. 52 is not can be a payer and manager of loans, since it has not yet been put into operation, and there are no financial resources on the account of the kindergarten.
I took measures and sent memos to the head of the MU of the Department of Education G.I. Aleinikova and Director of the Centralized Accounting Department S.V. Kalinina, that I have been provided with the relevant documents, on the basis of which MDOU kindergarten No. 52 is a payer. There is still no response and related documents.
To date, the head of the MU of the Department of Education of the Novorossiysk Administration G.I. Aleinikova, Director of the Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk S.V. Kalinin is forcing me to sign a fictitious consignment note from Sukharevka-South LLC in the amount of 1 million 924 thousand 593 rubles. 64 kop. I refuse to sign this waybill, as I do not have this equipment in stock. And also the director of the Centralized Accounting Department of the city of Novorossiysk, S.V. Kalinina, without my knowledge, without informing me, gave a power of attorney to receive the goods on behalf of the head of the MDOU kindergarten No. 52, Sukharevka-South LLC.
On my demands, to work in accordance with the law, there is “open pressure” from the head of the MU of the Department of Education of the Novorossiysk Administration G.I. Aleinikova, Director of the Centralized Accounting Department of Novorossiysk S.V. Kalinina, deputy head of the hero city of Novorossiysk for social issues N.V. Mayorova!

Head of MDOU
Kindergarten No. 52 I.I. Lobacheva.

It turns out that we, like mosquitoes, buzzed over our ears, and that's it. And what remains for highly qualified specialists who know their business - to go and work on the market? How can this be in our country of law?

A long-time colleague of Alexander Tkachev joined the "Kuban team" in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Galina Zolina, in 2005-2015 who served as vice-governor of the Kuban, was appointed director of the department of scientific and technological policy and education of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. It consists of 4 departments: science and innovation, education, organization of scientific research, agricultural consulting and retraining.

Galina Zolina has been the head of the Department of Science and Technology Policy since July 2016, according to the materials of the department. On July 28, as a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, she took part in the forum of rural youth of the Central Federal District in the Tver region.

It is known that the previous director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education, Elena Metelkova, left her post at the end of May 2016. Until mid-July, acting Yury Egorov was the head of Depnauchtekhpolitika.

Galina Zolina has been working in the team of the current head of the Ministry of Agriculture for a long time. In 1999, she became Deputy General Director of Agrocomplex Firm CJSC, which was then headed by Alexander Tkachev. After his election as governor of the Kuban in 2000, she received the position of adviser on the media and social policy, and since 2005. served as Lieutenant Governor for Social Affairs.

In 2007 Zolina defended her Ph.D. thesis "Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar Territory in the media." According to the Anti-Plagiarism system, the originality of a scientific work is 30.3%, citations are 10.18%, borrowings account for 59.49%.

March 2015 The Academic Council of Voronezh State University voted against awarding her the degree of Doctor of Philology in the specialty "Journalism" following the defense of her doctoral dissertation "The Universe of the Mass Media of a Social Community: Identical Image Discourse".

April 28, 2015 the new head of the region, Veniamin Kondratiev, on personnel changes in the administration of the Krasnodar Territory. Galina Zolina was among the first to resign. In the media, that she was "invited to work through the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation."

After his appointment as Minister of Agriculture of Russia, Alexander Tkachev formed a team in the department from former subordinates in the administration of the Krasnodar Territory.

Thus, the former first vice-governor of Kuban, Dzhambulat Khatuov, now occupies the chair of the first deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture, the ex-deputy governor and senator Yevgeny Gromyko works as a deputy minister. In addition, the former vice-governor of the Kuban for domestic policy Vladimir Svezhenets heads the department for the development of rural areas, and the ex-minister of construction, architecture and road facilities of the Krasnodar Territory Valery Zhukov heads the department of land reclamation.

As you know, since the beginning of this year, the Timiryazev Academy has been shaken by high-profile land scandals. Everyone just wanted to take away 101 hectares of valuable Moscow land from the famous educational institution. This is twenty percent of all areas of Timiryazevka. Interested parties expressed that the academy was using the land for other purposes, and they would be very good for construction in Moscow. Scientists, the student team did not give up. They held meetings and wrote letters. Everything went on until, during the Direct Line of the President Putin Finally, this question didn't come up. The head of state ordered to lag behind the academy. Which is what was done. Meanwhile, by autumn this question began to arise again. They began to say that someone was starting to dig under the rector of the academy, Doctor of Science Vyacheslav Lukomets, and that if it is removed, then the land issue will be resolved as it should. And then even the President will not know about anything.

Rumors are rumors, but Lukomets really resigned the other day, as well. about the rector was appointed notorious Galina Zolin. However, she is more known in the Krasnodar Territory, where for a long time she performed the main duty - she served faithfully Alexander Tkachev. In recent years, she was Deputy Governor for Social Affairs. After Tkachev was made the Minister of Agriculture, and his faithful deputies, the new head of the region Veniamin Kondratiev did not take him to his team, they said that Zolina would work in the Ministry of Culture. But there, apparently, somehow it didn’t work out, and she soon appeared in one of the departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and here you are, now in Timiryazevka. Yes, even in her leadership.

By the way, Zolina's predecessor also comes from the Krasnodar Territory. But Vyacheslav Lukomets, by the age of 50, still managed to declare something about himself in the scientific world, becoming a doctor of science and an academician. He is famous as a scientist-breeder. The Kuban land for talents has definitely not yet become scarce.

Galina Zolina, of course, is also a talented person, but apart from the fact that she comes from an agrarian region, she has nothing to do with agriculture, as well as with science, and she never has. It is difficult even to determine who she is by education. In the first specialty - a teacher, then, after college, she graduated from the pedagogical institute in absentia. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in journalism: "Formation of a positive image of the Krasnodar Territory in the media." According to the Anti-Plagiarism system, the originality of this scientific work by Zolina is 30.3%, citations - 10.18%, borrowings occupy the lion's share of the work - 59.49%.

Last year, in Voronezh, Galina Dmitrievna tried to defend her doctoral dissertation, but she could not do it. The title of the work speaks for itself: "The universe of mass information of a social community: an identical-image discourse". The Academic Council of the Voronezh University did not understand what, in fact, it was about. But in vain. They did not see the scientific approach of Mrs. Zolina to the identical-image discourse. And a person from a failed scientific journalist could easily lead all the academicians from the agrarian science of the country. This, apparently, is the whole discourse. And here even Zolina will be much more convincing than, for example, her former colleague in the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, and now First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Dzhambulat Khatuov, who could not even answer the questions of a student of the academy. And she was just trying to find out from the official how sugar beet differs from fodder. And in vain Khatuov said that in return for 101 hectares of land in the capital, the academy would receive land in the Moscow region, as well as 7 billion rubles and 300 apartments in built houses.

These arguments were as unconvincing as his answer about the differences between sugar and fodder beet. Teachers and students, dissatisfied with the outcome of the meeting with the Deputy Minister, simply left it. True, having managed to remind Khatuov that Stalin when in Timiryazevka in 1941 they tried to cut down the forest, he ordered to shoot those who made this decision.

In this case, of course, no one shot anyone. Khatuov even went on promotion and after this scandal he became the first deputy minister. We wrote about it.

As for dissertations, there is no reason to be surprised either. The Minister of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev, also has scientific works and they, to put it mildly, do not quite belong to his pen. One has only to look at the Dissernet resource, you can see that the leaders of Zolina did not hesitate to once borrow something from colleagues. Khatuov's dissertation is also there ... No, not about beets at all. The topic is different. However, this is not about that. And about how successfully things will go in Timiryazevka. This will entirely depend on Mrs. Zolina. She will try not to let the head of the Ministry of Agriculture down.

By the way

Recall that other former deputies of Tkachev also went to work in the Ministry of Agriculture of the country - the ex-deputy governor and senator Evgeny Gromyko works as Deputy Minister. Vice Governor of Kuban for Domestic Policy Vladimir Svezhenets heads the Department of Rural Development, and the ex-Minister of Construction, Architecture and Road Facilities of the Krasnodar Territory Valery Zhukov- melioration department. In general, know ours!

Krasnodar. Nov 27 - New Kuban. As NK wrote earlier, employees, students and graduates of the Timiryazev Academy planned on November 26 with a demand to return direct elections of the rector to the oldest agricultural university in the country. The participants of the action call for an objective assessment of the work of Galina Zolina. According to the current colleagues of the former vice-governor of the Kuban, Alexander Tkachev's comrade-in-arms fired more than 150 people from Timiryazevka in a year.

According to the organizers of the rally in a group on the Vkontakte social network, the Moscow administration refused to hold the rally.

Prefecture of the Northern Administrative District represented by Deputy G.I. Izutdinova REFUSED to approve the holding of the rally on November 23, 2017 with a violation of the response (within 3 days - in accordance with the Federal Law of June 19, 2004 N 54-FZ) and the lack of approval from the balance holder of the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RGAU-MSHA named after K. AND. Timiryazev. In connection with the existing violations of the law on rallies, we are preparing a lawsuit in court. At the same time, a new notice to hold the rally will be submitted. The date, time and place will be announced later, - (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved - note "NK").

So why didn't Galina Zolina please the teaching staff of the Timiryazev Academy?

A fellow countrywoman and a close associate of the ex-governor of the Krasnodar Territory and the current Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, went to work in Moscow almost following her boss: under Veniamin Kondratiev, Zolina did not find a place in the administration of the Kuban. First Galina Dmitrievna, and then, at the Timiryazev Academy,. Even then, the appointment raised a lot of questions, because Zolina had neither a specialized education nor an appropriate academic degree.

According to Timiryazevka employees, Zolina brought along many specialists from Krasnodar - for example, Nadezhda Kravchenko, the former dean of the Faculty of Journalism of the Kuban State University. And for experienced teachers, protégé Alexandra Tkacheva created unbearable working conditions, reducing wages to ridiculous sizes.

Dozens of people, even those who worked at the university for 20-30 years, left their jobs. Instead, they hired new ones, many came from Krasnodar. Dance and vocal ensembles that perform at university holidays are also pulled up from there. From the Kuban, now products are being transported to Timiryazevka - from Agrocomplex CJSC (the enterprise belongs to the family of Alexander Tkachev - NK note). Of course, the path is not a short one, but who counts, writes

At the same time, the interior of the academy began to change in the favorite style of the new rector.

Artificial flowers, artificial cows, a 30-kilogram either a peacock or a rooster. This is all in an agricultural university, where all this living creatures and plants are in their natural form! - Professor Alexander Solovyov does not hide his indignation.

However, behind these tasteless, but, in fact, innocent transformations lies, perhaps, a more serious goal. As we wrote earlier, last year, Timiryazevka, with the support of President Vladimir Putin, managed to defend 100 hectares in the Moscow region. However, the media write, the Ministry of Agriculture has not given up hope of winning back expensive lands from the Academy. Allegedly, because of this, it was Galina Zolina who was appointed rector.

It's too yummy. We know that after the scandal, Minister Tkachev had a conversation with Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov behind closed doors. Whether they abandoned the original idea or decided to act differently is unknown, but it was at that time that Zolina's candidacy arose, - quotes its source.

Opponents of the former vice-governor of Kuban believe that after the dismissal of dozens of experienced employees, there will be no one to look after huge plots and hectares of land will fall into disrepair. Then, perhaps, the issue of transferring land for housing construction will again become relevant.

NK will continue to monitor developments.

“Today, the period of Galina Zolina’s work as rector of the glorious Timiryazevka – the Russian State Agrarian University – Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, ends,” the message says.

At the end of March 2016, it became known that the housing construction commission of the Russian government was transferring over 100 hectares of plots in Moscow belonging to the Timiryazev Academy for residential development to the RHD Foundation. In return, it was planned to provide the university with a choice of additional plots near Moscow and monetary compensation in the amount of about 7 billion rubles.

Academy staff strongly objected to the transfer of land for development. In April, Russian President Vladimir Putin during a direct line said that the lands of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, transferred to the RHD Foundation for development, should be left alone. At the same time, he noted that the university should use its land efficiently.

The rectors of Russian agricultural universities wrote an open letter in defense of Zolina and called unfounded all the accusations against her in the transfer of the academy's fields for development, which appeared in social networks and the media.

What is Galina Zolina known for?

Galina Zolina has been working in Alexander Tkachev's team for a long time. In 1999, she became deputy general director of the Agrocomplex company, which he then headed. After Tkachev was elected governor of the Krasnodar Territory in 2000, Zolina received the position of adviser on the media and social policy, and from 2005 to 2015. served as Lieutenant Governor for Social Affairs.

Shortly after the appointment of Tkachev as head of the Ministry of Agriculture, the new acting. Governor of Kuban Veniamin Kondratiev dismissed Zolina. Then the official said that she had received an invitation to work in the team of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, but the appointment was never announced.

In July 2016, Galina Zolina became the director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

In December 2016, she was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Acting Rector of the Russian Agrarian University. It is known that before the appointment, the official regularly visited Timiryazevka for several months and took part in various events.


Galina Zolina is leaving the post of rector of the Russian State Agrarian University - Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy in connection with the transfer to another job, the press service of the university reports.

"Today ends the period of work of Galina Zolina as rector of the glorious Timiryazevka - Russian State Agrarian University - Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy," the message says.

Zolina worked as the rector of the university for almost two years.

She studied at the Ust-Labinsk Pedagogical College. After receiving a diploma, she got a job as a teacher in her native school.

She also studied at the correspondence department of the Maikop Pedagogical Institute.

Compromising evidence

Zolina's fast-paced career is associated with Alexander Tkachev, whom they had known since childhood. In the late 1990s, Zolina worked at Vyselkovsky Agrocomplex as Deputy General Director for Social Affairs. Then "Agrocomplex" was led by the father and brother of Alexander Tkachev.

In 2005 he became Tkachev's deputy. In its area of ​​responsibility are the Department of Social Protection of the Population and the departments created at that time in municipalities, the Department of Education and Science, the Department of Health, the Department of Culture, the Office of the Civil Registry Office and the Department for Juvenile Affairs.

In 2009, in the village of Taman, Krasnodar Territory, the Ataman ethnocomplex was opened, which the locals call the “village of fools” and “Zolinograd” - after the official who oversaw its construction.

“Here is everything that only came to Zolina’s head. Giraffes made of wood, cacti made of wire, Polovtsian women made of who knows what - it is also signed so that the exhibits should not be touched. Just a shame to bring people here. This is violence against the memory of ancestors. Vareniki are fed from the store, and they sign that they are handmade. They sell at exorbitant prices,” a local resident says sadly.

“Today I examined this type of village - a mess and a bazaar. Smells like big money. Souvenirs are clumsy, expensive. Schoolchildren and orphans from orphanages are forcibly driven here to all sorts of festivals,” said one of the visitors, Pavel. - They got here for 8 hours. Pupils of orphanages look with hungry eyes as tourists eat shish kebabs. No one thought to feed the children properly? Some porridge was given. And the exhibits are props and monsters. I'm sick of such a Cossack culture."

As blogger and social activist Danila Lindele testifies, after the flood in Krymsky, Zolina “I gave interviews at the Headquarters and reported (lied) that as many as 7,000 volunteers were working in the city and they didn’t need any help. And we remember very well how many volunteers were there and what role they played.” He also claims that “Zolina organized protests against Marat Gelman's ICONS exhibition, because. the modern view of icon painting allegedly offends Orthodoxy and morality. But for the KUBANA festival, where alcohol flows like water, half-naked girls dance, and obscene songs are yelled from the stage, it allocated money from the regional budget, although the festival is a business project. I'm not against the festival and the girls, but the hypocrisy and double standards are just off the charts."

To this all are added personal statements, such as Zolina’s condemnation of the birth of a child out of wedlock (obviously, so that schoolchildren could again poison outcasts with the almost forgotten word “fatherlessness”). By the way, about family values: Zolina's son, in the best traditions of our country, was seen drunk and with illegal substances. But the governor's adviser advised the media not to publicize this issue, but to cover the escape of an albino porcupine from Safari Park.

The same Danila Lindele informs readers that “Zolina oversaw the construction of a maternity hospital, which cost 5 times more than in any other region, which even Putin cursed. In addition, a tomograph was purchased for 90 million rubles, which is 4 times higher than its regular price.”

There are also rumors in the press about the doctoral dissertation of Galina Zolina. According to some reports, she defended her doctoral thesis without having a Ph.D., according to other sources, the defense of her doctoral took place with obvious violations and with the connivance of the Academic Council.

On September 24, 2013, artist Lusine Janyan was fired from the Art and Industry Academy of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. The official reason for the dismissal was Article 336, paragraph 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (non-election by competition for the position of a scientific and pedagogical worker or the expiration of the election period by competition). Janyan herself believes that her dismissal was for political reasons.

The artist wrote that one of the members of the Academic Council told her in a private conversation about the real reason for her dismissal - at the personal request of Galina Zolina, Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev. Janyan noted that pressure on her from the leadership of the university and the region has been going on since November 2012, when she was first called to the rector's office with demands to stop participating in a number of exhibitions that, according to the management, discredit the honor of the university, and remove all photos from LiveJournal, Facebook and twitter.

Students of the faculty of journalism fiercely hate Zolina from the first courses, because within the framework of the regional program for saving stolen money, these same students are not only obligatory extras at events of varying degrees of dullness, but often they organize these events themselves. That is, the scheme is as follows: students prepare material for the event, and they themselves are the only visitors to it - this is one side. And the other side is Zolina, who writes quite a paragraph about the youth event, for which many millions of rubles were allocated. Such is the sheer arrogance.

According to eyewitnesses, Zolina, organizing information campaigns in support of the controversial decisions of the governor, as well as during election campaigns, repeatedly violated the law, not embarrassing to resort to physical pressure on journalists and lawfully protesting citizens with her own hand. In August 2004, as reported by Internet media, during one of the rallies in support of the dismissed mayor of Krasnodar N. Priz and the ex-speaker of the City Duma A. Kiryushin, Zolina tried to take away from one of the participants in the rally a poster with the slogan "Down with Governor Tkachev." In November 2011, according to Sergey Gazaryan, during the recording of the televised debates of the Kuban candidates to the State Duma, she personally supervised the editing of the program, and also took away the video camera from the operator of Yabloko.

Galina Zolina is known as an adherent of conservatism and Orthodoxy. Periodically consults with the rector of the Church of the Nativity in Krasnodar, Archpriest Alexander Ignatov. She is the initiator of a number of creative initiatives in the region: the law prohibiting the appearance of children on the street after 22.00.

In March 2013, a high-ranking official was at the center of a scandal due to a video of a car registrar that got on the Internet. One local car enthusiast witnessed how a black foreign car with “thieves” numbers, assigned, presumably, to an official, famously goes around the traffic jam in the oncoming lane. Moreover, the rules are violated in broad daylight, in the very center of the Kuban capital. Bloggers claim that the "six" Audi with license plate K 006 KK is assigned to the Kuban vice-governor Galina Zolina.

In early February 2015, a number of media outlets published information about the dismissal of Galina Zolina. This happened literally the next day after the arrest of two other vice-governors. The source said that it was on this day that Galina Zolina flew to Moscow to resolve the issue of her own departure, and the presidential administration insisted on her dismissal. However, Zolina herself later denied this information and remained in office.


Married, two sons.


It is known that Zolina solves personnel issues and appointments in the Krasnodar Territory, of course, after agreement with the leadership. Probably, personal ambitions end there.

Since April 2012, information has been published in the regional media that Zolina will soon head the newly created Ministry of Internal Policy of the Kuban, but this never happened.


She does not participate in the elections herself, but she provides serious media support in the local media to candidates close to the leadership of the region.
