Hair calcium. How to replenish calcium stores. Calcium absorption in old age Causes of calcium deficiency

Calcium is the building material of the human body. Lack of calcium in the body is the cause of more than 100 diseases. This trace element is important for blood coagulation, cell membrane permeability, neuromuscular excitation, etc. If the level of calcium is normal, then all these processes occur clearly. The main role of calcium is assigned to our skeletal system. With age and due to diseases of the digestive system and liver, the absorption of calcium in the small intestine worsens. Calcium is lost with sweat. With a lack of magnesium, calcium is "washed out" of the bones, settles in the kidneys and muscles. Vitamin D also plays an important role in the construction and preservation of bone tissue. It absorbs calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, i.e. performs an important function in the development of the human skeletal system. People living in adverse climatic conditions, or in polluted environments, experience a lack of production of this vitamin on human skin, through exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

In women, bone loss is noted already at the age of 35, and in men - 40 years. In the early stages, calcium loss by the body is asymptomatic, and when bone loss is significant, joint pain, drowsiness, muscle cramps, osteoporosis, bone fractures, etc. appear.

What external causes negatively affect the human skeletal system as a whole? Firstly, ecology, unbalanced nutrition, harmful working conditions, synthetic drugs, physical and emotional overload, the use of refined products. Secondly, due to excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee, carbonated drinks in the body, the amount of calcium, magnesium and potassium decreases, and water-salt metabolism is disturbed. Women who smoke are also at risk for bone damage. Nicotine interferes with the normal absorption of calcium. Our body reacts to the loss of calcium with a decrease in working capacity, a depressed state, sleep disturbance, and apathy. Violation of calcium metabolism leads to frequent colds and allergic diseases, herpes on the lips, a decrease in body resistance, anemia, etc.

But do not wait for such symptoms; preventive measures are necessary to maintain bone mass and density.

Taking calcium-containing drugs is not harmless - they are poorly absorbed. The body does not know how to make reserves, it will take as much calcium as it needs, and the rest will be excreted through the kidneys. And excess calcium can settle in the form of sand, which will later lead to the formation of stones.

Biological calcium will help to cope with these problems. This is the eggshell of chicken eggs, consisting of 90% calcium carbonate! It has more micronutrients than the expensive package of vitamins. It contains copper, fluorine, manganese, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, zinc, etc. (more than 27 trace elements).

So, let's use a folk recipe with minimal cost: peel the shell of 2 eggs from the film, rinse thoroughly under running cold water, dry in the oven for several minutes. Grind the shell in a mortar, extinguish a pinch of powder with a few drops of lemon juice, stir well and take a pinch once a day with meals. Calcium prepared in this way begins to be absorbed already in the mouth.

This safe home remedy does not burden our kidneys at all. It has been proven that eggshell calcium is not deposited in the blood vessels, but only in the bones.

Eggshell is useful for children and adults with brittle nails and hair, bleeding gums, insomnia, hay fever, asthma, diathesis, removes radionuclides, improves immunity, etc.

For preventive purposes, the shell should be consumed 2 times a year for 1.5-3 months. Dosage from 1.5-9g per day, depending on age.

Do not forget to eat foods rich in calcium: sesame and sesame oil, dairy products, spinach, legumes.

Products containing calcium and phosphorus at the same time - apples, green peas, wheat grains, cucumbers, cabbage, especially cauliflower, celery, lettuce, radishes, cottage cheese, white cheeses.

Good time of the day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a phytotherapist. At the age of 28, she cured herself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my recovery experience and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated according to folk methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save you time and money, because diseases are different, herbs and treatments are different, and there are also comorbidities, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me here at the contacts:

Telephone: 8 918 843 47 72

Mail: [email protected]

I advise for free.

In order for the female body to function as well as possible, it is necessary to properly provide it with minerals, vitamins and other useful components. One of these elements is calcium, which is so necessary for the preservation of both bones and teeth. From this article, you can learn more about this substance, what is its norm, what are the signs of calcium deficiency, how to deal with it.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body in women

To date, the following main indicators of the lack of this useful element can be distinguished, namely:

  • nervous tics, calf cramps, as well as the presence of tingling in the legs and arms;
  • weakness and decreased performance;
  • problems with teeth, increased fragility and fragility of nails, hair loss;
  • severe irritability, insomnia, high nervous excitability. In addition, a woman may experience mood swings and nervous anxiety;
  • the presence of copious discharge during menstruation;
  • pain in the gums, periodic joint pain, in general, the body's tolerance for pain worsens;
  • increased blood pressure and tachycardia.

Possible causes of Ca deficiency are:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as disruption of the parathyroid glands;
  • lack of trace elements in water and food;
  • kidney disease;
  • the presence of food allergies and dysbacteriosis;
  • an excess in the body of such elements as: sodium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, cobalt, lead and magnesium;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • pancreatitis in a chronic form;
  • constant stress, excessive consumption of caffeine-containing products, as well as the presence of bad habits (for example, smoking);
  • starvation and improper diet.

Lack at 50

Few people, having reached this age, can boast of beautiful nails, elastic skin and thick healthy hair, however, in addition to this, a disease such as osteoporosis begins to fully manifest itself, which develops over many years and makes itself felt only when a person reaches old age .

Symptoms of a lack of calcium in the body in women after 50 years of age can be observed in the form of: constant cramps in the lower extremities, pain in the back, an increase in the level of injuries and the development of spinal deformities. The bone tissue becomes quite fragile and cannot withstand even minor loads. And in the case of fractures, there is a possibility that the bones will not grow together, which confines a person to bed.

That is why it is necessary to take care of your health even before the appearance of problems with it and, if possible, replenish Ca reserves in the body by all available means.

Daily Calcium Value for Women

The normal level of the substance for an adult, taking into account age (taken on an average weight of about 70 kg), should be in the range of 1000-1200 mg. The age indicators of the daily norm of Ca for women are as follows:

What foods have a lot of calcium for a woman

To replenish the body's daily norm of such a useful element, it is enough to include in the daily diet those foods that contain this kind of trace element. These include the following product groups:


  • legumes - peas, beans and beans;
  • dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, raisins, dried figs);
  • seeds and nuts;
  • fruits and vegetables, such as: tangerines, apples, peach, kiwi, apricot, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, etc.;
  • cereals - semolina, pearl barley and buckwheat, as well as rice and oatmeal;
  • berries (grapes, currants, watermelon, raspberries);
  • greenery.


  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk);
  • fish such as sardine, mackerel or salmon;
  • meat products - poultry, veal and beef;
  • offal Ca is present in the liver.

As a rule, in products of animal origin, this element is contained in fairly large quantities, but compared to plant foods, it is more difficult to digest. This happens due to oxalic acid, estrogen derivatives and aspirin. Ca combines with oxalic acid to form water-insoluble compounds that eventually become part of kidney stones.

How to raise the level of Ca in the body

In total, there are several main methods that help to replenish the content of the trace element to the required level, namely:

  • monopreparations made on the basis of calcium salt;
  • combined drugs, that is, vitamins for women with calcium and vitamin D, which not only replenish Ca reserves, but also contribute to their absorption by the body;
  • traditional medicine preparations, one of which is a remedy made on the basis of chicken shells.

To prepare it you will need:

  • warm water;
  • shell of raw eggs;
  • lemon juice.

First, wash the shells thoroughly with soap and dry well. Then the dried raw materials must be ground to a powder state (for this you can use a rolling pin or a coffee grinder). Then add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg powder.

The course of treatment with this folk remedy lasts about 14 days, but in some cases, therapy can be extended up to 2 months.

Calcium gluconate, produced in the form of tablets, food vitamin supplements, most of the components of which are of natural origin, are a good help for saturating tissues with microelements, but how to increase calcium in the body with folk remedies? It has long been practiced the simplest method of grinding clean eggshells into powder, which was taken with a few drops of lemon juice. Is this recipe still relevant today?

Foods that are a source of calcium

The daily human need for this vital trace element is:

  • in children under 8 years old - 800 mg;
  • in adolescents from 9 to 18 years old - 1300 mg;
  • in adults of both sexes from 19 to 50 years old - 1000 mg;
  • over 51 years old - 1200 mg.

Pregnant women and young mothers during the lactation period need more calcium, their norm per day can reach up to 2000 mg.

Before you increase calcium in the body with folk remedies, you need to reconsider your diet by including foods rich in this trace element:

  1. dairy group. Cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese and milk are ideal sources of calcium. The "palm" in this line is occupied by hard cheeses (1000-1400 mg per 100 g of product), processed cheeses contain a concentration half as low, cottage cheese - 180 mg, yogurt - 135 mg, and milk - 123 mg of calcium.
  2. Greens and vegetables. Leafy dark green parsley (250mg Ca), cabbage leaf (215mg), dandelion and spinach (115mg). Roman lettuce and Chinese cabbage, beans in pods, broccoli, pumpkin, celery and others provide an increase in the concentration of calcium in the human body in a natural way.
  3. Fruits: citrus fruits, pears and apples.
  4. Dried apricots.
  5. Nuts: almonds (275 mg Ca) and others.
  6. Seeds: poppy (1500 mg), sesame (1100 mg) or fennel.
  7. Legumes: beans (red and white) - 150 mg each, soybeans and products (110 mg each).
  8. Whole grains: corn and wheat flour (whole grain), a slice of bread made from such flour has 10 mg of calcium, and 50 g of muesli has 25 mg.
  9. Spices: garlic, cloves, thyme, rosemary, basil, cinnamon, oregano and dill.

Supplementing your diet with healthy calcium-containing foods can help you meet your daily calcium intake.

Homemade Powder Rich in Calcium

The easiest homemade remedy to saturate the body with calcium is eggshell powder. How to make it yourself?

For this:

  • boil a dozen eggs and leave them to cool completely;
  • after cleaning the shell, the film is carefully removed from its inner surface;
  • the prepared shell is dried a little in the oven or left in a dark, well-ventilated place for 24-72 hours;
  • then it is ground using chinaware and a pestle or in a coffee grinder;
  • sift the finished powder, removing large particles.

The shells from village eggs are usually not calcined in the oven, from incubators - they are subjected to heat treatment.

The powder prepared in this way is stored in a glass container, away from light, moisture and heat.

The use of folk remedies to increase calcium in the body

Phytotherapists, physicians and traditional healers recommend extinguishing egg powder with lime or lemon juice before use, and then drink it with water.

To better absorb calcium, you can then take a daily intake of fish oil rich in vitamin D.

Calcium citrate powder:

  • Prevents children's rickets.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel and bone tissue.
  • Increases the immune defense of the body.

The daily dosage of healing powder is:

Adults can prevent osteoporosis twice a year by preparing the shells of 5 eggs as described above, and then mixed with crushed (along with the peel) 10 lemons. The drug is taken 50 ml twice a day for a month.

These ancient recipes are recognized by official medicine as the simplest and most affordable sources of calcium.

Calcium is a very important trace element that is involved in many vital processes in the body. Currently, calcium deficiency is diagnosed in many people. Moreover, this deficiency cannot be filled with regular dairy products, because vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium. We will tell you how to recognize a lack of calcium, you will find out what this deficiency is fraught with, and also get acquainted with the main ways to solve this problem.

How to understand that the body does not have enough calcium

Here are some factors that indicate a deficiency of this trace element.

  1. First of all, nails suffer - with a lack of calcium, they become brittle, exfoliate, and grow slowly.
  2. Lack of calcium leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth. This suggests that the protective shell (tooth enamel) has begun to break down. With a more pronounced lack of this element, the teeth begin to crumble, they are more prone to caries. In children, deficiency leads to late tooth growth.
  3. The lack of calcium affects the nervous system - a person becomes irritable, depressive, he sleeps a lot, his ability to work decreases.
  4. Severe calcium deficiency leads to various bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, when the bones become loose. Because of this, they are prone to frequent fractures and cracks.
  5. Calcium, or rather its lack, also affects the hair, they begin to fall out, become dull and brittle. The scalp with a lack of calcium sweats a lot, this is especially noticeable in children. The skin on the hands becomes dry, often flaky.
  6. Often, with a lack of calcium, numbness occurs in the fingers, cramps in the legs and arms may appear. This is often seen during pregnancy.
  7. Due to the lack of calcium, various problems develop in the cardiovascular system.
  8. With a serious lack of calcium, blood clotting decreases, the body is prone to bleeding. Cataracts may develop.
  9. People with a low calcium content in the blood often feel cold, trembling, and feel aches even with a slight cold.

More accurately determine the amount of calcium in the body is possible only with the help of a special analysis. If the deficit is confirmed, an urgent need to look for a solution to this problem.

Nutrition in the fight for calcium

We get the main dose of healthy calcium through food. It is very important to eat those foods that contain not only calcium, but also vitamin D, without which the trace element cannot be absorbed. To make up for the lack of calcium in the body, you need cheese, beans, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, sesame seeds, almonds, dates, oatmeal, pistachios. It is good to eat canned fish as it contains soft fish bones that can be eaten. Limit the amount of salt - it leaches calcium. It is also worth giving up coffee and limiting the amount of protein consumed (meat, fish).

Separately, I would like to say about dairy products. To get calcium from them, they must be consumed along with vitamin D (which is found in seafood) and magnesium (which is abundant in beans, seeds and nuts). Every day you need to eat something dairy, especially children. It is very useful to eat fresh milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese. To compensate for the lack of calcium in children of the first year of life, you can use the following recipe.

Cottage cheese is already a product with a high content of calcium. However, we will provide you with a recipe for active cottage cheese, in which there are ten times more useful calcium. It is absolutely safe, such cottage cheese can be given to children at the very beginning of complementary foods. Take two glasses of natural milk - not store-bought, but from under the cow. Milk must be fresh. Next, we need one ampoule of calcium chloride, which is also called a hot injection.

Boil milk for at least 10 minutes, let cool. In milk, add a tablespoon of kefir and one large ampoule (10 ml) of calcium chloride. It is better not to pour out the liquid from the ampoule, but to use a syringe so that the glass fragment from the cut does not get into the milk. Mix milk, kefir and the contents of the ampoule and put on a slow fire. Use a small enameled (not aluminum!) saucepan. After heating, the milk will begin to curdle. Boil it for a while, and then fold it on cheesecloth. Wait 10-20 minutes for the serum to glass. The result is a healthy and very tasty cottage cheese, saturated with calcium. Serum does not need to be poured out - airy openwork pancakes are obtained from it. Many children do not like to eat cottage cheese, but we know a secret recipe that they will definitely like. Beat the resulting cottage cheese, a little milk, half a banana and a couple of cookies with a blender. Your baby will like the resulting mass so much that he will certainly ask for supplements.

Calcium is in the shell!

A lot of natural calcium is found in egg shells. If the eggs are homemade, they can simply be washed with litter soap. If store-bought, they must be kept in the oven for 10 minutes at a high temperature. This will protect you from salmonellosis. Soak the shell in water to remove the inner film.

The prepared shell must be crushed in a mortar. If you don't have a mortar, just walk over it with a rolling pin. Drink the medicine like this - half a teaspoon of the shell should be extinguished with lemon juice. Eat the prepared composition and drink it with water. Next, you need to drink fish oil to get the right dose of vitamin D, which will allow calcium to be absorbed. This recipe used to be used by parents to treat children for rickets.

Fortunately, simple vitamin complexes are now available in pharmacies, containing the right dosage and combination of components that will not only saturate the body with calcium, but also help it absorb. However, long-term use of synthetic calcium can be dangerous for people who have vein problems. With varicose veins, the intake of natural calcium is recommended - that is, from food.

Calcium is very strongly washed out by nicotine. Therefore, to make up for the deficiency, you need to stop smoking. In addition, young girls who are on strict diets for weight loss suffer from a lack of calcium. Vegetarians are also at risk. Very often calcium deficiency is observed in people with lactose intolerance. Such groups of patients cannot drink milk and eat dairy products. In this case, you need to look for alternative sources of calcium.

Everyone needs calcium. However, there are groups of people who need it especially strongly. These are children in the period of growth, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people. Calcium is needed after chemotherapy, during the period of recovery of bone fractures, during menopause, and also during the period of taking diuretic drugs. If you fall into one of these categories, take care of your health and avoid calcium deficiency in your body.

Video: ideal calcium without drugs

So, you set out to be healthy and make up for the lack of calcium in the body. After all, a sufficient amount of this mineral in the body is a guarantee of healthy bones and teeth (and many other good things), which means long life. Importantly, this is not just a guarantee, but a quality life. When you can not only walk with a creak to a nearby grocery store, but also travel, be truly active.

What does an ordinary person do to make up for the lack of calcium

Option two:

  1. Goes to the pharmacy for a mineral complex, the price of which can vary significantly. Therefore, the cost of the coming happy old age threatens to hit the family budget. And at the same time, it is not a fact that they will help, since not all forms of calcium from tablets are equally well absorbed. And in addition, many more conditions are required for the absorption of calcium. More on that below.
  2. Leans with particular activity on dairy products. After all, we were taught from childhood that milk and its derivatives are the best source of calcium. It stuck in my head so hard that newly-made parents by hook or by crook stuff cottage cheese into their children ... And the rest do not lag behind! I am often approached by people who can’t stand cottage cheese, but FORCE themselves to eat it, “after all, calcium is needed.” In addition, recent studies are pushing milk off the shelves, and not only the usefulness of dairy products has long been in question - we are talking about real negative health consequences such as cancer and osteoporosis. Yes, you read that right - osteoporosis (decrease in bone density). Countries with the highest per capita milk consumption have the highest incidence of osteoporosis. For example, in Denmark. Therefore, a mug three times a day is not an option.

So what to do?

How to replenish and increase calcium in the body

I offer you a completely new approach to the issue of replenishing calcium in the body. It consists of three parts.

Getting calcium from plant sources

Yes Yes! Do not be surprised. Nature took care of us, and many vegetables and cereals. And not only them. Many also contain magnesium and vitamin D, without which calcium is not absorbed properly. That is, we get a "3 in 1" product. Here is a list of the best plant sources of calcium:

  • tofu cheese;
  • white, red and other beans;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb;
  • curly cabbage (grunkol);
  • Chinese cabbage (bok choy);
  • broccoli;
  • cilantro;
  • sesame seeds;
  • algae or seaweed;
  • canned fish (since they contain fish bones suitable for eating);
  • almond;
  • dates;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • oat groats;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • hazelnut;
  • pistachios;
  • lemon juice (!).

As you can see, the list is impressive. And it can go on for a very long time. This is a selection of the most common and affordable products. Dandelions, of course, you won’t get hold of in the winter, but in the summer ...

Note. The data in all tables are based on calcium per 100 grams of product. And it's great that calcium is in parsley, which we know and love. But eating 100 grams of parsley is not easy. But 100 grams of beans or are available to everyone. Even small children.

We do everything possible so that calcium not only enters the body, but is also absorbed

This requires the following substances: magnesium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is obtained from the sun and from fatty fish (salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel, and so on). Magnesium - from nuts and seeds, oatmeal and legumes.

We try to avoid factors that contribute to the leaching of calcium from the body

  • We don't use a lot of salt. Sodium, contained in even the most useful sea or Himalayan salt, helps to flush out calcium from the body. This does not mean that now you need to stop salting food. No. Just try to be smart about it. And remember that even the most over-salted homemade food contains less salt than store-bought convenience foods. Why aren't they salty? Because it's still full. So, if you want to be active for a long time, cook your own food. Or, at worst, go visit.
  • Limit coffee to the maximum. As soon as we can. It also helps flush out calcium from the body. And this drink, on which billions of people depend, has a lot of negative properties. For example, it destabilizes the hormonal background. Therefore, we turn to other delicious drinks.
  • We do not lean on animal proteins(meat, fish, dairy products). It has been proven that their use in large quantities threatens to acidify the body. And it also promotes the excretion of calcium. Therefore, before you sit down on a fashionable protein, think carefully. Maybe she should prefer something else?

Those are the simple rules.

Good health to you!
