Skin manifestations of syphilis. What do syphilis spots look like at different stages? Where does a syphilis rash appear?

Skin manifestations of syphilis photos can occur on the upper or lower extremities of infected people if the disease has developed to a secondary form or was transmitted through household contact.

Multiple rashes with syphilis

At the secondary or tertiary stage of infection, syphilis on the skin photo can manifest itself in the form of multiple inflamed rashes in the chest and upper extremities, causing itching, pain and burning.

Multiple syphilitic chancre on the body

Skin rashes with syphilis can take the form of multiple inflamed ulcers, from which lymph or purulent discharge constantly oozes.

Syphilitic rash in children

If the disease had a congenital character of penetration into the body, cutaneous syphilis photo takes the form of multiple rashes in the neck and forearms of the sick person.

Chancres during the transitional stage of syphilis

It is worth noting that primary skin rashes with syphilis photo have the appearance of a small number of ulcerative lesions with smooth edges. These do not leave any scars after healing and do not cause any discomfort to the carrier of the infection.

Skin manifestations of syphilis photo ulcers

In rare cases, skin photo syphilis may be characterized by purple or purple spots with a dark blood base. These ulcers often ooze blood or pus.

Skin manifestations of syphilis photo on the stomach


In some advanced cases, infection can provoke the so-called marbled skin with syphilis photo. This means that lesions on the abdomen or back become crusty and join together into one large lesion that is difficult to remove and treat.

Rash on the scrotum

With sexual transmission of syphilis, symptoms on the skin of a photo of an infected man may appear on the penis or scrotum in the form of multiple or single rashes or papules.

Purulent syphilitic rashes

In addition to chancre and papules, manifestations of syphilis on the skin also often take the form of watery papules or abscesses, which can be confused with a skin fungus or an allergic rash.

Chancres on hands

With the domestic method of infection, syphilis rashes on the skin often appear on the hands or in the mouth of the infected person. In this case, the wounds look like large purulent abscesses or blisters.

Nasal lesions due to syphilis

Depending on the stage of development of syphilis, spots on the skin may take the form of deep purulent ulcers that are not easy to eliminate with medicinal or bactericidal effects.

Multiple rashes on the body

On the back or abdomen of an infected person, multiple acne-like rashes can often be observed, which causes inflammation of the skin and can cause discomfort to the wearer.

Genital syphilis

During sexual transmission, the infection often manifests itself in the genital area in the form of small purulent abscesses or round wounds of regular shape.

Weeping chancres

In rare cases, the primary signs of syphilis may be oozing lymph or pus when it appears on the skin. This type of damage is dangerous and contagious to others.

Purulent wounds on the face

In older people, it can develop on the face and lead to deep skin lesions, purulent abscesses and wounds.


Syphilis is a severe systemic infection transmitted through sexual contact, household contact or blood transfusion. By and large, the causative agent of the disease, the microorganism Treponema pallidum, is quite sensitive to quite standard antibacterial drugs from the group of penicillins and tetracyclines.

The main thing is to strictly observe the dosage and duration of use. However, in the absence of therapy, there is a high risk of the pathology becoming chronic, relapsing. A rash with syphilis occurs already at the secondary stage of the process, so such a sign is a serious reason for contacting a venereologist as soon as possible.

Unlike most dermatoses, rashes caused by Treponema pallidum are characterized by a number of signs:

  • there is no specific localization of lesions of the epidermal cover, the only exception is chancre specific for primary syphilis, which forms at the site of penetration of treponemes into the skin or mucous membranes;
  • there is no predisposition to the merging of rash foci; as a rule, the foci have a clearly defined border, although their shape may be different;
  • with a long course of the disease, a rash can appear on the body for no apparent reason and also disappear spontaneously without any treatment;
  • there are no additional symptoms, syphilitic rashes are not characterized by itching, peeling, general health remains within normal limits, with rare exceptions, after the disappearance of the rash on the skin, no traces appear on the skin;
  • the shade of the lesions varies from pale flesh-colored at the initial stage to red-brown to black;
  • the simultaneous presence of several types of rash (for example, spots and papules);
  • rapid disappearance when selecting an appropriate course of therapy.

It is worth noting

A person with a similar clinical picture of pathology is extremely contagious.

In addition, the skin manifestations of syphilis are characterized by a clear periodicity. The disease begins with an incubation period. Its duration varies in different patients from 2-3 weeks to several months. Pathology manifests itself with the appearance of hard chancre. Systemic manifestations often occur (fever, deterioration of general condition, etc.). And only then, after a few more weeks, a syphilis rash appears. It persists (including periods of remission and exacerbation) until the disease is completely cured.

It is worth noting

Approximately from the moment of infection to the appearance of lesions on the body, up to 10-15 weeks pass. However, in some cases (for example, when treponemas enter the body through a blood transfusion from a patient), rashes appear earlier.

A person does not immediately learn about infection with syphilis, since the disease begins with an incubation period. Its duration depends on the state of the immune system, the presence of concomitant diseases, and concurrent use of antibiotics (standard dosages for the treatment of the vast majority of bacterial infections are not fully effective in combating treponema). The primary form of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of so-called chancre. Externally, it looks like a round ulcer surrounded by a raised ridge.

The inner surface is flat and smooth. However, such skin lesions are painless; when rubbed with clothing or pressure, ichor may be released. Typically, chancre forms on an area of ​​the body that has been in direct contact with infected secretions. Usually these are the genitals, during medical procedures or after unprotected oral sex - the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Less commonly, a similar sign of syphilis forms on the abdomen and inner thighs. In such cases, the size of the chancre can be up to 40-50 mm or more.

Most often, erosive damage to the body is single, but sometimes multiple ulcerations may occur. A rare atypical form of primary syphilis is chancre - felon. Its distinctive feature is its localization, which is atypical for this disease - on the palms and fingers. In this case, in addition to the ulcer, swelling, local hyperthermia, and redness are observed.

In most patients, by the beginning of the secondary period of syphilis, the chancre heals even without the use of any external or oral medications. However, this stage is characterized by the appearance of various types of rashes. Previously, the pathogenesis of such a course of syphilis was associated with the activity of the treponemes themselves. But in the course of clinical studies, scientists have found that the main physiological reason for the formation of certain symptoms that reflect the stages of pathology is the body’s response.

That is why the timing of different periods of syphilis, its external manifestations, and the alternation of exacerbation and remission differ for different patients. During the initial introduction of treponemes, the human immune system reacts by forming a dense infiltrate. Then, under the influence of ever-increasing changes (according to the mechanism of development, they resemble an allergic reaction), the nature and appearance of the skin lesion changes. The final result of the pathological process is gumma, specific for tertiary syphilis, with skin necrosis.

Syphilitic roseola

In appearance, such a formation is a spot that is no different from the surrounding skin except for color. The shade can vary from pale flesh or slightly yellowish to bright red. However, in the vast majority of cases, syphilitic roseola does not have a very contrasting color.

It is worth noting

The shade of the spots sometimes differs in the same person.

The shape of the rash is variable: the spots can be round or have unclear boundaries. They are located at a distance from each other and do not merge together. The size of each individual lesion ranges from a few millimeters to one and a half centimeters. There is no itching, peeling, or inflammation of surrounding tissues.

In the cold, roseola spots become more distinct, and the same symptoms are noted at the beginning of therapy with penicillin antibiotics. When pressed, the rash disappears, but after some time it returns again. A distinctive property of this syndrome is the acquisition of a more intense color when injected with a solution of vitamin PP.

Papular syphilide

This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of various dense papules. On the body they can be located separately from each other or in small groups. The rash itself does not cause any discomfort, but when pressed, acute painful sensations occur. As a rule, papules remain on the body for up to 2 months, after which peeling occurs, then the rashes disappear. In their place, areas of pigmentation remain for some time.

The following forms of papular syphilide are distinguished:

  • Lenticular, appears most often; outwardly, a similar rash resembles small nodular formations, up to half a centimeter in size. At the initial stage, the outside of the papule is smooth, and then becomes covered with transparent scales. The occurrence of such manifestations of secondary syphilis on the face is often accompanied by seborrhea, so the papules are covered with a denser coating. In a recurrent course, lenticular papular syphilide is characterized by the merging of rashes into groups of different shapes - a semicircle, an arc ring, etc.
  • Miliartny, with this form of syphilis, papules do not exceed a few millimeters; they form only around hair follicles (including vellus follicles) or ducts of the sebaceous glands. The consistency of the formations is quite dense, sometimes covered with a horny coating. As a rule, miliary syphilide is localized on the arms and legs. Such formations can be accompanied by itching, tend to last a long time, and do not respond well to standard therapy.
  • Coin-shaped, is distinguished by the large size of the papules (up to 2.5 cm) and a fairly characteristic color (from dark brown to violet-red). Usually there are relatively few rashes, in addition, this form of syphilide is prone to combination with other types of rashes. Often the lesion resembles fireworks - several small ones are located around a large spot (a similar phenomenon is called blasting or corymbiform syphilide). After the disappearance of the coin-shaped papule, areas of disturbed pigmentation remain. Often such formations are localized in the area of ​​the inguinal folds, between the buttocks. In this case, they are often damaged, become wet, and are constantly subject to erosion.

Sometimes so-called palmar and plantar syphilide is formed. In appearance they can resemble calluses or subcutaneous hematomas, which seem to “shine through” the epidermal cover.

Pustular syphilide

This form of the disease occurs with the formation of exudate-filled vesicles of various sizes and locations. According to experts, it occurs very rarely, in a maximum of 10 patients out of 100, and is more typical for patients with a weakened immune system, against the background of alcohol and drug abuse. This rash is often accompanied by a high fever.

Depending on the external manifestations, the following forms of pustular syphilide are distinguished:

  • Acne. It manifests itself in the form of a small compaction, in the middle of which an accumulation of pus quickly appears. They are usually brightly colored and, as a rule, localized in the area where the sebaceous glands are located (on the face, back, hair growth area on the head).
  • Smallpox. It is characterized by the rapid disintegration of the pustule into a papule surrounded by inflammatory skin. Subsequently, it becomes covered with a dense keratinized crust, which soon falls off, leaving a small depression. The rashes are not prone to merging and resemble chickenpox in appearance, so differential diagnosis requires a series of studies.
  • Impetiginous. At the initial stage, a characteristic pustule appears, which gradually collapses in the central part, forming a fairly large abscess. The rash has a bright red color; after the abscess ruptures, a yellowish or brown dense crust forms.
  • Ecthyma. Characterized by the depth of the process, the pathology covers not only the epidermis, but also the dermis. It is large in size (up to 10 cm), often covered with a thick crust. Soon it falls away, revealing an ulcerative surface limited by raised skin. After healing, a scar forms at the site of ecthyma.

Another type of pustular syphilide is rupiah. It is prone to a long course and complex healing processes, in which drying crusts are layered on top of each other, forming something like a shell rising above the surface of the skin.

Syphilide herpetiformis

In terms of external manifestations it is very similar to pustular syphilis, but in terms of pathogenetic changes it is more similar to the symptoms of tertiary syphilis. It is a sign of a severe course of the pathology, usually occurs in weakened patients prone to immunodeficiency, excessive alcohol consumption, drug addiction, against the background of untreated syphilis. In appearance (this is very noticeable in the photo), syphilide herpetiformis is plaques (their size varies from 1 to 6 cm) of bright color. They are covered with small blisters on top, which looks very similar to herpes. However, after a few days they burst, and the pustules are covered with small ulcers on top.

Pigmentary syphilide

This form of the disease is also called leukoderma. Typically, its manifestations occur six months after infection. Pigmentary syphilide is localized in the neck, so it is often called the necklace of Venus. At first, foci of increased pigmentation with uneven outlines appear on the skin, then they lighten. They are not prone to changing size and merging, are more often formed in women, and are usually difficult to treat. Often, such pigmentation disorders are accompanied by the penetration of pathogens into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Skin manifestations of the late period of the disease

Tertiary syphilis occurs against the background of long-term inflammatory processes in the epidermis and dermis. One of the manifestations of the late period of the disease is gumma - a neoplasm quite dense in consistency, its size can reach a walnut. There is no pain when pressed.

Gumma is formed in the epidermis, so it moves easily under the skin, usually forms on the legs, can be single or merge together. After some time, tissue fluid is released from the middle of the formation. Gradually the gap grows, which leads to the formation of ulceration combined with necrosis.

Such lesions can remain on the skin for a long time (sometimes up to several years). After healing, a scar or depression may form on the skin. Tuberous syphilide is another manifestation of tertiary syphilis.

Accompanied by the formation of formations collected in groups of a specific bluish tint. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, they may dissolve or develop into ulcers with subsequent scarring.

Clinical picture of congenital syphilis

An infant infected with syphilis in utero has a high probability of death, especially if the pathology manifests early. If the disease develops in the first months after birth, symptoms typical of secondary syphilis occur. Congenital syphilitic roseola is characterized by peeling, the appearance of scales, and the appearance of a bright red hue. Papular syphilide in children occurs with thickening of the skin on the soles and palms, and buttocks. Then the surface of such a formation becomes shiny and begins to peel off greatly.

When symptoms of syphilis form in the mouth as a result of sucking and screaming, deep cracks appear, their healing is accompanied by the formation of scars. If such rashes are in the nose, a runny nose occurs. In some cases, there is a risk of complete destruction of the nasal septum.

It is worth noting

If syphilis appears at a later age, its manifestations are no different from the course of the secondary form of infection in adults.

Syphilitic rash: are there differences in the course of men and women, methods of diagnosis and therapy

Many manifestations of secondary syphilis do not differ in either men or women. However, representatives of the fairer sex are more likely to form leucoderma (“Venus necklace”). In addition, there is a certain difference in the localization of acne-like pustular syphilide, since in men the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands is increased. There are quite definite differences in the location of lesions in the genital area.

In men, the initial manifestations of the pathology (chancre) are on the head of the penis, in women - on the mucous membranes of the genitals. In addition, infection in the fairer sex is dangerous in terms of the risk of pregnancy against the background of the active course of the infectious process. In case of intrauterine infection of a developing fetus, the risk of death of the child is high; a similar probability remains in the postpartum period.

It is worth noting

As a rule, skin manifestations of a syphilitic infection are not accompanied by severe itching. It appears extremely rarely and only during the period of healing or scarring.

Some symptoms of Treponema pallidum are quite specific, but treatment is not started without confirming the diagnosis. Syphilitic rash should be differentiated from other dermatoses.

This is possible using microscopy of the discharge and specific immunoenzyme methods, hemagglutination reaction, Wasserman. They can give unreliable results in the initial stages of the disease, but when skin manifestations occur, such techniques are very specific.

Syphilitic rash is quite treatable, but the main condition is timely consultation with a doctor. The doctor prescribes a long course of antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines, penicillins, and macrolides. In some cases, antihistamines are indicated. Anti-inflammatory external ointments and gels are sometimes used. However, you should not try to cope with the infection on your own; treatment of syphilis requires a professional approach.

Currently, a disease such as syphilis is quite common in Russia, so it is identified as a socially significant pathology that threatens the life and health of people. According to medical statistics, the incidence rate is only growing every year. Those who have not encountered this disease should familiarize themselves with it in detail, considering what it is syphilis, symptoms and treatment, prevention photo.

Syphilis - what is it? Syphilis is a serious illness, which is characterized by the pathological process affecting the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs of the patient.

The causative agent of syphilis is a microorganism called spirochete pallidum. It looks like a curved spiral, can move in different ways, and can divide transversely.

Favorable conditions for the development of this bacterium are found in the human lymphatic tract and nodes, so it is there that it begins to rapidly multiply. The presence of such microorganisms in the blood can be detected at the stage of the secondary type of disease.

Bacteria can remain in a warm and humid environment for quite a long time; the most optimal temperature is 37°C. In addition, they are resistant to low temperatures. Pathogenic microorganisms die when dried, heated to 55°C-100°C, or treated with disinfectants, acidic or alkaline solutions.

Household syphilis, symptoms and treatment, prevention, photo can lead to many negative consequences for human health, even ending very tragically. But the prognosis depends on whether this dangerous disease is detected in a timely manner.


Symptoms diseases directly depends on the stage at which it occurs. Moreover, clinical manifestations may differ between genders. Experts distinguish 4 degrees of development of the disease, which begin with the incubation period and end with the tertiary type. The first signs of syphilis disturb a person only when the incubation period ends, which passes without causing any sensations. Taking apart syphilis, symptoms and treatment, prevention, photo All stages of infection development should be considered.

Primary stage

The initial symptom of the disease is appearance on the female labia or glans of the male genital organ chancre which is characterized by pain.

It occurs in places where pathogenic microorganisms have entered the body. Therefore, rashes can appear on other parts of the skin, but most often they occur on the patient’s genitals. This is explained by the fact that in most cases the infection process occurs through sexual contact.

1-2 weeks after the rash has formed, an increase in the lymph nodes located near it is observed. This suggests that pathogenic bacteria spread throughout the body through the circulatory system, affecting the internal organs of the patient.

Once it appears, it disappears without the use of medications in 20-40 days. But this does not mean at all that the disease has receded, because in fact the pathology is only developing.

When the primary stage ends, the patient may feel weakness throughout the body, lack of desire to sleep and eat, headache, fever, soreness in muscle tissue and joints.

Secondary stage

The first period of development ends, the secondary one begins to develop, which is slightly different. Clinical manifestations in this case are rashes.

It may appear on the hands and other parts of the body. It is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, but is considered the initial symptom of this stage. It begins to bother the patient 8-11 weeks after the very first rashes appeared on the patient’s body.

Most often, skin manifestations occur in those areas of the body that are more exposed to mechanical stress, for example, on the folds, inguinal folds, and mucous membranes.

Some patients note that they experience significant hair loss and also develop tumors in the genital area.

If the patient does not treat the pathology at this stage of development, then gradually the skin manifestations will go away on their own, but the infection will not disappear, but will become a latent type that can last up to 4 years. After some time, the disease will relapse.

Tertiary stage

Fortunately, It is now quite rare to detect this stage of the disease, only if therapy was not carried out on time. Then, several years after the infection entered, the tertiary stage may occur. With it, damage to internal organs is observed, the appearance of foci of infection on the skin, mucous membranes, heart, lungs, liver, organs of vision, brain, bones. The surfaces of the nasal cavity can become sunken, and during eating, food can enter the nose.

Clinical manifestations are associated with the fact that the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord die, so the patient often experiences dementia and progressive paralysis. In no case should the disease be started before this period; if you notice the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire.

At the first stage, small rashes with a red color are observed. Over time, they transform into small ulcers. They have a compacted base, smooth edges and a brown-red bottom. They disappear a few weeks after infection.

Many people are interested in the question Does syphilis itch men and women? No, no such manifestation was noticed.

At the second stage of development, small tubercles appear on the skin, which have a pale pink tint. Gradually they begin to change their color, after which brown or bluish spots form. Sometimes doctors observe the appearance of pustules on the patient’s body.

At the third stage, the skin, legs, back and other areas of the human body do not appear so significantly. Small tubercles are found that have a red-blue tint, but there are very few of them. After all, the main symptom is damage to the body from the inside.

Definitely say what does syphilis look like, it is impossible, because the nature of skin manifestations may be different. The rashes vary depending on what nature they have, how many they appear, and whether they can occur singly or in multiples.

Almost always syphilis in women and men, or rather, its symptoms that appear on the skin gradually disappear. Instead, they leave small scars and scars. However, this does not mean at all that the disease has receded. Outwardly, it may not cause any sensations, but inside the body is increasingly exposed to danger.

Photo of syphilis

Now the most reliable method of research is blood test for syphilis - Wasserman reaction. The purpose of this examination is to detect the antibodies of the immune system that the body produces if it does not contain pathogens that cause this dangerous disease.

Where biomaterial is taken and how long does the procedure take?? The required amount of blood is extracted not from a finger, but from a vein. Sometimes it is taken from blood vessels that are located on the hands or forearms.

Special preparation not needed before analysis. The only thing necessary donate blood on an empty stomach, for this you need not to eat 6-8 hours before the procedure. This will help to obtain the most reliable information during laboratory research.

If the result is negative, then there is no pathology, if positive, then an infection develops in the body. However, there are some exceptions in which the survey result may be false. That is, even if the test shows a negative result, the patient can still be infected, and vice versa. This is possible if:

  1. At the time of the examination, the person had been infected for only a few days.
  2. A person suffers from the secondary and tertiary stages of the disease, in which the content of protective antibodies becomes less.

If a positive result is obtained, specialists repeated laboratory testing is mandatory to make sure the results are correct. After all, false reactions occur quite often.

How is syphilis transmitted?

There are several ways how can you get infected with syphilis. These include:

  1. Sexual act of any kind.
  2. Blood, this is how drug addicts who share syringes often become infected. The infection can also be transmitted through a razor blade shared by several people.
  3. Breast milk, due to which the pathology is transmitted to the child.
  4. The intrauterine route, in which the baby is born already infected.
  5. Transmission of bacteria by everyday means, for example, when the patient and other people use the same towel or utensils.
  6. Saliva, which rarely acts as a carrier of infection, usually, if such infection occurs, is among dentists who work without gloves.

How does syphilis manifest? after infection?

Unfortunately, not at all. Therefore, it is impossible to feel that there is an infection immediately. In this regard, if unprotected sexual contact occurs, then to prevent infection no later than 2 hours later, you must do the following:

  • Be sure to wash your genitals and thighs with soap.
  • Treat these parts of the body with a solution of antiseptics such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. Women should insert the product into the vagina, and men into the urethra.

This method is not guaranteed to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, the risk of infection transmission will be reduced only by 70%. In addition, using this method will not always work, so it is best to use condoms. Even if sexual contact took place with a trusted partner, you should still not neglect treating the genitals with antiseptic agents.

Also, after casual sexual intercourse, it is advisable to undergo examination by a venereologist to make sure that there is no infection in the body. To detect syphilis it is necessary go to the doctor only in a few weeks after sexual intercourse, because it will not manifest itself in any way before.

All manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes are highly contagious, so even short-term contact with a sick person leads to the transmission of bacteria. Blood is also considered dangerous. If it gets on medical or cosmetic instruments, and then a healthy person is injured by them, then the infection is guaranteed to pass to him.

To prevent family members from becoming infected with the virus, it is necessary to reduce the likelihood of household transmission of infection as much as possible. The patient must have personal utensils, hygiene items, and must try not to come into contact with healthy people.

All sick patients are primarily concerned with the question: Is there a cure for syphilis? Favorable prognosis possible, but the most important thing is the timely detection of pathology. Further recovery depends on this. A dermatovenerologist who specializes in this area knows how to treat syphilis.

Treatment time This illness is quite long-lasting. If he was discovered at the primary stage, then therapy takes 2-3 months, and if - at the secondary stage, it will last about 2 years. During treatment, the patient is strictly forbidden to be sexually active, and family members are recommended to take preventive measures.

In most cases, the patient is treated in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment regimen depends not on what symptoms are present in a person, but based on the results of laboratory tests. The doctor prescribes drugs to treat syphilis, the most effective of which are penicillins. They are administered by injection every 3 hours. Such the course is 24 days.

The causative agent of the infection is quite sensitive to these drugs, but sometimes they are ineffective or cause an allergic reaction in the patient. Then the specialist recommends such means as fluoroquinolones, macrolides or teracyclines. Immunostimulants and vitamin therapy are also prescribed.

If a woman wants to have a baby

But in the past I suffered from this dangerous disease, how to plan conception? In order to prevent the birth of a baby with an acquired disease, expectant mothers undergo repeated examinations. A person who has had this infection can conceive a child., but it will be necessary to diagnose and take preventive measures.

Talking about syphilis, symptoms and treatment, prevention photo It should be said that no traditional medicine recipes or therapy without the help of a doctor can help in the fight against this disease. This is, in principle, unacceptable, because not only will it bring absolutely no benefit, but it can also turn out to be dangerous. Therefore, if there is a possible infection or the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The earlier the disease is detected, the better the prognosis for recovery.

We looked at the disease syphilis. Symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos will help fight the disease. Have you observed this? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the microorganism Treponema pallidum, or Treponema pallidum. The pathogen enters the human body through damaged skin or mucous membranes. The microorganism can be transmitted through the placenta and through blood transfusion.

Manifestations of syphilis on the skin

Skin manifestations may be a sign of primary syphilis, when the microbe multiplies directly at the site of penetration. This is how hard chancre is formed.

When treponema spreads through the bloodstream, the body begins to fight the infection and produces antibodies. When the microbe interacts with the immune system, biologically active substances are released, leading to the development of manifestations of secondary syphilis. One such sign is a syphilitic rash.

Tertiary, or late syphilis occurs a long time after infection. It is accompanied by damage to the bones, nervous system and other organs. A rash with syphilis in the late period is one of the common manifestations of the disease.

Skin manifestations also accompany the congenital form of the disease.

In each phase of the disease, rashes with syphilis have their own characteristics.

Primary syphilis

The first symptoms of a syphilitic rash appear at the end of the incubation period, which on average lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months. A defect with a diameter of 2 mm to 2 cm or more appears on the skin or mucous membrane. The primary lesion is called a chancre and looks like a round ulcer with smooth edges and a smooth bottom, often saucer-shaped.

The ulcer is painless, the discharge from it is insignificant. It is located in a compacted area - infiltrate. It is very dense and resembles to the touch thick cardboard, cartilage, rubber.

The erosion is similar to an ulcer, but does not have clearly defined edges. This is a superficial defect that may go unnoticed. Hard chancre or erosion is most often single, but several foci can form.

Small ulcers are more common in women and are located on the mucous membranes. Giant chancre with a diameter of up to 5 cm are localized on the skin of the abdomen, inner thighs, perineum, chin, upper limbs (hands and forearms) and are recorded mainly in men.

A chancre may be located on the lips or tongue. In the latter case, a slit-like or star-shaped defect occurs.

Treponemas multiply intensively at the site of damage, so the primary chancre can serve as a source of infection for other people. The ulcer lasts for approximately 7 weeks, after which it heals to form a scar.

Congenital syphilis

With early congenital syphilis, which manifests itself soon after birth, typical secondary syphilides are often observed. However, this form of the disease is characterized by special skin manifestations.

Papular syphilide can be represented by skin infiltration. The skin thickens, turns red, swells, and then peeling begins. This sign appears on the palms, soles, buttocks, as well as around the mouth and chin. The affected skin is damaged with the formation of radiating cracks. After they heal, scars remain for life. The nasal cavity and vocal cords are affected.

Syphilitic pemphigus is another typical manifestation of congenital syphilis. Blisters with transparent contents, up to 2 cm in size, are formed on the skin, surrounded by a red rim. They always appear on the palms and soles. The bubbles do not increase or merge. At the same time, internal organs suffer, and the child’s general condition worsens significantly.

Syphilitic pemphigus

In the late period of the congenital form of the disease, gummous and tuberculate formations (syphilides) typical of the tertiary period are found.

Diagnosis and treatment

How to determine what causes skin changes? If a rash of unknown origin appears, you should consult a dermatologist. In many cases, the diagnosis becomes clear upon examination.

To confirm the syphilitic cause of the disease, additional studies are carried out:

  • detection of treponemas in discharge from chancre or erosions;
  • non-treponemal tests (microprecipitation reaction or rapid reaction with plasma);
  • treponemal tests (immunofluorescence reaction, treponemal immobilization reaction);
  • enzyme immunoassay (passive hemagglutination reaction).

Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis is quite difficult. It is difficult to interpret the results yourself, so consultation with a doctor is necessary.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, In the Russian Federation, per 100,000 inhabitants there are 30 patients with syphilis. These figures are not indicative, since a large number of infected people do not turn to doctors for treatment. Therefore, the risk of infection remains high.

A little about syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. The causative agent of this disease is Treponema pallidum, which is a bacterium that is capable of movement.

How does syphilis appear on the skin?

Syphilitic manifestations are very diverse and cause difficulties in the differential diagnosis of syphilis with other skin diseases. The morphological elements that appear on the skin during syphilis vary depending on the stage of the process.

The incubation period of this disease averages from 2 weeks to 2 months. A shortening of the period occurs in people with reduced immunity, who have had infectious diseases, and with a history of cancer, tuberculosis, and HIV infection.

During this period, the pathogen is in the human body, but its concentration is not enough to cause symptoms of the disease. There are no manifestations on the skin.

After the specified time period, when Treponema pallidum accumulates, the stage of primary syphilis develops. It is characterized by a single, but most contagious skin manifestation - chancroid.

It is formed, as a rule, at the site of penetration of Treponema pallidum (with genital contact - in the genital area, with oral-genital contact - in the oral cavity, in the lip area, etc.).

The formation of chancre occurs in several stages:

  • formation of a small spot, pink-red color;
  • formation of an erosive defect;
  • compaction of the erosion bottom, color change to bright red. The erosion is covered with a transparent or brown film.

With timely treatment or, on the contrary, transition to the next stage of syphilis, the chancre again enters the spot stage and then completely disappears. As a rule, such a tumor does not cause discomfort in an infected person. Slight itching may occur in the area of ​​erosion.
