Royal jelly tablets. Royal jelly: instructions for use of granules, tablets, capsules. What is royal jelly

"Apilak"(Russia) - tablets for sublingual use (placed under the tongue). Each tablet contains 0.01 g of lyophilized royal jelly. Recommended for adults with hypotension, neurasthenia, asthenic conditions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, after serious illnesses and surgical operations, and for nursing mothers to enhance lactation.

Under the name “Apilak”, candles are also produced containing 0.005 g and 0.01 g of lyophilized apilak, cream and 3% ointment in 50 g tubes. The candles are used for hemorrhoids, the cream is used for rubbing in seborrhea of ​​the facial skin (1 once a day), ointment - for itchy skin, neurodermatitis, eczema and diaper rash. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin in an amount of 2-5 g 1-2 times a day (for the first procedure it is recommended to use a smaller amount of ointment; if there is no allergic reaction during subsequent procedures, the dose can be increased).

"Apilactose"(Russia) - a preparation based on royal jelly, which includes the stabilizing substance lactose, which allows you to extend its shelf life.

The action of “Apilactose” is similar to “Apilak”, however, according to some data, it is more effective.

"Apitok"(“Tentorium”, Russia) - high-quality honey with the addition of royal jelly or brood homogenate, Pegus - a propolis component. It is recommended as an addition to regular and dietary nutrition to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and is an indispensable remedy after long-term use of potent drugs (antibiotics).

“Apitok” reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases (stroke, angina, myocardial infarction), infectious kidney diseases, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, tuberculosis. Used as a natural food product during and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

"Apitonus"(“Tentorium”, Russia) - high-quality Parma honey with the addition of native royal jelly or brood homogenate. Used as a natural product in addition to normal or dietary nutrition, to prevent atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and in the recovery period after myocardial infarction.

It can increase libido and prevent the development of anemic conditions (especially B 12 deficiency anemia).

« Apimin V» Apis company - a mixture of royal jelly and an extract of drone brood larvae.

"Apifor"- ointment with propolis, royal jelly and beebread. Used as an external remedy for the treatment of wounds.

"Apifortila" - royal jelly in capsules of 200 mg. Indications and purposes are similar to Apilak.

"Apicomplex"- contains honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly. Indications are according to the indications of each component.

"Dragée with royal jelly"(Romania) - a preparation obtained by incorporating milk into an amino acid (glycocol) and coated with a sugar crust, available in bottles of 20 tablets. It is a good biostimulant, recommended for physical and nervous fatigue, asthenia, lack of appetite, as well as during the period of recovery after serious illnesses. Used as a general tonic for decreased immunity and anemia. It does not cause any side effects, there are no contraindications for use.

"Vitadon"(Romania) - tablets with lyophilized royal jelly. Each tablet contains 0.1 g of natural royal jelly. Prescribed for weight loss in combination with physical asthenia, lack of appetite, and also as a general tonic for diseases with acute clinical evolution.

"Vitas"- contains honey, royal jelly, pollen, bee bread. Available in 500 g jars. Used as a complex biostimulant, as well as for diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Prescribed 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, children - 1 teaspoon. spoon 3 times a day, especially to stimulate appetite.

"KolGel"- 2% solution of royal jelly. Bottles of 20 ml. Recommended for eye diseases - conjunctivitis, glaucoma, corneal ulcer, microbial keratitis, eye trauma. Prescribed 2-3 drops 3-6 times a day.

Melbrozine - contains royal jelly and pollen. It is used in gynecological practice for painful menstruation and pathological menopause.

"Melcalcin"(Romania) - granular preparation of royal jelly, calcium and honey. It has a stimulating effect on diseases of the nervous system, promotes the development and strengthening of the skeletal system in children, and the harmonious development of the body.

The drug is recommended for use as a dietary product (it is easily digestible), especially when tired and exhausted. Use for bone fractures accelerates their healing due to the presence of calcium glycerophosphate. “Melcalcin” is indispensable for children and youth during the development of the body, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation. It can be used for constitutional hypocalcemia, in the case of spasmophilia and parathyroid tetany.

"Lyophilized royal jelly in bottles"(Romania) - a concentrated biological product produced in the form of pills. Used as a dietary food product with a tonic and restorative effect.

It is used in cases of fatigue, exhaustion, asthenia, loss of appetite, during the recovery period and for anemia.

There are no contraindications.

"Lyophilized royal jelly in ampoules"(Romania) - a biologically active drug, the effect of which is similar to that of the pill. It is recommended to take for chronic fatigue, asthenic condition, neurasthenia, loss of appetite, insomnia, anemia, postoperative treatment, during the recovery period after serious illnesses, for tuberculosis (during the recovery period), bronchial asthma, circulatory disorders, liver and kidney diseases, pancreatitis, gout , diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as ovarian failure.

There are no contraindications.

"Royal jelly with honey"(Romania) - a mixture of beekeeping products in their natural form (2 g of royal jelly and 100 g of honey). A food product that has a tonic and energetic effect. Recommended as a tonic during convalescence, in case of severe fatigue (neurotic conditions as a result of overexertion), and during puberty.

"Polenovital"- tablets containing pollen and royal jelly (0.10 g). Recommended for asthenia, nervous and physical fatigue, protein deficiency, liver disease, stomach disease, heart disease, anemia, and lack of appetite. Daily dose 3-6 tablets per day.

"Propopharyngitis"- emulsion, contains honey, propolis, royal jelly. Bottle 50 ml. Used as a local remedy in the treatment of pharyngitis, lacerations and purulent wounds, burns.

"Propogliant"- contains honey, royal jelly and propolis. It is used as a local remedy for the treatment of rhinitis and pharyngitis.

"Energin-L"- contains honey, royal jelly, pollen. Available in the form of a paste in jars of 200 g. Recommended for functional diseases of the central nervous system, diseases of the digestive system. Adults are prescribed 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals, children - 1 teaspoon. spoon 2 times a day.

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Royal jelly

Collection of royal jelly

Storage and transportation of royal jelly

Royal jelly application and effect

This is a special bioactive nutrient secreted by bees to feed the queen larvae.

In folk and traditional medicine, royal jelly is used as a powerful immunostimulant.

It is used both independently and as part of various drugs for the treatment and prevention of a whole range of diseases.

Indications for use

  • hypertensive syndrome;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • respiratory diseases, colds;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • disruption of the digestive system, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
  • infertility of various etiologies;
  • encephalitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • brain disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • wounds, ulcers, skin injuries.

Beneficial features

Royal jelly strengthens weakened immunity and activates defenses, thanks to which the body begins to cope with diseases faster. Taking adsorbed royal jelly helps increase vitality, improve performance, and improve appetite.

The useful product accelerates blood circulation, has disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

Regular use of this drug stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood glucose levels, and lowers high blood pressure.

Royal jelly helps with colds, various inflammatory diseases, vascular pathologies, gynecological and urological problems.

Dry (adsorbed) royal jelly in tablets retains all the benefits given by nature and gives a pronounced therapeutic effect.


Royal jelly – 8.5%, calcium stearate – 0.8%, lactose -89%, glucose – 1.7%. Also, this natural beekeeping product is rich in substances such as:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • fatty acid;
  • minerals;
  • enzymes;
  • lipids.

Mode of application

You need to take royal jelly twice a day (in the morning and at lunch, before meals). The tablets should be placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved.

Adults and adolescents over 14 years old are recommended to take 2-4 tablets of royal jelly at a time, the recommended single dose of the drug for children 5-14 years old is 1-2 tablets.

The course of treatment with this drug should be 15-25 days (one package of the drug is enough for one course).


The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

Where can I buy?

Looking for adsorbed royal jelly tablets? Our online store “Russian Roots” offers a wide selection of preparations based on herbal raw materials. You can always order the necessary product on our website at a competitive price. We will send the paid goods across Russia by mail.

For customers living in Moscow and the Moscow region, the order will be delivered by courier. Also, in Moscow, royal jelly and other natural ones can be bought in our network of herbal pharmacies. We are waiting for your feedback and suggestions!

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Natural pharmacy has saved many wonderful potions for humans to maintain and strengthen health. Bee products occupy an important place among natural remedies. Add knowledge about bee jelly to your experience - information about its beneficial properties and areas of application will certainly be useful to you!

What is royal jelly

This super-healthy product has other names: royal jelly or white honey. Royal jelly is a secretion produced by young worker bees (5-15 days old). This substance is formed in the pharyngeal glands of insects when they chew bee bread (pollen) and honey. Bees use this product to feed their larvae, and the finest milk is sealed in special wax flasks. This food is intended only for the queen bee, who will consume this concentrate throughout her life.

On such a diet, the queen of the hive grows twice as large as ordinary insects, lives for about 6 years and during this period actively performs her function - she lays eggs daily, providing the swarm with new workers. Due to the high concentration of valuable substances in this bee secretion, it is very useful for people. This product is obtained from apiaries for further use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The necessary scrupulousness in the preparation and storage of white honey affects the fact that it has an expensive price, but this pays off with a lot of useful qualities.

Royal jelly - medicinal properties

The main indication for the use of such a product, which is suitable for everyone, is to strengthen the body’s defenses and effectively prevent bacterial and viral infections. The healing properties of royal jelly are also manifested in their effects on specific organ systems. Bee product:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the enzyme composition of gastric juice, bile secretion, and intestinal motility;
  • helps regulate blood sugar levels;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis, effectively reducing cholesterol levels;
  • balances hormonal levels;
  • promotes muscle building;
  • has a healing effect on tissue;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, as a result of which concentration improves and memory is strengthened.

Royal jelly - composition

What beneficial substances are provided by nature in the basis of this product? The composition of royal jelly includes:

  • proteins with properties similar to blood serum proteins;
  • fats: phospholipids, sterols, glycerols, decenoic acids;
  • carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • a wide range of macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins A, E, D, C, group B;
  • mineral salts;
  • hormones: estradiol, progesterone, testosterone;
  • neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  • enzymes;
  • other important biologically active substances.

Royal jelly - application

Thanks to a wide range of valuable active ingredients, this product is widely used in traditional medicine recipes as an effective tonic and general strengthening agent. The use of royal jelly has an effective therapeutic and preventive effect for diseases:

  • blood;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory tract;
  • eye;
  • gastrointestinal organs;
  • organs of the urinary system;
  • endocrine system;
  • genital area;
  • skin and hair.

Royal jelly for men

What is the special benefit of such a product for the stronger sex? Royal jelly for men is not only a valuable supplement that helps maintain optimal physical and mental shape. The effectiveness of this product on male fertility has been proven: it increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which has a positive effect on potency and spermatogenesis. Treatment with royal jelly is also successfully used for prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

Royal jelly for women

White honey is extremely useful for strengthening women's health and maintaining a beautiful appearance. In addition to its general strengthening properties for the whole body, royal jelly for women increases the chances of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy baby. It is good for nurses to use this product - it improves the functioning of the mammary glands during breastfeeding, and the high iron content here prevents the risk of anemia during lactation. The ability of bee jelly to soften PMS and hot flashes during menopause is also known.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this substance, extracted from beehives, explains the widespread use of this product by women for personal care. For example, pantothenic acid will help maintain a slim figure, and biotin will bring great benefits to hair, skin, and nails. In order to maintain beauty, white honey can be used both internally and externally - as part of masks and creams.

Royal jelly for children

There are many reviews about the benefits of using this product even for infants. Royal jelly is valuable for children because it can increase their appetite and strengthen their immune system. With the help of this secretion, malnutrition is effectively treated, and the baby begins to gain weight well. Rubbing the skin with an alcohol solution of bee jelly will help relieve your baby of diaper rash.


You need to know that in certain cases this extremely useful product should not be taken so as not to cause harm to the body. Contraindications for royal jelly are:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to bee products;
  • infectious diseases at the acute stage;
  • renal failure;
  • Addison's disease;
  • tumor processes.

How to take royal jelly

To get the maximum benefit from this bee secretion, you need to know how to properly use such a concentrate. Today, this product can be bought online or in a pharmacy in dry form in the form of tablets, granules, capsules. It is also sold as part of a lactose-glucose mixture or a mixture with honey. To produce these preparations, a large percentage of all useful components are adsorbed from the native substance. It is more convenient to take royal jelly in this form, because natural royal jelly quickly deteriorates under improper storage conditions.

Manufacturers indicate the specific dosage and duration of use in the instructions for the drugs, but before starting the treatment course it is recommended to agree on the daily dose and duration of treatment with your doctor. Please note important considerations for taking the absorbed product.

  • These drugs are not drunk with water, but taken sublingually - kept under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • This medicine should be taken in the first half of the day, 20-30 minutes before meals, due to its inherent pronounced tonic effect.

Royal jelly price

The cost of such a valuable general health product varies depending on the manufacturer and how many grams of the secret itself are in the package. To make a profitable purchase, check out the approximate prices for drugs in this segment.

Royal jelly preparations

Application of apilak

Our pharmacological industry produces the royal jelly preparation “Apilak” (from the Latin apis - bee, lac - milk) in the form of tablets, suppositories and powder. Apilak contains dry matter of native royal jelly, which has high biological activity. Its tablets are white, slightly yellowish. They contain 0.01 g of royal jelly. They need to be placed under the tongue and held until completely dissolved. The average daily dose for adults is 0.03 g (3 tablets). For premature and newborn babies, a single dose of apilac is usually 0.0025 g, and for children over 4 months old - 0.005 g. The drug is administered to them in the form of suppositories 3 times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 7 to 15 days.

Cream and three percent royal jelly ointment are also available (it is white or slightly yellowish). The cream is used mainly for rubbing in seborrhea of ​​the facial skin (once a day), and the ointment is used for skin itching, neurodermatitis, eczema and diaper rash. Apply it to the affected areas of the skin in an amount of 2-10 g 1-2 times a day (the smallest amount of ointment is used for the first rubbing; in the absence of an allergic reaction, the dose is increased during subsequent procedures).

To make candles and cosmetic creams, use apilac powder (it is white with a slight yellowish tint).

Apilak tablets and powder are stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than +2 °C, and suppositories - at a temperature no higher than +12 °C. The ointment in tubes is stored under normal conditions.

Freeze drying, used for the preservation of royal jelly, is a rather expensive technological process, and therefore another method of preservation has recently been developed. It consists of mixing native royal jelly with anhydrous glucose. Mixing royal jelly with honey in a ratio of 1:100 or 2:100 is also widely used. To prepare the mixture, you can also use freeze-dried royal jelly powder. Its dosage is 1.5 g per dose 2-3 times a day. This drug should be stored at a temperature of 15–25 C for 6 months if it is intended for medicinal purposes, and for 12 months for dietary use.

It has been established that adding royal jelly to honey increases its antioxidant properties, due to which the therapeutic and preventive value of such a mixture significantly increases.

I would like to note that a lot of bee products of mixed composition are currently produced abroad. Thus, in China a medicinal preparation is produced consisting of royal jelly, ginseng, Chinese angelica and other medicinal herbs. In Slovenia, preparations are made consisting of honey and small additions of royal jelly, pollen, propolis, caraway and hawthorn extracts. Such combinations make it possible to obtain preparations with a wider spectrum of action; in addition, royal jelly and other beekeeping products are used more economically (the use of their mixtures leads to a mutually reinforcing effect).


Royal jelly preparations are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to it, acute infectious diseases and Addison's disease (a disease of the adrenal cortex). The drug "Apilak" should be used with caution and under the control of blood coagulation parameters in elderly people who have a tendency to hypercoagulation.

Side effects

Some people may experience increased sensitivity to royal jelly, manifested by sleep disturbances, increased heart rate, dry mouth, etc., which disappear after reducing the dose or stopping the drug. Sometimes allergic reactions can also occur. In this case, you cannot take royal jelly. It should be noted that high doses of royal jelly can cause nervous and endocrine disorders. The optimal dose of royal jelly is 30-100 mg per day. However, according to indications, it can be increased to 500 mg per day.

Great possibilities of “royal jelly”

It has proven itself as a means of treating and preventing a number of diseases. Among them, for example, bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. A single dose of royal jelly for adults is 20–30 mg (2–3 tablets of apilak, place them under the tongue and keep in the mouth until completely dissolved; before taking the drug, it is advisable to drink half a glass of some alkaline water, for example Borjomi). The therapeutic effect is ensured by the presence in royal jelly of substances that stimulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, as well as vitamins, essential amino acids, hormones and other biologically active substances.

To treat the diseases discussed, it is convenient to use not only the drug “Apilak”, but also a mixture of royal jelly and honey, which, by the way, is more effective. Thus, the specialized literature describes good results from using a mixture of royal jelly and honey in a ratio of 1.50. Dose 200 mg of royal jelly per day (that is, 10 g of mixture per day). Acetylcholine and other active ingredients contained in royal jelly have a beneficial effect on the course of bronchial asthma.

Royal jelly can also be used in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, acute and chronic runny nose, chronic pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. However, it is mainly used to treat asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

I note that royal jelly preparations should be used in combination with specific treatment. This allows you to increase its effectiveness and reduce treatment time.

Royal jelly is also successfully used in the treatment of children with atrophy and hypertrophy, as well as premature babies. Prescribing it to mothers during lactation helps to increase milk production. Royal jelly can also be an effective remedy for adults who are extremely thin.

Royal jelly, especially in combination with medicinal plants, can provide significant assistance to pregnant women. They often experience edema, in addition, the expectant mother’s body is overloaded with toxic waste. The use of plants that have diuretic, choleretic, antitoxic and other properties will have a very beneficial effect. So, you can use May birch leaves or birch buds (they act as a disinfectant, diuretic and choleretic), bearberry leaves (bear's ears), leaves and berries of strawberries and lingonberries, etc. I recommend drinking herbal decoctions (or infusions) while simultaneously taking a preparation of royal jelly “ Apilak" 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (keep under the tongue until completely absorbed). All this will help reduce toxic effects on the body of a pregnant woman, increase diuresis (urination), wash out toxic products and inflammatory products, and disinfect the urinary tract. I will give some recipes.

Collection No. 1

Lingonberry, berries – 25 g

Common lingonberry, leaves – 25 g

White birch, leaves – 25 g

Horsetail, grass – 25 g

2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook at low boil for 7-10 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain and drink glasses 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. At the same time, take 1 tablet of the drug "Apilak" 2-3 times a day (keep under the tongue until completely dissolved).

Collection No. 2

Horsetail, grass – 50 g

White birch, leaves – 50 g

2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos, leave for half an hour or an hour, strain and drink for?-? glasses 3 times a day. At the same time, take 1 tablet of the drug "Apilak" (under the tongue) 2-3 times a day.

Collection No. 3

Common lingonberry, leaves – 50 g

Wild strawberry, leaves – 50 g

2 tbsp. spoons of the dry crushed mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos, leave for half an hour or an hour, strain and drink according to? glasses 3 times a day half an hour before meals to reduce swelling in pregnant women and to enhance the elimination of toxic waste. At the same time, take 1 tablet of the drug "Apilak" under the tongue 2-3 times a day.

Royal jelly can also be used to treat atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Let me remind you that it leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood and relieves vascular spasms. The good therapeutic effect of royal jelly for angina pectoris and coronary heart disease is also due to its ability to increase metabolism in the heart muscle, improve regeneration processes in damaged myocardial cells (including after myocardial infarction) and increase exercise tolerance.

At coronary disease hearts can be taken, for example, 2 tablets of apilac (20 mg) under the tongue 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks. After a break it can be repeated. Taking a mixture of royal jelly in its natural preservative, honey, is even more effective. So, the dose of a 2% mixture of royal jelly in honey can be 5 g (keep under the tongue until completely dissolved) 2 times a day. With this treatment, a decrease in the frequency and intensity of angina attacks is soon observed, and interruptions and pain in the heart area disappear. After 10–15 days from the start of treatment, patients can usually do without taking nitroglycerin as an emergency treatment. I note that taking nitrates often has a side effect in the form of headaches. The use of royal jelly allows you to remove this adverse effect of nitroglycerin and other nitrates. Moreover, when treated with it, fluctuations in blood pressure during the day decrease faster, sleep and mood are normalized, and the vitality of patients increases.

For hypotension Apilak is taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day in courses of 2-3 weeks. After a 10-14 day break, treatment can be repeated. It leads to favorable changes in blood pressure, improving the well-being and performance of patients. A positive effect of royal jelly was also noted for thrombophlebitis (used in combination with anticoagulants) and the initial stage of obliterating endarteritis.

Royal jelly also turned out to be an effective drug in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is good to prescribe it in a mixture with honey in a ratio of 1:100 ? teaspoon (keep in mouth until dissolved) 3 times a day. In 10 min. Before taking the drug you should drink ? a glass of Borjomi or other alkaline water. This will prevent the destruction of royal jelly by gastric juice. Some people may experience increased sensitivity to royal jelly, resulting in sleep disturbances, dizziness, and other symptoms. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or completely abandon treatment with it.

Royal jelly is very effective in the treatment of liver inflammation of various origins, cirrhosis. So, for chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes can be taken according to ? a teaspoon of a mixture of royal jelly and honey (1:100) twice a day (keep in mouth until dissolved).

The positive effect of royal jelly in diabetes mellitus should be especially emphasized. It contains antibodies to insulin. The course of treatment is 6 months. At the end of it, there is usually a significant decrease in blood sugar levels. During treatment with royal jelly (prescribed by an endocrinologist), the dose of insulin is reduced or its use is completely stopped.

Royal jelly is increasingly used to treat diseases of the central nervous system caused by both vascular disorders and local and general trophic changes. Its use is very popular in asthenic syndromes, cardiovascular diseases, in particular in spastic conditions of blood vessels, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and anemia. Royal jelly is used as one of the therapeutic and prophylactic agents for chronic skin diseases accompanied by changes in metabolic processes, and in particular fat metabolism (for example, psoriasis).

The clinic noted good results when prescribing apilak and other royal jelly preparations to patients with neurodermatitis and eczema (apilak was given for administration under the tongue, 1 tablet for 2 weeks, and 10% ointment with propolis was used externally).

Positive results were also recorded in the treatment of focal baldness with Apilak (dose of the drug – 1 tablet under the tongue 3 times a day for 6-10 weeks).

In the form of a 0.5% aerosol, royal jelly has been used to treat microbial and seborrheic eczema.

Apilaka ointment and pollen have been successfully used in the treatment of psoriasis. In this case, skin rashes were lubricated with 3% apilaka ointment, and pollen was taken 1 teaspoon twice a day before meals. The duration of treatment was 4–6 weeks. After 10–14 days, there was a decrease in peeling and an improvement in the general condition of the patients. The use of royal jelly in combination with the main treatment made it possible to achieve very significant success in the treatment of this disease.

There is evidence indicating the effectiveness of royal jelly in the treatment of warts, purulent wounds and other purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. Thus, the addition of royal jelly to the complex of medicinal products made it possible to more successfully treat chronic pyoderma (apilak was prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day under the tongue for 2 weeks).

Positive results of using royal jelly in combination with conventional treatment in the treatment of lupus erythematosus have also been described. In this case, apilak was prescribed 1 tablet under the tongue 3 times a day for 10–14 days in order to increase general nonspecific resistance. As a result, there was an improvement in some hematological parameters and general condition of the patients and a reverse development of the inflammatory process.

Climacteric neurosis, neurasthenia, cardiac neurosis, hysteria, etc. are very successfully treated with royal jelly preparations. Treatment may consist of taking? a teaspoon of a mixture of royal jelly and honey in a ratio of 1:100 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks. After a break it can be repeated. There are studies indicating the beneficial effects of royal jelly in schizophrenia, involutional psychosis, and also in the treatment of the consequences of encephalitis.

Royal jelly has also proven itself to be effective for diseases of the peripheral nervous system (including its rheumatic lesions) and rheumatic arthritis. The therapeutic effect can be explained by the presence in royal jelly of vitamins B1, B6, PP, microelements and other substances that have a stimulating effect on the pituitary gland-adrenal cortex system and activation of metabolic processes in the body. Dosage – 20–30 mg of royal jelly (put under the tongue) 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks.

A 1:20 mixture of royal jelly and 45% wine alcohol is also used. Its dosage is 5-10 drops 4 times a day 1 hour before meals. Complex treatment with royal jelly and bee venom is more effective (especially for polyneuritis, neuralgia, myositis, rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis).

Royal jelly has also found use in the treatment of eye diseases. The successful use of 0.5–1% apilaka ointment for traumatic karatitis (diseases of the cornea), purulent ulcers and eye burns has been described. It has good bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, eliminating the use of antibiotics and sulfonamides. The use of apilaka ointment turned out to be more effective than conventional treatment. Eye ointment with royal jelly is a translucent mass that mixes well with water. It is prepared on a water-soluble basis, since the traditional vaseline or lanolin base, on which eye ointments are usually prepared, causes some discomfort (irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes). Eye ointment with apilak is placed with a glass spatula behind the lower eyelid 2 times a day.

The use of royal jelly and its preparations is varied. However, that's not all. Wonderful royal jelly perfectly relieves headaches associated, for example, with hypotension, fatigue, migraines, etc. It is used in the form of a mixture with honey, apilaka in tablets or suppositories.

Royal jelly increases mental and physical performance, so it can be used during periods of intense mental and physical stress (for example, when preparing for exams or during sports training).

When working with athletes and physical educators, I used a mixture of royal jelly and honey (in the proportion of 1 g of royal jelly per 10 g of honey). This is an affordable and easily digestible product. Its dosage was 5 g 2 times a day, that is, the athlete received 0.05 g of royal jelly for each dose (the drug should be taken an hour before meals).

Royal jelly was given in courses lasting 14 days, then a break was taken. Longer use of the drug, as I have seen, leads to a decrease in its effectiveness (probably due to adaptation of the body). During the year, you can repeat courses of taking royal jelly 3-4 times, prescribing them during the period of the most stressful activities or for medical reasons, for example, in case of symptoms of overwork, overtraining, vegetative-vascular dystonia, when moving, leading to a sharp change in climatic conditions, in the autumn-spring a period when there is an increase in the number of acute respiratory diseases and an increase in the incidence of influenza.

Analyzing the results of the use of royal jelly by athletes and athletes, I was convinced that this beekeeping product has a positive effect on their body, improves the tolerance of given physical activity, helps relieve fatigue, causes a surge of vigor, and increases performance. After just a week of taking this drug, normalization of sleep and appetite is noted, the weight of those involved is restored, their emotional state is normalized, adaptation to physical activity is significantly improved, and an increase in physical achievements is again noted. Royal jelly, taken during periods of the highest incidence of colds (autumn, winter and spring) and flu epidemics, can reduce the incidence of illness among athletes and athletes. And its use during a sharp change in climatic conditions (long-distance travel, climbing mountains, etc.), standard time contributes to their better adaptation to changed environmental conditions.

In addition to all of the above, royal jelly helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood. This fact is quite important when considering it from the standpoint of sports medicine, because an increase in hemoglobin content in the blood has a positive effect on the blood function of transporting oxygen to working muscles, which helps to increase physical performance. Thus, studies on athletes conducted in recent years convincingly indicate that their use of beekeeping products (honey, bee bread, royal jelly and propolis) causes an improvement in well-being, an increase in the hemoglobin content in the blood, an increase in physical performance and leads to faster recovery from exercise. loads

Royal jelly is a stimulator of cellular metabolism, normalizes the secretion of fatty glands, tones the skin, improves its elasticity, and the skin seems to rejuvenate. These properties of “royal jelly” are used in cosmetics. So, it is added to creams, emulsions and other cosmetic preparations for the face. This text is an introductory fragment.

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author Nikolai Illarionovich Danikov

From the book The Great Honey Clinic author Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov

author Yuri Konstantinov

From the book Beekeeping Products. Natural Medicines author Yuri Konstantinov

From the book Beekeeping Products. Natural Medicines author Yuri Konstantinov


From the book Health from the Hive. Honey, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly author Olga Vladimirovna Romanova

From the book Health from the Hive. Honey, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly author Olga Vladimirovna Romanova

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In this article Let's talk about royal jelly . It is called nothing less than a “miracle of nature.” Due to its chemical composition, this beekeeping product has incredible healing properties for the human body. You will learn further how this bee component is collected by beekeepers and what exactly its benefits are.

The main thing in the article

What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a beekeeping liquid, which feeds the bee offspring and their future queen, the queen. It can be assumed that royal milk is similar to the milk of mammals with which they feed their children - just as rich and nutritious in its structure.

If you carefully observe the behavior of bees in a hive, you will notice an example of hard work and a strict behavior mechanism. In this “bee world” a kind of hierarchy has been built, where each of its inhabitants has its own body structure and a certain type of task. Royal jelly is secreted by worker bees, who have reached five days of age. The age of bees can vary up to fifteen days. The uterine fluid is secreted by their pharyngeal glands as a result of chewing honey and bee bread.

The uterine “nurse” produces two types of milk:

  • The first one is liquid, it is fed to bee larvae for the first few days of their life , this is quite enough for their further existence of one and a half to two months.
  • Second - thick and better quality - they feed the future uterus. On it, she becomes much larger in size than other bees, and turns out to be suitable for producing offspring. This is facilitated by the huge amount of hormones that type 2 milk is rich in. Queens live up to six years.

Beneficial properties of royal jelly

Royal jelly unquestionably has the following medicinal properties:

  • For the nervous system: increases stress resistance, stimulates the growth and division of nerve cells. Maintains the elasticity of the optic nerves and improves memory.
  • For the cardiovascular system: normalizes blood pressure, makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • For the gastrointestinal tract: promotes the secretion of more gastric juice, appetite increases, and food is absorbed better. Eliminates chronic diarrhea.
  • For the endocrine system: aligns hormonal levels, gives impetus to the production of the required amount of hormones by the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, increases reproductive function, and prevents the occurrence of autoimmune diseases.
  • For the musculoskeletal system: prevents the occurrence of age-related joint diseases, relieves inflammation, and promotes healing after injuries.
  • For the genitourinary system: affects the duration of sexual intercourse, restores potency, helps smooth out the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, and softens painful menstruation. It has a good effect on the process of pregnancy and increases the flow of milk during lactation.
  • For metabolic processes: removes toxins and heavy metal salts, promotes cell regeneration.
  • For the respiratory system: the healing process of affected organs proceeds faster, and their chronic forms are better treatable.
  • with its help, the body adapts to adverse influences more easily and its resistance increases.

Types of Royal Jelly

There are two types of royal jelly:

  1. Natural (fresh) – it is also called native. This is a product that is extracted and packaged directly in the apiary, where the necessary equipment is present. Of course, for this type of milk it is necessary to observe the correct storage conditions, otherwise it will turn yellow, oxidize and quickly deteriorate.
  2. Adsorbed milk – it is obtained by drying fresh royal jelly, and it is produced in the form of tablets. But some beneficial properties are lost during drying. Therefore, fresh royal jelly costs several times more.

Medicinal properties and benefits for men from royal jelly

  • If a man has fertility problems , That Royal jelly can help eliminate them.
  • By consuming royal jelly more testosterone hormone is produced , which is responsible for spermatogenesis. This improves sperm quality and sperm motility.

Experiments were carried out on rats: it was found that ingestion of royal jelly by males led to a significant increase in the number of germ cells, approximately five times.

  • Royal jelly has enormous regenerating and antioxidant properties, which allows you to restore and stimulate the functioning of the genitourinary system.

For example, laboratory studies of hamsters for histology were carried out. Their reproductive function was impaired due to irreversible age-related changes. Consumption of bee jelly by some described individuals contributed to the reduction of irreparable reproductive aging processes in the testes of animals.

Royal jelly: benefits for women

Of course, royal jelly has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system:

  • Promotes the onset of ovulation.
  • The chances of fertilization increase.
  • Increases sexual desire.
  • Helps cope with infertility.
  • Promotes a speedy recovery from gynecological ailments (inflammation of the appendages, cervical erosion).
  • Eases the symptoms of menopause.

Can children take royal jelly?

  • Proteins, vitamins and amino acids are very important for the development of a child’s body. . These are all the components contained in the “royal jelly”.
  • This has a positive effect on the formation and , especially in children who have not exceeded the age of five. Therefore, royal jelly should be included in children’s diets even before reaching this age.
  • In royal jelly contains components that allow the child to grow fully, be mentally active, reduce fatigue, and increase endurance.
  • In addition, this substance normalizes: The baby is active, but not irritable.
  • Bee milk activates to external threats, helps to adapt to a new environment.
  • If there are no contraindications to taking royal jelly, then it is recommended for use by children of preschool and school age.

Contraindications to taking royal jelly

Royal jelly and products containing it should not be consumed if:

  • Substance intolerance, allergies.
  • Diseases of the adrenal cortex.
  • Oncological diseases, tumors.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension.
  • People with increased blood clotting.

Each human body is individual, so royal jelly should be used with caution; it would be a good idea to consult a doctor for advice.

Methods of using royal jelly

The dosage and method of using royal jelly directly depends on the form in which you use it. Strictly follow the instructions for use or the doctor’s recommendations.

Natural fresh royal jelly

Fresh royal jelly is pulled out from a special bee cone and dissolved in the oral cavity. You need to dissolve it, not swallow it . The fact is that gastric juice is very aggressive and destroys the beneficial components of milk .

Twice a day, half an hour before meals, dissolve 20-100 mg for 20 minutes. The course of treatment reaches three weeks.

This is the most effective way to take it. But do you have the possibility of a daily supply of fresh milk?

Royal jelly tablets

Royal jelly in tablet form is a pressed, dried natural product. , which is sold through pharmacies. His name - "Apilak" , it is produced not only in the form of tablets, but also suppositories and ointments. It is also dissolved half an hour before meals, one or two tablets. The duration and method of administration depend on the complexity and course of the disease. Pills useful for:

  • Insufficient milk production by a nursing mother;
  • Insufficient intake of nutrients by the child from food;
  • Nervous system disorders, etc.

Royal jelly tincture

Rectal suppositories with royal jelly

You can buy rectal suppositories at a pharmacy, or you can order them directly from a pharmacy. There they will be made based on the age and weight of the person. The dosage is approximately this:

  • newborns and prematurely born babies - 2.5 mg of royal jelly;
  • children over 5 years old - 5 mg;
  • adults -10 mg.

Royal jelly granules

Using royal jelly in granules is quite simple; it needs to be dissolved in the required amount of boiled water, according to the instructions. It is produced in this form:

Adsorbed Royal Jelly Powder

This is the same native royal jelly, only an adsorbent has been added to it and preserved. Various preparations can be made on its basis, and storage methods and periods are increased compared to fresh ones.

How to properly store royal jelly?

Where to buy and what is the price at the pharmacy for royal jelly?

The Internet is overflowing with suppliers of royal jelly; you can simply call and place an order from the manufacturer who is closer to you. These can be private beekeepers or specialized companies. This is what natural, fresh royal jelly is all about.

If we are talking about processed raw materials, then it can be bought in pharmacies in the form of candles, tablets, granules, etc. The average price of a bee product, depending on the form and volume of its production, the popularity of the manufacturer, region and other prerequisites, ranges from 300 to 700 rubles per package.

The use of royal jelly in cosmetology: reviews

No wonder “royal jelly” (also called royal jelly) has proven itself not only as a good preparation for internal use, but also as a unique component of cosmetology products. Cosmetic preparations based on royal jelly have the following effects:

  • Rejuvenation – restore cellular integrity, elasticity of cell membranes, activate metabolic cellular processes.
  • Regulations – regulate water cellular metabolism, balance the work of the sebaceous glands in the fight against cellulite.
  • Anti-inflammatory – have an antibacterial effect on the skin, eliminate inflammation in problem areas.
  • Emollient – soothe inflamed skin, heal cracks, scratches, rough skin on heels, elbows, chapped lips.
  • Strengthening – improve hair growth, strengthen hair roots, and nourish root bulbs well.

There are a huge number of creams, masks, shampoos, sprays, lotions based on royal jelly. No wonder they have a huge number positive feedback.

Recipes for face masks based on royal jelly

Hair masks with royal jelly

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How to distinguish royal jelly from fake?

Is it possible to take royal jelly during pregnancy?

Speaking about the benefits of royal jelly for a woman, it is worth paying attention to such an important period of her life - pregnancy. Yes, if a pregnant woman has no contraindications from the doctor for using this bee elixir, then it is possible and even necessary to use it while carrying a baby.

In Japan, studies were conducted on humans, and in Russia - on our smaller brothers. All experimental females were pregnant and took the viviparous elixir throughout the entire period of gestation. The results proved that royal jelly doubled the chance of bearing a full, healthy and viable fetus. This also had an impact on the prevention of premature birth.

  • Royal jelly useful for its amino acids, healthy fats and vitamins.
  • Thanks to royal jelly, the blood composition of both mother and fetus improves .
  • WITH blood circulation is stimulated directly in the placenta itself.
  • Very tiny amount of bee product helps pregnant women moderate their appetite.
  • Royal jelly helps fight signs of toxicosis .

Can royal jelly help with infertility?

As we have already found out, Royal jelly has made its presence felt in the field of infertility treatment for both women and men .

  • The cause of this malignant disease Women often have hormonal disorders of the sexual sphere . Treatment is carried out with medications over a long period of time.
  • In combination with the main therapy, the bee elixir doubles the effect of it, complementing it with its rich hormonal composition. But don’t expect quick results—it will take time.

Experiments were carried out on sheep; their placenta has the same structure as the human placenta. It turned out that royal jelly increases the chance of pregnancy significantly.

  • An important role is played by the fact that Royal jelly rejuvenates all cells of the human body, which is also a plus for the reproductive system. “Renewal” of tissues of organ systems has a good effect on the ability to bear children.
  • And, as already said, treatment of inflammation of the appendages or cervical erosion with royal jelly that interfere with pregnancy, leads to a positive result.
  • Also Royal jelly is used to treat male infertility . Increased testosterone production leads to an improvement in the quality of seed material and its mobility.

How to collect royal jelly: Video

Royal jelly is an incredibly healthy bee product. If you have no special contraindications to its use, then you can freely replenish your body’s reserves of vitamins and microelements with its help.
