List of contraindications for ultrasonic teeth cleaning. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: Prices, advantages and features of the procedure Ultrasonic teeth cleaning without treatment

The best prevention for most dental diseases is regular removal of plaque and tartar. Unfortunately, standard hygiene procedures are not enough for this, and therefore it is recommended to carry out professional cleaning approximately every six months. Various techniques are used to remove tartar, and the most popular today is ultrasonic cleaning. Like other therapeutic and prophylactic procedures, ultrasonic teeth cleaning has its contraindications, which limits its use for certain categories of patients.

How does ultrasonic cleaning work?

Remove hardened deposits using an ultrasonic device - a scaler. Its tip is brought close to the teeth and affects the stone with vibrations with a certain amplitude. The teeth are first coated with a continuous layer of gel, which actively releases oxygen during operation of the device. This contributes to the effective destruction of tartar and its separation from the tooth surface without damaging the enamel. Ultrasound allows you to get rid of not only visible deposits located above the gums, but also hidden in subgingival pockets.

Anesthesia is used in case of increased tooth sensitivity and the presence of subgingival stones; in other cases, cleaning is painless. The duration of the procedure is on average 60 minutes, the number of sessions is determined by the doctor depending on the condition of the patient’s teeth. During cleaning, the following manipulations are performed:

  • removal of soft plaque;
  • treatment of dental canals;
  • removal of stone above and below the gums;
  • washing subgingival pockets with an antiseptic solution.

After ultrasonic treatment, the enamel must be polished, which helps reduce deposits on the teeth in the future. This is done using compressed air and a special mixture containing abrasive substances. If the enamel is left without polishing, its rough surface will become more quickly contaminated with plaque and will be more difficult to clean with a toothbrush.

Advice. The polished surface becomes smooth and shiny, but due to the thinning of the enamel, tooth sensitivity may increase. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, many clinics offer patients fluoridation - additional treatment of teeth with fluoride-containing pastes.

Benefits of the procedure

At first glance, plaque on teeth seems harmless, and the main reason for removing it is its unaesthetic appearance. But microorganisms actively develop in plaque and tartar, the vital activity of which gradually destroys the enamel, causes bad breath, damage to teeth, and even tooth loss.

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to effectively get rid of tartar and other deposits, which means it minimizes the risk of disease. The procedure also eliminates bad breath and makes teeth several shades whiter. All this helps to maintain a snow-white, healthy smile and increases a person’s confidence in their attractiveness.

If your teeth are already damaged, this procedure will also be very useful. After cleaning, any changes in the tooth enamel are clearly visible, which allows the dentist to prescribe treatment in a timely manner. When filling teeth, ultrasonic treatment ensures the most reliable adhesion of the filling to the tooth, and therefore increases its service life. Neither mechanical nor chemical cleaning gives such results.

While highly effective and painless, this procedure is characterized by a relatively low cost. It should be noted that ultrasonic cleaning is completely safe if all manipulations are performed by a qualified specialist and the patient has no contraindications.

List of contraindications

Contraindications to the use of ultrasonic cleaning can be divided into two groups. The first is temporary factors, after elimination or cessation of which ultrasound procedures can be used without any fear. The second group includes absolute contraindications, which completely prohibit the use of ultrasound devices, since their exposure can have serious consequences for the patient’s health.

What is the reason for the ban on the use of ultrasound procedures? When treating teeth, ultrasonic vibrations affect not only deposits, but also blood, which can cause complications in cardiovascular diseases. Also, sound waves can disrupt the functioning of pacemakers and other similar devices and negatively affect the metabolism of cells in the body. When brushing baby teeth, the process of formation of roots and the entire dentition is disrupted, which in the future can provoke malocclusion and the development of other defects.

As for pregnancy, everything is not so clear. There is no evidence of the negative impact of ultrasound on fetal development, and pregnant women must undergo routine ultrasound examinations. At the same time, it is undesirable to carry out additional ultrasound procedures, especially in the first trimester. In the early stages, many women experience increased sensitivity of the body to various types of influences, and therefore any possible irritants should be avoided.

If the mucous membrane in the mouth is damaged, as well as the presence of stomatitis or inflammation, ultrasonic teeth cleaning can aggravate the situation and lead to new injuries. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the smallest microcracks, increasing inflammatory processes and associated pain. Because of this, treatment is delayed, the quality of daily oral hygiene decreases, and plaque formation, on the contrary, increases.

But the presence of contraindications does not mean that professional cleaning should be completely abandoned. Dental deposits lead to caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other serious diseases, so they must be removed. The most important thing is to find a good specialist who will select the optimal cleaning method, taking into account existing contraindications.

Elimination of temporary contraindications

Most contraindications are not difficult to determine, especially if it concerns serious diseases in the acute or chronic stage. But sometimes a person may not be aware of their presence or ignore the possible manifestations of an incipient disease. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to listen carefully to your body and undergo scheduled examinations in a timely manner.

You should not sign up for ultrasonic cleaning in the following cases:

Before brushing, be sure to visit the dentist and check the condition of your teeth. Only a doctor can accurately determine whether there is a need for the procedure and make sure there are no obvious contraindications. If mechanical injuries, neoplasms or inflammatory processes are detected, the dentist prescribes treatment, and until the problems are eliminated, there can be no question of using ultrasound.

Inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes is a reason to postpone ultrasonic teeth cleaning

The quality of ultrasonic cleaning directly depends on the professionalism of the doctor. If the dentist lacks experience, he can leave chips and cracks in the enamel, damage the gums, or miss deposits in hard-to-reach places. In both cases, this has negative consequences for the patient’s dental health, which means that the choice of a specialist must be treated with maximum responsibility.

Video - Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: contraindications

It is known that it is necessary to brush and floss your teeth at least 2 times a day, watch your diet and visit the dentist regularly. Ideally, all these measures should ensure the health of our smile, but sometimes they are not enough. Experts note that even if all the rules of oral hygiene are observed, fossilized dental plaque occurs. The most effective method of removing them is ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from tartar.

What is ultrasonic teeth cleaning

No matter how diligently you take care of your teeth, sooner or later you will have to deal with tartar. It is an old deposit on the surface of the enamel, which consists of food debris, dead cells and minerals. First of all tartar forms in the spaces between teeth and under the gums– where deposits are most difficult to remove with a regular brush. But they can be easily removed by ultrasonic brushing of teeth.

Plaque develops much faster in the presence of additional factors:

  • Using a low-quality brush or paste.
  • The predominance of soft food in the diet.
  • Chewing food with only one side of the jaw.
  • Violation of the body's salt metabolism.
  • Improper or irregular brushing of teeth.
  • Congenital predisposition in the form of a rougher enamel surface.

There is no doubt which cleaning of teeth from stone is better, because the ultrasonic method has long supplanted the others. It is carried out using a special device called an ultrasonic scaler. The device supplies a directed stream of water to the enamel surface, and a special nozzle creates vibrations in the ultrasonic range. In just a minute, it makes about 100 thousand movements in different directions, thanks to which it carefully removes plaque even in the most difficult to reach areas.

Ultrasonic cleaning of tartar and plaque has given rise to other areas and research in aesthetic dentistry. Largely thanks to her, gentle teeth whitening Air Flow appeared and became popular, which in its action resembles ultrasonic plaque removal.

Benefits of ultrasonic teeth cleaning from tartar

Ultrasonic cleaning appeared in dentistry as a replacement for more dangerous methods of removing tartar. Previously, mechanical cleaning was widely used, during which deposits were scraped off the teeth with a special instrument. It is easy to imagine how harmful and dangerous this procedure is. The damage to the enamel was noticeable.

Ultrasound has been used in dentistry recently, but cleaning has already replaced older methods, because it has a large number of advantages:

  • The scaler and its attachment do not come into contact with the enamel, but act at a distance, which prevents mechanical damage.
  • Brushing not only removes plaque, but also makes teeth whiter.
  • The effect of the procedure is long-term: Cleaning should be repeated no more than 1-2 times a year.
  • It is possible to remove plaque even in the most difficult to reach areas.
  • During the cleaning process, oxygen is released, and it has an antiseptic effect.
  • The procedure lasts no more than one hour.
  • Ultrasonic teeth cleaning has contraindications, but not as many as mechanical removal of fossilized plaque.
  • After the procedure there is no recovery period during which other dental interventions are prohibited.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning

The list of advantages turned out to be impressive, but still this procedure is not ideal. The method also has its disadvantages:

  • Despite the general painlessness, many patients report discomfort due to the strong pressure of the water.
  • The cost of the procedure is not the most affordable.
  • If cleaning is done incorrectly, serious harm can be caused to your gums.
  • Cleaning should not be repeated more often than once every 6 months, otherwise the sensitivity of the soft tissues will increase.

In defense of professional ultrasonic teeth cleaning, it is worth adding that many disadvantages apply not only to this procedure, but also to many other aesthetic dentistry services. All of them should be performed only by specialists and should not be abused. Judging by reviews on various resources, The only serious disadvantage of ultrasonic cleaning is its high price.

How to carry out the ultrasonic cleaning procedure

Few people fully understand what ultrasonic teeth cleaning is and how it happens. Usually it is not carried out when you first visit the dentist. First, the dentist will do a full examination of the oral cavity and conduct a survey, during which it may turn out that the procedure is completely contraindicated for you.

If everything is in order, cleaning can be done on the first day of treatment. First, if the patient so desires, an anesthetic injection is given in the gum area. In most cases, this is not at all necessary, because the procedure is not very painful. Anesthesia is required only for people with increased sensitivity or special indications for it.

Then the preparation begins. The patient is given safety glasses. A latch is inserted into the mouth, which holds it in the open position for a long time. Then a “saliva ejector” tube is installed, which will also remove excess water.

The teeth are treated one by one with a scaler, each one taking at least one minute. The spaces between the teeth are given more time; sometimes strips or cavities covered with an abrasive material are used to clean them.

When all the teeth are cleaned with a scaler, the procedure can be considered complete, but in a good clinic they additionally do enamel polishing and fluoridation, which are already included in the full price of the service. All this allows you to repeat professional cleaning less often.

Contraindications to ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Like any other dental procedure, ultrasonic cleaning has its contraindications:

  • All diseases of internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Inflammatory processes and damage to teeth or gums.
  • Increased sensitivity of enamel and mucous membranes.
  • The presence of removable or fixed dentures, since ultrasound cleaning of teeth can damage them.
  • Serious infectious or viral diseases.
  • Respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis.
  • Return of a patient under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnancy and the first six months of breastfeeding.

Some of these contraindications, for example, exacerbations of diseases, are not considered absolute. It is enough to simply reschedule the procedure to a more appropriate time when you feel better.

Is ultrasonic teeth cleaning harmful, how often can it be done?

Even ultrasonic teeth cleaning can be harmful if it is overused. It is worth cleaning the enamel at least once a year. An interval between procedures of 6 months is simply ideal; it is no longer worth doing it more often.

Too frequent ultrasound cleaning leads to increased sensitivity and inflammation of the gums. Another repeated procedure causes more discomfort if the correct interval between visits to the dentist was not observed.

To prolong the effect of ultrasound and use it less often, you should include more solid foods, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, brush your teeth after every meal, use not only a brush and toothpaste, but also floss and mouthwash. It's even better if all of these methods are included in your daily oral care routine.

Polishing and fluoridation of enamel will also allow you to return to the dentist’s office less often for specialized enamel cleaning. Polishing should be done every time, and it is better to skip fluoridation sometimes.

How much does ultrasonic teeth cleaning cost?

The main disadvantage of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is the price. It is usually calculated based on the number of teeth that require cleaning. If we are talking about a preventive procedure, then its cost is already fixed: in Moscow and St. Petersburg the service costs at least 4–5 thousand rubles, in smaller cities it costs much less, but in them it is more difficult to find a suitable clinic.

If you care about your dental health, you should include this service in your regular dental procedures. You can do ultrasonic teeth cleaning not very often: only once a year – but this will be enough to protect yourself in the future from a number of problems with your smile and the costs of their treatment.

Cleaning the enamel of plaque and hard deposits, called tartar, is the basis for the prevention of most dental diseases.

In most cases, the usual hygiene procedures using a brush and paste at home are not enough, so it is recommended to carry out professional cleaning from time to time. One method is ultrasonic cleaning.

Despite the undoubted advantages of this technique, it, like many other medical procedures, has a number of contraindications.

For most people, ultrasound exposure to teeth is completely safe and even beneficial., however, some categories of patients should not resort to using ultrasound units with scalers - special tips.

How the procedure is carried out is briefly explained in the following video:


It should be mentioned that the entire list of contraindications can be divided into two large groups, which are associated with the probable possibility of such cleaning of the surface of the teeth. Among them there are some absolute and relative ones.

The difference is that relative ones are temporary, that is, they relate to processes that can be eliminated or stopped. But the absolute ones completely prohibit this procedure, and then the doctor may suggest the use of other techniques.


  • Presence of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Exacerbations of diabetes mellitus.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • The presence of neoplasms of any etiology in the mouth, for example, a dental cyst.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Erosion and ulcers on the mucous membrane, not associated with the development of stomatitis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Period of corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy.


All problems associated with disturbances in the functioning of the heart can worsen, because ultrasonic vibrations affect the blood. The work of delicate assistant devices - pacemakers and the like - can also completely go wrong.

Severe viral and infectious diseases themselves negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, so the condition may worsen, which is associated with the acceleration of cell metabolism under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations.

At an age when the dentition is not fully formed - this means the mixed and primary dentition - ultrasound can disrupt the process of bone growth and negatively affect metabolism.

Elimination of relative prohibitions on the procedure

First of all, it is worth saying that during pregnancy, the procedure is included in the list only because of the possible increase in the body’s sensitivity to any influences. There is no direct data on the negative impact of ultrasonic cleaning, however You should still refrain from this procedure in the first trimester.

Next come viral diseases. This creates an additional load on the heart, so you should first undergo a course of treatment, and after complete recovery, visit the dentist. ARVI and acute respiratory infections usually, even in complex forms, do not last more than two weeks.

The same can be said about any damage to the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. This includes both mechanical injuries and stomatitis, as well as inflammatory processes occurring in the gums during periodontitis and gingivitis. All these diseases can be treated in a fairly short time.

If we talk about diabetes, the procedure is contraindicated only for those whose sugar level is above 9 units. It makes sense to postpone cleaning with ultrasound only until the condition and sugar level are stabilized to normal.

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  • Irina

    November 20, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    I love doing ultrasonic teeth cleaning! It’s good that I don’t have any contraindications to it, otherwise I don’t know how I would live without it. I love the feeling of cleanliness in my mouth, when all my teeth are smooth, without plaque. I do it regularly, once every six months, everything as it should be. I recommend this procedure to everyone. It is not only aimed at aesthetics, but also prevents caries, because it cleans better than just a paste and brush.

  • December 3, 2015 at 3:56 am

    I do ultrasonic teeth cleaning from time to time when I visit the dentist. After examining the oral cavity, she herself offers me such cleaning, according to indications. I can't say that I'm delighted with the procedure. It is painful in places, but quite tolerable, and it doesn’t take long at all! But after cleaning, the gums seem to “breathe.” No toothbrush can give you this feeling of freshness and cleanliness!

  • Irina Semenova

    April 7, 2016 at 11:32 pm

    I recently tried ultrasonic cleaning of my teeth, and was very pleased, the sensations during the procedure were not pleasant, but the way my teeth felt after the procedure cannot be expressed in words, the freshness in my mouth remains throughout the whole day. I’ll be honest, I used to carry a small bottle of mouthwash with me in my purse; I don’t like chewing gum, but three weeks have passed since the procedure and I completely forgot about the mouthwash. I advise you to try it, it’s unlikely that anyone will be dissatisfied, the only thing you need to do is consult with a specialist.

  • Eugene

    October 23, 2016 at 4:10 pm

    Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a vital procedure because... Tartar leads to the formation of caries and other troubles. Personally, this was my first time cleaning before a wedding, for aesthetics! Then I realized the importance of this procedure and use it periodically, especially since I love coffee and smoke, so plaque forms quickly. I feel sorry for people for whom there are restrictions.

  • Lena

    December 27, 2016 at 04:19 pm

    I try to take good care of my teeth, I clean them once a year, I have never had any contraindications to brushing. This year I went to the dentist and it turned out that there were some ulcers, most likely due to a weakened immune system after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection. All the ulcers healed within two weeks and after that I had a cleaning, so there are no big problems here.

The main method of preventing dental diseases is professional teeth cleaning. It involves removing bacterial plaque and hard plaque from teeth.

In most dentistry, ultrasonic equipment is used for this, which will allow you to clean crowns in a minimum period of time without damaging the enamel.


Teeth cleaning with ultrasound is carried out using a special device that generates ultrasonic waves with a high vibration frequency. This equipment does not injure the enamel due to the ability to regulate the frequency from 20 to 50 kHz.

Oscillatory motion of the wave help loosen plaque soft and hard type, which is then easily washed off with water.

Photos of the procedure results


Most in-office crown cleaning methods are aimed only at removing soft deposits. Only a few of them are able to cope with tartar, but there is still a high probability of damage to the enamel.

Ultrasonic cleaning does not damage the surface of crowns and is aimed at solving several problems at once:

  • removal of solid deposits, such as on visible parts of the crown and in the area periodontal pockets below the gum line;
  • removing soft plaque;
  • removal of the pigmented layer, which leads to lightening of the crowns.

Thanks to high-quality removal of deposits, the risk of developing periodontal diseases and dental caries is minimized.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other methods of cleaning the teeth, ultrasonic cleaning has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages include the following:

  1. Safety for enamel. The ultrasonic cleaning system is designed in such a way that it does not directly affect the surface of the teeth. This significantly reduces the likelihood of damage.
  2. Quality of cleansing. Ultrasound is capable of breaking down hard deposits even under the gum, which is beyond the capabilities of most other methods.
  3. Simultaneously with the cleansing of plaque, mild teeth whitening, to your natural tone.
  4. This procedure allows immediately assess the condition of the tissues that were covered with hard deposits, and notice their pathological change.
  5. This procedure takes a short period of time and does not require special preparation.
  6. Cleansing is carried out painless. In case of a large amount of deposits in the gum line area, topical or local anesthesia can be used, with a minimal dosage of anesthetics.
  7. This technique can be combined with other methods of professional cleaning of crowns.
  8. The procedure has reasonable cost.

The disadvantages of this system include:

  • often when cleansing it is necessary to resort k, which is carried out using a special nozzle. In some cases, this leads to slight gum bleeding, swelling and redness;
  • the quality of work and integrity of the enamel will be directly depend on the professionalism of the dentist, since the cleansing procedure involves direct exposure of the tip of the ultrasonic device to deposits;
  • the precision of the impact will be depend on the type of device. If outdated models are used, where ultrasound is delivered elliptically, then the likelihood of injury to periodontal tissue and crowns increases.

Conditions of appointment

Indications for professional teeth cleaning using ultrasonic equipment are:

  • frequent relapses of inflammation periodontal tissue;
  • a large amount of dental plaque, both soft and hard type;
  • poor hygiene quality oral cavity;
  • prevention of dental diseases.

When the procedure is prohibited

This method can only be used if the patient does not have the following contraindications:

  1. Availability of a device for artificially maintaining heart rhythm or other implanted stimulating devices. Unfortunately, the effects of ultrasound waves are not limited to the oral cavity.

    Vibration can be transmitted throughout the body and lead to malfunction of the stimulating device or its breakdown.

  2. Pathologically high enamel sensitivity. The impact of waves is aimed not only at surface cleansing, but also at removing pigments and bacteria from enamel micropores, which can cause the situation to worsen.
  3. Pregnancy. Studies have shown that an ultrasonic wave, even of low frequency and power, can cause changes in the metabolic processes of a woman’s body, which directly affects the development of the fetus.

    The body perceives this effect especially acutely in first trimester pregnancy. In other months, this procedure is allowed if there are no general pathologies.

  4. Period of mixed dentition. At this time, such cleansing is not recommended because children’s tooth enamel is too thin.

    The service can only be used 2 years after the eruption of the last tooth. It is during this time that the enamel will reach the required density and thickness.

  5. Heart diseases. Exposure to ultrasonic waves can lead to short-term rhythm disturbances.
  6. Chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma. The device is able to influence the functioning of blood vessels, leading to their narrowing and spasm. In the presence of these diseases, this can lead to an attack of suffocation.
  7. Respiratory infections. Since cleaning causes injury to dental and periodontal tissues, infection can settle in the wounds and cause inflammation.

Operating principle

For removal, a special ergonomically designed device is used. Built into its body ultrasonic generator, delivering waves of adjustable frequency to the tip. For ease of operation and quality of cleaning, the nozzles of the cleaning handle of the device can be changed.

The procedure provides a classic set of tips designed for:

  • cleansing visible part of the crown from soft deposits;
  • dental treatment before prosthetics;
  • removal of deposits in the area of ​​periodontal pockets;
  • surface polishing;
  • removal of tartar.

In addition to a wide selection of attachments, different operating modes are used. Cleansing can be done as dry method, so with use of liquids. This makes it possible to use not only ordinary water, but also various aseptic and anti-inflammatory agents.

Effective removal of deposits occurs due to a double action:

  1. The wave is fed with pulse frequency, due to which the tip has an oscillatory effect on the deposits and destroys them mechanically.

    In order to avoid damage to dental tissue, it is necessary that the movements of the scaler be linear along the entire surface of the tooth.

  2. Simultaneous application of ultrasound and water leads to cavitation effect– the formation of many microbubbles, which loosen plaque and promote its separation from the enamel.

All scalers are equipped with special lighting, which improves the quality of cleaning.


The ultrasonic cleaning procedure begins with an examination, during which the dentist determines the volume of deposits and the quality of oral hygiene. If necessary, the patient is given local anesthesia.

  1. Cleansing visible part of the crowns from soft deposits.
  2. Tartar removal along the gum line.
  3. Curettage of periodontal pockets.
  4. In order to remove deposits located deep in the pores of the enamel, ultrasonic cleansing complemented by the use of the system .
  5. Then proceed to leveling the dental surface using a special micro-abrasive paste and a grinding attachment.
  6. In conclusion, crowns coated with fluoride, to strengthen the enamel.

In this video, a specialist talks about the procedure:


In order for the effect of whiteness and cleanliness of teeth to last as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to standard rules of oral hygiene:

  1. Should not be abused coloring and carbohydrate products that lead to the appearance of bacterial deposits and enamel pigmentation.
  2. The basic rule is high-quality cleaning of crowns. To do this, you need to use more than just a regular brush. It is necessary to additionally use floss, brushes and rinses. It is also recommended to use an irrigator regularly.
  3. Don't avoid visiting the dentist regularly, which can promptly notice dental diseases at the initial stage of their development.


The cost of this procedure is quite acceptable and is in the range 1000–3000 rubles. On average, processing one tooth costs 50 or 70 rubles.

But increasingly, dentists offer a professional cleaning procedure, where ultrasonic treatment is only part of it. As a rule, it is complemented by treatment with the Air Flow system and fluoridation of the crowns. Such a complex can cost 4500 rubles and higher, depending on the status of the clinic.


Nowadays, a large number of clinic patients resort to ultrasonic cleansing. Their reviews indicate the effectiveness and safety of this procedure. Only a few report slight discomfort that goes away on its own within a few days.


  • Natalie

    October 21, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    It took me a long time to decide on this procedure, but the tartar was simply driving me crazy! Well, I decided, it was scary. When I came to the doctor I calmed down, the procedure itself lasted 30 minutes, to be honest, it was tolerable, but it depends on what your pain threshold is. The result, of course, is visible immediately, but for the first couple of days I had to follow the doctor’s instructions to consolidate the result. In my case, I gave up strong coffee and tea. But I have the most beautiful smile and no STONE!

  • Zhenya

    October 22, 2016 at 4:12 am

    Ultrasonic cleaning is now the most common and popular, I did it myself. I had the tartar removed and the surface of my teeth polished. For me, the cleansing procedure was painless and I was pleased with the result. I was only afraid that my gums would get hurt and they would bleed, but that didn’t happen, the main thing in this matter is to find a professional dentist.

  • Lina

    October 23, 2016 at 4:04 am

    A very good procedure with visible results. My brother conducts it at intervals of one year. But what I want to point out is that choosing a good dentist is really important. Before you go for ultrasonic cleaning, try to ask as much as possible about patients who have already visited this or that doctor. Ask them how satisfied they are with his work. If the dentist does not have professional skills in this matter, he can ruin your tooth enamel, and this is fraught with sad consequences. There were such cases.

  • Marina

    February 28, 2017 at 9:30 pm

    After removing the braces, the orthodontist sends me for ultrasonic cleaning at every examination, but I still haven’t decided. When complaining about tooth sensitivity, he says, “It’s okay, you can use anesthesia.” And the article says that high enamel sensitivity is a contraindication. I don't even know who to listen to. And I found out about chronic bronchitis just in time, I’ll probably abstain after all.

  • Natalia

    August 5, 2017 at 10:49 am

    The dentist damaged my enamel, I got an ugly gap between my front teeth, like a crooked hole between the teeth - she claims that she just removed deposits from the back of the teeth, but in the end this happened, she says that ultrasound only removes pathological formations, and it is not her fault, In the end, I will have to carry out corrections - put fillings to level the gap. and in another tooth - a canine - the enamel was also severely damaged on the reverse side, I also sandblasted the surface of the filling - as a result, half of the filling was demolished, the recess in the fissures deepened greatly, the gap between the filling and the tooth became visible. She claims that it’s not her fault - it happened that way and everything is fine (
