Russian manufacturers of ventilation systems. Russian manufacturers of ventilation systems Installation of industrial ventilation and air conditioning systems

To create and maintain an optimal environment for efficient living, it is necessary to install ventilation equipment. A modern ventilation system will provide filtered outside air in the summer, and heated air in the winter. In addition, good ventilation will maintain constant temperature and humidity, and control the concentration of substances harmful to health.

Types of ventilation

There are several types of ventilation systems that can be grouped:

  • By the method of air movement (natural, mechanical)
  • According to the method of organizing air exchange (local, general)
  • According to the principle of operation (exhaust, supply)
  • By design (monoblock, stacked)
  • By the presence of air ducts (ducted, ductless)

Whatever system you choose, a necessary condition must be maintaining a balance - simultaneous influx of outside air and exhaust exhaust. If the inflow is insufficient, the oxygen content will decrease, and humidity and dust levels will increase. If there is not enough hood, then polluted air, unpleasant odors, moisture and harmful substances will remain in the room.


Natural ventilation is simple and does not require energy consumption or complex equipment. But its effectiveness depends on temperature, wind speed, etc.


Mechanical ventilation moves air over long distances. Main equipment: fans, electric motors, air heaters, automation, dust collectors.

Supply systems

Supply systems are used in apartments and small spaces. They supply air after preliminary preparation, including cleaning, cooling and heating. They can be equipped in a single body or consist of various elements:

  • Air intake grille
  • Air valve
  • Filter
  • Air heater or air heater
  • Silencer
  • Fan
  • Air ducts
  • Air distributors
  • Control and automation systems

Exhaust systems

Exhaust systems remove polluted air from the room. They may consist of a single exhaust fan, but if multiple rooms are being cleaned, an intake duct network is required. Supply and exhaust combinations allow you to simultaneously supply and remove air. They are developed on the basis of ventilation units or consist of different elements.

Local and general exchange

The fight against harmful substances in indoor air is carried out using local or general ventilation.

The general exchange system fights harmful substances contained in the air of the entire room. When installing this type of ventilation, the volume of exhaust air is calculated so that the same amount of air is extracted from the room as is supplied to it. But if the air flow is not equal to the exhaust, the missing volume of air is pumped from the rooms nearby or through fence openings.

Local ventilation removes harmful substances from the room at the point where they are formed.

A combined system, including general exchange and local exhaust systems, solves the ventilation problem as effectively as possible.

Ducted and ductless

Duct and ductless ventilation systems are either a duct system with an extensive network of air ducts to move air, or a system with missing channels (air ducts), which is used when installing a fan in a ceiling or wall, in the presence of natural ventilation.

During operation, indoor air changes its parameters - temperature, humidity and composition under the influence of a variety of factors: changes in outdoor air parameters, heat, moisture and carbon dioxide emissions from people, dust and other harmful substances from operating equipment, machines, installations. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out air exchange, i.e. remove contaminated indoor air and replace it with purified fresh (outside) air. The task of ventilation is to ensure air exchange in industrial premises to maintain the design parameters of the air in them.

Air parameters can be:

  • comfortable and provided by ventilation systems for residential and administrative buildings;
  • acceptable, achieved through the ventilation of industrial buildings.

Ventilation systems for industrial premises are often faced with other tasks: removal of smoke (in case of fire), dust and harmful substances (during the operation of machines, units and equipment). Ventilation of industrial premises is a set of devices and measures that provide calculated air exchange. Depending on the air flow being processed, a distinction is made between domestic (up to 10,000 m³/hour) and industrial ventilation (over 10,000 m³/hour). Ventilation of industrial buildings is a mandatory measure in production workshops, hangars and other premises where technological equipment is used, people or machinery work.

Ventilation of industrial buildings

Industrial ventilation equipment, due to large quantities of transported air, is characterized by weight and size characteristics, energy consumption and increased requirements for its reliability and safety. The operation of any ventilation, including industrial ventilation, is ensured by several engineering systems called ventilation systems. They consist of devices of different designs, each of which performs its own function:

  • air circulation - fans;
  • air purification – filters of various cleaning classes;
  • regulation of air flow - air valves and dampers;
  • heating and cooling of air – air heaters and air coolers;
  • air distribution throughout the room - diffusers, anemostats and grilles;
  • air supply and removal - air ducts;
  • vibration reduction – flexible inserts and vibration isolators;
  • noise reduction – noise suppressors.

Ventilation of industrial premises

Activities include proper management of industrial ventilation, compliance with standard air velocities in air ducts to reduce the level of aerodynamic noise, compliance with manufacturing technology, installation, and sealing of air ducts to reduce leaks to a minimum. Currently, for the ventilation of industrial premises and the simultaneous organization of supply and exhaust, industrial ventilation units are used, which make it possible to perform most of these functions using one unit - a supply and exhaust unit. The peculiarity of these units is that their design combines supply and exhaust units, which in turn makes it possible to obtain a more favorable price, use various recovery systems and make the ventilation process of industrial premises more efficient.


According to their purpose, ventilation units are divided into:

  • inlet;
  • exhaust;
  • supply and exhaust;
  • recuperative (supply and exhaust with recuperator).

Modern ventilation systems and components for them are our specialty, and we can offer our customers almost the entire line of moving and moving air devices and mechanisms produced in the world today (ventilo in Latin - to fan, to wave). They are reliable, comfortable and beautiful, allowing fans purchased from us to fit into the style of any room.

You only need to know which one fan required in terms of the tasks it will solve and the volume of the room where it is planned to be used. And then choose from an extensive list of equipment items that suits you best.

To simply mix the air within one room so that it does not stagnate, or to create the effect of a wind blowing, we have a variety of bladed and bladeless fans table, floor, wall and ceiling mounting. All of them have an attractive design, powerful engines that operate as quietly as possible, several operating speeds and are very inexpensive.

However, the real ventilation with ventilation, that is, the injection of fresh air into the room and the removal of contaminated air by such devices is not carried out. For this we need exactly ventilation systems different power. We present them in all three types of their purpose: supply, exhaust, general exchange with a full cycle of all operations: extracting old air, releasing it and pumping in fresh air.

We offer turnkey ventilation systems

We will tell and show you what ventilation systems can offer you “Vent-style” in terms of their functional features.

Forced ventilation designed to provide a flow of fresh air into the room. Previously, natural ventilation was mainly used - due to the difference in air temperatures inside and outside, air exchange occurred. But such a ventilation system is too dependent on climatic conditions, and artificial ventilation carried out using a fan, air heater, or air ducts will always work.

Exhaust ventilation removes stale air from the room, allowing clean air to naturally penetrate into it. It is advisable to install exhaust ventilation in kitchens, hallways, bathrooms, that is, not residential premises, but domestic premises. When designing production premises, exhaust ventilation can be equipped with an additional filtration filtration system.

General ventilation today it is used most often, because it involves air intake, its removal and the influx of fresh air masses.

General exchange ventilation It is usually equipped with a set of filters that prevent air pollution and clean the air supplied to the premises from dust particles, as well as devices for additional heating or cooling.

With us you can choose any ventilation system“turnkey” with its complete set with any elements: filters and air ducts for round and rectangular ducts, transformer and seven-actor speed controllers, valves, additional silencers.

We will help you select and deliver to your destination any fans And ventilation systems complete set for residential, public and industrial premises, including volumetric exhaust units installed on the roofs of buildings.

In addition, we have a large selection of high-temperature fans that are used to cool electronic devices, installations and equipment used in a wide variety of areas - from home computers to factory assembly shops. There are also special channel high-temperature fans for removing air from fireplaces and other structures.

Please note that all motors of the fans we offer for domestic and industrial purposes are mounted in soundproof housings and are equipped with overheating protection with an automatic restart function.
You can be sure that what we offer ventilation systems have certificates of compliance with the quality established by state standards and warranty periods of operation.

The NIMAL company is engaged in the design and sale of equipment for organizing industrial ventilation systems at sites in Moscow. We work as an official dealer of famous brands, we have our own production facilities and a staff of highly qualified specialists.

Features and types of systems

Ventilation systems at industrial enterprises are developed to solve complex problems. They provide large volumes of exhaust air.

There are natural and forced ventilation. With natural air circulation through ventilation ducts, the system operates due to the difference in temperature and pressure inside and outside the premises. Projects under this scheme are developed taking into account the thermal load from machines and equipment.

Forced ventilation implies that special devices are used to circulate air. Efficiency does not depend on the weather; exhaust and air supply are provided by fans.

General exchange industrial ventilation with forced circulation is purchased to organize air exchange throughout the facility. It is suitable for rooms where they work with hazardous substances. When it is necessary to remove the emission of harmful substances in a certain place, local ventilation is used. Mixed type installations perform air exchange and ventilation of workplaces.

Based on the principle of air supply, systems are divided into:

  • supply air - a blower fan is used for exhaust, exhaust air comes out due to an increase in pressure;
  • exhaust - the fan ensures the outflow of air, the influx of fresh air occurs due to rarefied pressure;
  • supply and exhaust - the most efficient designs, inflow and outflow are provided by specialized equipment;
  • recirculation - exhaust air is cleaned by filters and returned back, the system operates in a closed circuit.

NIMAL specialists design and calculate ventilation taking into account the operating conditions of the facility, its area, configuration and type of equipment used.

We offer to buy industrial ventilation equipment for organizing effective air exchange at enterprises; we provide a range of services from system design to installation and commissioning at competitive prices in Moscow.

Equipment advantages

  • Large coverage - the units use powerful fans to create intense air flow.
  • Functionality - systems filter, humidify and dehumidify air. With proper design, it is possible to organize air supply to the workplace.
  • Creating safe conditions - equipment removes hazardous gases and substances and purifies the air.
  • Ease of installation - devices can be installed in already constructed buildings.

Various types of ventilation equipment are available for sale to complete any production facility. We will advise you on the best choice.
