Tattoo of a wolf with wolf cubs. Wolf tattoo - meaning. The meaning of tattoos in different cultures

A wolf tattoo can tell a lot about the character and habits of the owner. When I see a man with such a pattern on his body, I understand that this is a very tough and aggressive person. And for girls, the tattoo speaks of loyalty and devotion to the family. Let's consider all possible meanings of the symbol.

You should always be careful when choosing a tattoo. Now they have become fashionable, but few people know that a tattoo is always a mystical sign that can radically influence fate and character.

Wolf tattoo meanings from various sources:

  1. The wolf is a symbol of courage, self-confidence and incredible endurance. Therefore, if a person has these qualities, a tattoo will make them appear even more strongly. And if they are lacking, it will help to develop them.
  2. It is also a symbol of independence, strength and devotion. Despite the fact that a person often “walks on his own,” he always returns home to his family and friends. He will never cheat or betray, he highly values ​​the relationships he has. He is always ready to stand up for himself and takes revenge on his offenders mercilessly.

According to other sources, the gray beast is a symbol of a person’s family orientation. He always needs to “live in a pack”; he highly values ​​family ties. A monogamous person, if he has chosen a partner, will live with him until old age. She loves her children and will not allow anyone to hurt them.

Meaning for girls

If previously only men got tattoos, now no one is surprised by girls, even with large designs on their bodies.

What can a wolf or she-wolf depicted on the body of representatives of the fair half of humanity mean:

  1. Talks about devotion to his family. This is a sign that the woman has finally decided who her life partner is. And now she is ready to spend the rest of her life with him, to become a reliable support and support in everything. He will never betray or change.
  2. She is faithful not only to her husband, but also to her children, principles and loved ones. She always makes fair decisions, her deeds always correspond to her words, which she does not throw to the wind.

Girls often depict the image of a wolf or she-wolf surrounded by flowers and get colored tattoos. For them, it is more of a body decoration than a secret symbol. But do not forget that a tattoo can affect your life and character, so you need to be careful when choosing a design.

Meaning for men

Men often prefer black and white tattoos, especially if the body depicts a howling wolf or an animal in any other guise.

What can such a tattoo tell about its owner:

  1. If it is colored, it may indicate that the man is very aggressive and full of rage. He is very tough, uncompromising in his decisions. It is quite difficult to communicate with him. In achieving his goals, he spares no one - neither his loved ones, nor his subordinates, nor any other people who get in his way.
  2. The imprint of a wolf's paw on the hand speaks of the owner's unshakable character and incredible physical strength. This tattoo is best done on tall, stately men with an athletic build to emphasize their power.
  3. It is important to understand that if a man’s character is already aggressive and tough, a tattoo will force him to demonstrate these qualities even more. This can cause many problems in everyday life.

But if a guy lacks masculinity, drawing a wolf on his body will help develop this quality, get rid of excess softness, get away from the control of others and more easily achieve his goals.

Value per zone

Prison tattoos are special signs that can tell a lot about a prisoner.

As for the wolf, the meaning is as follows:

  • The tattoo indicates that the criminal does not care about law enforcement. He has been challenging them all his life. Often the wolf is depicted by prisoners who attacked police officers and could even be involved in murder.
  • It is also a sign of leadership, which indicates the prisoner's high position in the prison hierarchy. He is an authority, his opinion is always taken into account, he is respected and feared. He severely punishes everyone who goes against him.

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Chest, shoulder, shoulder blade, less often thigh, calf

According to Zonov's concepts, the grin of a wolf means - DISAGREEMENT WITH THE REGIME, WITH THE ADMINISTRATION, WITH THE AUTHORITIES. A person wearing such a tattoo is embittered towards the authorities, he
despises her!

The wolf’s grin itself has the meaning “ denial": power, law, regime, government, environment with its rules of behavior.

The bared fangs of a wolf indicate that a person wearing such a tattoo on a certain part of his body does not agree with the opinions of others, and
There is no need to convince him otherwise. Having his own opinion, he will defend it to the bitter end, as evidenced by the wild grin that, according to mystical
believed to protect against evil spirits. “Don’t touch and they won’t touch you!!,” says the tattoo.

Abbreviation WOLF- The thief's shortness of breath, the cop's cover.

- symbolizes toughness, rage and fearlessness in any situation.

Often people wear a wolfish grin to express their aggressiveness, cruelty, secrecy, that is, to emphasize their negative qualities,
demonstrate the presence of the beast within you.
Thus, if you are a strong, cunning and unpredictable person who likes to show aggression, this tattoo is made for you.

A wolf tattoo signifies bravery, endurance, adaptability, loyalty, devotion, courage and victory, these qualities he received because of his
the ability to unite into a cohesive pack.
The wolf is a strong, intelligent, swift animal, and has always been treated with respect.

Symbolizes loneliness. Wolf paw tattoo is also associated with fidelity, devotion, and the ability to adapt. Men with such a tattoo are very
It takes a long time to choose a companion, but once chosen, they always remain faithful to her.

Proud loneliness, independence from the rest of society and magical night power.

The most powerful symbol in the world of black magic, the ability to transform your physical body into an astral double.

Wolf in a jump

With such a symbol, you will overcome any obstacles with the help of powerful inner strength.

This tattoo personifies a demon, awakens and subjugates the most powerful dark entities.

White Wolf

A bright, extraordinary personality, capable of becoming a friend among strangers and a stranger among his own. This is a warrior, a fearless lone warrior.

This symbol is suitable for lovers of extreme sports, risk and speed. But it also means vindictiveness, a readiness to destroy everyone who
interferes with the implementation of plans.

This tattoo is suitable for a recognized leader, a noble leader who will protect his family and friends until his last breath.

A symbol of supreme justice and devotion. After all, a wolf fights for his beloved only once and his partner must have pure
with a devoted heart and follow your leader to the end.

  • Intelligence
  • Cunning
  • Friendliness
  • Devotion
  • Generosity
  • Compassion
  • Freedom and individuality
  • Love for family
  • Valor, Bravery and Endurance
  • Ability to adapt to new conditions
  • You get along well with other people
  • You are a true friend

A wolf can be depicted with a grin - then the tattoo contains an element of aggression; a wolf can also be depicted with an outstretched paw or at the moment of a jump and have the same meaning.

A sketch of a wolf howling at the moon is a symbol of loneliness, sometimes betrayal, perseverance in completing assigned tasks, often a symbol of the loss of relatives or loved ones (see.
Tattoos in honor of the dead).


These tattoos are mainly done in the style of realism, more often in one color, skillfully playing with shadows. But sometimes there are also
color tattoos wolf Also, images of a wolf are sometimes stylized as tribal or
Celtic patterns.

Wolf tattoos reflect the power and strength of these beautiful animals, especially among the Indians. Wolves have a dual nature: fearless but kind, loyal but independent. These animals are very common in
mythology and various parables, for example, the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus.

They have become so popular for many reasons: they are elegant creatures, fierce hunters, representing freedom, mysticism, individuality, courage and devotion.

For North American Indians, wolves were teachers and trackers. Wolves were considered loyal, intelligent, fearless, loving their family.

According to Indian legend, a wolf could turn into a human to save people in trouble.

Wolves also symbolized darkness, fear of the night, and even demonic possession. In Celtic myths, the wolf was the source of lunar power,
symbol of the moon. The wolf ate the sun to allow the moon to rise.

To understand the symbolism of the image of wolves, you need to understand their heart - after all, they have experienced many false misconceptions and misunderstandings.

Tattoo is a word meaning “a design on human skin”, which was borrowed from a group of Polynesian languages ​​and came to us through the French language. In this article you will learn the full meaning of the wolf tattoo.Tattooing is a very ancient phenomenon, but still very relevant among certain sections of modern society or adherents of body art. A tattoo is coded, encrypted, carrying a certain mystery, information about a person’s character, status, attitude to existing reality and lifestyle.

There are different types of tattoos for application on the body, namely: army, criminal, with images of animals, birds or plants, for women or men, magic, in the form of inscriptions, etc. The most popular and having deep sacred meaning are tattoos with images of animals, such as real and fictional.

What does a wolf tattoo mean: a symbol of strength and fidelity

One of the most common among the above-mentioned tattoos is considered to be the application of a wolf image to different parts of the body.The wolf is one of the mysterious, highly organized, especially revered and sacred animals. His heroic image with inimitable charisma has been present in fairy tales, legends and myths of all peoples of the world since time immemorial.Many stories, short stories and novels by both foreign and domestic writers are dedicated to this amazing and beautiful animal. Cinematography also did not stand aside and we can recall several films, both feature and documentary, that impressed us to the core with their plot.

Undoubtedly, a person who applies a tattoo with an image of a wolf has or wants to introduce into his image and character the traits inherent in this wise animal, namely:

  • endurance;
  • speed;
  • strength;
  • swiftness;
  • leadership;
  • bravery;
  • devotion;
  • independence;
  • the ability to overcome the most serious obstacles;
  • focus;
  • nobility.

Depending on the image itself, its angles and accompanying elements, the meaning of such a tattoo may contain a negative connotation, reminding that in each of us from time to time the image of a “beast” can be born, caused by the injustice of the outside world, despair and grievances inflicted, for example:

  • deep loneliness;
  • internal fracture;
  • commitment to unjustified risk;
  • cruelty;
  • bloodthirstiness;
  • involvement in the other world and dark forces.

But in any case, the meaning of such an image is varied and, first of all, speaks of the leadership, pride and independence of the person who chose a wolf for a tattoo.

Wolf tattoo: the meaning of popular tattoos

In most cultures, the wolf is directly or indirectly associated with the army, soldiers, military honor and courage. Even the ancient Roman deity of war, Mars, was, in one way or another, associated with the wolf.However, in the Middle Ages - in the countries of the Old World - the wolf was a symbol of greed, cruelty, and hostility. This is a dangerous animal that attacked shepherds and their herds, attacked villages and lonely travelers.Although, despite justified fear, many peoples valued the wolf for its courage, respected and even worshiped. And also, as the epics of many nations claim, the wolf is not particularly interested in generally accepted human values ​​and norms of behavior, but at the same time he does not strive to kill for the sake of killing, destruction for the sake of destruction.

The wolf tattoo is currently one of the most complex but striking tattoos. Several of the most popular drawings with this animal stand out. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of these tattoos.

  • A wolf howling at the Moon indicates pride and a desire for loneliness, justified by a person’s complete independence from the opinions of other people, from their actions, as well as from the influence of the magical powers of the night star.
  • An animal with fiery eyes is one of the most powerful images of black magic. The peculiarity of the wolf with fiery eyes is that it can easily turn its true body into an astral double.
  • An animal surrounded by fire is not the most positive image. It means...demon! And also the ability not only to summon, but also to completely subjugate even the most dangerous, dark forces.
  • A jumping animal indicates that a person with such a tattoo is able to overcome difficulties and problems, regardless of their complexity. After all, the meaning of a jumping wolf tattoo speaks of the incredible inner strength of the person wearing the image.
  • White wolf - a person wearing such an image is an unusual person. Yes, he is a loner, but fearless and ready to face any difficulties.
  • A running lone wolf - often this image is chosen by people who adore an extreme lifestyle and are ready to take risks. However, a running wolf may indicate an excessively vindictive nature. That is, such a person is ready to literally wipe off the face of the Earth everyone who gets in his way.
  • A wolf with a grin - this image denotes increased rigidity of a person, but at the same time fearlessness.
  • The face of a she-wolf denotes true, genuine, sincere devotion and faith in justice.

By the way! Not only men, but even girls and women get a wolf on their body. A calm animal on a girl indicates that the representative of the fair half of humanity is distinguished by loyalty, integrity and treats everyone fairly!

If you used the query “wolf tattoo meaning” to understand what this image means, our article has given you the complete answer to your question!

The meaning of a wolf tattoo for guys and girls

Above we looked at the meaning of a wolf tattoo, talking about the general interpretations of such a body design. However, for male and female images there are certain application features, which we will discuss separately.

Men's wolf tattoos: seriousness and brutality

On the male body, a wolf tattoo is most often applied in a realistic style and mostly in monochrome. An experienced, qualified master can, simply using the play of light and shadow, convey the special character of the animal!

Note! Of course, there are also colored tattoos. They allow you to fully assess the animal’s aggression and show its predation.

“Tattoos” look very attractive, ideally imitating rock art - for example, accepted in the culture of Indian tribes. In addition, many pros advise applying such a drawing as a symbolic image. A wolf tattoo looks good if it is a large, large design. Therefore, it should be pinned on the back, in combination with other elements, which will create a complete picture. For example, good options for this picture would be:

  • an animal against a forest background or surrounded by trees;
  • demonstration of the transformation of a person into a predator or vice versa;
  • a wolf or a werewolf walking under the moon along the city streets.

Another common option is the animal’s paws located on the shoulder or chest. The picture will indicate the steadfastness of a person’s character, his inner strength. Moreover, the tattoo stands for:

  • loyalty and devotion, both to a specific person and to specific ideals;
  • success in all matters;
  • fearlessness in the face of enemies and life's difficulties;
  • unshakable opinion;
  • self-confidence and a clear awareness of “your price.”

Note! A good option for a wolf tattoo on the arm is a beast with three eyes. It symbolizes discernment. By applying it to your body, a person will begin to foresee the development of the situation.

Those who want to stand out and demonstrate their outrageousness can apply a realistic drawing of a wolf tearing the skin. Such a tattoo will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. If you don't know which style to choose, consider a wolf tattoo on your arm in a Celtic or tribal style.

Advice! If you already have other body designs, make sure that the wolf will not contradict them either in style or in meaning. It is important to pin the drawings in the same stylistic key.

As you can see, all wolf tattoos for men demonstrate strength, confidence and even some, albeit hidden, aggression.

Wolf Tattoo on Arm: 12 Selected Wolf Tattoos

What does a wolf tattoo mean for girls?

For representatives of the fair half of humanity, the meaning of a wolf tattoo is completely different. The female depicted on the body symbolizes:

  • desire for justice;
  • guardianship of your family;
  • love for children.

But at the same time, such a drawing may indicate the following - loneliness, devotion to a predator. Therefore, women are not advised to apply white wolf to their skin. Often, beautiful ladies prefer bright, colorful sketches, but monochrome pictures also look great. The best place for them will be the following parts of the body:

  • chest or just below the breasts;
  • shoulder blades;
  • forearm;
  • leg.

By the way! If you look at women's wolf tattoos, sketches of which are presented on our website, you will see that they can often have various additional elements. Among these are watches, glasses, and a girl’s face.

An excellent option would be a symmetrical large tattoo located on the back. But the paws of a predator are an ideal option for a girl’s lower back. Although on the shoulder blades they look very, very attractive.

Wolf tattoo designs: fresh and original designs

Which styles to choose and how to combine them with other designs

We examined in detail the meaning of the wolf tattoo. Now let's talk about what style to choose and how to properly combine the design with other tattoos. For example, if you look at wolf tattoos, photos of which are presented on our website, you will be able to see that one of the most common styles for tattoos of this type is realism. It is quite difficult to apply such a design, and therefore this work should only be trusted to a professional craftsman. By conveying the play of shadow and light, using only black, he will be able to create a realistic image of the animal.

Note. Although colored tattoos can also be realistic. They will resemble a true work of art created by a talented artist.

The second most popular place is occupied by wolf tattoos made in a graphic style. They involve a kind of “shading”. A large number of lines of different lengths and thicknesses are located parallel to each other. This is what allows you to create a full-fledged picture that looks bright and juicy! Of course, such a tattoo should be as large as possible. A good option is a wolf tattoo in the old school style. This is one of the most developing styles. The direction has its own unique characteristics. The style is quite simple, but at the same time elegant. It can even be considered romantic in some way. Its main characteristics are thick contours, bright colors and contrast. Trouble or tribal involves the use of different shapes and patterns, lines. It's quite contrasting.

Wolf tattoo photo: popular wolf tattoos

Note! Rumor has it that trouble even carries some spiritual overtones.

If you want a wolf tattoo on your shoulder that will flow smoothly down your arm, consider this option. An excellent option is watercolor. This is a real artistic style that allows you to create truly colorful, bright paintings with an amazing range of colors. Looking at such a tattoo, you will no longer think about what a wolf tattoo means, because in this case the image will be a real work of body art. But the compositions can be completely different. Above, when we looked at wolf tattoos for guys, we briefly pointed out possible combinations with other designs. Here we note that ideal additional elements could be:

  • moon;
  • dream Catcher;
  • feathers;
  • wings.

Naturally, the meaning of a wolf tattoo will change depending on the meaning of the additional compositional element.

Wolf tattoo on the shoulder: severity and style of wolf tattoo

To sum it up: How will a wolf tattoo affect your life?

Tattoos depicting a wolf, in the vast majority of cases, are applied in a realistic style. They rarely use multiple colors. Often, masters try to use one color, as well as a play of light and shadow, and highlights.Note that tattoos that imitate rock art look very attractive.If you want to get a tattoo of a wolf on your arm, then a symbolic design will do. But a full-scale, realistic drawing will look perfect on the back. But a realistic wolf on the shoulder or hip would also look good.

It so happened historically that the wolf became a constant companion of man, back in ancient times. Therefore, the image of a wolf remains one of the most popular designs in the world of tattoos. The image of a wolf is mysterious and diverse. Different peoples treated wolves differently and endowed them with different qualities, but there was no nation neighboring these animals that treated them with indifference.

In many mythological ideas of the peoples of Eurasia and North America, the image of a wolf is associated with the cult of a military leader or leader of a fighting squad, sometimes the god of war or the ancestor of a tribe. In particular, the wolf acted as the god of war in Indo-European culture. The concept of a wolf pack as an organized military unit has left its mark on the cultures of many Asian peoples. Among the Indians, the wolf was a symbol of the lower world - the world of the dead. In astrology and astronomy, the wolf is represented by the famous constellation Sirius. In the mythology of the ancient Celts there is a story about a wolf who devours the sun, which, according to the Celts, was the reason for the onset of night. Norwegian mythology depicted the god Odin, who, according to legend, was the father of all other gods in the form of a wolf. In the Greco-Roman system of mythological symbols, the image of a wolf accompanied the god Apollo.

The wolf is a strong, brave, smart, swift animal, so they always treated him with respect. The wolf is very devoted and faithful. He is faithful to the she-wolf, to his friends and enemies, to his pack, and most often becomes lonely after the loss of his family.

In the world of tattoos, there are many options for depicting a wolf tattoo, the meaning of which is also different. So a wolf howling at the moon (most often the full one) means loneliness, inner strength, independence from the world and society. A wolf in a jump is a symbol of purposefulness and overcoming any obstacles. Running wolf - symbolizes the love of speed, risk, change. Depicted with a pack, the wolf symbolizes the leader, leader. A wolf on fire is a creature of dark forces, a demon. A wolf with a grin and red eyes is a werewolf; its image is very often used in the fantasy tattoo section. He also often acts as a guide to the other world and a protector from evil forces.

The wolf itself is a noble animal, but this nobility is special and must be understood correctly. He does not demand much from the world, but in response to anger he can also be cruel. A wolf is an abstract concept of the beast that sometimes awakens in each of us.

As you can see, the meaning of tattoos with wolves is very rich and diverse, This tattoo is suitable for everyone who wants to gain leadership, loyalty, independence and nobility.

From time immemorial, the wolf has always been considered a magnificent and noble beast, which carries a large number of different mythological beliefs and stories. Besides this, they are the only creatures that have always had a dual nature. For example, at the same time, wolves can be both independent and devoted, and calm and aggressively dangerous. It is thanks to this versatility and unique qualities that a tattoo with the image of a wolf is considered very popular and in demand today.

Interpretation of the wolf symbol by different peoples

Let's look at where exactly the wolf tattoo came from, the meaning of which has survived to this day. This symbol was considered sacred by many peoples. People have always been afraid, but they respected the wolf, and they worshiped and even idolized him. The wolf was predominantly considered a vivid embodiment of those animal qualities that awaken from time to time in the subconscious of many people. Often the wolf has little interest in generally accepted values, but he is rarely prone to destruction. Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself: that if you do not touch the wolf, then it will not touch you.

Many peoples (and in particular Slavic ones) have a different understanding of what a wolf tattoo means. They, first of all, attribute supernatural abilities to him. So, for example, in several witchcraft rituals, a wolf meant the appearance of a guide-protector between two different other worlds. Therefore, the wolf tattoo blurred the line between two forces: evil and good, uniting them simultaneously into one whole.

Many peoples, especially the Celtic ones, identify the wolf with the life that was given to great heroes and people. It also symbolized the moon and mystical lunar power.

Various images of a wolf

There are several meanings of a wolf tattoo, the image of which may differ:

  • A wolf howling at the moon is proud loneliness or independence from society, a magical night power.
  • A wolf with fiery eyes is a symbol of black magic, transforming your physical body into an astral double.
  • A wolf in a jump is a symbol of overcoming obstacles with the help of powerful inner strength.
  • The wolf in the flames is the personification of the demon, the awakening and subjugation of the most powerful dark entities.
  • The white wolf is considered a bright and extraordinary person who can become one among strangers and vice versa. He is also a fearless lone warrior.
  • Running wolf - suitable for lovers of extreme sports, speed and risk, however, this same wolf will mean vindictiveness and a willingness to destroy everyone in carrying out their plans.
  • Many people are interested in the question: what does a tattoo of a wolf with bared fangs mean? It is, first of all, a symbol of toughness, rage and fearlessness in any situation.
  • The she-wolf will symbolize the highest justice and devotion.

Who wouldn't like a wolf tattoo?

It should be remembered that the wolf symbol will not be suitable for those people who have a weak character and are also somewhat insecure. Also, you should not get such a tattoo if you like to change partners, since the wolf always symbolizes fidelity, nobility, strength and independence. Note that a tattoo with the image of a wolf can become a real amulet for you only if it matches your qualities.
