Everything about hair growth. Theory and practice. Basic hair growth products. My experience. Products for hair growth on the head: which are recognized as the best and why Instant hair growth

In the pursuit of long hair, you often forget that the “right” shampoos and masks cannot cope without the proper amount of vitamins and minerals, a balanced diet and care for your curls. An integrated approach is the best “remedy” that will help you achieve strong and beautiful hair growth. According to statistics, hair grows 1.5 cm per month, but you can speed up this process. You will learn what to do from our article. We will reveal the secrets of fast hair growth and the best products that will help you with this.

What affects hair growth?

In the first place is genetic predisposition. The structure of hair, as well as its ability to grow, is inherited.

Significant reasons are a balanced diet, the amount of necessary vitamins and microelements obtained from food and medications, psycho-emotional state, bad habits, hormonal levels, poor sleep, and hair care.

We think you have found a couple of answers to the question “Why doesn’t hair grow?”

In addition, hair needs nutrition, strengthening and treatment.

The best hair strengthening products are considered to be base oils: burdock, castor, peach, cedar, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, almond, apricot, grape seed oil, avocado and St. John's wort oil. They can be easily found in any pharmacy. Don’t forget about essential oils, which will also help strengthen hair follicles: lavender, orange, verbena oil.

The best hair nourishing products include wheat germ, honey, clay, eggs and propolis.

Drink enough water, play sports, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, in general, take the path of a healthy lifestyle. And your hair will come to life.

Pharmacy products for hair growth

A deficiency of vitamins and microelements leads to slower hair growth: zinc, iodine, potassium, silicon, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, chromium, selenium, vitamins B, A, E, PP. Therefore, you should take vitamin complexes (“Pantovigar”, Phyto, “Vitrum Beauty”, “Dragee Merz”, “Alphabet”, “Revalid”) in courses lasting no more than 2-3 months after consultation with a doctor.

One of the best hair growth products that can be found in the pharmacy is niacin (vitamin PP). It dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation, gives hair smoothness and shine. Every day for 2 weeks, rub 3 ampoules of the drug into the hair roots. Repeat the course after a break of 3 months.

Another popular pharmaceutical product for rapid hair growth is Dimexide. It also improves blood circulation and speeds up the process of transporting nutrients to the hair follicles. Therefore, it is used as part of various hair masks, which we will discuss below.

You should not belittle the advantages of tar soap. It decisively combats slow hair growth, dandruff, itching and irritation of the scalp.

Salon treatments for hair growth

Professional procedures will help you achieve rapid hair growth. Among them:

Mesotherapy. Microinjections into the scalp will saturate the hair follicles with the necessary substances and activate them, which will affect the length of your hair. The recommended course is 8-10 procedures.

Darsonval - exposure to microcurrents. Activates blood circulation and has a stimulating effect on hair follicles. The minimum course is 2–3 months.

Laser hair therapy is a procedure using a device that looks like a comb, with laser diodes inside. One session takes 20 minutes. Laser exposure, reaching a depth of up to 8 mm, triggers restoration processes, increases blood circulation, saturates the hair with oxygen, which leads to its growth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a week. The duration of the course is determined by a specialist.

Nutrition for hair growth

Hair growth, as we have already written, is affected by poor nutrition (unbalanced diet, irregular meals), and insufficient amount of drinking water. All this makes the curls thin, dry and brittle. Therefore, be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts and dried fruits in your diet.

Here is a rough list of what your hair needs and where to find it all:

  • Silicon dioxide is found in peppers, beets, apricots, seaweed, radishes, corn, and tomatoes.
  • Dairy products, fish, cheese (hard varieties), eggs, and poultry are rich in sulfur.
  • You can find magnesium in sesame seeds, beans, dates, spinach and almonds.
  • Zinc can be obtained from pine nuts and walnuts, cherries, potatoes, pears, apples, seafood, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
  • Greens, beans, and green peas are rich in folic acid.
  • Beta-carotene is found in parsley, persimmons, gooseberries, carrots, tomatoes, blueberries, bell peppers, peaches, and currants.
  • You will get biotin from liver, heart, egg yolks, champignons, bananas, peanuts, potatoes, brown rice.
  • Vitamin B8 is found in turnips, grapefruit, soybeans, fish roe, beans, and whole grains.
  • Look for vitamin B6 in peas, grains, seeds, beans, pumpkin and cereals.

Hair care

If you want your hair to grow quickly, you need to take proper care of it. Here are some tips:

  • Brush your hair several times a day with a massage brush with natural bristles. For greater effect, you can add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil or warm burdock oil to your comb.
  • Pamper yourself with a head massage.
  • Don't forget to exfoliate your scalp once a week. 2-5 tbsp. rub fine salt into the roots of wet hair for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.
  • Use homemade masks 1-2 times a week in combination with professional products containing shea or avocado butter.
  • Reduce the use of styling products and blow-drying.
  • Wash your hair with warm water.

Homemade masks for hair growth

Mask with Dimexide

Mix 1 raw yolk, add 1 tsp. jojoba oil, castor oil and Dimexide solution. Apply first to the roots, then distribute throughout the entire length of the hair.

Cover your head with plastic and a towel. After 30 min. wash everything off with shampoo.

Mask with nicotinic acid

Mix 1 tsp. honey, oil solution of vitamin E, olive oil, add raw yolk and 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid. Mix and apply to roots. After 30 min. wash off the mask with silicone-free shampoo.

Mustard mask

Apply only to healthy scalp without any damage.

Dissolve 2 tbsp. dry mustard powder in warm water (1/3 cup). Add 1 tbsp. sugar, mix and apply to the roots, distributing a little throughout the hair. Keep it on for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.

Mask with propolis tincture

Apply to dry, unwashed hair once a week.

Mix 1 tbsp. water with alcohol tincture of propolis. Apply with massage movements to the scalp. Do not cover your hair with anything; after an hour, wash it off with shampoo.

Oil mask

In 3 tbsp. castor, burdock or almond oil, add 3 drops of essential oil of cinnamon, pine, ylang-ylang or rosemary (optional). Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and rub into the scalp and hair roots. In 20 minutes. wash off with shampoo.

In this article we will look at everything most popular ways to speed up hair growth at home and their effectiveness. The average rate of human hair growth is approximately 1 cm per month, and in the warm season it is approximately 1.5 cm. Now there are a huge number of means to increase the growth rate to 3-3.5 cm per month. We have selected the best ones for you.

1. Nicotinic acid

Nicotine not only helps you grow a long mane, but also reduces hair loss. Quite simple and effective to use. About 80% of those who have tried this drug note hair growth of up to 3 cm per month. To achieve a good result, it is recommended to use a course lasting 30 days. Every day, before going to bed, massage one ampoule into the scalp (namely, into the skin, not onto the hair!). You should not use more than one ampoule per day to avoid overdose.

The procedure is best carried out after washing your hair on naturally dried hair, so that dust and sebum do not penetrate the follicles along with the nicotine. A little tip for economical application: pour the contents of one ampoule into a small container (for example, a jar lid) and dip your fingers in the liquid and apply to the scalp along the partings. Keep the distance between the partings at 3-4 cm and don’t worry about not being able to apply the product to your entire head, the blood will do it for you.

If applied correctly, you will feel a slight ant effect. You can buy nicotinic acid at any pharmacy at a price from 100 to 180 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

2. Castor oil

One of the most popular and favorite remedies among the fair sex. It accelerates hair growth almost as effectively as nicotinic acid, but it has one, in the literal sense of the word, fatty minus. It is very difficult to wash off from the hair, as it has a dense consistency. But even here the ladies got used to it and began to wash it out of their hair, first with laundry soap and then with shampoo.

Castor oil perfectly restores hair, thickening its structure, eliminates hair frizz, makes it elastic and bouncy. There are no special recommendations for the frequency of use; you can use it at least every day, if you are not too lazy. It is most convenient to apply also along the partings, taking the oil into a syringe. First, distribute the oil evenly onto the hair roots, and then comb along the entire length with a fine comb, then place the hair in cellophane and wrap it in a towel. You should keep castor oil on your head for at least an hour.

Positive effects are noted after the first use, hair becomes smoother and denser. You can buy castor oil at a pharmacy or specialized stores at a price of 30 to 100 rubles. for a bottle.

3. Pepper tincture

Pepper is not only an excellent remedy for hair growth, but also perfectly eliminates the problem of hair loss. After the first month of using the tincture, hair loss decreases by 50-70%, and growth increases threefold. Red pepper warms up the scalp well, thereby increasing blood circulation, thanks to which the hair follicles are activated.

Pepper spray should be applied exclusively to the roots, as it contains alcohol, which dries out the hair. It is recommended to use this product 1-2 times a week. There are a lot of application methods, but here, I think, a regular spray bottle will be the best assistant. When spraying liquid, close your eyes and do not take deep breaths. Then wrap your hair in cellophane and wrap it in a towel, leave for 1-1.5 hours. The price for pepper starts from 12 rubles.

4. Brewer's yeast for hair, skin and nails (tablets)

Another popular product among girls, which not only strengthens hair, but also, due to its composition rich in B vitamins, will improve the condition of the skin and nails. Yeast is usually taken in a course of 1 to 2 months, 3-5 tablets with meals.

Due to the fact that taking the drug helps remove toxins from the body, small rashes may appear on the skin. But don’t worry, they will stop in a few days and the skin will take on a more well-groomed and healthy appearance. After one course of treatment, the growth rate of hair and nails doubles. One package of these vitamins will cost 100-150 rubles.

5. Perfectile

Not every girl knows these miraculous vitamins. They are the secret to the beauty of many models and were originally created just for them. At the moment, Perfectil is an official drug in many modeling agencies, the use of which is mandatory among fashion models. These vitamins perfectly restore complexion, hair and nails health, acting from the inside. They should be taken one capsule during or after meals for one month.

A positive result from Perfectil is observed after two weeks of continuous use. Hair and nails begin to grow faster, become stronger and look healthier. Acne, inflammation and dry skin disappear. In terms of cost, this drug is not as affordable as the above-mentioned products; its price starts from 550 rubles.

6. Horsepower

A line of hair products that only the lazy have never heard of. But today we will only talk about shampoo for hair growth from this brand. Here the reviews from the ladies are very contradictory, since it is not suitable for everyone.

The worse the condition of the hair, the better the effect of the shampoo will be, so if you have fairly healthy hair, then this product is most likely not for you. Thanks to lanolin and collagen contained in this product, lifeless and damaged hair will gain healthy shine, volume and well-groomed condition.

Also, many note thickening and smoothness of the hair after use. The price, however, is quite high for shampoo and starts from 550 rubles.

It’s up to you to decide which product you choose, but don’t forget about the most important sources of beauty, which are proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Beautiful, lush hair is one of the main elements of an attractive appearance. Huge amounts of money are spent annually on purchasing products that promote hair growth, but even the most expensive and popular drugs do not help everyone.

Source: depositphotos.com

Apparently, the point here is that each organism is individual. The average rate of hair growth on the head is from 7 to 15 cm per year. This process occurs cyclically and depends on the gender and age of a person, diet, the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits, methods and means of hair care, as well as the impact of climatic and environmental factors. Experts believe that the speed of hair growth is also related to the genetic characteristics of the body.

However, you can try to speed up hair growth without resorting to expensive cosmetics. There are budget ways to solve the problem that are easy to implement at home.

Application of aloe juice

Aloe juice contains biologically active substances and is a powerful stimulant. Extracting the liquid component is very simple: you need to cut off a few leaves, wash them, cut them into arbitrary pieces and mash them. The resulting juice is rubbed into the scalp and left for at least 2 hours, and then washed off with warm water. It should be borne in mind that the maximum effect is obtained from a product prepared from a plant that has reached three years of age.

Nicotinic acid for hair

Let's look at the principle of action of nicotinic acid using the example of Renewal Nicotinic Acid for Hair.

  • Awakens dormant hair follicles
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Has a keratin-restoring effect

*For more information about this nicotinic acid, visit myniacin.com.

After applying Nicotinic acid for hair to the scalp, the following processes occur that affect hair growth:

  • the vessels of the peripheral network dilate;
  • blood circulation accelerates;
  • the delivery of oxygen and microelements to the hair follicles improves;
  • internal metabolic processes in the hair roots are accelerated.

All this prevents hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. An indirect effect of nicotinic acid is its role in maintaining healthy hair pigmentation.

Mask with Panthenol

D-Panthenol is a pharmaceutical preparation containing a substance that in the body turns into pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). The product has a strong regenerating effect and is used for rapid healing of burns, scratches, bedsores, as well as to improve the condition of patients suffering from dermatitis, furunculosis and other skin diseases. D-Panthenol is available in the form of shampoo, cream, ointment, spray and gel. The last two forms are successfully used as scalp masks to help speed up hair growth.

The spray or gel is applied to the roots of damp, freshly washed hair and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with clean water. If you treat your hair along the entire length, you can smooth it and remove static electricity.

The use of D-Panthenol has a number of limitations. Persons suffering from bronchial asthma are not recommended to spray the spray so as not to provoke an attack. In addition, the active ingredient D-Panthenol is able to overcome the placental barrier, so expectant mothers can only apply it to small areas of the skin (masks for hair growth should not be made).

Rinse with cold water

Exposure to contrasting temperatures has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the scalp and stimulates the activity of hair follicles. So it makes sense to rinse your hair with cool (but not cold!) water. This can be done after every wash, application of mask or conditioner.

Apple cider vinegar rinse

With regular use, apple cider vinegar not only enhances hair growth, but also increases its elasticity and shine, and makes combing easier. Additionally, adding acid to the rinse water helps remove detergent from your hair more completely.

An excellent hair rinse is obtained by dissolving apple cider vinegar in cool water in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. This product can also be used to fix hair color. For this purpose, brunettes and brown-haired women need to add a glass of rosemary decoction for each liter of solution, and blondes need to add a similar amount of chamomile decoction. There is no need to rinse the rinse out of your hair: unlike wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar does not have a strong, intrusive odor.

It is enough to treat your hair with a vinegar rinse once every 2 weeks. The best effect is achieved when using homemade vinegar. If this is not the case, then when choosing apple cider vinegar in a store, you should follow the following rules:

  • dark glass bottle;
  • strength not more than 6%;
  • the presence of sediment at the bottom of the bottle (a sign of the naturalness of the product);
  • foam formation when shaking the bottle (the faster it disappears, the higher the quality of the product);
  • indication on the liquid label of only apple cider vinegar (without any additives).

Protein mask

Egg white saturates the scalp with nutrients, accelerates hair growth and prevents hair loss. To prepare the mask, take the whites of 2 eggs, beat them into a weak foam and apply it to the entire surface of moistened hair. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your head in a terry towel. After 10 minutes, the mixture is washed off with water at room temperature. The mask is made once a week. The positive effect is noticeable after 3-4 procedures.

Egg-cognac mask

A mask to strengthen the scalp and hair roots is prepared from 2 eggs and 30-40 ml of cognac. The mixture is lightly whisked and rubbed into the scalp, and after 15 minutes, rinsed off with cool water. To make hair manageable and elastic, you can add 2 teaspoons of olive oil to the composition.

Mask with essential oils

A mixture of equal parts of essential oils of jojoba, rosemary, lavender, thyme and almond, diluted with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, has a good effect on hair follicles. The mask is kept on the head for 2 hours. To wash off the composition, you must use a well-foaming shampoo.

Masks with spices

Ginger, cinnamon, mustard and hot red pepper have the ability to activate hair growth by warming the scalp and stimulating peripheral blood flow. The following formulations are especially effective:

  • a mixture of alcohol tincture of red pepper (you can buy it at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself) and vegetable oil in equal parts. The oil is sometimes replaced with liquid vitamin A or E concentrate;
  • pepper tincture diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry mustard powder mixed with the same amount of water, 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. You can add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil or full-fat kefir to a mask for dry hair;
  • colorless henna (in the amount required for application to the scalp) with the addition of a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a mixture of 1 cup of kefir, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, 2 egg yolks and 1/4 teaspoon of dry ground ginger.

All masks that contain spices cause a burning sensation to one degree or another. This effect is especially pronounced in compositions with red pepper and dry ginger. The heat of mustard masks is directly related to the amount of sugar added to them (the more sugar, the stronger the reaction). Therefore, all such products are selected based on individual tolerance, and are applied only to the hair roots. You can keep the mask on for 20 to 40 minutes (until the burning becomes severe). Rinse off with cool water, and if there is fat in the mask, use a mild shampoo.

Regular hair treatments will improve its appearance, but for maximum effect and a comprehensive effect on the hair roots, nourish your body from the inside with the Velnatal vitamin and mineral complex. It contains the most valuable components for women's health and beauty - polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), vitamins B, C and E, as well as iodine, iron and zinc, manganese, copper and selenium.

B vitamins strengthen hair follicles, which prevents premature hair loss. Zinc activates the process of formation of collagen fibers and prevents hair fragility, and with it the appearance of split ends. Omega-3 will accelerate hair growth, and vitamin E - as a powerful antioxidant - will provide it with glossy shine and silkiness.

"Velnatal" is balanced in composition and has a convenient form of administration. Just one capsule a day, and your hair will delight you with strength and shine.

The condition of hair follicles is affected by lifestyle in general. A person seeking to maintain healthy hair must understand that the problem of hair loss or slow growth cannot be solved with cosmetic products alone. It is necessary to eat well, regularly spend time in the fresh air, and maintain a reasonable sleep and rest schedule. This is the only way to maintain beautiful hair, elastic, healthy skin, and strong nails. Without exception, all masks, conditioners, shampoos and other appearance care products are only a help.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

When hair falls out, grows poorly in length, or splits at the ends, this may be a temporary reaction to stress, a previous infection, or hormonal imbalance. But it can also become a chronic phenomenon leading to complete baldness, especially in the presence of hereditary factors. Noticing that their hair is thinning, many panic and begin to look for a hair growth product...

The best assistant in this matter is a trichologist. It is he who will be able to correctly determine the cause of hair loss and prescribe treatment. However, so that you can maintain a constructive dialogue with him, it is useful to at least get a little familiar with hair growth products, because now there is a real sea of ​​them.

Folk remedies for hair growth: the power of natural ingredients

Known for centuries, folk remedies are distinguished by their naturalness, accessibility and low cost. They are also popular due to the fact that they can be prepared at home, knowing exactly the composition of the resulting mixture.


A mask is a thick or liquid mixture that is applied to the hair and scalp before or after washing. Depending on the composition, the mask should be left on the head for half an hour to two hours, after which it should be washed off thoroughly. Fatty mixtures are washed off with shampoo, non-greasy mixtures are washed off with water, sometimes with the addition of lemon juice. Masks are made no more than twice a week. The following home recipes are popular:

  • Burdock mask. Mix burdock oil, liquid soap, honey and onion juice in equal proportions. For medium-length hair (up to the shoulder blades), one tablespoon of each component is enough. Everything should be mixed thoroughly, applied to the head with massaging movements and left for two hours. Then rinse your hair with water and lemon juice to remove the smell of onions.
  • Honey-egg mask. Mix one raw egg with two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of vegetable (preferably olive) oil. Apply to hair and leave for 20–30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Protein-yeast mask. Beat the white of one egg until foamy, add a tablespoon of dry yeast. Apply the mixture to your hair with massaging movements, leave it for an hour, after wrapping your head with a towel. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

The result of using masks manifests itself individually: some see an improvement in the condition of their hair after the first time, for others it takes several weeks, for others they come to the conclusion that this is a profanation...

Rinse aids

These are liquids that are used as the final rinse after shampoo to make hair smoother. As a result, the hair is less tangled, which means it breaks less and falls out less when combing.

The following homemade mouthwash recipes are known (remember to strain before use):

  • With calamus root. Four tablespoons of crushed calamus root should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left to steep for half an hour, after which it can be used.
  • With oak bark. You need to take three tablespoons of oak bark powder, brew it in three glasses of boiling water and let it brew for six hours.
  • With citrus fruits. Half a lemon and half an orange should be poured with one and a half liters of warm water and left for half an hour.

To obtain a visible effect, it is recommended to use rinses for two months; each time you should prepare a fresh portion.


These are water-based liquid products that can be used daily. They are applied to the scalp with a cotton swab using tapping movements. Styling products such as wax, varnish, etc. must first be removed. The action of lotions is designed to stimulate hair follicles to accelerate hair growth. Homemade lotions can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

  • Peppermint lotion. Pour a handful of fresh peppermint leaves with 0.5 cups of wine vinegar, after half an hour add a glass of water and bring it all to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 7–10 minutes, cool and strain. Essential oils, biologically active and tannins of mint will strengthen hair and promote its growth.
  • Lemon lotion. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in 50 ml of vodka and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. The lotion has a warming effect and activates blood circulation in the scalp.


These are products similar in thickness to concentrated shampoo and designed to cleanse the scalp. Their difference from shampoos is in small inclusions that exfoliate the skin flakes on the head. As a result of their use, skin breathing improves, blood supply to hair follicles increases, hair becomes stronger, becomes shiny, falls out less and grows better. At home, salt, coffee and soda scrubs are most often made. They should be applied with massaging movements for 3-4 minutes. It is not recommended to use scrubs on colored hair or in the presence of wounds and inflammations on the head.

You can suggest the following universal scrub recipe: mix three tablespoons of shampoo with a tablespoon of salt or coffee grounds. For oily scalp, it is recommended to use baking soda. You can use a hair scrub no more than once every two weeks.

Despite all the attractiveness of home remedies, there is a downside: they take time to prepare, they do not last long, and the effect is not guaranteed due to the lack of a technological base. Also, at home there is no way to accurately assess the quality of raw materials. Therefore, many turn - and rightly so - to ready-made cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations.

Cosmetic preparations: effectiveness and speed

An integrated approach to hair treatment is most effective, which is why cosmetic brands are developing entire lines of products that act and are used in different ways. Shampoos and lotions- These are frequently used care products that are applied to the scalp and hair. Shampoos combine a cleansing effect with a healing effect and require rinsing. Lotions are applied after washing your hair; there is no need to rinse them off. Serums- concentrates of useful substances that need to be rubbed into the scalp for several weeks 1-2 times a week. dietary supplement- complexes of vitamins and microelements for oral administration according to the regimen specified in the instructions. Used for hair loss due to poor diet or metabolic disorders.

Rene Furterer Forticea line

The French cosmetic brand Rene Furterer specially developed the Forticea line to solve the problem of stressful and chronic hair loss.

  • Shampoo. A treatment designed for frequent use that gently cleanses and strengthens hair. The effect is achieved through the inclusion of special microcapsules. Their shell consists of seaweed, and the filling consists of essential oils of orange, rosemary and lavender. When washing your hair, the capsules break and release the beneficial contents. Price - about 2000 rubles for a 200 ml bottle. The result becomes noticeable after 2-3 weeks, hair begins to fall out significantly less.
  • Serums RF80 And Triphasic. RF 80 is designed for those who have begun to experience hair loss due to stress, poor diet, medication or pregnancy. This serum replenishes the lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids through essential oils and plant extracts that quickly penetrate the hair and hair follicles. Contains argan extract, methionine, panthenol. According to the manufacturer, hair thickness returns and growth accelerates. Rub this serum into the scalp twice a week for three months. The course of treatment is recommended twice a year. A set of 12 ampoules costs about 4,000 rubles; one course requires two sets.
    Triphasic used for chronic hair loss. Contains extracts of pfaffia and pumpkin seeds, essential oils of lavender, orange, vitamin complex and cyclodextrins. The course of treatment is 12 weeks. In the first 4 weeks you will need to rub the serum into the scalp twice a week, in the remaining 8 weeks - once. A total of 16 ampoules are required per course; one package of 8 ampoules costs about 6,000 rubles.

The easiest way to purchase this line is in online stores, but since the price is quite high, contact reputable sellers to avoid buying counterfeit products. It is best if your doctor recommends the outlet to you. The Forticea complex can also be purchased in some pharmacies, usually by pre-order.


Another French brand. Offers products that help with chronic and reactionary hair loss.

  • Shampoo "Anaphase". Strengthens blood microcirculation in the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Available in 200 ml tubes (cost about 900 rubles) and 400 ml bottles (cost about 1100 rubles). Active ingredients are vitamins B5, B6, B8, tocopherol nicotinate and ruscus extract.
  • Lotions "Creastim" and "Neoptide" for women."Creastim" is intended for the treatment of stress hair loss, "Neoptide" - chronic. “Creastim” contains a composition of four amino acids (aspartic acid, valine, lysine, tyrosine), creatine, B vitamins. It is available in the form of a spray. It is recommended to apply three times a week for three months. The cost of a package of two 30 ml bottles is about 3,000 rubles. The active ingredients of the Neoptide lotion are neoruscine, nicotinamide, GP4G biocomplex. They lengthen the hair growth phase and thereby prevent chronic hair loss. The course of treatment is three months, the lotion must be applied daily. It is also available in the form of a spray, in a package there are three bottles of 30 ml, the cost of one package is about 3,000 rubles.
  • Dietary supplement Anacaps tri-Activ. Capsules for oral administration contain primrose oil, methionine, cystine, iron, vitamin PP, beeswax, vitamin E, lecithin, vitamins B6 and B8. The drug eliminates hair fragility and reduces hair loss. You need to take one capsule daily for three months. The cost of a package of 30 capsules is about 1,500 rubles.

You can purchase products from this line in online cosmetics stores and in a number of pharmacies (usually to order).

"Alerana" line

Popular domestic products for strengthening and growing hair, as well as preventing baldness. Sold in pharmacies, supermarkets, online stores.

  • Shampoo. Provides, in parallel with gentle cleansing, intensive hair nutrition, activates the production of collagen and elastin. Contains natural growth stimulants, moisturizers, proteins. The price of a 250 ml bottle is about 400 rubles.
  • Minoxidil spray 2% and 5%. Minoxidil improves vascular tone, resulting in increased blood flow to the scalp, improved nutrition of hair roots, and awakened hair follicles. At the initial stage of baldness, a 2% spray is prescribed - 60 ml costs approximately 600 rubles. If the result is not observed within 6 weeks, a 5% spray is prescribed - 60 ml costs about 900 rubles.
  • Serum. Designed for daily use, the course of treatment is 4 months. A complex of plant components slows down the aging process of follicles and prevents baldness. A 100 ml bottle can be bought for 600 rubles.
  • Dietary supplement A distinctive feature of these tablets is the day and night formulas. Daily tablets contain selenium, folic acid, magnesium, iron, beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, B1. At night you should take tablets containing L-cystine, zinc, chromium, biotin, nettle extract, pantothenic acid, vitamins B2, B6, B12. This takes into account the daily rhythms of hair growth and metabolism in the scalp. A package (60 tablets) is designed for a full monthly course of administration and costs about 600 rubles. The drug improves the condition of the scalp, gives shine and strength to the hair.

Specialists from the manufacturing company emphasize that in order to successfully use the line’s products, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of hair loss.

Cosmetic preparations, as a rule, give the first visible effect after just a few weeks of use. However, they are expensive, primarily due to marketing. For many, it is much easier and more pleasant to use products from an expensive cosmetic brand than to admit that they have a medical problem. Pharmacy medications are also effective, but cost less.

Pharmacy products for hair growth: a professional approach

Pharmacists do not stand aside and offer, on the one hand, vitamins and dietary supplements, on the other - cosmetics: shampoos, balms, masks, fluids, activator sprays for hair growth, oils to activate hair growth.

In addition, in pharmacies you can purchase individual components of expensive formulations: nicotinic acid, B vitamins, vitamin E. They are used to prepare homemade masks and hair lotions. However, if you make a mistake in the proportions, you can achieve the exact opposite result and your hair will begin to fall out more. Therefore, let's turn to pharmacy products that are ready for use.


Sold in online stores and large pharmacies, they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. The most popular are:

  • "Pantovigar". It is used for diffuse baldness in men and women caused by genetic causes or severe infectious diseases. Contains: cystine, vitamins B1 and B5, calcium pantothenate, yeast, para-aminobenzoic acid, keratin. The course of treatment is 3–6 months, 1 capsule per day, a package (90 capsules) costs about 1800 rubles.
  • "Vitrum Beauty". Vitamins are designed specifically for women. Used for hair problems caused by poor diet, hormonal imbalances, and chemotherapy. The course of treatment is 1–2 months, 1 capsule per day, a package (30 capsules) costs about 800 rubles. Contains: L-methionine, L-cysteine, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, papain, B vitamins, horsetail extract, para-aminobenzoic acid, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, selenium, boron, magnesium, zinc, iron.
  • Perfectil. The course of treatment is 1 month, 1 capsule per day, a package (30 capsules) costs about 600 rubles. Contains: B vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc, silicon, selenium, copper. Prescribed for baldness of any nature to men and women.

Sometimes an allergic reaction to vitamins develops. In this case, they should be changed.

dietary supplement

Dietary supplements are not drugs, but before use, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. They are used as an additional source of nutritional and biologically active substances. Among the dietary supplements for hair growth, the additive is known "Hair Expert". The formula of this product is aimed at reducing hair loss, increasing hair volume and creating a healthy shine. Suitable for those who are stressed and doubt the adequacy of their diet. Contains: horsetail extract (source of silicon), amino acids taurine and cystine, zinc oxide, brewer's yeast. The course of administration is two months, one tablet per day. A package of 60 tablets costs about 600 rubles. This supplement is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Can be bought at almost any pharmacy.

Line "Fitoval"

Preventive agents that are indicated for a lack of essential vitamins and microelements, and age-related cessation of hair growth. Produced in Slovenia by KRKA, available in most pharmacies.

  • Capsules. Contains yeast, cysteine, B vitamins, iron, zinc and copper, which are necessary for hair growth. A package of 60 capsules costs about 500 rubles, it is enough for a full course of treatment - 2 months.
  • Shampoo. Contains sorrel and nettle extracts, panthenol, lecithin, wheat protein, which help strengthen and thicken hair. Sold in bottles of 200 and 400 ml, they cost about 350 and 600 rubles, respectively.
  • Lotion. Improves blood supply to hair follicles, inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, reducing the intensity of androgenic alopecia. Rub the lotion into the scalp at least three times a week, or daily. A package of two 50 ml bottles costs about 500 rubles and is enough for 16 uses.

According to the manufacturer, the effect is achieved only by the combined use of all three products in the line, but it lasts for a long time after a course of treatment.

Line "Rinfoltil"

Developed in Italy for men and women diagnosed with the initial stages of androgenic alopecia. It contains a large number of various plant components that prevent the conversion of testosterone into dehydrotestosterone, which is toxic to hair follicles and causes hair loss. The products stimulate hair follicles, improve hair structure, and have anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects. The main ingredients are dwarf palm berries, ginseng, Chinese camellia, peppermint. The course of treatment is 3–4 months, the first results are noticeable after 3–6 weeks.

  • Shampoo. Available in 200 ml bottles, it costs 400–500 rubles per bottle. The composition is supplemented with ginkgo biloba extract.
  • Capsules. Strengthened formula for women, with caffeine, helps maintain hair thickness. A pack of 10 capsules costs about 1,200 rubles. Used according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.
  • Pills. Bioactive food supplement containing, in addition to the main components, green tea extract, ascorbic acid, L-cysteine, L-lysine, zinc, selenium, nicotinamide, biotin, calcium pantothenate, magnesium. There are 60 tablets in a package, you need to take one per day. The cost of packaging is about 850 rubles.
  • Lotion. For women it is available in capsules, for men - in bottles, a 100 ml package costs about 1100 rubles, it is enough for about 50 uses. Additional active ingredient is silicon.

Although the treatment should be comprehensive, as a rule, not the entire line is prescribed - 2-3 products are enough.

Selentsin line

Domestic products that improve the nutrition of hair follicles, prevent baldness and normalize the water-fat balance of the scalp. Available in pharmacies, they are in high demand.

  • Pills. Homeopathic remedy prescribed for diffuse (focalless) baldness. You should take 1 tablet three times a day, the course of treatment is 2 months with a week break in the middle of the course. A package (60 pieces) costs about 600 rubles. 1 tablet contains: lycopodium C6, phosphorus C6, thallium aceticum C6, silicium C6, aluminum C6, selenium C6, sodium chloratum C30, potassium phosphoricum C6.
  • Shampoo. Contains burdock, nettle and pepper extracts, caffeine, biotin, collagen, menthol. Has a pleasant refreshing effect. Sold in 200 ml bottles, costs about 400 rubles.
  • Conditioner balm. Complements the action of the shampoo line, contains the same active substances, makes hair smoother and easier to comb. A 200 ml bottle costs about 400 rubles. Can be used with other shampoos.
  • Mask. Active components - burdock, nettle and pepper extracts, keratin, caffeine, vitamin E, collagen, panthenol, anagelin. It is recommended to apply the mask 1-2 times a week for 15 minutes after washing your hair, then rinse thoroughly. A 150 ml jar can be purchased for 500 rubles.
  • Spray lotions. Contains burdock extract, vitamin A, biotin, caffeine, keratin. Helps improve metabolism in the scalp and strengthen hair. Use daily, before bed, without rinsing, for two months. The price of a 150 ml bottle is 600 rubles.

According to the manufacturer, improvement in hair condition can be noticed after just 2 weeks of using the line’s products. If Selentsin was prescribed by a trichologist when baldness began, the effect becomes noticeable after about a month.

Many products have a similar composition and effect, but the price of a course of treatment can vary several times. Whether this is justified or not, a trichologist will tell you. Remember that the best products for rapid hair growth can only be selected individually in consultation with a specialist.

Trichologists Olga Lisitsina, Anna Portkova, Alena Panova and Tamara Berichikidze told what products will help stimulate follicles, restore hair length and accelerate growth.

Olga Lisitsina

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, cosmetologist

The drug "Follicel"

Patients often come to me with hair loss of varying severity. It can be both men and women who suffer from this problem after pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Stress and prolonged illness are also common causes of hair loss. For home therapy I prescribe Follitsel. This is a drug with a mesotherapeutic effect, intended for external use. It contains: cytokines, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids and vitamins, peptides. Follicel “extends the life” of follicle cells, preventing premature hair loss and creating the basis for new hair growth. This drug is indicated for absolutely everyone, regardless of the cause of hair loss - even during pregnancy and lactation it can be used. The drug also works great for androgenetic alopecia. The drug is used daily along the parting lines. It works great in combination with mesotherapy, plasma therapy, and ozone therapy. The period of use is at least 3-4 months.

Anna Portkova


Coffee tonic to stimulate hair growth Caffeine Hair Tonic, O’ Right

Fighting hair loss and stimulating hair growth is not a matter of just one month. This may take six months of regular complex therapy, which is selected individually. There are many different types of baldness. Most often we are talking about a temporary process - the follicles do not hibernate, do not die, but continue to function after hair loss. This process is quite easy to stop using external means. Caffeine Hair Tonic supplies the roots with nutrients and stimulates metabolic processes. Hair begins to grow faster, and hair loss stops over time. The product consists of 95% organic substances. The ingredients include caffeine, known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties. I used this toner myself. A year later, the condition of the hair became significantly better. 8 shampoos that fight hair loss, see.

Hair growth product Dercos Neogenic, Vichy

Dercos Neogenic is 30 ampoules: one for every day. Treatment takes 4-6 months, which means you will need 6 packs. But it's worth it. The product has been repeatedly tested by trichologists and proven to be effective. The composition contains a patented molecule called stemoxidine, which acts on “dormant” hair follicles. The set includes a massage applicator that can be used to apply the product to dry or damp hair.

Follicle activator Scalp To Hair Follicle Energiser

Another natural remedy that shows good results with regular use. The serum contains nicotinic acid and aminexil, which strengthen hair and stimulate growth. Niacin (nicotinic acid) is a “panacea” in the fight against hair loss caused by external rather than internal factors. Scalp To Hair Follicle Energiser promotes blood flow to the scalp, awakens follicles and prolongs their life cycle. There is another interesting ingredient in the composition - coenzyme Q10, which stimulates the production of keratin and adds shine. The activator is applied twice a day: morning and evening. The product shows good results for local hair loss.

Active lotion to stimulate hair growth Time to Grow

Many beauty bloggers sing laudatory odes to this product, and deservedly so. It was developed with the participation of the ANO International Scientific and Practical Center “Trichology”. The product stops hair loss, stimulates growth, increases protein synthesis, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is used both separately and in complex treatment, for a course of three months.

The drug is made on the basis of sphingolipids - structural components of cell membranes and nuclei. These are natural immunomodulators that regulate cell growth and development. Time to Grow is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hair loss. Read about why hair doesn't grow.

Alena Panova

Cosmetic trichologist

Stimulating lotion Opium Lotion, DSD

“Opium” is a line of products with a high content of placental extract. This is one of the best hair growth stimulants. Among the ingredients are nicotinic acid and caffeine, which have a stimulating effect, dwarf palm extract - an indispensable component for androgenetic alopecia, poppy extract, from which the line got its name. The company’s specialists have been selecting ingredients in the required concentration for several years. The lotion is sold in convenient ampoules (10 pcs per package). One is enough for about two uses. The product is designed for 30 days. If necessary, the course can be continued.

Scalp peeling mousse Full Force, Ollin

If you make it a rule to use scalp peeling once a week, you will see the first results within a month: hair growth will accelerate.

Everyone who has tried Ollin peeling mousse says that the skin seems to start breathing after it. It eliminates excess sebum, styling residues and heavy metals that conventional shampoos do not fully cope with. If you use peeling before the mask, the effect will be enhanced - the beneficial ingredients will be better absorbed. The mousse has a neutral pH - does not irritate the scalp. Main active ingredients: aloe extract, climbazole and provitamin B5. There are no chemical irritants, sulfates, parabens - the peeling is completely natural.

Hair lamination Hair Company

It is impossible to grow hair if you ignore length care. Split ends, like the arrow on tights, occupy more and more area, destroying the core. Lamination avoids fragility by filling the empty space between the scales. The Hair Company set consists of three bottles: hot, cold phase and mask. Under the influence of the first, the hair cuticle opens, and the second - the voids are filled with keratin. Fruit acids add shine, mirastats soften. The final stage of the procedure is a restorative mask. It is ideal for bleached and severely damaged hair. The mask with a light cream texture smoothes and creates an invisible film that protects against aggressive environmental influences.

Tamara Berechikidze

Trichologist. Specialist at the Romanov Beauty and Health Center

Mask No. 4.3 Divination Simone DeLuxe Keratin Treatment Mask, Dixidox De Luxe

This is a dual action product that simultaneously stimulates hair growth and improves its structure. Due to the high concentration of keratin and lecithin, it restores damaged strands. Contains: yeast extract, cayenne pepper, caffeine, phosphoric acid and many other useful ingredients. The mask can be left overnight, applied over the entire length - you will get the effect of keratin restoration.

Serum No. 4.5 Keratin Treatment Serum, Dixidox De Luxe

I couldn’t help but mention this product, which works like a mask. Due to the high concentration of green tea extract, the lotion stimulates the activity of hair papilla cells. Soy isoflavones (moisturizing phytoestrogens) and a vitamin-mineral complex prolong the hair growth phase. “Volatile” silicones (harmless and effective components) make hair shiny, soft and voluminous, without accumulating in the structure. Keratin quickly restores damaged hair. Adenosine contained in nanosomes stimulates DNA synthesis and moisturizes strands.

If there is inflammation on the scalp, serum will also work! It relieves itching, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and works as an antioxidant.

Apply a small amount of product to dry or damp hair and comb it. Do not wash off the serum.
