What to do if your phone's charger goes out. How to charge your phone if the socket is broken. How to fix the charging connector at home with video. Replacing the socket yourself or a service center

The mobile phone has become so firmly established in our lives that many can no longer imagine how they could manage without it. Every owner is familiar with the situation when you need to make an important call or receive a message, but the mobile phone battery is treacherously discharged, or even worse, there is a charge, but nothing happens. How to charge your phone if the socket is broken?

Method one

This method of how to charge a phone if the socket is broken is the simplest and does not require any skills at all. True, the mobile phone battery will suffer and will not be able to withstand repetition. All that is required is to remove the battery and hit it hard against something hard, such as a table or stone. You will be able to make 1 or 2 calls.

Method two: frog to the rescue

The next method of how to charge a phone if the charging socket is broken is very expensive and does not justify the expense, but it is suitable if you or your loved ones have a “frog”. This is a universal charger with a special groove where the mobile battery is inserted. This method has its disadvantages:

  1. The cost of the "frog" significantly exceeds the costs in comparison with the service center.
  2. You won't be able to use your phone until the battery runs out.
  3. Some reviews from device users noted that the battery broke down during charging.

Method 3: Direct charging without using a socket

If you have some skills in working with electricity, then this method of charging your phone if the socket is broken can be done at home. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the battery from your mobile phone.
  2. Disconnect from the network first.
  3. Remove the insulation from the wire,
  4. Clean the veins. Find the plus and minus.
  5. Find the correct terminals on the battery. Observe the polarity of the wires and the device itself.
  6. Fix the wires, after which you can plug the plug into the socket.

Important! This method cannot be used if you are alone. There must be someone who can help you in case of a possible electric shock.

Method four

The described method will tell you how to urgently charge your phone if the socket is broken. Take an ordinary knife and heat it on fire. Place it on the battery. Due to the increase in temperature, the battery will briefly recover. This method is best used only when the call is more important than the cost of the battery. Follow the rule: when heating the battery, act quickly and carefully, otherwise it may swell. Heating the battery itself will make it possible to make a call lasting about 5 minutes, but the battery will have to be replaced.

Hiking way to charge your phone

The previous methods described how to charge a phone at home if the socket is broken and there is no “frog”, but what if the situation turned out to be just the opposite: you urgently need to make a call at the dacha or on a hike? And in this case, there is a way to make a call, if, of course, you have the necessary materials at hand. In order to make a charger yourself, you will need several metal plates, a small piece of copper wire, and salt water. If you are going on a hike, for example, you can take everything you need with you in advance in case of an emergency. The described method can recharge the phone by 5%.

The plates are buried in the ground and wrapped with copper wire. The structure is watered with salt water. The charger is ready. In case there is no iron, it can be obtained as follows: metal pins are stuck into existing products, for example, lemons or apples, and wrapped with wire.

Is it possible to go to extreme measures?

The following methods for charging a phone, if the socket is broken and there is no frog, are recommended to be used only in extreme cases, they can damage the battery. Otherwise, it’s better not to waste time and take your mobile phone to a service center.

Replace the socket yourself or have a service center?

Can I fix the charging socket myself? Theoretically - yes. But do not forget about the functions that this connector performs:

  1. Files are transferred from the phone to the computer and vice versa through the charging socket. This is perhaps the most important function, besides charging the gadget, considering how much important data can be stored in a memory card.
  2. Through the charging socket, you can charge the phone directly from the computer using a special cord that comes with the mobile phone.
  3. Using the charging connector, you can connect your mobile phone to your TV to view photos and videos.
  4. Some other possibilities.

Charge your iPhone without using a charger

If you are the owner of an iPhone, then the hiking method described above will not be useful to you. Alternative sources have become available on the market that can convert environmental energy into electricity. You just won’t be able to use them without visiting a salon.

If you do not have experience in repairing cell phones, it is better not to undertake repairs on your own, since a careless movement can finally finish off your smartphone, which costs much more than the services of service centers. In addition, you can only aggravate the damage and repairs will cost more than the amount that could have been initially.

If the socket is ok, but there is no charge

If everything is fine, but the phone does not charge, the charger may be faulty. In this case, you can charge your mobile phone via a USB port by connecting it to a computer or tablet.

How to choose a service center

It is best to give the phone to a branded service of the same brand as the device. Maintenance certificates are required. View reviews of the selected service on the website.

Articles and Lifehacks

at just the right moment?

We are waiting for an important call, from which, one might say, our fate is decided. Suddenly, the phone notifies you with a nasty beeping signal that the charge level is low. We run to get a charger, connect to the network, and OOP! – charging does not occur. Life, like one second, flashes before your eyes.

Now we’ve calmed down and read what can be done in this situation.

What to do if your phone is not charging and how to charge it

First, check the AC power.

Connect any other device to the outlet and evaluate the reaction. The most advanced ones can use a voltmeter.

Then we check the cable and contacts. Possible options:

1. “Contact has come loose” between the smartphone’s USB slot (its inner surface) and the USB cable.
The situation often occurs when charging is actively used.
The solution to the problem is to turn off the phone, take out the battery, and try to pull the top panel of the USB slot up a little.

2. Ingress of debris.
Often the phone is lying around in a pocket, in a bag, or even falls down. Small debris could become lodged in an uncovered slot, preventing normal contact.
Wrap a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol on a thin, long object and gently wipe the slot.

3. Problem with the cable.

Cables can be quite fragile, since some manufacturers make them from environmentally friendly materials (it’s a pity that such charges begin to decompose during use, and not after disposal, as expected). Plus the use of charging in “extreme” conditions with twisting to death.

Or the habit of charging phones “all night”, in which case the electronic part may fly off.

Advice. Don't rush to throw away the cable, test it on another phone first.

How to charge a phone if it does not charge, despite the fact that all the previous issues have been resolved? Perhaps the battery has given up its life.

Typically, the service life of a telephone battery is about 2 years, so replace it on time so that it does not fail at the wrong time, or get a “replacement” in advance.

What else can you do if your phone won't charge?

If the problem with charging your phone is due to a broken cable, you can be helped by:

- “Frog” - a small base for charging a telephone battery, connected to an alternating current network.
- A special adapter that charges the phone from batteries (you can use a 12V battery).
- Charging using solar cells.

Advice. Try to use alternative charging methods only when absolutely necessary, because... they significantly reduce battery life.

I would like to believe that the advice helped and the problem was solved. Otherwise, go to the service center.

If your phone's battery isn't charging properly, don't think it's just the battery or the charger that's causing the problem. Based on personal experience, the problem and its solution may be much simpler than you think. If your smartphone or tablet is charging poorly or not charging at all, then check out 10 ways to fix these problems.

Why is the device not charging?

Problems arise to varying degrees. Either the phone doesn't want to charge at all when it's connected, or the process is too slow. Here are some solutions for you.

1. Poor contact

Very often the metal coating inside the USB port and micro USB has poor contact, either through a manufacturing defect or through wear and tear on the cable.

All you need to do is turn off the device, remove the battery if possible, and clean the contacts inside with something like a needle or toothpick. Do this very carefully and carefully, then insert the battery and connect the charger again. 9 times out of 10, that's all you need to do.

2. Clean the charging port from dust and foreign fibers

Do you keep your phone in your jeans pocket? If so, then fibers could be the culprit: we've lost count of the number of times fibers in our clothing have caused faulty charging.

You can also return the charging connector to normal condition by blowing it with compressed air.

3. Try a different cable

The most fragile part of the charger is the cable. It constantly bends, which can damage it over time.

The easiest way to diagnose a damaged cable is to take another one and see if it works properly with your device. If yes, you know that the original charger wire is faulty. If not, then you need to look for a solution further.

4. Use a different adapter

You have ruled out problems with the cable, then you need to check the functionality of the charging device itself. This is much easier if you can pull the wire out of the adapter. We've encountered many chargers where the USB ports have become worn out due to endless plugging and unplugging of the cable.

Also check the charging/wire functionality on other phones as this will help rule out the possibility that it is a problem with your smartphone. In addition, you must make sure that the outlet is working properly.

5. Remember - safety comes first

Do not charge your device near water or in extremely hot or humid conditions. Do not keep the device connected to the charger for too long. Don't leave it charging overnight when it only needs 2-3 hours. This may cause hardware damage.

If you want to replace the charger or its cable, be careful: cheap third-party adapters are quite dangerous. Recently, there have been many cases of mobile phones catching fire due to them.

The video below captured one of these cases:

6. Replace the battery

The life of a battery does not last forever, and after several years of use, it loses its capacity. The more often you charge and discharge it, the sooner it will deteriorate. Of course, if the battery stops working after six months of use, then you need to contact the seller for a warranty.

Some defective batteries can be easily identified by their appearance. If it is swollen, then it should be replaced immediately.

7. Charge from the correct source

Charging from a wall outlet will always be faster than from a computer because its USB ports have too little power. Thus, the phone charges much faster from a power outlet.

The problem may also be that you are using an adapter from another device, for example, from a Bluetooth headset, which is not intended for your gadget. This adapter does not supply enough current. In the case of the latest high-end smartphones, you may have a device that supports fast charging, but the adapter is not suitable.

8. Update the software or roll back to the previous version

Software updates can degrade a mobile phone's battery life, especially when an older device receives the latest version of Android. Newer smartphones and tablets are often optimized to take advantage of the latest software.

If this happens to you and you can't find a solution, try rolling back to a previous version. You can, of course, try doing a hard reset first, as the manufacturers recommend, so as not to risk the data on your device due to an old version of Android.

Likewise, sometimes a smartphone's battery life can be significantly improved by a recent update.

9. Try turning it off

Using heavy applications while charging affects the duration of the process. For example, if you are chatting on Skype or playing games, the device will take longer to charge.

Therefore, charge the device in the off state or in airplane mode.

10. Calibrate the battery

Sometimes, the battery charge level displayed on the screen may differ from the actual battery level. Because of this, your phone's behavior may seem strange to you.

Many of us have found ourselves in situations where the phone is about to die in the middle of the day, the smartphone shows only 10 percent charge and flashes ominously red, and there is no charger at hand. And at the same time, we are in the city center, there are no friends nearby who would borrow a charger. What can be done in this case?

We will not give such obvious advice as always carrying a charger or a portable charger that does not require an outlet. Moreover, in megacities, every second smartphone owner always has a charger with him. But it also happens that we can simply forget to take this vital thing with us, accidentally leaving it in another bag or on the nightstand. Therefore, let’s try to decide what to do if you have neither a charger nor a portable charger in your arsenal.

We can offer you several simple and effective ways to charge your phone if you don’t have a charger. Namely, we will tell you about places where they will help you solve this problem.

1. If you are in or near a shopping mall, find a store that has charging lockers. Usually, in some stores of well-known chains there are small cabinets with chargers for various connectors. And while you try on clothes, your phone will charge.

A similar service is available, for example, in the Moscow bookstore on Tverskaya Street. Ask the information department to charge your phone - they are unlikely to refuse you.

2. Another simple way is to go to any cell phone store and ask to recharge your phone. The likelihood that you will be rejected is very small. But in such cases it is best to contact the salon of one of the operators - in some such services are taken for granted. In addition, cell phone stores have chargers for all models. You can also go to an electronics store with the same request.

Whether this service will be paid depends on the seller. However, if you have to pay, it won’t be much - 50-100 rubles maximum.

3. There are special terminals for charging phones. Unfortunately, there are not as many of them as ATMs and payment terminals. They are usually located in large shopping centers, cafes, waiting rooms at train stations and airports. The terminal cells have several wires that are suitable for all smartphones. This pleasure costs about 50 rubles per hour.

4. Smartphones are known for draining battery faster than regular phones. This happens for various reasons. We want to tell you about a few more life hacks that will speed up the charging process and save energy on your smartphones.

If you have very little time to recharge, then turn on airplane mode on your smartphone - and charging will go much faster. You can also simply turn off the phone while charging. The smartphone will not consume energy, but will receive it much faster.

5. If you can't turn off your phone or put it in airplane mode because, say, you don't want to miss an important call, then try turning off unnecessary functions. This could be GPS, Bluetooth, Internet connection. All these functions take up some of the energy. By turning them off, you can speed up the charging process a little. When using your smartphone, keep these functions turned off unless you are directly using them. This will make your smartphone discharge slower. There is also a classic useful tip for saving energy - reduce the screen brightness and screen auto-off time in the settings.

It's hard to believe now that mobile devices were the easiest way to connect with other people. Now an ordinary mobile phone has turned into a high-speed smartphone with enormous multimedia functionality, and the case has begun to store the power of a good computer inside it. Using devices is very addictive and some people don’t even take a break for at least a short time. This kind of use takes a toll on charging, and constant recharging can damage one of the phone's most important connectors. You will learn how to fix the phone charging socket if it is broken in today's article.

Is it possible to repair the charging module socket?

How to fix the charging port on your phone at home? You need to figure this out thoroughly, then everything will work out. Careless use of a mobile device very often ends in some kind of breakdown that needs to be fixed. Sometimes the breakdown lies in the connector for connecting the power cable. In this case, you need to find out how to fix it, and for this you should familiarize yourself with the main causes of the defect.

The main reasons for device socket failure:

  • You can spill some liquid on the device or simply drop it thoroughly to disable this module.
  • Constant mechanical stress deforms the socket, which can make charging the gadget simply impossible - the plug will not fit into the connector or will dangle in it, in which case the socket will need to be replaced.
  • The contact pads may also bend, which will completely block access to electricity.

Let's talk right away about the worst thing - moisture.

Contact of a mobile phone connector with moisture is the most dangerous damage. Corrosion will start a chain reaction and all neighboring components will oxidize. This kind of defect can also damage the speaker, which is most often located in the lower part of the device. Also, the speaker itself allows moisture to enter the cable or connector. Therefore, even light rain can damage your phone.

Important! Find out what can be done, whether it is possible to revive the gadget if a more serious problem befalls you -.

The most important thing is to assess the complexity of the damage, since not all cases allow for home repairs. The best option is to use the services of a qualified specialist from a service center. This way you won’t risk breaking your device.

Is it possible to repair the device at home?

Very rarely restoration work can be carried out independently. It is best to find an alternative charging method for a while until you decide for yourself whether to repair it yourself. While you are saving the necessary amount for repairs in the workshop, read the instructions for charging a phone with a broken socket:

  • Insert the charger into your smartphone and plug it into the network.

Important! This method is only relevant for devices that have suffered from mechanical stress, and not from moisture.

  • Carefully move the cord and device in different directions. You may be able to close the contact and charge the device.
  • If the mobile phone nevertheless detects the presence of a charger, then it is worth recording the found position. Books and other items can be used that can install the phone so that the power continues.
  • Before carrying out all these actions, you should make sure that the problem is in the socket and not in the battery. Using your phone for a long time causes it to no longer hold a charge. In this case, you will have to get a new battery rather than deal with a “phantom” breakdown.
  • If the problem is still in the nest, then repairs cannot be avoided. If the socket is moving away from the tablet or the USB input is loose, try changing the socket itself or replacing the cable.

Important! Remember that all these manipulations can further loosen the socket, so do not use too much force during the work.

Alternative charging method

If the design of your phone allows you to remove the battery, then you can use a universal charger. Such devices are called “Frog”. It is, of course, not very cheap, but sometimes you urgently need to charge your phone. This gadget has special grooves into which you need to insert and secure the battery.

But this method also has a number of obvious disadvantages:

  • While charging, the smartphone will not work and cannot be used until the battery is charged.
  • The purchase price of “Frog” is quite high and does not always justify its purchase.
  • If the manufacturer's reputation is very dubious, then you will only harm your device.

We charge the device directly

How to fix the phone charging connector? You can try to replenish your energy reserves by disconnecting the power port itself from the phone.

Important! This method is very complex and requires the user to have basic knowledge and skills in working with equipment and electricity.

The essence of the work is as follows:

  1. We remove the battery from the smartphone.
  2. We unplug the charger from the outlet, arm ourselves with a sharp object and remove the insulation from the wire about five centimeters.
  3. Strip the wires and determine where the plus is and where the minus is.
  4. Determine the polarities on the battery and connect the wires to it.
  5. Fix the improvised terminals and supply power from the network.

Important! It is not recommended to resort to this method, since you may get hurt even while charging. Do not work with wires without insulation if you have never done this before and do not know how electric current behaves.

Do-it-yourself repairs

You need to act very carefully if you decide to fix the phone charging socket with your own hands.

To disassemble the case and remove the socket we will need:

  1. A small set of screwdrivers.
  2. Technical tweezers (ordinary tweezers will do).
  3. A stationery knife or a regular sharp one.
  4. Soldering Station.

Now you need to do the following:

  • Unscrew all the screws that secure the housing.
  • Carefully remove the cover by prying it off with a utility knife.
  • We ground the soldering iron, solder the wire to the negative (device body). The second end of this wire must be connected to the body of the soldering iron itself.

Important! These measures are necessary to ensure that the mobile phone does not suffer from the accumulation of static electricity, which can damage parts. It would also be a good idea to make an antistatic wrist strap and ground it.

  • Now we unsolder all the wires from the socket. This is necessary to prevent short circuits.
  • Next, you need to remove the screws from the board that hold it in place. Now we have access to the microUSB connector.
  • We take out the old socket, solder a new one in its place, assemble the device in reverse order and check its functionality.

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