The baby is suffering greatly from gas and colic, what should I do? How to understand that a newborn baby has intestinal colic? How to recognize colic in newborns

Often parents do not know how to help their baby with sudden attacks of colic that periodically occur during or after feeding. EMC pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, Maria Shilko, tells how to alleviate the baby’s condition.

What is colic in infants?

Colic is intestinal spasms, usually caused by impaired motor function and increased gas formation. To characterize this condition in babies, pediatricians use the “rule of three”: colic lasts a total of about 3 hours a day, occurs in the 3rd week of life and lasts about 3 months. Parents should understand that colic in infants is not a disease; it is a temporary condition that goes away by the age of four months.

The exact cause of infant colic has not yet been established. Experts associate the phenomena of digestive discomfort in newborns with immaturity and reduced activity of enzymes that help digest and assimilate food.

How do you know if your baby has colic?

The baby cries and screams a lot, moves his legs restlessly, pulls them towards his stomach, during an attack the baby’s face turns red, the stomach may be swollen due to increased gas formation. Crying occurs most often in the evening, but can occur at any time of the day. Between attacks the child is calm.

How to help your baby?

If mom is breastfeeding:

    Limit milk and dairy products in your diet. It is enough not to use them for 8-10 days for the mother to notice an improvement in the child’s condition.

    Try to avoid foods that cause flatulence and increase fermentation in the intestines: beans, peas, cabbage, radishes, grapes.

    Do not abuse drinks containing caffeine (tea, coffee, Coca-Cola).

    Make sure you are placing your baby correctly at the breast. Make sure that the baby grasps the entire areola of the nipple and does not swallow air.

    Let your baby empty one breast completely. If the mother changes breasts too often during feeding, the baby receives a lot of “foremilk”, which is low in fat and rich in milk sugar - lactose. Relatively low-fat milk quickly leaves the child’s stomach and a large amount of lactose, entering the intestines, causes increased gas formation, bloating and abdominal pain.

If the child is bottle-fed:

    Consult your pediatrician for advice. He can choose a formula that is easier to digest and does not cause discomfort after feeding.

    Use special bottles and anti-colic nipples that allow you to regulate the flow rate of the milk formula; the baby will not “choke” and swallow air.

    Try to feed your baby in a calm environment.

    When diluting formula milk, strictly follow the dosage.

After feeding, be sure to hold the baby in an upright position so that “excess air” comes out.

If the baby starts screaming, take him in your arms, hold him close to you with his tummy, and stroke his back. Due to the changed position and increasing intra-abdominal pressure, the baby will release gases and the pain will go away.

Massaging the abdomen clockwise with light pressure, heat (a freshly ironed diaper on the stomach), and a gas outlet tube will help relieve colic.

A walk in a stroller in the fresh air and quiet, pleasant music will have a calming effect.

Prevention of colic in a newborn

To prevent colic, special children's teas are traditionally used, containing medicinal herbs (fennel, chamomile), plant-based drug "Plantex", which have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improve digestion, and prevent the accumulation of gases.

It is important for parents to remember that functional intestinal colic is not a disease and occurs in 20% of healthy children. However, it is possible to talk about intestinal colic only if the baby is otherwise healthy, develops correctly and gains weight well.

Consult your pediatrician. The doctor will examine the child, determine the exact cause of the baby’s anxiety and give the necessary recommendations.

What to do if a newborn has colic? A pressing question that faces most mothers and fathers. First of all, you need to calm down and create the most comfortable environment in the house in which the baby lives, who has colic in the stomach.

Yes, there is no time for a sense of humor during acute attacks and the piercing cry of a child. However, parents should not lose either optimism, common sense, or peace of mind in this situation. Abdominal colic in newborns is a real test not only for infants, but also for parents. Sometimes you can use all imaginable and inconceivable means, but the child’s pain goes away only after some time, and then on its own.

What is colic

Colic (from the Greek κωλική - intestinal) is an acute paroxysmal pain that occurs suddenly and is often repeated. There are renal, hepatic, and intestinal colics. In adults, they are associated with various pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In infants, intestinal colic is called infantile, functional, that is, it goes away with age. Pediatricians in many countries around the world call infant colic a clinical phenomenon. The symptoms of colic are well described, they occur in 70% of newborns, but their causes are poorly understood. Therapy for infant colic is aimed at alleviating the child’s condition, and not “cure” him.


What are the signs of intestinal colic in newborns?

  • High-pitched scream. There is such a term - “colic crying”. It cannot be confused with any other cry: it is sharp, has a phase of intensification and decay. There is an opinion that it is this cry that has a strong impact on the mother’s psyche and instills in her anxiety and fear for the baby.
  • Rule of three. It is as follows: the baby cries for about 3 hours a day, on average 3 times a week, for 3 weeks in a row.
  • Refusal of food. When the baby experiences discomfort, he is capricious, does not want to take the breast, or refuses the bottle. It happens that a child begins to suck greedily from hunger, but then gives up and screams.
  • Anxiety . This condition is a harbinger of an attack of colic: the baby tosses and turns, arches.
  • Suddenness. The child feels great, and suddenly a sharp attack of crying occurs, which cannot be calmed by usual methods.
  • Bloating. You can feel it by placing your hand on the baby's tummy.
  • Tension in the body. The baby twists his legs, draws them in, clenches his fists.
  • Withdrawal while crying. This indicates bloating and discomfort in the intestines.

How else can you recognize colic? The baby generally feels well: he has no fever, allergies, etc. The baby eats with appetite, lies on his tummy with pleasure, etc. However, these states are overshadowed by bouts of crying. This often happens in the evening, after feeding.

When does colic start?

Colic in newborns begins on average in the second or third week of life. Before this, the baby is supported by the mother’s hormones, which he receives along with milk. The baby's digestive system gradually adapts to the new type of receiving and digesting food. This period will last up to approximately 3 months. It happens that a child’s colic goes away within 1 month. Some babies never experience anything like this, and their happy parents only know from hearsay about the “insidiousness” of infant colic.


It has not been possible to unequivocally answer the question of why colic occurs for half a century. Pediatricians and neonatologists name several versions indicating the causes of colic.

  • Immaturity of the central nervous system. The functioning of the intestines, like all organs and systems of the body, depends on nervous regulation. In a baby it is just developing.
  • Enzyme deficiency. Lack of lactase leads to poor absorption of the main carbohydrate in human milk - lactose. Fermentation processes begin in the intestines, which leads to bloating.
  • Dysbiosis of intestinal microflora. The quantitative and qualitative colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria occurs gradually. In the first months of life, the baby experiences a lack of them, which can provoke spasms.
  • Increased gas formation. Excess gases in the intestines lead to stretching of its walls. As a result, a reaction occurs in the form of a spasm, which causes discomfort and pain.
  • during pregnancy and lactation. Nicotine negatively affects intestinal motility and disrupts the absorption of nutrients.
  • Psychosomatic reaction. It is believed that colic can occur under the influence of psychological factors. Even at such an early age! The baby may react to the emotional situation in the family or the mother’s condition.

A particular child may have individual causes of colic. Some children are affected by their mother's diet, others - by her mood, others - etc.

How to make a diagnosis

If you have severe anxiety and doubt that it is colic, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Typically, the doctor makes a diagnosis by excluding other diseases by asking a series of simple questions.

  • Do attacks occur before, after, or during meals?
  • What is the interval between crying?
  • At what time of day does an attack most often occur?
  • What helps relieve colic?
  • Is there diarrhea, fever, cramps?

It must be remembered that bouts of crying are accompanied by other serious illnesses. Also, the child may suffer from heat, cold, hunger and therefore shows anxiety.

Preventive actions

In medicine, such measures are also called preventive, that is, warning. It is better to prevent an attack of colic than to eliminate pain. How to avoid colic in newborns?

  • Do not overfeed. A newborn's stomach is small. , in fractional portions, but do not overfeed. A large volume of milk or formula requires an appropriate amount of enzymes. The baby's pancreas does not yet produce enough of them, which leads to difficulties in digesting food. Even 10 grams of excess milk in the stomach can lead to bloating.
  • Do not overheat. Temperature affects the baby's metabolism. The baby should not be overheated. It is recommended to lay him naked on his back or tummy several times a day. should not exceed 22°C, should be 50–70%.
  • . If the baby does not latch tightly onto the nipple and most of the areola, a lot of air will enter the stomach when sucking. You also need to know that with greedy and rapid sucking, much more air gets in, so you should not allow moments when the baby gets very hungry.
  • Choose the right bottle and nipple. A number of manufacturers offer special anti-colic bottles with valves that prevent air from entering during sucking. There are quite a lot of positive reviews about this product. Mothers say that they were “saved” by these miracle bottles. You also need to choose the right shape and size of the nipple. The hole should not be too large, otherwise the mixture will flow out quickly, and the baby may choke and swallow a lot of air.
  • Choose the optimal formula for feeding. It happens that a child has a reaction to protein. Be sure to consult your pediatrician when choosing a formula. Your baby may need food enriched with probiotics. You also need to know that frequent changes in diet complicate the baby’s digestion process. The transition to a new mixture should be carried out gradually, over one to two weeks.
  • . This recommendation is given by neonatologists even in the maternity hospital. From the first days of life, it is necessary to lay the baby on the tummy. This pose is important for strengthening the muscles of the back and neck. In addition, in this position, gases pass away more easily and spasms are relieved.
  • . After feeding, you need to hold the baby in an upright position for 10 minutes. The baby should burp the air that it swallowed while sucking. It is especially important to keep bottle-fed babies in a “column”.
  • Do gymnastics. Charging should be done before feeding, in comfortable temperature conditions. There are no special, intricate exercises. The “bicycle” is a good way to remove gases: when the child’s legs are alternately bent and unbent and tucked towards the stomach. You can also try this exercise: while lying on your back, try to connect your baby’s left knee to his right elbow and vice versa. Then bend the baby’s legs at the knees, press them to the tummy, and hold for half a minute. This position promotes painless passage of gases. It is recommended to do it in combination with an abdominal massage. After this exercise, you need to stroke your legs to relax the muscles after bending.
  • Carry in the “panther on a branch” pose. The baby is laid out with his tummy on the adult’s arm bent at the elbow. In this position, spontaneous abdominal massage occurs. It is best to entrust this event to a strong and reliable dad.
  • Apply heat to your tummy. You can use a heating pad or heated with an iron. Pediatricians recommend that mothers use their own hands as a “hot water bottle.” They can be held on the tummy in different positions: vertically, horizontally, on the oblique muscles on the side. The warmth and caress of mother's hands have miraculous powers - their touch relieves colic in newborns.
  • A nursing mother needs to monitor her diet and the condition of her own intestines. Gas-forming products can provoke excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines of the baby. Therefore, it is worth excluding the following foods: cabbage, legumes, eggplants, radishes, mushrooms, onions, garlic, pears, grapes, raisins, brown bread, baked goods, carbonated drinks, whole cow's milk. Each child may have an individual intolerance to any product. Therefore, it is useful for a mother to keep a diary where she can track the baby’s reactions to the introduction of new dishes into the diet. It is also important to know: if the mother has problems with the intestines (constipation, dysbiosis, flatulence), they can affect the functioning of the baby’s digestive system.
  • Ensure physical activity and proper care. The baby must “walk”, lying on his back or stomach. Swimming in a large bathtub and warm water will help relieve cramps in the intestines. You can add extracts of motherwort, mint, lemon balm, and pine needles to the water. After such soothing baths, children usually sleep well, and colic attacks are stopped in natural ways.
  • Carry in a sling. Many children quickly calm down in a sling. First of all, mom is nearby. Secondly, it's warm. Thirdly, the baby takes a position that is familiar to him from the prenatal period. Legs bent and pressed to the stomach create additional comfort and facilitate the passage of gases.
  • Distract . Oddly enough, at this age the baby is able to switch to background noise: the operation of a washing machine, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner. Every family in this area has little house secrets and teaching tricks. It happens that the baby is calmed by music, “anti-colic” dancing with the mother.
  • Seek help from a pediatric osteopath. Osteopathy is one of the areas of manual medicine. The specialist presses on certain points on the body, which leads to relaxation of the spasmodic areas. Of course, you can only trust such a fragile creature as a newborn to professionals.

Massage for colic

What is important to consider? The baby is sensitive to touch, so it should be soft, gentle, slow. Hands should be warm and dry. During attacks, massage is not done, because it can lead to exacerbation! It should be performed 4-5 times a day before each feeding for 5 minutes.

  1. First you need to warm up the tummy. To do this, you can apply a heated diaper. Or fold your palms into a “house” and hold it on your stomach for several minutes.
  2. After this, without removing your hands, you need to apply gentle pressure along the contour of your palms around your tummy. In this case, you need to minimally influence the right hypochondrium, where the liver is located.
  3. A little deeper you can press on the left hypochondrium, where the pancreas and spleen are located.
  4. The large intestine is massaged counterclockwise, that is, from right to left.
  5. After gentle pressure, gentle strokes are performed clockwise around the navel.
  6. Then you can perform massage movements called “water mill” - alternately stroke your tummy from top to bottom with your left and right palms.
  7. You can also massage the oblique abdominal muscles.
  8. It is good to use additional types of massage movements: counter, when one hand moves down the tummy in the direction of the large intestine, and the other simultaneously moves up; stroking in a U-shaped direction, from bottom to top, to the right and from top to bottom.

The psychological factor is rarely taken into account. A mother experiencing prolonged colic with her baby often needs psychological help, moral support and physical rest. And if we take into account the possibility of postpartum depression, the young mother may be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Under no circumstances should a woman feel guilty. You need to accept the truth: you are already a good enough mother just because you are the one and only.

How to help with acute attacks

Medicines will help relieve colic. They should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

  • Herbal preparations. They include herbs: cumin, coriander and others. You can purchase ready-made medications in granules that quickly dissolve in liquid. Or you can make a decoction yourself.
  • Enzymes. Enzyme preparations promote rapid absorption and breakdown of food. However, they should not be abused, because the baby’s pancreas will become “lazy” and stop producing the necessary enzymes on its own.
  • Probiotics. They can be used when there is severe dysbiosis; the child often has diarrhea or constipation. If the baby is on artificial nutrition, the doctor may advise switching to mixtures enriched with probiotics.
  • Carminative and antispasmodic drugs. This includes medications with the main active ingredient - simethicone. It eliminates gas formation and cramps in the intestines, acts safely and quickly, within a few minutes after use. However, you need to know that this is not a treatment for the cause of colic, but only pain relief.
  • Mechanical means. In extreme cases, you can put a gas tube in your baby. If you have constipation, you can use it. In many cases, these activities quickly alleviate the child's condition.

Learn more about the action and use of medications for colic.

What to do for colic in infants? If possible, prevent their occurrence by resorting to preventive measures. If attacks occur and are repeated regularly, you need to be patient and alleviate the baby’s condition as much as possible. Acute pain can be relieved using various medications.


Hello, Lyudmila. Help us resolve one issue that my husband and I are arguing about. Our son turned one month old, and I began to notice changes in his behavior. He often cries, curls up his legs and is capricious. Sometimes he even refuses to eat, and then suddenly calms down.

In general, by all indications, it looks like he is suffering from colic in his tummy. My mother-in-law thinks so too. But this is where our unanimity ends. She says that the main reason for this condition is increased formation of gases in the intestines and therefore the baby needs to be treated with diet, dill water and a gas tube.

But I am inclined to think that such problems are associated with the whole body getting used to new conditions, and this process cannot be disrupted by outside interference.

But I’m a young mother, and my mother-in-law has already raised two children. My opinion cannot compete with her parental authority. Need professional recommendations. Please explain for what reasons colic occurs in a newborn, and who is right about what to do to alleviate the baby’s condition.

What is colic

Of course, interfering in a dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a thankless task. Therefore, I will not undertake to judge you. But I can provide a qualified look at the nature of the origin of colic in newborns and, accordingly, the correct actions of parents in such cases.

First of all, I note that all experts agree on the natural causes of abdominal colic in newborns. They are considered as one of the manifestations of the adaptation process during the period of adaptation of the baby’s body to new conditions of existence, a new environment.

Until recently, it was believed that colic was associated exclusively with the restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of beneficial microflora in it. Nowadays, the opinion about the neurological nature of the origin of such spasms is gaining more and more popularity. Scientists provide evidence that colic can be considered a “companion” of headaches (migraines).

I will not go into the scientific details of the explanations for this statement. But many adults will confirm that under severe stress a person experiences serious discomfort, one of the symptoms of which is cramps and pain in the stomach.

It is quite possible that the baby is also experiencing a huge nervous shock from the abundance of new impressions that literally fall upon him in the first months of life. After all, it is precisely during the period when colic begins in a newborn that he gradually comes to realize himself as a separate being from his mother. He understands that he is now on his own and must ensure his own livelihood.

Imagine a similar situation. How will you feel after suddenly finding yourself on another planet, where you even need to breathe differently? Of course, you are guaranteed panic with all the accompanying symptoms.

Agree that the described condition is very similar to what a newborn should experience. Also fitting into this “symptomatic picture” is the fact that in all babies colic begins at exactly the same period and goes away abruptly in all of them, regardless of the intensity and quality of treatment (whether the baby’s parents give the baby dill water or nothing at all). do it - colic disappears).

Thus, we have two theories regarding colic in a newborn, and, accordingly, recommendations on what to do. Both have their supporters. Moreover, the second theory, thanks to modern medical research, is receiving more and more confirmation.

Signs of colic

The main symptoms of colic in a newborn are related to the condition of the tummy. He becomes tense and bloated. There are other symptoms:

  • the baby draws up his legs;
  • sometimes releases gas;
  • may try to push;
  • his stool changes.

In addition, noticeable changes occur in the child’s behavior. He:

  1. becomes moody and restless (especially immediately after feeding);
  2. often, for no apparent reason, begins to cry;
  3. does not calm down for a long time;
  4. may temporarily refuse to eat.

Typically, colic manifests itself in the form of attacks that periodically “roll up”, and then relief comes.

Causes of colic

So, based on the information above, it follows that there are two types of causes of colic.

Causes associated with intestinal problems:

  • The baby is born with a sterile intestine, i.e. it does not yet contain those beneficial bacteria that accompany and facilitate the digestion process. Therefore, this process occurs with certain difficulties;
  • During the period of microflora creation, the balance of beneficial microorganisms often changes. Exceeding the concentration level of certain species can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • A lack of food enzymes due to improperly organized breastfeeding can cause false lactase deficiency. To avoid this, you need to breastfeed correctly, change breasts during feeding on time and follow the rules of breastfeeding.

I will explain these rules to you in more detail in the course Secrets of Breastfeeding >>>.

This is an online course, which means you and your baby don’t need to travel anywhere. You will watch the course at home and start feeding your baby correctly, this will reduce the occurrence of colic.

  • When eating or crying, the baby may swallow air, which enters the intestines.

Also, colic in a newborn during breastfeeding is associated with errors in the diet of the nursing mother. There is an opinion that there are certain foods that cause colic in newborns. These include:

  1. vegetables: cabbage, onions, tomatoes, corn. Read more about what vegetables a nursing mother can eat?>>>;
  2. nuts;
  3. cow's milk and products made from it. Find out from the article, is milk ok for a nursing mother?>>>;
  4. products containing caffeine;
  5. dishes with spicy seasonings.

Causes associated with migraine:

  • Sleep disturbance: lack of sleep, excess, disruptions in sleep rhythm (read the current article: The child sleeps for 20-30 minutes >>>);
  • Psychotraumatic situations: sharp sounds, bright lights, strong odors, cold, etc.;
  • Ignoring the diet and improper diet of a nursing mother;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Change of weather.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all of these reasons are associated with natural processes that inevitably occur in the body of a newborn. In no case does the occurrence of colic indicate the development of any pathologies or problems with the baby’s health.

When does colic appear and go away?

Colic is a temporary phenomenon. They usually occur in a baby 3 to 4 weeks after birth. The length of time colic lasts in newborns may vary. Typically, 1 to 4 hours of crying are the main sign that a baby is suffering from colic and gas.

This period can last from 6 to 8 weeks. The latest period when colic in newborns goes away is 4 months of age.

How can I help my child?

And now the main question, which, as I understand, is the main subject of your dispute: how to get rid of colic in newborns. Here I am completely on your side, and on the side of the various manufacturers of colic drugs.

For more information about this, see my short video tutorial about colic in a newborn:

The effect of dill water, as well as tea containing fennel, anise, caraway or lemon balm, can be compared with the results from taking a placebo. In the same way, medications that are prescribed to eliminate colic in a newborn do not affect the causes that provoke these spasms.

Moreover, they can be harmful. It is important to understand that colic occurs during the formation of the body’s ability to function independently. Any artificially introduced components will only disrupt and “disrupt” this process.

Some mothers start giving medications containing bacteria and enzymes necessary for digestion. However, the body will reject them, they will not take root in the intestines and will not multiply there, as many mothers think. No, these medications, like all others, give a temporary effect and are completely eliminated from the body.

Breast milk contains all the necessary bifidobacteria and lactobacteria that help intestinal maturation. Focus your energy on proper breastfeeding. You will find a lot of useful information on this topic in the article How to properly breastfeed a newborn?>>>

This is how nature intended and how it should be. Giving a baby drugs can only worsen the already immature intestinal microflora.

Remember, there are not many effective ways to treat colic in newborns. I will tell you more about what really helps during colic and gas, as well as the secrets of helping a child with anxiety in the online course Soft tummy: getting rid of colic in a baby >>>

However, I in no way advocate doing nothing at all and simply waiting for the colic period to end, helplessly watching the suffering of the newborn.

The mother can significantly alleviate the baby’s condition during this period. After all, the most important thing that helps with colic in newborns is the love, care, and guardianship of their parents. The child needs to be made to feel that the connection with his mother is not completely severed, that he is not left without support.

  1. Provide constant tactile contact. Take the baby in your arms and hold him close. You can place the baby on your stomach and stroke his back;
  2. Breastfeed. The process of sucking itself, the feeling of warmth from your body, and the beneficial components of mother's milk - all this will only improve the condition of the newborn. You can apply to the breast very often without observing certain time intervals;
  3. Protect from stress. Use “white” noise to calm your baby (read the article: White noise for a newborn >>>). When sleeping at night, create twilight in the room. Do not expose to sudden cold (leave the hardening procedure for a later period);
  4. Provide a cozy, comfortable environment so that the newborn feels protected;
  1. Give a massage for colic in a newborn. This way you will stimulate intestinal motility. In addition, soft stroking movements bring pleasant sensations and provide an opportunity to relax. The baby will feel a similar effect if you put a warm diaper on his stomach.

I would like to note that during the period of colic in a newborn, the mother has to spend a lot of effort and patience. This is very exhausting, so you will need support from loved ones. Ask for help with everyday tasks while you care for your baby and help him through difficult periods of infantile anxiety.

When a tiny newborn cries angrily, young parents panic. How to understand that a child has colic and not a serious illness? Painful sensations in the tummy occur in infants as a result of the natural adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to new environmental conditions. Knowing how colic manifests itself, you can distinguish it from signs of a developing pathology.

Key signs in newborns

How to determine colic? Colic is a term for paroxysmal pain in a baby's abdomen. She appears suddenly. The newborn suddenly changes his behavior. The calm and complacent mood instantly disappears. The baby suddenly wrinkles his face and begins to cry. The baby convulsively wriggles his whole body, arching his back and pressing his knees to his stomach. He twitches his legs and swings his arms vigorously. His body becomes tense, literally compressed into a ball. The baby's actions are accompanied by a loud, heartbreaking cry. The face of a suffering baby turns crimson. His tense tummy hardens and takes on a convex shape. The baby cannot be calmed down.

The newborn frightens the young mother with his appearance and shrill cry. She tries to rock him, gives him breasts. Babies usually calm down quickly while nursing. But with colic, the baby, as a rule, resolutely refuses the breast. In some cases, he may greedily grab the nipple with his lips and begin to suck the milk, but after a couple of minutes he decisively turns away from her. After feeding, his cry becomes even stronger. All attempts by the mother to calm the child do not give the desired result.

During an attack, the child periodically releases gases. In a vertical position, air comes out. A newborn may burp several times. During colic, the child becomes very restless and irritable.

Just as suddenly as it begins, colic ends. The child suddenly becomes silent and calms down. His skin quickly turns white and acquires a healthy tone. The baby relaxes, becomes lethargic and looks tired. He can fall asleep almost instantly. But a new attack of colic wakes him up and forces him to scream heart-rendingly again.

How to recognize colic in a newborn? Colic attacks usually occur during meals. The baby suddenly begins to writhe painfully, grabs and throws the nipple several times in a row. The painful cramp may also occur immediately after eating or between meals.

Children often suffer from intestinal colic in the evening and at night. Spasms can torment them for several hours in a row.

A characteristic sign of intestinal colic is changes in stool. It changes its golden color to green and contains undigested pieces of food.

Baby's reactions

You can tell that a baby has colic by its reaction to heat. If you press the baby's tummy against the mother's body, colic will become less painful. The baby will noticeably cheer up and calm down a little. His scream will become less intense. He will cry pitifully, trying to sleep. Contact with the mother's skin will have a beneficial effect on it. The beat of her heart will remind him of the pleasant prenatal period for him.

The psycho-emotional state of the baby directly affects the severity of attacks of intestinal pain. Warmth and pleasure from contact with the mother can completely eliminate mild intestinal colic in a newborn or make it completely tolerable.

A similar effect appears when a diaper folded in several layers, ironed with a hot iron, is placed on the baby’s stomach. The soft warmth emanating from the heated fabric relieves spasms and dulls pain. The baby calms down and relaxes. He can eat and sleep until the diaper cools down. By changing cool diapers to warm ones, you can alleviate the baby’s condition for a long time.

There is a direct relationship between a baby swallowing air and the occurrence of colic. The child becomes a little easier in an upright position. In this position, gases are intensely released, causing bloating and painful cramps. The pain subsides after using a gas tube for newborns. To free the intestines from gases, the baby is placed on his tummy. Once the air is released naturally, the baby experiences instant relief.

Often, intestinal spasms disappear immediately after the newborn has a bowel movement. He calms down and falls asleep instantly, not paying attention to the soiled diaper.

If you feed your newborn in an upright position, much less air will enter his body. Attacks of pain will become less intense and occur less frequently. Changing baby formula and eliminating gas-forming foods from the mother's diet can reduce the likelihood of cramping.

You can determine that a baby has colic by its reaction to bathing. Noticeable relief of the baby's condition occurs immediately after immersing him in warm water. A warm bath relieves painful spasms, the baby feels a little better and calms down for a while. However, after swimming the attack intensifies again.

Dynamics of symptom severity

Colic begins to manifest itself clearly at the age of 3-4 weeks. Some newborns experience spasms around the clock with short breaks. Severe intestinal spasms prevent the newborn from eating properly and getting enough sleep. If attacks of pain torment a baby all day, he may not gain weight. However, most children gain weight well, despite regular pain.

As the child gets older, the nature of the pain attacks changes. They appear less frequently and last less time. The imperfect digestive system of a newborn gradually develops. Food is better digested and absorbed. The stool acquires a uniform consistency, a characteristic pleasant sour smell and a golden color.

Colic does not occur as sharply as before. At first the baby becomes restless. He often wakes up, groans, kicks his legs, arches his back and squirms. Then he begins to cry quietly. As the pain intensifies, the intensity of the scream increases. However, heartbreaking screams occur less and less often. An attack can only be indicated by the baby's irritability and weak crying.

Over time, the attacks become so mild that the child’s mood only temporarily deteriorates. He can wince during colic without interrupting his sleep.

A slight increase in colic may occur after introducing a new infant formula or adding new foods to the mother's diet. Especially those that contain a lot of fiber.

Already 2-2.5 months after birth, many babies experience a noticeable improvement in their well-being. They are mostly in a good mood, cry less and eat better. In some cases, severe colic torments a child for up to 4 months. In male babies, colic may be more pronounced, and it takes a little longer to appear than in newborn girls. However, by the 5th month of life, the vast majority of children are completely free from painful attacks.

Warning signs

Parents should be wary if the baby burps very often and profusely or if there is a feeling that the child is regurgitating everything he eats. An alarming sign is strong “fountain” regurgitation, reminiscent of vomiting. A reason to urgently consult a doctor is blood in the vomit.

A lethargic baby is considered a dangerous sign.

After a bout of normal colic, he may look sleepy and tired. However, the child quickly gains strength and recovers.

If your baby cries frequently and does not seem alert between episodes, he or she should be seen by a doctor. An alarming sign is significant underweight, developmental delays, poor breastfeeding, and pale skin.

If your baby is constantly straining, has severe flatulence and rumbling in the stomach, you need to inform your doctor about this. An alarming symptom is the foul odor of the stool, as well as the presence of blood, mucus and purulent masses in it. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Severe diarrhea or constipation can also be dangerous for the newborn. It is necessary to monitor the child's temperature. An increase in body temperature above 38°C is a sign of the disease.

You should consult your doctor if your baby develops a rash. If during attacks of pain the baby screams hoarsely, has trouble breathing or begins to choke, urgent medical attention is needed. It is dangerous when there is a rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath. You need to understand that such symptoms may be a sign of a serious illness.

The reason for concern is the lack of positive dynamics in the development of the baby’s digestive system. If after 2-3 months there is no improvement, colic is tormented with the same severity and frequency, you should consult a doctor for an examination. The cause of colic in 5% of infants can be organic pathologies.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if attacks of pain begin to occur more often or become stronger. Especially if there are other suspicious signs of trouble.

A child's health is indicated by his appetite. In between attacks of intestinal colic, he should eat well. If a baby suddenly loses interest in food, this is a bad sign.

In the first months of their child’s life, parents most often turn to pediatricians with one problem. Moms and dads complain that their baby has anxiety attacks and crying for no apparent reason. As a rule, this condition is a manifestation of intestinal colic. They do not cause serious problems in the child's health. In this case, the symptoms of colic in a newborn require certain measures on the part of parents.

What is colic and what causes its occurrence

Intestinal colic in medicine refers to cramping pain that occurs in a child at the beginning of life and is accompanied by severe anxiety of the baby. For the first time, a similar condition can occur in a baby at the age of 2 weeks and last up to 3 months.

What is the cause of pain? Such an unpleasant symptom occurs due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of children after birth is not yet sufficiently developed. It has certain anatomical and physiological features:

  • in the oral cavity, the salivary glands are underdeveloped;
  • the esophagus of newborns is characterized by mild physiological narrowing;
  • If we talk about the stomach of children in the first months of life, then its secretory apparatus is underdeveloped, slow motility and sluggish peristalsis are observed;
  • the intestines in the first hours of life are free of bacteria.

At an early age, intestinal colic in most children is caused by the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it is important for parents to know that there are a number of other factors due to which the manifestations of gastrointestinal dysfunction intensify.

Causes caused by anatomical and physiological characteristics

The main cause of colic in a newborn is disturbances in intestinal motility. This is due to the immaturity of the central and peripheral regulation of the innervation of the named internal organ. The peristaltic wave, which should cover the entire intestinal tube, in children at an early age affects only some areas. Because of this, a sharp spasm occurs in certain parts of the small intestine, which provokes pain.

Another cause of intestinal colic, caused by incomplete maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, is the immaturity of the enzyme system and the formation of microbiocenosis. In a small child, carbohydrates and fats are not completely broken down. Because of this, increased gas formation is observed, due to which the small intestine swells and pain begins. Regarding microbiocenosis, it is worth noting that beneficial microorganisms gradually colonize the intestines. Their quantitative increase provokes increased gas formation.

Other factors that cause intestinal colic

Other causes of abdominal pain in young children include:

  • non-compliance by a nursing mother with a certain diet, because the properties of milk depend on the woman’s nutrition (mothers are advised to exclude certain foods from their diet or consume them in minimal quantities);
  • aerophagia - swallowing air (this is possible if the baby is not applied correctly to the breast, or if the bottle is not positioned correctly during artificial feeding);
  • violation of the rules for preparing formula for a child (excessive or insufficient dilution of the product);
  • irrational feeding (overfeeding, force-feeding).

Several years ago, dysbacteriosis was attributed to the causes of symptoms of intestinal colic in newborns. Currently, doctors refuse this diagnosis. In children in the first months of life, the microflora is constantly changing. This is not a deviation, so the diagnosis of “dysbacteriosis” is erroneous. There is one caveat. In children, the intestinal microflora may be disrupted if their breastfeeding mothers take antibiotics. Medicines pass into the milk and then into the baby’s digestive system.

General clinical picture

Back in 1954, the famous American pediatrician Morris Arthur Wessel (M. A. Wessel) defined intestinal colic. It is still used by specialists today, because it serves as the main diagnostic criterion. It will also help parents understand how to recognize the symptoms of colic in a newborn. This definition is also called the “rule of threes.” It states that intestinal colic is a paroxysm of crying, irritability or restlessness that lasts:

  • more than 3 hours a day;
  • more than 3 days a week;
  • for 3 weeks or more.

If a child’s episodes of crying and anxiety correspond to the so-called “rule of threes,” then parents can be sure that their baby is suffering from intestinal colic, and not some kind of pathology. The absence of disease is also indicated by the fact that no suspicious symptoms are observed between attacks. The child feels and behaves absolutely normally. He actively sucks on his mother's breast or bottle and is gaining weight well.

How do attacks occur?

The most typical time for pain to occur in a child is the evening hours (somewhere from 17 to 19 hours). At first, intestinal colic occurs quite rarely - 1-2 times a week. The duration of attacks is from 1-2 to 15-20 minutes. Subsequently, intestinal colic begins to torment the child more and more often. They become longer lasting.

Sudden onset is what characterizes the symptoms of colic in newborns. What signs are observed? At first, babies may wince, squirm, grunt, and twist their mouths. Then they begin to scream loudly and shrilly. The skin of the face turns red. Babies press their legs to their stomach (in common parlance they say that children “knock their legs”). In this condition, feces and gases do not pass away.

Upon examination, you can notice several more symptoms of colic in newborns - bloating and tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which does not reach the level of an “acute abdomen.” The condition usually improves after defecation or release of gas. After some time, the colic recurs.

Severity of intestinal colic

Depending on when attacks of pain appear, experts distinguish 3 forms of infant colic. The first of them is typical. This form is characterized by the appearance of intestinal colic at the age of 6 weeks. Up to 2 months the condition progresses - attacks become more frequent and prolonged. Then the manifestations of intestinal colic become less and less pronounced. By 3-4 months, the pain stops bothering the baby.

The second form is called persistent. It is characterized by continuation of intestinal colic after 3-4 months. A similar form is observed in cases where children have some kind of concomitant pathology, combined variants of functional disorders. It is important not to confuse the persistent form with the late one. The latter is characterized by a late onset of intestinal colic. With this form, pain begins to torment the child after 3 months of life.

The difference between colic and pathologies and diseases

Screaming and crying are symptoms that can be observed not only with intestinal colic. There are serious pathologies, diseases with a similar clinical picture. Certain features confirm that there are not signs of some illness, but symptoms of colic in newborns. The following diagnostic criteria exist:

  • age from 1 to 6 months;
  • sudden onset;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • repetitive nature of symptoms, alternating periods of pain with periods of absolute well-being;
  • bloating caused by the accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • the onset of relief after defecation or passing of gas.

The presence of intestinal colic in a child can be doubted if there are disturbances in weight gain, attacks of shortness of breath and cyanosis, fever, convulsions, lethargy and refusal to eat, vomiting (not regurgitation), abnormal bowel habits, and various suspicious skin symptoms ( swelling, rashes). Also not typical for colic: pain on palpation, tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall and difficulty with deep palpation. The listed symptoms may be characteristic of an acute surgical condition, which requires urgent assistance from a specialist.

Psychological atmosphere

An important component of successful therapy for intestinal colic is a favorable psycho-emotional environment in the family. A small child does not understand the speech of his parents, but he reacts to their emotions. Inexperienced parents can be very frightened by infant colic. Sometimes it even comes to hysterics. First of all, don't panic. To begin with, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. If there are no serious concerns, the specialist will talk about proper nutrition and prescribe medications that will alleviate the child’s condition.

It is important for parents to know that colic is physiological and not pathological. Their appearance serves as a signal that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is adapting to extrauterine life. The mother should spend more time with the baby, but there is no need to abuse it either. Every person needs rest and adequate sleep. If a woman cannot cope with anxiety, then a doctor can help. He will recommend the safest sedative for the child, because it’s no secret that all the pills the mother uses affect the composition of the milk.

Correction of maternal nutrition

Correction of the mother's diet plays an important role in the treatment of colic. A woman should eat a varied diet, taking into account that it is best to eat simple foods - without preservatives, fillers, or dyes. It is also important to consider that all products for nursing mothers are divided into 3 groups - “allowed”, “in limited quantities” and “prohibited”.

Symptoms of colic in newborns: what foods mother should eat

Product group

What is allowed

What is better to eat in limited quantities?

What is prohibited

Meat and fish products

When breastfeeding, low-fat varieties of pork, beef, rabbit and poultry are beneficial for the mother and safe for the baby. It is allowed to eat almost any river and sea fish (with a few exceptions).

  • fatty meats;
  • delicacy fish species;
  • salo;
  • smoked meats
  • mackerel;
  • crayfish;
  • crabs;
  • chocolate;
  • garlic;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol.


The most beneficial for women are fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, natural yoghurts without additives. If you wish, you can drink milk, but not more than 200 ml per day. It is best used for making porridges and purees. The list of permitted dairy products also includes low-fat cottage cheese and mild cheese.

  • milk;
  • store-bought dairy products containing various additives and colorings.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

Nursing mothers are allowed to add a variety of vegetables, fruits and berries to the menu.

  • cabbage, peas, beans;
  • lemons, oranges, mangoes, avocados;
  • raspberries, strawberries, grapes.

Sweets, confectionery

From the list of sweets and confectionery products, dry cookies, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, and crackers will not harm the baby.

  • sugar;
  • confectionery products with a large number of artificial preservatives and dyes.

If there are symptoms of colic in newborns, mothers are advised to drink table still mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas with oregano, mint, and thyme.

  • soft carbonated drinks.

Other products

The list of permitted products also includes bread (best with bran), various cereals, butter and vegetable oils.

  • margarine;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • mayonnaise;
  • black bread.

Nutrition for a bottle-fed baby

If the child is bottle-fed or mixed-fed, then it is very important to choose the right adapted formula. Choosing a breast milk substitute is a responsible and difficult process, so you should consult a pediatrician about what to do if you have symptoms of colic in a newborn. In general, when formula feeding, experts recommend formulas containing short-chain triglycerides. In case of severe pain, infant formulas with partially hydrolyzed protein or with a reduced amount of lactose can help. For some children, the administration of hypoallergenic formulas is effective.

When using dry infant formula, you must follow the rules for their preparation. This is very important to understand. Symptoms of colic in a newborn are known to often occur due to improper dosage. Parents are advised to clearly measure the volume of water and the amount of powder.

Physical methods of pain relief

Although colic is not a pathological condition, the child still needs to be helped to survive the painful period. Some methods of pain relief are physical. It is customary to place the child on his stomach with his legs bent at the knee joints. A warm diaper or heating pad is placed under it. You cannot rock or shake the baby.

Abdominal massage also helps to cope with pain. It is performed about 5 times a day before feedings for 5-6 minutes. The massage is done with soft circular movements clockwise, as well as from top to bottom (from the ribs to the pubis). During exercises, touching should be a little stronger than usual stroking. In this case, intense movements in the right hypochondrium are prohibited, because in this area the edge of the liver protrudes from under the costal arch in the newborn.

Drug therapy

There are various medications that are used to treat colic symptoms in a newborn. How do you know which medicine is best? There is no need to choose any means yourself. Any medicine can be given to a child only if it is prescribed by a pediatrician.

So, for intestinal colic, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Means with carminative effect. A herbal collection based on fennel, lemon balm, and chamomile has a positive effect.
  2. Preparations based on simethicone. One of the medicines containing this component is “Bobotik”. Simethicone weakens the tension of gas bubbles and leads to their rupture, preventing the appearance of new bubbles.
  3. Pancreatic enzyme preparations. They treat symptoms of colic in a newborn only if the exocrine function of the pancreas or bile secretion is impaired.

Other methods

A gas tube is sometimes used to remove gases from the intestines. It is inserted with gentle screwing movements into the rectum to a depth of 3 to 4 cm. If placed correctly, after a few minutes the child begins to release gases thanks to the tube. However, parents should not experiment with this method. The installation of the gas outlet tube must be performed by a specialist who knows how to perform this procedure. Parents, in the absence of experience, can damage the child’s intestines.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the causes, symptoms, treatment of colic in a newborn is a very important topic for all parents, because almost every family faces this problem. It is important for moms and dads to know that screaming and crying due to tummy pain at this age is quite normal. If it occurs, there is no need to worry or worry. Dealing with painful attacks requires patience and calm, as well as contacting a pediatrician for more accurate answers to the question of what to do with colic in a newborn.

The birth of a baby is considered a joyful event. However, its appearance is often accompanied by new troubles and worries. One of the common problems that new parents have to deal with is seizures in newborns. The causes of this disorder may vary. Typically, pediatricians associate the disorder with the immaturity of the nervous system. There are other factors that cause seizures. They will be discussed in today's article. We will also tell you how to recognize the disorder in a timely manner and what parents should do in this situation.

Seizures in newborns: description of pathology

Cramps are involuntary, intermittent muscle contractions that can vary in duration and intensity. Why do they arise? All processes in the body are regulated by the brain, including muscle relaxation and tension. In its cellular elements, which are called neurons, various biochemical reactions continuously occur. The result is excitement. The neurons then transmit signals to the muscles, “ordering” them to work and contract. However, not all so simple. Not every excitation in cellular elements is transmitted to the muscles. Sometimes the brain “decides” to pause the process. As a result, the excitation generated in the neurons does not reach the muscles.

When a certain irritating factor (inflammation or traumatic injury) affects brain cells, and the inhibitory mechanism does not work, seizures occur. In children, this disorder occurs several times more often than in adults. Doctors explain this trend by the characteristics of the brain. In babies, neurons are excited easily and quickly, and the processes of inhibition have not yet had time to be fully formed by this time. In rare cases, seizures in a newborn are caused by various diseases.

Main causes of violation

According to statistics, every fifth premature baby experiences seizures. In children born on time, the problem is diagnosed with a frequency of up to 10-14 cases per 1000 newborns. Among the main causes of the disorder, pediatricians name the following:

  • metabolic disorders due to hypoglycemia or calcium deficiency;
  • lack of oxygen flow to the brain;
  • infectious damage to the central nervous system with subsequent development of ischemic encephalopathy;
  • disruption of the adrenal glands due to their congenital pathology;
  • hemolytic jaundice, which is a consequence of high bilirubin in the blood.

Who is at risk?

This pathology is usually diagnosed in children in the first year of life. At this time, the nervous system is characterized by underdevelopment and rapid excitability. The stages of maturation of the brain and the entire central nervous system determine the characteristics of the age-related manifestations of seizures. Numerous studies of this problem have made it possible to identify the so-called risk group. Among the main factors predisposing to the occurrence of pathology, doctors identify:

  • underdevelopment of the central nervous system;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • maternal use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy;
  • umbilical cord entanglement, asphyxia;
  • disruption of labor.

The presence of one or more items from this list increases the likelihood that parents will have to deal with the problem of seizures in their baby.

Main manifestations of pathology

Seizures in a newborn usually appear within a few days after the baby is born. Parents begin to worry about the health of the baby when the upper part of his body and legs begin to shake for no reason. Quite often, doctors diagnose tremor in newborns. This is a condition in which the chin and arms shake slightly. These symptoms indicate the neurological nature of the pathology and require immediate consultation with a specialized specialist.

Newborns may also experience seizures during sleep. They primarily involve the lower extremities. At the same time, the child suddenly begins to scream and jerk his legs. In rare cases, the attack is accompanied by holding your breath. At night, such convulsions indicate developing epilepsy. However, most often they indicate immaturity of the central nervous system and disappear after the first year of life.

What types of seizures are there?

Convulsions in a newborn baby and older children differ in their nature. The gradation of pathology depends on the development of brain functions. Therefore, doctors distinguish the following types of convulsive contractions.

  1. Minor seizures are usually harbingers of serious brain pathologies. Among the main manifestations of the disorder are trembling and blinking of the eyes, some facial muscles, and limbs. Sometimes there is a bluish discoloration of the skin.
  2. Tonic convulsions in newborns have the following symptoms: muscle tension throughout the body, short-term holding of breath. In this case, the baby takes an extensor position, and his head is thrown back. This state may last for several minutes. Such attacks are typical for premature babies.
  3. Clonic seizures are characterized by rhythmic jerking of a specific part of the body. They are focal, multifocal and generalized. The latter are characterized by cyanosis and respiratory rhythm disturbances.
  4. Myoclonic seizures in newborns are extremely rare. With this disorder, there is a sharp twitching of the entire body or individual limbs. In children of the first year of life, this pathology indicates serious brain damage, and of a congenital nature.

Possible consequences

Symptoms of pathology cannot be ignored. You should immediately seek help from a doctor. After a complete examination, the pediatrician will be able to determine what is causing the newborn’s seizures. The causes of the disease, as a rule, determine the treatment tactics.

The lack of competent therapy often leads to irreversible consequences. First of all, seizures may be associated with brain damage or diabetes. A timely diagnosis increases the likelihood of a speedy recovery. Also, during an attack, the brain undergoes a colossal oxygen deficiency, which necessarily affects metabolic processes and incoming energy. If convulsions are frequent, the baby begins to lag behind in physical development, and his intellect suffers.

Diagnostic methods

Not every twitching or tremors in the limbs should be mistaken for newborn seizures. The causes of this disorder can only be determined by a specialist. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination. This usually involves an electroencephalograph study. The device allows you to track changes in brain activity and determine the nature of convulsive contractions.

Sometimes, upon initial treatment, the doctor diagnoses epilepsy and prescribes appropriate treatment. If positive dynamics are not observed, and convulsions continue, it is necessary to undergo a more in-depth examination.

First aid

Seizures in newborns, the causes of which were described just above, require a qualified approach to treatment. This is not a condition where a child can be helped with a simple pill. If twitching occurs, you should immediately call a team of medical professionals. Before the doctors arrive, the baby needs to be placed in a safe place and the body freed from tight clothing. Try to turn the child on his side so that if he vomits, he does not choke. You can place a clean tissue between your gums. It is not recommended to disturb the newborn and give him medications.

After an attack, the baby needs to be calmed down, but be prepared for repeated attacks. It is important to pay attention to their duration, accompanying symptoms and intensity. This information will be useful to the healthcare team. If doctors suggest hospitalization, you should not refuse it. In a hospital setting, it is easier to determine the cause of the disorder, as well as choose the right treatment.

Features of therapy

To treat seizures in a newborn, the causes of the disorder must first be established. Typically, the fight against a disease comes down to following the following rules:

  • for hypocalcemia, a small patient is prescribed calcium gluconate in a glucose solution intravenously;
  • in case of hypoglycemia, treatment is first carried out with dextrose, and then intravenous administration of glucose solution is recommended;
  • In febrile convulsive conditions, the first step is to stop the fever.

If the pathology continues for a long time, the child is observed in the intensive care unit. In this case, medications made from barbituric acid (Phenobarbital, Phenytoin) are used as the basis for treatment. They help relax the central nervous system and reduce the intensity of muscle contraction. Gradually the patient's condition returns to normal.

It should be noted that therapy for this disorder should be comprehensive. Proper nutrition of the baby, gymnastic exercises, hardening through water procedures and a relaxing massage give good results. After the therapy, over the next few years the child should be observed by a neurologist and periodically undergo preventive examinations.

In the neonatal period, it is very difficult to determine what may be associated with seizures in newborns. The reasons are not easy to discover. Therefore, about a third of children die. Of course, we are talking about such serious defects as ischemia, meningitis, etc. If the seizure syndrome is caused by a metabolic disorder, the prognosis is favorable in most cases. Also, approximately a third of surviving patients have various neurological disorders.

Let's sum it up

The first manifestations of a pathology such as convulsions in newborns should not be ignored. The consequences that this disorder can lead to often darken the lives of children. It requires close attention from doctors and parents. It is extremely important to promptly determine the cause of seizures and begin therapy. Only in this case can we hope for a favorable outcome.

Pediatricians sometimes jokingly call infant colic the problem of three. This funny name is deciphered as follows: in children, intestinal colic begins at THREE weeks of age and ends at about THREE months, while the attack itself lasts about THREE hours.

In fact, this is of course a very rough rounding. It happens that the baby continues to suffer from painful sensations even after he is 3 months old. And the attack can last for different times.

Therefore, the definition of infant colic should be clearer. What is it? Colic is the name given to intestinal pain in healthy babies. The key word in this definition is “healthy”. Let's remember it.

Why do they arise?

The body of a newborn baby is not fully formed. In particular, babies are not yet very good at producing the enzymes needed to digest food. In addition, sometimes a hungry baby may swallow some air along with the milk.

An increased amount of gases is formed in the intestines, the motor activity of its walls is still perfect and as a result painful spasms appear, causing great discomfort to the baby.

How can you tell if your baby has colic?

For parents, the main symptom of intestinal colic in a newborn is loud crying, which cannot be stopped by conventional means.

  1. The first sign is the child's unusual restlessness, which ends in loud crying.
  2. At this time, the baby presses his legs to his tummy. By this sign, you can immediately understand that problems have arisen in the intestines.
  3. The baby has increased gas production. Gases sometimes pass, which brings temporary relief. Sometimes mucous stools or, conversely, the problem of constipation may occur. All this indicates problems with digestion.

  1. If you observe a child for several days, a pattern is determined - crying and restlessness begin some time after feeding.
  2. Another important sign of infant colic is that the rest of the time the baby looks absolutely healthy and happy with life with a good appetite. More often, attacks occur in the late afternoon.

To summarize: the child is restless, it is impossible to rock him to sleep, and all the neighbors will know that something is wrong in your house.

What to do if your baby has colic?

First of all, parents need to contact their pediatrician. Neonatal colic itself is a so-called “diagnosis of exclusion.” This means that the doctor must rule out the presence of any diseases - inflammatory processes, infections and others.

If the doctor confirms that the baby is healthy, then your problem is typical newborn colic. After some time everything will pass. However, this does not mean that you cannot try to help your baby.

All methods of helping with colic in babies are aimed at one thing - to relieve the baby from pain. This problem in children of this age does not require special treatment, since it is not a disease (have you established that the child is healthy?).

This means we will not address the problem of dysbacteriosis and other serious diagnoses. All the baby needs is to get rid of unpleasant sensations. What should I do to help my child?

How to cope with colic at home?

First of all, we draw your attention to the fact that all the methods that can be proposed to relieve pain during colic in newborns should not be based on taking medications.

  1. Be careful when feeding - it will be better if the child does not overeat. More often, abdominal pain occurs in children who eat too greedily.
  2. Place your baby on his tummy before feeding.
  3. Be sure to let your baby burp air after eating. To do this, you need to hold him in your arms in an upright position - some mothers call this.
  4. Use grandma's method - iron the diaper with a hot iron and apply it to your tummy. Important! The diaper should be warm, not hot. Don't burn your baby. As an option, lie on the bed, lay a heated diaper on your stomach, and place the baby on top. The belly-to-belly position with mom gives the baby the necessary pressure on the intestines, plus pleasant warmth and a soothing feeling of love and care.
  5. For the baby lying on his back, place your palm on his tummy, applying slight pressure. Applying slight pressure can help release accumulated gases.
  6. Sometimes clockwise abdominal massage works quite effectively. Place your baby on his back and place your hand on his stomach so that the base of your palm rests on his pubic bone. Using light pressure, move the brush like a fan across the abdomen from left to right. Your hands should be warm.

  1. Carry your baby vertically in your arms or in a sling (carrier) more often. Children love to be close to their parents. Everything works together here - pressure and warmth on the abdominal area, love and new impressions from the opening view.
  2. You can try using a device such as a gas outlet tube. However, we will unfortunately disappoint those who especially count on it. The fact is that only those gases that have already passed into the colon can escape through such a tube. Those that have not yet reached here and are located in the upper part of the intestine are the ones that cause the most severe pain.

How else can you help your breastfed baby?

  1. It makes sense to contact a breastfeeding specialist. You need to put your baby to your breast correctly. The fact is that improper latching of the nipple during feeding can lead to the baby swallowing air along with the milk. This is the cause of gas.
  2. Make sure that your baby eats from only one breast at one feeding, completely emptying it. Foremilk is rich in lactose and contains little fat, which means it very quickly passes into the intestines, where milk sugar (lactose) can begin to ferment.
  3. It makes sense for mom to try to exclude foods from her diet that may contribute to excessive gas formation.

What to do if the baby is bottle-fed?

  1. Strictly follow the instructions when diluting the mixture.
  2. Stick to your feeding schedule. Overeating can cause digestion problems.

  1. Consult your doctor - he may be able to recommend a more suitable formula for you.
  2. Use feeding bottles with special anti-colic nipples. If the flow of milk is too strong, your baby may choke or swallow air while eating.

We have already said that colic in newborns is not considered a disease. So parents will just need to be patient. Try different methods and options. For some, massage helps with colic, for others, dill water, and for others, it perfectly calms the child by driving a car or turning on a vacuum cleaner.

Surprising but true! Unconventional things work too. In principle, this once again proves that the problem of colic is not the worst and will go away on its own. However, such peace of mind is only appropriate for those parents who have already consulted with their pediatrician.

So, as a reminder, make sure your baby is not sick.

When do you need urgent medical help?

In what cases should you not warm the diaper for massage, but rush to the doctor:

  • the child has a fever;
  • problems with stool do not fit into the “everyday”: stool is an unusual color, has a bad smell;
  • vomiting joined the colic;
  • the baby does not calm down for too long;
  • the baby is lethargic and pale, has weak reactions;
  • Even after the attack stops, the baby does not look healthy.

Is there a way to prevent colic in newborns?

It is quite difficult to answer this question, since the exact reason why children develop colic and gas has not yet been established. Painful sensations in the intestines do not occur in all babies, so pediatricians cannot explain their occurrence only by the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract in infants or improperly organized feeding.

However, knowing the main causes of increased gas formation in the intestines of infants, parents can try to avoid them.

How can you prevent increased gas formation?

  1. It is wise to approach feeding a newborn and do not overfeed him.
  2. Make sure to properly latch on to the nipple when breastfeeding, use special bottles and nipples when using artificial ones.
  3. If necessary, use herbal teas based on dill or fennel.
  4. Carry the baby in a column after feeding, massage and intensify his physical activity in general.

Well, the main thing is to be patient and remember that intestinal colic and gas in healthy children are only a temporary phenomenon. After four months, the child will go away and be forgotten like a bad dream.
