Suggestions to give the word. Lesson summary "participial phrase" Do not show the meaning of the phraseological unit

  • It is not customary for the party to resign.
  • When he saw me, he ran to serve breakfast.
  • There was no point in filing a complaint with the board.
  • It is best to serve the fish the next day.
  • And then the receiver began to send signals again.
  • But he decided not to show that he noticed it.
  • Kubis began submitting photocopies one after another.
  • Kern was furious, but tried not to show it.
  • The block was already there, ready to serve.
  • Mullins began to serve more dishes, and the conversation died down.
  • The lists of peasants had to be submitted by the landowners themselves.
  • But the nozzle still refused to supply water.
  • The first to show signs of life was the worker’s head.
  • Canol realized that he must set an example of firmness.
  • Excitement overwhelmed me, but I tried not to show it.
  • The other three also got up and started giving signals.
  • And the elders began to eat, serving food to each other across the table into their mouths.
  • Borromet began to give him signs, but he did not notice anything.
  • Here the mulatto woman stopped and began to give signals to someone.
  • He was seething internally all the time, but tried not to show it.


Participial turnover

Lesson objectives:


1.Introduce students to participial verbs;

2. Develop the skill of finding participial phrases and highlighting them with commas


Develop skills in expressive reading of sentences with participial phrases, construct sentences that include participial phrases


To instill in students respect for each other, organization, and a sense of responsibility.

During the classes

* Organizing time

*Checking homework

What is a gerund?

What does the participle mean?

What part of speech is the gerund derived from?

How are imperfective participles formed??

How are perfect participles formed??

*Particular analysis of a sentence with a participial phrase

There was a man on stage singing a funny song.

Additional question:

What is a participle phrase?

When a participial phrase is isolated?

*Explanation of a new topic

*Independent work in groups

*Working with the textbook . create a cluster on the topic participial phrase

Checking clusters

*Working with a presentation

Exercise 1

Determine which bees are from this hive

Exercise 2

Find the boundaries of the participial phrase, place punctuation marks

Sparks swirled quickly in the heights.

The wind, whistling in my ears and pouring coolness, instantly filled the sail.

Natalya was nervous while preparing for the performance and when she came out to the podium she was a little confused at first

Exercise 3

The man left the house and headed to the car.

He ran, looking around.

I walked forward, rising all the time

Higher and higher.

The man left the house and walked towards the car.

Having entered the dam, the troika stopped for some reason.

The banks surrounding the lake are densely overgrown with reeds.

Leaving the house, the man headed to the car.


Exercise 4

Remember what a phraseological unit is

Compatibility test

Compare offers

My father worked all day with his sleeves rolled up.

Father, rolling up my sleeves, washed my hands thoroughly.

Exercise 5 parsing a sentence

Returning in the rain, I got wet in the rain.


*Game Cobweb

Each student writes a question on a sticker and passes it to the student, the next students answer the question, ask their own and attach it to a ribbon


    Prepare a mind map on the topic of gerunds;

    Make up a sentence with phraseological units WITHOUT PROVIDING;


Exercise 3

Do the exercise and collect in a basket under the tree only those pears that can be put in it

1. The man left the house and headed to the car.

2. He ran, looking around.

3. I walked forward, rising all the time

Higher and higher.

4. The man who left the house walked towards the car.

5. Having arrived at the dam, the troika stopped for some reason.

6.The banks surrounding the lake are densely overgrown with reeds.

7. Having left the house, the man headed to the car.

Exercise 4

Compatibility test

Without closing your eyes, without letting you notice, understanding anything

Rolling up my sleeves without making the slightest effort

Without lifting a finger without falling asleep

Without showing the appearance of working hard, working diligently

Don't show it DO NOT SHOW IT. DO NOT SHOW IT. Razg. Do not reveal your thoughts, feelings, intentions, desires with anything. He deliberately moved and muttered something louder, so as not to show that he was hiding(Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment). If you just saw a bear and see that he noticed you too, you don’t have to show that you’re afraid of him(A. Cherkasov. Notes of a hunter of Eastern Siberia).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Don’t show it” is in other dictionaries:

    don't show it- hide, not show, keep to yourself, not show, conceal, not give away Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Don't show it- Razg. Do not reveal your thoughts, feelings, intentions with anything. F 2, 54 ...

    serve- (not) to show an action (not) to show signs of demonstration (not) to show an action a message to give an action a vote to give an action to submit an appeal an action to show great hopes action, causation to give a vote ... ...

    mind- (not) to show the action (not) to show the action... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    CAST YOUR VOTE- 1. who Pronounce, say something, thereby revealing one’s presence. This means that the person (X) deliberately says something so that he is noticed and paid attention to. speech standard. ✦ X gives his voice. The nominal part is unchanged; in design... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    DO NOT SHOW IT. DO NOT SHOW IT. Razg. Do not reveal your thoughts, feelings, intentions, desires with anything. He deliberately moved and muttered something louder, so as not to show that he was hiding (Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment). If only … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    do not submit- (not) to show the action (not) to show signs of demonstration (not) to show the action... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Don't let it show- 1. Prikam. The same as not showing it. MFS, 29. 2. Sib. Don't show yourself in public. FSS, 52... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    VIEW- Pale appearance and quiet gait. Volg. 1. About a sick, weak person. 2. About a person punished and brought into submission. Glukhov 1988, 4. In view. Sib. Not far, in close proximity to someone. FSS, 27. Take the view. Zabayk. Choose a convenient place... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    action- take action action action ended action, subject, ending action direct action action begins action, subject, beginning action based touching action produce action action occurs ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


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  • Zu plays a ghost, Ge M.. One evening a horror film is shown on TV, but the parents do not allow the baby zebra named Zu to watch it - what if their baby gets scared? But Zu knows for sure that he is not afraid of anything, and...