Propolis helps against what diseases. What is bee propolis and how is it useful? For the treatment of colitis and gastrointestinal diseases

Everyone knows that bees make honey, but this is not the only product that is produced as a result of insect activity. In addition to honey, there is also wax, bee bread, propolis and bee jelly. Propolis can be considered the most popular product after honey, which is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. But few people know what propolis cures and how to use it correctly. What are its medicinal properties and contraindications?

What is propolis

Propolis is a sticky substance that the bees themselves collect from tree buds, bring and put in the hive, adding wax, pollen and enriching it with useful enzymes.

Bees use propolis to cover the cracks in their hive to protect it from viruses and various pathogens. If another insect suddenly gets into the hive, the bees first bite it and then embalm it using propolis. It can remain in the hive for a long time and not decompose.

Propolis is a building material of bees, which contains resins, balms, essential oils, wax, pollen and aromatic substances.

Propolis can be of different colors: greenish, gray, brown or reddish. If stored for a long time, it may turn black.

This beekeeping product is very beneficial for the human body. It smells good and tasty, reminiscent of honey, because it contains pollen of fragrant herbs and resinous greens. But how to use propolis correctly so that it brings maximum benefit to a person?

Beneficial properties of propolis

Propolis is not yet a fully studied substance, so the full range of its effects on the body is not clear, but it is already known that it has the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • dermoplastic;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Due to the fact that propolis has a disinfectant effect, it helps to destroy infectious agents and destroys toxins. It inhibits the activity of bacteria and viruses and helps slow the growth of some of their species. In addition, this product has the ability to neutralize poisons that are released by decaying cells, accelerates tissue regeneration and healing. It is believed that propolis has an anesthetic effect, but this fact has not been officially confirmed.

Useful composition of propolis

It is important to know not only whether propolis can be consumed internally, but also how it is beneficial for the body. It contains a huge amount of microelements that are simply necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. Propolis contains:

  • magnesium is an essential element for the functioning of the heart and digestive system;
  • potassium - supports the genitourinary system, normalizes intestinal motility, helps the brain function;
  • sodium - promotes vasodilation, maintains proper water-salt balance, and is responsible for kidney function;
  • iron - helps the thyroid gland produce hormones in the right quantities, strengthens the immune system, gives the skin freshness and a healthy color;
  • zinc - helps the body fight viruses and pathogens that get inside;
  • manganese is indispensable for the proper functioning of the nervous system;
  • copper - takes an active part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, affects the pigmentation of the skin and hair;
  • cobalt - helps activate the growth of red blood cells, supports the functioning of the pancreas;
  • Phosphorus is indispensable for maintaining good condition of teeth and bones, supports the functioning of the heart, and is responsible for muscle function and cell growth.

Is it possible to use propolis? It is simply necessary, because in addition to the microelements described above, it also contains others no less important for the proper functioning of all internal systems of the human body: aluminum, fluorine, tin, antimony, strontium and others. They all play an important role in the functioning of each organ.

Among the minerals, the leading place is occupied by calcium, which is responsible for the blood clotting process and prevents the formation of blood clots. The strength of bones and teeth depends on the amount of this element. In addition, calcium is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

How to use propolis in its pure form? And it’s easy to chew, because it contains the entire group of vitamin B, as well as others: A, C, E, H and P. It also contains amino acids essential for the functioning of the body, including valine, glycine, asparagine and others .

For what diseases and how to use propolis correctly in order to get the maximum amount of nutrients and improve your health?

Propolis: what diseases does it help with?

For many years now, traditional healers have been actively using the product of bees to treat numerous ailments. They know exactly how to use propolis correctly so that it has a beneficial effect on the body and helps get rid of symptoms and the disease itself without consequences. And it helps with the following diseases:

  1. For stomach ulcers and gastritis. Propolis cannot completely cure ulcers, but it can relieve inflammation and enrich the body with vitamins. It relieves pain well, eliminates the feeling of nausea and helps speed up the regeneration process.
  2. Uterine fibroids. Officially, this method is not supported by doctors, but it certainly will not cause harm to the body. Propolis can be used in gynecology in the form of tinctures or suppositories that are inserted into the vagina.
  3. Fungal infections. Thanks to its bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, propolis can relieve itching and inflammation, and also prevents further spread of the fungus. As a result of treating the fungus with propolis (we’ll tell you how to use it further), the diseased nail is replaced with a healthy and strong plate.
  4. Propolis perfectly fights Helicobacter pylori - a bacterium that settles in the stomach and causes peptic ulcers. It is enough to consume propolis tincture and the bacteria dies.
  5. Thanks to the healing properties of propolis, it easily copes with the inflammatory process in the pancreas and restores the functioning of the digestive system.
  6. This type of vital activity of bees helps with sinusitis and colds.
  7. The use of suppositories, ointments and microenemas with propolis helps to effectively cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They promote the resorption of hemorrhoids.
  8. Propolis extract is an excellent catalyst for the restoration of damaged liver cells. Propolis does not help with all liver diseases, but it can be used as an adjuvant and it will not make things worse.
  9. Men over 40 years of age often complain of problems with male potency, and this is associated with prostate diseases. Propolis can help here too.
  10. The bee product copes well with intestinal inflammation and helps restore damaged cells.

Thanks to its unique properties, the bee product can become an aid in the treatment of many diseases. But it is important to know how to use propolis correctly in order to get rid of diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Treatment with propolis: recipes

The uniqueness of the bee product lies in the fact that a variety of products can be prepared from it: tinctures, aqueous extracts, ointments, pastes, oils, tablets, candles and others. It can be used for inhalations, compresses, baths, rinses. Sometimes they even chew it.

There are many recipes for preparing propolis, but none of them have yet been issued a quality certificate. Therefore, before using it to treat a particular disease, it is better to consult a doctor. It is important not only to know what propolis heals and how to use it, but also to learn how to clean it of excess impurities before using it as a remedy. The preparation procedure will take longer, but in the end the treatment product will be more effective. Bee glue in its purified form is softer.

Treatment of peptic ulcers and gastritis with propolis

An ulcer is damage to the stomach lining. To effectively cure the disease, it is necessary to find out the cause that adversely affects the mucous membrane. An ulcer appears in cases where aggressive factors prevail over the body's defense factors. As a result, the mucous layer is destroyed, and propolis helps create additional protection. It helps cells recover. Propolis tincture can be taken orally; it destroys bacteria that cause the disease and helps regenerate epithelial tissue.

Patients who suffer from peptic ulcers are recommended to take 60 drops of 30% propolis tincture, which is diluted in a glass of milk. Drink the product three times a day before meals. Some experts recommend using oil or water extract in treatment. Warm drinks with honey have proven their effectiveness. The improvement is noticeable already in the first days after starting treatment. Nausea occurs less frequently, pain decreases, acidity normalizes, and ulcers become scarred.

How to use propolis correctly for gastritis? In treatment, you can use a tincture, a decoction with the addition of medicinal herbs, or a tincture.

You can prepare propolis oil yourself. To do this, you need to take 10 parts of an alcohol solution and 1 part of any oil, for example, sea buckthorn, olive or butter. The composition must be boiled and passed through gauze rolled up in several layers. Store in the refrigerator, take 30 drops with milk for 21 days before each meal.

You can prepare propolis with herbs like this: take a tablespoon of fennel fruit, licorice root, linden flowers and mint, add three glasses of water, boil for 20 minutes and leave for 3 hours, add three tablespoons of propolis honey to the broth. Take 1/2 cup before each meal.

Is it possible to take propolis tincture internally? It is possible and necessary for all diseases affecting the digestive system.

Treatment of fibroids

Propolis affects tumor cells, stopping their development. Myoma develops from the wall of the reproductive organ. Benign tumors are dangerous because they can easily develop into cancer. Propolis effectively copes with pain and uterine bleeding.

Take an alcohol or water tincture three times a day, 10 drops for 10 days. Tampons are also placed in the vagina, which are pre-moistened in the medicinal mixture. To prepare it, you need to mix 40 grams of butter and propolis and add 120 g of sunflower oil.

Treatment with propolis for uterine fibroids is a good alternative to hormonal therapy and surgery.

Propolis for pancreatitis

Propolis, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, will help get rid of inflammation of the pancreas.

You need to take 1/2 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of propolis, diluted in 1/2 glass of water. The tincture gradually restores damaged pancreatic mucosa and accelerates cell regeneration. Warm milk at night with a tablespoon of propolis honey will also have a positive effect.

How to use propolis internally correctly? It is better to do this before meals to prevent food rejection.

Propolis for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease that causes a “collision” between the circulatory and digestive systems. Inflamed veins put pressure on the rectum, which leads to its dysfunction. Using propolis in such situations, it is possible to quickly relieve inflammation, normalize digestion and blood flow.

Suppositories can be made from propolis, which have an anesthetic effect, relieve swelling, itching and burning, and help wounds and cracks heal faster. Hemorrhoids often occur in women during pregnancy, and during this period most medications are contraindicated for them, so suppositories with propolis are an excellent solution to the problem.

You can make candles yourself at home or purchase them at a pharmacy. You can also take baths with an aqueous solution of propolis to treat hemorrhoids.

Propolis for liver diseases

The liver is difficult to treat, but propolis copes with the task. It must be taken orally. How to use propolis tincture if you have liver problems?

You can use a 20% alcohol tincture or a water extract. If the patient has jaundice, then drop 20 drops of the tincture into a glass of water and drink for a week. After this, the dosage is increased by 10 drops and drunk again for a week and so continues until complete recovery, but the dose cannot be increased by more than 40 drops.

Chaga with propolis helps well, which is prepared as follows: mix 30 g of crushed propolis with 0.5 kg of birch mushroom, place in a clay container, add a liter of water and leave to infuse for 12 hours, strain. Take 3 tbsp. l. before every meal.

Propolis has an anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect in the treatment of liver diseases.

Propolis for colds

Every person in his life suffered from bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, and flu. During the illness, I had to take a lot of medications, which later negatively affect the functioning of the intestines.

Propolis canvas helps well with bronchitis. This is a piece of cloth that beekeepers place under the lid of the hive to protect it from drafts. This piece of fabric is well disinfected by bees, because they treat everything inside the hive with propolis.

When the fabric touches the human body, it heats up, the propolis softens, has a beneficial effect on the epidermis and fills the air with a pleasant aroma, while the respiratory tract is inhaled. It must be applied to the chest and back in the bronchi area. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. Canvas can be stored for about 4 years, wrapped in plastic.

A person’s cough can occur due to various reasons. Infections, foreign body in the respiratory tract, effects on receptors and others. If pharyngitis is diagnosed, then inhalations and rinses with propolis help well. In the treatment of sore throat and flu, chewing propolis has a positive effect.

For rinsing, you can use the following recipe: pour a spoonful of St. John's wort into 250 ml of hot water, leave for about an hour, strain and add 60 drops of propolis infused with alcohol.

How to use propolis tincture for flu or acute respiratory infections? Medicinal milk helps well, which is best drunk warm. Milk in combination with propolis helps the medicinal composition be better absorbed and relieve symptoms faster. This product perfectly protects against spring-autumn exacerbations of viral diseases. For children, it is enough to add a couple of drops of tincture to warm milk before bed.

Any cold is easier to treat if you approach the problem comprehensively. You can not only take medications internally, but also use them externally. Preparations based on propolis help stop the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and kill infections that have affected the respiratory tract. You can treat the throat with a propolis-based spray, do inhalations and gargles, apply compresses, and chew. You can prepare lollipops with propolis at home; just drop a couple of drops of the tincture on a piece of sugar and the medicine for treating your throat is ready. It is already known how to use propolis tincture with alcohol, but you can also eat healthy honey with propolis.

Bee honey and propolis: a healthy mixture

At first glance, it may seem that it is completely absurd to mix honey and propolis, because these two components are already beneficial for the body. But in folk medicine there are many recipes that contain precisely these two products of bee activity.

This composition contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins, but no fat. And this is a huge plus for those who are afraid of ruining their shape or want to get rid of extra pounds.

This healthy mixture also contains glucose and fructose, which are responsible for the body’s energy and constantly support it. This means that by consuming honey with propolis, you can constantly keep the body in good shape, the central nervous system is stabilized, due to which insomnia and stress disappear. But this is all very important for modern man.

Have we already told you how to use pure propolis? But little is known about propolis honey; it can be bought ready-made on the market or prepared at home. To prepare it you will need 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey of any kind. All components are sent to a container and placed in a water bath; you should wait until the propolis begins to soften. Mix well and strain the mixture through cheesecloth.

Honey with propolis can be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, adding a tablespoon to a glass of water. In this way, you can support your immune system and tone your body.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

It is important to know how to consume propolis in solid form, but you also need to understand the contraindications so as not to harm the body. Pediatricians do not advise giving this product of bee activity to children under 3 years of age, and all because their internal systems are not yet fully developed, and propolis can cause an allergic reaction. But this ban does not apply to those children who do not exhibit allergies, because bee products can benefit a weakened immune system.

People who have contraindications to drinking alcoholic beverages? In this case, they simply need to opt for an aqueous extract.

  • acute liver disease;
  • oncology;
  • alcohol intolerance;
  • bronchial asthma of an allergic nature.

There are no special contraindications to the use of propolis, but consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

In the article we told you how to use honey with propolis and other ingredients; now the matter is up to the patient himself, who will follow the dosage and course of therapy. Only in this case will propolis bring positive results and cure a lot of diseases without consequences.

Propolis is a unique substance that bees produce from plant pollen and the secretion of the maxillary gland for the purpose of sealing cracks in the hive, gluing frames to the walls of the hive, etc. Its healing properties have long been used in folk medicine to treat fungal diseases, ulcers, frostbite, and calluses, treatment of respiratory organs, burns, digestive system, and also as an analgesic and hemostatic agent.

Propolis or, as it is also called, bee glue (bee putty) has the appearance of a sticky substance of dark brown color with shades of yellow-brown color, depending on climate conditions. It has a bitter-burning taste, a pleasant resinous aroma and strong antibacterial properties. In addition, its use provides antiseptic, antimicrobial and regenerating effects.

Propolis contains mainly plant resins, wax and essential oils. In addition, it is rich in valuable microelements (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc.), essential amino acids, which are the main element for the construction of animal and plant proteins, vitamins (A, E, B1, B2, B6), which in combination with glycosides help to activate the activity of all the most important systems of the body and restore their proper functioning.

No other natural substance has such miraculous properties. It has been proven that propolis has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves vision and well-being, has a positive effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the digestive system, improves memory, strengthens the immune system and general physical condition, eliminates bedsores, abscesses, boils, and eczema. In general, propolis has a huge number of beneficial properties for our body.

You can purchase this unique product from sellers of beekeeping products.

Properties of propolis.
Propolis, thanks to its unique properties, has a multifaceted effect on our body. This substance does not lose its beneficial qualities even when boiled for an hour, which gives enormous advantages in cases where it is necessary to use it heated, boiled or mixed with hot water.

Most often in medical practice, propolis is widely used as a bactericidal and bacteriostatic agent. This substance can have a detrimental effect and inhibit the activity of most microorganisms, including tubercle bacilli, candidiasis, trichomonas, fungi, herpes viruses, influenza and hepatitis. At the same time, by destroying and removing foreign cells from the body, propolis leaves the local microflora of the body intact. That is why its use does not affect the intestinal microflora and does not lead to dysbacteriosis, as, for example, when taking antibiotics. This quality is inherent in propolis regardless of its condition (aqueous or alcoholic solutions).

By the way, back in the 19th century it was discovered that propolis prevents the growth of viruses and is an excellent prevention of the development of viral infections in the body. This fact was the result of a study of the state of a healthy hive, in which complete sterility reigned, which, as it turned out, was facilitated by this unique adhesive substance.

One more unique and valuable property of propolis should be noted. With its long-term use, microorganisms do not develop resistance to it. This fact is due to the fact that to obtain propolis, bees collect resins from various plants that have certain properties, as a result of which the resulting propolis has a huge range of protective properties inherent in various plants. Therefore, microorganisms simply do not have time to adapt to it.

Treatment with the simultaneous use of propolis and antibiotics enhances the effect of the latter (with the exception of penicillin and chloramphenicol). In addition to the harmful effects on microorganisms, this substance stimulates the process of phagocytosis, resulting in the rapid removal of foreign material from the human body and strengthening the immune system. It is especially recommended for use in viral infections. Propolis also has an anti-inflammatory effect, preventing, weakening and stopping the development of the body's inflammatory response to the appearance of a foreign agent.

Propolis is effectively used in complex therapy of hepatitis B and reducing its consequences and complications. Due to its antitoxic properties, propolis is effective against various poisonings and intoxications of the body. In addition, it has analgesic and wound-healing properties, it has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, connective tissue, intercartilaginous fibers and interarticular surfaces, significantly strengthening them and restoring elasticity.

This unique substance is also known for its anesthetic properties. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, teeth and gums (rinsing and applying plates with propolis), taken orally for gastritis, an alcohol solution is dripped for otitis, used as applications in the treatment of wounds, burns, frostbite, an aqueous solution is instilled into the eyes for injuries. and eye burns. It has been proven that the analgesic effect occurs within five to ten minutes after use and lasts from forty minutes to two hours.

The spectrum of positive qualities of propolis includes antitumor and antioxidant properties. It limits the process of tumor formation, helps cleanse cell membranes, in particular restores liver function and improves the ratio of Albumin and Globulins in the blood, promoting biochemical cleansing of the blood. Also, the use of propolis normalizes cellular respiration and is involved in stabilizing cell reproduction in our body. Over the years, this process is no longer controlled by the body, resulting in the emergence and development of tumors. That is why people after fifty years of age are recommended to take propolis internally. In addition, there are cases where the use of propolis cured the initial stages of cancer, significantly improved the general condition and reduced pain in cases with advanced stages of tumor diseases.

The regenerating properties of propolis, according to some data, have been used in the treatment of strokes and heart attacks. Its use as an aqueous solution significantly reduced the occurrence of scars on the heart muscle, which was confirmed by ECG results. The ability to accelerate tissue restoration when damaged is used in cosmetology and medicine in the treatment of burns, wounds, facial acne, and furunculosis.

This valuable substance has a beneficial effect on capillaries, strengthens their walls, which is especially effective for various types of bleeding, wounds, cuts, minor abrasions and bruises. In addition, the range of its positive effects includes enhancing the natural permeability of the skin, resulting in improved penetration of drugs through the skin to the site of damage. That is why it is often used as an additional means in treatment to enhance the effect.

Propolis is good in action and in the treatment of various suppurations and abscesses. By accelerating the resorption process, it increases blood supply to the site of injury.

Another unique property of propolis is the ability to regulate blood clotting processes. It works especially effectively in the treatment and prevention of complications after strokes and heart attacks, and the treatment of varicose veins, since in these cases blood clotting is increased, which is fraught with severe complications. Blood clotting also tends to increase over the years, so it is recommended to use propolis as a preventive measure after fifty years.

The action of propolis perfectly copes with itching due to psoriasis and other skin diseases, after insect bites, and relieves pain from burns and fungal diseases of the feet. It is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis, resorption of various seals, restoration of the integrity of mucous membranes, as well as the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds.

The use of propolis has a beneficial effect on the eyes, restoring the normal transparency of the lens in case of cataracts. It is an excellent means of preventing this eye disease.

There is also experience in treating diseases of the endocrine system with propolis, since its action stabilizes processes and harmonizes the functioning of all endocrine glands. However, there is one point here - propolis helps reduce the functioning of the pancreas, lowering blood sugar levels, so this should especially be taken into account in case of diabetes.

Propolis is widely used in medicine in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive system, and various skin diseases. In addition, it is widely used in dentistry, pediatrics, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynecology, urology and other fields of medicine.

Application of propolis.
Propolis can be used to treat both adults and children, since, thanks to its unique properties, it does not cause irritation to the stomach and liver, as is the case with synthetic-based drugs. The only contraindication to the use of propolis is individual intolerance to bee products, as well as a tendency to allergic reactions, which may result in a rash, itching and redness of the skin, as well as weakness, fever, and in extreme cases, swelling of the larynx or anaphylactic shock may occur. Therefore, if you have previously had an allergy to bee products, then treatment with propolis will not suit you. When the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Propolis is recommended to be taken in order to strengthen the immune system, as a preventive measure during seasonal diseases, as well as for the treatment of various diseases and wound healing. As a preventive measure, propolis should be used in courses from three weeks to three months. Treatment with propolis can last from two days to two weeks until the signs of the disease are completely eliminated. If during treatment there is an increase in temperature, or signs of the disease do not subside even on the third day of treatment, you should consult a specialist. Long-term daily use of propolis is not recommended, as this can provoke an increase in the reactive sensitivity of cells and tissues, contributing to the further development of allergic reactions.

Since propolis contains dust and particles of dead insects, before use it undergoes a series of cleansing procedures and special manipulations, after which chewing balls or plates, ointments, alcohol, oil and water extracts, oil, tablets, suppositories, solutions, etc. are made from it. d. The use of propolis can be internal, external, and it is also used as douching and inhalation.

In its pure form, propolis is used to treat toothache, painful attacks of radiculitis and osteochondrosis by applying applications to sore spots. It is also used for fungal infections of the scalp by rubbing. Due to its wide range of properties, propolis is recommended as an additional treatment for diseases of the respiratory tract and oral cavity. Various forms of propolis tinctures are used in the treatment of eye diseases, wounds and abrasions, ulcerative lesions, as a prophylactic and treatment of prostate diseases, cardiovascular diseases, as well as the treatment and prevention of cancer.

Propolis tincture is the most common form used for treatment. It can be purchased either ready-made or prepared independently. To obtain a 20% propolis tincture, you need 20 g of propolis and 100 ml of 70-proof alcohol, for a 10% tincture you will need 10 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol. Propolis should be cooled before preparation, then crushed and placed in a glass container, filled with alcohol. In a closed place, the liquid must be infused for two weeks, shaking the contents regularly. After two weeks, the tincture should be strained and stored in the refrigerator. Alcohol-based propolis is used in medical practice for bedsores, abscesses, colds, purulent wounds, inflammation of the throat and ears, mucous membranes, and cataracts. This tincture is diluted with water in the ratio of 10 ml of tincture to 60 ml of boiled cold water.

For small children, elderly people, drivers, as well as pregnant women, it is recommended to use aqueous propolis extract for treatment, for the preparation of which you should pour 10 g of crushed propolis with half a glass of warm boiled water and leave to infuse for a day. It is better to prepare the infusion in a thermos. This product can be used for no more than three days, then a new portion is made.

For internal use, the use of propolis in milk is well suited. This tincture is especially useful for children, as well as elderly people, for the prevention of many diseases. It is especially often recommended for asthma, depression and bronchitis. To prepare this tincture, you need to boil a liter of milk and add 100 g of crushed propolis to it. Stirring thoroughly, keep the mixture on the fire for ten minutes, after which the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into a clean and dry glass container. As the liquid cools, a layer of wax will form on its surface, which should be removed. After this, the product is ready for use. It should be stored in the refrigerator. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to carry out a four or six-week treatment course, during which you take a tablespoon of the product half an hour after eating.

Propolis ointment is used for external use. It is effective in the treatment of burns, frostbite, abrasions and wounds, abscesses, hemorrhoids, bedsores, and venous nodes. To prepare it, grind 10 g, 15 g or 20 g of propolis (depending on the required percentage concentration of the resulting product), put it in an enamel bowl and melt in a water bath. Next, add 90 g, 85 g or 80 g of Vaseline or a mixture of Vaseline and lanolin, respectively, and keep in a water bath for another half hour with constant stirring. After this, filter the warm mixture through two layers of gauze, wait until it cools completely and transfer it to a resealable dark glass container. This ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

To increase the effectiveness of propolis treatment, you should additionally use honey. You can melt 20 g of propolis in a water bath and mix with 80 g of honey, hold for another five minutes in a water bath, then cool. The mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container. If necessary (in case of decreased immunity and colds), take a teaspoon at night (for children up to half a teaspoon).

Propolis, when properly stored, fully retains its beneficial qualities. It must be stored in a dry, dark place, at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees Celsius. Do not store propolis near strongly odorous compounds, pesticides, fertilizers and other substances.

In conclusion, I would like to note that propolis is an indispensable means of treating and preventing most common diseases, and therefore should be in every family’s home medicine cabinet. It will help keep your family healthy!

Propolis can rightfully be considered a unique and valuable natural product that nature itself gave us. Its medicinal properties are due to the beneficial organic compounds it contains, such as flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes, as well as a complex of vitamins and microelements, the combination of which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Treatment with propolis.
The use of propolis in the field of traditional and folk medicine is widespread. It has strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties. The use of propolis has a stimulating effect on all the most important systems and functions of the body, strengthening protective reactions, accelerating metabolism and tissue regeneration. In addition, it perfectly removes cholesterol from the body, inhibits the development and growth of cancer cells, destroying them, and suppresses pathological cells. The use of propolis-based drugs increases the body's resistance to radiation.

Compared to synthetic drugs, propolis does not have a harmful effect on the local intestinal microflora, so its use does not cause dysbacteriosis. The combination of propolis with other drugs enhances the effect of the latter. It is worth noting that propolis has virtually no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to bee products) and does not cause side effects. Of course, it cannot be called a panacea for all diseases, but the fact that its use has a beneficial effect on humans is undeniable.

Propolis is often recommended for those diseases that are difficult to treat or give little effect using traditional medical methods. A pronounced therapeutic effect after using propolis is observed in the case of its external use in inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, oral mucosa, skin diseases, in the treatment of burns and difficult-to-heal wounds. Propolis gives a positive therapeutic effect for gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as chronic prostate diseases. There are also cases of successful treatment of cervical erosion with propolis-based drugs. It should be noted that propolis is known for its anesthetic properties. Pain relief occurs within five to ten minutes after taking propolis and can last up to two hours.

In addition, propolis is used in dentistry, ophthalmology, urology, gynecology, pediatrics and other areas of medicine.

Recipes for preparations based on propolis.

Heat 100 g of Vaseline or any vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive) in a water bath until it boils. Then add pre-finely chopped propolis to the boiling oil, the amount of which will depend on the percentage concentration of the final product (10 g - 10%, 15 g - 15%, 20 g - 20%, 30 g - 30%, 40 g - 40%, 50 g - 50 %). Continuing to stir the mixture, keep it in the bathhouse for another half hour, then remove from the heat, cool and strain. Pour into a glass container with a locking lid. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator.

Ten percent propolis ointment is used in the treatment of burns and frostbite, hemorrhoids, runny nose (by introducing into each nasal passage a cotton swab on a match soaked in the ointment for twenty minutes, or in the form of drops into each nostril (2-4)) 4 times in a day). This ointment is successfully used for the treatment of gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, in particular cervical erosion by inserting a cotton swab with ointment into the vagina so that the erosive surface is in close contact with the tampon. After ten to twelve hours, the tampon is removed. The treatment course is ten to twelve days.

Fifteen percent propolis ointment is used to speed up the healing process of wounds and cuts. In the treatment of acne, pimples, itchy skin, damage to the mucous membranes of the nose, lips, inflammation of the eyelids.

Twenty percent propolis ointment is used to treat fungal diseases, eczema, boils, and carbuncles.

30-40% propolis ointment is recommended for the treatment of erysipelas by rubbing and smearing, radiculitis, sciatica (sciatic nerve neuralgia) and lesions of the peripheral nervous system by rubbing and heating with a blue lamp.

Propolis ointment.
This remedy is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, bedsores and venous nodes. Grind 10 g, 15 g or 20 g of propolis (depending on the percentage concentration of the resulting product), transfer to an enamel bowl and melt in a water bath. Then add 90 g, 85 g or 80 g of petroleum jelly or a mixture of petroleum jelly and lanolin to the mixture, respectively, and keep on the fire, stirring, for half an hour. Strain the warm mass through several layers of gauze and transfer to a resealable dark glass container. This ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

Propolis paste.
Grind a piece of propolis into an enamel bowl, which is then placed on a hot radiator or boiler. As soon as the propolis begins to soften, you should add Vaseline or butter to it, thoroughly rubbing both components. As a result, their ratio should be approximately the same, the mass will be uniformly brown in color. Transfer the mixture into a sealed container and store in the refrigerator.

Propolis oil.
Grind 5 g of propolis and mix with 100 g of olive oil, place in a water bath for half an hour, then strain the mixture through several layers of gauze while still hot.

Propolis tincture with alcohol.
Grind 100 g of propolis and add 500 ml of 96-degree alcohol, shake for half an hour, then put in a dark place to infuse, shaking the mixture daily. After two weeks, strain the liquid and store covered in the refrigerator. To obtain a 20% propolis tincture, you need 20 g of propolis and 100 ml of alcohol; for a 10% tincture, you will need 10 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol. For oral administration in combination with water or milk, use 20-40 drops per half cup. Take one hour before meals three times during the day.

Propolis milk.
Dilute 100 g of crushed propolis in a liter of boiled milk, keep on fire with constant stirring for another ten minutes, after which the hot mixture should be strained and poured into a clean and dry glass container. When the mixture begins to cool, a layer of wax will begin to appear on its surface, which should be carefully removed. The product is then ready. It must be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Propolis milk is useful to give to children and the elderly, and simply to those who want to carry out a preventive treatment course. It is especially effective in treating asthma, depression and bronchitis. In addition, it strengthens the body's protective functions, promotes the formation of specific antibodies, accelerates phagocytosis and resistance to infections. When used externally, it cleanses wounds of pus and helps accelerate the epithelization process. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take a tablespoon of this remedy thirty minutes after meals for four to six weeks.

Propolis extract.
Pour 100 g of pre-crushed propolis with 100 ml of distilled water, place the mixture in a water bath, and after a few hours strain to remove sediment. It is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear (instill three drops three times a day). For stomach and duodenal ulcers, take 20 drops of extract diluted in warm water or milk two to three times a day, one and a half hours after meals.

Traditional medicine recipes with propolis.
Propolis, namely fifty percent propolis ointment, is effective in the treatment of many skin diseases (dermatosis, trichophytosis, hyperkeratosis, skin tuberculosis). The ointment is applied in an even thick layer to the affected areas, wrapped in wax paper and left for one to three days. The treatment course lasts from one to two months.

To stop hair loss, rub a thirty percent propolis tincture (96% alcohol) into the scalp every day.

To treat psoriasis, you should take 0.5-2 g of purified propolis orally two or three times daily, half an hour after meals for two to three months. At the same time, apply cotton swabs soaked in ten percent propolis ointment with lanolin or vegetable oil to the damaged areas of the skin.

Propolis in the form of an aerosol is effectively used for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract catarrh, pharyngitis, tracheitis, chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma in children. Inhalations are used on the basis of an emulsion in rosehip oil or apricot oil in a ratio of 1:3, 1:2 and 1:1. The treatment course is up to twenty procedures lasting from one to five minutes.

For bronchial asthma, you should take 20 drops mixed with milk or water of propolis infusion, prepared as follows: grind 20 g of propolis and pour 80 ml of 96-degree alcohol into it, leave for a week with constant shaking. Then strain the infusion and can be consumed. It is recommended to drink the infusion three times a day half an hour before meals.

For sore throat and pneumonia, the following recipe is recommended: mix 100 g of heated butter with 10 g of crushed propolis, put on fire and keep the mixture for ten minutes with constant stirring. Then strain it and take one teaspoon with milk an hour and a half before meals. The course of treatment is up to two months.

For the treatment of chronic pharyngitis and rhinitis, the following recipe is recommended: take 100 g of fish oil or sunflower oil and mix with 10-15 g of propolis, put on fire and, with careful stirring, bring to 60-70°C. Then remove the mixture from the heat and leave in a warm place for a week, shaking the mixture regularly every day. After the specified time, strain the mixture and take a teaspoon three to four times a day for pharyngitis or lubricate each nasal passage three times a day for rhinitis.

When treating otitis, a 30% alcohol solution of propolis, 3-4 drops, is instilled into the ear canal three times a day, or a tampon soaked in the solution is inserted and left for two to three hours.

A 20% propolis solution is effective for stomach ulcers. You should take eight to ten drops diluted with water three times a day before meals. The infusion should be taken for two months.

For radiculitis, the following propolis-based remedy helps: mix a tablespoon of liquid honey, sunflower oil and propolis infused with twenty percent wine alcohol (for six days). Spread the resulting mixture in a thick layer on the mustard plasters and apply to the sore spot, securing with a bandage.

When treating multiple sclerosis, it is effective to drink twenty drops of twenty percent propolis infusion (70% alcohol), diluted with warm water. Take drops twice a day half an hour before meals. The treatment course lasts from one to three months, it all depends on the general condition of the patient.

For additional treatment of thyroid disorders, you need an alcohol tincture of propolis in the amount of 25-30 drops with milk three times a day. The treatment course is one month. It especially helps in the early stages of disease development.

When treating inflammation of the vagina and cervix against the background of trichomoniasis, pathogenic fungi or mixed bacterial infections, douching with a 3% propolis solution (infused with 96% ethyl alcohol) is recommended. Carry out the procedure once a day for seven to ten days.

For the treatment of superficial wounds after surgery for hemorrhoids and rectal fistula, it is recommended to mix a 10% alcohol solution of propolis and castor oil in equal proportions until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is applied to the wounds.

The use of propolis in the treatment of chronic gastritis, acute and chronic colitis has a positive effect. Propolis must be infused in 95% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5 for two days. Then dilute the liquid with water to a thirty percent concentration. If there is no reaction to the resulting remedy, then you should take forty drops diluted in a glass of warm water or milk three times a day an hour before meals. In this case, it is imperative to adhere to a diet. After five to ten days of treatment, the process of defecation significantly improves, sleep improves, spasticity (increased muscle tone) of the intestines decreases, and nervousness decreases and blood pressure decreases.

To treat lymphangitis and lymphadenitis, you should prepare a 10% infusion of propolis in seventy percent alcohol, moisten a napkin and apply it to the sore spot, changing it every two to three hours.

Then the napkin must be applied two to three times during the day. After eight hours, redness and pain disappear along the lymphatic vessels, and the functions of the limb are restored. To completely relieve the inflammatory process of the lymphatic system in the area of ​​the elbow and shoulder joints, treatment should be carried out within three days.

When treating bronchitis, tracheitis, tuberculosis, sore throat, runny nose, flu, pharyngitis at home, propolis-based inhalations will help. To prepare them, you need to mix 60 g of propolis and 40 g of wax, put it in a 300 ml aluminum cup and place it in a larger container with boiling water. Propolis phytoncides rise upward along with water vapor. You should breathe this steam, wrapping your head in a towel. Such inhalations should be carried out twice a day for fifteen minutes. Also, during treatment, you can take 30 drops of a 20-30% alcohol solution of propolis, diluted in a glass of water. Take two to three times a day an hour before meals. If you have a sore throat, rinse it effectively three times a day with a twenty percent alcohol solution of propolis, for which 10-15 ml should be diluted in a glass of warm water.

For sinusitis, it is effective to inhale a thirty percent alcohol tincture of propolis, for which you pour half a teaspoon of the tincture into a saucepan with boiling water, lower your head over the steam, wrapping it in a towel on top, and breathe for about fifteen minutes.

For throat diseases, it is recommended to gargle with alcohol tincture of propolis, for the preparation of which you should mix 10 g of crushed propolis with 100 ml of alcohol, tightly close the lid and place in a dark place for a week to infuse. It is imperative to infuse at room temperature to avoid loss of propolis properties when cooled. The resulting infusion must be stored in a dark bottle. For rinsing, take 10 ml of the resulting tincture and dilute with half a glass of warm water. For small children, instead of 10 ml, you should take 5 ml of tincture. For colds, it is especially useful to add a few drops of this tincture to tea with honey.

To treat burns after the rejection of dead tissue has occurred, apply a gauze bandage with fifteen percent propolis ointment to the burn surface.

To eliminate weeping eczema on the hands, the following propolis-based remedy will help: brew a tablespoon of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Then take this infusion, mix it with a teaspoon of 30-40% alcohol tincture of propolis and apply with a brush to the affected areas of the skin.

For the treatment of skin diseases, we recommend 10% Propoceum ointment made from propolis extract on a water-emulsion basis. This ointment will relieve itching, accelerate wound healing, and provides a pronounced therapeutic effect for chronic eczema, dermatitis and trophic ulcers.

For fungal infections of the oral cavity and periodontal disease, applications of a four percent alcohol solution of propolis are effective. The full course of treatment includes from three to ten procedures.

To reduce toothache, a small piece of preheated propolis (60-70 degrees) should be placed at the root of the tooth. Consuming propolis in its pure form strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the occurrence and development of caries.

To eliminate the symptoms of migraine, you need to grind 10 g of propolis and pour in 100 ml of seventy percent medical alcohol. Place the mixture in a dark place and let it brew for a week, shaking vigorously several times a day. After this, the infusion should be strained and drunk three to five drops in combination with 50 ml of warm water once a day an hour before meals. You can take the medicine with milk or tea. Already in the third week of treatment, the patient’s condition becomes significantly better. This treatment should be carried out two to three times throughout the year.

To reduce rheumatic pain in the extremities, plates of heated propolis are applied.

To eliminate the boil, apply a heated propolis cake on it. After a couple of procedures, the pus will begin to come out. The procedure is carried out until the inflammatory focus is completely eliminated. If you are prone to furunculosis, as a preventive measure you should drink a teaspoon of propolis tincture diluted in a glass of water for ten days.

Before using traditional recipes for treatment with propolis, it is worth remembering that it is a fairly strong substance. When initially used in large quantities, irritation of the oral cavity may occur, the state of health may worsen, and in rare cases, diarrhea may occur. Therefore, you should start using it with small dosages, allowing the body to gradually get used to it. As treatment progresses and the patient’s condition improves or is completely cured, it is also important to gradually reduce the consumption of propolis.

Contraindications for the use of propolis.
The main contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction to bee products, as well as a tendency to develop allergic diseases such as eczema, bronchial asthma, urticaria, etc. Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes, itching, burning, fever, headache, and general weakness of the body.

To prevent the occurrence of side effects when treating with propolis, its use should be started with small dosages, and only in the absence of symptoms of propolis intolerance can a full treatment course be carried out. If an allergic reaction occurs, you must stop using propolis and take antihistamines.

Propolis is an amazing natural medicine from the hive, effective and harmless. In folk medicine, it has been dubbed a natural antibiotic, antivirus, and a remedy for 100 diseases. This is a product of the future that will help humanity minimize therapy with synthetic drugs.

Propolis, or uza, is a sticky substance of dark green or yellow-brown color, tastes bitter, with a forest balsamic smell. It is produced in the crops of winged insects. To do this, they collect sticky resin from the buds of poplar and willow, spruce and fir, birch and alder. In the hive, bees add their own enzymes, wax, and pollen particles to the sticky substance. The product is found in hives in two forms: hard, with a high percentage of wax - for construction purposes, and viscous - to protect the colony from infection. The latter is more valuable, it contains up to 70% of the secretion of bee glands and resinous substances.

When buying a product, choose something that is uniform in appearance and contains a minimum amount of impurities: pieces of foundation, insect particles. A quality product smells pleasant of incense and pine needles. It tastes bitter and slightly hot, and sticks to the teeth when chewed. The freshly picked lump is light and soft, and the yellowish or green-brown color indicates quality. Dip the lump into the water: the propolis will fall to the bottom, and a piece of wax will float to the surface.
Store the product in a dry and cool place, away from odorous substances and sunlight. Roll the substance into balls (if it is hard, soften it in warm water), wrap it in cellophane, place it in dark glass jars and seal it tightly. The medicinal properties of the product will not change for up to 10 years.


The composition of bee balm is complex, the lion's share of the components are still unknown to science. Propolis contains about 50 substances. A significant proportion consists of biologically active components: flavonoids, vitamins, proteins, organic acids, minerals.

Bee glue is rich in zinc and manganese, cobalt and chromium, copper and tin. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other components of natural substances play an important role in human health.

Percentage composition:

  • Balms, plant resins (50%);
  • Wax (30%);
  • Essential and aromatic oils (10%);
  • Pollen (5%);
  • Tannins, minerals and other substances (5%).

This is a complex complex of substances of animal and plant origin. It is natural and does not harm the body. The composition of the product differs in each area, depending on the plants of the region and the time of collection.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of bee balm are underestimated by official medicine, and in vain. It is called the “antioxidant bomb”, as it alkalizes the internal environment of the body and stops the proliferation of microbes and viruses. The product does not cause intoxication like antibiotics, so it is indicated even for children from the first days of life. This is a formidable weapon against pathogens of hundreds of infections.

If you place propolis in a Petri dish with colonies of pathogenic bacteria, it blocks harmful microorganisms and leaves beneficial ones. An antibiotic will indiscriminately destroy both harmful and beneficial flora, while the remnants of microbes will continue to multiply. Scientists have not yet discovered a single strain of microorganisms that would adapt to bee matter. The mechanism of its action remains unclear.

Effect on the human body:

  • Increases defenses;
  • Stops the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Destroys 100 types of microbes;
  • Has a detrimental effect on 11 types of fungi;
  • Pain relief stronger than novocaine;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Suppresses cancer cells.

Thanks to the natural remedy, the processes of growth and reproduction are activated, and metabolism is normalized. Propolis cleanses the body, reduces cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on all human organs. This is a recognized antioxidant that prolongs youth.

Possible contraindications

There are very few contraindications to the folk remedy. The product should not be taken if you are allergic to hive products. Start taking it with tiny doses: apply the ointment to your palm, add a drop or two of water infusion to the tea.

Doctors prohibit the use of propolis oil in case of acute liver problems. Alcohol extracts are not recommended for children. For gastrointestinal diseases, alcohol tinctures are more effective, but they may increase stomach pain.


Bee balm is used to strengthen the body, prevent and treat ailments. It is used internally and externally. Ouzu is mixed with honey, pollen, royal jelly; included in suppositories and vaginal balls.

Natural medicine is used for physiotherapy and cosmetology, and added to dental care products. A few drops of antibacterial extract help keep homemade pickles better.

From it they produce:

  • Ointments and pastes;
  • Aqueous, alcohol solutions;
  • Dry powders and tablets;
  • Aerosols;
  • Oil balms.

Usa potions are easy to prepare at home. There are dozens of companies in Russia that produce natural medicines.


It combines well with chemical medications, increases their therapeutic effect and reduces side effects. Unlike antibiotics, the natural drug does not suppress the body’s defenses and does not cause dysbacteriosis or candidiasis.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is considered the culprit of gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers, and even stomach and intestinal cancer. The harmful bacteria is killed by the action of a natural antibiotic. It is recommended to treat gastrointestinal disorders with propolis oil or milk, aqueous extract of uz.

Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers heal if you drink aqueous extract of bee balm for a month. Under its action, the ulcer is covered with a protective film, which relieves pain and reduces inflammation. After a month, even chronic ulcers heal, sometimes requiring repeated courses of treatment. Propolis oil also helps, which is consumed for 3-6 weeks three times a day, a teaspoon. To avoid relapses, after scarring of the ulcer, the healing elixir is taken every other day for six months.


For gastritis, drink an aqueous solution one tablespoon three times a day, about an hour before meals. Treatment lasts 3-4 months. Natural medicine normalizes the acidity of gastric juice. The patient's condition improves after the first week of therapy. For gastritis with low acidity, we recommend taking a mixture of alcohol extract with honey.

Recipe for the stomach: pour 100 g of propolis crumbs into 1.5 liters of milk, boil, filter, take 100 ml three times a day shortly before meals.


The pancreas is healed with alcohol and aqueous solutions of the substance, consuming them up to 5 times a day. The first is taken 5 drops per half glass of water, the second - a tablespoon. Treatment continues for at least a month, then the healing elixir is taken to prevent relapses.


Inflammation of the duodenum is treated with an aqueous extract (a teaspoon three times a day), as well as a mixture of honey and ouse. To treat ulcers, the crushed product is poured with rosehip or sea buckthorn oil, kept for half an hour in a water bath, and after filtering, taken orally daily.
The healing agent cleanses the intestines of fungi, bacteria, infections, and normalizes microflora. For gastrointestinal diseases, a natural antibiotic is recommended in any form: with milk, butter, honey.

For respiratory diseases

Preparations made from bee glue are suitable for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, and acute respiratory infections. Aqueous and alcoholic extracts are taken orally and used for hourly rinsing and inhalation. Ointments and apibalms are used to lubricate the mucous membranes of the nose and throat; tonsils, maxillary sinuses, lung area. It is recommended to chew a piece of natural product 2-3 times a day.

War on infection must be declared in the very first hours of the disease, before it spreads in the body. If you drink a 5% aqueous solution in loading doses (up to 6 teaspoons) in the first three days, the disease will disappear in a matter of days and will not develop into complications.


During illness, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of aqueous extract of bee glue orally three times a day. The alcohol solution is added to any liquid, 10 drops each, and drunk 3 times a day. Lubricate the upper part of the sternum with propolis ointment. To rid the patient of mucus in the bronchi, tilt the chest, apply cream and tap. Continue this procedure for a week.


Propolis oil relieves cough well, taken 10-15 grams 2-3 times a day along with warm milk. For coughs and bronchitis, inhalation of medicinal vapors is effective. To do this, place 40 g of wax and 60 g of propolis in an enamel bowl and place in a water bath. Inhalations are done for 15 minutes twice a day until recovery.


In case of acute illness, an aqueous extract of Usa is instilled into the maxillary sinuses 5 times a day. It is recommended to rinse the cavities with it twice a day, mixing it with a weak solution of NaCl. For chronic inflammation, ointment is used internally and externally.

Candidate of Sciences M. M. Frenkel described the treatment of purulent sinusitis that did not respond to antibiotic therapy. A 10% solution of the substance was injected into the maxillary sinuses. After 2-5 punctures the patient recovered.

Runny nose

To get rid of rhinitis, you need to clean all nasal chambers 3-6 times a day with a cotton swab dipped in aqueous propolis elixir. Then drip the medicine into both nostrils. After this, an ointment with a natural antibiotic is applied inside and outside the sinuses. This way you disinfect and soften the mucous membrane, relieve burning and soreness in the nose. Treatment is more effective when bee medicines are taken orally at the same time.
It is also recommended to place tampons with oil in the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes in the morning and evening. To prevent a runny nose, you need to apply bee ointment and instill a water extract before leaving the house.

For skin diseases

To treat the skin, medications are used in the form of creams, balms, aerosols, water and alcohol extracts. People also use the remedy to treat warts, burns and ulcers, cracks and frostbite, bedsores and trophic ulcers of the legs.


Eczema and neurodermatitis

To treat eczema and neurodermatitis, apply 15-30% ointment to the affected areas at least 2 times a day. Course 2-3 weeks. The more severe the disease, the higher the expected percentage of the substance. A similar ointment treats seborrheic eczema of newborns. In case of dry chronic eczema, the ointment reduces itching and improves the condition of the lesion, but long-term treatment is required for recovery. Instead of ointments, you can use emulsions, aerosols, and make lotions using alcohol tinctures.


Watery calluses heal quickly if you lubricate them with propolis cream or oil. To remove dry calluses, take a half-hour warm bath, then place a small heated cake of bee glue on the sore spot. Keep it for 3-5 days. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. When the callus becomes soft after another warm bath, it is cut off.


Using concentrated ointments (30-60%), skin tuberculosis is treated and infiltrates are resolved. The condition of patients improves, most recover. Course – from 3 to 6 months. Treatment is best combined with anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Fungus treatment

The product is often included in anti-fungal ointments. Nail fungus needs to be treated patiently. Steam the nail plate daily, cut off the affected areas, and soak the nail with alcohol extract. Once a week, lubricate fungus-affected heels and sinuses between the toes with oil from the product.
Drugs with natural remedies relieve itching, inflammation, and reduce pain. The ointment helps the wound heal, destroys bacteria, and prevents scars from growing. A bandage with ointment does not dry to the wound and cleanses it of pus. A positive effect was noted when using the miracle drug for psoriasis and herpes.

Other ailments

A natural antibiotic helps to defeat inflammation of the mucous membrane (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease), oral herpes. Therapeutic tincture relieves toothache. The drug slows down the growth of tumors, regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, stimulates hematopoiesis, and is effective in the initial stage of atherosclerosis.

For hemorrhoids

Bee ointment and suppositories with natural medicine are injected into the rectum. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, 1-2 procedures are enough. Warm propolis oil is injected into the empty intestines using a syringe without a needle and held for 20 minutes. A 10-day course is recommended, procedures in the morning and evening.

For prostatitis

Microenemas with an aqueous extract are recommended (a teaspoon of a 5% solution per 50 g of water). Then inject propolis oil into the rectum with a syringe without a needle or place suppositories. Course – 10 days. Massage the prostate and sacral area with healing ointment.

For liver health

For liver diseases, extracts of the substance are taken in combination with bee pollen. An aqueous solution of natural medicine is indicated for viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
The range of uses of natural medicine is unusually wide. They treat diseases of the ear, nose (otitis media, auditory neuritis, hearing loss), eye infections (conjunctivitis, stye). The water elixir relieves inflammation of the gallbladder and kidneys, and removes sand from them. With the help of natural medicine, gynecological problems are solved: erosion, inflammation.

Recipes at home

Propolis oil and ointments, water and alcohol extracts are prepared at home. The advantages of making it yourself: you can make medicine of any concentration, in the right quantity. But there is also a minus. The natural substance is difficult to clean; at home it is not possible to separate useless resins.

The concentration of homemade solutions and tinctures is approximate. There are many recipes, here are some common ones, without herbs or other ingredients.

Aqueous extract

The aqueous solution is a brownish liquid. The substance does not dissolve in water. To prepare the elixir, take the propolis that is left over from the alcohol tincture.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare warm distilled or boiled water.
  2. Take 1 part substance to 2 parts water.
  3. Heat the bowl with the mixture for 10-20 minutes in a water bath, stirring, at a temperature of up to 80 °C.
  4. Filter the liquid.

The concentration of aqueous solutions - from 0.8 to 5% - depends on the manufacturer. A pure solution suitable for eye drops is produced by the Perm company Tentorium.

Alcohol tincture

The alcohol extract of the product is a brown odorous liquid with a bitter taste. It is prepared from alcohol of varying concentrations. Solutions based on strong alcohol (70 and 96%) are more effective.

Prepare the alcohol tincture:

  1. Grind 100 g of propolis into crumbs.
  2. Place it in a dark glass bottle and add 100 ml of alcohol.
  3. Close with a stopper and transfer to a dark place.
  4. Leave indoors for 3-7 days, shaking occasionally.
  5. Filter and store in a closed glass bottle in a dark place.

Pharmaceutical solutions contain 9-11% of the healing substance. Alcohol tinctures do not lose bactericidal activity. The extract is used externally and internally.

Honey with propolis

Propolis honey strengthens, tones the body, restores vigor during mental and physical fatigue. The drug relieves pain, inflammation, improves immunity.

How to cook:

  1. Place 5 to 20 g of crushed product in an enamel bowl.
  2. Soften it in a water bath.
  3. Add 80-95 g of honey (to total 100 g).
  4. Stirring, heat the mixture for a few minutes over reduced heat until smooth.
  5. Strain and cool the mixture.

Preparation of ointment

Homemade ointment can be easily prepared from a thick extract of the substance. For the fat base, it is better to use lanolin or vegetable oil rather than Vaseline. The thick brown mass is mixed with the oil base in the required proportion. Ointments are prepared with a concentration of 5 to 40%.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the required amount of crushed propolis (up to 40 g) in an enamel bowl.
  2. Melt in a water bath until thick.
  3. Add lanolin, butter or vegetable oil to a total weight of 100 g.
  4. Warm up for half an hour in a water bath (up to 80 °C).
  5. Strain the hot mixture through double gauze and cool.
  6. Store in the dark and cool.

Ready-made creams and ointments contain from 3 to 10% of the substance. The cosmetic ointment “Apifort” is well known. The Tentorium cream from the company of the same name contains, in addition to propolis, bee venom. Pharmaceutical ointment "Propoceum" has an impressive range of applications.

Preparation of oil

A healing balm of yellow or greenish color is used to treat diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract. Mix 5-20 g of propolis crumbs with olive oil (100 ml) and heat in a water bath for an hour.

Recipe from Professor A.F. Sinyakov:

  1. Grind 10 g of propolis in a porcelain mortar.
  2. Add 5 g of butter and mash the mixture.
  3. Pour in 35 g of vegetable oil, stir.

Keep the resulting drug in the refrigerator. When warm, the oil becomes fluid. An alternative to a homemade mixture is ready-made oil balms: for example, “Propolengiant”.

In this video you will learn the secrets of folk remedies. How is the miraculous substance collected in the apiary? You will learn how to prepare eco-friendly medicines and use them wisely. Hear the story of a beekeeper and reviews of people who prefer natural medicines to drugs from the pharmacy.

The healing remedy gives results even in cases where official medicine is powerless. An effective and safe antibiotic not only treats diseases, but also restores human health and is a powerful prophylactic agent.

The number of supporters of hive medicines is growing. They are promoted by hundreds of doctors, but official medicine is in no hurry to change the standards of treatment. Invaluable experience in the preparation and use of medicines has been accumulated, which will become one of the building blocks of the medicine of the future.

Alcohol tincture of propolis is one of the most popular pharmaceutical products used in the treatment of internal and external diseases by our ancestors. What is propolis, what are its medicinal properties, what is its healing power and how can you use an alcohol extract from it? You will find the answer to all these questions in the material I collected.

What is propolis?

The plant raw materials for the production of propolis by bees are sticky compounds collected by insects from the opening buds of poplar, birch, alder and some other trees. These substances undergo modification in the process of secretion of specific enzymes by bees, turning into a resinous soft substance from green-brown and yellow to light and dark brown. When cooled and stored, the composition hardens, resembling a piece of resin.

Insects use bee glue or propolis to disinfect the honeycomb cells before queen bees settle in them, and also cover up cracks in the hives, creating a special microclimate in them and regulating the permeability of the entrance. Already based on this information, one can imagine how effective propolis compounds are in destroying bacteria, microbes and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Beekeeping products are collected by beekeepers using special grids or by scraping them from the walls of the hives. During a season, you can get up to 0.15 kg of propolis from one “bee house”. The most popular remedy is in apitherapy - a branch of medicine that uses waste products of bees for treatment (honey, drone and royal jelly, wax, bee bread, pollen and, of course, propolis).

Even with prolonged heat treatment, the substance retains all its properties. In folk medicine, there are treatment methods with aqueous and oil solutions, and the substance is also used in its pure form for application to the gums in the form of plates and cakes. The resinous mass dissolves in hot alcohol, and pharmacists use this feature to create a valuable medicine - propolis tincture. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are described in the instructions for use, but I will also describe traditional methods of use.

Medicinal properties and composition of propolis

This tincture can be bought at a pharmacy

Numerous studies of propolis indicating its antiseptic, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, antispasmodic, anesthetic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, sanitizing, antitoxic, antifungal, immunomodulatory, antibacterial and antioxidant effects have been documented and confirmed by scientists around the world.

Alcohol tincture of propolis contains all the biologically active compounds included in the beekeeping product (there are more than 200 of them), including:

  • 26 amino acids, many of which belong to the group of essential ones;
  • 5 types of flavonoids;
  • many enzymes;
  • fatty acid;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • polyphenols;
  • enzymes;
  • aldehydes;
  • essential oils;
  • pinocembrin (a substance with a pronounced antifungal effect).

Some components have not yet been studied. Every year, scientists find new compounds in the unique beekeeping product. Due to its natural origin, propolis as a medicinal product is much safer than synthesized medications, and is also effective against infectious agents.

Propolis tincture is used in the treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis);
  2. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat (sore throat, rhinitis, otitis media);
  3. Dental diseases (periodontitis, pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis);
  4. Respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, cough);
  5. Skin diseases (diaper rash, bedsores, abrasions, cuts, bruises, hematomas, fistulas, boils, ulcers);
  6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, dislocations, other injuries);
  7. Decreased immunity;
  8. Diseases of the endocrine system (painful menstruation, PMS, menopause);
  9. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (circulatory disorders, varicose veins);
  10. Diseases caused by fungi (candidiasis, onychomycosis, mycosis).

Recipe for propolis tincture at home

photo of propolis

Despite the availability of alcoholic extracts from beekeeping products on the market, many readers are interested in how to make propolis tincture themselves. To make it, you will need frozen propolis, kept in the refrigerator for some time, and medical alcohol (70%) in a ratio of 1:10.

The resinous solid mass is grated, poured with cold water, the floating fractions are removed, the liquid is decanted, the powder is dried and alcohol is poured into it. You can also use strong moonshine infused with medicinal plants. This product has an even wider range of therapeutic effects.

Infuse propolis in a place without access to sunlight, in a tightly sealed dark glass container, for 14 days, lightly shaking the liquid with sediment twice a day. The resulting alcohol extract is suitable for obtaining an aqueous solution of propolis, the concentration of which is made depending on the medicinal purposes.

Use of tincture for medicinal purposes

No less relevant is the practical question: how to take propolis tincture? Here are tips from experienced apitherapists on using the universal remedy topically and internally.

Pharmacy instructions for using propolis tincture state that to increase immunity and prevent ARVI, especially in the winter and spring, you should add 30 drops of the product to tea once a day.

Propolis tincture is taken orally to heal the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract: 60 drops diluted in 1/3 cup of boiled or drinking water. Take twice a day before meals.

For liver diseases, apitherapists advise taking tea for a week with the addition of 20 drops of tincture twice a day. After a month's break, the course is repeated.

Abrasions, cuts, minor skin lesions and microtraumas are treated with pure tincture 1 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 2 to 12 sessions.

In case of poisoning, before seeking medical help, you can eliminate vomiting and nausea by drinking ½ glass of water with 25 drops of tincture. The same solution helps with hangover syndrome.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is treated by applying a cotton ball soaked in pure tincture to the affected plates every evening before bed (for the whole night).

Otitis and inflammation of the ear are treated by placing turundas soaked in tincture in each ear canal for 20 minutes after clearing the cavities of pus. Instilling 2 drops into each passage after removing the gauze flagella also helps.

To treat lesions of the oral mucosa (ulcers, cracks, erosions due to stomatitis, gingivitis, halitosis), rinse with a solution. Take a tablespoon of tincture per 100 ml of water. The procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days.

For a sore throat, a warm decoction of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort will help (steam a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain) with the addition of 30 drops of propolis tincture. They gargle 6 times a day until the pain symptoms disappear.

You can get rid of the symptoms accompanying it by taking ¼ glass of water with 20 drops of alcohol tincture once a day.

Propolis tincture with milk helps against gastroenterological, colds, and gynecological diseases. Add 20 drops of the product to half a glass of hot whole milk. Taking the medicine in the evening not only relieves cold symptoms and pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, but also normalizes sleep, strengthens the nervous system, and has a calming effect. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.


Like any alcohol-based products, propolis tincture is contraindicated for oral use in children under 12 years of age.

If you are allergic to bee products, treatment with this remedy should be avoided.

It is not advisable to take the drug during pregnancy and the lactation period.

Do not exceed the dosage recommended by the instructions or doctors, since excessive intake of propolis into the body can provoke surges in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, decline or, conversely, an uncontrolled surge of energy, drowsiness, nausea and other undesirable effects.

How do you use a universal beekeeping product infused with alcohol? Share your invaluable experience in using propolis tincture in the comments. Good health to you!
