Sirdalud contraindications and side effects. What are "Sirdalud" tablets for: instructions for use, contraindications, analogues, reviews. Treatment of spasms with pain syndrome

When using the drug together with inhibitors of cytochrome CYP1A2, it is possible to increase the concentration of tizanidine in the blood plasma. In turn, an increase in plasma concentrations of tizanidine may lead to symptoms of drug overdose, including prolongation of the QT(c) interval. Concomitant use of the drug with CYP1A2 inducers may lead to a decrease in plasma levels of tizanidine. Reduced plasma levels of tizanidine may lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect of the drug. Contraindicated drug combinations. The simultaneous use of tizanidine with fluvoxamine or ciprofloxacin, which are inhibitors of cytochrome CYP1A2, is contraindicated. When Sirdalud was used with fluvoxamine or ciprofloxacin, a 33-fold and 10-fold increase in tizanidine AUC was observed, respectively. The result of combined use may be a clinically significant and prolonged decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by drowsiness, dizziness, and a decrease in the speed of psychomotor reactions (in some cases, up to collapse and loss of consciousness). Not recommended combinations of the drug. It is not recommended to prescribe tizanidine together with other CYP1A2 inhibitors - antiarrhythmic drugs (amiodarone, mexiletine, propafenone), cimetidine, some fluoroquinolones (enoxacin, pefloxacin, norfloxacin), rofecoxib, oral contraceptives, ticlopidine. Combinations of the drug that require caution. Caution must be exercised when using the drug together with drugs that prolong the QT interval (for example, cisapride, amitriptyline, azithromycin). Antihypertensive drugs. Simultaneous administration of the drug with antihypertensive drugs, including diuretics, can sometimes cause a pronounced decrease in blood pressure (in some cases, up to collapse and loss of consciousness) and bradycardia. When the drug Sirdalud was abruptly discontinued after use together with antihypertensive drugs, the development of tachycardia and an increase in blood pressure were observed, which in some cases could lead to acute cerebrovascular accident. Rifampicin. Simultaneous administration of the drug and rifampicin leads to a 50% decrease in the concentration of tizanidine in the blood plasma. As a result, the therapeutic effect of the drug may be reduced, which may be clinically significant for some patients. Long-term combined use of rifampicin and tizanidine should be avoided; if impossible, careful selection of the dose of tizanidine (increase) is recommended. Smoking. Systemic bioavailability of the drug in men who smoke (more than 10 cigarettes per day) is reduced by approximately 30%. Long-term drug therapy for men who smoke may require higher doses than the average therapeutic dose. Alcohol. During drug therapy, you should avoid drinking alcohol, as it may increase the likelihood of adverse events (for example, decreased blood pressure and lethargy). The drug may enhance the suppressive effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. Other medicines. Sedatives, hypnotics (benzodiazepine, baclofen) and other drugs such as antihistamines may also increase the sedative effect of tizanidine. Avoid taking the drug with other alpha2-adrenergic agonists (eg, clonidine) due to the potential for increased hypotensive effects.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

About the drug

Medicine Sirdalud affects the tone of skeletal muscles, exhibits a moderate analgesic effect. The drug belongs to the group of muscle relaxants. The active component of the drug is substance tizanidine.

Scope of application

Spastic disorders of spinal and cerebral origin, in acute or chronic form. The drug reduces the manifestations of spasms and clonic seizures.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance is absorbed quickly and almost completely when taken orally. The maximum concentration of tizanidine in plasma is observed one hour after taking the drug. Excreted along with urine.

Eating simultaneously with the drug tablets does not affect the pharmacokinetic processes and absorption.

Indications for use

1. Spasticity of skeletal muscles caused by neurological disorders:
  • degenerative disorders of the spinal cord,
  • cerebral circulatory disorders,
2. Functional diseases of the spinal column.

3. The postoperative period is recovery after surgical interventions, for example, after surgery to eliminate a herniated disc.

Instructions for use of tablets

1. Spasm of skeletal muscles caused by neurological pathology.
The dosage in such cases is selected depending on the reaction to the drug and the severity of symptoms.
  • Initial dosage – 2 mg three times a day.
  • A few days later , you can increase the dosage by 3 - 6 mg.
  • Optimal daily dosage – from 12 to 24 mg.
  • Dosage above 36 mg per day is fraught with the development of side effects.

2. Dosage for elderly patients.
The dosage for elderly people is adjusted. Such patients should be under constant supervision of medical personnel. Most often, the dosage is reduced because renal clearance is slower in older people ( rate of renal excretion of various substances from the blood). A large dosage will cause the accumulation of metabolites in the blood, the development of an overdose, and the appearance of adverse reactions.

3. Kidney failure.
For renal failure, the average dosage is 2 mg three times a day. Depending on the further clinical picture and the tolerability of the drug, the dosage and frequency of administration are adjusted.

Side effects

When taking therapeutically justified dosages of Sirdalud, side effects almost never develop.

Extremely rare:

  • digestive disorders.
Slightly more common:
  • hypotension,
  • weakness,
When prescribing increased dosages of the drug ( to relieve severe spasms), side effects may occur more often, but this is not a reason to discontinue the drug.
In such cases, side effects such as:
  • hypotension and bradycardia;
  • rarely – insomnia, weakness, sleep disturbance;
  • extremely rarely - acute hepatitis.


  • Severe renal and hepatic dysfunction.
  • Overreaction to tizanidine.
  • Combination of tizanidine with fluvoxamine.

During pregnancy

Studies have been conducted on animals that have not proven the presence of a teratogenic effect of the drug on the fetus. However, controlled studies of the drug's effect have not been conducted in pregnant women. Therefore, it is still recommended not to prescribe Sirdalud during pregnancy.

The drug passes into breast milk, so the drug is also not recommended for use in breastfeeding women.

For osteochondrosis

Back pain, which is a factor in reducing quality of life, occurs due to pathologies of the spinal column. One of the main causes of back pain is osteochondrosis, in which degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine occur.

To relieve pain in osteochondrosis associated with increased muscle tone, use the muscle relaxant Sirdalud, 2 - 4 mg several times a day. The mechanism of action of the drug differs significantly from the mechanism of action of other muscle relaxants. The drug is used when other drugs that reduce muscle tone do not have the desired effect. The great advantage of the drug is that while muscle tone decreases, it does not affect muscle strength.

For children

Prescribing Sirdalud to children is not recommended, because clinical studies of the safety of the drug in this age group have not been conducted.

Sirdalud and Mydocalm

Mydocalm appeared on the pharmaceutical market earlier than Sirdalud. Both of these drugs are analogues, but have different active ingredients. The action of Mydocalm has been better studied. As a muscle relaxant, it has a wider range of applications. But Sirdalud in therapeutic dosages exhibits fewer side effects.

Medicine and alcohol

The use of the drug in combination with alcohol is undesirable. Alcohol enhances the sedative and hypnotic effects of Sirdalud.


1. Cannot be combined with Fluvoxamine.

2. Great care is required when Sirdalud is combined with:

  • Mexiletine,
  • Amiodarone,
  • propafenone,
  • Pefloxacin,
  • Norfloxacin,
  • Enoxacin,
  • Ticlopidine,
  • Rofecoxib,
  • with oral hormonal contraceptives.
3. In combination with diuretics and/or antihypertensive agents, the drug can cause bradycardia and increase arterial hypotension.


The phenomena of drug overdose have already been encountered in clinical practice.

Overdose symptoms:

  • breathing disorder,
  • drowsiness,
  • arterial hypotension,
  • anxiety,
  • miosis,
In the treatment of overdose, forced diuresis is an effective remedy.

Release form - tablets

Tablets of 2 and 4 mg, the blister contains 30 tablets.


Active substance of the drug– tizanidine.

Additional substances:

  • microcrystalline cellulose,
  • stearic acid,
  • anhydrous lactose,
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

additional information

In clinical practice, cases of liver function disorders that have been associated with taking the drug have been described. Therefore, during treatment it is recommended to periodically monitor liver parameters. If during therapy symptoms such as loss of appetite and causeless nausea appear, then monitoring of liver parameters is carried out more often, because these signs may indicate a deterioration in liver function.

If the patient notices drowsiness when using the drug, then he should refrain from driving.

In this article we will look at what Sirdalud tablets are for.

The drug may affect the tone of skeletal muscles, exhibiting a moderate analgesic effect. This drug belongs to the group of muscle relaxants. Its active component is the substance tizanidine, which is quite well known in pharmacology.

About the drug

Not everyone knows why Sirdalud tablets help. This drug acts on skeletal muscles, and its use produces a moderate analgesic effect. The scope of application of this remedy is considered to be the presence in the body of a spastic disorder of cerebral and spinal origin. Failure can be expressed in chronic or acute form.

The drug "Sirdalud" reduces the manifestation of spasms and clonic convulsions. The active substance is absorbed fairly quickly and almost completely when taken orally. Its maximum concentration in plasma is observed, as a rule, within an hour after taking the drug. The medication is excreted in the urine. Eating at the same time as taking pills does not affect the pharmacokinetic process or absorption. Now let’s talk in more detail about the pharmacological properties of the presented medical product, and also below we will consider the indications of “Sirdalud”.

Pharmacological effects of the drug

The substance tizanidine is primarily a centrally acting muscle relaxant. The base point of application of its influence is located directly in the spinal cord. This medication stimulates presynaptic receptors by inhibiting the release of the excitatory amino acid that stimulates methyl and aspartate. As a result of this effect, polysynaptic transmission of excitation at the level of spinal cord neurons is suppressed in the body. Since it is this mechanism that is responsible for excess muscle tone, against the background of its suppression it decreases. In addition to its muscle relaxant properties, tizanidine may also have a mild central analgesic effect.

It is worth noting that the drug "Sirdalud" is very effective for acute painful muscle spasms, as well as for chronic spasticity of cerebral and spinal origin. This drug reduces the manifestation of clonic convulsions, as a result of which the resistance to passive movement decreases and the volume of active actions increases. The muscle relaxant effect, along with the adverse reactions of the drug, directly depend on the concentration of the drug in the patient’s blood plasma. Next, we will find out for what purposes doctors usually prescribe this medication to their patients.

What are the tablets "Sirdalud" for?

Let's take a closer look at this issue. Indications for its use are:

  • The patient has spasticity of skeletal muscles caused by a neurological disorder. This may be cerebral palsy along with degenerative pathologies of the spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, problematic cerebral circulation, myelopathy, and so on. Indications for the use of Sirdalud tablets must be strictly observed.
  • The occurrence of functional diseases of the spinal column.
  • As part of the postoperative period for recovery after surgery, for example, after surgery to eliminate a herniated disc.

Indications for use of the drug "Sirdalud" are described in the instructions.

Nuances of use for neurological diseases

The medicine can be used in conditions of excessive excitability of the nervous system in order to eliminate spasms with cramps and convulsions of the limbs. The drug can also be used to combat the appearance of a nervous cough and spasms of the diaphragm. The transmission of excitation through nerve cells is blocked at the level of the nervous system, which occurs thanks to intermediate spinal neurons. The effect in this case occurs quite quickly. Pathologies of spinal and cerebral origin in various forms of their manifestation can also be treated with this medication.

It is worth noting that this medicine has high bioavailability. For example, the maximum concentration in the human body occurs, as a rule, thirty minutes after using the tablet. The medicine is excreted from the body by the kidneys within one day, so it is used with great caution in the presence of nephrological diseases.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is strictly forbidden to use this medication during therapy with agents that contain a substance called fluvoxamine. When a patient needs a very quick effect from using this drug, it is best to use not the tablet form, but a suspension intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Why Sirdalud is prescribed, you can check with your doctor.

What is the justification for using the medicine?

The main active ingredient of these tablets, as already reported, is tizanidine. This active component promotes the process of muscle relaxation of the spinal cord, doing this without any visible consequences for the human nervous system. It is thanks to this that it is possible to achieve relaxation of skeletal smooth muscles and eliminate cramps with spasms.

How to take Sirdalud?

Instructions for using tablets

For spasms of skeletal muscles caused by neurological pathology, the dosage is selected depending on the patient’s response to the drug, and, in addition, on the severity of general symptoms:

  • It is worth emphasizing that the initial dosage of this medicine is 2 mg of Sirdalud three times.
  • After a few days, you can increase the dosage and take 3 or even 6 milligrams.
  • The optimal daily intake is from 12 to 24 milligrams.
  • Dosages above 36 milligrams per day are fraught with the development of side effects in the patient.

It is also necessary to mention the dosage for elderly patients. This is always adjusted for this category of persons. Such patients should be regularly monitored by medical personnel. Often the dose is reduced because in elderly patients renal clearance (we are talking about the rate of renal excretion of various substances from the blood) is slower. Large quantities of the drug can cause the accumulation of metabolites in the blood along with the development of an overdose and the appearance of all sorts of adverse reactions.

There are also nuances to taking this medicine in case of kidney failure. Thus, for this disease, the average dose of the drug is usually three times 2 mg of Sirdalud. Depending on the subsequent clinical picture and the general tolerability of this drug by a particular patient, the dosage with the frequency of administration is adjusted.

Side effects

When using a therapeutically justified dose of Sirdalud according to the instructions for use, patients almost never develop adverse reactions. Nausea with digestive disorders can occur extremely rarely. Somewhat more often, hypotension usually occurs in combination with drowsiness, weakness, dry mouth, and the like.

When prescribing an increased amount of the drug (to relieve severe spasms), side effects may occur much more often, but this is not considered a reason to discontinue the medicine. In such cases, side effects in the form of hypotension and bradycardia are often encountered; insomnia in combination with weakness and sleep disturbances is less common. Very rarely, patients may develop hepatitis.


This medication is strictly prohibited from taking against the background of severe impairment of liver and kidney functions. In addition, the presented medical product is not suitable for treatment in a number of the following situations:

  • Against the background of an overreaction of the patient’s body to tizanidine.
  • When combining tizanidine with the drug "Fluvoxamine".

It is worth noting that some time ago special studies were conducted on animals that did not prove the presence of a teratogenic effect of this drug on the fetus. However, controlled studies on the effect of this medicine have not been conducted in pregnant women. Thus, doctors still do not recommend prescribing this medication during pregnancy. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account that the medication in question passes into breast milk; therefore, this medicine is also not recommended for use in breastfeeding women.

What else do Sirdalud tablets help with?

For osteochondrosis

Back pain is a factor in reducing the quality of life. As a rule, these arise in humans due to pathologies that develop in the spinal column. One of the main factors causing pain in this area is osteochondrosis. Against the background of this disease, people experience degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spine.

To eliminate pain in the presence of osteochondrosis, which is associated with increased muscle tone, the muscle relaxant “Sirdalud” is used in an amount of 2 or 4 milligrams several times a day. The mechanism of action of this drug may differ significantly from the pharmacological effect of other muscle relaxants. The drug is used when other drugs that reduce muscle tone do not have the desired effect for patients. The great advantage of the drug in question lies primarily in the fact that when muscle tone is reduced, it does not affect their strength.

For children

Prescribing the medicine "Sirdalud" to children, as a rule, is strictly not recommended. Unfortunately, clinical studies on the safety of using the drug in this age group have not been conducted.

Preparations "Sirdalud" and "Mydocalm"

A medical drug called Mydocalm appeared on the pharmaceutical market in Russia much earlier than Sirdalud. Both of these medications are analogues, but have completely different active ingredients. The effects of Mydocalm have now been much better studied. Like a muscle relaxant, it has a wide range of uses. But the drug "Sirdalud" in therapeutic doses causes much fewer adverse reactions in patients.

Should it be used with alcohol?

The use of the presented medication in combination with alcohol is extremely undesirable for all patients. The fact is that alcohol enhances the sedative and hypnotic effects of Sirdalud.

Drug interactions

As for the interaction, it must once again be emphasized that this medicine should in no case be combined with the drug Fluvoxamine. In addition, quite a lot of caution is required when combining the drug in question with such drugs as Mexiletine, Amiodarone, Propafenone, Pefloxacin, Norfloxacin, Enoxacin, Cimetidine, Ticlopidine, Ciprofloxacin”, “Rofecoxib”, as well as with hormonal oral contraceptives. In combination with diuretics or antihypertensive drugs, this drug can cause bradycardia, increasing arterial hypotension.


The phenomenon of overdose with this medication has already been encountered several times in clinical practice. Symptoms of overdose include respiratory failure along with vomiting, drowsiness, hypotension, anxiety, miosis, dizziness, and the like. When treating manifestations of overdose, forced diuresis is considered a particularly effective remedy.

Composition and format of the medication: tablets of 2 and 4 milligrams

The dosage of “Sirdaluda” is 2 mg and 4 mg; the blister usually contains thirty tablets. The active substance, as already mentioned, is a special component tizanidine. Additional substances include microcrystalline cellulose along with stearic acid, anhydrous lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, and so on.

additional information

In clinical practice, cases of liver function disorders that were directly related to the use of this drug have been repeatedly described. Therefore, during therapy, it is recommended to periodically monitor liver parameters. If during treatment patients experience symptoms such as loss of appetite and causeless nausea, liver function indicators are analyzed much more often. The fact is that such signs sometimes indicate a significant deterioration in liver function. When a patient begins to notice drowsiness while taking this medication, it means he should definitely refrain from driving.

Of course, it is indicated in the instructions for use what Sirdalud tablets help with. But there is no information about analogues and costs.

Analogues and price

This medication, like others, has its own analogues, which can be used if a person cannot use this drug for treatment for some specific reason. So, analogues of the product in question include “Tizanidine” along with “Tizanil”, “Tizalud” and so on. The cost of Sirdalud tablets for thirty pieces in a package is approximately five hundred rubles. Now let's look at patient reviews and find out what they think and write in their comments about the use of this medication as part of treatment.

In the article we will look at the instructions for Sirdalud and the side effects of this medication.

The drug affects the tone of skeletal muscles, exhibiting a moderate analgesic effect. This drug belongs to the group of muscle relaxants. Its active component is tizanidine.

Reviews and analogues are not described in the instructions for use for Sirdalud. They will be given at the end of the article.

Composition and properties of the medicine

The active component of the medication in question is a substance called tizanidine in the form of hydrochloride. Excipients include silicon dioxide along with stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose and lactose monohydrate. The form of release of this medicine is tablets. So, now let's move on to the indications and find out when this remedy should be used for treatment.


Doctors prescribe the use of the drug "Sirdalud" in the following cases:

  • When spasms of skeletal muscles appear, which are caused by neurological pathologies (degenerative disease of the spinal cord, sclerosis, paralysis, chronic myelopathy, and so on).
  • Against the background of muscle pain syndrome associated with a functional and static disease of the spine (with transverse or cervical syndrome).
  • During the postoperative period, immediately after surgery for herniated discs or osteoporosis of the hip joints.
  • In the presence of chronic myelopathy, against the background of multiple sclerosis, degenerative disease of the spinal cord, circulatory disorders.
  • In the presence of central paralysis and in other cases - against the background of spasticity.

What “Sirdalud” is needed for is not known to everyone.

Instructions for use

For spasms of skeletal muscles arising due to neurological pathologies, the dosage is selected depending on the response to the drug and based on the severity of symptoms. The initial dosage is 2 milligrams three times. After a few days, you can increase the dosage by 6 milligrams. The optimal daily dosage is from 12 to 20 milligrams. Doses above 36 milligrams per day are dangerous for the development of adverse reactions.

The dosage for elderly people is adjusted. Such patients must be strictly under the constant supervision of hospital staff. Most often, the dosage is reduced because in elderly patients renal clearance (that is, the rate of renal excretion of various substances from the blood) is slower. Large dosages cause the accumulation of metabolites in the blood along with the development of an overdose, the appearance of adverse reactions, and so on.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of the drug “Sirdalud”.


To date, there are several known cases of overdose with Sirdalud, including an example when the dosage taken was 400 milligrams. In all cases, recovery occurred without any peculiarities. Symptoms included nausea along with vomiting, low blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness, miosis, restlessness, respiratory distress and coma.

To remove this drug from the body, it is recommended to repeatedly prescribe activated charcoal to the patient. Forced diuresis may speed up the elimination of Sirdalud. Subsequently, symptomatic therapy is carried out. Next, let's talk about the side effects that occur when using this product.

Side effects of Sirdalud

Patients may experience various side effects while using this medication, such as:

  • The nervous system can often react with drowsiness, weakness, and dizziness. Rarely, hallucinations are possible along with insomnia and sleep disturbances.
  • The cardiac and vascular system very often responds to this drug with bradycardia and decreased blood pressure. The side effects of Sirdalud can be very unpleasant.
  • The digestive system responds with dry mouth, nausea, digestive disorders, increased liver transaminase activity and very rarely hepatitis.
  • The skeletal and muscular systems rarely respond with muscle weakness.
  • Other side effects of Sirdalud often include fatigue.

When taking the drug in question in small doses, which are recommended for relieving painful muscle spasms, drowsiness is noted along with fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, a slight decrease in blood pressure, nausea, digestive disorders, and increased liver transaminase activity. The previously described side effects of Sirdalud, according to reviews, appear in moderate forms.

When taking this drug in a higher dosage recommended for the treatment of spasticity, absolutely all of the above side effects occur much more often and they are more pronounced, however, they are very rarely extremely severe so that treatment has to be interrupted. In addition, patients may experience symptoms such as low blood pressure, bradycardia, muscle weakness, insomnia, sleep disturbances, hallucinations, hepatitis, and so on.

Many people want to find an analogue of Sirdalud without side effects.


Contraindications to taking this drug usually include:

  • The presence of severe liver dysfunction.
  • Simultaneous use of the drug with Fluvoxamine.
  • The presence of hypersensitivity to tizanidine or to any other ingredient of the drug.

Since there have been no controlled studies of the use of tizanidine in pregnant women, this medicine should not be used during pregnancy unless the potential benefits significantly outweigh the possible risks. The substance tizanidine is excreted in milk in small quantities. But, nevertheless, women who are breastfeeding should not use this drug under any circumstances.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

The simultaneous use of tizanidine with fluvoxamine leads to a multiple increase in the first component. The result of combined use may be a clinically pronounced and prolonged decrease in pressure, leading to drowsiness, and, in addition, weakness and inhibited psychomotor reaction. Caution must be exercised when concomitantly prescribing tizanidine with other antiarrhythmic drugs (we are talking about Amiodarone, Mexiletine, Propafenone, Enoxacin, Pefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin and Norfloxacin).

The simultaneous administration of the drug "Sirdalud" with antihypertensive drugs, including diuretics, can sometimes provoke a decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia. Alcohol, along with sedatives, can enhance the sedative effect of Sirdalud. According to clinical data, the simultaneous use of oral contraceptives with tizanidine leads to a significant decrease in the clearance of tizanidine.

Pharmacological effects of the drug

This drug is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. Its main point of action is in the human spinal cord. By stimulating the presynaptic receptor, tizanidine inhibits the release of the excitatory amino acid and stimulates receptors that are sensitive to methyl and aspartate. Against the background of all this, at the level of interneurons of the brain, suppression of polysynaptic transmission of excitation is achieved. Considering that it is this mechanism that is responsible for excess muscle tone, if it is suppressed it is significantly reduced. In addition to its muscle relaxant properties, tizanidine can also produce a central moderate analgesic effect when using Sirdalud.

The drug is very effective in the presence of acute painful muscle spasms and in the occurrence of chronic spasticity of cerebral and spinal origin. This remedy reduces spasticity along with clonic convulsions, as a result of which the resistance to passive movement decreases and the volume of active reactions increases significantly.

What justifies the use of the drug "Sirdalud"?

The main active ingredient of these tablets is tizanidine. It promotes the processes of muscle relaxation of the spinal cord. It is worth noting that this remedy does without any tangible consequences for the human nervous system. Thus, thanks to this medicine, it is possible to achieve relaxation of skeletal smooth muscles, eliminating cramps and spasms. The following medical prescriptions for the use of this drug are distinguished:

Thus, the medical drug “Sirdalud” has quite broad indications for use. It is worth noting that this remedy affects the functioning of the nervous system. But in cases where the fastest possible effect from using the medical product “Sirdalud” is needed, it is best to use not tablets, but a suspension form for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

Storage conditions

The drug in question must be stored exclusively out of the reach of small children at a temperature that should not exceed twenty degrees. The shelf life of the medicine is five years.

We will not consider in detail the instructions for analogues of “Sirdalud”.


Substitutes for the described medication include drugs called “Tizanidine” along with “Tizanil” and “Tizalud”.

“Mydocalm” can also be used as a substitute. The drug is prescribed for spasticity, hypertonicity of the transverse muscles caused by organic diseases of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis, damage to the pyramidal tracts, cerebrovascular stroke, encephalomyelitis, myelopathy, etc.). The medication is also prescribed for muscle hypertonicity, spasms caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system (lumbar or cervical syndrome, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, arthrosis of large joints). In addition, this drug is used for rehabilitation after operations in traumatology and orthopedics.

WITH Walking work, heavy lifting, stress - all this can lead to problems with the spine: protrusion, hernia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis. Sooner or later you will find out about them, since nothing passes without a trace or without symptoms. I also had to face this. It all started with dizziness, headaches in the back of the head and, of course, neck pain. I would even say terrible pain in the neck with tears in my eyes, when you don’t know where to put it, how to lay your head, so that all your suffering ends. For a long time, painkillers saved me, since there was only pain (I was saved by Solpadeine). But when the dizziness began, and the trapezius muscle (I myself identified it from the pictures) protruded outward, I could no longer stand it. I went to a neurologist to get examined. Unfortunately, all this happened when the New Year was just around the corner. In general, all my plans collapsed. But that's not important.

P Having examined me, examined me, the neurologist prescribed treatment, among which was the drug Sirdalud. It would be better if he wasn't there!!! It was necessary to take according to the following scheme: 2 days, 1 tablet in the evening, 2 days, 1 tablet in the morning in the evening, 16 days, 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. I was immediately warned that the drug could cause drowsiness. Therefore, if this manifests itself in me and interferes with my daily activities, then the morning appointment can be canceled.

TO I drank at the pharmacy. Although it is written in Sirdalud’s instructions that it is available with a doctor’s prescription, they did not ask me for any prescription. The price of all this pleasure is 30 tablets: 199 rubles 50 kopecks.

TO As it was written in the diagram, for the first two days I took the pills in the evening, one might even say before bed. I didn’t suffer from insomnia, so I couldn’t evaluate the effect; I fell asleep instantly. But! Recently, before taking this medicine, I had no dreams, as if I would pass out and wake up. After taking Sirdaluda, she began to have dreams, and nightmares that made her break out in a sweat. I would even say some surreal nightmares where there is no one but me. I woke up tired and exhausted at 4 am. Then she fell asleep again.

WITH I started taking it in the morning for the next two days. To say that these days were somehow difficult for me, since you can say that I slept all day long. You wake up, do something, take a pill and you are disconnected from reality. The first day was not so strong: I fell asleep and woke up. But I still remember the second day as if it were yesterday. Apparently the pill has a cumulative effect. I took a pill, after about 20 minutes I began to feel that I was relaxing. She lay down on the bed hoping to get some sleep. As soon as I lay down, I felt some kind of wave throughout my body, all the muscles that I have began to relax, and I began to spread across the bed like pancake dough in a frying pan. It was impossible to even open my eyes, I was so exhausted. But my mind didn’t want to sleep and I lay there feeling it all. This, I think, is a good remedy for insomnia! Then the doorbell rang and I went (loudly said GO!) to open the door. Somehow I pulled myself together after a few minutes and stood up, everything swam before my eyes and went dark. She swam to the door, opened it and again went to blur in a horizontal position. At the same time, my tongue also did not obey me. From the outside it most likely looked like I was cooking porridge in my mouth. All these efforts caused me to develop tachycardia. I lay half asleep in this state for about 4 hours. Then she began to move away and come to her senses, I felt the muscles begin to fill with strength.

B It was decided not to take Sirdalud tablets during the day, but to leave them only at night. Now I understand that I needed to stop here and forget about these pills. But no, the doctor prescribed it, so it needs to be taken, the muscle spasm persisted during the day.

WITH I started to be afraid to take 2 tablets, I only took 1 tablet at night. Every morning I woke up at 4 am. After 4 days of taking 1 tablet at night, the tablets seemed to stop working. That is, there was no previously described feeling, although after taking it the muscles relaxed. I think it's time to start taking 2 tablets at night. During the day I felt just great (relatively speaking, since my neck still hurt). At night (at 22:00) I took 2 tablets. And then it began. Everything that was described above was repeated, but very scary things were added. My head began to fill up, became heavy, blood was pumping into my ears, but I really wanted to sleep. I started to fall asleep (literally fall asleep, it felt like I was flying into an abyss) and my breathing was held, somehow I managed to take a deep breath. I thought I would suffocate, there wasn’t enough air, my lungs seemed to have also lost strength and didn’t want to expand. Heart rate dropped. I thought that I would not live until the morning. Thoughts flashed through my head that if I close my eyes now, I will never open them again. I was so scared that I was afraid to fall asleep. As soon as they started to close, I opened them wide, although I was terribly sleepy. She lay there (lasted it) until 12 at night, then passed out unnoticed. You can't even imagine how scared I was. I woke up again at 4 am, because I really wanted to go to the toilet.

P After everything I experienced that night, I began to experience depression and problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea). I lost restful sleep, my appetite, the sight of food made me feel nauseous, I couldn’t find the meaning of life, loss of strength, weakness. And all this before the New Year. There was no feeling of celebration; I wanted to lie and cry all day. All this was further aggravated by diarrhea. Apparently the intestines also relaxed. Neither Lopedium (although it never let me down) nor Levomycetin helped with diarrhea. For a whole week I was on a strict diet: oatmeal, rice, crackers, tea, soup with weak chicken broth. To normalize the intestinal microflora, I started taking Bifiform.

P It’s been 2 weeks since I stopped drinking Sirdalud, and I’m still struggling with the consequences. After what happened to me, I read about the possible side effects and was horrified. It's good that you are still alive!!!

⋙⋙⋙⋙⋙⋙ ⋙⋙⋙ FULL INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE⋘⋘⋘⋘⋘ ⋘⋘⋘

Indications for use, contraindications, method of application, use during pregnancy:

Side effects, overdose:

P side effects that manifested themselves in me: drowsiness, dizziness (although I already had it, but the dizziness became more frequent), decreased blood pressure (90/60), gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, blood with mucus appeared after a few days, nausea ), weakness, depression. Immediately after taking the pills, dry mouth appeared. After stopping the drug, drowsiness gave way to insomnia. I was afraid to fall asleep and had panic attacks before going to bed.
