Senior Sergeant Moiseev. Gloomy afternoon XXI century. The baby was found in a depopulated, destroyed village

Children's faces of the non-childish war August 20th, 2015

Children in Stalingrad are hiding from bombing German planes. 1942

War, as you know, has a face that is not at all childish. But the war spares no one, not adults, no children. Let's look at the faces of the children on whom the war has walked with its heavy tread. There is something in their eyes that usually only happens in adults who have seen a lot in their lives. The lives of these children, children of war, were not easy. Their faces from old photographs speak without words.

The commander of the rifle battalion, Major V. Romanenko (in the center), tells the Yugoslav partisans and residents of the village of Starchevo (in the Belgrade region) about the military affairs of the young intelligence officer - Corporal Vitya Zhaivoronka. October 1944 Yugoslavia.

Commander of the torpedo boat brigade of the Northern Fleet A.V. Kuzmin presents the cabin boy Sasha Kovalev (01/04/1927 - 05/09/1944) with the Order of the Red Star. 05/01/1944.

A group of officers of the 8th Guards Mechanized Brigade of the 3rd Stalingrad Mechanized Corps with the son of the regiment.

13-year-old partisan intelligence officer Fedya Moshchev. October 1942

Young of the guards cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet of project 815 “Red Caucasus”.

The son of the regiment, Volodya Tarnovsky, with his comrades in Berlin.

Son of the regiment Pyotr Korolev (1930-1998). 1945

Young partisan Vladimir Ivanovich Bebekh from the Chernigov detachment named after Stalin, commander Nikolai Popudrenko. 1943 Chernigov region, Ukraine.

Son of the regiment. On the chest are the insignia “Guard” and “Excellent Mortarman”.

Soviet teenage partisan Kolya Lyubichev from the partisan unit A.F. Fedorov with a captured German 9-mm MP-38 submachine gun in a winter forest. 1943

Portrait of 15-year-old partisan reconnaissance Misha Petrov from the Stalin detachment with a captured German 9-mm MP-38 submachine gun. The fighter is belted with a Wehrmacht soldier's belt, and behind his boot is a Soviet anti-personnel grenade RGD-33. Belarus, 1943

Young partisan reconnaissance Tolya Gorokhovsky. 1943

Two partisans from the Bryansk region. 1943

Partisan reconnaissance officer of the Chernigov formation “For the Motherland” Vasily Borovik against a background of trees.

Liberated children from the Auschwitz concentration camp. January 1945

Soviet soldiers communicate with children liberated from Auschwitz. Poland. January 1945

Liberated children, prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp (Auschwitz) show camp numbers tattooed on their arms. Brzezinka, Poland. February 1945

Children from an orphanage, orphans who lost their parents in the war. Some of these children were themselves prisoners of Nazi concentration camps. Malaya Lepetikha village, Velikolepetikha district, Kherson region. 1949.

Liberated children of Salaspils. 1944

A boy of about seven years old at the site of the last battle, near the exploded Soviet T-34-85 tank. Two more of the same tanks are visible behind.

Children on a Soviet T-34-76 tank abandoned near the bridge. The photo was not taken earlier than the fall of 1942, since the tank is equipped with a “nut” turret, which began to be installed from that time on.

Soviet children playing on an abandoned German Pz.Kpfw tank. V Ausf. D "Panther" in Kharkov. September 1943.

A Soviet teenager sits near the barrel of an artillery piece abandoned during the German retreat.

Soviet soldiers with a teenager (possibly the “son of the regiment”) in the liberated Czech village of Tsotkitla. 1945

Son of a partisan. Belarus. 1944

Schoolchildren from liberated Gzhatsk (now the city of Gagarin) show German “ersatz felt boots” to the Red Army soldiers. Smolensk region. March 1943

Soviet children in the middle of a destroyed village. 1942

Kitten on the ashes of the city of Zhizdra, Kaluga region, August 1943. Before the retreat, the invaders systematically destroyed the city for two weeks, burning it quarterly. Stone churches and houses were blown up. As a result, the city was completely destroyed. Wells were also poisoned, roads, sidewalks and vegetable gardens were mined. Able-bodied urban youth were forcibly sent to Germany. From the memoirs of the author of the photograph, M. Savin: “In this small town of Zhizdra after the fighting, I did not find anyone alive except this wounded cat.”

Civilians with children at a rally in Smolensk liberated from German troops. September 1943

“The Nazis kidnapped everyone.” Senior Sergeant Moiseev, commander of a separate artillery reconnaissance unit of the 2nd division of the 4th battery of the 308th regiment, feeds the two-year-old girl Valya, whom he found in one of the empty huts in the village of Izvekovo. Smolensk region, Vyazemsky district, 1.

Poet E.A. Dolmatovsky and Soviet children.

An unknown Red Army soldier talks with ten-year-old Volodya Lukin, whose parents were driven to Germany by the Germans. Having lost his home, the boy froze his feet. 2nd Baltic Front. 1944

Leningrad schoolboy Andrei Novikov gives an air raid signal.

Children from Leningrad orphanage No. 38.

A crippled teenager in besieged Leningrad.

Ten-year-old Polish girl Kazimiera Mika mourns her sister, who was killed by German machine gun fire in a field outside Warsaw.

Pskov priest Fyodor Puzanov with his parishioners at the church. 1943

Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Major Nikolai Pinchuk on his native collective farm. July-August 1945

Red Army soldier Ivan Kuznetsov arrived in his native village of Beldyashki, Oryol region. 1945

Pioneers Tanya Kostrova and Manya Mikheeva look after a mass grave in a village liberated from the Germans. 1942

I picked up several heart-tugging photographs of Soviet children during the Great Patriotic War on the website Oh, and these prematurely matured children drank to the fullest!

Children are hiding from bombing German planes in a shelter on the outskirts of Chisinau. 06/29/1941

Tatyana Onishchenko with her daughter in her arms, mortally wounded by German bomb fragments during an enemy air raid. 1941

Photojournalist of the Pravda newspaper Alexander Vasilyevich Ustinov (1909-1995) talks with the commander of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 1069th Infantry Regiment of the 311th Infantry Division, Dmitry Pavlovich Petrov (1908-1941) in the village of Tukhan, Leningrad Region. In the frame is Petrov’s pupil Sasha Popov (1929-1942). September 1941

A resident of the village of Serbolovo with children against the backdrop of a burnt hut. The villagers were forced to leave their homes after the German punitive operation and go into the forests. Serbolovo, Pskov region, USSR. Time taken: 1942

Residents leave the village of Brody in the Pskov region, which was set on fire by the Nazis. 1942

A young six-year-old soldier of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment, Seryozha Aleshkin.

Belarusian children near destroyed German Pz.Kpfw VI "Tiger" tanks near Minsk. July-August 1944

13-year-old Lenya Fedorov and collective farmer of the Borets collective farm I.V. Grishin, who joined the partisan detachment, despite his advanced age. July 1943

A group of Soviet prisoners of war with the son of the regiment.

Children wounded during artillery shelling of Leningrad are being treated at the Leningrad State Pediatric Institute. July 1943

Evacuation of nurseries and kindergartens from Stalingrad. 1942

Son of the regiment with a 7.62 mm submachine gun model 1943 of the Sudaev system (PPS-43) on the street of Budapest. 1945

Group photo of Soviet teenagers who worked at the Siegel factory, on the territory of the Köln-Braunsfeld concentration camp. 1942

Children near the ruins of a house in the Belarusian village of Lozovatka. 1944

A teenager cleans the boots of a wounded German soldier at an occupied railway station in the USSR. 1943

Schoolchildren of the village of Novaya Ivanovka during the Romanian occupation. In the center of the photo are representatives of the Romanian administration. Novaya Ivanovka, Odessa region, Ukraine, USSR.

Soviet refugees on the outskirts of a village in the vicinity of Kharkov. February-March 1943.

An unknown Red Army soldier talks with ten-year-old Volodya Lukin, whose parents were driven to Germany by the Germans. Having lost his home, the boy froze his feet. 2nd Baltic Front. 1944

Children of besieged Leningrad near the garden beds on Mytninskaya embankment. 1942

Schoolchildren from liberated Gzhatsk (now the city of Gagarin) show German “ersatz felt boots” to the Red Army soldiers. March 1943

Soviet refugees preparing food at the entrance to the dugout. Belarus. 1944

Soviet women and children return home. 1943

Soviet partisans - father and son. 1943

Olga Shcherbatsevich, hanged by the Germans in Aleksandrovsky Square in Minsk. Olga Fedorovna Shcherbatsevich, an employee of the 3rd Soviet Hospital, who cared for captured wounded soldiers and officers of the Red Army. Hanged by the Germans in Aleksandrovsky Square in Minsk on October 26, 1941. The inscription on the shield, in Russian and German, reads: “We are partisans who shot at German soldiers.” October 26, 1941

Young partisan Volodya Bebekh from the Chernigov detachment named after Stalin. 1943

Children on a Soviet T-34-76 tank abandoned near the bridge. The photo is not earlier than the autumn of 1942, since the tank is equipped with a “nut” turret, which began to be installed from that time.

Soviet children among a destroyed village. 1942

Boys help a Red Army soldier equip machine gun belts. Front-line village. 1942

Senior Sergeant Moiseev feeds a child in a liberated village. Author's title of the photograph: “The Nazis stole everyone away.” Senior Sergeant Moiseev, commander of a separate artillery reconnaissance unit of the 2nd division of the 4th battery of the 308th regiment, feeds the two-year-old girl Valya, whom he found in one of the empty huts in the village of Izvekovo. Smolensk region, Vyazemsky district, Izvekovo village. 03/14/1943

Soviet child prisoners of the 6th Finnish concentration camp in Petrozavodsk. During the occupation of Soviet Karelia by the Finns, six concentration camps were created in Petrozavodsk to house local Russian-speaking residents. Camp No. 6 was located in the Transshipment Exchange area and held 7,000 people. The photo was taken after the liberation of Petrozavodsk by Soviet troops on June 28, 1944.
This photograph was presented as part of evidence at the Nuremberg war crimes trials.
The girl who is second from the post on the right in the photo - Klavdia Nyuppieva - published her memories many years later.
“I remember how people fainted from the heat in the so-called bathhouse, and then they were doused with cold water. I remember the disinfection of the barracks, after which there was a noise in my ears, and many had nosebleeds, and that steam room, where all our rags were processed with great “diligence.” One day the steam room burned down, depriving many people of their last clothes.”
Petrozavodsk. July 1944

A family of refugees carrying their belongings to escape the advancing Germans. The author's title of the photo is “In the bitter days of retreat. Dnepropetrovsk region." 1941

Young partisan reconnaissance Pyotr Gurko (born 1928) from the detachment “For Soviet Power” (4th partisan regiment of the 2nd partisan brigade) before being awarded the medal “For Courage”.
The young partisan was awarded the Medal “For Courage” on July 30, 1942 for the valor and courage shown in two military operations against German punitive expeditions. On June 13, 1942, under heavy enemy fire, Pyotr Gurko carried two seriously wounded partisans with weapons from the battlefield and delivered them to a dressing station located 2 kilometers away.

Leningrad schoolgirls Valya Ivanova (left) and Valya Ignatovich, who extinguished two incendiary bombs that fell into the attic of their house. 09/13/1941

Soviet children playing on an abandoned German Panther tank in Kharkov. September 1943

A Soviet child next to his murdered mother. Concentration camp for civilians "Ozarichi". Belarus, town of Ozarichi, Domanovichi district, Polesie region. March 1944

Children of the liberated city of Zhizdra - Raya and Gena Shcheglova. August 1943
Zhizdra is a small ancient town on the banks of the river of the same name in the south of the Kaluga region; the first mention of Zhizdra dates back to 1146. On October 5, 1941, the city came under German occupation. From February to August 1943, fierce fighting again took place on the approaches to the city. Before retreating, the invaders systematically destroyed the city for two weeks, burning it quarterly. Stone churches and houses were blown up. As a result, the city was completely destroyed. Wells were also poisoned, roads, sidewalks and vegetable gardens were mined. Able-bodied urban youth were forcibly sent to Germany.

Soviet refugee children from the village of Yagodnaya, Oryol region. The original title of the photo is “The Dispossessed Villages of Yagodnaya.” July 22, 1943
The village was liberated by Soviet troops from the German occupiers during the Oryol offensive operation.

Soldiers of the 51st separate motorcycle battalion of the 22nd tank corps of the 38th army of the Southwestern Front with Soviet children. 1942

The son of the regiment, Volodya Tarnovsky, signs an autograph on a Reichstag column. He wrote: “Seversky Donets - Berlin,” and signed for himself, the regiment commander and his fellow soldier who supported him from below: “Artillerymen Doroshenko, Tarnovsky and Sumtsov.” May 1945

The famous photo depicting the young defenders of Leningrad on Palace Square, accepted into the Suvorov Military School. Leningrad, 1944
From left to right: junior sergeant Nikolai Koliverdov (b. 1930), a graduate of the 14th Guards Rifle Brigade and the 20th front-line reserve automobile regiment of the Leningrad Front Guard, guard junior sergeant, awarded the medals “For the Defense of Stalingrad” and “For the Defense of Leningrad”, Evgeniy Bilindinov, Yuri Ivanov, graduate of the 935th Artillery Regiment of the 381st Infantry Division and the 919th Artillery Regiment of the 358th Infantry Division, Corporal Afanasy Shkuratov (b. 1930), awarded two medals “For Courage”, participant in the 1945 Victory Parade. , Yuri Stepenko, awarded the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” and the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”.

It is impossible to look at these images with a cold heart... Today, when the topic of war has become more relevant than ever, we want to present photographs that once again prove: in war it is always the most innocent who suffer...

Students of the 3rd grade of girls' school No. 216 in the Kuibyshevsky district of Leningrad are preparing pouches as gifts for front-line soldiers. 1943.

Boys collecting trophies from the Sineokovsky farm (Stalingrad Region). From left to right: Serezha Zemlyansky, Shura Velichenko, Shura Ivashchenko and Volodya Polomarshchuk. Stalingrad region. February 1943, Budapest, Hungary. Author: Evgeny Khaldey. Source of information about the photo:" src="" style="height:530px ; width:740px" title="Boys collecting trophies from the Sineokovsky farm (Stalingrad Region). From left to right: Seryozha Zemlyansky, Shura Velichenko, Shura Ivashchenko and Volodya Polomarshchuk. Stalingrad Region. February 1943, Budapest, Hungary.

A Soviet boy in a liberated village shows a comrade the German Iron Cross found during field work. Southwestern Front. June-July 1942. Author: Natalya Bode" src="" style="height:490px; width:740px" title="A Soviet boy in a liberated village shows a comrade the German Iron Cross found during field work. Southwestern Front. June-July 1942.

A German soldier treated a Russian boy to bread. Somewhere in the forests near Volkhov during the Volkhov Cauldron. Photo from the album of German photographer Georg Gundlach “Battle of Volkhov. Documents of Horror: 1941–1942." Time taken: 1942

Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian women and children locked in a greenhouse awaiting their fate. They were shot by the Germans the next day. In total, at the end of August 1941, 700 civilians, including women and children, were shot near the House of the Red Army in Novograd-Volynsk. " src="" style="height:488px; width:740px" title="Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian women and children locked in a greenhouse awaiting their fate. They were shot by the Germans the next day. Just at the end of August 1941 at the House of the Red Army Novograd-Volynsk they were shot 700 civilians, including women and children.">!}

Children on a Soviet T-34-76 tank abandoned near the bridge. The photo was not taken earlier than the fall of 1942, since the tank is equipped with a “nut” turret, which began to be installed from that time on.

Senior Sergeant Moiseev feeds a child in a liberated village. Author's title of the photograph: “The Nazis stole everyone away.” Senior Sergeant Moiseev, commander of a separate artillery reconnaissance unit of the 2nd division of the 4th battery of the 308th regiment, feeds the two-year-old girl Valya, whom he found in one of the empty huts in the village of Izvekovo. Source of information about the photo:

Sergeant S. Weinshenker and Technical Sergeant William Topps with the son of the 169th Special Purpose Air Base Regiment. Name unknown, age - 10 years old, served as an assistant weapons technician. Poltava airfield." src="" style="height:512px; width:740px" title="Sergeant S. Weinshenker and Technical Sergeant William Topps with the son of the 169th Special Purpose Air Base Regiment. Name unknown, age - 10 years old, served as an assistant weapons technician. Poltava airfield.">!}
