Aspiration pneumonia in a kitten. How dangerous is pneumonia in cats and how is it treated? Treatment of pneumonia in a cat

A healthy cat that is properly kept, eats, regularly visits the veterinarian for examinations and revaccinations does not get sick at all, or the disease is “caught” at a very early stage and quickly eliminated. One of the serious and dangerous diseases that can arise out of the blue is pneumonia in cats. The main cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity, which is not always noticeable and can be overlooked even by experienced breeders.

Pneumonia in animals develops and progresses much faster than in humans. Time spent on improper treatment and waiting in the spirit of “maybe it will go away on its own” costs the animal’s life. If you suspect pneumonia and the appearance of the first acute symptoms, you cannot wait more than 48 hours.

The lungs, in simple terms, consist of semi-bubbles - alveoli, which are shrouded in a thin film penetrated by the finest vessels and capillaries. The alveoli are responsible for gas exchange in the body - enriching the blood with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. Pneumonia primarily affects the walls of the lungs – the alveoli.

The nature of infection is most often bacterial. Globally, there are:

  • Typical pneumonia– is caused by one of the known strains of the virus and is treated with targeted antibiotics.
  • Atypical pneumonia– a disease caused by an unknown virus is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and general supportive immunotherapy.
  • Caused by non-bacterial and viral causes– entry of a foreign object into the respiratory tract, injury.

Read also: Cat cough: causes and treatment methods

Pneumonia is an active process of inflammation; it is preceded by an incubation period, which can be detected and stopped.

Each pneumonia experienced leaves a “trace” of irreversibly damaged alveoli. The theory that a living creature is not able to survive pneumonia more than 3 times is a myth, however, lung damage should not be underestimated.

Main causes of pneumonia in cats

We have already named the main cause of the disease - weakened immunity. Pneumonia is most often a complication and not an independent disease.

Possible reasons are divided into:

  • Complication after acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Progression of bronchitis.
  • Lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders, blood diseases, diabetes.
  • Long stay in the cold.
  • Frequently bathing or getting the animal wet in the rain.
  • Drafts.
  • Eating frozen food or drinking cold water.
  • The entry of a foreign object or contaminated water into the respiratory tract causes a general inflammatory process, which, as it develops, “sinks” into the lungs.

Signs of a cat suffering from pneumonia and the severity of the disease

Pneumonia can develop in a sharp and slowly progressive form, it all depends on the general condition of the body. A healthy animal that “caught” a cold in a draft will fight the disease. An elderly, chronically ill cat can be overcome by the disease within 24 hours.

The main signs of pneumonia in a cat, occurring in the “standard” form:

  • An increase in temperature of 1–2 °C or fever, the norm is from 37.5 to 39 depending on the size, temperament and physical health of the cat.
  • The cough is rare and dry in the early stages, but as it progresses it becomes moist and with sputum.
  • The nose is dry and hot.
  • Discharge from the nose and eyes is transparent and homogeneous. In advanced stages with an unpleasant odor, interspersed with pus.
  • Wheezing or wheezing can be heard with a stethoscope when exhaling.
  • Weight loss, poor appetite.
  • Apathy, loss of activity, increased sleep time.
  • If you refuse water, it will happen quickly and is clearly noticeable by the condition of the skin and coat.

Read also: Cancerous tumor in a cat

If a cat develops a cough or runny nose, you should not immediately sound the alarm; during the course of the day you need to observe how the symptoms manifest themselves and how quickly the disease progresses. If more than 3 of the above symptoms appear within 10–20 hours, you are most likely experiencing acute pneumonia or another respiratory disease. In this case, self-diagnosis and postponing a visit to the clinic are unacceptable.

The pulmonary course is accompanied by symptoms similar to pneumonia, but differs in that the sputum, discharge from the nose and eyes are purulent.

Treatment of pneumonia in a cat

For an accurate diagnosis, a detailed blood test is taken from the cat, the chest is listened to, the temperature is measured and an x-ray is taken. Depending on the severity and prognosis, treatment measures are prescribed:

  • Hospitalization - for young individuals with immunodeficiency, with severe weight loss or acute parallel occurrence of another disease.
  • Treatment at home - in the initial stages, in a stable condition.
  • Surgical intervention - cutting off part of the lung when foreign objects enter, an atypical pathogen that is not susceptible to the effects of standard medications.

How to treat pneumonia in cats is determined after taking a history and determining the severity of the disease. In the initial stages, the animal is treated at home:

1. Maintaining peace and cleanliness.

2. Additional heating if required.

3. The constant presence of warm drinks and easily digestible high-calorie foods rich in protein.

4. Complex administration of antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics) in the form of tablets or injections.

One of the most common groups of diseases in pets is diseases of the respiratory system. Among them, pneumonia in cats is of particular importance. This serious inflammatory pathology in the lungs requires immediate treatment and prevention of all kinds of complications. The owner’s task is to promptly recognize the signs of illness and urgently take the pet to a veterinary specialist.

Classification of the disease

Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lungs, accompanied by complete intoxication of the body. It can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms. A distinction is made between primary and secondary pneumonia, i.e. caused by a specific pathogen or arising against the background of a viral infection.

There are several types of disease:

Pneumonia in cats is divided into several types. In addition, there are such dangerous types of the disease as serous, purulent and lobar pneumonia.

Symptoms of pneumonia

When pneumonia is at the beginning of its development, its symptoms in a cat are not very pronounced, and the owner may miss the disease if he is not attentive enough to his four-legged friend. Therefore, the first symptoms and treatment of pneumonia in cats in most cases do not begin at the same time - therapy lags somewhat behind. After 2-3 days, the symptoms of pneumonia become vivid, and it is no longer possible not to notice them.

Pneumonia in a cat is manifested by the following signs::

  1. persistent thirst;
  2. hot dry nose;
  3. temperature rise to 41 o;
  4. increased heart rate;
  5. rapid breathing;
  6. lacrimation;
  7. drooling – does not always happen;
  8. profuse purulent discharge from the nose, having a sharp, extremely unpleasant odor;
  9. cough is dry or wet;
  10. rapid exhaustion;
  11. unhealthy coat appearance.

Pneumonia develops quickly, and the cat’s condition worsens before our eyes, so you should visit a veterinary hospital without delay. Any delay in treating pneumonia can cost the death of your pet.


Treatment of pneumonia, regardless of the cause of the disease, is always comprehensive. Veterinarians almost always prescribe antibiotics, antipyretics, expectorants, diuretics, immunostimulants and cardiac medications to their mustachioed patients. Vitamins and hepatoprotectors will probably come in handy as they will support the body, exhausted by the abundance of drugs taken orally.

If the treatment is carried out at home, the owner should consider the following:

  • All doctor's instructions must be followed strictly. Sometimes it may take 3 to 6 weeks for an animal to completely heal from pneumonia, but unauthorized cessation of treatment can lead to dire consequences;
  • The house where there is a cat with pneumonia should be moderately warm. Any drafts must be eliminated;
  • If the air in the room is too dry, it makes sense to ventilate the home more often (the animal should be taken to the room where the windows are closed during this time). Another option is to buy a humidifier;
  • The diet of a cat with pneumonia should be low in fats and carbohydrates, but high in calcium and vitamins A, C, B;
  • Food for cats with pneumonia is served warm, steamed or boiled, preferably with a porridge-like consistency. During the treatment period, animals are fed in small portions 6 times a day;
  • You should not limit a cat with pneumonia to water. Only the drink must be lukewarm (cold water cannot be given from a tap or refrigerator);
  • To enhance coughing, cats are recommended to have a light massage consisting of moderate tapping of the sternum with your fingertips.


  • Get your vaccinations up to date, especially against respiratory infections.
  • Avoid hypothermia or prolonged exposure to cold or drafts.
  • Strengthen your immune system by regularly taking courses of vitamin therapy.
  • Provide your pet with proper and nutritious nutrition.
  • Conduct a full examination of the cat for the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs.

How owners can further help

To help your pet recover, just follow these simple rules:

  1. Attempting self-medication is strongly discouraged.
  2. It is important to follow all the veterinarian’s instructions, despite the fact that treatment can take from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. Do not make any independent adjustments to the therapeutic regimen and do not interrupt courses of taking medications without instructions from a specialist.
  3. Provide your pet with rest, high-quality, nutritious and balanced food during treatment, and protect him from potential stress.
  4. If there is a decrease or absence of appetite, forced feeding of semi-liquid food, high in protein and easily digestible, is indicated.
  5. Do not give your cat cold water or cold food.
  6. Do a light tapping massage of the chest.
  7. During the treatment period, try not to overload the cat with games, so as not to provoke shortness of breath, increased fatigue and oxygen starvation.

Like any living being, cats often experience various health problems. Respiratory diseases pose a particular danger. In recent years, veterinarians have increasingly diagnosed their pets with pneumonia. In cats, the symptoms and treatment of this disease will be discussed in today's article.

Types of disease

In the first case, the causative agent of the disease is most often pneumococcus, in the second - foreign objects, liquid or food entering the respiratory tract, in the third - roundworms developing in the lung tissue. The most severe and difficult to treat is fungal pneumonia in cats, the causative agent of which is cryptococcus.

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, total, lobar and segmental forms can be distinguished. In the first case, the disease covers the entire lung, in the second it affects individual areas. Chronic, subacute and acute pneumonia are also distinguished.


It develops under the influence of a whole complex of factors that reduce the body’s resistance. Also, pneumonia in a cat can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, sudden hypothermia, frequent bathing and exposure to drafts.

Excessively cold water and food pose no less of a danger to the health of the animal. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to feed frozen food to your pets. It can also develop due to the ingress of liquid, foreign bodies and even household dust into the animal’s respiratory tract.

Pneumonia in cats: symptoms

It is very important to recognize this disease in the initial stages. This will give your pet a better chance of a favorable outcome. One of the main ones is cough. It should be the signal that the animal needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Most often, pneumonia begins acutely and entails a sharp deterioration in the pet’s well-being. The stronger the cat’s body, the slower the symptoms of the disease will develop. Pneumonia is usually accompanied by a cough. At the initial stage it will be dry. As the disease progresses, the cough will become wet and sputum will begin to be produced.

Most cats diagnosed with pneumonia will have difficulty breathing. This is due to disruption of the normal functioning of the lungs. In sick animals, fine and large bubble rales are clearly audible.

Bacterial infection in cats is also accompanied by high fever. It is considered the main sign of intoxication of the body. Atypical forms of pneumonia occur without fever. The animal becomes lethargic, drinks a lot and refuses to eat.

Diagnostic methods

One of the main tests to accurately recognize pneumonia is a chest x-ray. As a rule, it is done in the lateral and direct projection. Thanks to this, the specialist will be able to conduct a thorough examination of all parts of the lungs.

To determine the severity of the infectious process, a general blood test is taken from the animal. To accurately determine which pathogen caused pneumonia in a cat, the veterinarian is required to conduct a serological or microbiological study. It is also advisable to take tests for helminthic infestations. In addition, the doctor must listen to the furry patient. This will allow you to determine the nature of wheezing and the so-called silent zones. The latter refers to foci of inflammation in which breathing cannot be heard.

Pneumonia in cats: treatment

Animals diagnosed with pneumonia are prescribed a course of sulfonamide antibiotics. Typically, they are administered by injection. If after three days the cat does not show positive dynamics, then it is tested for sensitivity to drugs. This procedure will allow you to select an effective medicine. The duration of the course is at least twelve days. Even with a clear improvement in your pet’s well-being, you cannot cancel the therapy recommended by your veterinarian on your own.

To facilitate the process of removing sputum, the pet is prescribed Bromhexine, Lazolvan or Mukaltin. In especially severe cases, infusion therapy is used to reduce intoxication. However, such procedures should be performed exclusively in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor. This is the only way to avoid the possible development of cerebral or pulmonary edema.

If pneumonia in a cat is complicated by phlegmon or an abscess, then immediate surgical intervention is necessary.

Diet and regimen

It is advisable to feed a sick and recovering animal high-calorie, easily digestible food. It is important that the food contains a large amount of protein. During this period, vitamins and minerals must be introduced into the furry patient’s diet. This will strengthen your immune system.

One- and two-way pneumonia in cats (chronic and acute) greatly weakens the animal’s body. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize young pets at a veterinary clinic.

If for some reason this is not possible, then the pet should be provided with complete rest and quality round-the-clock care. Try to disturb your four-legged friend as little as possible. During illness and recovery, move the cat to a warm, secluded corner.

To facilitate the removal of mucus, it is advisable for the cat to have a massage daily. In the absence of a high temperature, it is recommended to give the animal light physical activity that causes a cough.

Preventive measures

As you know, a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. To avoid pneumonia, you need to prevent your pet from getting hypothermic. Your cat's food and water should be at room temperature.

To strengthen the immune system, it is important to regularly give your cat vitamin and mineral supplements. It is strictly forbidden to keep the animal in drafts and cold. We also must not forget about timely vaccination. In addition, it is advisable to systematically fully examine your pet for the presence of chronic diseases.

Pneumonia in cats, like in humans, is a fairly serious disease. With timely treatment and avoidance of complications, the outcome is often favorable.

Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. Pneumonia in cats is most often caused by infection. The disease occurs when the animal is hypothermic when eating frozen food. Cats with acute or chronic bronchitis are at risk. Keeping cats in damp, cold rooms creates a favorable environment for the occurrence of lung diseases.

Pneumonia is classified:

Viral pneumonia. Develops as a complication against the background of a viral infection of a cat.

Bacterial pneumonia. Develops as a complication against the background of a bacterial infection.

Fungal pneumonia. Caused by fungal microflora.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in a cat

The symptoms of pneumonia in cats are not very specific. In the first stages, the cat is observed, then the body temperature may rise sharply, noticeable weakness appears, breathing becomes heavy and frequent. Sometimes your cat may develop a runny nose.

Throughout the entire period of illness, the cat refuses to eat, while thirst noticeably increases. The animal is constantly depressed and shows no interest in life. In severe forms of pneumonia, your pet may develop a fever. In such cases, you certainly cannot hesitate and the most correct thing to do is to take the animal to a veterinary clinic.

Name of veterinary services


Cost of service, rub.

Initial appointment

Repeated appointment

One animal

One animal

Veterinarian consultation

Consultation with a doctor based on test results

Doctor's consultation, without pet

Tactics for treating pneumonia in cats at the Bio-Vet clinic

A favorable treatment outcome primarily depends on a correct diagnosis and determination of the form of pneumonia. Treatment is individual in each case.

Self-medication is unacceptable in the treatment of pneumonia. All treatment must be under the supervision of a veterinarian.

By contacting our specialists at the Bio-vet clinic, you can count on our doctors to do everything possible to save your animal.

With proper care, the cat remains healthy or goes to a veterinarian in the initial phase of the disease, which is easily treated and ends without harm to health. Irresponsible behavior of a fellinologist can cause the loss of a pet.

The disease occurs due to weakened immunity, occurs in the form of bronchopneumonia and develops at a more accelerated pace than in humans. The critical period for starting treatment for inflammation (inflammatio) of the lungs is considered to be 48 hours after the first symptom is identified.


The trigger for the onset of the disease can be hypothermia in cats suffering from permanent bronchitis. The alveoli, which are bubbles in which oxygen is absorbed from the air and carbon dioxide is removed from the air, become inflamed and cease to perform the function of gas exchange. Pets that do not receive adequate nutrition become susceptible to bronchopneumonia. Negative environmental factors - keeping a cat in damp or dusty rooms - contribute to the occurrence of pneumonia to a greater extent than hypothermia. Penetration of foreign objects into the respiratory system can provoke the onset of an inflammatory process.

Types of pneumonia

The following types of pneumonia are distinguished:

  • Typical pneumonia. Pathology, the causative agent of which is known and is treated with targeted antimicrobial agents.
  • Atypical pneumonia. The disease is caused by an unidentified contagion and is treated with universal antibiotics.
  • Inflammation caused by non-infectious causes, mainly by foreign objects.

The result of pneumonia is the death of part of the alveoli, which leads to a decrease in the useful volume of the lungs and their ability to provide the body with oxygen.


Based on the causes of occurrence, the following types of pneumonia are distinguished:

The above reasons for the occurrence of pathology are good reasons to contact a veterinarian.


Pneumonia affects cats based on the following negative factors:

  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Complications of viral infections. The most dangerous form of pulmonary panleukopenia.
  • Spread of bronchitis.
  • Getting wet in damp, cold weather.
  • Consumption of frozen delicacies.


The following symptoms are characteristic of pneumonia:

  • Cough.
  • Runny nose.
  • Fever.
  • Difficulty and rapid breathing.
  • Anorexia.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Cardiac pathologies.

There are acute and permanent course of the disease. With the chronic development of the disease, a dry cough occurs, gradually turning into a wet form. During auscultation of the chest cavity, pulmonary rales are heard. The cat develops a febrile temperature. The animal is depressed and weakness develops. A runny nose appears, the exudate dries out, and crusts form.

The pulmonary form of panleukopenia is accompanied by conjunctivitis and cardiac pathologies.

The appearance of a cough, runny nose, and other signs of pneumonia requires increased attention from the fellinologist to the pet. If symptoms increase, you should seek veterinary help within 24 hours.


Establishing the cause of pneumonia is carried out on the basis of anamnesis, clinical symptoms, laboratory and instrumental studies. Information about deworming and vaccinations of your pet is informative. It is important to consider the timing of the treatments, as well as what drugs were used. Serodiagnosis identifies the pathogen. Eosinophilia indicates helminthic infestation. X-ray diagnosis of the chest cavity confirms or refutes pneumonia.


Therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the cause and eliminating symptoms. Since in all cases there is a proliferation of secondary microflora, universal antibiotics are used. When test results become known, treatment is adjusted using targeted antimicrobial drugs.

Antibiotic therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, because unqualified treatment can cause harm. All potent drugs have a side effect that affects the contagion and parenchymal organs of the cat. Premature interruption of the course of treatment leads to the fact that the disease returns, and the pathogen becomes immune to the drugs used.

Symptomatic treatment involves releasing the bronchi and alveoli from accumulated inflammatory products. For this purpose, agents are used that stimulate the secretion of mucus, removing a mixture of secretions and pathological products from the body.

To remove excess fluid accumulated during inflammation from the respiratory system, diuretics are used. Pacemakers are used to keep the heart pumping.

A side effect of antibiotic therapy is the destruction of opportunistic microflora and beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Without the participation of the latter, it is impossible to complete the process of formation of fecal masses, therefore dysbacteriosis develops, manifested by the occurrence of diarrhea. Sorbents and probiotics are used to restore intestinal function.

In the fight against pathogenic factors, the body mobilizes all reserves, consumes reserves of vitamins and other biologically active substances, so there is a need to replenish what has been expended.

An integral part of the treatment process is creating comfort for a sick cat. For this purpose, multivitamin preparations are used, for example, Gamavit, immunomodulators, probiotics, and substances that eliminate the effects of intoxication.


Preventive measures consist of maintaining the immune system at the proper level. To do this, it is necessary to provide the cat with coziness and comfort, adequate nutrition, mainly prepared food. Regular disinsection and deworming help protect the animal from exposure to adverse factors. Prevention of infectious diseases is achieved by timely vaccination.
