Autoimmune diseases are when the body attacks itself. How to raise an antitumor immune cell What kills immunity

The immune system protects us 24 hours a day, however, with certain violations it begins to attack its own body.

How the immune system works

You don’t notice it, but inside you there is a constant struggle with alien conquerors. Millions of bacteria, viruses and so they strive to settle on everything that is ready, and conduct their hectic life activity at your own expense. Therefore, the body’s defense mechanisms must always be on alert, and in case of danger, react immediately. The immune system is a kind of ministry of defense that mercilessly destroys microscopic “occupiers” and “illegal migrants.” Whatever you do, whatever you do, a large army of immune cells is ready to fight the enemy. Moreover, for each specific type of foreign pathogen (antigen), specific “hired killers” (antibodies) are produced. Even during sleep, every cell of the human body is reliably protected.

The question arises: How does the immune system destroy “everything foreign”, while its own tissues and organs remain unharmed? The thing is that on the surface of every cell in the body there are special proteins - something like an identity card. The immune system is able to recognize these proteins as its own. Thus, a healthy cell, having presented its “crust” to the immune system, calmly goes about its business, without fear of violent action. This phenomenon is known as "immunological tolerance."

As soon as immune cells meet strangers without “documents,” an operation to neutralize the enemy immediately begins.


The process of formation of autoantibodies occurs constantly, but there is a system of resistance (tolerance) to these antibodies. When tolerance breaks down, the disease begins. This can affect the skin, blood vessels, joints and all internal organs individually or in combination. The insidiousness of these ailments is that they often cannot be distinguished from infectious or somatic diseases, and the presence of an autoimmune disease can only be confirmed in a laboratory.

When the reaction is excessive

Today, everyone is mostly puzzled by how to strengthen the immune system. Every now and then, at every opportunity, we try with all our might to improve our health by taking foods of plant or synthetic origin. Unfortunately, except immunodeficiency problems, there is also a danger of skewing in the other direction. Certain malfunctions in the body lead to the fact that the immune system, our Ministry of Defense, begins to fight its own body, not distinguishing “us” from “strangers”. And thus the faithful defender becomes a terrible monster, devouring everything in its path. The so-called occurs, which leads to serious illnesses. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, (thyroid damage), glomerulonephritis (kidney damage), multiple sclerosis- this is not the entire list of these diseases.

For a long time it was not possible to understand the cause of these diseases. Local or general anti-inflammatory drugs were used as treatment options, which naturally turned out to be ineffective.

And only half a century ago, medicine slowly began to come to the solution to autoimmune diseases. Although this category of diseases is still fraught with many mysterious and incomprehensible things. For example, relatively recently it became clear that the presence in the body of auto-aggressive antibodies (damaging the cells of one’s own body) is not a pathology at all!

A natural question arises: why did nature create a system in our body that is directed against us? It turns out that autoantibodies perform a very important function in cleansing the body of obsolete cells. After all, throughout our lives we are literally reborn several times, new cells take the place of old cells, etc.

The causes of these diseases can be both genetic and environmental factors. However, we often have to talk about their combination, because heredity may not be realized. Among the causes of disruption of the autoimmune process, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • nutrition;
  • human psychology;
  • chronic infections;
  • stress;
  • medications;
  • irradiation.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that each patient will have his own set of the above factors.

Difficulties of treatment

The search for effective treatment for autoimmune diseases is being pursued in several directions. Recently, scientists are even thinking about using gene therapy, thanks to which it will be possible to replace the defective gene. However, this treatment method will not come into practice any time soon; moreover, mutations in the genome are not always the cause of a particular disease.

Today, treatment protocols mainly include drugs that suppress the immune system or alter the immune response. Depending on the specific case, hormones, immunosuppressants, and drugs based on monoclonal antibodies may be used. In our country, plasmapheresis is also used (blood sampling followed by plasma separation).

Prevention of decreased immunity

The real problem in the treatment of autoimmune diseases is that often the known methods do not act on the cause of the disease, but on the entire body as a whole. In addition to suppressing the activity of autoimmune processes, medications significantly reduce the normal protective functions of the body. Of course, this situation cannot suit anyone, so active work is underway to develop effective treatments. And one of the encouraging methods was T cell vaccination. The essence of the method is that a vaccine is prepared from aggressive immune cells, and when it is introduced into the body, the immune system, willy-nilly, begins to fight the aggressor. Currently, T-cell vaccination is used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The cold season has not yet arrived and you are already suffering from a runny nose? Do you manage to get the flu 2-3 times during the winter? Most likely, the cause of the disease lies in a weakened immune system. It is no secret that the immune system protects our body, preventing viral and any other diseases. And if for any reason this protection is weakened, attacks from viruses and bacteria can achieve their insidious goal. Moreover, you should not think that only a serious illness, surgery or exhaustion of the body leads to a weakened immune system. Sometimes unhealthy habits that we don’t even notice in everyday life significantly weaken the immune system.

12 invisible things that destroy our immunity

1. Lack of sleep

Insomnia is one of the most common causes of weakened immunity. Lack of routine, busyness at work, stress, or depression - all these factors interfere with the body’s proper rest, preventing you from getting enough sleep. According to research from the National Heart Institute, the body of people who regularly sleep 4 hours a day or even less produces 2 times less antibodies designed to fight colds. A lack of sleep significantly weakens the body's natural defenses, so reconsider your rest regimen by increasing your sleep time to at least 8 hours.

2. Alcohol abuse

According to research from the National Institutes of Health, excessive alcohol consumption has negative health effects, including poor mental performance, sleep problems, and impaired absorption of nutrients. In addition, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages inhibits the proliferation of blood cells that provide protection to the body. Let's add to this that alcohol destroys liver cells, which are designed to cleanse the blood of harmful substances. As a result of this process, waste and toxins remain in the body, which significantly weakens the immune system.

Also think about the fact that alcohol negatively affects the vascular system, significantly reducing life expectancy, and can cause cancer. Is it worth shortening your life for the dubious pleasure of a glass of wine or a glass of vodka?

It is known that smoking significantly increases the likelihood of developing bronchitis and other respiratory system infections. Scientists studied the state of lymphocytes in all organs and systems of a smoker’s body, and came to the conclusion that smoking significantly inhibits cellular immunity. Moreover, the maximum damage from this bad habit is caused by pulmonary lymphocytes, which in the early stages threatens the smoker with infectious diseases, and ultimately can result in lung cancer.

Moreover, when nicotine enters the blood or saliva of a person, it reduces the amount of immunoglobulins - proteins that form the immune response. As a result, the body simply misses the attack of viruses, not having time to react and prevent the disease.

4. Abuse of sugar

According to scientists, sugar abuse reduces the body's defenses by more than 40%. Research suggests that consuming sugar weakens the immune system within just 10 minutes, and this process continues for several hours. This happens because an increase in blood glucose levels destroys vitamin C and disrupts the structure of immune cells. In this regard, every person should think about reducing sugar consumption to 50 g per day, because in addition to weakening the immune system, abuse of this product leads to the development of caries, obesity and hypertension, thereby increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.

5. Lack of exercise

It's no secret that an increase in heart rate caused by exercise stimulates blood circulation and improves oxygen supply to organs and tissues. In addition, when playing sports, breathing quickens, which helps remove viruses and bacteria from the body. However, that's not all. During exercise, body temperature rises, leading to the death of pathogenic microflora. All this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body, which increases resistance to infections. If a person does not exercise, blood circulation decreases, the body accumulates toxins and is subject to stress. All this leads to a decrease in immunity, and therefore to various diseases.

To increase the body's resistance to infections, it is enough to exercise three times a week - jogging, swimming, playing tennis, cycling, in general, get moderate exercise that will allow you to forget about seasonal colds.

6. Lack of hygiene

Washing your hands in the morning and evening is not enough to fully fight germs. You need to wash them before each meal, after transport and coming from the street, after shaking hands, and also after any work. Ideally, keep hand sanitizer in your purse or car at all times and scrub your skin with it for at least 20 seconds. Brushing your teeth alone is also not enough; you need to clean the tongue from plaque, in which microbes actively multiply, and clean the space between the teeth with an irrigator. It is also necessary to clean the nasal mucosa by rinsing with cool water. All this will reduce the number of pathogenic agents entering the body, and therefore will prevent a decrease in the body’s defenses.

7. Lack of foods that enhance immunity in the diet

Regular hand washing is certainly a useful measure in the fight for a healthy immune system. However, proper nutrition plays a major role in strengthening the body's defenses. To maintain immunity, it is enough to regularly consume foods that increase the body’s defenses. We list the foods that provide the body with useful substances:

  • proteins (eggs, meat, dairy products, nuts and mushrooms);
  • zinc (liver, shrimp, beans and green peas);
  • iodine (seafood, tomatoes, carrots and asparagus);
  • selenium (cereals, seeds, mushrooms and brewer's yeast);
  • dietary fiber (bran, legumes, oatmeal and apples);
  • lacto- and bifidobacteria (soaked apples, sauerkraut, fermented milk products).
  • vitamin A (carrots, apples, fish oil, butter);
  • vitamin B (millet, rye bread, eggs and greens);
  • vitamin C (lemons, oranges, cranberries, rose hips);
  • vitamin E (olive, corn, sunflower and other oils).

8. Night shift work

A person who regularly works night shifts faces a problem such as a lack of vitamin D, a valuable substance that we all get from sunlight. A deficiency of this vitamin becomes another blow to the immune system. To avoid this, try to stay in the sun for at least 15–20 minutes a day.

9. Lack of cleaning in the apartment

Even a full night's sleep will not provide the necessary protection to the body if you sleep in an unventilated area. Stale air and a large amount of dust play into the hands of microbes, which ultimately leads to frequent illnesses. To prevent colds and flu, it is important not only to monitor your own hygiene, but also to fight germs on the approaches to the body, which means regularly cleaning your apartment. To do this, wipe flat surfaces from dust every day, disinfect door handles, computer mouse and keyboard, ventilate the room and wash the floors.

10. Pessimistic attitude

You may not have thought that your mood can affect your health, but scientists unanimously say that a pessimistic mood negatively affects the body, creating the preconditions for the emergence of various diseases. This is due to cortisol, a stress hormone, the increased production of which destroys the cells of the immune system. How to resist this? Very simple! Look for the positive in everything you see, find reasons to have fun, enjoy every day, meet friends more often and spend more time with family and friends who will give you the support you need. And also read the classics who knew a lot about humor - Chekhov, Zoshchenko and Averchenko. Remember, laughter prolongs life!

11. Antibiotic abuse

This pharmacological group of drugs, such as antibiotics, was developed almost 100 years ago exclusively to combat bacteria. But today there is a real boom in the popularity of antibiotics, which are often used as a remedy for all diseases. But taking antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription and trying to cure viral or fungal diseases with them, a person, of course, does not get the desired result, but “kills” the intestinal microflora thoroughly. This leads to a decrease in the body's immune defense. There can only be one piece of advice here - take antibacterial drugs as rarely as possible, and only at the insistence of your doctor.

12. Lack of allergy treatment

It is known that an allergic reaction occurs when the immune system begins to perceive animal hair, pollen or dust as foreign agents. As a result of this process, the body itself suffers from its own defense system, the cells of which are gradually destroyed. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not begin to fight allergies, the immune system will weaken so much that it will begin to miss other “blows” from bacteria and viruses. Good health to you!

With the help of an artificial thymus, it is possible to obtain lymphocytes that will attack the tumor, but will not touch healthy cells.

One of the most important functions of the immune system is to protect the body from cancer. Immune cells recognize tumor cells by special molecules that stick out on the membrane of cancer cells. But cancer cells, for their part, make every effort so that the immune system does not notice them. Therefore, recently methods have been actively developed in oncology, the purpose of which is to help the immune system “see” the tumor.

Modified T lymphocytes are often used to attack cancer. In general, it is T-lymphocytes that recognize foreign molecules on the surface of cells infected with a virus or, for example, those that have undergone malignant degeneration. Lymphocytes themselves have special membrane receptors that allow them to detect various molecular oddities, and when this happens, the lymphocyte, depending on its own specialization, either kills the one it meets, sends a signal to its “colleagues”, that is, other immune cells.

But often T-lymphocytes cannot distinguish between tumor marker molecules, and then biotechnology comes into play: these same lymphocytes are collected from the patient, purposefully trained in the laboratory on cancer cells, and then injected back into the human body. However, the patient, firstly, may not have enough T cells for such a procedure, and secondly, laboratory training takes a lot of time.

There is another option - take the required number of T-lymphocytes from a donor or use stem cells, from which you can get any other cells, including immune ones. But here the problem of compatibility arises: it is very difficult to make lymphocytes from a donor or lymphocytes grown from stem cells in the laboratory completely “their own” for the patient’s body. If they remain even slightly “foreign,” then, on the one hand, the body itself will try to destroy them, on the other, such cells can trigger an autoimmune reaction, attacking healthy tissues.

That is, the problem is to properly educate the T-lymphocyte so that it perceives only cancer and does not pay attention to ordinary cells. Normally, the thymus gland, or thymus, is responsible for the “education” of lymphocytes. Stem cells, the precursors of T-lymphocytes, sit in the thymus and gradually mature, while the gland tests them both for their ability to interact with “foreign” molecules and for their ability to respond to “their own.”

If it turns out that a lymphocyte reacts to “its own” as if it were “strangers,” then the thymus launches a self-destruction program in such a cell. With age, the thymus gland gradually degrades, and this, in particular, is due to the fact that diseases - including malignant ones - occur more easily in older people than in young people.

Obviously, if we had something like an artificial thymus on hand, we could easily obtain effective and safe anti-cancer lymphocytes. Researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles made just such an artificial thymus. True, we are not talking about a full-size organ, but about a so-called organoid - a small model of an organ assembled from cells. Now more and more such organoids are being made; for example, we can recall, which we wrote about some time ago, and the cerebroid - a structure that resembles a piece of bark.

Thymus cells create a special microenvironment in which lymphocytes mature and undergo selection for “professional suitability,” and it was precisely this microenvironment that was created in a three-dimensional model of the organ. The T-lymphocytes that were obtained in it from stem cells had all the same necessary receptors as the lymphocytes leaving the real thymus, and they worked in the same way. It is important that lymphocytes raised in the thymus model did not perceive healthy cells as sick, that is, the organoid was able to weed out those cells that could cause an autoimmune reaction.

Then modified lymphocyte precursors were introduced into the “thymoid” - these cells, thanks to the gene introduced into them, acquired a receptor against the cancer protein. In an article in Nature Methods it is said that the anti-cancer precursors of lymphocytes safely matured into adult T cells, retaining the desired receptor and remaining indifferent to healthy cells.

Taking into account the “thymoid”, the following scheme of immune fight against the tumor is obtained: blood stem cells are modified so that their descendants can reliably recognize cancer, then they are sent to be raised in an artificial thymus, since only it will be able to select those lymphocytes that will not attack their own body tissues; these cells can then be removed from the “tutor” organoid and transplanted into the patient.

However, it is too early to talk about the clinical application of this method - first we need to evaluate how productive and effective it is against a real malignant disease.

Immunity is the ability of the human body to react in a special way to the appearance of external stimuli, in particular viruses and bacteria.

What is immunity?

Unfortunately, loss of immunity has become quite common today. The reasons may vary. We often hear the expression “strong immunity”. What is meant by this concept? It implies that the human defense system works effectively: it quickly responds to the introduction of virus cells and in response produces the required amount of a special protein - interferon, which is designed to destroy infections that have entered the body.

It is worth noting that it is important to know not only what disease leads to loss, but also what additional factors can affect its reduction. The effectiveness of the immune system is influenced by various nuances:

  • Heredity.
  • Complete nutrition.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Exposure to synthetic drugs over a long period of time.

In cases where the body’s protective functions are reduced, it is important to find out what disease leads to a person’s loss of immunity.

Factors causing decreased immunity

In such diseases, substances are formed at the site of inflammation that lead to chronic intoxication; in addition, the constant functioning of the immune system in this mode leads to a decrease in its protective function. Therefore, if there is an infection, doctors recommend promptly treating such a disease, and the loss of immunity in this case will not affect you.

But it is worth understanding that there are some ways to prevent such a phenomenon as loss of immunity. You can find out from a specialist what a number of measures to prevent immune deficiency are called and look like.

Measures to strengthen immunity

  • Balanced diet. Proper nutrition is rightfully considered an important aspect in the fight against decreased immunity. Eating vegetables and fruits, nuts, and dairy products will strengthen your body's strength.
  • Vitamin complexes. A balanced diet will complement a complex of vitamin preparations that can boost your immunity. Especially in the autumn-winter period, the body lacks vitamins C, E and B.
  • Vaccine prevention will help the body to form immunity to a particular disease in a timely manner and will not allow infection to develop.
  • Positive emotions, healthy sleep at least 8 hours a day, walks in the fresh air - all this contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

Consequences of an immunodeficiency state

Immunodeficiency is a serious deviation in the functioning of the body. This deficiency represents a decrease in the level of the human body's defenses. Such changes are usually reflected in a special blood test (immunogram).

Malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system of a healthy person can lead to the most disastrous consequences, which is why it is so important to take care of your health at the first signs of decreased immunity.

Symptoms of decreased immune efficiency

  • The presence of purulent formations, acne.
  • Frequent colds, at least 4 times a year.
  • Absence of fever during ARVI. An increase in temperature indicates that the immune system is fighting a foreign infection.
  • Prolonged colds.
  • Frequent complications of ARVI: sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and others.
  • 37 degrees for several weeks.
  • The presence of the herpes virus in active form.
  • Thrush and other fungal infections.
  • General symptoms: bruises under the eyes, fatigue, drowsiness.

If we talk about such a condition as immunodeficiency, then it is necessary to initially identify which disease leads to a person’s loss of immunity.

Types of immunodeficiency

In medicine, there are two types of immunodeficiency: primary and secondary. The first is a group of diseases of the immune system, expressed by a decrease in its protective function. Typically, the cause of such phenomena are genetic disorders of various kinds. Fortunately, cases of primary immunodeficiencies are not so common - they occur in only 2-4 individuals out of 1 million. This disease cannot be completely cured; a person with this diagnosis dies as a result of complications from viral and bacterial infections.

Immunodeficiencies of the secondary type, or, as they are also called, acquired, arise as a result of adverse environmental influences or infections of various types. In this case, certain parts of the immune system may be disrupted or its functioning may be completely disrupted. Many cases (with the exception of HIV) are well treated.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a complex of diseases that develop against the background of HIV infection.

It is important to know what disease leads to a person’s loss of immunity, and also to study a set of measures to prevent immunodeficiency.

What is immunity and why do autoimmune diseases develop? What happens if you turn a blind eye to internal conflicts? On the agenda are the principles of the immune system, the causes and mechanisms of autoimmunization, and 6 current tips on the topic.

The immune system is actually our internal Red Army. Find and destroy. Star Wars with many characters and complex but coherent interaction mechanisms. Immunity is a concept equal in meaning to combat readiness. There are all sorts of different types of troops - to fight corruption - with their own defective cells; with an external enemy - bacteria and viruses, archival management and so on - everything is like in a real army.

What can go wrong:

  • combat readiness is reduced - frequent infections, tumors;
  • the army is hypertrophied and overly aggressive - increased sensitivity and allergies;
  • shooting at their own – autoimmune diseases.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. Why does the immune system begin to attack its own cells - what are the mechanisms of development of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, psoriasis and others.

Basic mechanisms of autoimmunization

  1. Confused

Some microorganisms are similar to our own cells, and in the heat of battle, heated immune cells destroy anyone who even remotely resembles the enemy.

A classic of the genre is acute glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) or myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) 2 weeks after a sore throat. This is why doctors almost always prescribe antibiotics to avoid complications.

It must be said that immunocytes (cells of the immune system) more or less quickly come to their senses, and a reaction of this type of immune system after a year is an incident, although everything is individual.

  1. Changed tissues and cells

The task of the immune system also includes cleaning the territory and removing all damaged elements, therefore damaged tissues after infection or injury or radiation also cause an autoimmune reaction. Alas, they finish off the wounded.

  1. Depressurization or the tale of Bluebeard

A very interesting mechanism associated with damage to internal demarcation barriers. Histohematic barriers (histo - tissue, hemato - blood) are natural insulators between the blood and some tissues and organs. The main function of the barrier is to protect and regulate the activity of the organ through selective access of biologically active and nutrients.

High fences surround the thyroid gland, joints, retina, testicles, placenta, brain and others. It is interesting to note that the permeability of all barriers varies and can change - for example, lactate (lactic acid) increases it, and the pleasure hormone serotonin decreases it.

By this mechanism, for example, autoimmune thyroiditis develops - inflammation of the thyroid gland.

  1. Increased immune system activity

Too active stimulation of the immune system (including abuse of immunostimulants) or lack of coordination between different parts of the system.

Immune cells recognize their tissues as “foreign” and attack

Inflammation occurs as a result of immune cells attacking their own cells. Its intensity depends on the state of a person’s health, the degree of auto-aggression, and the type of attack - a mortal fight or a sluggish, wave-like process. Autoimmune inflammation has nothing to do with infection - bacteria, fungi or viruses - so antibiotics will not help. After all, the fight is with yourself.

Immunological tolerance - a peacekeeping mechanism

I can’t ignore the phenomenon of immunological tolerance - when the immune system politely tolerates “foreigners” on its territory. It can be natural: when cells are selected, overly aggressive soldiers are destroyed. But! The so-called population of “silent lymphocytes” remains in the body - the guys who know the enemy by sight, but until the time has come - remain silent. At a conventional sign, for example, emotional trauma, they will pull out rifles, and it won’t seem like much. Artificial tolerance is the result of external immune suppression - we specifically achieve this when treating steroid hormones (prednisolone) and immunosuppressants (azathioprine) in the treatment of autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune diseases include: inflammation of the thyroid gland - autoimmune thyroiditis, inflammation of the joints - polyarthritis, intestines - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, kidney - glomerulonephritis, lupus, bronchial asthma, insulin-dependent diabetes, endometriosis, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, infertility, prostatitis, migraine and many -a lot others.

Official medicine has in its arsenal the following types of combat equipment - anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac and others), steroid hormones (prednisolone) and immunosuppressive cytostatics (azathioprine, Remicade). All of them have serious side effects and do not affect the true causes of autoimmunization, but in many cases they are effective in slowing down the process and reducing complaints. Despite the fact that the mechanisms of autoimmunization are known, often doctors cannot clearly indicate the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it, so treatment is aimed at eliminating specific symptoms - pain, changes in the skin and joints, shortness of breath, dysfunction of organs.

But treating the effect instead of the cause means standing on a nail and taking painkillers - isn’t it easier to try to get off the nail?

6 practical tips to help you enter spontaneous remission - an improvement that happened “by itself”

  1. Psychosomatic medicine views autoimmune diseases as a reflection of auto-aggression - anger and guilt towards oneself. Do you think there is any grain of truth in this statement for you? If so, try recording your internal dialogue with the part of yourself that causes aggression.

Previously, such techniques were cruelly ridiculed, but now we are receiving more and more evidence of their effectiveness. For me, this is the same effective method of treatment as taking medication, only safer and more promising - after all, we are working with the true cause, and not hiding our heads in the sand.

2. Hidden infections - carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, impaired intestinal microflora - dysbiosis and so on can constantly “stimulate” immune cells and support the process of chronic inflammation.

3. Anti-inflammatory diet - fish, especially northern fish and seafood, olive and rice oil, grape seed oil, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, fruit and vegetable juices, apples, red onions, nuts, soy and legumes, tofu cheese, lean meats (sorry , vegetarian) and low-fat milk, greens and whole grains, WATER, green tea and berries, especially blueberries and strawberries.

4. Allergens - today the world around us is filled with artificial products - fragrances, household chemicals, GMOs, plastic. If the immune system is hyperactive and sensitive to irritants, good results are achieved by switching to natural, “homemade” household chemicals, clothing, and organic products without chemical additives.

5. Engage your body – through exercise. They have a truly anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood supply and circulation of interstitial fluid - lymph. Breathe - .

6. Stop being a hostage to stress - it’s time to get used to the fact that it is and will be, and start practicing stress management methods. Why do we need stress and...

A small summary: the immune system is our internal army; for a number of reasons, it can rebel and bring us a bunch of serious problems, including autoimmune diseases (according to statistics, 24 million people suffer from them). For treatment and prevention, we can use natural healing methods - internal dialogue as a way to resolve auto-aggression, nutrition, movement, cleansing and detox, breathing and stress management.

And be sure to believe in yourself, no matter what happens now. Faith has extraordinary power that defies logical understanding.
